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38328792 No.38328792 [Reply] [Original]

why can’t we have a /l/ board?

>> No.38328829

it would repel potential 4chan ad partnerships

>> No.38328863

The tranny mods are terrified of cunny, they prefer cock instead.

>> No.38328990

Because unironic pedos would flood it thinking they were in good company and then whine incessantly when no one gave a shit about their ugly slav girls. They would cry "why can't we post junior idols? they're just real life loli!" and ultimately flood the board and report it to hosts until it was removed because they couldn't have their pedo safespace. Besides that, what's there to post in /l/? It would just be NSFW /c/ at best. If you want a dump, dump on /b/, if you want games, go to /f/. You can talk about eromanga anywhere.

>> No.38329075

many reasons
mods for one
the state of the internet
and >>38328990 (didn't read all of it)
also, skimming through it brought J Idols to my attention. moot himself did something about that since you used to be able to post that shit here.
case in point, it wouldn't lead anywhere.

>> No.38329175

Why do you want it? If you want loli images just go to pixiv or booru. Any loli community always turns into a pedo circle jerk.

>> No.38329189

I thought it was trannies that were pedophiles though.

>> No.38329194

>Any loli community always turns into a pedo circle jerk.
This, I also love how they keep denying that. It's also the same reason why /l/ got nuked.

>> No.38329237

Because we want 2dcunny

>> No.38329284

Until you start wanting 3d kids.

>> No.38329286


>> No.38329297

never i've been a 2dlolifag for 8 years you moron, nice falseflag

>> No.38329315

You are all the same, you say that, and then it turns out to be the other way around. /l/ is a good example.

>> No.38329339

You're a newfag 3dpd is shit and there are 3dpdfags who prefer irl children so it's their thing and own problem. who cares what you like you moralfag. go fuck yourself anyway. goodday to you interent cop

>> No.38329343

anyone who has been on the chans longer than 2 weeks should already know why

>> No.38329352

Fuck off, you are the newfag and election tourist that wasn't even here when /l/ was a thing. I couldn't care less if you masturbate to 2D lolis but it is a known fact that loli circlejerk are just full of pedophiles that crave for 3D.

>> No.38329383

I was here before 2016 don't you worry and /l/ never existed. Show me pics of this ever happening or existing i was around here since 2010. And i checked archives if /l/ existed and there are zero pics of this board. And these circlejerk 3DPD faggots are indeed retards and cancerous but thats just like any 3DPD and still 2D loli is infinitely better. Falseflag. You're on fucking /jp/ why are you complaining about pedos you fucking moron

>> No.38329384

>moot himself did something about that since you used to be able to post that shit here
You weren't ever "able" as in allowed to post gravure only junior idols on /jp/, just /jp/ has never given a fuck about what moot or the mods wanted and they just posted them anyway. That and the quality of moderation on this board has always been iffy. There was a point where moot or someone got mad and enforced that you couldn't even post non gravure children but looking at the state of /tv/, I understand why now.

>> No.38329404

>send me pictures of something that was deleted
And why would I think of taking screenshots or even keep pictures of board full of lolicons and pedophiles anyway? Why are lolicons so braindead when they argue?
>You're on fucking /jp/ why are you complaining about pedos you fucking moron
I'm talking about actual pedophiles, unless you want to prove the moralfags right and consider lolicons pedophiles too.

>> No.38329518

>unless you want to prove the moralfags
2D lolifags are still pedo if you like 2Dlolis exclusively and not 2d hags and not 3DPD then you're still a pedo since you like underage and prepubescent girls but still 2D lolicon only is fine.
If you like 2D FEMALE lolis+hags+teenagers+grandpas+thick then you're just a horny hetero faggot.
But still it's just preference; if you like loli then it's ok but 2D loli is not harmful since it doesn't involve real children since it's about fiction and if you can differentiate between reality and fiction then you know you like 2D only and doesn't care about 3DPD. But if you like 3DPD it's you own thing and i won't judge.
>Why are lolicons so braindead when they argue?
first of all i am an all fag and there is nothing wrong with being a lolicon or a 2d only lolicon
And show me at least /l/ layout if it ever existed and i will believe you cant it didn't happened for me at least.

>> No.38329538

>horny hetero faggot.
>but if you like 3DPD it's you own thing
Not the other anon, but you are definitely a trannie, dilate.

>> No.38329550

>/v/ and /pol/ lingos
OK 2016 post-election fag

>> No.38329552

>And show me at least /l/ layout
Yeah I should travel back in time and take some screenshots.

>> No.38329566

Is this trolling? Just watch old 4chan flashes, there are /l/. And yeah, if you fap on 2d lolis for 8 years and never noticed that all communities around this subject are pedophile honeypots than you are a retard.
