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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 468 KB, 443x640, 8F937FE7-4F90-4186-92EB-C24E6527F5D6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3836069 No.3836069 [Reply] [Original]


>Due to uncontrollable issues, a part of the CGs in the original work could not be included.

Didn't I tell you they were gonna censor out the loli content of their games?

>> No.3836073
File: 378 KB, 381x485, atomic rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mangagamer, I am disappoint. You're Dutch or something, you can get away with anything.

>> No.3836078

That statement is too vague to jump to the conclusion that the loli content was censored. For all we know, it could be a case of Navel losing original CGs or something stupid like that.

>> No.3836077 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3836081 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3836086 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Finally... an appropriate thread where I could post my work...

>> No.3836094

Surely some trusty anon will make a patch to reinsert the cgs

>> No.3836095

Fuck you mangagamer, fuck you.

>> No.3836096

I love you.

>> No.3836098
File: 273 KB, 800x602, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image is from Hinatabokko (one of the earliest version hence the error in the text), released by the same company.
Kinda sad to see how that cg was fine, but not the loli of Soul Link.
Oh well, at least they warn you in advance fair and square.

>> No.3836101

>Windows XP(32bit), Windows Vista(32bit)
Although I know better, they should put 64 bit editions as well, and 7 too while they're at it.

Unless they're incredibly retarded and made the installer not work on 64bit systems.

>> No.3836109

That's probably why they didn't censor it. But then again that loli doesn't try to sex you. In Soul Link there's a quick scene where you molest Nanami but get stopped by grey-haired bitch.

>> No.3836110

The only loli in Soul Link isn't a winnable character anyway. I doubt the change is anything to worry about.

>> No.3836116

That was epic stuff.

>> No.3836123

You still get to touch her when she wants to have sex. Them removing her is a sign we'll have all loli characters removed off Koihime Musou. No more Chouhi, Koumei, Juniku, loli twins H-scenes and they'll remove all Riri's nudity while at it.
That's pretty much how much they are gonna butcher Koihime Musou for sure.

>> No.3836157
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>> No.3836263

This. It's too early to panic, guys.

>> No.3836270


>Navel losing original CGs

Right, a game company can't keep track of their own artworks.

The implications are massive.

>> No.3836273

It's gonna bu funny if the lost CGs are unrelated to the loli molesting.

>> No.3836275

No need to jump to conclusions before we know.

I'm going to laugh if they keep the loli scene, and a totally different one is missing.

>> No.3836278

It's more likely than you think. Circus lost the uncensored Suika CGs.

>> No.3836287 [DELETED] 

>implying it matters

>> No.3836285 [DELETED] 
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>Due to uncontrollable issues, a part of the CGs in the original work could not be included.

>> No.3836298

So do they honestly think it's still going to sell?

Because it's not going to sell.

>> No.3836300 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and ddosing Anon Talk .com also stop trolling and harassing us and remove all clones and troll articles and lies and leave us alone if u do this well stop posting these msgs forever

>> No.3836301

Don't buy from Mangagamer
Enemy of your freedom

>> No.3836304


>> No.3836308

Yes, cause you cannot enjoy a VN anymore if a CG you do not know what's about yet is not included anymore.

>> No.3836309

What if it's Navel's fault for refusing to release loli and not Mangagamer's?

>> No.3836311

Well it's not like anything Mangagamer has ever released has been in actual English anyway.

>> No.3836319

It's not like people here have played this game before and will care if it's removed or not, the majority of the bitching comes from people who don't even know Japanese. Beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.3836320

GODANEIT WHERES MY LOLI *cries into nemu-tan body pillow, punches wall, is 600 pounds, is niisan*

>> No.3836321 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and ddosing Anon Talk .com also stop trolling and harassing us and remove all clones and troll articles and lies and leave us alone if u do this well stop posting these msgs forever

>> No.3836325

Sure is a lot of Tsundere for Mg up in here.

>> No.3836328

Their two Circus games were well translated but then they lost that editor.

>> No.3836332

I don't care at all if they removed some loli fan service. Everybody complaining about this censorship just wants something to complain about, especially since they're not even removing a major part of the game.

>> No.3836335

/jp/ - outraged pedos

>> No.3836336

They can choose to not support shit translation. And I don't mean shoddy, I mean utter fucking shit.

>> No.3836338

Shuffle, Suika and Da cappo are fine, concerning their English.

>> No.3836355


It's by Navel. Any content loss is a major issue due to there being so little content in the first place.

>> No.3836357

It sets a bad precedence, especially considering one of their upcoming games is loli-heavy. But that's only if they really are removing the loli from Soul Link. I'll believe it when I see it (or rather, don't see it).

>> No.3836379

The loss of some loli scenes wont impact the game at all.

Kohime Musou? If that's the game then yeah censorship would have a larger impact but I wouldn't say it would completely ruin the title.

I'm really only looking forward to their Overdrive translations.

>> No.3836380

Hoping this is the case. It has happened before.

>> No.3836397

The Kohime Musou routes I care about would not involve any of the numerous loli characters. I can think of one MILF right now.

>> No.3836418

You guys should, you know, petition them or e-mail them and let them you that lots of people want certain scenes intact and would buy it if they were. If they take out loli scenes it's because they think it would limit their audience, you know.

If you let them know it wouldn't be limited, then things might change.

>> No.3836425

Nobody here intended to buy the game anyway so I don't see why everybody is so upset.

>> No.3836431 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and ddosing Anon Talk .com also stop trolling and harassing us and remove all clones and troll articles and lies and leave us alone if u do this well stop posting these msgs forever

>> No.3836441


>> No.3836458

If you have the CG set already, the issue becomes pointless.

>> No.3836486


I still don't like them messing around with how the game is meant to be presented

>> No.3836490 [DELETED] 
File: 513 KB, 842x1191, 1259739443124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now it's actually fapable. The eyes, nose, mouth, and facial expression was bad (even for Mugen standards). And her vagina/clitoris was way too big. Also, her groin didn't have the proper shadows, so it looked as if her labia was expanding.

>> No.3836496

ITT - Mangagamer employees defend their censorship decision in the wrong place.
Go home, guys. No-one here will buy your game.

>> No.3836502

You finally learned how to color without using clay.

>> No.3836559


>> No.3836564 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and ddosing Anon Talk .com also stop trolling and harassing us and remove all clones and troll articles and lies and leave us alone if u do this well stop posting these msgs forever

>> No.3836612

stop spamming and ddosing Anon Talk .com also stop trolling and harassing us and remove all clones and troll articles and lies and leave us alone if u do this well stop posting these msgs forever

>> No.3836609

There will be an unofficial a patch to fix the issue, so there's nothing to worry about, right? Right?

>> No.3836729

So, anybody knows what exactly is being removed yet?

>> No.3836756

Nope. Everybody's waiting for something clarification now.

>> No.3836776

So, this would be the third VN English release mangagamer have done right? KiraKira, Shuffle, and now this.

>> No.3836796

You wouldn't be a lazy dumbfuck asking this if you actually browsed the MG website for 5 minutes.

>> No.3836807

It's the third English translation, yes. However it's not the third attempt at an English translation.

>> No.3836808

Oh, fourth, Suika.

>> No.3836813


Don't forget about Da Capo.

>> No.3836825

Well I think it's been clearly established that I'm completely clueless.

>> No.3836866

fucking pedophiles

>> No.3836899

dem thighs....

>> No.3836921

Bullshit. Don't buy/DL.

>> No.3836928

In their favor, at least they put up a notice about it before they started taking people's money, which is more than can be said for a certain other company.

I wasn't exactly going to buy the game anyway, so it doesn't really matter to me.

>> No.3837040

If it ends up censored, I suppose one likely could blame the new law in the UK.

>> No.3837047

Shuffle had a Primula sex scene now, didn't it?

If that wasn't removed why would they censor that loli one from Soul Link.

>> No.3837051

I'm guessing the stuff not included are original CGs (uncensored) that were somehow lost.

>> No.3837069

Bug EvoSpace, he likely knows what is going on, and would be willing to share that information.

>> No.3837089

I like how MG has absolutely no PR until the game gets delayed, and then their one little paragraph on it can cause a shitstorm like this due to ambiguous information.

>> No.3837106


>> No.3837109

MGs PR is ridiculous and I'm saying that because I wish them luck to reach a bigger audience that can sustain the localization costs for us leechers on /jp/
But seriously wtf? First they miss the deadline by like 30 hours, then word comes out about the delay until end of December, then newsletters are being send confirming this and then shortly after the game gets released suddenly altough with cut content.


>> No.3837122

Learn to read, it's Coming Soon.

>> No.3837121 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 100x144, A1FBBDC2-B536-47B3-ACC0-67AF8106510C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to read, moron.

>> No.3837126

Does not sound any better anonymous

>> No.3837147

get off 4chan you normalfag

>> No.3837234


>> No.3837251

Shut the fuck up, it's not released yet.

>> No.3837382

During that whole rape-banning shitstorm in japan they removed two titles, and said that's due to security vuln.
I can bet 50$ that they will remove loli cg's and tell some bullshit excuse

>> No.3837390

>I can bet 50$ that they will remove loli cg's and tell some bullshit excuse

I am guessing their excuse will be "It would be illegal in the UK otherwise"

Of course their rape games are likely illegal in the UK under different laws.

>> No.3837399

mangagamers is netherland-based company, and they're hosted in netherland.
UK laws apply to them as much as they want it to

>> No.3837401

I'll feel a lot better about pirating this, now. Not that I wasn't going to anyway, but still.

>> No.3837406

Didn't they bring one back up either way?

>> No.3837408


>> No.3837410

I hope the pedo scenes are removed because think that's disgusting. I also think they should move to titles with more mature looking women like G.J? titles.

This is a good sign.

>> No.3837414

Reported for trolling.

>> No.3837416

Waiting for further information before making any judgments.

>> No.3837419

I'm not fucking trolling you idiot. I'm sorry that I have a normal American preference of women and don't want 12 year olds. Sorry.

>> No.3837423

Cause everything is determined by American standards, cause we live in America, America is wonderful.

>> No.3837425
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>further information

>> No.3837428

>I have a normal American preference of women
Not that guy, but I'm reporting you for trolling too.

>> No.3837466

I guess I'll just not respond to these topics then. Sorry I'm from America.

>> No.3837491

Even if you are from America you should hope that fun for everybody else is ruined too.

>> No.3837499
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>normal American
>posting on /jp/

>> No.3837511

I'm sorry that I'm not a social outcast like you are.

>> No.3837514

I love how everyone completely ignored your accurate example.

>> No.3837518
File: 169 KB, 302x360, 1246636914003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you're not, bro.

>> No.3837531

This is just a hobby for me. I guess for you it's more of a lifestyle.

>> No.3837539

For those suggesting it could be something else, wait and see, I ask what else could it be?

Rape? - There is a lot of rape in this game, that would be worse to remove, and MangaGamer releases rape titles from Liquid

Mosaic - They have it listed as uncensored, meaning it will be done without mosaics. Although I suppose it is possible that they could have lost some unmosaic pictures, it would say "we had to used some CGs with mosaics" rather than "some CGs could not be included".

CGs couldn't have been lost either, they can be got from any copy of the game.

I suppose it is possible that some CG used with an effect was lost converting to BGI, but this is far less likely than censoring the loli.

So censoring the loli is most likely

>> No.3837540

But...Primula isn't a loli!
She just...looks young!

>> No.3837541

primula isn't loli. she looks about 15-16

>> No.3837545

Whenyour hobbies entail browsing /jp/ and reading vns and then you complain about the existence of virtual teens or younger that participate in sexual acts, because it does not fit with the conditioning of the American way, us calling you a troll is our optimism shining through or simply disbelief such a tool could exist.

>> No.3837552
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No, she doesn't.

>> No.3837560
File: 41 KB, 469x428, trollface2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she looks about 15-16
>less than 18

>> No.3837566

I just don't like how being a pedophile is some kind of prerequisite to be with the "in" crowd of /jp/.

>> No.3837569

From the way you initially reacted, it would seem the opposite is true.

>> No.3837572

The trial games I downloaded, at least, did not work on my Vista64. This is why I haven't bought the full length releases, as I like to be able to play my games.

>> No.3837575

The problem is more of you being a faggot saying 'that shit is bad'.
You may not like teenage girls having sex in fiction, but coming in here to say ' Pedo is disgusting, give mature titties for mature readers like me' is a hint to your lame trolling attempt.

>> No.3837594

i guess ill get 32bit when i get a new 'puter

>> No.3837602

I've had no problems playing any of their games with Windows 7 x64.

>> No.3837619

In b4 this was a move to allow customers in the uk to legally buy this

>> No.3837634

too late

>> No.3837651

You can't blame them. The issues were uncontrollable.

>> No.3837660

When will Mangagamers come out and tell us what wasn't included? I wanna know what got censored (probably the loli)!

>> No.3837661

It was. This was a marketing ploy to appeal to the new law in the UK. Therefore, MG most likely would not have done so if there was no such law. This means that the UK is to blame.

>> No.3837667

You mean the UK government.

>> No.3837681

Thank god I left the UK 8 generations ago.

>> No.3837687

Why would anyone buy a censored game? Anyways, from what I know of the UK situation, pretty much any porn that's even slightly un-normal would still be potentially dangerous (extreme pornogaphy ban).

>> No.3837691

loli =/= underage

>> No.3837692

I thought AMERICA was supposed to be the "sex is bad, violence is good!" country and UK is "sex is good, violence is bad"?

>> No.3837707

No, UK is "sex is bad, violence is bad".

>> No.3837717

Nah, it's more like "only sex in the missionary position is good, violence is bad"

>> No.3837721


>> No.3837728

Well, at least we managed to postpone it by a good 25 years.

>> No.3837732

UK is big brother.

>> No.3837734

Actually everything is bad in the UK.
Sex? Bad
Violence? Bad
Cars? Bad
The only acceptable things are tea and cricket.

>> No.3837749 [DELETED] 

Not quite right and altough I am not a Briton I will explain what the City of London plans to do with their peasants: Sex is only good if soon newly released contraceptives are used or if one of the sexual partners are sterilized. Remember the UK wants to lower it population by half or whatever the number was. Couples who want to get children will have to get special licenses if they can afford them otherwise penalties might be cast upon them. Authorities are pretty much creative with implementing their agendas so other measurements are highly possible, but in essence the plans will be centered around making one-child policies acceptable by familiarizing the public to these realities with stick and carrot tactics.

>> No.3837752

Not quite right and altough I am not a Briton I will explain what the City of London plans to do with their peasants: Sex is only good if soon newly released contraceptives are used or if one of the sexual partners is sterilized. Remember the UK wants to lower it population by half or whatever the number was. Couples who want to get children will have to get special licenses if they can afford them otherwise penalties might be cast upon them. Authorities are pretty much creative with implementing their agendas so other measurements are highly possible, but in essence the plans will be centered around making one-child policies acceptable by familiarizing the public to these realities with stick and carrot tactics.

>> No.3837754

Primula isn't loli. She's underage-looking. You must start understanding that they're only going to censor obviously prepubescent characters.

>> No.3837764

You say "City of London" as if it's a separate state to the rest of the UK. Which it isn't.

>> No.3837772

It's private corporate property. Even the British Royalty have to ask for permission to enter the City of London

>> No.3837773

ITT: Americans discussing the UK.

>> No.3837777

>Couples who want to get children will have to get special licenses.
I'm OK with this.

>> No.3837798
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>> No.3837804

the loli isn't even included in the character list at the bottom

>> No.3837811

Yeh even more further proof they're gonna censor the loli nudity.

>> No.3837832

don't they usually just list fuckable characters? or am I thinking of a different company

>> No.3837841

then there's some yaoi we didn't know about

>> No.3837844

UK is behind all the censoring being done on the Internet these days.

Recently I was googling something, I don't remember the search term but it had absolutely nothing to do with children, it was some medical thing. Anyway, while searching, Google mentioned it had "removed some search results based on a complaint". I clicked the link and on Chillingeffects, it said some sites were removed because the INTERNET WATCH FOUNDATION (some UK based thing that should have as much legal power as Mothers against fucking pornography) thought they hosted pedophilic content. This claim was not substantiated with anything, the rest of the text just said: "No further information is available."

So some UK based shits are telling ME, in another part of the world, what sites I can't visit, because they FIND it contains "bad content" but don't have to provide any proof or let some entity with REAL legal power look at it first.

Since the search terms were medical, I wouldn't be surprised if this supposed "pedophilic content" were naked pictures of children which showed some disease or something, which is common when looking for medical information on something like illnesses children can get (at least where I live it's totally normal to find this stuff in textbooks). Thanks for making the Internet a save place for us without us asking for it, INTERNET WATCH FOUNDATION!

Fucking hate the UK.

>> No.3837859

Ignorant xyz fagget spotted


Because I want my /jp/ denizen to be educated I will even tell you who owns the City of London. It's a very famous Dynasty which fooled all Britons by spreading the rumour that Napolean had won in Waterloo.

>> No.3837860

Oh god, a conspiracy theorist.

>> No.3837870

I don't see any theory there

>> No.3837890

Conspiracy hypothesist then.

>> No.3837897

The famous dynasty he's referring to that supposedly own the city of London is the Illuminati.

>> No.3837971

lol no
Illuminate has nothing to do that in the context of the Bavarian based Secret Society. The term of the Illuminati has another meaning today due to popculture and is used to describe any kind of conspirative group of great influence.

>> No.3838029

The bigger concern of course is what happens with Koihime now

>> No.3838042

Thread is tl;dr, but since it's a Mangagamer thread, when on earth are they releasing Higurashi? First they said September, I believe, then October. Then it was the end of November, then it was in December.

>> No.3838050

Delayed indefinitely because of too young characters.

>> No.3838090

Not really. Their only concern is for characters with no breasts. If there's breasts it's fine to show them raped in their every hole.

>> No.3838172 [DELETED] 

Take a look at the Koihime CG set

>> No.3838212

> Thread is tl;dr, but since it's a Mangagamer thread, when on earth are they releasing Higurashi? First they said September, I believe, then October. Then it was the end of November, then it was in December.
Probably 12/15 or 1/15

>> No.3838218

The 15th of this month.

>> No.3838327

Truer words were never spoken.

>> No.3838584

>INTERNET WATCH FOUNDATION (some UK based thing that should have as much legal power as Mothers against fucking pornography)
It has no formal special legal power (yet), it's just a registered charity. UK ISPs and other companies, including Google, co-operate with the censorship activities of this peculiar entity on a voluntary basis.

UK citizen here, not happy with the situation either.

>> No.3838625

It is like they expect 50 year old ladies to play these games and complain.

>> No.3838651

Not play, not even see in most cases, just hear about.

>> No.3838714

Actually there was a lot of talk in the government about forcing the few remaining small ISPs to filter all their traffic by the IWFs list, which incidentally no-one is allowed to actually see (the addresses in it are all hashed when the ISP get it to run their filter to make sure no-one can tell what they're censoring.)
Fortunately interest seemed to fade away from this, but it's always the threat on the horizon. It won't be long until someone suggests replacing the black list filter with a mandatory white list filter, the way this country is going.
There was a time when I laughed at the claims that there were plans to reduce the internet to a "cable TV" system with packages of websites you can visit, by 2012. Now I cry instead.

>> No.3838722

That's what they said about Otome Function.

>> No.3838751

>which incidentally no-one is allowed to actually see (the addresses in it are all hashed when the ISP get it to run their filter to make sure no-one can tell what they're censoring.)

calculate rainbow table for possible urls, recieve CP?

>> No.3838767

Is anyone else beginning to hate certain charities?

Whenever I hear of a "children's welfare" group, I automatically assume they're dicks.

If a kid came to my house on Halloween doing that "Pennies for UNICEF" stuff, I'd give him what-for.

>> No.3838815

Doesn't Mangagamers have a blog or email or some means of contacting them for clarification? If they're gonna censor the game they best be telling us exactly what got cut.

>> No.3838818

they have a board and an irc channel
they didn't reply yet

>> No.3838821

>Fortunately interest seemed to fade away from this, but it's always the threat on the horizon. It won't be long until someone suggests replacing the black list filter with a mandatory white list filter, the way this country is going.

It's come close to happening in Australia.

>> No.3838825


>> No.3838837

Presumably you'd have to actually reverse engineer whatever software they have to filter things in order to figure out what the hash function is. But yes, hashing every possible URL and comparing would work, but would take a very long time to get the longer addresses with subdomains and what-not.

>> No.3838845
File: 452 KB, 795x684, soul link uncensored oh 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3838847

ISPs have to know the hashing function or they wouldn't know what to filter

>but would take a very long time to get the longer addresses with subdomains and what-not.

but the list of possible ip-adresses won't be very long
and any filter list will probably include some of those

also, the tools to search for tripcodes calculate millions of those per second...which isn't all that different from this task

>> No.3838858

I think the IWF filter is done by screwing up the DNS service, so you wouldn't be able to check by IP. Though you could go through every address on a complete DNS servers list, to avoid the very lengthy task of checking every possibly valid URL.

>> No.3838859

A good way of getting MangaGamer's attention would be if lots of people Emailed them about this: info@manga-corp.com

I dunno, say something how you're concerned about the game and that you're not buying it if content is cut out.

>> No.3838862

as long as the're only doing dns-level filtering all you have to do to bypass that filter is use another dns-server...or install your own

>> No.3838874


"Uncensored" in that case means "no mosaic." They could still cut content they don't particularly like, i.e. loli nudity/naughtyness which is what most people in this thread feared has happened.

>> No.3838884

>They could still cut content they don't particularly like, i.e. loli nudity/naughtyness
that's exactly what "censorship" means

>> No.3838889

The word "uncensored" does not work that way.

>> No.3838899


I know what you meant, I was just saying that when they list "uncensored" in each VN they *really* mean, "There's no more mosaic on the naughty bits anymore", not "nothing is cut in this game." That's what I think they're thinking, anyway.

>> No.3838903

>Implying you're too retarded to know what the uncensored in >>3838845 means

>> No.3838925

So they could simply remove all the CGs and it would still be 'uncensored' by that meaning right?

>> No.3838931

>implying implications

>> No.3838956

Jast had Family Project listed as uncensored too until people (myself included) bitched on their forums.

>> No.3838979


Well hopefully the forum post in Mangagamers will get MG to come out and clarify their little note. I'm 90% positive it's censorship, though, and if it is then I fear what they'd do with the rest of their translations. This is gonna really hurt them.

>> No.3838983

If by "really hurt them" you mean "make them go under."

>> No.3839010

I doubt that this release will make them go under. They've been around for a while and it's quite obvious their sales aren't that profitable.

In the long run I don't care if they remove the loli scenes, I've never cared about the h scenes in any of the games I've played.

>> No.3839026

Even if the censoring is minor, it'll start a slippery slope that'll butcher Koihime when they release that.

>> No.3839041

It isn't about this release. It's about a long-term policy of censoring all loli material.

>> No.3839051

Koihime is their only game that I could see getting butchered by censorship. The rest of their lineup seems fine.

Higurashi no Naku Koro ni" Pt.1-4
December 15

"Edelweiss Eiden Fantasia"
End of January

"Higurashi no Naku Koro ni" Pt.5 and beyond

"Kohime Musou"
End of February 

"Kira Kira Curain Call"
End of March

A few adult titles from NEXTON

"D.C.I.F. -Da Capo Innocent Finale-"

"Da Capo II"

>> No.3839062

On the other hand, I'd be entirely fine with this is they gave reason for this censorship. Like Navel asking them to do it, or actual pressure from somewhere.

>> No.3839070

I hate censorship more than anything else. It is like being stapled in the face with a note saying "We do not think you can handle this, so we chose for you".

I don't even care if it is loli, rape, guro, furry. I want my things as close to original as possible (with acceptable changes being mosaic removal and language translation). No dubs. No cuts. Final Destination.

>> No.3839071

>"Kira Kira Curain Call"

Is that a sequel or a remake?

>> No.3839076

side story, completely new cast. I don't know if the original cast makes appearances but they probably do.

>> No.3839078

You seem to be under the impression that the quality of the product is relevant.

If you have a reputation for censorship, no one is going to buy any of your products. The small audience of actual buyers they currently have will very likely shrink. They do not have a large enough audience to withstand this.

>> No.3839082


Ah, okay.

>> No.3839086

Fan disc with two stories, continuation of Kirari's true ending. One with new characters(although Shikanosuke's sister is included) and another following Murakami's band Happy Cycle Mania. All of original band members make appearance.

>> No.3839106

I'm against this censorship as well but it still doesn't change the fact that it won't massively affect my decision to play the game or not.

As long as the core script is intact I don't have any major issues.

Sure, their sales will drop even more if this censorship becomes a recurring thing with them, but also all the games I'm looking forward to from them don't have anything to be censored.

>> No.3839115

I guess I'm stuck waiting until an unofficial patch comes out.

>> No.3839128

Why don't MG just move to japan and then we import their titles. problem solved
Fuck the uk

>> No.3839133

This was never about you, though. This is about the fact that censorship is a bad business decision.

>> No.3839168

It would be hilarious if MangaGamer said "we had issues with something else, the loli wasn't cut" at this point.

>> No.3839181

They're not in the UK. UK law has the same effect on them even if they move back the motherland, being one of the English-speaking countries they might want to sell their wares to.

>> No.3839182

The timing of this and the "uncontrollable issues" thing makes me think they might have sent their translation to Navel for final approval and got told to cut stuff out by them. I'll wait for more information before I get butthurt and blame mangagamer.

>> No.3839188

I'd be more happy if they posted something like "Due to response from our customers, missing CGs have been included in the game", but yeah right. Shit like that just doesn't happen.

>> No.3839207

I just bothered to actually download the original HCG set and if the scenes with the loli are actually censored, it will be ridiculous. It will be JAST all over again with the hypocrisy around censoring "clearly underaged characters" in a game when their best selling titles have characters who not only look as young as the one that was censored, but it's even mentioned in the fucking script that the protagonist is commiting a crime, if they aren't that direct, they end up talking about the girl's probable age and if they are doing this to avoid lawsuits, lol, they should just try to convince a judge that characters like Primula from Shuffle!, Sakura from Da Capo and, Natsume from Edelweiss don't look and/or aren't as young as the character that they actually censored. The fact that the games themselves claim that some of those characters are older than 16 years old isn't worth shit when the law itself attacks characters who look young and the term "underage" is meant for characters who are younger than 18 years old and not 15 or something like that, but that's not their only problem, they keep selling eroge with clear loli characters who appear completely naked or in acts of sexual intercourse. So, if they are going to censor something, they will have to censor everything. The law covers every game that they wil release and also the ones that they released, it's not only for the new stuff. JAST, instead of doing that, even created new banners where they claim The Sagara Family as their best selling title. I wonder if MangaGamer will follow the same path, in the case that they are actually going to censor the game.

>> No.3839209
File: 23 KB, 300x230, uh oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3839227

If so, reminds me of Bandai Entertainment's recent issue with the Kurokami BD's (dub-only on the Blu-ray version):

Japanese Licensor: Do this with the release!
American Company: But...that will make our sales drop to basically zero...
Japanese Licensor: We don't care! Do it! We're the boss!
American Company: *sigh*

>The small audience of actual buyers they currently have will very likely shrink. They do not have a large enough audience to withstand this.

JAST, on the other hand, does have a large enough audience. Probably.

>> No.3839234

Jast can withstand it because they've been around a long time and have sycophantic fanboys who defend Peter Payne to the death on their forums.

>> No.3839237

If this really is something like that, Navel can go fuck themselves for all I care. I'm not buying product if developer is acting idiotically like that.

>> No.3839383

>Jast can withstand it because they've been around a long time and have sycophantic fanboys who defend Peter Payne to the death on their forums.

And they conveniently forgot to tell most of their audience that they censored it. Even now, only the Peach Princess website actually mentions content edits were made. The VN audience who winds up places like /jp/, or official forums, make up a small part of the audience. 95%+ of those who purchased Family Project haven't the slightest clue it was censored.

>> No.3839400

>If this really is something like that, Navel can go fuck themselves for all I care. I'm not buying product if developer is acting idiotically like that.

In Japan, there is still political pressure to pass laws for fictional content. Navel isn't going to risk their primary business in Japan on another international shit storm. Unlike the companies directly involved with MangaGamer, Navel basically says give us the majority of the revenue and do what we say and you can translate our games.

>> No.3839426

Translator's take on things (from encubed forums)

>I must admit, while I'm shocked and appalled... I kind of saw this coming. I wonder if they removed all the naked loli CGs or just the sexy one. There's the innocent shower with Nao scene, the "I want to have sex with you" scene, and the "I couldn't have sex so I'll wash your back" scene... I do wonder how much they removed though... cuz you do have the option to finger her, and you do finger her if you choose it... but then it leads to some really hot and sexy bad ends later.

>The fun part is that depending on how you look at it, she's either the loliest character to exist in an h-game, or she's not loli at all...

>Anyways, regretably, the only comment I can make on the matter is blame Equality Now for making this a pressing issue to anyone working in Japan or the US.

>> No.3839440

Hooray! Someone to blame.

>> No.3839449

Seeing that the translation and other stuff was done until November, and he didn't realize it would be censored, this must have been a last minute decision. To the troll the other day saying "delayed to remove the loli", it looks like you guys ended up being right.

>> No.3839468 [DELETED] 

I am more concerned with them removing scenes then some CGs, since someone will just shop them in.

>> No.3839476

I am more concerned with them removing scenes then some CGs, since it is likely easy for one of the VN hackers to patch them in, while scenes likely won't be restored unofficially

>> No.3839487


When people make it their job to "fix" problems, sometimes what happens instead is that for the sake of job security they don't actually solve the problem, and instead concentrate on meaningless side issues and high-profile spectacle.

Old Chinese saying: Beware of those that feed on tears.

>> No.3839493 [DELETED] 

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>> No.3839509

That's a new one...

>> No.3839545

I wouldn't do it if I were the company. Re-writing source code to ensure 64-bit compatibility? Fuck them.

>> No.3839659

I have no issues running their games on Windows 7 64 bit. It is just designed to be idiot proof on XP and Vista 32 bit.

>> No.3839688

We need some VN localisation regulations.

1. The translator must be incompetent in both the source and the target language.
2. If you can come up with an excuse to censor something - do it. It doesn't matter how weak your excuses are as you don't have to tell them to the customers.
3. The release date must be pushed back no less than a total of 6 months, preferably by delaying the release at most a month at a time.
4. The translation project must take at least one year per ten hours of gameplay to finish.
5. There must be a poll involved in the translation project and it is recommended to have at least 2 polls. The polls must not have any actual effect however.

>> No.3840052

I really hope that either EvoSpace answers or MangaGamer answers e-mail about it. I don't want to be surprised when it is release to find what was edited.

>> No.3840062

Let's just hope everyone is overreacting.

>> No.3840135


>> No.3840307

Yeah, even the translator in
doesn't know the situation for sure.

>> No.3840557
File: 65 KB, 583x640, baitj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mangagamers should move to bulgaria

>> No.3840797

They haven't released any single game with loli character with H-content yet. No Primula or Sakura aren't lolis. Stop thinking otherwise. There is a reason they'd not censor them and they'd censor Nanami.

>> No.3840832
File: 112 KB, 800x600, vgpr_16e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a loli

>> No.3840845

Primula looks kinda like my 80 year old grandma. She even has the same hair color.

>> No.3840855

What are those hideous things on her chest?

>> No.3840856

I want to fuck your grandmother.

>> No.3840862

Tiny bulges of meat 12 year old girls have.

>> No.3840865

>Image macro

Apologize to your fellow /jp/ers or leave.

>> No.3840869

Those are hardly tiny enough.

>> No.3840876

These can be considered 'NOT TINY" only when compared to AKiha's.
And you meant 'though'?

>> No.3840886

Play Hinata Bokko.

>> No.3840890

No, "enough." As in, they are not tiny enough.

>> No.3840898

Primula is the 2D equivalent of jailbait.
Legal, but fapping to her will make everyone think you're a pedo.

>> No.3840924

The thing is that if this censorship is meantto follow the before mentioned UK laws, then it's illegal to fap to almost every character, since most of them aren't even 18 years old.

>> No.3840944

Where's mah torrent?

>> No.3840951

In your ass.

>> No.3840984

we should help piratebay to buy an island and create a new country with no censorship laws.

>> No.3840988

Thank you for your insightful comment

>> No.3841000


>*has delusions of grandeur, is 600 lbs.*

>> No.3841015

Tiny isn't the problem. None is good. If it's there that's bad!

>> No.3841017

Is the torrent up?

>> No.3841030

How can it be up when the game isn't even released yet?

>> No.3841043

Tiny bulges make a character automatically not loli. They're are disgusting breasts. Small or not, it's still a sign of maturity. Maturity is BAD.

>> No.3841044

Someone could be posting from the future.

>> No.3841051 [DELETED] 

The game was never released.
They were supposed to release it on the last day of last month, but not release the finished game, but take another month to censor the fuck out of the game. Expect the censored version in a month from now.

>> No.3841058

The game was never released.
They were supposed to release it on the last day of last month, but they decided not release the finished game, instead they took another month to censor the fuck out of the game. Expect the censored version in a month from now.

>> No.3841079

More like, 6lbs. i'm that skinny.

>> No.3841114

Yes it's up.
You can have my word it works.

>> No.3841131

Derek, I am disappoint.

>> No.3842451

VDZ, I am disappoint

>> No.3843360

Reported for illegal content.

>> No.3843414

If you're talking about the recent law passed in England, whilst the bill has undergone royal assent, the loli laws are not in operation yet, and will not until a Minister commences it (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statutory_Instrument_%28UK%29 ). I can't find any information about any schedules for commencements, nor any information concerning how far in advance they announce its commencement. I believe they gave a couple of months before Britains "Extreme Porn Act" was commenced for people to prepare; but I don't know if there's any requirement for Ministers to give notice before a commencement; or anything to stop them from suddenly announcing "loli is illegal starting from right now, enjoy."

>> No.3843430

Reported for being a retard. Seriously, did you even bothered to check the posts he quoted?

>> No.3843444


>> No.3843471

I'm not talking about loli, I'm talking about software piracy.

>> No.3843472


Why bump this like it's a Rika thread when there has been no updates concerning the matter?

>> No.3843482

Not to mention it's going to autosage right about now.

>> No.3843489

10 more posts before autosage.

>> No.3843494 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 317x367, bawww4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you frustrated?

>> No.3843499

Not to mention that bad trolls like OP always return to their threads.

>> No.3843514 [DELETED] 


>> No.3843580

Slightly off topic, but are the mosaic laws still around in Japan? Because I thought they disappeared years ago, and yet it feels like it still isn't produced anything uncensored there.

Such a shame you get to choose between Left block christian censorship or Right block christian censorship on the games. Either vaginas are scary, or children are scary.

>> No.3843750

It's not an anti-loli law. The law bans anything loli, teen and jailbait anime porn.

>> No.3845423

So everyone is just going to let the UK get away with this?

>> No.3845542

Blog being held by one of their translators, just started few days ago.

>> No.3846076

I love the comments.

>gaudy6523 Says: ...Oh and just to give you all some idea that they are listening: “rumor” has it, there’s been discussion regarding working with a certain company that goes by the name of Key.
