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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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38176507 No.38176507 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>38143882

>> No.38177059

Where is everyone?

>> No.38177383

Why did die anons? We got EoS'd before our shitty kusoge.

>> No.38177384

Sex scenes will save Lapis

>> No.38177497

Anon they won't even let me look under their skirt in the AR mode. I want a real AR mode like the one in PTD where we can look at all angles and zoom in any way you like.

>> No.38177543

>they won't even let me look under their skirt in the AR mode
What happens if you try to do that? What are even under their skirts?

>> No.38177618

Clothes have physics and dresses get blown up if the wearer falls (gets moved down). Most outfits have safety shorts of some form.

>> No.38177624
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It gets Re:Lighted

>> No.38178099

This is why you shouldn't put EOSbait as the OP

>> No.38178623

China censorship and Klab wants CN and JP to get the same stuff so JP got fucked by censors too.

>> No.38178748

Has anyone datamined the models and seen what those look uncensored? And are those panties or safety shorts? They look white to me.

>> No.38178855

It's easier to see in motion but she's wearing white shorts. Her idol outfit has bloomers.

>> No.38178874

What about the other girls?

>> No.38179509
File: 126 KB, 1115x1027, emilia pantsu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same but different outfits have different undies.

>> No.38179790

What about casual clothes or school uniforms?

>> No.38180559

On vg and vmg, probably. Did you know 4chan has a mobile games board?

>> No.38180606
File: 673 KB, 2340x1080, lavie pantsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casual outfits get the same treatment and with how often their underskirt shows during battle it's to be expected.
>>38177624 is the school uniform

>> No.38181688
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, 01 - Starting Potential05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck saya

>> No.38182154


So what mobage are you guys even playing right now?

>> No.38184021

Once Tenka died, I no longer play any /mbgg/ games.

>> No.38184904

Those are shorts? They don't like shorts in that picture.

>> No.38185944

>No new mid-month character released in PoE when they've been doing it every month since the game started.
>The only updates they've been releasing are about their routine maintenance.
Yeah PoE is on its death bed. I'll give it 3 months maximum before it announces its EoS.

>> No.38186040

Nothing is more dead than PoE's global version that died before it even started.

>> No.38186175

How about Lapis?

>> No.38186311

If I'll make a bet about Lapis, it's that it will die before Idoly Pride.

>> No.38186565

Please play Tokyo 7th Sisters

>> No.38186586

Why are you tards pretending Idoly Pride isn't doing well?

>> No.38186715

Is it doing well?

>> No.38186729

Sorry I play T7S in D4DJ.

>> No.38186744

Much better than the het pos (piece of shit) it gets compared to.

>> No.38186806

Sounds like you need to back to /u/ if you want to complain about that.

>> No.38186840

It's simply not an accurate adaptation of the anime.

>> No.38186957

This is a dumb complaint. It was never meant to be.

>> No.38186993

>he doesn't know about Project PARALLEL

>> No.38188428

/jp/ is a /u/ colony

>> No.38188495

That explains all the wokeshit I've been seeing here.

>> No.38188648
File: 1.06 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2022-01-09-00-00-18-294_com.klab.lapis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the CCP approve of this?

>> No.38188656

They have banned swimsuits and bikinis.
However Kakokawa also has Apple to consider

>> No.38191933

Just remove sensei. The card stories are painful to read.

>> No.38192400

Nah. The generic self insert is fine and I bet the salty /u/fags are far fewer in number than the one's who are fine with sensei.

>> No.38194568

I don't know about you, but I've dropped a few hundred on the game now and I'd never have touched it if not for the sensei.

>> No.38194762

What do you even like about sensei?

>> No.38194788

Basically Klab's sheer audacity in making him a narou isekai protagonist.

>> No.38195334

He'd have to have some kind of character for that.

>> No.38195575

He's nice and OP

>> No.38195916

events set in the doomed timeline (the one without sensei to save them) when?

>> No.38196456

That's the anime continuity.

>> No.38196576

tapsonic tap is very good. i reccomend people play it, its a korean rythym game ^_____^

>> No.38204214

Let's face it, most OPs get cursed to EoS by virtue of being OPs anyway, except Compass.

>> No.38206189

Would the Lapis game be doing better if it came out in 2020 or 2021 or was it doomed from the start?

>> No.38206353

While coming out after Uma and Genshin is already hard, it also doesn't help that Klab just pissed off Love Live crowds with their mishandling of All Stars.

>> No.38207344

What if they allowed legit pantsu instead of censorship or modesty shorts?

>> No.38207456

Sure, and tribadism in doomed timeline!

>> No.38207668

Need some new kusoge releases...

>> No.38207764

Which will EoS first? Lapis or PuraOre?

>> No.38207803

Anons you should have informed us about the EoS election...

>> No.38207901

From the title I thought it was a poll about which games would be ending soon but instead it's a popularity poll for games that ended service. Funny how Sora to Umi no Aida isn't there at all but others like Schoolgirl Strikers and Idol Jihen are.

>> No.38207935

Momento mori has started prereg campaign but I can't find any gameplay info

>> No.38208004

Lapis because higher production values

>> No.38208405

>PTD ranked 25
>Tenka ranked 18
Damn only GCG JP was unranked from the games I played that shut down but looks like PTD and Tenka were well loved after all.

>> No.38208924

I've really been looking forward to that. The music is good so I can't say I care about the gameplay.

>> No.38208953

I literally don't know anything about the gameplay even now. Are they just not confident about it that they're not releasing any info despite being at the stage when pre-registration is open?

>> No.38216327

Just this once.

>> No.38217065

Anyone going to try out Maika Fantasia?

>> No.38217243

WIXOSS is doing an RPG for some reason

>> No.38218031

I wouldn't say it's unfitting

>> No.38218757

>DREAM!ing sixth place

>> No.38228096

Idoly will make it to its first anniversary, right?

>> No.38228649

This might shock you anon but most games not making Uma money still last years.

>> No.38228830

Shitty jpeg dispensers cost nothing to maintain.

>> No.38229418

You seem to be misunderstanding. My point was that you're an idiot.

>> No.38230862

Same here brother the only one I still keep an eye on is Ash Arms but if the relaunch is unsuccessful I'll probably just stop playing mobile games

>> No.38233786

Blue Reflection Sun will save /mbgg/

>> No.38233839

>another episode of /u/ complaining about male self-insert in yuri friendly series

>> No.38235057

new info just hit
and yeah they are just basically porting the CN version I hope they at least let us exchange the old materials for the new shit because having to grind a girl to max again is just a huge turn off also does anyone know if the CN version even popular?

>> No.38235278

If they don't let players keep their current progression and characters the game is as good as dead. I doubt whoever still stick around with it would want to grind everything from scratch again.

>> No.38235753

You're keeping your account and everything in it what I'm saying is the materials used to upgrade girls is different in CN and they talk about deleting some shit instead of being able to convert into the new currency which is ass

>> No.38238507

Dead on arrival due to self-insert shit. How about letting the actual fucking characters people are playing the game for interact?

>> No.38241056

I guess you're not a fan of SIFAS then? Or are you okay with that since the self-insert is a girl?

>> No.38242261

Not that anon but SIFAS is shit for other reasons, gameplay in particular.

>> No.38242815

I've never played some dumb fake rhythm game

>> No.38243056

Yuu is so cute

>> No.38244781

I think the point of the piss easy rhythm game part is to let you watch your dress ups dance and shit. Idk I never even finished the tutorial.

>> No.38245060


>> No.38245190

fitting for /mbgg/

>> No.38245965
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>> No.38247029

Heaven Burns Red soon bros...

>> No.38248667

CBT delayed till next week

>> No.38251630
File: 396 KB, 1800x1013, FJdK3oKacAAMpQu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kino

>> No.38255201

The Chinese have gone too far

>> No.38257827

How many dicks does this monster have?

>> No.38265236

Hopefully zero

>> No.38265243

Yuu is still a terrible character. Hate it when Muse and Aqours characters fuss over her.

>> No.38270452
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>> No.38274599


>> No.38274799

congrats bri

>> No.38281109
File: 212 KB, 1200x675, FJSj92yacAEpWCO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be a Compass news stream this Sunday which should also contain information about Bugdoll
There will also be a series of daily challenges until the 31st, each one giving 2 UR tickets (20 tickets in total).

>> No.38281139
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does anyone remember a mobage that was about chaining combos together. the world map was node based and the combat was like a 2D side scroller and you would click on ur card's portraits at the bottom to do their attack animation. then you would swipe their portraits to do their ultimate skill or whatever. it got an english release but was shutdown soon after the jp servers went down.

>> No.38281232

nevermind found it. Cross Summoner. man this was one kino fucking game. no idea how it failed with such a great combat system.

>> No.38281806

Sounds tedious. Needs auto.

>> No.38286101 [DELETED] 

>second Colopl anime after BGHS
Now I wonder where this will go.

>> No.38286116

>next Colopl anime after BGHS and Shironeko
Now I wonder where this will go.

>> No.38287310

CUE! coming back when?

>> No.38287761

1 year after the anime finishes

>> No.38288419


>> No.38292714

It took till the 4th anniversary. Interesting.

>> No.38296385

Wow, great news. Love AGA and especially best girl Yotsuyu.

>> No.38296424

is it too late to start?

>> No.38296478

Not really, unless you are an completionist and want to get every possible costumes and accessories in the game. There's no real meta shifting characters and they just introduced a new skill customization for the two main characters after 4 years.

>> No.38296546

Holy fuck Girl Cafe Gun is finally having the Raildex collab. Never thought I would live long enough to see it actually happen.

>> No.38296597
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Sucks for the weebs still waiting for it in the JP version.

>> No.38296637

Looks like the chinkposters are back from their vacation on /vg/

>> No.38297148

I've been looking for mobile games to actually play but I think I'm in the minority.

>> No.38297175

>It took two years after the collab was announced to actually do it.
What went wrong? I was waiting for it since it was announced for the JP version.

>> No.38297252

I guess the virus fucked up the schedules for the voice recordings. People would have moaned and bitched like there is no tomorrow if the collab didn't seems somewhat official.

>> No.38297572


It's the same Chinese devs behind Lapis Re: LiGHTs. I can't believe Klab is already abandoning us for new hotness, Lapisbros...

>> No.38297984

Is Alice Gear giving that swimsuit select pink ticket for free or you need to open the wallet?

>> No.38298097

Will I understand the story after missing 4 years of events

>> No.38298105

Far as I can tell, it's a bonus for the 1k gem pack only.

>> No.38298130

Events are mostly SoL stuff that has almost nothing to do with the main story.

>> No.38301339

inb4 they make a reverse takeover and own klab

>> No.38305577
File: 808 KB, 1920x3240, 2uaoeq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summary of the Compass news stream from earlier:

The next heroes to receive high quality models are Kirara and 13 - this will apply to their base model and recolours, as usual, and will be implemented after maintenance on the 27th.
February's season will also be themed on Kirara.

2022's Snow Miku costume will be available starting from the 1st February - Rin and Len will also be obtainable for the duration. New Miku costumes for Pierre, GBG, Kitsunegasaki, Nidhogg and Alice will also be available. Preview: https://twitter.com/cps_niconico/status/1485200215301029893

Moving on to Bugdoll, she is a gunner and will be released after maintenance on the 27th. She boasts a good attack modifier along with very high defence. As for casting times, barrage and long range cards appear to be the best. Close range and AoE ones are decent but have a long activation delay. Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjqwQ7nrN5I

Her hero skill fires a laser from each one of her wings - it covers a wide range but the lasers are spaced out and can be avoided by standing in between them - they also shoot long enough to pretty much cover the entire length of all maps. Her HS will always shoot six lasers even if you are missing some wings from using her HA.
Her hero action targets a wide cone in front of her - any enemies within range will be targeted with a homing attack from one of her wings for a maximum of 6 hits. Each missing wing will reduce her defence - shooting all wings will bring her defence down to zero, but wings will return shortly after hitting their target.
Her hero ability allows Bugdoll to charge her hero skill when close to any heroes with an irregular costume.

150,000 card energy will be given out as a stream reward and 3 hero tickets will be distributed after Bugdoll has released, most likely as a 7-day login campaign. That's all for now.

>> No.38309850

I don't even remember the last time I played AGA. It might have been the DOA collab. All I've done for most of these 4 years is just log in daily and close the game.

>> No.38316719

Any versions differences in AGA?

>> No.38317707 [DELETED] 

Is this accurate?

>> No.38317715
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Is this accurate

>> No.38317798

Too much chink shit
Try again

>> No.38317832

That's a lot of kusoge

>> No.38324096

Lapis EoS when?

>> No.38324224

After bikini banners. I can't get my bikini fix from my Chinese games.

>> No.38325990

Idols don't wear bikinis

>> No.38326039

I believe in you

>> No.38333062
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Now that her anime and console ports are coming soon, say something nice about her.

>> No.38336125
File: 2.88 MB, 860x420, raildex_collab.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking chinks are redeeming themselves after the shitty anniversary last year. Now if they could give Grainne another unit it would be great.

>> No.38337147

Any version differences?

>> No.38338290

Is this the first collab?
I don't remember the game having another one.

>> No.38343967
File: 2.64 MB, 860x420, collab_screen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed it is and a pretty big I must add. Everything so far is properly taken care of. The collab girls are proper units instead of a shitty reskin, fully voiced and with their own gimmicks. The event itself has lots of freeshit and things to do. I guess they spent the manpower for the anniversary on polishing the collab instead.

I'm impressed with what they managed to achieve this time, the last event was also pretty good too. It really fucking sucks that they killed JP last year.

>> No.38350701

It's ded

>> No.38350755
File: 32 KB, 300x553, 1634512462515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so am i

>> No.38350788

How long did the game last?

>in-game purchases won't be disabled until next month
Isn't that unusual for a Japanese mobile game? Don't they usually disable those as soon as an EoS notice is out?

>> No.38350847

3 years and 5 months once it's ded for real

>> No.38350849

Article says F2P users and new accounts created after the 26th already have purchases disabled as of yesterday. Only loyal customers can continue to support the game until its death where after they can either apply for a refund or consider it a donation.

>> No.38352051

It's been dead, I can't believe they're finally actually burying it. Absolutely baffling that it lasted this long.

>> No.38352110

I thought they would wait until Blue Reflection gacha comes out before killing it.

>> No.38352472

New Bravely Default kusoge is out

>> No.38353125

Doesn't look very fun.

>> No.38353554

Square Enix said they are going to disappoint people who play for fun though

>> No.38354433
File: 299 KB, 1200x675, FKGSjqEacAM17O4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has updated and Bugdoll has been released - a gacha that gives a hero ticket every 33 rolls along with a 6x rate-up hero gacha will be available until the 6th. A login bonus giving up to 3 hero tickets and 300BM will also be available until the 6th.
Another Irregular event is also underway - the new costumes this time are for 13, Voidoll and Atari. Play as them against any other Irregulars (Bugdoll included) to unlock their costumes.

Landscape has received a snowy makeover which will be available until the end of February, and Snow Miku (along with Rin and Len) will be available from the 1st ~ 13th Feb.

Kirara's season will run from the 3rd to the 13th - looks like the memorial shop won't be implemented this season either.

As for hero balance:
>Attack modifier increased from 1.20 to 1.25
>Defence modifier increased from 0.75 to 0.85
>Hero ability portal key capture speed increased by 6%
>Hero skill requires 10% less to charge
>Dash attack animation speed increased by 12%
>Hero ability effect increased by 2%
>Hero ability effect increased by 20%
>Hero skill requires 4% less to charge
>Hero skill activates 1 second faster
>Hero skill duration increased by 1 second
>Hero skill healing effect increased by 17%
>Attack modifier increased from 1.25 to 1.30
>Hero ability Minikuma's movement speed increased by 8%
>Minikuma damage increased by 20%
>Hero action now stays on the field for a longer period of time when Monokuma isn't in it
>Attack modifier increased from 1.40 to 1.45
>Hero skill requires 13% less to charge
>Hero skill movement speed increased by 15%
>Hero ability actives 0.5 seconds faster
>Hero ability damage for stages 1/2/3 increased by 3%/5%/7% respectively
>Hero skill now pierces through shields
>Hero skill requires 11% less to charge
>Hero action minimum/maximum range increased by 2m and 6m respectively
>Hero action extending speed increased by 50%
>Hero action travel speed increased by 43%
>Recovery speed after using his hero action increased by 16%
>Activation speed for AoE cards increased by 20%
>Hero action damage for stage 1 increased by 4%, stage 2 decreased by 32%
>Health modifier decreased from 1.05 to 0.95
>Hero skill requires 18% more to charge

Wasn't expecting a Blanche buff, I thought they forgot about her.
That's all for now.

>> No.38363300

Very soon, if Klab keeps making retarded decisions for the events. It has got to be deliberate sabotaging at this point.

>> No.38364120

>Klab keeps making retarded decisions for the events
What kind of retarded decisions?

>> No.38364311

>Klab keeps making retarded decisions for the events
Such as?

>> No.38364873

Probably referring to the changes to event gacha boxes. They changed the way the probability is distributed making it very hard to get the top prize (characte shards) and move to next box.

>> No.38366440

They also designed the raid bosses to be resistant to the event banners' URs' abilities.

>> No.38367284

>They changed the way the probability is distributed making it very hard to get the top prize (characte shards) and move to next box.
Damn did they really do that? It really is a retarded decision.

>> No.38368744

In isolation the change was probably fine. But they also doubled the size of the boxes. My second and third boxes were almost entirely empty (sub 20 rewards each) before I got the grand prize, and I barely made it before the end of the event. Plenty of posts on socials with similar results.

>> No.38373013

they went and said "starlight revue is not that bad, we can do worse" and did it

>> No.38373114

What happened?

>> No.38373276

kek klab is based

>> No.38375024

Is selection project really not getting a kusoge?

>> No.38377038

They are even losing a member to first live due fo rona close contact.

>> No.38379159

Her test came out negative so it's going ahead as scheduled.

>> No.38379393

Nah despite the negatives pcr test she is going to self isolate for observation.

>> No.38379561

Which member?

>> No.38382012


>> No.38388771

I want to marry Mana Nagase

>> No.38390000

Manager please she's dead. Just settle for her's younger clone's fresh pussy.

>> No.38391541

Announcement tonight for sure

>> No.38393449

But if it did get a kusoge, would it even last long? the 22/7 one didn't even last two years, although to be fair that probably had more to do with 22/7 imploding than anything.

>> No.38393526

22/7 was years late

>> No.38393705

>Idoly Pride introduces a new idol group.
I thought Idoly was dead anons?

>> No.38393742

Are they hot? Post them.

>> No.38393888

Why are you still listening to chinktards? They don't know anything about average revenue.

>> No.38393982
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>VA is Lynn
I'll surely roll for Fran.

>> No.38394069

They are hiring the big guns!

>> No.38394135

Desperate measures. It's the final nail on the coffin.

>> No.38395798
File: 1.35 MB, 4096x2894, 1626111277447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only next live.

>> No.38397390

Good night selection project.

>> No.38400769

I thought the average revenue was mediocre.

How are you sure?

>> No.38401065

Kana is the cutest, cant wait to see her in bikini gravure.

>> No.38401325

>How are you sure?
Reverse psychology. If we keep saying that a game is going to EoS then it won't.

>> No.38401693

But people kept claiming that the 22/7 game would EoS and it did.

>> No.38403007

You thought wrong, Zhang

>> No.38403734

So how is Idoly doing anyway?

>> No.38403770

Check that jp site itt

>> No.38404663


>> No.38404695

RIP all of Brave Frontier

>> No.38404787

>Triple kill
Holy fuck, now Im even more glad Idoly Pride is doing ok and will LIVE despite the opinion of the mad chinkoids.

>> No.38404877

Apparently the producer will talk about the closure decision?

>> No.38404958

Is IP really doing okay?

>> No.38404994

Check that jp site itt

>> No.38404995

Well they just released 3 new idols. Who would pay more VAs for a dead game?

>> No.38405064

Didn't 22/7 launch a few new girls a year before the game closed?

>> No.38405116

They want the koebuta money

>> No.38405745

RIP gumi lol
EoS! EoS! EoS!

>> No.38405908



>> No.38406553

/mbgg/ has an EoS fetish

>> No.38406654

so in the post gacha world everything is blockchain, got it

>> No.38406729

Finally, my gacha rolls have values.

>> No.38406873

Japan mobage eos
Hope Dev make offline mode

>> No.38408768

Chinese dev never eos
Games live long like middle kingdom

>> No.38408892


>> No.38412487

So Idoly is safe at least for the short-term while Lapis will be lucky to make it to its first anniversary?

>> No.38413923


>> No.38414864

Yes. At least summer is soon.

>> No.38415191

What do you mean by that?

>> No.38415478

Summer will bring the bikinis. I want to play with the bikinis before eos. China has banned bikinis.

>> No.38417511

>No new characters for an entire month
>No new event to start February
>All their twitter updates are about their scheduled maintenance
Yeah I'm willing to bet that PoE will announce its EoS this month.

>> No.38418524
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Please PLEASE play Tokyo 7th Sisters…

>> No.38418573

I play T7S in D4DJ.

>> No.38418611

>888 8th anniversary free rolls
Damn this gives me some bad memories after Tenka gave 400 free rolls for their 4th anniversary before dying.

>> No.38419090

I hope they add an AXiS song next

>> No.38420326

These games are all garbage

>> No.38421080
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>888 free rolls

>> No.38421091
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>> No.38421235

Shut the fuck up Chang

>> No.38421248

IDOLY PRIDE アイドリープライド
2022/01 2.12億G 243.1

ラピスリライツ 〜この世界のアイドルは魔法が使える〜
2022/01 7,418万G 368.3

Tokyo 7th シスターズ
2022/01 2,297万G 715.9

>> No.38421397

Idoly pride makes saving a spark feel like eternity

>> No.38421420

So T7S is doing even worse than Lapis?

>> No.38421546


>> No.38421560

Lapis is only doing really badly in terms of a freshly launched title backed by big player ie Kadokawa. I mean /mbgg/ also have

D_CIDE TRAUMEREI ディーサイドトロイメライ
2022/01 2,263万G 787

That's how bad it could/will be.

>> No.38421722

Fucking damn. Idoly Pride is doing really well or at least far better than Lapis.

>> No.38423304

T7S has always done terribly. It's a huge mystery as to why it isn't dead, since I do believe if you shop around you can buy the entire discography in limited edition. The lives always being sold out is like the only thing that looks good.

>> No.38423331

Idolychads ww@

>> No.38423452
File: 2.39 MB, 750x1334, 2058F117-72EC-482A-A1D4-CA6088A3E4F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38423766
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 1443595396157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see why this game is still alive.

>> No.38423922

Because you're as dumb as the typical eos poster if you think a franchise's fate is decided entirely by mobile game revenue.

>> No.38424233

I'm not but show me how big and popular T7S is in Japan. I admit I don't really keep an eye or ear out but the only time I see any talk is when it's time for a live. Outside of those there's not much of anything aside from the monthly radio that I can't see how popular it is because I cba to interact with mixchannel. The cds and digital releases also aren't exactly super sellers either.
T. some faggot who owns the entire discography in limited edition.

>> No.38424446
File: 296 KB, 1920x1080, Puraore! Pride of Orange - 01 [1080p HEVC][48713ECE].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

42 days until the better pride game comes out

>> No.38424835

This will EoS in 6 months or less, shitty uma flopsume knock off is shitty.

>> No.38424881

So Traumerei could EoS this year as well?

The coach was pretty much the self-insert for whoever in the writing staff thought that mixing ice hockey and idols was a good idea.

>> No.38425144

I like Traumerei so it will live at least 3 years more.

>> No.38425263

If even Venus 11 and Hachinai could live for 6 and 5 years respectively there's no reason why Puraore couldn't do the same. They just need a few Canadians to waifu one of the girls and keep whaling.
From what I've seen, none of the game previews feature the idol part yet so maybe they'll retcon it out and pretend it never existed. They're using chibis instead of 3D models so it wouldn't work anyway.

>> No.38425554

Denonbu would bootyblast these idolshits

>> No.38426951

Anon the arena didn't even reset this month and is still disabled. It's like the devs literally just dropped PoE without notice.

>> No.38428052

T7S did a 777 roll anniversary last year, it'll be fine.

>> No.38428138

Upkeep for that game is cheap as fuck, it doesn't even have Live2D for fuck's sake. A mobile game just needs to not lose money to be worth keeping around, so for T7S just having a couple Makoto whales will be enough to keep the game alive.

>> No.38428242

Thats a nothingburger, no wonder never heard about it before. Dude concepts lmao

>> No.38428288

Wouldn't even beat Maika Fantasia lmao

>> No.38428330

Are we being raided?

>> No.38428396

Well, if one guy coming here to mention Denonbu constitutes a raid, then I guess so? I mean Denonbu doesn't even have anything to preregister for.

>> No.38428410

I should check the preregister section on Google tm play store

>> No.38430717

Did you only just notice that this place only ever talks about idol games now?

>> No.38436140

How long will this one last?

>> No.38436580

Who cares? Heaven Burns Red today or tomorrow.

>> No.38437014

9 months

>> No.38437091

>Heaven Burns Red
Who cares? yurishit garbashit is DOA.

>> No.38437102

2 years 4 months

>> No.38440405

You must be 18 years or older to post here.

>> No.38441519

Cry harder yurifaggot, heavens shit red will EOS

>> No.38441527

Looks like you got him.

>> No.38441630

I have a 100% accuracy rate on such accusations.

>> No.38443313
File: 135 KB, 640x960, ES-zpsGU8AAkALT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason why T7S is still alive is because of pic related.

>> No.38443714

Heaven Burns Red out on 10th February.

>> No.38443891

Cool. I hope they released lewd costumes.

>> No.38443950


>> No.38444486

Goddamn I was ready for it to be released right after the stream

>> No.38444647

Will it have bikinis?
They are not retarded like Lapiskeks.

>> No.38444686

It's not retarded like Lapis since it was advertised as a pre-release stream in advance.

>> No.38445805

Lapis ded when?

>> No.38445884

Lynette dancing Rise made me so hard today.

>> No.38445889


>> No.38445923

Does this have a generic male self insert too?

>> No.38446108

No. Stick to your chink games with the bikini posters.

>> No.38446220

Why so defensive anon?

>> No.38446433

China has banned bikinis. Being horny without bikinis in their games make them very cranky and ornery.

>> No.38447241

Japanese mobile gaming is saved:

>> No.38447267

Kamige is here....

>> No.38447678

Cya in 9 months

>> No.38448346

EOP beggars already begging. Pathetic.

>> No.38450186

More like heaven flops dead lmao

>> No.38450237

Absolutely BTFO, EoS confirmed in no more than 12 months

>> No.38450336

Die teens

>> No.38453198
File: 254 KB, 1024x1024, FGiGCjYVEAIy4El.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, even UchiHime finally decided to end.
End of February is their last day. I have no idea how it survived this long.

>> No.38454279

>One of the Heaven Burn Red girls has a BF

>> No.38454383

You are lying

>> No.38454654
File: 36 KB, 707x398, yurilost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HBR is a confirmed het game

>> No.38454698

>anyone who doesn't like my kusoge is underage
I'm 29 years old but whatever floats your boat

>> No.38454746

fuck... back to Assault Lilies....

>> No.38454758

Doesn't look like a playable character:

>> No.38454818

Heaven Burns Red more like Cuck Burns Red LMOA

>> No.38454847

see >>38454758

>> No.38454881

Boys are confirmed in the Heavens Burn Red world, they exist to fuck the girls. Another yuri delusion, shattered.

>> No.38454940

>No proof

>> No.38457050

Retards, those are Tsukasa's parents if you even listened to the trailer.

>> No.38457089

Thank God

>> No.38459535

Why would you expect the local EOPs to play a Japanese game let alone watch the trailers?

>> No.38459781

Where did he find the screenshot though

>> No.38460070

Why do people even care if a mobage has boys in it? I don't even remember it being an issue before, the man hating seems to be a relatively new thing for /mbgg/.

>> No.38460236

Too many fujogames soured me on male units.
Then there are /u/ tourists.

>> No.38461152

I don't want male units filling the gacha pool because I only want to roll for girls but I'm fine with the unplayable male MC and male NPCs.

>> No.38463381

I'm fine with the MC being a male but I don't want to roll dudes I just want hot babes and little girls

>> No.38463864

He'd have to watch the trailer to even get the screenshot to begin with. That's why I used the words listened instead of watch because Tsukasa's "preview" said she wanted to find the truth behind her parent's situation. I'm giving them the benefit of doubt for being full on EOP.

>> No.38463866

Chink tourists are bringing their maleshit in here.

>> No.38470138

You don't even roll males, they're just there. There's a difference between male characters existing and rolling for them.

>> No.38471719

That's even worse

>> No.38474004

Nothing wrong with "JSDF Soldier #1" and "Researcher #2"

>> No.38482124

Lapis will LIVE

>> No.38483380
File: 514 KB, 368x1334, 69C62FD2-6A3C-492F-85C3-D98F2B9DACA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38483603

Thread on /vmg/ died some time back, we /vg/ next?

Thread on /vmg/ dying soon.

>> No.38484066

Stay in /mbgg/

>> No.38484463

Kind of sad how bad all three of these options are.

>> No.38484955

The fuck they disabled my sub cards in other modes the whole day because they have 0 hp in the new guild mode.
Uncertified Chinese programmers work on the game.

>> No.38487239
File: 448 KB, 1920x1080, FJ6-uBRaMAABMib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some Lapis Re:LiGHTs stream news...
The 1-hour special class stream will be live in just a few hours.
Also Ratu-Live Valentine's special right after that.

>> No.38487292

Cool. They will need to announce the next event.

>> No.38487503

eos announcement no doubt.

>> No.38487623

bros im kinda hyped for heaven burns red even though i know maeda is a hack, what is wrong with me?

>> No.38487659

And now, it's LIVE:
This will be LIVE right after the special class:

>> No.38487702

They are so happy. I don't understand what they are saying though.

>> No.38487738

The best idol game...I kneel

>> No.38487806

I'm actually impressed it's not in the 3 digits

>> No.38487811
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, ValentineWars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Event Alert: It's Valentine's!

>> No.38487840

Begins on February 10. With Lynette as the event reward and Ratura and Garnet in the Gacha Box.

>> No.38487852

>paid even reward

>> No.38487859

You're beginning to grow self-awareness and break free from your /a/ conditioning. Soon you'll be able to judge things on their own merit.

>> No.38487905

strongest mage!

>> No.38488009

I wonder how much stronger the new event boss will be compared to the previous one. The event powercreep from the last two events was shit.

>> No.38488110

kamisama was complete trash, I'm so sorry.

>> No.38488260

So as the stream is about to end, I realize that I went full retard about Ratu-Live. That will be on Feb. 12 rather.

>> No.38488280

Don't care, she does normal Vtubershit like playing other games anyway.

>> No.38488731

It was simply too ambitious like his other originals. Mobile games are unironically the perfect medium for him.

Personally I'm looking forward to the inevitable baseball event

>> No.38488771

How bad is 1k for a mobage stream?

>> No.38488942


>> No.38489122

Most games get 50k minimum

>> No.38489153

20k more or less for a dead game I am playing

>> No.38489167

Bullshit. You must have an absurd definition of dead.

>> No.38489280

Tenka was averaging around 2k for years.

>> No.38490017

FGO gets about 100-150K for big announcements, Azur Lane gets about 20-35K. Those are the only ones I watch streams of.

>> No.38490202

Angelica x Lavie the best!

>> No.38490391

I'm sorry Lapis bros, but the game clearly is going to die... I'm moving to Heaven Burns Red.

>> No.38490594

Garnet will die with me!

>> No.38490695

I don't think you or anyone here even played Lapis bro...

>> No.38490728

~5000 is a good number.
<2000 is flop

>> No.38490735

This. Everyone quitted when the /vmg/ thread died.

>> No.38490747

This is Lynette's line during the nighttime. Proof someone is playing.

>> No.38491078

Why is /mbgg/ like this?

>> No.38491401

Tenkafags died and Shironeko posters moved to vmg. Nobody is left that plays games.

>> No.38491610
File: 1.58 MB, 2400x1080, tiara thighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did though. But looking at the views for the newest lapis stream vs the newest heaven burns stream, it's obvious that Lapis doesn't have long to survive... the only thing that can save it now are sex scenes

>> No.38491649

What about bikini?

>> No.38491656

I don't think Lapis was ever meant to compete with a Key game.

>> No.38491789

Don't die lapis bros

>> No.38492058

It was supposed to be the next Genshin...

>> No.38492068

Azur Welkin?

>> No.38492077

maybe not but unless they're paying the chinese developers sweatshop wages, they won't have money to keep the game alive at this rate.

>> No.38492206

It's seems that this general have found their fetish for End of Service announcements, just my guess. Also, there's /vmg/ now.

>> No.38492258

/mbgg/ eos when?

>> No.38495901

Good, good

>> No.38495944


>> No.38496354

I already dropped a few hundred on it. I'm going to be level 95 in a couple days or so.

>> No.38497176

Corrected thread with a fixed OP

>> No.38497200

You're gonna get us banned
