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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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38231073 No.38231073 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

>> No.38231079

prev >>38221241

>> No.38231080
File: 817 KB, 863x1300, 1603042717169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're a beginner, please read the guide first.

Updated guide: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
Resources: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/resources.html
FAQ: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/faq.html

Daily reminder: targeted sentence cards are the most effective way to combine Anki with immersion.

>> No.38231090

Disregard bad advice frequently posted in these threads. Things to avoid:
・Itazuraneko. Outdated, hard to follow, confusing for beginners.
・Anime cards (the guide by someone named QM). It recommends words cards, which are proven to be less effective than targeted sentence cards (TSCs).
・Core 2.3k. It is based on newspapers from early 90s and additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. Try Ankidrone Starter Pack instead.
・Anacreon. Anacreon is an infamous spammer. He constantly hijacks our threads to shill his shit.
・Tadoku. A commercial site that pushes stories for learners (basically scam). The core principle of immersion learning is to consume native content. Just watch more anime or read manga.
・tmw/The moe way. Patreon scam run by a turkish tranny.

>> No.38231091

I want to be able to read manga, but how do you practice it? Should I have the english translated version while I'm reading the japanese one to confirm my understanding, or use just the japanese and look up words as I need to?

>> No.38231107

>use just the japanese and look up words as I need to?
this one

>> No.38231108

> Should I have the english translated version
No, never.

Read manga if you understand everything except individual words. If you're not on that level yet, watch slice of life anime and go through ankidrone starter pack.

>> No.38231122
File: 117 KB, 1240x1610, 1642490958822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why javs are over 2 hours long.

>> No.38231160

if how much you suck makes anime more enjoyable than manga then you should do anime but it was the opposite for me

>> No.38231201

Previous threads:
>>38221241 #3128
>>38212544 #3127
>>38200250 #3126

>> No.38231216

the guy who wrote this could not read n4 text, avoid listening to him

>> No.38231221

matt actually learned japanese at school before he started to immerse, right?
so the truth is, you SHOULD take a japanese class.
i know matt will claim he got the most out of the immersion, and a japanese class didn't really teach him much. but that's just some post rationalization cope. it's like when advanced learners claim you don't really need anki, even though they used anki. you don't realize how much benefit you got out of it

>> No.38231231

What's the benefit of not confirming what you think it means? Couldn't that cause mistakes?

>> No.38231253

jamal is matt

>> No.38231261

the key is to be confident what it means without a translation because translations are incorrect.

>> No.38231291

I'm very low level japanese but just like any other subject, being in classes at least gives you a responsibility to get your work done and practice often. If you have a fluent/native teacher, being able to get immediate corrections from them is beneficial. If you're in a class that's an appropriate level for you, then I don't think there's much downside unless you know you could otherwise be studying even harder by yourself

>> No.38231311

translations dont confirm anything
both because of bad translation and because of necessary localization theyll probably mislead you often
dictionaries and google are the best resources you have
aside from that the best confirmation is that it makes sense in the surrounding context
mistakes arent a problem
youre going to have a level of confidence or unease about every sentence you read and the chances of being confident but wrong are not very high
and when it does happen youre going to run into a sentence that makes you realize your misunderstanding eventually

>> No.38231328

love visiting djt and seeing how low level it is
you retards are so far beneath me it's not even funny

>> No.38231354

good morning

>> No.38231368

matt doesn't view his customers as humans, just as wallets

>> No.38231372

Average /djt/er

>> No.38231383

Your お母さん was beneath me last night

>> No.38231398

yeah gotta agree with matto here

>> No.38231403

i don't view his customers as humans either

>> No.38231439

nobody in the karate kid speaks fluent japanese. kind of sad that a bug eyed white guy speaks better japanese than mr miyagi

>> No.38231458

does it really matter how he views them? would that make any difference as to whether or not you should become one? if he gave each of them a handjob and a pat on the back, would that make it worth it?

>> No.38231472

do you think we're ever gonna get another calvin return

>> No.38231496


>> No.38231560

>if he gave each of them a handjob and a pat on the back, would that make it worth it?

>> No.38231586
File: 27 KB, 480x572, 39739B1C-B890-46C4-A9D2-0F6CD217ABC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You will NEVER sound native japanese thats a good thing heres why
>1. Japanese people think it's a redflag for a VARIETY of reasons when westerners try too hard to integrate, that majorly includes language mastery
>2. you will sound naturally intelligent (which is GOOD) if you speak with a thick accent PLUS have a wide vocabulary
>the ONLY pitch related thing you need to make sure japanese people can actually comprehend you is to ALWAYS use a heiban pitch for EVERYTHING, westerners naturally use atamadaka which is RARE and makes everything sound like JIBBERISH

>> No.38231609

you will never be japanese

>> No.38231688

holy cope

>> No.38231694

how can i practice heibanning full sentences

>> No.38231719

>use just the japanese and look up words as I need to?
Literally the best method.just a heads up theres a difference between studying and reading for pleasure you ought to pick the difficulty of the text accordingly and make sure to do both but not at the same time

>> No.38231721
File: 807 KB, 768x480, memento.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Memento is a FOSS, mpv-based video player for studying Japanese.


We're on Arch user repository.


>> No.38231740

Ask a question with one word, like "ok?" "Alright?" Now keep that upwards inflection and continue a sentence

>> No.38231796

keep up the good work my wigga.

>> No.38231871
File: 377 KB, 2048x2048, WS_Anime_Eyes_1_1024x1024@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can one of the based individuals here tell me where this vinyl sticker design is from? thanks

>> No.38231920

should i take the n3 exam?

>> No.38231930

that's called uptalk and makes you sound like a valley girl

>> No.38231951

imagine using loonix.

>> No.38231961

nah you misunderstood the post he gave a comically bad interpretation of pitch accent which is pretty funny

>> No.38232148

im going to bed

>> No.38232244
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>> No.38232245

imma learn chinese words on anki by pretending tones don't exist

>> No.38232287

>anacreon: yoga's alt account is an infamous spammer. he constantly hijacks our threads to shill his shit.


>> No.38232291



>> No.38232300


>> No.38232303
File: 2.04 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20220117_224425826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38232316

do you only like japanese obasans or white hags as well

>> No.38232319

>i will never be a fucked tooth, tiny, yellow, hive mind, naturally have adhd, dying country or a retard?
well thank god for i wasn't born in a shithole

>> No.38232325

holy fuck why is the new thread always posted way too far ahead in time
are there really that many suckers that desperately want to create the thread lmao

>> No.38232329

>dying country
no, the us is a dying country. their population is steadily rising because more and more mexicans enter the country. but white america is dying as much as japan

>> No.38232351

>they enter the country and fuck og

>> No.38232355

never said that. why are you so obsessed with og

>> No.38232360

hit me on the nose there boi
>everything else still valid
wait why am i learning jp again?
oversexualized race who offer kids shows and badly made media

>> No.38232369

you tell me soldier boy why are you learning japanese?

>> No.38232370

only og would think every post about her is made by one person

>> No.38232378
File: 607 KB, 940x529, 1642375540227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

higher ratio of yellow ones but there are cute white ones too like future og

>> No.38232379

>implying anyone here is nukefag
there's more than 1 person here shizo

>> No.38232383

>wait why am i learning jp again?
another one bites the dust

>> No.38232387

gross, imagine how many guys she's had already

>> No.38232395

og hears voices in her head
she's an actual schizo

>> No.38232418

i wish i was a voice in her head

>> No.38232425

she said she hears dead people bro
you gotta go down the ruka route

>> No.38232428

i am the voice inside your head you refuse to hear

>> No.38232430

i dont hear anything

>> No.38232431

is she that kid from the sixth sense or something lmfao?

>> No.38232437

as in people that she knew or is she just assigning nonliving status to imaginary voices as if theyre real

>> No.38232443

dont care as long its not some stupid amount
maybe i am
i know shell think of me every time she sees anything reverse age gap or mom son

>> No.38232542

bros is it bad i think of the no top vid of og everyday

>> No.38232556

why is it sick as fuck when the japanese add english to their songs but always cringe when english speakers add japanese (or literally any other language, really) to theirs?

>> No.38232568

good ending og turns into an obasan and realises only i could truly love her and finds me
then we 心中 when shes really getting old

>> No.38232590

unko tryna sell himself

>> No.38232593

I fuckin did it. I did all 500+ of my reviews I had been holding off.

>> No.38232595

eng bias

>> No.38232598

because english is the best language

>> No.38232606

english in japanese songs is cringe though

>> No.38232607

good job now you can start learning japanese

>> No.38232611

no fucking thanks why would I want to do that?

>> No.38232617

objectively wrong opinion from a weaboo. and the sun rises in the morning.

>> No.38232631

the sun sets when i get up cause only one god can be up at a time

>> No.38232646

you made all that show yesterday only to return the very next day?

>> No.38232659

im broken

>> No.38232681


>> No.38232718

all he's got is us
we need to spoil him a bit more and take good care of him

that's what family is for

>> No.38232730


>> No.38232732

hes got at least 3 skype girls he ero chats with everyday lmao

>> No.38232741

he returned the same day

>> No.38232765

Bought a daily planner to better plan my daily activities.

>> No.38232771

and hell never connect with any of them as deeply as he connects with us

>> No.38232786


>> No.38232792

the ero isnt every day
also i kind of hate japanese people at least rn

>> No.38232811

lol @ >>38228874 thinking he is better than matt cause matt fucked up a kanji on the quiz lmao the state of discordtards

>> No.38232818

>also i kind of hate japanese people at least rn
oh so that's why you were sperging yesterday, you got ghosted by one of your skype pals or something

>> No.38232819

can matt really not pass the n1 quiz

>> No.38232829

he probably just fucked up a kanji cause he wasn't immersing and all the butthurt retards took that as their proof so they would feel better about themselves

>> No.38232833

he failed once (you fail the quiz if you miss 1 question and have to take it again) and they keep bringing it up lol

>> No.38232844

you're so effeminate

>> No.38232847

its more like i had way deeper interactions in real languages and it was effortless got me down

>> No.38232858

crazy how much better my experience here is when I filter all namefags and tripfags

>> No.38232864

if even bunko cant have deep interactions in japanese i might as well just give up on love forever

>> No.38232865

I only really like the hololive posts here. Nothing else is really cool.

>> No.38232867

crazy how you're still in this thread

>> No.38232869

I am the thread

>> No.38232871

excited for this in a few mins

>> No.38232875

you can it just takes so much more work

>> No.38232877

crazy how much better my experience here is when i filter holoshits

>> No.38232879


>> No.38232880

love is a disney fairy tale, it doesnt exist irl

>> No.38232883

My true love is out there waiting for me I will find her.

>> No.38232888

you will never learn japanese lmao. you need to learn how to stop eating like shit and learn how to pick up some weights you ugly sack of shit.

>> No.38232889

more like hollow life haha

>> No.38232896

u will be ugly even after u lose weight

>> No.38232899

Why is everyone is a mood today.

>> No.38232901

based crab bros

>> No.38232902

true true
i just enjoy life not giving any fucks

>> No.38232909

ill just rely on the language barrier making me look smarter cuz shell never know i aint clever in english either

>> No.38232924

There should be a charity organization, but instead of giving people food they give girls frilly dresses to wear.

>> No.38232926

>real languages
>it was effortless
so you find out you're not as good at japanese as you thought and you got depressed like you did after the jlpt
don't really see how this is japanese people's problem though

>> No.38232930

if it aint zr i aint interested

>> No.38232943

obasan wearing cute conservative dresses that cover all her skin but shes no pan

>> No.38232946

bunko lost

>> No.38232947

he speaks to women all day of course he is, have you ever heard him speak japanese lol

>> No.38232949

ZR is a good idea too.

>> No.38232955

everything points to bunko eventually becoming a trap

>> No.38232956

by your posts, this sound more like yourself so turn on your monitor

>> No.38232971

>no, it's not me, it has to be the language

>> No.38232975


>> No.38232997

bunko? more like bunkope

>> No.38232998

no way
too hairy too tall hairline not good for it

>> No.38233001

lsd is the best drug for learning japanese just take 50ug twice a week before reading and watch your gains soar

>> No.38233006

imaginary gains

>> No.38233016

obasan would never be happy next to bunko
he is too self-absorbed

>> No.38233022


>> No.38233023

why is that lady on your nintendo switch

>> No.38233031

just take estrodial and progesterone like the rest of us and youll get there

>> No.38233047

is it working

>> No.38233051

I'll tell you in a month.

>> No.38233071
File: 52 KB, 1067x800, pcblsd_withskull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope they're real
at low doses like 50ug all lsd does is make you stop overthinking shit and activates more of your brain to make stronger memories of whatever you learn

>> No.38233080

based off how i act in a thread full of anons
shes my wife

>> No.38233094
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>> No.38233097
File: 439 KB, 1536x2048, FJVGNEqWYAYfMdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but kimonos

>> No.38233110

wow thats literally so me

>> No.38233122
File: 542 KB, 942x1340, FJX6PvNacAMopew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acquired エアプ

>> No.38233165
File: 239 KB, 800x600, CROSSCHANNEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38233178

wow this has been unko since his very first post here but some people either aren't picking up on it or are giving him attention despite the fact

>> No.38233183

good scene

>> No.38233189

wow can i have the code of her jav?

>> No.38233195

buy clothes from lolita wardrobe and donate it to charity.

>> No.38233229 [DELETED] 

fuck i hate japanese so fucking much, you dumb fucking race you already have a word for it why make a new one fuck these niggers

>> No.38233230

>tfw they show kids in africa or syria wearing goth loli clothes on tv
would be kino

>> No.38233264


>> No.38233269

she only did some cosplay photobooks

>> No.38233274

it's not that i don't agree with you but you're probably an eop

>> No.38233284

its not that you don't agree with me but kill yourself

>> No.38233289

well 写真集s are a part of the same industry i'm sure it's a matter of time

>> No.38233296

>check n5 word list
>words I don't know
it's over

>> No.38233308

its probably some shit about postal services or trains
who cares

>> No.38233313

link pls

>> No.38233315

n5->n1 are proper indicators of japanese skill from novice to fluent, just because you can cheat on them doesn't mean otherwise

>> No.38233316

list some and ill tell you how ashamed you should be

>> No.38233319

perfect blue まんげ dopamine

>> No.38233331

she deleted them all dont have them but here's her insta

>> No.38233349
File: 886 KB, 1330x771, 1615270077925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guess what it means?

>> No.38233350

here are all of them
煩い(うるさい)(never seen kanji)

>> No.38233352


>> No.38233361

i dont know what i could have done with your help!!!!!

>> No.38233376

minicancer post

>> No.38233378

it's not in emdict so i'm gonna guess it's internet slang for zannen n tozen

>> No.38233387
File: 783 KB, 1271x719, 1625324068179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close enough

>> No.38233409
File: 405 KB, 673x630, 1619336879018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they realize how retarded they look in these things right

>> No.38233422


>> No.38233431

why did they stop drawing まんげ in anime

>> No.38233435

you should feel most bad about hatachi probably

>> No.38233443

how long have you been learning

>> No.38233460

im ngmi

>> No.38233461
File: 769 KB, 732x724, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38233467

why doesn't 素 have a reading for しろう as in 素人

>> No.38233474


>> No.38233479


>> No.38233487

what's that paper she's holding?

>> No.38233502

>activates more of your brain to make stronger memories of whatever you learn
just cause more of your brain is being used doesn't mean it's actually doing anything useful

>> No.38233507

Her teeth are scary!

>> No.38233510


>> No.38233513


>> No.38233515

i'll tell you now it won't

>> No.38233520

Why do you think that.

>> No.38233533

they also say that too i think

>> No.38233534


>> No.38233536

had to scroll way too long to find a pic worth looking at

>> No.38233542

addicted druggies coping so hard rn

>> No.38233544

like 9 months

I knew how to read these except 煩い at one point, when I did core 6k. but since I deleted that I've forgotten a lot of stuff I haven't come across while reading.

>> No.38233545
File: 104 KB, 650x463, b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38233553


>> No.38233557

thats bad

>> No.38233565

the problem is with you and you would've fixed it by now and since you haven't a planner won't do shit

>> No.38233569

low iq post

>> No.38233570

where does the ぜ in 女衒 and 瞽女 come from

>> No.38233584


>> No.38233594

I disagree, taking steps to make easier the things I want to do will make them more achievable. The idea that I can't improve because I already would have done so is a very bad mindset and believing that wouldn't help me at all.

>> No.38233595

>deletes anki and forgets
many such cases

>> No.38233598

@the people who have played いつか届くあの空に
i finished futami s route and i wanted to play konome's. i picked the right choices and it feels like im replaying futami's all over agian?
here is where i got my 攻略 from http://blog.livedoor.jp/k_o_blog/archives/38131485.html , the only difference between livedoor and https://seiya-saiga.com/game/lumpofsugar/itsusora.html is that you pick akuma instead of tenshi. does it matter am i going crazy?

>> No.38233602

google says it comes from じょ

>> No.38233610

>The idea that I can't improve because I already would have done so is a very bad mindset and believing that wouldn't help me at all.
learn english you retard

>> No.38233618

theres nothing wrong with forgetting words you dont see in your immersion

>> No.38233623

>expecting bunko to actually know japanese
matt would probably know it though

>> No.38233634


>> No.38233635

That was English and it was in response to your statement where you claimed.
>the problem is with you and you would've fixed it by now and since you haven't a planner won't do shit

>> No.38233637

he just told you tho it comes from じょ

>> No.38233639

you're very stupid and no way he didn't see those words in his immersion

>> No.38233641


>> No.38233650

>your statement
it was part of my statement which was part of a bigger statement, learn to understand the whole statement

>> No.38233661

N5 vocabulary is very common. Sure, it has vocabulary like "post office" and you might say you don't need that. And I guess as an ESL, since I don't live in an english speaking country, I don't really need to know the meaning of post office either. What's a post office? Durrr I don't know, but I'm totally an intellectual guys

>> No.38233666

>he just told
google did, it also doesn't really explain it and that's cause bunko doesn't really get it

>> No.38233679

>i'm fluent in english
>what's a 'post office'

>> No.38233681

>I have bought a planner to help me plan.

>No you can't do that because you shouldn't improve.

>That's not a good mindset to have.

>Learn english.


>> No.38233692

yeah he had to tell you what google says because you're too much of a noob to even read n5 japanese, why are you playing with big boy words?

>> No.38233701

planners are for low iq people

>> No.38233706

i forget stuff like 書留 every time because i literally never see it and then i try to read it in onyomi like a retard

>> No.38233708

lol bro just google 女衒 ぜ なぜ next time

>> No.38233716

>yeah he had to tell you what google says because you're too much of a noob to even read n5 japanese
no he had to do it cause he didn't know either, despite being beyond native lol

>> No.38233727


have a feeling these are getting easier

>> No.38233728

>No you can't do that because you shouldn't improve.
i never said that so yeah you should learn english

>> No.38233737

I don't think you know what you said.

>> No.38233744

i can still remember what a cute girl said to me 12 years ago but i can't remember the word i read this morning

>> No.38233746

i do you don'

>> No.38233751
File: 587 KB, 800x600, Itsusora_2021-12-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used http://sagaoz.net/foolmaker/game/a/itsusora.html
konomes route doesnt start until after all the teribina shit gets wrapped up
just use the skip 既読 text feature

>> No.38233754

still remember onaden girl making kiss noises and saying dashite

>> No.38233757

You haven't a clue.

>> No.38233758

hard to forget "get the fuck away from me you inbred psycho" though.

>> No.38233759

see this is why you talk to cute japanese girls you'll be fluent in no time

>> No.38233767


>> No.38233784

wow a fat ugly chick said that? no way

>> No.38233800

no, it was more along the lines of "you're cute but you need to be more confident"

>> No.38233802
File: 147 KB, 700x933, a813voQ_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38233805

if i meet someone irl who likes this shit like that geek doth i'm going to go s** h*** self defense mode on them

>> No.38233807
File: 479 KB, 532x710, Screen Shot 2022-01-18 at 21.25.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38233813

and then you grabbed her by the まんこ?

>> No.38233817

shes only sent really 加工された pics lmao

>> No.38233825

k-on is one of the best anime series ever made
i rewatch it once per year and it always makes me tear up
i feel sad that you were born without a soul


>> No.38233832

yeah and then she said get the fuck away from me you inbred psycho

>> No.38233838

>b-but you wanted me to be more confident...

>> No.38233841

ye can see why her mouth is closed in 99% of her pics

>> No.38233847

confidence =/= sexual assault lol

>> No.38233861

damn my wet whitoid ear wax

>> No.38233875

wonder if they have services where the girl cleans your ear with their tongue, might be a good business opportunity

>> No.38233884

crazy how retarded the people itt are

>> No.38233896

That would be incredibly ticklish.

>> No.38233901

lol wrote this in a note app for some reason

>> No.38233903

found an animu that i can chug
>Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!

>> No.38233910


>> No.38233919

you write like a woman

>> No.38233920
File: 15 KB, 514x359, 1640126898108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the point of putting a totally different sentence

>> No.38233924

this was a good chug in s1 but everything after was kinda boring

>> No.38233929


>> No.38233930
File: 59 KB, 403x275, b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38233937

lol first day looking at real life keigo?

>> No.38233941

it's an expression
the word is in there, it just means something different in that context

>> No.38233944

its the equivalent english proverb

>> No.38233948

because that's what it means

>> No.38233950
File: 254 KB, 666x666, brat question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it bad to set my new card count to 0 for a week or two so i can catch up as theres too many words i dont know now

>> No.38233951

wheres the fix

>> No.38233952

is your internal monologue in keigo too

>> No.38233965

just do whatever you think is best

>> No.38233966

ある isn't keigo. you'll find out more when you're restudying to pass the jlpt. maybe you should start from n5 next time

>> No.38233967

yeag might as well quit entirely if you do that

>> No.38233971

>you'll find out more when you're restudying to pass the jlpt

>> No.38233977

its danish all caps
do you know how people go from keigo to tame though? slowly doing stuff like that and gauging the reaction

>> No.38233980

no it doesn't it means literally what it says
it doesn't

>> No.38233983

no they just switch when they realize the person is the same social standing as them or lower

>> No.38233991

>what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

what's the point of putting a totally different sentence

>> No.38233994

learning another language is like learning how to not be autistic with adhd

>> No.38233998


>> No.38234010

>do you know how people go from keigo to tame though? slowly doing stuff like that and gauging the reaction
what a crazy cope how do you even come up with these, you're really way better than qm lol
holy shit

>> No.38234012

>it doesn't
do you understand what a proverb is? "a penny saved is a penny earned" doesn't literally mean that either, it's implied meaning is much more broad

>> No.38234017

why does bunko's japanese feel weird?

>> No.38234023

ive literally asked japanese people about how the switching happens and thats what they all said (vc btw

>> No.38234027
File: 36 KB, 508x382, tough place.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38234029

he is right

>> No.38234036

low iq post

>> No.38234041

cause im weird

>> No.38234045

cause he talks with old women all day

>> No.38234064

they probably were just trying to give you advice about what to do because they read the kuuki of your question and knew you wouldn't be able to participate in japanese societal norms like them and have to just gauge people's reactions.

>> No.38234072

they probably said that cause you don't understand japanese social standing

>> No.38234073


>> No.38234075

lmfao bunko taking so many l's

>> No.38234092


>> No.38234093

literally nobody outputs as much as me into these threads and your criticisms are always pretty damn minor just saying

>> No.38234099

samefag there's not even that many people posting rn

>> No.38234100

>ある is keigo
>*gets called out*
>*deflects by talking about how people switch from keigo to tame*

>> No.38234106
File: 4 KB, 400x121, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry m8

>> No.38234108

i'm the middle guy and i only made that post but i agree
still funny

>> No.38234113

>a penny saved is a penny earned" doesn't literally mean that
uhm yeah it does

>> No.38234114

>literally nobody outputs as much as me
lol cope, also crazy how output so much but still know so little
>into these threads
maybe output more english lol

>> No.38234115

ta me or eng tame?
reading jp stumped my eng

>> No.38234116

Closing the tab for today. Maybe next week thread will be better.

>> No.38234119

concession accepted

>> No.38234131

thats jizai english fuck you

>> No.38234135

lol as i said that's why you still come here just cause you feel like you're superior. what a fag

>> No.38234136

bunko speaks more japanese than i speak my native language
i actually haven't spoken to anyone in 3 hours

>> No.38234144

>thats jizai english fuck you
it's wrong english

>> No.38234152

im in shock that bunkos internal monologue is monolingual

>> No.38234163

until my poetry starts selling tho

>> No.38234165

i don't like what they're doing to bunko rn but he's been very cocky lately so i don't feel sympathetic either

>> No.38234173

yo bunko can you make a youtube channel

>> No.38234178

>i actually haven't spoken to anyone in 3 hours
in uni i had periods of 3 weeks where i didnt speak to anyone lol

>> No.38234179

hes ban evading on top of that

>> No.38234180

and make what lol

>> No.38234190
File: 121 KB, 960x720, b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38234192

apart from 4chan i don't speak to anyone

>> No.38234195

your own uproot haha no im kidding.
make videos of your japanese journey

>> No.38234210

tell us more about anacreon.

>> No.38234216

nobody shits as much as me into these threads
yeah ill give that a native level stamp it feels aight

>> No.38234219

i agree with all of these what is the fix bro
have a feeling its coming to an end

>> No.38234232

did you find these on some emo tumblr blog

>> No.38234233

>have a feeling its coming to an end

>> No.38234239

>have a feeling its coming to an end
bro don't give up im sure if you study hard you will pass n1 next attempt

>> No.38234244

only normoids care about such faggotries

>> No.38234252


>> No.38234254

ur forcing it u sound gay now

>> No.38234258

i thought i knew japanese
i didnt know japanese

>> No.38234268


>> No.38234269

damn what's making this seether target bunko specifically
yeah he's a annoying proto tranny that should fuck off but he knows his shit
smells like clenching

>> No.38234279

it's amazing how a guy who's banned for at least a month while posting under a name can post from a different ip but with that same name undisturbed

>> No.38234290

the mods cant read his name

>> No.38234296

he randomly seethes at namefags i remember his posts

>> No.38234303

>why is it sick as fuck when the japanese add english to their songs
it’s not

>> No.38234305

it's because he doesn't have a trip code

>> No.38234342

cassette tapeのclickity clacks

>> No.38234356

cassettes don't make any sound like that

>> No.38234357

dno bros if bunko gives up on nihongo i might too everyone who you think has made it gets owned in the end

>> No.38234358

i mean bunko is the one who took it

>> No.38234366

bunko bonder

>> No.38234373

its not giving up its stopping caring

>> No.38234382

bunko didn't make it cause he didn't have anything to make to start with, another case of a retard trying to learn japanese due to brain disease and then their brain disease making them want to do something else

>> No.38234384

zoomers don’t know anything about cassettes

>> No.38234386

matt is posting here

>> No.38234388

bunko bonda

>> No.38234389

what does giving up on nihongo even mean
im not learning it to show off

im learning it because i was already watching anime, manga, games etc. all day for years so i might as well learn it

>> No.38234396

>but he knows his shit
i mean he doesn't >>38196388

>> No.38234407

you have no idea what i meant there self own tengoku iki

>> No.38234415

get on stream with him

>> No.38234439

jamal would be so mad

>> No.38234442


>> No.38234443

i like this one better

>> No.38234447

do i have to get on stream with calvin and nuke as well lol?

>> No.38234461

*crosses bunko off list of heroes*

>> No.38234467

nah bro just stream yourself reading and explaining a vinnie in japanese

>> No.38234482

man bunko getting killed and buried within the span of a single thread

>> No.38234485


>> No.38234487


what is it about 手 that makes people 自爆

>> No.38234503

how would that make bunko know japanese?

>> No.38234507

katsu ge
katsu ge

>> No.38234524
File: 19 KB, 487x159, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw ngmi

>> No.38234527

he already knows it bro he did those things

>> No.38234529

you want to explain then?

>> No.38234543

so did qm but ciaran didn't so ciaran doesn't know japanese but qm does?

>> No.38234545

62% is delete your deck and take a few months off anki enjoying sick eroge territory

>> No.38234547
File: 82 KB, 662x755, 43974ec24a114380b215e8950c9f406eb81mD_display.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the left nihongod on the right
like they will say 逆切れ when the other person just gets mad at something they did

>> No.38234559

qm being unable to read はやい was the funniest shit

>> No.38234566

ydkjapanese (people)

>> No.38234574

not helping your case here

>> No.38234588

what are you trying to say lol bunko streamed for hours and no one could find a mistake

>> No.38234608

dont care bunko won

>> No.38234612
File: 172 KB, 368x324, gohan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they did my boy dirty

>> No.38234626

so this is the power of sentence cards

>> No.38234632

literally lolled
why do i even bother

>> No.38234635

he was just reading a book doubt anybody listened to more than 5 minutes of that shit

>> No.38234636

so i did know what you mean lol yeah you're retarded

>> No.38234648

hard to think he didn't make any mistakes given the ones pointed in the post above more likely people just didn't listen like they did to qm

>> No.38234650
File: 11 KB, 304x108, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mined 20 cards yesterday
havent mined that much in a long time

>> No.38234655

yeah they got filtered and left when they realized his whole stream was in japanese and there was no english like quiz's stream

>> No.38234665

this is like a esl telling a native they don't know how to use 'literally' when they use it for emphasis

>> No.38234678


>> No.38234687

i saw him read 髑髏 correctly then i closed the stream

>> No.38234693

the esl would be right

>> No.38234735

nice try esl-kun but no

>> No.38234743
File: 316 KB, 772x741, tanpon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38234748

do you think niggers are using correct english when they talk or no

>> No.38234793

married skype woman rn
fuck it

>> No.38234806

i like women with dicks

>> No.38234836

they speaking their own dialect

>> No.38234860

they use a different pitch accent

>> No.38234915
File: 178 KB, 1200x629, 1642514312840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women don't have those things. you are gay. anyways, it's time for yuru yuri... but first, my reps.

>> No.38234918

talking about her shitagi

>> No.38234942

so when's your sex reassignment surgery?

>> No.38234943


>> No.38234993


>> No.38235008

love yuri, hate men. simple as that.

>> No.38235017

lmfao at this guy talking about japanese culture and then mentioning playing genshin

>> No.38235081

ive come

>> No.38235095

the front page of this forum is so depressing. honestly the only hope most of these people might have is paying matto 500 bucks for his course.

>> No.38235107
File: 63 KB, 237x262, sou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38235112

if matt sues anacreon will we all really be doxed by a subpoena? im frightened bros

>> No.38235129


>> No.38235137

im just on a public message board laughing at a trash youtuber idk what ur on abt

>> No.38235169

in the unlikely event he did sue, he would definitely be able to find a lawyer to take his money to prepare court documents. those court documents would be hilarious. remember when maddox tried to sue that guy for making fun of him.

>> No.38235186

change your ip before its too late bro

>> No.38235208

uh oh

>> No.38235225

this is why i bought a lifetime subscription for nordvpn
nordvpn creating a safer and better internet

>> No.38235247

yeah and in between safely browsing the internet i take breaks to play some raid shadow legends

>> No.38235256

i acutally tried aids shadow legends for like a day and it looked so retarded itsl ike just play epic seven br0

>> No.38235362

i tried a couple of mobile games and they all sucked withing the first 10 minutes
especially nippon made gacha games

>> No.38235416

if you play shit games they suck yeah try good games next time

>> No.38235425

because they're mostly just digital slot machines

>> No.38235431

genshin is chinese shit
other stuff they said is good
also if you didn't follow ajatt, mia or refold you wouldn't know about scams and how to waste your time

>> No.38235442

i uninstalled genshit after the pathetic 1 year anniv event

>> No.38235453

i uninstalled it few days cause it has nothing going for it other then dailies and women

>> No.38235459

honkai was unironically a better game

genshit is a mobile game with no auto button lol

>> No.38235491

what 酒 to かう bros

>> No.38235521


>> No.38235527

holy shit Microsoft just bought blizzard and activision for 70 billion

>> No.38235539

yeah thats unironically the end of the stock market right there

>> No.38235540

i know you're young and therefore think you are invincible but i encourage you to stop putting that poison in your body now. the consequences five or ten years down the line may be very unpleasant.

>> No.38235552

>matt actually learned japanese at school
no. he took highschool american classes on the topic. but he didn't actually learn japanese.

>> No.38235562

imagine buying a cancelled company due to women lmao

>> No.38235583

its pretty rare that i drink more than a beer

>> No.38235609

>other stuff they said is good
the other stuff is just them coping about their progress and making up shit like
>oh those people that make fast progress they're just depressed and you'd know more about japanese culture if you don't go as fast as them
or some shit. also just don't be retarded and you won't get scammed what ajatt and spinoffs say is good advice, as for not spending your time in japanese learning communities well he is literally posting that on reddit so...

>> No.38235626

i had already given up on d4 but now it can only get worse

>> No.38235636

imagine thinking that's what happened

>> No.38235658

it is

>> No.38235687

women destroyed the rep of the company and here comes micro$ft to clean these streets grow towards their gaming monopoly and wipe out a competitor all in one fell swoop

>> No.38235716

dunno microsoft is incredibly wealthy they could've gotten monopoly on gaming decades ago

>> No.38235738

not really

>> No.38235746

can't wait for all activision and blizzard games to be xbox xclusives

>> No.38235747

no real point because competition is what creates good games

happens in big business all the time let the small guys make somethnig cool then buy them out later and profit off their work

but now that gaming is just about dead microsoft knows the time is now to take things to the next level (of the death of gaming)

>> No.38235760

well i never played any of their dogshit games except hearthstone but all their games are pc based anyway i think not that i would ever play them lol

>> No.38235763

alternatively microsoft is like whats his name from inuyasha with the black hole hand and they r just gonna suck up all the companies that make shit games 1 at a time till theres no more and then maybe som1 will make a good game

>> No.38235782

it sucks that they own id software

>> No.38235783

don't mind that anon, hes not well, like for real

>> No.38235791

xbox one sucked dick

>> No.38235796

i havent ever played an xbox and i never fuckin will

>> No.38235797

you watch vtubers all day. nuff said

>> No.38235803

can't imagine playing games on a console

>> No.38235809

only games that r unplayable on console r fps

>> No.38235810

xbox 360 was good

>> No.38235815

played demon's souls on my ps5 yesterday

>> No.38235830


>> No.38235844

depends where you put the line between playable and not, for me that makes every single game unplayable

>> No.38235848


>> No.38235869

he sounds based ngl

>> No.38235886

gamepads were clearly not made with human hands in mind i feel i gotta bend my very physiology every time i try to play a game i would effortlessly beat on a pc with one

>> No.38235891

>nooooo!1! you immerse too much you should be talking about ecelebs instead!1!1!!!


>> No.38235899

wrong i also watch jav

>> No.38235901

no you don't

>> No.38235908

usually its both at the same time #65inlife

>> No.38235913

i couldn't believe the guy had a grudge because matt insulted his japanese learning. what a pussy

>> No.38235927


>> No.38235928

30 yo sent pic with a cat filter

>> No.38235931

concession ACCEPTED, bg kidez

>> No.38235942

hes right

>> No.38235980


>> No.38235987
File: 297 KB, 734x369, yuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its all just an act?

my world is shattered

>> No.38235995

lets get this thread back on track

>> No.38236013


>> No.38236018

hmmm shes unironically pretty good

>> No.38236023

yeah in the 3d world it's all just an act. that's why 2d is superior.

>> No.38236039

crazy how 10 year guy leaves and mlen joins
the eternal diarrhea conveyor belt

>> No.38236044

the vtard is such an obvious samefag its insane

>> No.38236067

i see schizo has a new imaginary friend that he paranoidly imagines is posting everwhere

>> No.38236096

ugly slog market day im bored

>> No.38236098

watching the expanse with jp subs was a rather pleasant experience, 100% comprehension

>> No.38236116

how could u have less than 100% comprehension when the text is in front of u lmao

>> No.38236125

warned you bro

>> No.38236126

How are you so shit?
Are you adding like 100 cards a day or what?

>> No.38236134

still better than chance, you got this

>> No.38236168

buy some dihexa and start exercising more, u need to fix up that dumb-dumb brain of yours

>> No.38236184
File: 15 KB, 224x325, 24llgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's adding under 200 a day

>> No.38236188

don't you mean 臭う

>> No.38236226

3 new skype women
average age about 26
2 neets 1 married talking about えろ

>> No.38236233

I couldn't see 200 high quality new words even if I immersed for 15 hours

>> No.38236243

dopamine receptors: deep fried

>> No.38236250


>> No.38236272

that's because you are immersing in vomit.

>> No.38236288

reminder that 4chan includes an option to report rule-breaking posts

>> No.38236290

beyond based, what was that low t shit earlier?

>> No.38236291


>> No.38236296

Ask me how I know you have less than 5000 mined cards

>> No.38236312

how many mined cards do you have.

>> No.38236325

true true
so spread to different subjects, bro, are you implying japanese ends at 5k words? cmon
japanese has more words than the night has stars visible in a rustic, non light polluted, clear night with perfect atmospheric conditions

>> No.38236332

space jungle fever is much better in the original japanese

>> No.38236335

could probably mine 200 words within 11 seconds of any youtube video, feels bad

>> No.38236351

maybe try moving beyond shounenshit

>> No.38236358

open an encyclopedia nyaguh

>> No.38236363

japanese has more words than degrasse has bikes in his garage

>> No.38236389

degrasses 車庫 is the new 猫箱

>> No.38236397


>> No.38236407

neil degrasse tyson

>> No.38236416

I mine from VNs and after a few hours in a new VN when the new vocab is all shown I can manage to mine about 10 high quality words per hour
Yeah I can mine from other sources but what's the point of immersing if you're only doing it to mine your X words a day?

>> No.38236417

he knows

>> No.38236418

an avid cyclist

>> No.38236423

science nigger

>> No.38236425

neil d'ass tyson

>> No.38236435

oh, cuz hes black

>> No.38236441

>he can only read one vinnie a day
also read books you melanin enriched person

>> No.38236449 [DELETED] 

黒ppl lmao

>> No.38236451

racism isn't cool

>> No.38236459 [DELETED] 

shut up nigger

>> No.38236469

you will be exposed for your racist comments when matt's court case doxes everyone who has ever posted in djt

>> No.38236477

that's entirely the result of your choices and interests then, dont act like someone with interests beyond masturbating to still images couldn't mine ten or twenty times that with ease

>> No.38236478

who's gonna care

>> No.38236485

Matt's too busy uprooting shekels from eops to care

>> No.38236486

another big l for uppercasers

>> No.38236489

the flaw is you can't really cancel neets, what are you gonna do, contact their parents? "yo your kids fucked" "no way really?"

>> No.38236498
File: 9 KB, 484x108, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38236508

don't you have a job

>> No.38236515

interesting example sentence

>> No.38236530

if matto isnt a scammer he sohuld explain in japanese in 500 to 1000 words why not imo

>> No.38236535
File: 2.46 MB, 1200x1279, 1642522131962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how many of these have you read?

>> No.38236538

yea. doesnt matter if i get fired.

>> No.38236546

didnt even read the page bc i didnt click the link

>> No.38236567

strange that moe had to say something about his blackness even though he claims to know nothing about the guy

>> No.38236568

asked for a vodka and got the cheapest one he didnt even ask lmao
thats the one i wanted though

>> No.38236581

i dont recall

>> No.38236588


>> No.38236594

worst case you date an OL and leech off her

>> No.38236605

love bombing this obasan frfr

>> No.38236611

where do you get money for alcohol and drugs from

>> No.38236617

i will be self employed soon

>> No.38236624

basan keep up

>> No.38236630

this is so dumb. I dont think yoga would release paralled tools to his tools so that he can troll.

>> No.38236631

was gonna pick up some beer on the way home but i forgot.

>> No.38236633

can't wait to subscribe to moe's of after he transitions

>> No.38236635


>> No.38236656

imagine defiling the temple of your body with alcohol

>> No.38236664

sounds good

>> No.38236672

it's not like i'm a physician or mathematician. who gives a shit?

>> No.38236676

even the king of djt, jamal, is a druggie.

>> No.38236692

lies, jacuck is straight edge, thats all he had going for him

>> No.38236694

thats the dream god dame
but nah the real answer is the money paid for going to school is the same no matter what part of the country you live in so 田舎 boys have hella 余裕

>> No.38236705

bunko what will you do when you are canceled

>> No.38236722
File: 9 KB, 417x102, dtm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't test me

>> No.38236731

only 10, i paused new cards tho because i don't know a lot of them

>> No.38236735

no he admitted to getting high a couple of threads back. check the archives.

>> No.38236736

correctional facility

>> No.38236750

田舎兄貴達 we keep... losing... its cold and humid and full of bugs and the rice paddies are mosquito breeding grounds and the fucking tsukutsuku whatevers NEVER FUCKING SHUT UP oh god... and the leg warmer blankets looked so much comfier oh god i just want to die...

>> No.38236763

>even the king of djt
more like a court jester

>> No.38236769


>> No.38236770

i didnt mean actually high just retarded lol havent smoked a plant in several years

>> No.38236774
File: 281 KB, 356x730, indo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning sirs

>> No.38236776


>> No.38236801

straightedge is like virginity bro one high means you are defiled forever

>> No.38236814

i said i was a born again sXe and virgin tho

>> No.38236817

would gladly give her a good morning every day

>> No.38236819

>i meant i was high as in not high

>> No.38236831

acquired 口実

>> No.38236874

btw asexual

>> No.38236883


>> No.38236932

haven't you embarrassed yourself enough this thread?

>> No.38236991


>> No.38236995

seethe mlen

>> No.38237002

i havent embarrassed myself scrubs just keep saying im wrong even though im not because im better at their stupid hobby than them without even trying

>> No.38237037

wotd 膀胱

>> No.38237068


>> No.38237076

uh yeah i know

>> No.38237094

you are wrong though, maybe because you don't try and you're not smart

>> No.38237103
File: 83 KB, 497x292, ss2022-01-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38237110

Funny to see how recognition of his ability went straight to his head and now he thinks he's some sort of nihongod

>> No.38237116


>> No.38237123

im above average

>> No.38237130

Holy fuck now this is worth money

>> No.38237143

how are you not trying you've probably spent the most time on it out of everyone itt

>> No.38237152


>> No.38237154

this was the beginning of the meltdown let it be known

>> No.38237162

>im above average
and wrong

>> No.38237167

>im better at their stupid hobby than them without even trying
you have read vns, books, chatted with people, whitenoised podcasts, watched a billion hours of youtube content, did anki cards, studied pitch, etc...

how is that not trying?

>> No.38237168


>> No.38237175

so the real meltdown is going to happen in 6-12 months?

>> No.38237180

all according to 計画

>> No.38237187

>im above average
for this >>38237167 much trying you're probably well below average

>> No.38237188

more like 6-12 minutes

the boys bein roped in by trolls and is finna implode

>> No.38237215
File: 137 KB, 347x379, tomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do girls do this

>> No.38237239


>> No.38237247

girls who piss together shit together or so the saying goes

>> No.38237254

I signed up for the mattvsjapan newsletter like a cuck half a year ago. I unsubbed a few weeks ago and that fuck is still sending me shit

>> No.38237258

Because supreme gentlemen let them get away with it

>> No.38237262

make a yt vid about it

>> No.38237270

true true

>> No.38237309
File: 51 KB, 350x350, 1642526103158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38237313

amazingly well done

>> No.38237326
File: 101 KB, 286x352, 自慰.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38237337

give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet

>> No.38237346

thinkin im gonna go to a random barber shop in some shoddy run down plaza that looks like it hasnt changed from the 1980s and ask the guy to give me a chonmage

>> No.38237359


>> No.38237384

why are you learning japanese instead of Chinese?

>> No.38237386

is this real?

>> No.38237388

no thx dont wanna get sued

>> No.38237398

dame the internet used to be about freedom what a tragedy that it has come to somebody saying this even as a joke

>> No.38237403


>> No.38237407

im not

>> No.38237416

where to talk to japanese girls?

>> No.38237417

well thats because in the last 20 years infrastructure has been put in place to better capture data and link it to people

stop using google, fb, twitter, etc

>> No.38237422

clueless wow i cant wait to use this word in a conversation

>> No.38237424

moe has given up on his japanese journey (and his weight loss journey)

>> No.38237426


>> No.38237439

skypech, hellotalk, japan
japanese porn is better, albeit the idiot burgers cursed it with mosaics and due to a lot of things, it hasn't been fixed after all these fucking years

>> No.38237448

you literally just told him to use youtube

>> No.38237449

they track you on other unrelated sites if you have js enabled and a fucking crazy long list of other resources to block

>> No.38237466

yea fb and google have shit in every site these days but it is what it is

yea but that was before he said the thing he said

>> No.38237469

its hard to keep track of what one says at his age, be kind

>> No.38237483

i can't believe i'm actually getting nervous over the possibility of being doxxed from a lawsuit over a reddit post
living with anxiety about every little thing that has a tiny chance of happening is a special kind of hell for me

>> No.38237487

you want to see dicks dude are you gay?

>> No.38237497

you talk like a woman

>> No.38237507

ask your doctor about benzodiazepines, they will fix all your problems.

>> No.38237508

if anything they'll go after the djt discord members
what are they gonna get out of a few shitposting retards like ourselves

>> No.38237512

sou iu
gei dakara

>> No.38237520
File: 53 KB, 500x383, 1642527332012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38237533

had my iq tested and it was 150+, it doesn't mean shit

>> No.38237534

what happened fill me in

>> No.38237540

nuke threatened his life

>> No.38237545

wouldn't be too bad if matt gets cream back for doxing him

>> No.38237554

bro, how will i know how to insert stick a into manko b if i can't see either? you ever wonder why zoomers are all fucked up and nips are herbivores? this idiocy is why, one cant get hungry if they can't see the steak

>> No.38237557
File: 956 KB, 900x1280, 058f597bd801bbe5939c5ba1785432f6071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japan is over

>> No.38237562

calling "learning japanese" a "journey"? cringe.

>> No.38237564

nuke sent the uproot boyz around to see him

>> No.38237567

what does mtf mean in this context?

>> No.38237577

man monolingual definitions are absolute shit for anki until ur advanced

>> No.38237581
File: 345 KB, 825x403, mtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38237589


>> No.38237591

oh god no... burgers are mentally ill guy was right... japan why...?

>> No.38237599
File: 146 KB, 450x287, 世も末.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38237607
File: 1.10 MB, 1119x2048, nuke goes insane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38237615

message request from japanese girl in denmark :O

>> No.38237618
File: 252 KB, 1271x1023, IMG_20220115_092243_484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38237621

and that's a GOOD thing, japan YES!

>> No.38237624
File: 64 KB, 300x441, Utaemon_Nakamura_VI_1951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japan is over bros...

>> No.38237626

something tells me this artist has never actually seen one of these in real life

>> No.38237638

based, slay king, how do you say chadthindercock in japanese?

>> No.38237645

i have a tested iq of 180 and i agree. iq is meaningless.

>> No.38237647

huh? they look just like that, bigot

>> No.38237692

shes married :(

>> No.38237694


>> No.38237702

cuck or be cucked my friend

>> No.38237706
File: 51 KB, 374x542, norwegian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, they do


>> No.38237724
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>im better at their stupid hobby than them without even trying

>> No.38237738

>*goes home spends all day learning japanese*

>> No.38237746

go home from whatだ

>> No.38237753

Even under the miles of makeup there's still the manjaw and skeletal structure

>> No.38237770

shes a girl, so its actually a girljaw

>> No.38237779

with a girl penis and a girl masculine skeleton

>> No.38237788

when i started i would star at text trying to snipe words since i didn't know what to do and retard niggers just say anime and anki
ofc now im vinny chad reading for pleasure

>> No.38237814

whats the new matto thingo?

>> No.38237815

Protag from smtv has some dick sucking lips I was hard af playing the game cause of it

>> No.38237823

you can basically show most 4chan retards a picture of any decent looking woman telling them it's a trap and they'll be like of course i knew that the moment i saw him cuz that one bone is 5mm away from where it's supposed to be for a female

>> No.38237832


>> No.38237842

matt's crowdfunding to get plastic surgery to look japanese

>> No.38237855

didnt get the game because his design is so stupid
dont wanna have to look at that eyesore for the entire game

>> No.38237860

there are many girls who look like trannies here

>> No.38237863

yeah they have brain damage

>> No.38237875

matts fundraising so he can transition for ken

>> No.38237884

do you think ur funny?

>> No.38237891


>> No.38237917

addicted to skype girls calling me an ikemen

>> No.38237919

stop spamming our threads, faggot, you're not welcome and your guide is shit

>> No.38237922

getting ike-man`d is basically the same as getting jozu`d just fyi

>> No.38237926

unfathomably based

>> No.38237928

gonna make it

>> No.38237939

you look like you run night shifts at the graveyard

>> No.38237941

so the fact you can't even get ikemened is embarassing

>> No.38237944
File: 1.06 MB, 960x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean?

>> No.38237947

thats just my toilet selfie bro i dont send that

>> No.38237958

i got a woman that thinks im reasonably iketelu so worry about urself u pimply faced little dork LOL

>> No.38237964


>> No.38237974

how fat is she bro

>> No.38237977


>> No.38237980

the man you pay for sex doesn't count

>> No.38237997

shes not fat but shes got some cushion and some ass ripples

dont sell urself short

>> No.38238005

I'm relatively new here but I've noticed that two guys claim to be the best (!!vIP1WeTo8K/ and ぶんこ)
So who is speaking the truth?

>> No.38238007

based enough

>> No.38238013


>> No.38238017


>> No.38238018

Whenever I can't be bothered to do anything outside of my reps I just come here and see the posts you retards make. I tell myself I never want to become like you, which motivates me to read, thanks for keeping me going guys

>> No.38238021

quizmaster is the best

>> No.38238027

too late

>> No.38238030

when did i ever claim to be the best

quote the post

>> No.38238034

hi me im me

>> No.38238035
File: 25 KB, 239x383, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38238040

My apologies! Where would you rank yourself then?

>> No.38238044


>> No.38238049

i sense fear

>> No.38238054

did you assume my gender shitlord

>> No.38238060

i was gonna say "would" but that's just too much makeup

>> No.38238096

i don't remember making this post but it was based

>> No.38238154

that aussiebro is such a qtpie

>> No.38238156


did u sign ur post ?

>> No.38238174


>> No.38238176

bro no, no matter how thirsty you get, bros don't let bros do that to themselves

>> No.38238177

gonna *** myself because of this post

>> No.38238178

>did u sign ur post ?
if he wanted to he'd put that in a new line

>> No.38238190

nice comeback actually

>> No.38238220
File: 81 KB, 800x450, arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Have a nice day."

>> No.38238233


>> No.38238238

i cant believe nukemarine wrote an entire essay as a concession to the redditor that owned him

>> No.38238240


>> No.38238247

wrong usage of that meme btw

>> No.38238251

and then got a warning from the reddit admins for "threats of violence" looool

>> No.38238257

only hard thing about japanese is the fucking kanjis.

>> No.38238258
File: 247 KB, 1125x733, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38238263

good post

>> No.38238266

do people really mine 200 words a day? feel that would make an insane backlog, i just mine n+1 and it meets the 15 new cards I do a day pretty well

>> No.38238270

I sent my application for the jlpt exam in july

>> No.38238272

love yuzusoft
need to pick up cafe stella again

>> No.38238274

everything i want to consume is too far above my level and most of everything i can comfortably consume blows

>> No.38238283

watch card captor sakura its good

>> No.38238288

like 75% of the greatest manga have furigana bro

>> No.38238292

then how come kanjis actually make it easy for me to understand shit in bleach?

>> No.38238295

ive fucked 400% of you're mom

>> No.38238302
File: 557 KB, 1280x720, ネコぱら.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the post of a true pseud

>> No.38238306

coconut is the worst girl

>> No.38238307

must be sad being a japanese dude who will never know what its like to get rubbed up on by some stupid neko bitch lol

>> No.38238312


>> No.38238323

but you probably don't even know easy kanji like 巷 is read as みなと without furigana

>> No.38238327

yes I did cockmaster69420

>> No.38238329

i don't get the joke

>> No.38238335
File: 329 KB, 1099x865, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38238340

nukemarine seethed himself out of existence

>> No.38238343

逆にhow else would i read this lmao

>> No.38238346

hes saying nuke chan typed have a nice day whilst actually having a cardiovascular episode where he involuntarily was clenching his fist due to his increasing blood pressure

>> No.38238348

oh ok thanks i wasn't sure if it was that or if anon was pissed at the sarcasm.

>> No.38238355

yeah i don't know why americans do that passive aggressive polite tone when they're obviously fucking seething and about to pop a vein

>> No.38238364

lol i remember when i thought like this

>> No.38238366

it's cope, there's a reason why phrases like "u mad bro?" infuriate people, no one wants to be seen losing their composure, no one wants to lose as badly as nuke did

>> No.38238367

when their parents raise them they tell them to always smile and be polite.

>> No.38238369

thing is, as you go, you take less and less time doing reps, now you can use that time masturbating to lolige, or you can mine adult entertainment for new and exciting words, the choice is yours

>> No.38238374

that's why when people tell me i'm mad i bite the bullet every time. heck yes i'm mad.

>> No.38238379

ask me if im mad i dare u

>> No.38238384

enlightenment only comes from ancient Buddhist fap scrolls

>> No.38238387

u mad bruh XD

>> No.38238388

u mad bro?

>> No.38238389
File: 113 KB, 750x750, 47.-no-you-ni-no-you-na.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38238393

they are raised as podslaves from a young age, any emotion outside of excitement or compliance is strongly discouraged

>> No.38238413
File: 10 KB, 524x223, image-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38238417

no because stocks and crypto r down down down lol

why did u link that at me

>> No.38238419

wait i thought chichi was tit, wtf

>> No.38238422

i always thought youni was similar and the no was a particle... interesting....

>> No.38238423

I didn't link anything

>> No.38238424

she's cringe
call her cringe and ghost her

>> No.38238425


>> No.38238427

you're thinking of tintin

>> No.38238430

shes based
call her based and fuck her

>> No.38238449

in japanese chichi is tardy (chikoku) or titty or daddy or milk get used to it

>> No.38238465

she only says shit like that because she knows it excites you. she doesn't intrinsically care.

>> No.38238486

og spitting facts

>> No.38238488
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1414, LlJ5X5u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone looking forward to the new pokemon game?

>> No.38238491

liar stfu

>> No.38238513

will she be in the game?

>> No.38238514

lol what

>> No.38238518

self explanatory

>> No.38238522

no but her great great great great great great great great great great grandmother will be

>> No.38238524
File: 248 KB, 900x1160, 1576191880375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no misty no buy

>> No.38238527

do japanese ppl refer to asoko as that playfully i actually dont know i know white ppl do obviously

>> No.38238529

i would capture the fuck out of that pokemon

>> No.38238535

if she's so great then why did she die

>> No.38238537

trying to bait out og by not calling her kasumi i see u

lol imagining just verbally spamming localized pokemon names at her till she spazzes out lmao

>> No.38238539

zamn or whatever the kids say

>> No.38238542

whos that? man the art style in polemon was so bad only recognized it by pikachu

>> No.38238550

rent free

zoomer begone

>> No.38238555

yeah but what do you know about her

>> No.38238562

she's a woman?

>> No.38238570


>> No.38238573

ah og won this argument

>> No.38238578

i want to have sex with pokegirls

>> No.38238598

gonna call her kasumi but like 'kuhsoomey'

>> No.38238601

i want Machamp(female) to crush my skull between her thighs

>> No.38238605


>> No.38238609

Record yourself speaking to real nips on VR chat like steve kaufmann or you are a poser

>> No.38238621

steve kaufmann would get spit on by a gang of ugandan knuckles and get a heart attack and fucking die

>> No.38238624

i want to have sex with real women, not cartoons

>> No.38238630


>> No.38238636

dangerously based

>> No.38238640

where does it say otherwise?

>> No.38238648


>> No.38238652

the way it says noyouni is the whole thing, idk in my mind it was a seperate

not のように
like if u asked me whats the word for similar id say ように

>> No.38238659

ur mums yoni

>> No.38238674
File: 138 KB, 651x640, fidbj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always remember

>> No.38238676



>> No.38238685

dont think ive ever seen youyaku written in kanji outside of wanikani

>> No.38238688

that was before he refolded his japanese into perfection and uprooted the infection
Matt sama is the greatest genius of our age

>> No.38238697

same but the opposite

>> No.38238709

can't believe the only negative thing a native could say about matt's accent is that he makes a mistake "every 10 seconds". every language learner on the planet would kill to be that good.

>> No.38238714

yeah these guys are basically nerds practicing their pickup lines while matt is out there slaying puss

>> No.38238717

messing up the reading of 闇 and そうそう and 広義 and all that other shit in his live vn readings were infinitely worse than this

>> No.38238721

remember what? the one time he messed up in the "insane" kanji quiz?

>> No.38238724


>> No.38238726


>> No.38238731

>speak like an elementary schooler
>still screw up every ten seconds

>> No.38238733

matt did kill to be that good tho

>> No.38238734

getting him to read off the cuff under pressure when he barely consumes japanese and then comparing yourself with him when you have ample time to remember it is kind of unfair

>> No.38238738


>> No.38238742
File: 31 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38238743

seen natives make far worse mistakes. check out 実況プレイ on youtube. none of this shit means anything.

>> No.38238745

wtf are you talking about he rehearsed and read muramasa ahead of time and took multiple takes and the final one he uploaded still had a fuck ton of n5 mistakes

>> No.38238746

insane is sub 2k, hard, haard and cope are much harder

>> No.38238748

yeah dude remember when eddie hall messed up that 500kg deadlift, what a dyel
t. scrawny pale kid with 1/4 inch glasses

>> No.38238751
File: 253 KB, 1920x1080, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38238758

another nihongo[something] poser

>> No.38238759

not gonna lie analcream knows how to make yt thumbnails

>> No.38238768


>> No.38238770

>h-he's not good enough to debate politics and he doesn't speak fast
keep moving those goalposts for fluency. matt kun is GODLY considering his learning took place in the US.

>> No.38238771

why is everyone in this thread so butthurt and bitter all the time

>> No.38238774

bunko is the type of guy who would posts pics of his naked wife to "brag" about it

>> No.38238775

only if you can read it.

>> No.38238779

what's the difference between using the masu stem and の to make a verb into a noun?
e.g. 走るの vs 走り

>> No.38238782

the front entrance is open, come on in!

>> No.38238785


>> No.38238786

デジタル大辞泉: 自分の思ったとおりを無理に押し通そうとすること。また、そのような人。
jmdict: acting illogically

>> No.38238789

why do these niggas pretend they have never misread kanji before? it's retarded

>> No.38238794

unlike you im perfect, deal with it

>> No.38238795

feel it out

>> No.38238796

have some ero pics and havent posted them

>> No.38238797


>> No.38238803


>> No.38238806

can't wait for when jamal drops his latest video and reshapes the entire nihongo landscape for decades to come

>> No.38238812

combination of dick size bragging because no one can call anyone out and also making fun of matt and tarnishing his image of being the best gaijin at japanese that he tries to trick people into thinking he is

>> No.38238824

keep 'em dude nobody wants them

>> No.38238826

they don't read so it never happens

>> No.38238831

ah that chick, nice body but she doesn't use it well many such cases

>> No.38238832

for some definitions of ero

>> No.38238836

trying impossibly to communicate what one thought?

>> No.38238837

i miss jamal.

>> No.38238841

jamal = !!vIP1WeTo8K/

>> No.38238843

ciaran never shit on matt like the shitters here do

>> No.38238848

>Learning nip for 10y 24/7
>Still making n5 mistakes

>> No.38238850


>> No.38238860

that stopped after the 5 year mark. he only devoted an hour or two a day to it after that for maintenance. now that he has a gf he probably spends most of his japanese time talking to her.

>> No.38238864

he never shit on anyone so it doesn't mean much

>> No.38238867

i think so too but idk

>> No.38238869
File: 66 KB, 562x674, ふたりで遊ぶ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huge lmao @ m$ buying up blizzard activision

>> No.38238870

All Bangers All The Time

>> No.38238871

lets not forget that he went to japan and studied in a japanese highschool there.

>> No.38238875

>tfw matt backtraces analcream's ip address
>starts a lawsuit
>jamal steps in
>uses his vast resources and army of lawyers to sue matt into oblivion
>matt has to move back in with his dads
>george fully releases video that's he's acquiring djt and will integrate it into his classes across america
>og finally learns japanese from the resulting textbooks

>> No.38238882

you could only think misreading 漸く is a big deal if you spend all your time doing that quiz. the majority of japanese people would misread that

>> No.38238885

actually only have from conventionally attractive girls
the 喪女 like ones dont send stuff like that

>> No.38238888

doubt it
have seen it in nukige at least 5-8 times by now

>> No.38238892

i want nothing to do with any of that cringe shit so i will just lol from the sidelines while the lol happens

>> No.38238904

and most japanese people don't read nukige

>> No.38238908

>most japanese people don't read nukige

>> No.38238912

nukige isn't harder than normal japanese books

>> No.38238918

only Koreans dont

>> No.38238919

most japanese people don't even read books same as westerners

>> No.38238920


>> No.38238928


>> No.38238930


this must be a cope world record all just defend some manlet scammer

>> No.38238932

>most japanese people don't even read books

>> No.38238940

he's never been to Japan or ridden the subway

>> No.38238950

it's literally the #1 word that people read wrong according to the top japanese dictionary site

>> No.38238953
File: 939 KB, 2288x1800, 1553837254791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38238960

inputter here
i just watch tv shows with subs on my level

>> No.38238965

jp subs? also what's your level when you start out?

>> No.38238971

yeah jp subs
wdym level when i start out

>> No.38238974

What is the problem with the coreXk decks?

>> No.38238975

you're high if you think there's more than 2-3 people per carriage reading books and not looking at their phone lol

>> No.38238982

>matt is so native he reads things wrong like how a native would
im buying uproot holy shit

>> No.38238984

you'll never learn japanese from doing them. all they can do is make actually reading stuff a bit less painful since you'll be using a dictionary less frequently

>> No.38238986

where's core 174k?

>> No.38238996

sex with men

>> No.38239000

based yuria enjoyer

>> No.38239003

not so fast

ive misheard song lyrics the same way natives have

offer up ur paltry bucks to ur nihongod

>> No.38239006

So, what is the best option?
I am doing only input right now.

>> No.38239012

reminds me i sent 魑魅魍魎 to nyc obasan and she said she had no idea what they were saying

>> No.38239014

maybe where you city slickers live, but out in sneedville it's still books

>> No.38239019
File: 77 KB, 941x637, ebook-MAINITI-1-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japan has some of the lowest reading stats in the world

>> No.38239022

holy fuck you weren't joking. djt utterly fucking obliterated. dumbass haters jump on every mistake and then look stupid when shit like this pops up. matt is and will always be far better than you. stay shit and stay mad.

>> No.38239023


>> No.38239032


>> No.38239034
File: 15 KB, 693x456, 4365876987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38239036

of course she didnt


do u think shes gonna understand "we r curse boyz 3 6 lil ninjas mofucka"

>> No.38239045

just read more bro.

>> No.38239047


>> No.38239049


sometimes jamal is all right

>> No.38239055

the best option is hunting your own words like your ancestors did, the premade decks are fine, but they make you soft
so does all the shit that does stuff for you, you WANT being stupid to be annoying, for that will force your brain to adapt to avoid the annoyance
make everything as annoying as you can tolerate (without quitting), eventually (actually sorta fast) it gets easier, so you make it annoying again, eventually, you make it.

>> No.38239057


>> No.38239058

yeah i showed bad and boujie to my mom and she had no idea what they were saying either.

>> No.38239059

yeh the world culture source index doesn't exist so try your hebraic lies elsewhere

>> No.38239067

that's because they're retarded

>> No.38239068

>tells you to install linux and avoid playing games because they aren't foss

schizo guide, go away

>> No.38239071

4 hours more than me

>> No.38239076
File: 276 KB, 744x706, 1642449847719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mentally ill spammer hunting for donations, avoid, everyone else does

>> No.38239079


>> No.38239096


>> No.38239099

bunko what do you think is the best method/website for Japanese?

>> No.38239103

ajatt table of contents

>> No.38239104
File: 322 KB, 1024x485, h30_1m_book-1024x485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok well you can look at japanese stats and you'll see that almost every study shows about 47-50% of japanese people dont read books and probably a reasonable % of the others are just lying cause they're embarrassed about it

>> No.38239107

the internet and phones is epic bc somehow it increased literacy worldwide which is cool

>> No.38239113


>> No.38239115

they probably aren't counting manga/lns/etc as books

>> No.38239116
File: 40 KB, 788x402, 無題.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38239117


>> No.38239123


>> No.38239125

seems like theres a few mistakes on that map
poland looks like it is supposed to be orange but is green
they forgot to color sweden
they mistook taiwan for a part of the philippines
the person who made this graph must not read much

>> No.38239128

baasan manko

>> No.38239140

now who is coping

>> No.38239146

only if hetero and bc im ready to get this shit over with no fuckin around

if not hetero no thats gay and while それがわたし i aint about no homo kisu

>> No.38239148

>strange こだわり about russian literature
>source: superjob ru

>> No.38239149

then, who the fucking is buying the LN,VN,MANGA AND SHIT?

>> No.38239154

uuuuuuh it seems like you didn't get the memo bro
and manga
are NOT reading

>> No.38239163


>> No.38239164

still you
>they dont read them lol

>> No.38239170

i want to fuck saber

>> No.38239171

matto vindicated

>> No.38239172


>> No.38239185

>reading isn't reading
so that's why nobody is reading ok got it

>> No.38239189

yeah man im reading all these asinine posts right now and it is exactly the same as reading a book

>> No.38239191
File: 32 KB, 1053x67, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, she dug up some 眼鏡s and asked if i want a bj with her wearing them

maybe this route aint so bad

>> No.38239192

no no u dont get it
reading is reading
but vns lns and manga arent reading
its that simple

>> No.38239197

tokui how long have you been at this?

>> No.38239199

jamal vs:

ciaran wins for knowing more japanese
same as above
qm wins for having more wives/sons
og wins for being a girl and living rent free in his head
anacreon wins because his attempts at taking down scammers was more effective
tatstumoto wins for creating more useful tools for people

any other namefags that are better than jamal?

>> No.38239202
File: 959 KB, 640x931, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38239203

nice try goatfucker

>> No.38239205

>any other namefags that are better than jamal?
all of them

>> No.38239206

it put tatsucuckhold below him due to the spamming but otherwise correct... actually guess he spams all day too so

>> No.38239207

>any other namefags that are better than jamal?

>> No.38239211

og for being biological

>> No.38239215

love being able to choose to not read hidden shit like this

>> No.38239219

you spam all day too and you're even more annoying than goatfucker which is saying something

>> No.38239227

moe for having better taste in anime
4bbc for literally curing cancer
toucan guy for escaping this place
john for being a fat sack of shit

>> No.38239230

I'm impressed you were able to write so legibly on your own butt

>> No.38239235
File: 495 KB, 1399x1600, fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38239237


>> No.38239238

when you don't understand anything what tv shows are at your level?

>> No.38239239


>> No.38239240

mlen for at least immersing in and enjoying japanese content

no idea what his actual level is though

>> No.38239241

who is john and toucan guy

>> No.38239245

i spam tatsuhomo shit all day in every djt thread
so wussup

>> No.38239246

you realize that the stats show that 50% of people do read so yeah people buy them and many people dont lol

>> No.38239248

mlen is like 5 or 6 guys, so i guess it varies

>> No.38239250

how the fuck do people mine more than 10 words per day

>> No.38239257

how do you not?

>> No.38239258

i don't. i think it's dumb to mine everything without giving yourself a chance to naturally acquire it

>> No.38239265

hope you die of alcohol poisoning

>> No.38239267

jamal wins for being funny
simple as

>> No.38239268

fr fr
im lucking if i mine 5 words in any given day
but then every weekend i sit my ass down and mine like my life depends on it so that i always have enough cards to make it through the next week

>> No.38239269





>> No.38239270

my chinese wives usually dont use any words i dont know

>> No.38239272

i watch 10 eps of anime and only have 10 words to mine. is everyone just consuming for 6 hours per day here or what

>> No.38239275

sometimes i get to 15
whatchu gonna do about that

>> No.38239280

ur making me cringe, jamal

>> No.38239281

simple, you see stuff you want, you take it

>> No.38239300

i win bc u write walls of shit like that about me LOL

>> No.38239303

not all of them are always new kanji or completely new words, i pick up compound words a lot, especially if they share a kanji with something im having trouble with, one of the advantages of anki is that you can direct drills at whatever it is you are struggling with, also, it will improve your reading speed as well, so a few of them come from that, also pronounciations im unsure of

>> No.38239306

mlentard are you even n3 lmao

>> No.38239308

turn on ur monitor

>> No.38239313

imagine being n3 lmao

>> No.38239315


>> No.38239316

more like mlen3


>> No.38239317

thx for the (you)

>> No.38239322

>is everyone just consuming for 6 hours per day here or what
more like 14-16

>> No.38239340

even if you were fluent in japanese, you'd still embarrass yourself if you went to japan and didn't know some normal every day thing over there.
it's like if an american came to germany and didn't know you have to pay the cleaning lady in public toilets.
these are things you just know as a local but you don't learn from playing visual novels

>> No.38239342

6 hours more than me

>> No.38239350

i learned that playing unteralterbach

>> No.38239357

dont waste your time here.

>> No.38239360


>> No.38239362

dont tell me what to do you son of a whore

>> No.38239365

my real life starts soon


>> No.38239371

yes i came here from the youtube video last year

>> No.38239372

based and tonegawa pilled

>> No.38239373

why the fuck would i pay the cleaning lady for picking up after my explosive shit? dont you euro countries actually pay your unskilled laborers?

>> No.38239374

you will never fuck nip obasans, get over it.

>> No.38239376

stop drinking and smoking weed and it will

>> No.38239389

how about white obasans

>> No.38239394 [DELETED] 

i keep reporting bunko's off-topic gerontophile posting but nothing is being done. this is an outrage.

>> No.38239396

you be watching peppa pig tier shit

>> No.38239403

you dont "pay her" you just leave a small tip, like 1 euro

>> No.38239407
File: 195 KB, 640x480, Touhai Densetsu Akagi - 15 _00h08m56s035ms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38239415

im sure bunko will snap back to reality while fucking that elderly woman and projectile vomit all over her saggy body as the disgust starts to take over
really looking forward to that arc of his character growth and thats the only reason i tolerate him anymore

>> No.38239419

so you just learn them?

>> No.38239427
File: 348 KB, 640x702, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and bunko

>> No.38239432


>> No.38239437

lmao, the 加齢臭 will get to him

>> No.38239438

i'd just tell that guy that they're soulless robots and he'd cope and say all women are soulless or whatever and then i'd reiterate that asian women are especially soulless and he'll only realize what i meant when he gets with one.

>> No.38239448

so you saying you fucked asians?

>> No.38239458

well since women are all soulless might as well fuck the extra soulless ones that look more attractive

>> No.38239460

what does it smell like on women

>> No.38239462

crazy how the strongest emotion i feel in life is hatred toward djt and yet im still here all the time

>> No.38239465

>they're soulless robots
half the guys in here (esp the yellow fever guys) would fuck actual robots so not seeing how this is a problem

>> No.38239468


>> No.38239479

how do they record the フェラ sounds for vinnies

>> No.38239482

most of that slice of life shit doesn't have a lot of vocab so after a point you just mine a word here and there but try watching something that deals with a theme. you'll get bombarded with specific words

>> No.38239485

hell puke after he buss but not before

>> No.38239489

most people itt are soulless consoomers with no integrity or morals who have never contributed anything positive to anything ever

>> No.38239495

same but with /ic
>5 yeards grinding fundies
and yet still can't draw my waifu.

>> No.38239499


well sex is different than a relationship

>> No.38239500

true true

>> No.38239505

actually i am a soulless consoomer with no integrity or morals but i have positively contributed to making the world a better place multiple times
i dont do that much anymore tho, right now im just a waste of space

>> No.38239514

nah id hold her tight and stroke her long gray hair

>> No.38239516

have the guys here reject 3d (cope) and would prefer any generic 2d drawing

>> No.38239517
File: 218 KB, 830x625, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bunko when he finally meets a jousei

>> No.38239518
File: 2 KB, 344x145, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the same kanji in different styles or am i dumb as fuck?

>> No.38239520

>babbling about 'morals' out of nowhere
og post

>> No.38239525

no first is 成 other is 戌 from the chink zodiac

>> No.38239531

this is at least readable compared to some letters ive seen

>> No.38239534

can you guys read this?


>> No.38239535

u cant say that till uve actually gotten up in some granny snatch my dude

go make it happen

>> No.38239536


>> No.38239543


>> No.38239545

that's your problem,

>> No.38239547

it'll never happen. he will just keep talking to randos on skype and telling us their every thought until he is 50 himself and still virgin

>> No.38239554

god i wish that were me

>> No.38239558

and yet you can't have deep conversations with them cause you still suck lol

>> No.38239561

dame reading that makes me physically ill

>> No.38239566

bunko should i learn kotlin or flutter?

>> No.38239573

just tried calling jamal on discord but he didn't answer

>> No.38239574

bro what do you do about grammar, there is a ton of stuff that shows up and i'm not sure about

>> No.38239577

i ram it up me ass

>> No.38239578


>> No.38239582


>> No.38239586

no og, i'd only fuck you

>> No.38239588


>> No.38239593

i can read the kanji better than the kana lol

>> No.38239595

pressure house?

>> No.38239602

you're asking bunko about programming lol?

>> No.38239606


>> No.38239609


>> No.38239614

wish og sent us a little audio recording of her オナニーing

>> No.38239616


>> No.38239618

some guy in here all day sniping every post related to me trying to get me to say the n word or something

>> No.38239621

>Still making n5 mistakes
you don't know your own language as well as you think you do
can you ace the test first try?
>making fun of someone due to 1 mistake
trying to fit in really hard huh

>> No.38239631

wonder what she last オナニーd to

>> No.38239633

hes sol cause im never saying it

>> No.38239636


>> No.38239637


>> No.38239638

>>still screw up every ten seconds
>making fun of someone due to 1 mistake

>> No.38239640

4chan hasnt had real non meme advice in anything since at least 2015 and probably much earlier. crazy how they always manage to give a danaides task no matter the goal

>> No.38239643

racism is cringe

>> No.38239644


>> No.38239645

youre cringe

>> No.38239657

true. we're all the same underneath it all

>> No.38239660 [DELETED] 

suck my balls nigger

>> No.38239669

we literally arent
physically, mentally, spiritually
take your pick

>> No.38239673

og do you have a bush

>> No.38239678

>have all answers within your fingertips
>people are still stupid

>> No.38239680


>> No.38239687
File: 25 KB, 767x53, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your record

>> No.38239692

i once shasheisita 20g of seieki

>> No.38239697

lol souroubun is like another language.

>> No.38239705

>quotes the quote
quotes the quote

>> No.38239708
File: 59 KB, 262x229, 1636402779816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38239710

you're genetically predisposed in today's environment to think that way. you are a robot.

>> No.38239711
File: 128 KB, 1200x675, X_KNzPg2SBhdfLCT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still have time.

>> No.38239715 [DELETED] 

bunko is a properly mentally ill zoomer from a meme eurocuck country who the fuck cares what he finds cringe
if anything thats a sign racism isnt cringe

>> No.38239720

she does and she shampoos it regularly

>> No.38239725

that just takes me to a coming soon page where do i enter my credit card information?

>> No.38239726

that guy wasnt me

>> No.38239731

do you think she smells good?

>> No.38239732


>> No.38239737

i miss real bunko
hope he comes back soon

>> No.38239739

if you like the smell of chemicals yes

>> No.38239741

its not sourobon. theres not a 候 in there bro
heres the rest since i was bored

>> No.38239751

everything is chemicals

>> No.38239760

djt is a racism free general. we have posters from all around the world

>> No.38239763 [DELETED] 

and they're all subhuman

>> No.38239764

got filtered by this lol the strokes are all over the place

>> No.38239771

>Reverse racism

>> No.38239780

my bad

>> No.38239786

whoops this should be を not と btw

>> No.38239791

i wouldn't get a sex robot because it's hard to hide. what if someone visits me and sees it?

>> No.38239800 [DELETED] 

anti-racist means anti-white in practice

>> No.38239801

she should shave it

>> No.38239802

just ask them to wash her after

>> No.38239805

something like this happens at my work. my colleague always jokes that im so quiet and asks me what's wrong. and then i walk away shedding a single tear

>> No.38239806

>activates more of your brain

>> No.38239812

please no

>> No.38239817

the only people who say the youre quiet shit should be quiet more

>> No.38239834
File: 83 KB, 1188x690, kmsldakdsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matto is the infection and Ken is the vaccine

>> No.38239839

what a pair of fucking retards vaccines don't work on someone who's already infected

>> No.38239840

how will i go down on you if you dont

>> No.38239847


>> No.38239850

cringe, vaccines are safe and effective and work on everyone at all times, please educate yourself anon

>> No.38239851

yeah i know what you mean but i think the world needs people like that.

>> No.38239854

you wont because thats gross

>> No.38239860

if any of you redditors wanna steal my post from the other day about how matto is insensitive to a global pandemic for using such language, now is a good time
im sure youll get like a million upvotes

>> No.38239864

kens beard is really shitty

>> No.38239870

u have an internet of everyones junk at ur fingertips actually

>> No.38239873

ill be gentle

>> No.38239874

i see, you're not even trying to hide that you're back anymore

>> No.38239882
File: 286 KB, 840x476, 1617057577304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant stop loling at these fucking faces

>> No.38239884

debunked: manko is juicy and delicious

>> No.38239886

how bad can mange in the mouth be come on now

>> No.38239887

true kek!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.38239889

im pretty sure thats the other thread girl and not og but at the same time its also for sure og

>> No.38239894

it's bad. shit gets stuck in your throat

>> No.38239901


>> No.38239902

>the infection
a faget
>the vaccine
a bigger faget ?

what gives

>> No.38239903


>> No.38239908 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 968x1280, 1642542329876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38239912


>> No.38239916

not old enough
boob too big

>> No.38239918

a van has been dispatched to your ip address

>> No.38239921


>> No.38239922


>> No.38239923

whois the domain for bigger lulz

>> No.38239927

women have it so easy

>> No.38239931

have what?

>> No.38239935

any kind of sex they want

>> No.38239943


>> No.38239944

if you have bebesee you can fuck anyone you want.

>> No.38239948

worst post in the thread if we don't count unko's posts

>> No.38239951

yo guy in my school discord got the sex offender warning what that mean
i said what i meant

>> No.38239956
File: 2.70 MB, 540x960, 1642540768701.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why jamal is here 25 hours a day

don't become this

>> No.38239961

was he really too stupid to use privacyguardian or something similar

>> No.38239971

ur not ur fuckin khakis

>> No.38239972


>> No.38239980

>school discord

zoomers smfh

not me i was too tired after working my real job to think shit like that and instead just played video games and had fun with as much of my time off as i could

>> No.38239987

>sex offender warning
means this

>> No.38239989


>> No.38240000

i miss when nnd looked like that

i miss nnd in general

>> No.38240015 [DELETED] 

WHOIS search results
The WHOIS data is displayed “as-is” from the corresponding Registry and/or 3rd party source. We do not have control over the data being displayed.
[ JPRS database provides information on network administration. Its use is ]
[ restricted to network administration purposes. For further information, ]
[ use 'whois -h whois.jprs.jp help'. To suppress Japanese output, add'/e' ]
[ at the end of command, e.g. 'whois -h whois.jprs.jp xxx/e'. ]
Domain Information: [ドメイン情報]
[登録者名] Ken Cannon
[Registrant] Ken Cannon
[Name Server] jermaine.ns.cloudflare.com
[Name Server] joyce.ns.cloudflare.com
[Signing Key]
[登録年月日] 2021/12/18
[有効期限] 2022/12/31
[状態] Active
[最終更新] 2022/01/03 11:35:40 (JST)
Contact Information: [公開連絡窓口]
[名前] Ken Cannon
[Name] Ken Cannon
[Email] kenkyanon@gmail.com
[Web Page]
[郵便番号] 089-3733
[住所] 北海道4 chome 1 22 Ashoro District, Nishimachi
[Postal Address] 4 chome 1 22 Ashoro District, Nishimachi
[電話番号] +81.635922301

>> No.38240020


>> No.38240026 [DELETED] 

>To suppress Japanese output, add'/e'

wtf matt's gotten to them too???

>> No.38240037

like legal shit or some in house bullshit
i had to attend an anti rape seminar because i was flagged as high risk by my uni

>> No.38240039


>> No.38240046

>i was flagged as high risk by my uni
what for

>> No.38240051

lmao what country?

>> No.38240053

googled it and apparently its just a joke

>> No.38240055


>> No.38240061



>> No.38240064

nothing and anyway she was asking for it

>> No.38240067

>first come first serve
>we pick
does not compute

>> No.38240075


>> No.38240080


>> No.38240081

that's why they will rebirth you before vaccinating you duh

>> No.38240093 [DELETED] 


nuke be like:

>> No.38240096

would you go down on a japanese woman

>> No.38240102
File: 1.22 MB, 640x800, 1633747594696.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38240107

white or jp only

>> No.38240108

is there one without the black dude?

>> No.38240111

almost two hours in anki today. my seconds/card keeps going up as i add more monolingual cards. i'm descending into the belly of the beast, wish me luck bros.

>> No.38240116

dame hes like one of those little fish that follow whales around picking dirt off their bodies

>> No.38240118

finna subscribe his email to all sorts of shit

>> No.38240122

yes always yes

>> No.38240129

he's gonna get the long nose tribe newsletter treatment

>> No.38240134

thats racist.

>> No.38240138
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x720, 1570669433198.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38240143

yea i have a biological urge to stuff my face in a woman's snatch. i imagine the novelty would wear off quickly though.

>> No.38240145

shes just like me fr

>> No.38240148

yeah america wins again

>> No.38240153

not even watching tv or reading a book. her whole existence is 100% focused on consuming food, like a cow.

>> No.38240154

how do I unsubscribe from matt's mail?

>> No.38240155


>> No.38240159

there's a personalized unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email

>> No.38240160

block him

>> No.38240166
File: 2.05 MB, 1500x1111, 725f480744614246a1f49add218a5b84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38240170

she's clearly watching tv

>> No.38240174

poor ken getting bullied by a group of no life 4ch loser dweebs

>> No.38240175 [DELETED] 


>> No.38240176

oh no he's gonna pick up korean

>> No.38240180


>> No.38240190

the thought has crossed my mind
but one stupid language is enough

>> No.38240191


>> No.38240195

i would suggest not doing anything malicious but ur choices are ur own

>> No.38240209

stfu loser faggot >>38239923

>> No.38240211


>> No.38240212

jamel is scared of getting sued by ken

>> No.38240217

in malicious about sending hair loss treatment ads to his email
dudes gonna need it

>> No.38240229
File: 182 KB, 1032x854, oijfliasfsaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38240232

bros i dunno if its the thirst talking but shes looking fertile

>> No.38240234

nothing malicious about looking up who owns a website that ends in .jp when its a site for 2 non japanese dudes trying to scam ppl

>> No.38240254

deep down jamal is scared shitless of matt and ken

hence why he keeps his distance and doesn't actually get involved in anything with them

>> No.38240256

a piece of shit like you shouldnt play vigilante

>> No.38240260

Why is there no good anime this season

>> No.38240261

she should lose just a little weight then shed be perfect

>> No.38240266


>> No.38240267

the tribe will be in touch
just like bunko and jamals temp emails

>> No.38240280

lol well the one thing i can tell u is im not scared anyone who gets scammed by them will learn japanese so why would i have to get personally involved im just here to lol at the publicly posted content and continue thinking about the best way to capture the audience for myself when i launch my real ninja nihongo method

>> No.38240288


>> No.38240290

choose one

>> No.38240297
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but why

>> No.38240298

>how to not know japanese after 20+ years

>> No.38240301
File: 168 KB, 1149x805, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first matures coming in after grinding ~100/day avg and not too bad

>> No.38240305

tried that. Wont work. Im using protonmail.
His emails will still stay in my spam folder.

>> No.38240307


>> No.38240309

you are several hours too early to make a new thread

>> No.38240310

oh dont worry i will speak flawless pitch perfect japanese from the beginning

>> No.38240316

in your dreams yeah

>> No.38240318

perfect relative pitch

>> No.38240320


>> No.38240328

ranking of osamas is great, other than that yeah, bothings caught my eye, i couldn't bring myself to even finish the snk intro

>> No.38240330

nice humble brag

>> No.38240331

its really a mystery why ppl dont drone more when it works this well

>> No.38240332

will watching japanese twitch streamers all day make me fluent?

>> No.38240335

its a start

>> No.38240336

>thinking about the best way to capture the audience for myself

by actually doing literally anything else besides posting here? post somewhere else. start building your presence online. more people know about qm and anacreon than you just cuz they put themselves out there

>> No.38240338

for me its akebi-chan and some shorts

>> No.38240341

it's a mystery because you're a noob lol keep grinding that core deck

>> No.38240347

jamal wont launch or do shit

>> No.38240351

thank you nihon god

>> No.38240352

ok i will

>> No.38240362

mappa and the time skip ruined everything

>> No.38240369

based and gmi pilled

>> No.38240373

well not necessarily

im confident i could make a thing so good that word of mouth would carry it through said audience which will then carry it to the wider audience of people who unfortunately will never learn japanese but at least i can give them everything they need to know to do it should they make their choice to do so

>> No.38240378

i was right about mappa

>> No.38240385

core cards are easy af, dozens of people over the years have done them at 100 cards/day

>> No.38240388

really excited for mappa chainsaw man

>> No.38240394

i have my reservations

>> No.38240400

keep dreaming

>> No.38240402

chainsawman better be good for mappa is screwed

>> No.38240404

>im confident i could make a thing so good that word of mouth would carry it through said audience

considering textbooks is still the biggest, reddit the second biggest, youtube scammers the third biggest, and djt methods (the best ones) are the smallest... im pretty sure just pushing and advertising is the only way you're going to get your stuff in front of more than a handful of people

>> No.38240416

if its good itll snowball

u only have to noise market if ur shit is trash

>> No.38240418

wrong, isayama ruined everything, or rather, it was always trash
wit are just so good they can make vomit look amazing, but the writing was always half baked black boxes that didn't go anywhere, and it was always gonna end this way.
compare oda, who plans everything meticulously, with isayama, who got the ending after going "oh avengers was cool lets do that" by his own fucking admission

>> No.38240424

that's good to know, desu i didnt think it would work

>> No.38240425

>im confident i could make a thing so good that word of mouth would carry it
thatd require you to actually make something, which is an ability you dont have. at best, you might be an ideaguy

>> No.38240435

typically i am the idea guy and i just pay ppl to do stuff

>> No.38240436

by the time redemption stream happens i will have an obasan gf

>> No.38240448

>compare oda, who plans everything meticulously
oda uses the same story structure for every arc

>> No.38240449

>t. 14 year old who's only ever read shounen

>> No.38240451

yeah good luck making something good with fiverr hires

>> No.38240455

ill make the logo

>> No.38240463
File: 170 KB, 1080x1273, 1642445748801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it didn't work
you did
br proud and remember this feeling as you SLAY japanese, king

>> No.38240465

its not like a knife you can start testing out and judge as soon as you get it. it takes years and years for someone to realize if they've been duped or not (or they never figure it out and blame themselves)

>> No.38240467

i really don't know what to read
if i read easy stuff i feel like it's too easy and im not learning anything
if i read hard stuff i feel like its too hard so im going slow and therefore not reading enough

>> No.38240470

i dont need a logo

i dont rly need anyone else for this bc all i have to do is write which i can do and then smack my gums abt it

>> No.38240475

it works because core words are closely related, youre just guessing the reading and meaning from the kanji and its not working as well as you think

if you stop droning and read or watch anime youll realize you dont know a lot of the words cause they dont click in context which is why that much anki is pointless youre just passing cards not learning japanese

>> No.38240476

not true. luffy has only saved 3 princesses and 5 kingdoms by my count. but they've been to dozens of islands with their own unique stories

>> No.38240477

kinda want to get switch online and play some online games
never really tried that

>> No.38240482

dont worry itll be immediately entertaining as well as mentally stimulating

as a 142 iq i know how to make the synapses fire and light up specific parts of ppls brains lol

>> No.38240483

there's lots of epic isekai, anon

>> No.38240494

yes, and it really is the standard "oh no we only have <hours> before <whatever the fuck>" setup, the bigger point is isayama couldn't even do that, he had really interesting, tactical set piece battles, but the stuff connecting them was trash and later on he has no battles either

>> No.38240500

>new cards learned: 3108
please tell me that you started mining about 2000 cards ago

>> No.38240514
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>> No.38240517

so do con men...

>> No.38240518

dame imagine chugging 1k episodes of one piss as a newcomer to the series

>> No.38240520

thats not what anon meant, he meant the basic skeleton of the setup, re, the alabasta revolution, mr 3s candle, aces execution, enies lobby, etc you can see its all exactly the same setup and progression only varying in details, he settles into it after whisky town, before the story was more varied/free flowing/less shonnen.

>> No.38240523

such as?

>> No.38240525

even a book needs a logo dude, everything needs a logo.

>> No.38240532

logo deez nuts
haha gottem

>> No.38240539
File: 612 KB, 1920x1080, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

myu's show

>> No.38240541

i wouldnt b selling anything tho

>> No.38240543

would that make you n1?

>> No.38240553

you'll need a 看板娘
i suggest og

>> No.38240554

no it would just make you a specialist for one piece.
it's like an autistic person who's good at math but nothing else. you'd be good at one piece japanese and nothing else

>> No.38240556

i like luffys en voice

>> No.38240562

yo ho ho he took a bite of gum gum

>> No.38240566

60 iq post

>> No.38240569

no, it will not, not that i watched all of it hahaha... pantsu wo misete kudasai.
. ahhh oh god what am i doing...

>> No.38240572

neither is refold bro, the patreon is just optional ;;;)))

>> No.38240578

youd get a decent amount of variety for your vocab since one piece has lots of different settings, but you wouldnt even be n3 after catching up

>> No.38240579

made some soup from a bag and added onions sauce, black vinegar, hot sauce and a bit of cornstarch slurry and it tastes almost exactly the same as take out hot and sour lol

>> No.38240582

every one piece episode is 3 minutes of opening music, 2 minutes of recap from previous episodes, 5 minutes of running, facial reaction shots and camera zooming, 7 minutes of actual content and 3 minutes of ending music.

>> No.38240592

yeah thats why i watch episodes at 2x speed

>> No.38240593

downloaded the 2nd episode of this season but i can't be assed to watch it. really hard to care about this show.

>> No.38240594

s o y sauce fuck you

>> No.38240596

yeah she already has experience wearing those skimpy bunny suits

>> No.38240597

>you wouldnt even be n3 after catching up


>> No.38240609

i wouldnt have optional pay shit either

maybe direct dono

>> No.38240612

i heard this is the 2nd soft seinen to ever exist.

>> No.38240623

>wit are just so good they can make vomit look amazing, but the writing was always half baked black boxes that didn't go anywhere, and it was always gonna end this way.
imagined all the normalfags i know staring in awe at random snk twists and i got a little mad.

>> No.38240626

it pales in comparison to the original soft seinen
but what is a man compared to a god? ahhh... togashi-sensei... i await your next chapter with glee

>> No.38240631

chainsaw man manga was meh just like firepunch but the anime looks really good in terms of art and animation. so weird how they can make shows that look good and then they make snk which looks like fucking shit

>> No.38240632


>> No.38240636

that's why one pace exists.

>> No.38240644

it shouldn't have to exist

>> No.38240647

one pace in shit

>> No.38240652
File: 328 KB, 706x476, 1616120176926.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youd think this show was made in fuckin 85 cause of how terrible everything looks and moves but i guess this is what a thin budget spread over 2 cours got you in the early 2000s

>> No.38240658

but firepunch has that iconic tormented smile picture so it must have good aspects.

>> No.38240665

I cannot speak Englishをいうまで5分



>> No.38240675

except they don't really understand the words lol

>> No.38240683

imagine mappa doing this scene lmao

>> No.38240685

that's why he said the cards are easy, not the words.

>> No.38240696

sad that nobody is willing to upload their anki deck to share

>> No.38240697

sounds like projection from an anki quitter to me
>click in context
it does for me

>> No.38240698

what is the djt method?

>> No.38240705

i regret quitting anki, started it again now but i still regret quitting.

>> No.38240706

i would but nuke would probably inspect its metadata and backtrace me

>> No.38240707

how do i d donate to jamal

>> No.38240710

jamal would get destroyed if he actually went up against people who know japanese, all he is good at is coming up with stupid learning methods that make sense to idiots like immersing 10k in eng subs or never pausing videos cause it fucks with the flow

>> No.38240716

watching sukkiri and theyre talking about the dude that supposedly wanted to kill himself so he went and stabbed a few kids in front of a uni in tokyo

the sentiment is that if he wanted to kill himself he should have just done it without getting other people involved and burdening them lmao

>> No.38240721


>> No.38240726

same thing

>> No.38240729

the clip of nuke pausing after each word made me stop pausing forever

>> No.38240736
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dame i would’ve been fluent by now if i had this two years ago

>> No.38240740

that's the reddit method

>> No.38240744

you're retarded if you think old animation is somehow unable of being well animated

>> No.38240746
File: 16 KB, 405x362, w8bdtivknnm71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering doth passed the n1 a little over a year after starting and passed kanken 2 just before his 2 year mark, on top of speaking fluently...

is there literally any reason to do what matt or jamal or anyone else suggests? seems like copying what doth did is the smartest choice

>> No.38240749

are the decks any good? post a screenshot of a card
my point is that it looks as bad as badly made 80s anime

>> No.38240753

i assume any anime made in the 2020s will be poorly animated

>> No.38240761

chainsaw man will either save the anime industry or doom it

>> No.38240767

despera is saving anime

>> No.38240768

n3, you'd probably be above n3 and beyond n1 in terms of potential

>> No.38240779

i've done more anki than you
sounds like you're a dunning kruger
>it does for me
stream yourself transcribing raw anime

>> No.38240790
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>> No.38240791

just looking at what i watched from 2020 and 2021: jujutsu kaisen, kny movie, heavens feel and heion sedai no idatentachi had excellent animation. tensura, mushoku tensei and vivy were also pretty decent

>> No.38240796

at what point can i say that i have learned japanese? can someone please define this term.

>> No.38240797

all this fucking garbage has nothing on ninja scroll

>> No.38240802

Permanent damage

>> No.38240812

>for free
>googles matto
>first thing he sees is project uproot

>> No.38240813
File: 1.70 MB, 1557x864, 1615628600310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol we have the same number of infected here today and their population is almost 20x bigger

>> No.38240814

20k known words

>> No.38240818

that's nothing and i'm not being ironic

>> No.38240833

>seems like copying what doth did is the smartest choice
doth did what matt said so...

>> No.38240836
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dame this route wont end not another sex scene

>> No.38240841

did u think anki was gonna improve ur listening? no wonder anki didn’t work for you lol

>> No.38240843

mommy is horny

>> No.38240847

when you think to yourself "my japanese is almost as good as my native language"

>> No.38240848

it didn't improve anything for you
stream yourself reading a vn

>> No.38240850

pausing after every word isn't the same as pausing once in a while

>> No.38240857

mined 根刮ぎ

>> No.38240858

Is learning to write with a fountain pen required at the start? I've recently been learning to write kana, and have been having no troubles with writing with a normal ballpoint pen.

From what I've read, the normal step would be to learn how to write with a fountain pen next. I am left handed however so that would be quite troublesome for me. Would it be smarter to already start learning to write with a ballpoint pen, or should I strenghten my basics first?

>> No.38240862


>> No.38240863

whenever you want, the japanese police is otherwise occupied at the moment

>> No.38240864

if you cant hear it you dont know it simple as

>> No.38240878

i cant tell if this is bait, anyway get ubi gel rollers, the japanese ones are the best

>> No.38240879

are these your decks? i dont get how this site works

>> No.38240880

kana, you can write anyway you want. do as the soviets do and use a pencil for all i care. but as for kanji, you can ONLY learn it by using a paint brush.

>> No.38240885

*uni, um151 .38 to be precise

>> No.38240888

how tf did they even get to talking about japanese wtf

>> No.38240890

any time there's a dumb post using uppercase letters assume it's a repost from r/learnjapanese

>> No.38240891

no he didn't, he doesn't mention matt at all in his post. also he lived in japan the entire time he was learning while going to college, two things matt has never done

>> No.38240894

for all you know i’m white noising and only know readings so i’m not sure what that would prove? maybe you want to nitpick speaking. a real test would be kotoba quiz of course
but then again that wouldn’t prove/disprove your point cuz ur argument is that i’m not comprehending
or are u arguing u can’t learn readings from anki lol

>> No.38240896

sasuga moe who doesn't watch anime

>> No.38240900

any time there's a dumb post using lowercase letters assume it's a repost from /djt/

>> No.38240904

maybe agf bought a japanese car and was like oh i know japanese btw haha

>> No.38240907

where do you live?

>> No.38240908

i watch 50 anime every season

>> No.38240913
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what the fuck lol

>> No.38240922
File: 45 KB, 800x683, surikata_ippan06-800x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i u dont 磨り ur ink before u write u will never ever learn japanese

>> No.38240924

>shame its not a panda trueno huh?
>for my tofu deliveries
>deja vu ive been in this place before

>> No.38240930

looks like chocolate

>> No.38240932


nice try nuke

>> No.38240945

readings isolated core words wouldn't prove anything so no it wouldn't be a real test. i'm arguing you will fail reading core words out loud when reading japanese because you don't know them. 0 comprehension is just the cherry on the cake lol

>> No.38240948

Yes play VNs. It is the most important thing. Everything else is memes. VNs, LNs, JRPGs if you can find the japanese script, anime, etc are all ok. Isn't this the djt method?

>> No.38240955
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>> No.38240965

qm strayed us off the path of vns towards anime

>> No.38240969

How do you monetize this though?

>> No.38240970

wish i had a younger sister i could make sacrifices for. i imagine it would give my life so much meaning.

>> No.38240972

if you don't understand what he means you're really still climbing up mt stupid

>> No.38240973

nah we arent part of your hivemind

>> No.38240977

by being a vn studio

make vns with furigana, or built-in hover dictionary, or eng/jp language switch with a single button press etc

>> No.38240981

that samey repetitive garbage you watch doesn't count

>> No.38240984

i would sacrifice all my boners to her

>> No.38240987


>> No.38240993

the decks are already mined for you, you just add them to your study queue https://jpdb.io/visual-novel/946/kajiri-kamui-kagura

>> No.38240994

just about to finish dropping every anime that aired this season. which one was supposed to be the good and well animated one

>> No.38240995

you're retarded please leave

>> No.38241000

seems retarded, you'll know a lot of the words in the "decks"

>> No.38241001

>hey man how much would it cost to get some sick fgo wraps
>fgo? wraps?
>yeah just to show my love for my waifu

>> No.38241006

so you don't think you can learn words isolated then read them correctly in context? so you think extra context makes words more difficult to read?
the insane mental gymnastics of anki quitters on display here

>> No.38241007

if u wanna get good u gotta go to japan then which ive said from the beginning

>> No.38241015

lol aussiebro did it faster and better with yt

>> No.38241018

the amount of dogshit low quality low budget low talent anime japan makes every season is huge. people who watch 1 anime every season wont see this

>> No.38241020

concession accepted
so like og ok
>is huge
compared to what?

>> No.38241025

not like og

like the guy that was referenced

>> No.38241028
File: 154 KB, 315x420, 1631136997382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he might very well rival takeshi as he gets older in terms of slurring, dudes already going at it hard and he's like 50

>> No.38241030

and then theyll tell me in the thread that 2020s anime is great

>> No.38241039

i can deduce as much from seeing the poster. reading the synopsis is usually unnecessary but it will crystalize it in any case

>> No.38241040

like nukemarine, gotcha

there's definitely nothing else to it that doth or matt did

>> No.38241054

tetris 99 is bs
26 place on second game then i suddenly just get murdered

>> No.38241055

who said that

>> No.38241061

yeah you can't read fluently without comprehending what you're reading. and quite a few common words have multiple readings but only one works in context. you're a retarded noob so you don't know

don't worry you'll learn more when you graduate from n6 and start reading

>> No.38241070


>> No.38241072

eat my ass

>> No.38241103

anyone thats got good has been to japan for an extended period

but not everyone that's been to japan for an extended period has gotten good

two different things and theres no way around the first

>> No.38241110

idk why u assume i dont read too, been reading vns for 3 hours avg for 2 months, same time ive been droning, and im not really having the issues you're talking about
u seem to be biased against anki cuz u said there were zero gains from 3k cards and idk anyone who would really say that it seems pretty extreme

>> No.38241116

>anyone thats got good has been to japan for an extended period
are you claiming that you can't get good at a second language without living among native speakers for an extended period of time?

>> No.38241119

im claiming it specifically with japanese yes

>> No.38241121

og bought an apartment in japan

>> No.38241128

and thats part of why i believed she was decent

>> No.38241129
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>> No.38241135

why would japanese be different than any other language. your claims make no sense.

>> No.38241137

the existence of fluent matt disproves this

>> No.38241146


>> No.38241150

bc japanese is different from any other language

mattos paid actor japanese girlfriend said matto speaks matto ben

also matto spent his extended stay in japan in a japanese benjo

i rest my case

>> No.38241154

>been reading vns for 3 hours avg for 2 months, same time ive been droning
damn people are summiting mount stupid faster and faster

>> No.38241158

if you guys want to read something really depressing check out this thread

>> No.38241165

he's fluent and it's not because of living in Japan, cope all you want but your language hypothesis is wrong professor

>> No.38241170

gmi people it really trigger the schizos lol

>> No.38241175
File: 53 KB, 1263x295, 1629828590112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but i'll get there eventually
how does he not realize that he won't

>> No.38241178

>bc japanese is different from any other language

>> No.38241187

funny how jamal's backpedaling even though he went as far as to defend 木と青さ

>> No.38241188

aussieman is pretty fluent and i think he only visited japan for a few weeks once

>> No.38241192
File: 1.02 MB, 1884x3500, djt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn’t that what the /djt/ guide says to do?

>> No.38241196

golden rule still applies cope as u may u will never get epic if u do not live in japan for an extended period of time

the syllabary for starters : )

>> No.38241203

i never defended that i was the 1 that made fun of her (u) for it

>> No.38241205

so you don't have any serious arguments to support your thesis

>> No.38241207


>> No.38241211

i dont argue i dictate

>> No.38241213

nr 7

>> No.38241217

concession accepted.

>> No.38241221

concession for what ? i showed u a clear undisputable way japanese is unlike ALL other languages on earth

it has been dictated

cope as u may from here

>> No.38241230

would you hit this button?
you become fluent in japanese but you also become obsessed with obasans

>> No.38241232

it's way easier

>> No.38241238

you just suck

>> No.38241243

>u will never get epic if u do not live in japan
most people don't care about this, and that's perfectly ok. only autists like matt want to be "epic" anyway

>> No.38241250

true, true. overall learning kanji is easier than dealing with declension, gender, millions of exceptions to conjugation rules, etc.

>> No.38241253

maybe they think they're vampires

>> No.38241260

>anyone thats got good has been to japan for an extended period
eh only technically speaking. because matt went to japan but he didn't get good until after he came back to the US.

>> No.38241266

i dont mean epic like copy japanese ppl

i mean actual language acquisition

languages are innately human and so human interaction particularly in person is the #1 way to acquire language

everything else is without question lower quality

consult krashen overhead demo

>> No.38241268

your post reminds me of the "you can't learn to program past 30" posts on /g/. is this a meme on every board? you can't learn to cook past 30? or play video games past 30? or get buff past 30?

>> No.38241275

is anacreon going to get sued

>> No.38241286
File: 391 KB, 1920x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoshi, only one route left

>> No.38241290

so you've only been doing japanese for 2 months? and you feel like you're in a position to talk? crazy

>> No.38241294


>> No.38241295

u cant do anything after 30 bc ur old

but actually ur gonna get to 50 and only feel a little bit worse than u do at 30 and be like shit i wish i went for shit when i was 30 cuz now im old

and then ull hit 60 and start to feel life starting to slip and then ur like ah fuck whatever and u just lay around dying lol

and then by some miracle u make it to 90 and ur like holy sHIt whats even going on anymore and then ur health fails and u die in hospice care bc thats where ur family who i gave everything for in raising them ultimately dumped u lmao

>> No.38241298

hubba hubba if only every route had tits that big or bigger

>> No.38241308

nothing is going to happen to analdork ur allowed to negatively review ppl and things on the internet

>> No.38241311

>u will never get epic
you said 'good' though >>38241007

>> No.38241313

>and then ull hit 60 and start to feel life starting to slip and then ur like ah fuck whatever and u just lay around dying lol
lol yea it does seem that way

aging is cruel. i hope we make an aging breakthrough this century. doubling the amount of time we remain young would be amazing. then people who don't get their shit together until their 30 won't live with constant regret because it'll be the new 20.

>> No.38241318
File: 141 KB, 997x735, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if only every route had tits that big or bigger
well the one i left for last doesnt

>> No.38241324

their real life hasn't started yet

>> No.38241328

the overhead demo that teaches German without interacting with German people?

Matt acquired japanese without going there.

I honestly don't even know what you're trying to communicate right now

let's just agree on a middle ground that being in Japan greatly helps you acquire japanese because opportunities to spend time with the language are greatly increased

>> No.38241330

yea shes hotter

>> No.38241331

are you going to have children

>> No.38241339

>languages are innately human and so human interaction particularly in person is the #1 way to acquire language
and yet examples like og and nuke prove it's not

>> No.38241341

idk i think dying is fine its part of the greater life

i think opening pandoras box with anti aging will lead to man actually creating hell

>> No.38241348


>> No.38241353


>> No.38241355

you are a philosopher

>> No.38241360

idk how you extrapolated that the issue is his age, are you retarded? the problem is obviously that he's learned 500 fuckin kanji in 4 years lol

>> No.38241361

didn't read
umm moebros...

>> No.38241371

wait until he realizes that learning all the jojo kanji is still the pre-beginner phase of japanese.

>> No.38241377




>> No.38241382

time is running out

>> No.38241389

thinkgen of watching beck

>> No.38241400

im not worried about it but if i continue doing セックス chances are a lil jamal tadpole will find its way to survival

>> No.38241406

planned od shinjuu with obasan sounds nicer

>> No.38241409
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>> No.38241415

true, genetically you hit your peak in your mid-late 20s then it’s all downhill from there

>> No.38241420

if any of you have depression, don't have kids. depression is heritable. you will be inflicting needless misery.

>> No.38241425

sometimes i think about the millions of lil high iq brainiacs that couldve been if they coulda just found a chair when the music stopped instead of going cold and dying much like the inevitable end of our universe

i actually hypothesize that our existence is within a splash of space jizz as it were and the reason our universe will go cold and dark is bc we wont make it to the egg

>> No.38241436

btw yes the ビッグバン was in fact the universe bussin a nut

>> No.38241440

i don't believe in universes

>> No.38241443

actually idk if its right to sya universe bussin a nut i guess rather the progenitor of the universe bussin a nut

>> No.38241448

he just like me fr no cap

>> No.38241451

i dont believe in u much like ur mother doesnt

>> No.38241454

wow based janny actually did something about the early new

>> No.38241458

defamation, slander, and copyright infringement are crimes though

>> No.38241459

if i have kids im gonna pick them up everyday and tell them i love them

>> No.38241464

won't change a thing

>> No.38241467

i always assume people itt are at least at my level if not better, idk why it never occurs to me that there are a lot of shitters too

>> No.38241472

most people here are n3 and lower

>> No.38241474

same i also assume everyone is white cis male like me too and from a reasonably wealthy family

>> No.38241476

yea seriously i've been here for years and i suck complete ass

>> No.38241477

defamation and slander require the accused to have made claims that they dont believe are true

we all believe matto is a scammer who is only barely out of diapers when it comes to japanese

afaik analcrown never used anything that had a copyright on it by matto


>> No.38241479

depression isnt real though

>> No.38241480

>we all believe matto is a scammer who is only barely out of diapers when it comes to japanes
no we don't. many of us are BUYING codename: uproot

>> No.38241481

yeah that too

>> No.38241485

doesnt matter what ur level is
if ur improving daily instead of rotting in stagnation like most of the regulars here you are ok in my book

>> No.38241491

i cut my wrists and play piano cause im so depressed

>> No.38241494

i dont care if you improve at japanese. whatever makes you happy is good in my book.

>> No.38241499

watched an ep of a show that i dropped within 5 minutes cause it btfod me in march last year and it was pretty easy now too bad the show sucks

>> No.38241500

this is why i'm team moe

>> No.38241501

>afaik analcrown never used anything that had a copyright on it by matto

he has a video that is nothing but clips from matt's youtube channel

>> No.38241503

except hes constantly putting others down

>> No.38241504

compilations are covered under fair use

>> No.38241505

Tyler used to be good

>> No.38241507

only matto, nuke and other scumbags

>> No.38241508

only when they attack him first

>> No.38241513

newest album was pretty good i mo
but the older stuff was way cooler

>> No.38241522

his videos have never proven to be fair use

>> No.38241524
File: 123 KB, 736x1103, fce49a753247023c729a32a955ba0c85--tranny-crossdresser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>team moe

>> No.38241526
File: 23 KB, 622x432, 45281A8B-4F44-4BC7-AB58-2D7298F9763A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He peaked at Wolf for me, everything since doesn’t compare

>> No.38241530

i will never understand moe haters tranny angle

>> No.38241551

yeah wolf is the best one

>> No.38241552

where the FUCK can i find japanese documentaries?????????

>> No.38241556

a guy uploaded someone’s video in whole and won a fair use trial because his audience was different

>> No.38241557

its not fair use only when matto was getting owned i guess

btw idk about what analcream did i just wanted 2 make the point that its only not fair after u get owned lol

>> No.38241560

disney plus, pick a documentary and change the language. probably works on netflix and others too

>> No.38241569

me left ciaran middle tokui guy right

>> No.38241573

the way Ken used matt's anus was not fair either

>> No.38241577

i automatically translate nai as not

>> No.38241584

i want japanese documentaries not jp dubs of english speaking ones. ive already watched many of those on netflix

>> No.38241588

good thing im only 29, i still have a year before i become unable to learn japanese

>> No.38241600

maybe google where to find them in ... *GASP* japanese!

>> No.38241606

*GASP* わたしはゲイ

>> No.38241607


>> No.38241613

yea bunch of services i can sub to cause im not in japan also i want to pirate them. i guess avistaz prolly has some if i ever get an account

>> No.38241627

dame i googled something about scripts related to subtitles and the first result was minirapist's github

>> No.38241628

im still pretty sure matto is in no position to sue him for anything

>> No.38241630

ask ciaran for an account lol

>> No.38241636

he gave me one a few years ago but i forgot my login, yeah im retarded i know

>> No.38241635


>> No.38241637

yeah he really raped the SEO for a lot of things

>> No.38241638

still cant win tetris ree

>> No.38241639

o yah 100% ive been around and over the last 25 years ive seen ppl write threatening emails to webmasters saying they r gonna litigate bc they r making fun of them

and then theyd post those emails on the site too so we could laugh at those

>> No.38241651

can confirm my acct is still somehow alive despite me not logging into it for like a year until jsut now

>> No.38241664

>and then theyd post those emails on the site too so we could laugh at those


>> No.38241672

invite pls

>> No.38241677

avistaz and ptp do the trick for me

>> No.38241695

i download everything from public trackers cause nobody gives a shit here but avistaz has stuff that isnt available anywhere else to my knowledge at least

>> No.38241699

please PLEASE don't tell me you're pulling a quizmaster right now and bussin raw in some chick ur not married to

>> No.38241707

absolutely not

>> No.38241720
File: 133 KB, 1518x590, 1623404489208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow wtf

>> No.38241727

their seedboxes suck dont do it

>> No.38241743


>> No.38241746

well yeah it's a round about way for them to sell invites

>> No.38241747

let it be is my favorite beatles song

>> No.38241753

reviews seem fine

>> No.38241758

what's your gf's iq? if it's high enough then bust away.

>> No.38241761

*dabs on the band stuff*

>> No.38241775

i kinda hate that song

>> No.38241778

wtf why

>> No.38241785

they're expensive for what you get compared to seedhost

>> No.38241793

i dont like it enough for how overplayed it is therefore gradually became annoyed by it

>> No.38241799

my parents use iptorrents and they pay like 10 euros a month to the site for download credit cause they dont know how ratios work and i cant explain it to them, should i just get as seedbox and boost their ratio for a month?

>> No.38241809
File: 7 KB, 239x34, 1636380848756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol didnt realize the ratio was this bad

>> No.38241845

careful with ipt

>> No.38241853

careful with what its my old account theyve been using it for like 10 years

>> No.38241886

they're making money from your parents now
they might not take it kindly if they see you auto snatching shit to build ratio for a month so they're no longer profiting
ipt has a history of being a bit scummy

>> No.38241896





>> No.38241914

nobody here knows japanese

>> No.38241936

everybody here knows japanese

>> No.38241938

nobody here watches that show

>> No.38241945

everybody here should watch that show

>> No.38241946

i don't know who サシャ is but they are gay

>> No.38241949

kill yourself

>> No.38241965

i actually don't know japanese not joking

>> No.38241976

what's your score

>> No.38241978

my bad, i actually DO know japanese whoops

>> No.38242048

ditching japanese for javascript

>> No.38242066

take care of yourself

>> No.38242075

ditching JavaScript for japanese

>> No.38242082


>> No.38242097

just asked her and she said according to a phone game she plays its over 200
