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38337966 No.38337966 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Fate successful?

>> No.38338840

cause when u finish prologue title screen happens and u hear into the night for the first time

>> No.38338907


>> No.38339876
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You can mock as much as you like, but Fate/Stay Night itself was a compelling and interesting story that had something to say and wasn't made just for money's sake.

>> No.38339933

pseudo high fantasy writing

plus it's vague but still intriguing and vast magic system that's not just opening magic circles and causing explosions akin to modern fantasy light novel magics

>> No.38340232

This isn't /tmg/

>> No.38340414

Because its good

>> No.38341210

Because King Arthur but a girl was a novel concept at the time.

>> No.38342420

Because it was fate

>> No.38343942

You should ask why Tsukihime was successful.

>> No.38344296

tsukihime carried it with his both arms

>> No.38344383

Fake answer? Huge lore, huge world, it's similar to LOTR in that there's so much to explore and to learn
Real answer? Waifus and erotic scenes
Ultra real answer? Anime adaptation and the waifu power of Rin and Saber

>> No.38347041

battle royale format
Relatable easy to follow lore (literally taken from real life)

If they made a superhero battle royale it would have the same appeal

>> No.38349948

Coomers, both male and female. My twin sister literally admitted to me she fingers herself to Lancer and Archer having gay sex.

>> No.38350270

>(literally taken from real life)
Illya is real?

>> No.38350302
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>> No.38350601

I am the bone of my sword.

>> No.38351288
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Because its their....Fate

>> No.38351523

>tsukihime carried it with his both arms

quick run down?

>> No.38351730


>> No.38357858
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>> No.38358627

did you have sex with your twin?

>> No.38364144

Urban fantasy is like the opposite of high fantasy. It actually takes place in our world, it's not high fantasy.
High fantasy isn't about having lots of fantasy, it's about whether or not the setting takes place in our world.

>> No.38367270

>If they made a superhero battle royale it would have the same appeal

DC tried this already and failed in less than a year

>> No.38367291


>> No.38367336

because everyone is interested in history to some degree but not everyone wants to read boring ass textbooks so a wish-fulfilling fantasy pseudo-historical fanfic will obviously sell

>> No.38368254

is she hot?

>> No.38371110

I'm going to punch you

>> No.38377881

Any woman who admits to fingering herself is probably a 7/10 at best

>> No.38384001

True, Nasu's writing was pure autism but it was good autism.

>> No.38385642

>Lancer and Archer having gay sex.
I don't remember that scene in the game.

>> No.38387877

Nasu's truly at his best when writing mystery and horror. That's also why F/GO's story isn't nearly as appealing, since it lacks those elements.

>> No.38387919

It was axed. Quickly.

>> No.38388011

Well it happened

>> No.38389530

Women are fucking disgusting

>> No.38399134

> tsukihime

>> No.38399234

According to the latest Harvard Business Review, it is because OP is a faggot

>> No.38404027

I liked Tsukihime but the Fate fanbase has turned me off from reading Stay Night, sell me on it.

>> No.38404201


>> No.38404571

In the East: Coomoids and gambling
In the west: Coomoids and ebic memes.

>> No.38406363

The plot and pacing aren't quite as good as tsukihime's, but the immersion value given by the excellent music and the voice acting and animations makes it a slightly better experience overall, especially once you get to the HF route.
Also, most of the fanbase hasn't read it, so that's how you know it's good.

>> No.38408659

Waifus are an industry standard and not unique in any way to Fate. Might as well say that being 2D is what made it successful.

>> No.38409494

its dumb fun
