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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3843460 No.3843460 [Reply] [Original]

Is /jp/ using the new Google Japanese IME yet? I installed it last night and added in a 顔文字 dictionary. It's pretty good! The options it gives me when converting to kanji seem to be more relevant and up-to-date.


>> No.3843485

I am, it's pretty great. Default IME is awful. It's cool that it even has eroge names.

>I installed it last night and added in a 顔文字 dictionary.
How did you do that? Link?

>> No.3843490

Google IMEs are the best.

>> No.3843492
File: 19 KB, 504x168, error.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so good.

>> No.3843505

It's only for Windows 7?

>> No.3843511

No, I'm using it on XP.

>> No.3843512

And Vista and XP

Its like you really cant even read your own alphabets, so why would you need one for moonrunes?

>> No.3843510

Just how many hidden pages with random tools does Google have?

>> No.3843525

Basically all I did was Google 顔文字辞書 and found one that liked and downloaded it. They're just text files.

Then just open the Google日本語入力ツール and import the text file. Making sure the settings are set to MS-IME and Shift-JIS.

This link has directions on exporting from MS-IME and importing to Google日本語入力ツール.


>> No.3843530

It was all over Gigazine and Twitter today so that's how I found out about it.

>> No.3843539

What is the japanese reaction to this?

>> No.3843542

wats the use for it if you have windowsIME already?

>> No.3843544
File: 73 KB, 700x485, スクリーンショット(2009-12-03 12.06.52).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love custom dictionaries. Pic related.


>> No.3843549

Is that iTunes? What the fuck?

>> No.3843558

It's called a Macintosh. Or just a Mac theme on Windows.

>> No.3843556

it seems you do not frequent google labs and google groups

>> No.3843560

It's much better than Windows IME in my opinion.

From what I've seen on Twitter the reaction seems to be pretty positive.

>> No.3843564

Windows IME is lacking lots of slang terms. And does your Windows IME have eroge names listed in it?

>> No.3843566

I use a Mac (´・ω・`)

>> No.3843575

>hypothetically includes eroge names in IME
>backlash from moralfags/perpetual bashers/macfags the world over

>> No.3843578

Windows only?

W-well, it's not like I wanted to use it anyway, Google. SCIM/Anthy is clearly superior.

>> No.3843581

What about a Linux version? ;_;

>> No.3843595

In due time, once the hackers and crackers of the Free Sodtware-cult get their heads around the issue. Meaning theyll just steal the source code and claim it theirs.

>> No.3843600

Windows XP I confirmed own PC.
Google blog said not supported 64 bit OS even Win7 and Linux yet.

I agree there is no stress even when I use it.

>> No.3843616


>> No.3843623

what can they do but have patience
it's not like google's IME is the only IME input for x64 windows and linux, etc.

>> No.3843669



>> No.3843684
File: 241 KB, 1280x792, googledesktop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, this Google Desktop thing is pretty cool.

>> No.3843721

I would try this but it's all in Japanese.

>> No.3843734

0x8004071c error I cant install it.

>> No.3843740
File: 255 KB, 800x600, 1256796704496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your privacy.

>> No.3843760

Fatal error during installation...

>> No.3843763

ok where do i download this from

>> No.3843766

See the link in OP's post.

>> No.3843767

Download what from?

>> No.3843770

Why would you want it if you can't read Japanese?

>> No.3843772

That error code has a bunch of hits on Google. Apparently a registry tweak can fix it.

>> No.3843774

Student of the language, perhaps.

>> No.3843784

got a fatal and couldnt end installation, running on win7 x64

>> No.3843786


>> No.3843787

Yeah, because you should go fuck around in the core of your operating system just so Google can spy on you some more. Which is it? Your responsibility, or Googles?

>> No.3843788

bring that chink shit outta here

>> No.3843793

>Deleting the value of one registry key = giving Google complete control over your system
Cool story bro.

>> No.3843794

What's the shortcut to switch between Alphanumeric and Hiragana?

>> No.3843801

you could probably change it in options but i believe it is shift

>> No.3843799
File: 19 KB, 504x168, 3248_crr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the error i was talking about

>> No.3843797

Wait, is this a self-contained program or does it pull data from Google's servers every time you type something?

>> No.3843804
File: 34 KB, 363x287, 1257693288894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3843813

I don't think it's compatible with Win7x64 yet.

>> No.3843823

Nothing in the option menu concerning keyboard shortcuts

>> No.3843825

Nice use of greentext there, mr. tech savvy. Its like you really have the comprehension needed to actually understand what you read on the internet.

>> No.3843853

Nice use of sarcasm there, bro. It's interesting to hear such a derisive rebuke coming from someone who thinks Google's out to get them.

>> No.3843859

From Google's blog:

Google 日本語入力はネットワークに接続されていない状態、すなわちオフラインで

It says the Google IME doesn't connect to the internet so you can use it offline. Therefor Google is not using to to spy on you.


>> No.3843894

So how do I switch to katakana? I can only toggle hiragana ctrl+capslock and alt+capslock does the same thing.

>> No.3843902

Just installed it and how do I turn it on.

>> No.3843909 [DELETED] 

type, press F7

>> No.3843918

I hope it works with Chromium OS.

>> No.3844002

So it randomly switches from hiragana to direct input and I have to change it manually, how do I fix that?

>> No.3844011

For me it only switches to direct input when I don't have context in a text box. As soon as I do it switches back.

>> No.3844018

It happens, for example, when I start notepad.

>> No.3844034

As of yet I haven't found a way to get it to carry across programs. Alt+Capslock makes it easier though.

>> No.3844039

anyone can confirm it DOESNT work on win7x64?

>> No.3844044

Useful but it would be more useful if I could use it on non-Firefox related things, such as mIRC.

>> No.3844093
File: 12 KB, 568x252, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No IME Pad = Shit

>> No.3844139

Bah, it doesn't do the whole "switch to Hiragana when you press Caps Lock" thing Kotoeri can do.

>> No.3844156

Doesn't work for me either, so I guess it really is incompatible with win7 x64.

>> No.3844171

>Draw character here using mouse.

Well? I'm waiting, draw something there using your mouse.

>> No.3844170


I'd like to know this as well.

>> No.3844194

But... you can?

>> No.3844239

Oh god yes finally working IME for XP64.

I welcome our new Google overlords.

>> No.3844305

Oh no, wait. It doesn't.
製品: Google 日本語入力 -- 64 ビット版 Windows はサポートされていません。
Fuck them in the ass in this case.

>> No.3844373

Fuckgoddamn I'm using Win7 x64. And that 顔文字 dictionary is so tempting.

>> No.3844383

...It's not even exclusive to Google IME. Put them into your Windows IME.

>> No.3844482

How do you go about doing that?

>> No.3844545 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 466x406, dic_ime01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3844552
File: 25 KB, 466x406, dic_ime01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3844654 [DELETED] 

Don't you hate it when you forget to add the "#"?

>> No.3844688


>> No.3844800

>Not compatible with your version of windows

>> No.3844858

I already have a 電子辞書 with stylus input so I could care less about the IME pad. Not that I ever used it anyways.

The only thing I don't like about the Google IME is there's no way to reverse lookup kanji pronunciations like you can with Win-IME and Kotoeri.

>> No.3845139

Just got this IME and fucking love it, this shit owns the fuck out of Windows IME. The only thing annoying is it doesn't have the drawing pad but that's not too bad and hopefully they'll put something like that in soon. Now, off to find dictionaries!

>> No.3845649
File: 14 KB, 494x156, hurp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It won't install for me. What's it saying about my windows version?

>> No.3845657


WTF is wrong with your font?

>> No.3845671


Yes, that is very helpful. Thanks for the help

>> No.3845678

now you can type your meganekko slang in less than 1s. google to the rescue again!

>> No.3845703


If you can't even read that I don't think this is for you...

>> No.3845842


Thanks for the help, bro

>> No.3845885

No aero so probably an old computer or shit video card.

Error message says that it's not compatible with your version of Windows. If you're running x64 then that could be why.

>> No.3845912


