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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 28 KB, 400x411, sushi-for-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3825043 No.3825043 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /trv/.

I was wondering if any of you knows how it is to work at a sushi restaurant? There's one located near me, and i was really interested in sending an application as they need a "waiter/kitchenhelper". Havent got much kitchen experience than working at my friends uncles restaurant some years back, but the job-ad doesnt particularly say that they need one with waiter/kitchen experience.

What's your opinion anon?

>> No.3825054


>> No.3825051


>> No.3825057

I hope you like the smell of raw fish, because the shit stays in your clothing even after you go home.

>> No.3825058

this thread makes me lol

>> No.3825064

seriously, i just need a job. Havent got many answers elsewhere.

>> No.3825079

Are you serious? Take a look where you are. This is not /trv/. This is /jp/, a board about Japanese games and cartoons.

>> No.3825082

i do enjoy the smell of vagina, yes.

>> No.3825097

Troll much? I just went from /trv/ because some niggers told me that this was GLORIOUS JAPAN related.

>> No.3825102

You got trolled, bro. /jp/ is not about Japan. Now go away.

>> No.3825103

Sure, if you never want to eat sushi again.

It's like law, sausages, and video games. You do not want to know the details of how they're made.

>> No.3825107


>> No.3825353

there's some technical stuff you need to learn, such as the preparation of those cucumber sticks, the vinegar and it's mixing into the rice. after that it's easy shit

>> No.3825414


If the trolls didn't already scare you off...

I've got a buddy who makes sushi. It's not a bad job, really, although he's one of the front room chefs, so his experience is different. You'll be preparing cuts of fish, vegetables, tomago and other stuff if you're on kitchen duty, but other than the tomago, it's *really* easy. If you're on dishes, there's hardly any silverware, naturally, so it's just easy stuff like plates, cups and cooking utensils.

I'd say working in a sushi joint would be better than most other kinds of restaurants, all things being equal. Go have lunch there and see what kind of atmosphere there is. If it looks like the waitstaff are reasonably content or at least not so miserable they can't fake it, put in an application.

>> No.3825794 [DELETED] 

>implying fresh raw fish smells at all

>> No.3825814

Accusing other people of being trolls is not an original or effective troll technique, bro.

Reported for trolling, by the way.

>> No.3825834

Stop acting like you own this place, Japlover.

>> No.3825845


fuck you man

>> No.3827182


It's pretty horrible, from the sushi restaurants I know, it's a cramped space you can't leave, it's goddamned hot and you have to do delicate handwork all day round. You should especially find out if they serve unagi... if they do, I hope you don't have handle it. I don't understand how someone could like Unagi.

>> No.3827186 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and ddosing Anon Talk .com also stop trolling and harassing us and remove all clones and troll articles and lies and leave us alone if u do this well stop posting these msgs forever

>> No.3827204

Anything goes as long as it isn't sea cucumber or some sort of multi-colored snail with antennas and shit on it.

As long as it's fresh.

>> No.3827227


Sea cucumber isn't that bad actually, I used to work at a Sushi restaurant where they serve those things, they are actually amazingly clean and easy to gut.

And for some absurd reasons people pay a ridiculous amount of money for them too...

To OP: Really depending on what kind of boss you have, my boss was a crafty jew who worded the contract in a way that I do *not* get any breaks what's so ever.

>> No.3827237

I didn't know you could eat them.
They just seem to be loafing about the sandy bottoms in tropical seas when I'm on holiday.

All black and slightly covered in a thin layer of sand doesn't seem as appealing as, say, a mackerel, or something.

>> No.3827248


It's the same reason why people eat octopus and squid with sushi, they eat it for the texture instead of the actual flavour.

At least in the place I worked in they put the sea cucumbers in a bucket of freshwater for a period of time before serving them, it cleans the sand off them and makes them spit out any internal sands.

>> No.3827268

I see.
I remember octopus as being really good, although it didn't taste of much. I've only been to a real sushi restaurant once. Sushi King doesn't count, but I had to try it because of the conveyor belt.

>> No.3827289


>> No.3827374

Sea cucumbers are the embodiment of /jp/. Plump, slow, always lazing around, only defense against predators is shitting on them really hard. If only anon had tiny people living up their asses (many animals take shelter up sea cucumber asses, if I recall) then it'd be a perfect match.

I wish an attractive girl lived up my ass ;_;

>> No.3827394

>I wish an attractive girl lived up my ass ;_;

I feel a deep sadness that comparisons to sea cucumbers shouldn't warrant.

>> No.3827565
File: 262 KB, 1395x1041, Conspicuous_Sea_Cucumber,_Coconut_Island,_Hawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More on sea cucumbers.

>One more detail that I think is worth explaining is that like most suspension feeders, these animals use mucus to trap particulates from the water column. However, like other sea cucumbers they lack mucus secreting cells on the feeding tentacles themselves, and instead have a small sac-like structure inside the mouth where the tentacles are covered in mucus before being stuck forth into the water flow to trap more particles. Once a tentacle becomes covered with phytoplankton, that tentacle is popped into the mouth and sucked clean (just like us using our fingers to eat from a honey jar) before being covered in mucus within that sac and deployed once again.

D'awwwwww. You are now imagining a sea cucumber girl licking her hands, frantically waving them in the air and licking them again to feed herself.

Also, those things breathe from their asses.

>> No.3827587

hey op
i would try working there
and then quit if you don't like it
since you can do that, you know...you can quit

>> No.3827614

If you need a job, isn't any job good really? Might as well give the sushi place a whirl if it's something that interests you..
