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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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38221241 No.38221241 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.38221251
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Daily reminder: targeted sentence cards are the most effective way to combine Anki with immersion.

>> No.38221283

Previous threads:
>>38212544 #3127
>>38200250 #3126

>> No.38221302
File: 2.71 MB, 1268x4352, Screenshot 2022-01-06 at 13-17-37 Anki Kanji Grid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38221410 [DELETED] 

this is an anti-plebbit thread. any images or links to that cancer gets reported.

>> No.38221428 [DELETED] 

this is an anti-fun thread. any fun images or links get reported.

>> No.38221469

youre all infected

>> No.38221499


>> No.38221507


>> No.38221543 [DELETED] 

ぶんこ on suicide watch

>> No.38221551

is it true that matt has been fired from refold. what's the latest news from his discord.

>> No.38221558

i say that to all the prostitutes i raw dog in japan. they don't get it.

>> No.38221586

i miss bunko
can't believe he was infected this whole time and we didn't realise

>> No.38221590

no, matt is just running a soup kitchen (refold) giving out free shit while opening a wanna be 5 star restaurant charging $500 per customer (uproot). refold ceo is telling the peons they're not getting the good shit.

>> No.38221677

wait did anacreon actually win?

>> No.38221678

i doubt his lawyer mommy would allow that to happen, probably oversaw all the contracts he signed.

>> No.38221691

very generous of him to be funding a soup kitchen like that. yoku yatta.

>> No.38221693
File: 962 KB, 1246x2048, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

won the battle, the war is far from over

>> No.38221732

do you really think that dilettantes like matt and his fellow niche youtubers are grown-up enough to draw up and sign contracts. yoga wouldn't have been robbed of 20k if they had signed a contract.

>> No.38221756

no, im saying his mommy stepped in and helped after the last fiasco because now she matt doesn't know wtf he's doing and is still dependent on her to change his diaper and plug up electrical outlets

>> No.38221765
File: 1.10 MB, 1119x2048, PA shut up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that premiere-anon stopped posting publicly when nuke sent him this new copypasta.

>> No.38221781

nice but what is the point of going beyong 6k? isn't 6k already a jisho worth

>> No.38221792
File: 807 KB, 768x480, memento.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Memento is a FOSS, mpv-based video player for studying Japanese.


>> No.38221809

that is not the right use of the word subpoena. seems like he thinks a subpoena is any court order in general

>> No.38221840

just to satisfy my own autism. you're right, i had to start mining lists to get to this point. organic growth became extremely slow around the 5.5k mark.

>> No.38221866

>organic growth became extremely slow around the 5.5k mark.
wtf you must've been a very diligent reader and you prolly picked up some fancy old tales to get organic grow until that mark. my organic growth slowed down dramatically after the 3.5k mark or so. very much earlier than u did.

congrats man i look up to people like that.

>> No.38221869

when are you gonna start learning japanese tho

>> No.38221871

A deposition subpoena is a court order requiring a person who is a third-party—not a party to a lawsuit—to provide copies of records and/or appear at a deposition to answer questions asked by one of the parties involved in the lawsuit.

>> No.38221876 [DELETED] 
File: 1.21 MB, 1500x2300, 88591979_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for your great work!

>> No.38221886

hate undeserved シックスナイン GETs like these

>> No.38221892

there isnt a single memento user who can read this lol

>> No.38221894

answer the question

>> No.38221908
File: 138 KB, 234x641, shouchuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds painful

>> No.38221910

i can't fathom how seething with anger he had to be to type out that massive turd

>> No.38221912

you will never be japanese

>> No.38221920

concession accepted

>> No.38221929


when are you?

>> No.38221941

Hope Nukemarine still makes youtube videos. They were pretty helpful for learning.

>> No.38221970

yeah im hoping he streams it too, his last video ever.

i hope the rope can handle his obese body

>> No.38222047
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>> No.38222051

wotd 不感症

>> No.38222061


n1 word

>> No.38222108

Why are americans like this? No wonder nobody wants them in their countries

>> No.38222176

>TS/SCI clearance

lmfao even janitors at the base get security clearance

>> No.38222232

damn cant believe you guys are so insensitive as to shit on this when nuke spent 9 hours working on it

>> No.38222237

matt will not fail. he's roped in too many retards from youtube and his patreon is still growing. a reddit post calling out his desire to scam whales for money is barely going to do anything

>> No.38222251

true true, but at least we killed nuke and freed the oppressed redditors from his reign. matt can go scam whatever tards he wants but public forums will be open and free now

>> No.38222261

the third option desu!!!

>> No.38222264

does matt have an アゲマン

>> No.38222271

well he's not wrong in theory that's the big brother world we live in

>> No.38222286


>> No.38222300

bunkoid got permabanned?

>> No.38222311


>> No.38222316


>> No.38222328

mods = gods

>> No.38222337

how does adjective + na make any sense here

>> No.38222345
File: 1.02 MB, 732x1390, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think I can convert Japanese girl to Islam if I speak with her in Japanese?

>> No.38222347

even if he did he would change his ip and post with his trip on and nobody's gonna do anything about it

>> No.38222348


>> No.38222356


>> No.38222362

pretty sure he was already posting again

>> No.38222363


>> No.38222379

you clearly missed the reason why its funny

>> No.38222386

super based, thank you anon

>> No.38222388

miss this
*unzips pants*

>> No.38222404

going to go back anki and try reading cardcaptor sakura again....

>> No.38222424

we can't stop winning memento bros!

>> No.38222427

i didn't it's just some people would think he's wrong cuz he's retarded

>> No.38222463

yikes.. like that navy seal troll copypasta

>> No.38222489
File: 11 KB, 399x284, 1627061418098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nukes face when

>> No.38222512

based qm

>> No.38222525

he's right if something actually illegal occurred. that's what i assume you mean. but no court in the united states would touch a reddit drama case like this

>> No.38222532

bunko is such a weird person

>> No.38222535

hey its 為
i don't think its that uncommon to be frank

>> No.38222547

bunko is such a cool person, i miss him already

>> No.38222554

no i mean that it's possible for what he described to be done cuz the data is there not that it would happen

>> No.38222557

bunko will not be coming back. a jp mod told me he was permabanned on the irc

>> No.38222564
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>> No.38222569

for what reason?

>> No.38222581

doubt they'd perma somebody for a bunch of gross pics of old women

>> No.38222585

Nuke's reddit obsession is sad. why can't he just live his last glory days with his mind at peace and away from tech?

>> No.38222587

all his posts got deleted

>> No.38222603

doxing (himself)

>> No.38222605

he is lying, bunbro got a 1 to 3 day ban for posting granny porn, he went ona voluntary manko immersion retreat

>> No.38222610

first shower in a month you know what that means? clean dick wank to some hentai

>> No.38222611


>> No.38222620

no way dude with how much he was posting, i got a 3 day ban for just posting off topic a few days ago

>> No.38222629

wheres 4chan chat at?

>> No.38222635

this chapter was hotter than any hentai i've read in a while

>> No.38222670

Everyone this is a community!

Can you behave like it even if you will always be pitch accent illiterate.

>> No.38222686

wow they got jiggle physics now? might check them out now

>> No.38222695

God I hope

>> No.38222699

it really depends on the admin, its sorta random that way
hana chan got a 5 day for posting her twitter for instance, while the corrupt fucks allow tatsucuckhold to continue to spam

>> No.38222703

did he get his jlpt results?
did he fail the n1?
is that why he went on a rampage?

>> No.38222707

he hasn't received them yet

>> No.38222709

tatsuhomo gets banned all the time, he says he just resets his internet when it happens

>> No.38222716


>> No.38222719

are they out? he said he hadn't gotten it it's probably just him sperging out for whatever reason

>> No.38222725


>> No.38222737

i hope your life gets better one day bro

>> No.38222743

they need to rangeban his whole dimension, and filter his scam blog

>> No.38222787


>> No.38222790

thanks bro, your too! this year is watashitachino year

>> No.38222797
File: 6 KB, 75x48, 220SlsBHu9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this? Looks like 嘉祥 but I don't think that's it, this is nekopara vol1

>> No.38222816
File: 2.30 MB, 600x428, virtual hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you too!

>> No.38222832

they keyword is "hope". that's all i have for you emotionally stunted manchildren

>> No.38222836


>> No.38222856

what specifically did djt do that was manchild-like?

>> No.38222857
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, 1641935515421.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38222873

im not talking about djt. im talking about you

>> No.38222892

no Im just retarded and new to this

>> No.38222897

don't mind that anon, he is not well

>> No.38222909

thanks bro but can't use it if it's not hard core, do you have anything else?

>> No.38222910


>> No.38222922

HOW does nuke not know japanese yet?
We think its a funny joke but has anyone seriously tried to figure out how its possible?

>> No.38222940


>> No.38222944


>> No.38222947

he lacks the fundamental essence of what it takes to make it
passion for japanese content

reading the news or harry potter wont make your brain care about the japanese aspect of it all

>> No.38222950 [DELETED] 

someone get rid of him

>> No.38222957

you consciously have to try to improve, or be a genius

>> No.38223000

what about yoga? he says he's fluent but he fell for the polyglot meme so he probably didnt care much about japanese content to begin with. he just wants to make a business out of this

>> No.38223007

probably all the hentai

>> No.38223028 [DELETED] 

nuke hates whites

>> No.38223030
File: 1.65 MB, 1280x720, 1642014937574.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

600 review a day bro are you around? did you make it?
i want to say you inspired me to go up to 350/400 and its working great

>> No.38223045
File: 121 KB, 1280x1765, 1642439919066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

>> No.38223050
File: 117 KB, 680x680, FJTiQfraQAMi8kU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao haachama is mad that youtube didnt ban for this ero haishin

so now she "bans" herself for a month

>> No.38223056

as for me, 中だし

>> No.38223060

counting repeated reviews, or is that the amount of cards shown you need to review at the beginning of the day?

>> No.38223072

i need to watch her more, is that her usual content?

>> No.38223074

this was a good stream

>> No.38223091

i wouldnt watch her outside of collabs t.bh

>> No.38223100

just the reviews, for it to stay at that level you have to keep doing new ones, or it will drop fast, previously i was doing 175-250, i divide it into several sessions, at least 3, complete all reviews before adding anything new

>> No.38223107

once every blue moon she does a twitter thing were she requests artwork or cosplay or memes

>> No.38223109
File: 90 KB, 1440x2042, 1642440248396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even like google lens can pick up this

>> No.38223114

committing sudoku no doubt

>> No.38223129

i take this back, the one where she judged her fans rooms was good

>> No.38223139

still lonely, still unsatisfied with life, still watching vtubers wishing i could donate my parents money to them

>> No.38223142

, >>38222944

>> No.38223143

at a jav もみ会 rubbing the breasts of all my favorite idols for a good cause

>> No.38223163

>unsatisfied with life
>watching vtubers

>> No.38223180


>> No.38223203

if your parents have money and you know english you can go live in japan one way or another most likely

>> No.38223207

average vshitter

>> No.38223216

how do i learn chinese

>> No.38223218

do you stake any crypto moe

>> No.38223227

anyone who tries to argue with moe on this will have to answer to me. just a warning.

>> No.38223229

tfw there's no audio for 菊座 on
nhk accent dict
japanesepod 101
and forvo

now i have a single anki card without audio and it triggers my ocd

>> No.38223234

yeah fuck him

>> No.38223237

ask maatt

>> No.38223241

learn chinese characters
read lei kim
watch c-dramas, rotk is amazing

>> No.38223242

get a jk to say it

>> No.38223285

which rotk aren't there like a million chinese dramas based on romance of the three kingdoms

>> No.38223291

grammar is almost identical to english so it's literally all vocab. which is much easier than japanese since there's not multiple readings and meanings and stuff. you can just get an anki deck and start learning.

>> No.38223314

the 2010/11 one, the famous 90 episode or so one. i watched it with eng subs and its still the best tv show ive ever seen so i can only imagine how good it is in chinese but it's also probably insanely hard

>> No.38223315

be careful tho because learning communist chinese characters will cripple your ability to learn japanese permanently. the communists defaced chinese characters specifically so their people wouldn't be able to read old books.

>> No.38223332

>which is much easier than japanese

>> No.38223342
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>> No.38223360

will check it out. i've only been watching russian tv lately because everything western is so unbelievably shit.

>> No.38223379

return of the king?

>> No.38223382

what? i can't make any sense of that

>> No.38223392

look, I like china because they make redditors mad, but that doesnt mean I'm gonna learn their language wtf is wrong with you guys, doesnt even belong in this thread

>> No.38223394

no. i hate technology now

>> No.38223402

ubuntu feels laggy in virtualbox. i kinda wanna dualboot but i don't want linux to be my daily driver so having to reboot to switch in and out of a "practice" OS is annoying as hell.

>> No.38223407


>> No.38223440
File: 152 KB, 1024x995, 1642380765224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what nukemarine actually believes

>> No.38223453


>> No.38223471

performance is much better with qemu/kvm, but that's not available on windows lmao

>> No.38223479

will watch thanks
lies, they simplified them to elevate the people
romance of the three kingdoms, its about three tsundered degenerates involved in a long distance relationship

>> No.38223492

youre not actually trying to say windows is worse are you. which can run a visual novel

>> No.38223506

gnu plus linux can run a vn too

>> No.38223518

nuke was injected with super soldier nanomachiens when he was in the army so he doesn't need to lift

>> No.38223524

all my VNs run with wine

>> No.38223526
File: 210 KB, 900x600, shikisai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you learning japanese?

>> No.38223530

what did you think of arcane, best anime of the season?

>> No.38223542

so by the time i'm 40 and someone wants to know if i'm someone who has accomplished something or developed some kind of skill that signals that i'm interested in something or smart enough to learn something, then i can tell them i know japanese.

>> No.38223556

I could write an essay on this question

>> No.38223559

because i like it and things written in it and i'm moving to japan soon

>> No.38223575
File: 236 KB, 1920x1080, 1642097179181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like masturbating

>> No.38223584

>and i'm moving to japan soon
I think we all are. I was looking at the jet subreddit about people who got consideration before are now being declined straight up after applying, possibly from the influx of fluent DJT members

>> No.38223591

why would they care whether you know japanese or not

>> No.38223597

i'm moving for a real job

>> No.38223605

its actually considered a negative for jet if you know japanese because they want you to be reliant on them

>> No.38223622

this is correct, they don't like people who have opinions, ask questions, and def they don't like people who can read local laws and negotiate once there

>> No.38223623

You can work in the tourism industry through jet. Seems real enough plus you dont get treated with typical japanese work standards

>> No.38223631

dunno why anyone would want to move to japan unless you're from brazil or some other 3rd world country

>> No.38223636

what you dont see here is the cartoonist is carrying about 100lbs more than pictured

>> No.38223638

I'm trying to make my japanese better than my english

>> No.38223639

you don't need to tell us you're an 行くことがない男

>> No.38223649
File: 837 KB, 1067x710, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, I'm saying that I tested 3 virtualization options and the only one that offered good performance isn't available on Windows. I don't like calling any OS better because that depends on one's personal needs and more importantly because they're all fucking garbage and I don't want to give the wrong impression that some aren't
also pic rel

>> No.38223661

im moving to japan and starting a popular and trendy upperclass jk manko massage parlor that will bloom through word of mouth and repeat customers

>> No.38223665

ive been to japan before but it's not a place any first worlder should want to live. the economy will be in ruins in 10 years on the same level as brazil anyway

>> No.38223676

>the economy will be in ruins in 10 years on the same level as brazil anyway
the same is true of most 1st world countries

>> No.38223679

I've been studying Japanese for a few years. While hiragana and katakana are relatively easy to learn, I'm finding kanji to be nearly impossible. It's very hard for my mind to distinguish between complex characters, and to keep in mind the several sounds connected with each symbol. My question is whether this is even possible as a busy adult of average, non-photographic memory. Is the adult learner better off not even bothering with it until they are proficient in speaking and listening?

>> No.38223682

Does that mean I'll be able to buy a house for cheap in 10 years there? Sounds great, I already assumed so because of the old population

>> No.38223691

i have a photographic memory so i cant help but i imagine not having one would suck

>> No.38223695

do you want the answer that you want to hear or do you want the truth?

>> No.38223696

the housing market in japan is already much cheaper than any other 1st world country
although houses in japan are also extremely shit and depreciate in value to compensate

>> No.38223698

>the economy will be in ruins in 10 years on the same level as brazil anyway
their high iq will prevent that

>> No.38223759 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 770x433, oecd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah let me just take a massive paycut to go live in a matchbox and have to deal with bugmen all day

>> No.38223767

7 days ago
Death Note? Huh. Live streamed the first 24 episodes (the only ones with Japanese subtitles at that time) on my YouTube channel but I think the way I did it falls under fair use. Could be wrong. Guess I won't finish the series on Twitch though (not that the last third is as good as the L portions).

>> No.38223771

it's because japan hasn't opened itself to diversity.

>> No.38223778

i enjoy japanese media and want to enjoy it as it is

>> No.38223794

>streams death note
its fair use guys!
>matt dmcas videos he didn't make
yup good and legal dmcas, subpoena when?

>> No.38223812

one of the reasons I'm learning Japanese is so that I can experience their decline more directly, like a work of art. I'm pretty hyped
>busy adult of average, non-photographic memory
excuses. you can always find 1.5h a day unless you put several other hobbies / optional activities over Japanese. but that's your own choice. and there's a 99% chance that your memory is just fine for this. you simply need to actively try to learn words for a month or two so that your brain gets used to it (plus fix sleep if its fucked).

>> No.38223828


>> No.38223844

>the economy will be in ruins in 10 years

>> No.38223847

glad this was posted multiple times recently. i had forgotten the word but now i remember it.

>> No.38223868
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>> No.38223881

I got in for project uproot.
They're offering a discount now

>> No.38223888

just read 波 as ore

>> No.38223907

based matt is so humble and generous

>> No.38223913
File: 207 KB, 709x970, 1642444298859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your japanese level, height, and penis length


>> No.38223921
File: 529 KB, 1569x2048, 1641911510511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 inches

>> No.38223926

how do i assess my japanese level?

>> No.38223928

wow! what's the discount? just 450 dollars instead of 500?

>> No.38223935

180 cm
19 cm

>> No.38223939

exactly me except 18 cm

>> No.38223945


>> No.38223955

the quiz ranks on the djt discord

>> No.38223964

hello mouse man

>> No.38223967

are you literally me?
take jlpt

>> No.38223969


>> No.38223977

sorry to hear, that last cm is the most important one

>> No.38224024

find someone else offering those services that is willing to help out the little guy like matt does.

>> No.38224026

wish nuke would show himself. he knows we're buddies and this was all tough love. he should stream an eroge so we can all heal

>> No.38224035

zoomers love mandrama
what a bunch of faggots

>> No.38224067

djt is an eceleb drama general

>> No.38224112

How do you make Japanese texts display in Wine? I just get a bunch of squares.

>> No.38224119

gonna put mined phrases in a separate deck from mined words

>> No.38224124
File: 170 KB, 1080x1273, A97481F7-3AB5-47F7-87EC-CBF837ABD79C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true. I tried this and it seemed like a clever idea but the reality is if the content is also in english then it's hard to care enough for the japanese versions to watch 100s of hours.

Thats why i've been going through stuff like this, cgdct is insanely unpopular in english media and it's not a tv show/manga so it doesn't get translated and it's simple enough that even a novice will rarely have to pause and look a word up


>> No.38224126

nuke is a powerlifter though
he posted pics from competitions on reddit

>> No.38224138
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>> No.38224139
File: 603 KB, 2448x3264, Js2Qnsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38224152

cute channel

>> No.38224179

nice shoes nuke

>> No.38224184

lol it's impossible to follow chinese subs
you see
and it's said in like a nanosecond

>shi shuo shu shao shi

>> No.38224190

i find it really easy to follow them

>> No.38224218

lol why are these people such suckup faggots.

>> No.38224236
File: 82 KB, 626x833, FJTR_ICaQAAw_zd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38224237

what kind of dogshit federation is that using fuckin hex plates in a high school gym lmao

>> No.38224248

i feel like in nihongo study a lot of people look for a mentor when it feels like this study doesnt need one. you can do everything by yourself and most of the method is doing what you want so idk why people treat youtubers like gods
anyway im 4 months in so like idfk maybe you do need a mentor eventually

>> No.38224255

ugly monkey language. i hate chinese and all chinks so damn much.

>> No.38224262

the federation of amateur powerlifting competitions at us military bases

>> No.38224266

Want to become a local aristocrat in an inaka in west japan.

>> No.38224275

I swear Matt filters cock.li email addresses on his newsletter. They aren't sending me shit

>> No.38224276
File: 92 KB, 362x201, wo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38224279

nuke is kinda sexy...

>> No.38224286

shut the fuck up pre-beginner. where do you even come up with the nerve to think your opinion about anything matters and that it should be shared.

>> No.38224290

good. you deserve it chud

>> No.38224300

guess I am too based to be #uprooted

>> No.38224302

fuck u i will always speak my mind

>> No.38224310


>> No.38224323

>anacreon saved me
so he's officially reached savior status after his death

>> No.38224325

the only good thing nuke has done is the optimized core 2k/6k deck. to this day, it's by far the best beginner's deck.

>> No.38224326

oh the guy who likes monster and started learning jap last year is here....

>> No.38224331


>> No.38224340

all he did is reorder core to be in rtk order, he literally just made it worse

>> No.38224352

imagine doing things out of rtk order

>> No.38224353
File: 83 KB, 625x832, FJTR_IBaUAA1mb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38224364

i laughed

>> No.38224372

not in rtk order or in rtk order?
if you want to learn kanji the kentei order quiz has in his deck is amazing. otherwise just learn vocab

>> No.38224373


>> No.38224377

kek sauce?

>> No.38224384

based and いらすとや pilled

>> No.38224401
File: 77 KB, 625x833, FJTR_IGakAs2wxu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is what happened to マット

>> No.38224412


>> No.38224414

thanks bro

>> No.38224421

i am constantly evolving

>> No.38224426

crazy how the more japanese you are the less likely you are to be able to speak japanese as a foreigner. only people who are the opposite of japanese can get good at japanese and thats why they all quit eventually.

>> No.38224427

i am constantly refolding

>> No.38224432

i am constantly cooming

>> No.38224462

i don’t get it

>> No.38224474

>beta grip
oh no, nukebros.

>> No.38224478

theres nothing to get bro

>> No.38224483

acquired 身に付く

>> No.38224489


>> No.38224503

>t.literal dyel

>> No.38224505

literally a mistake in the example card already

>> No.38224510

hook grip is far superior

>> No.38224520


>> No.38224521

i want to see you do 500lbs+ deadlifts with hook grip

>> No.38224531

heres me before i fucked your wife https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkgjbIoSaWM

>> No.38224535

Is this book any good? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Read-Write-Japanese-Scripts-Yourself/dp/1444103903/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=ISBN%3A978-1-444-10390-8&qid=1642446497&sr=8-1

>> No.38224537

nevermind found it

>> No.38224551

why are you black?

>> No.38224553

didn't click but no

>> No.38224557

core2.3k is still the only one qm and shoui recommends

>> No.38224566

meme decks.

>> No.38224581

debunked, i have no wife
get rekt bitch

>> No.38224593

go to librarygen or zlibrary and find out yourself anon

>> No.38224595

Any specific reason you say that, or it is it "I haven't come across it so nobody uses it"?

>> No.38224597

check out the wanikani anki deck, unironically. thank me in a few months when you have blasted through the pre-beginner phase.

>> No.38224598

looks good dling now

>> No.38224603

no it's "all books are useless go watch anime"

>> No.38224607

thought he looked kinda natty until i saw the roid gut

>> No.38224631

theyre all roided af

>> No.38224633

where bunko?

>> No.38224634

that's why og always laughed at us
we really are 情けない

>> No.38224645

i'm ready to minecraft myself

>> No.38224654

computercraft or opencomputers?

>> No.38224656
File: 105 KB, 851x851, FJIR4tRaMAU-84E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38224657

hi friend, this is jp, here we move to gensokyo, we don't really minecraft here

>> No.38224659
File: 278 KB, 562x674, unknown-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright which one of you is this on refold

>> No.38224665

someone stole that poor girls hair

>> No.38224669
File: 28 KB, 600x345, FJDAUsjakAEsw5q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38224672
File: 643 KB, 2892x4096, 1642172062028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need this girl sex idk her name i dont watch bad shows

>> No.38224675


>> No.38224676
File: 57 KB, 744x412, FI-0KDRaIAAg0FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitter is a gold mine

>> No.38224684

her name is is hage chan

>> No.38224690

notice weve got a lot of /v/ crossboarders now, what gives

>> No.38224698

wdym i don't see any /v/tards

>> No.38224702
File: 54 KB, 851x479, FIvYU_laMAMQqHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38224710

he thinks its people from v cause they know japanese and are on topic

>> No.38224719

found the vtard

>> No.38224727


>> No.38224761

occasionally there’s threads on /v/ about bad translations and learning japanese as a result

>> No.38224777
File: 90 KB, 1440x810, FHsxpRvaQAEet7K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one

>> No.38224786

i make those when i want to escape this djt, especially when t*tsuhomo is spamming hard

>> No.38224799

based doriru

>> No.38224803

i would take 10 tatsumotos for anyone who watches vtubers

>> No.38224805

anki is for retards who are too stubborn to learn from textbooks there i said it

>> No.38224813

what video is he refering to?

>> No.38224837
File: 276 KB, 744x706, 1623086161880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38224843

wait is this real lmao

>> No.38224853

anacreon's only video on yt obviously

>> No.38224854

now that anacreon is gone we don't have an in-house programmer that can combat tatsumoto spam with anti-tatsumoto spam. not good bros.

>> No.38224864

i anki mined my textbook

>> No.38224866


>> No.38224867

the absolute state of tatsushitter

>> No.38224871

brutal no reply pill

>> No.38224875

i almost stopped to insult him, but silence is a better response

>> No.38224877

starting to think hes a janny because his threads never get deleted but ours always do

>> No.38224879

show this to the meidos and get his spam removed already

>> No.38224880

yeah god of war is kino

>> No.38224898

kinda hoping that if i start reading vns i'll have that period like when i started anime where im spoiled for choice and have like 50 things i want to read

>> No.38224899

its pretty obvious he’s a janny

>> No.38224902

the other day when the maids removed all our threads and forced the bitch on us was bleak
bunch of anons wrote em, included me, hope it did something this time
enjoy the baldur fight its the peak

>> No.38224906

nope vns suck

>> No.38224912

true false

>> No.38224923

read bible black

>> No.38224926

the moment when the flood joined forces with john117 still sends shivers down my spine

>> No.38224934

how do you get to the point where you can chug diarrhea and regurgitate it into the mouths of 1 million willing viewers

>> No.38224939

i'm guessing this is a joke about a reddit username and the nuke stuff which made me smile but then i thought i might be wrong which made me type this post asking for clarification

>> No.38224942

LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 wine ~/pathtoprogram.exe

>> No.38224946


>> No.38224947


>> No.38224958

good job you made someone bump his thread

>> No.38224960

there's like 5 other people here that are learning programming

>> No.38224973

and they all suck
meanwhile ciaran got a job programming rockets for nasa after just 12 months

>> No.38224974

newfags, allow me to introduce you to sage, it goes in the options field

>> No.38224986


>> No.38224987


>> No.38224989

any point in saging a thread past bump limit

>> No.38224996

Sage actually literally factually does not work anymore.

>> No.38225010

can one of you with a million anime card or similar decks upload it pls im running out of words to drone and the rate at which im mining isnt fast enough

>> No.38225017

ciaran learned to program chess in the first month or two of learning. i was there. i watched him post about it. in real time i witnessed someone doing something incredible. and now he's gone.

>> No.38225019

>sage is actually 下げ

>> No.38225023

where does the ぜ in 女衒 come from

>> No.38225026

dont have it anymore which means it wasn't that good, do hez 353 that ones a winner

>> No.38225033

after all these years i still pronounce sage as sayj

>> No.38225043

4chan had a lot of these japanese terms

>> No.38225046

proof that sage literally is a downvote

>> No.38225050

me and 2 other djt members in og's apartment after the meetup

>> No.38225060
File: 12 KB, 587x336, 1642450210852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38225065

can't believe i used to have to use noko so my /b/ thread didn't get lost (pre catalog days)

>> No.38225068

bro you cant just post shit like that without a code

>> No.38225069
File: 109 KB, 960x540, 177004269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame he’s just like me

>> No.38225070
File: 1.11 MB, 1278x718, 1625608921793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38225071


>> No.38225073

just bought 隣のぼく君が可愛くて可愛くて仕方がない悪戯お姉さんの本性!

>> No.38225076

those were the nighmare and yet comfy days
>tfw forget to noko and cant ever find the thread again
>tfw not a jp virgin

>> No.38225109

check this out

>> No.38225110

those farts that last so long you cant even till if youre still farting by the end of it

>> No.38225147

anyone have that old guide for texthooking on mac os?

>> No.38225155

you are gay

>> No.38225175 [DELETED] 
File: 2.08 MB, 360x200, dbvj4x5-5de8957f-d38e-49db-906c-2ac0af486169.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for submitting a report to the Reddit admin team. After investigating, we’ve found that the account(s) Nukemarine violated Reddit’s Content Policy and have taken the following actions:

User Nukemarine was given a warning

If you see any other rule violations or continue to have problems, submit a new report to let us know and we’ll take further action as appropriate.

Also, if you’d like to cut off contact from the account(s) you reported, you can block them in your Safety and Privacy settings.

Thanks again for your report, and for looking out for yourself and your fellow redditors. Your reporting helps make Reddit a better, safer, and more welcoming place for everyone.

For your reference, here are additional details about your report:

Report Details

Report reason: Threatening violence
Submitted on: 01/16/2022 at 03:04 PM UTC
Reported account(s): Nukemarine
Link to reported content:

>> No.38225192

analcream being extra analcringe these days

>> No.38225200
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is the power of anime?

>> No.38225205 [DELETED] 

lmfao let's get his whole account deleted

>> No.38225211 [DELETED] 

og when my pencil dick stabs her cervix

>> No.38225215 [DELETED] 

'make the enemy live up to its own book of rules'

>> No.38225216

im actually kinda surprised at just how low my interest level for this season is lol ill probably watch it when its done i guess

>> No.38225225 [DELETED] 

meant for

>> No.38225237
File: 1.75 MB, 1280x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of them

>> No.38225244

all my interest disappeared after the anime got adapted by mappa

>> No.38225259 [DELETED] 

nukebros we got too cocky...

>> No.38225264

wonder how the remaining one feels now that his bro is gone

>> No.38225273


>> No.38225274

>remaining one

>> No.38225281 [DELETED] 


>> No.38225289

why is this general obsessed with ecelebs, namefags and literal whos

>> No.38225296

why are you obsessed with knowing the answer to this

>> No.38225307

wtf i didnt see that the other one died

rip you insane freaks

>> No.38225323

sminem won

>> No.38225324 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 256x256, 1567099168836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, stop, you're gonna make nuke lose the last of his hair

>> No.38225335
File: 664 KB, 1326x1626, 1CG147VQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of people here have low iq unironically

>> No.38225343

reminder to watch ドキュメント72時間 cause its great and comfy. had a dream after i watched like 15 episodes in 2 days that they interviewed me when i was in japan and i knew japanese and didnt embarrass myself lmao

>> No.38225373

dangerous based
debunked, everyone itt has 150 iq at the least

>> No.38225383

going on another coffee detox
cant do morning anki anymore

>> No.38225410

yea 1.50 iq maybe

>> No.38225421


>> No.38225430
File: 70 KB, 457x579, 30396_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I acquired that bit of grammar from a video game title.

>> No.38225444
File: 564 KB, 854x480, 1624398765020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japan is so fucking weird, these people are literally visiting their relatives graves and they still think its normal enough for a fuckin camera crew to be there that they stop and talk to them

>> No.38225457

its just some dead bodies

>> No.38225466

t. mother shat him out straight into a dumpster

>> No.38225467

camera crews have a different kuuki than in the west so it always seems like they are there for a good reason

>> No.38225470


>> No.38225486


holy shit this is an exclusive access video i can't believe he's being so nice about this

>> No.38225505

>codename uproot
how do you come up with names this shit

>> No.38225509

wtf is this that guy from links awakening

>> No.38225521
File: 541 KB, 1920x1080, 1571123672864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38225524

why is his face animated like a deep fake

>> No.38225529

that doesnt look as good as ud think at first glance

>> No.38225533


>> No.38225548


>> No.38225549

who's your favorite jav whore?

>> No.38225553

having favorite pornstars is for degenerates and americans (but i repeat myself)

>> No.38225568


>> No.38225573

nobody cares about you, what you think or what you have to say

>> No.38225604

i haven't visited this thread in the last few years.
i received a strange notification from Matt's youtube channel
is he opening a cult?

>> No.38225607



>> No.38225610
File: 164 KB, 1317x901, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it looks like a cult

>> No.38225614

what was the point of having two people in this video if only one was gonna talk?

>> No.38225620

what are the intervals for anki supposed to be? i've read a few diff things but if anyone has made changes that were game changers then please 'pill me on them.

>> No.38225621

the guy on the right is his 3rd dad

>> No.38225626

you watched till the end?
lmfao @ your life

>> No.38225634

bros my fomo is acting up, who knows when we will have another chance

>> No.38225636

my favorite japanese band is mili.
do you know them? the singer is actually a canadian woman but she's fluent in japanese

>> No.38225637

the sad part is that they'll get 100 suckers

>> No.38225641

if you dont watch every matt video at .5x speed from beginning to end you dont belong here

>> No.38225642

is matt jewish he looks/acts jewish and his mom is a lawyer so

>> No.38225647
File: 69 KB, 226x294, ugly scammer face with goblin ears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38225654

you sound very initiated...

>> No.38225658 [DELETED] 



>> No.38225669

didn't watch but lmfao

>> No.38225673

guess matt shill realized we are already making fun of the video

>> No.38225675

isn't it weird how matt doesn't want to live in japan? im trying to think of western youtubers that are actually fluent in japanese, and pretty much all of them, except matt, live in japan.

>> No.38225679

matt is japan

>> No.38225686

matt challenged japan and japan won while he hid in the bathroom

>> No.38225689

He's saying the 100 slots will go fast, but there's no way they won't manually filter the applications and do some sanity checks on them first.

>> No.38225695

dude looks like he needs to take happy pills

>> No.38225700

>hello darkness my old friend

>> No.38225707

remembered this and teared up a bit

>> No.38225710

stupid coping mechanism phonebooth

>> No.38225711

telephone call of the wind, voices of people left behind?

>> No.38225719


>> No.38225721

just how long were you left in that dumpster after u got shat out into it

>> No.38225727

i joined the ADL for fun, I will also join this club

>> No.38225739

someone signup with emails like "nukemarine@yahoo.com and "animegodfather@gmail.com"

>> No.38225767

today i will remind you all

>> No.38225768
File: 413 KB, 1656x964, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38225778

i mean actually register the email so you can get into the program lol

>> No.38225781

i must insist that you kill yourselves

>> No.38225786

>so you can get into the program
you realize you still have to pay 500 bux right

>> No.38225797
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, 1612373437279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is gonna be a good ep

>> No.38225802

it's 1000 dollars

>> No.38225810

those 100 places are running out quickly better get on it anons before the ship has sailed and youre stuck on dekinai bay

>> No.38225824

had the thought of photoshopping mutt on jiros body for the 1000 dorra baka gaijin meme but im too lazy

>> No.38225830
File: 21 KB, 129x108, chrome_op5VSsbnOB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he and his gf have aids

>> No.38225834

Positive feedback he says. With ratings disabled and comments turned off.

>> No.38225842

has he secured his spot already?

>> No.38225848

already done

>> No.38225857

@jet applicants
this will be you in a few months

>> No.38225864

codename kids nextdoor

>> No.38225880

im going to sign up my with my email address, darksydephil@hotmail.com

>> No.38225881 [DELETED] 


nuke can't stop losing

>> No.38225886

that beard guy fucked them all

>> No.38225887

so is matts program some sort of battle royal where 100 enter with all their money
and only one leaves not bankrupt

>> No.38225899


>> No.38225904

this guy, matt, acts like this is some huge event. guy thinks he's apple and he's releasing a new iphone. wtf is wrong with him

>> No.38225926

a death game where you have to rely on your nihongo to survive could be interesting
you say hot book and your collar immediately explodes

>> No.38225929

dafuq is that?

>> No.38225932


>> No.38225934

he ain't no punk bitch

>> No.38225943

hope he is better in bed than he is with his dance moves

>> No.38225945

elon musk hypes up his shit even though it's all empty promises. steve jobs hyped up his shit despite it all being repackaged and derivative. that's just what innovators do.

>> No.38225949

Finishing protocol 90 soon, just in time for uproot!

>> No.38225953
File: 2.04 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20220117_224425826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38225957

does matt have a last name

>> No.38225963

yeah its bondaaa

>> No.38225964


>> No.38225966


>> No.38225975

yeah his full name is matt vsjapan
he legally changed it

>> No.38225982

lmao i actually have no idea what his last name is

>> No.38225983

wait i didnt realise agf was the brains behind it all

>> No.38225987

wow haha this is worse than i thought it would be

>> No.38225999

just remembered that i had 2 years of fucking latin in hs lmao

>> No.38226000


>> No.38226006

i want to learn to program so i can work with promising startups like this and contribute to actually interesting projects that actually impact people in the real world rather than being a cog in the corporate machine

>> No.38226012


>> No.38226015

nah but i heard hes gonna start botw (jp ofc) in a bit

>> No.38226022

maybe one day miniyoga

>> No.38226023


feels good to read hidden stuff like this

>> No.38226024

goblin lookin motherfucker

>> No.38226033

reminds me of the days when japan was a mystical place

>> No.38226039

i heard it was more like 12 weeks

>> No.38226040

Matt Lawrence Bonder is the greatest japanese speaker in America

>> No.38226045


>> No.38226049

i want to learn to program so i can work for these snake oil salesmen, sabotage their garbage and then slink away into the night

>> No.38226069


>> No.38226130

>get rich
>live rich
i'd do it too

>> No.38226156

except after tax splitting 100k with ken won't make him rich, it will just destroy his credibility forever

>> No.38226174

the "it's a scam" bullshit will pass. matt and ken will get positive reviews from people with actual experience with their program, and those reviews will motivate others to participate.

>> No.38226177
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 2a2f336493e1f578c86381b909d4fdcd371eebf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38226178

their business is registered in japan
they won't pay taxes

>> No.38226193

also got cleavage pics from american discord girl ive been talking to for months

>> No.38226198

after ~300 cards I've switched to 19s 38s 5m 1h 18h 4000m with learn ahead limit = 0 and it works great so far. I might remove the first interval or something once most of my cards come from mining. when my retention gets consistently too low or too high (82 and 93% let's say), I tweak the interval modifier accordingly. I have ease capped at lowest because I didn't want to bother with it at first, but now I think I'll introduce the Straight Rewards addon.
he didn't say that the application form will literally stop working after 100 applications submitted. he only said it's first come, first served.

>> No.38226202
File: 87 KB, 869x574, 1623809674114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38226210

>when nuke finally gets your ip

>> No.38226219

what will happen is some suckers willget scammed wont learn japanese and will never learn japanese and matto will have bounced with the cash

he knows this is his last hurrah

>> No.38226225

wrong. we'll see in a year.

>> No.38226226

it's so nice to not have bunko's fetish porn posts littering the thread. when you think about it he was basically using us for his own sexual gratification without our consent. extremely gross.

>> No.38226231

im surprised he had an extra life after refold

>> No.38226234

no one thats followed him has learned japanese yet and instead we have more confirmed cases of permanent hearing damage than cases of became good at japanese

>> No.38226239

one month for this but that's a lot of hours

>> No.38226245 [DELETED] 

>Report reason: Threatening violence

lmfao nuke's navy seal copypasta got him in trouble for violence

>> No.38226249

that tinnitus guy was scary. matto is fuckin ruining lives. people commit suicide because of tinnitus.

>> No.38226251

these are the claims i was responding to
>and matto will have bounced with the cash
>he knows this is his last hurrah
it doesn't matter if people still suck after doing his program. what matters is how they feel.

>> No.38226256

only those autistic enough to off themselves over that just ignore it bro lol

>> No.38226296

what's wrong with matt's face? he looks so fucking weird now

>> No.38226314

the infection was actually just HIV from his new bf

>> No.38226348
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>> No.38226349
File: 1001 KB, 981x837, dt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38226361
File: 659 KB, 1920x1080, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38226363

buddha matt was much more chill

>> No.38226415

date a shit

>> No.38226418

Where can I get Japanese subtitles?

I know of kitsunekko and the matchoo95 github

I'm specifically looking for odd taxi, オッドタクシ.

>> No.38226451


>> No.38226473

>learn ahead limit = 0
the what so you're waiting an irl hour for a card to come up again?

>> No.38226487
File: 198 KB, 720x708, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38226497

>once we pick our 100 members
wait, they need to pick me? it's not enough to be one of the first 100 to sign up?

>> No.38226501

the fuckin prophet

>> No.38226504

isn't there like an extension that lets you see the dislikes

>> No.38226505
File: 262 KB, 1091x879, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im at it

her story is the worst so far its all about her thinking she's old and past her prime but then they draw her looking like all the other girls
and the main plot is just a repeat of ayase's route

>> No.38226509

yh, you did sent them your resume right?

>> No.38226512

>you are infected and we have the cure
>sign up for our rebirth program, only the first 100 and there's 200000 people waiting
What the fuck did I even listen to

>> No.38226520

i have that installed. it says dislikes are disabled.

>> No.38226530

i played this one first and saved pink for last because i figured she was best girl
and i was right

>> No.38226533

oh, they have evolved

>> No.38226539

make up a fake problem and sell a fake solution

make up face scarcity to make retards think they are going to miss something

i mean from where i sit it just looks pathetic lmao like ive seen a lot of scammers who at least put up a convincing front in their pitches but this just looks utterly retarded and i guess thats why this isnt publicly viewable on yt or whatever and is just limited to his mailing list because if anyone new from the outside saw this shit they would fuckin LOL so hard and hed get shitstormed more than what is already taking place

>> No.38226541


this is a japanese tanka. vocaroo right now if you claim to know japanese.

>> No.38226542

why do japs even learn english in school?

>> No.38226544


>> No.38226551

because japan is american territory like every country with american military bases

>> No.38226555

jamal gets it
ken's the hype man and matt's the trusted credentials

>> No.38226557

thats 100% made in china chinese br0

>> No.38226558

damn imagine how sad of an existence you have, if you kill yourself over matt

>> No.38226561

It's a good thing yt removed dislikes, so now turning comments off just gives you complete cover for your bullshit

>> No.38226564

sad. you think you know japanese. but you are just a little baby.

>> No.38226567

I thought I knew the te form

>> No.38226568

i guess man

since japs come out of high school knowing jack, really it's a great example of how unimportant what gets taught in school actually is, it's all about displaying your ability to do an arbitrary difficult task to employers

>> No.38226570

botw probably the best looking game ive ever seen in action

>> No.38226571

good news bros the textractor error with tomefure was caused by the "remove repeated characters/phrases" extensions. removing them fixed it.

>> No.38226573

so they can have a vector to learn about things like social justice and the singular they

>> No.38226575

it's not a fake scarcity. from the sounds of it, matt is going to personally teach every person that pays for uproot. 100 people is a lot. most teachers can barely handle 30

>> No.38226576

my suggestion is dont watch amateurs on yt and use the platform for only professional content and otherwise not use the platform as well as not use the rest of google and facebook and twitter and just live ur life pretending they dont exist

its what i do except when i rant about boycotting them obviously

>> No.38226587

it's going to be a video call mit lots of people at the same time it was already mentioned

>> No.38226590

it's not personal teaching he's going to be lecturing to them on video call. college professors do that with hundreds of students at a time in intro courses.

>> No.38226594

imagine being lectured by this guy


>> No.38226595


>> No.38226599

its not everyday you scam mindless morons

>> No.38226604


>> No.38226613

it's for advertisers
no corp wants their ad getting cancelled and dislike bombed while people live stream unsubscribing parties

>> No.38226615
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, 1577498992580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"remember guys, language is sound"
>*gulp gulp gulp*

>> No.38226617

matt ain't no tae kim that's for sure. say what you will about koreans but this nigga wrote a whole grammar book and released it for free. mad respect.

>> No.38226621

i miss when i had to out effort into making money
life without the survival drive feels meaningless

>> No.38226625


>> No.38226628

im spread so thin the fact that i can even keep up with you let alone out do almost everyone here with ease is way more impressive than you could ever understand

>> No.38226629


>> No.38226637

matt should have just stayed away from all this shit when he left yoga.

there's so much shit on him

>> No.38226639

stop drinking fluoride

>> No.38226655

i wish i could go to the supermarket and buy liquid dopamine

>> No.38226657

i have well water, moe

>> No.38226662
File: 56 KB, 713x753, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, all that just for a small website.

>> No.38226669

so, what happened to that migoku extension? is it done? is it free now?

>> No.38226674

yooooo just mined 充溢 from this linnie

>> No.38226675

predict the name of matt's next project which will come out in a few months after he's bored with uproot

>> No.38226676

i just want flash and php のみ web life again
and also to blockade the internet along national lines

>> No.38226684

pls bros

>> No.38226685

botw was an ok game, 7/10

>> No.38226688


>> No.38226690


>> No.38226692

bunko :(

>> No.38226699

this guy makes way better content than that cuck moe worships

>> No.38226701 [DELETED] 

it was terrifying, im not even premiere anon, but i was literally shaking, had to make sure another volvano wasn't going off.

>> No.38226704

fuck it herari heraru desu
english 通話 tomorrow probably

>> No.38226706


>> No.38226709

havent encountred japs odd taxi
if it isjt on netflix it will be hard to find

>> No.38226710

just watch it raw, i did, the only hard part is when やの talks

>> No.38226721

>english 通話 tomorrow probably
wut? also when are the results out

>> No.38226728

yosh encoding this 30gig file of battle royale to 720p so i can store it.

>> No.38226731


>> No.38226734


>> No.38226736
File: 148 KB, 480x270, 1577077607180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38226738


>> No.38226741

>The online Test Results Announcement for the JLPT 2021(December) is available for viewing from 10:00 am on January 24 (Mon) to 5:00 pm on March 31 (Thu) (Japan Time) 2022.

>> No.38226744

you already finished it?

>> No.38226745

Watching it raw and it's doable (I never really use jap subs). I just thought there's a ton of good words in here I'd like to make sentence cards with and that's a lot easier when I have the subs

>> No.38226747

there's already 720p encodes though?

>> No.38226749

my cpu goes to 95c while doing this
takes like an hour

>> No.38226754

i do like 200 hours per month on average. after 6 hours straight on a day i kinda lose the ability to comprehend wtf im doing and if i take a break i dont feel like starting again. might try to break it into 2x4 hour session so i can progress faster though

>> No.38226755

yea and that will take me 3 hours to download i can encode this in 30 minutes

>> No.38226758

if it takes you 3 hours to download a 5gb file
how and why did you get a 30gb one?

>> No.38226762

i'm not bunko you cuck

>> No.38226764

on trackers the ones they upload for free are.
on public sites the encoded ones have no seeders so are much slower to download

>> No.38226765

i have 200 mbit down but my torrents never go beyond like 12-13 mb/s on average for whatever reason. the only time i get 24mb/s is when i use xdcc. i dont get it.

>> No.38226768

btw the switch lite feels really nice to use im happy with it

>> No.38226770


>> No.38226778

it still works, he just has like/dislikes/comments disabled on that video because he doesn't want his scam cover blown

>> No.38226779

don't know if this is a bait but bits isn't the same as bytes, which your torrent client probably reports, so it will be different by a factor of x8

>> No.38226782

whenever someone is randomly hating on moe out of nowhere u can be sure og is nearby

>> No.38226790

did you hack it to take pirated games?

>> No.38226791

Lol my computer just crashed encoding

>> No.38226792

i have yet to even open my switch, maybe i should one day

>> No.38226812

are you stupid? i have 200mbit so i should be getting 24-25 mb/s download like i do on xdcc but on torrents i only get 12-13 mb/s

>> No.38226821
File: 14 KB, 633x51, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38226826

if you use public torrent sites there probably aren't that many people seeding their full upload

>> No.38226829

do you understand how torrents work?

>> No.38226830

og isn't here anymore, stop referencing her.

>> No.38226852

that's almost nothing

>> No.38226857

not a thing yet
played this nukige where the shota licks the obasans 子宮口 and i just had to wonder if its even possible

>> No.38226861

bros i just thought of og and i got 硬すぎる

>> No.38226869
File: 225 KB, 359x422, 1566087037591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a hard time putting together what a sentence actually means, i know all the words but sometimes stringing them together to make sense becomes quite difficult


i know its saying something about an attack in the middle of the night but i have no idea if it is saying that there was an attack somewhere in the middle of the night or if attacks are something that you would do at night. the のは phrase really throws me off

>> No.38226871

Ok so avistaz gives free downloads of torrents I get speeds of 15 Mebabytes but they are usually the raw blue ray rip

On public trackers I get speeds of max 3mebabytes but they can take days to complete due to no seeds

Thus I just download raw watch it then encode to store it

>> No.38226875

If Ken can live to scam another day, Matt can too

>> No.38226886


>> No.38226901

abuse their bonus point system by downloading and permaseeding 100 of their smallest torrents, they're like 10mb total

>> No.38226902

there is no problem here, read more and get thosethings from context, you really are overthinking it
regardless that no wa is making a contrast, the attack happened in the middle of the night as opposed to some other time, so it doesn't talk about attacks in particular

>> No.38226904

matt can speak japanese in casual situations but have you ever heard him defend a master's thesis? i haven't. matt is a hack fraud!

>> No.38226906

Based will do

>> No.38226913

yes, that's how spaced repetition is supposed to work. except I usually wait a bit longer until all the cards that have graduated from 5 min to 1h are ready. and with the lower intervals I don't have to wait because I do new cards before the learning cards from the previous days (the 18h the 4000m).
I feel like that particular interval is good, especially when you're not doing (freshly) mined cards. it can catch cards that you kind of lucked into remembering for the 5m interval using like short term visual memory, but actually haven't properly memorized. I'd rather fail them 1h after than the next day, because the latter feels more like a total reset.
but now I'm thinking that I should probably start counting retention for each of the learning intervals (actually it has to be possible to calculate it using history of the cards) and verifying/tuning them. if for example it turned out that I barely fail anything at 1h and after I delete it the retention at 18h remains the same, then obviously that means the 1h interval is pretty much useless.

>> No.38226919

gotta agree with ciaran

>> No.38226933

What extension is that?

>> No.38226934
File: 138 KB, 651x640, fidbj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38226935

jam "master thesis" mal

>> No.38226951

nice try

>> No.38226958

matto is too fragile and too much of an adult baby

as soon as he gets lolled off the internet thats it for him

>> No.38226965

as an N3 in qm's server I knew that
しばらく really?

>> No.38226969


>> No.38226975

perfectly average

>> No.38226981

easy to say in the thread with no time limit

>> No.38226983

wish i had taken n5 instead for the meme and failed it

>> No.38226986

looks like premiere-anon is going to get banned from reddit. plus we all knew he was yoga and anacreon cause he's the same whiny little bitch on all three accounts.

>> No.38226992

picture of where you found this or you're lying

>> No.38226996

you can take the actual n5 exam in july and fail it

>> No.38227002

fuck fuck fuck stop that was a typo
10 not 100
don't fuck your ratio it's diminishing returns after 10 ten

>> No.38227004

whats he lying about

>> No.38227006

they do look similar

>> No.38227016

why? also lol at you still being salty about the n1

>> No.38227024

disregard this, 100 was correct, that anon is just trolling

>> No.38227026

you're salty about bunko being better than you with less time

>> No.38227039

no fuck you
i feel bad for him the dude doesnt have enough ratio to download a 5gb file
t e n
5 x 2
10mb 10 small 1 mb will get you 1.1 points an hour

>> No.38227047

bunkos test doesn't actually matter, he has big nihongo chad energy, while the n6 cuck has itty bitty dekinai energy

>> No.38227048

im salty about no obasan gf to distract me from "learning" this language aka consooming shit mindlessly and talking to cute girls ill never meet

>> No.38227066

just look up horny obasans by you, i see ads for those all the time

>> No.38227079

i unironically fail a certain discord n5 test
let me anki this dumb front and style and go ace it

>> No.38227083

never seen 漸く in native material only in things made by gaijins

>> No.38227094

i love young women too but obasans really turn me on

>> No.38227096

maybe read more?

>> No.38227102
File: 73 KB, 1200x675, 1642464276545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38227105

gonna try doing that on bumble but i need my friend to take a pic of me first

>> No.38227108

eh at least its not a cuck fetish, plus old women are less likely to judge you for the aids

>> No.38227109
File: 433 KB, 1299x1299, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i too love women

>> No.38227113

fake me but kind of accurate

>> No.38227116

horny grandmas hot 4 u now

>> No.38227118


>> No.38227119

lets hear you read on stream 10 year guy

>> No.38227124

r u only reading books for children

>> No.38227126

yeah cause nobody can post screenshots from reddit. go back to slobbing matt's knob there sherlock.

>> No.38227129
File: 377 KB, 1152x2048, FJSi9HyaIAAspef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38227131

the short story of the day on djt a while ago had 漸く in it

>> No.38227132

horse fat eye

>> No.38227143

manga, linnies, and vinnies are written for children, so yeah

>> No.38227151

so this the power of jamal h8rs

>> No.38227153

maybe when i get a gf id just use translations if they exist

>> No.38227162

remember reading the itazura guide and seeing it say it takes 5 years to get fluent and thinking wtf thats bullshit and now im 3 years in and it's seeming more and more accurate

>> No.38227163

don't understand the thing with nuke when he's on video he's a nice chubby old man but when he writes he's basically a different person and a failure as a human

>> No.38227169

quiz got fluent in 2 years

>> No.38227174

get a jp gf then make a scam around pitch accent before someone else does

>> No.38227175

i mean fluent fluent not pretend fluent

>> No.38227177

he knows more japanese than you

>> No.38227178

bunko getting himself banned and ban evading just a few hours after is really pathetic

there, i had to say it

>> No.38227183

if someone told me they're fluent in broken english i'd think they were retarded

>> No.38227185

honestly though reading poetry in danish really killed me because its so much easier than it would be in japanese not to mention making it or any other slightly complicated 話

>> No.38227188

how is that relevant

>> No.38227191


>> No.38227194

he was fluent in 2 years and you're still not fluent so you can't judge his level

>> No.38227200


>> No.38227205

you're not fluent either so you can't judge his level lmao

>> No.38227206

nothing more retarded that people trying to make the argument I can't read 正直 while avoiding coming on the quiz and just showing they can do ANYTHING themselves
the idea seems so fucking bizarre to me like you have to realize that you saying there is a possibility I don't know 正直 just make you to me look like you have no idea what you are even saying
I already explained semantic interference to you and that's a sign of knowing Japanese if anything that mistake is proof I'm a Japanese god my brothers just look it up

>> No.38227211

im fluent and still not fluent and can say with a lot of confidence that everyone here other than the kansai guy and maybe jamal is significantly more not fluent than me

>> No.38227218

didnt ask

>> No.38227220

most people who think they are good at japanese don't seem to compare their ability to the full extent of their native language. the likes of quiz and matt get owned hard when faced with a dense philosophical text but can read it without much thought in their native language. not to mention the instant speed you can read easy stuff at with just a glance.

>> No.38227225

true true

>> No.38227226

how do i get permabanned on jp specifically? can i somehow ask the mods directly or do i need to resort to posting heinous shit

>> No.38227232

あたいみたいな天才目指して がんばっていってね!

>> No.38227234

that first post shows premiere logged in then making a post suggesting he's both anacreon and yoga. easy to fake though. the other two are private messages so they were shared by nuke, that lord guy, or premiere. don't know how this gets premiere banned from reddit since he could have shared or posted his screenshots anytime.

>> No.38227240

I'm in shock

>> No.38227247

lmfao i cant believe how many views this has

>> No.38227257

wow even ciaran?

>> No.38227260

hilarious to think that matt and nuke have definitely read these threads in the past couple of days

>> No.38227264

ciaran literally said many times that he believes im better at speaking than him

>> No.38227269

sent bunko an email but he has yet to reply

>> No.38227270

yea but ciaran knows more so that's better overall

>> No.38227278

>11k views on a video mentioning djt
this can't be good

>> No.38227280

do not mistake ciaran being humble as weakness
like letting a child win at a game of chess that he developed

>> No.38227283

lmao did he really pay someone on fiver to read his script

>> No.38227288

he says no you didnt bbagoro@protonmail.com

>> No.38227291

nobody ever mistook his fake humbleness for anything other than that

>> No.38227302

nuke has been posting here outing yoga as anacreon and premiere-anon. now we know why analcream was blowing yoga in this video.

>> No.38227304

you cant win in djt either you talk yourself up and people constantly give you shit like quiz or you act humble and people get mad that you're fake

>> No.38227309

namefag post

>> No.38227319

all of djts greatest learners have been namefags

>> No.38227320

i like how im 90% of analcreams yt channel tho

>> No.38227321

only queeran is fake humble

>> No.38227328

heinlus shit will ban you everywhere anon, just set a hosts to block jp

>> No.38227347

still can't believe it's not text to speech
the guy sounds too robotic

>> No.38227348
File: 2.42 MB, 1764x2508, 1642466090132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was my idea

>> No.38227350

its definitely some ai speech
anacreon is as slimy as tatsumoto so he's full of shit

>> No.38227354

top kek

>> No.38227356

ciaran is obviously very competitive. he just acts like he doesn't care so he doesn't get shit

>> No.38227365

sounds like text to speech. shits gotten good in recent years if you "pay" for the license to use it.

>> No.38227375

アメ公 girl might be the best actually she messages me when she hasnt showered in a while cause i like that
she hasnt showered in a week

>> No.38227378

wish japanese tts was that good
i'd put it on my manga cards

>> No.38227382

fathom the scent

>> No.38227391
File: 108 KB, 934x1280, 163514368541365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man you can tell who has the superior genes and who has the slave genes in here. you are meant to be owned like a slave. matt would've whipped you just 2 centuries ago. entrepreneurship requires a brain you do not have.

>> No.38227398


>> No.38227403

mlen is mexican

>> No.38227413

its tts lol

>> No.38227426

a streamer on twitch has a tts that sounds almost exactly like him. he has a bunch of ai ttses. some of them are pretty good. in 10 years it'll probably be trivial to take a sample of someone's speech and make a tts out of it

>> No.38227442

remember that jordan peterson tts website that got taken down because it was too real and people were making him say no no words

>> No.38227449

the internet explorer tts is good

>> No.38227475

if the jews knew what they were doing they would have us speak like tts instead of the other way round

>> No.38227499
File: 2.34 MB, 1280x720, 1634520868175.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38227519
File: 2.78 MB, 640x360, stare.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38227534

so i can soon have an avatar that looks like and sounds like jordan klepper as he fucks me up the ass in vrchat with a kinetic dildo? let me live to after that day.

>> No.38227535


>> No.38227548

finna start a danish mining deck

>> No.38227558

Don't worry, djt stands for qm's distranny channel

>> No.38227562

probably talking about forsen

>> No.38227573

jamal made fun of anacreon constantly after anacreon got screwed by matt. but now anacreon's having the last laugh.

>> No.38227580

Jamal is a nasty person who is dissatisfied with his own life, so he takes it out on others. Quite sad to see.

>> No.38227581

i really can't believe how shamelessly all-in matt is on this scam shit. he sent out like 10 email list emails over the last week. it's embarrassing

>> No.38227592

can i have some jelly for my toast? thanks anon

>> No.38227594

"intellectually honest" are the worst because they end up feckless hypocrites who cant handle actual truths that would make them an object of scorn

like moe, they only want people to admire their stupid takes they dont care about objectivity

>> No.38227600


>> No.38227601

i've resolved to cure my infection by becoming deaf and mute

>> No.38227602


>> No.38227604

huh? HUH? HUH?!?

>> No.38227608

finna emerse

>> No.38227611

It's $100 dollars from a few hundred people. Less than 10k after the 50-50 split. Doesn't sound like a lot of money for a last hurrah

>> No.38227613

well he got addicted to benzos and became a vegetable for year so fair trade

>> No.38227615

true true but at least jamal is redeeming himself now

>> No.38227625

but they're probably developing an ultra secret program where they hope to extract $1000 from an even more highly select group of people

>> No.38227630

I'd seriously pay matt $1000 to suck my dick on cam and post it here for the djt boys

>> No.38227634

I doubt anyone will pay $1000 for a Japanese crash course, and they know that.

>> No.38227645

they know that people will though
he talks about silver spoon in the interview

>> No.38227646

something that epic would be worth more than $1000
youd have to offer him at least a quarter mill and record it secretly

>> No.38227658

>word salad
peterson's iq is twice urs

>> No.38227659

lmao the vast majority of his simps are esl 3rd worlders that can barely afford his patreon pennies

>> No.38227669

why are you so hateful og? what happened to leaving the thread forever?

>> No.38227670

there's always going to be 1 guy that owns the largest shrimp farm in west africa that wants to learn japanese

>> No.38227674

not him or og but i don't like esls either

>> No.38227675

A) If you think that's world salad, you suck at English and/or are low IQ yourself
B) I don't doubt his IQ is higher than mine, but his scruples and ethics are demonstrably inferior and he's too boomer to correct course for the sake of actual capital T Truth.

>> No.38227676
File: 335 KB, 636x900, 1642468583794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abstaining from coffee has made it much easier for me to concentrate on japanese. big coffee lie exposed. anyways, it's time for my reps.

>> No.38227677

og so mad she uppercased

>> No.38227678

*revels himself to an uppercaser shocking absolutely nobody*

>> No.38227682

she's going to have terrible hair and nails
women shouldn't eat raw egg

>> No.38227683

you mean he didn't actually talk about soft seinen?

>> No.38227684

i hate the japanese
i like vinnies

>> No.38227687

i mean i had to in order to make sure he didnt give up

>> No.38227692

yea that did really feel like an og post

>> No.38227699

im the best itt at poster identification

>> No.38227700

shut up og

alternatively u ever see anohana maybe theres some guy runnin around this thread dressed like og making og like posts lol

>> No.38227711

someone said moe is morbido guy a few threads ago

>> No.38227716

what did anacreon win in any of this. matt and ken just got a lot more free publicity which seems to be what matt wanted and anacreon's channel is still banned.

>> No.38227718

not enough of og's core words
misspelling 4 letter words

>> No.38227723
File: 37 KB, 558x170, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kyok of the day btw

>> No.38227724

opposite of true

>> No.38227725

ive never used a trip or name in the 12 years ive been on this shit website

>> No.38227726

see >>38221693 and >>38224138

the wider internet is waking up to matt and his cronies

>> No.38227730

why do people call you morbido guy

>> No.38227734

in a different thread og would be the worst poster
in a different thread.

>> No.38227735

i wish you would, your posts are some of the only ones worth reading

>> No.38227737

lmfao stfu retard

>> No.38227739

my schizo friend and I making fun of matto for soon to be mega rich
time to take meds my friend

>> No.38227747

cause i fruitlessly tried to get people itt to watch seirei no moribito a few years back since its a great show. also i was fat at one point so its a kinda double entendre
you wont bait me into doing it tripfags and namefags are all scumbags

>> No.38227750

i understand the guys who want a comfy thread without eops
i cant type or think in english fast enough otherwise

>> No.38227753

>you wont bait me into doing it
at least make a twitter or something then

>> No.38227757

youve refereed to yourself so youre already defacto namefag like og

>> No.38227759

why are japanese washing machines so fucking shit

>> No.38227761
File: 288 KB, 640x375, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.38227766

water space and electricity too expensive des please understand

>> No.38227768

aahh.. ahhhh ahhh ahhh!

>> No.38227775

dont care, if it bothers you a lot you can kill yourself so you wont be troubled by it

>> No.38227777

immerse more

>> No.38227789

shes going to have wonderful hair and nails, women should eat raw egg

>> No.38227791

>tripfags and namefags are all scumbags
and this is why we continue to love you

>> No.38227797

lmao and you have the nerve to call posters scumbags

>> No.38227802

can't, there aren't any more og posts to immerse in after she an heroed

>> No.38227814
File: 939 KB, 1280x720, 1624855279554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i do now either kys or shut da fuck up

anyways man this show went off a fuckin cliff i mean it was never good but at least it was kinda enjoyable as a generic sol

>> No.38227817

just listen to her vocaroos on repeat in a playlist dude

>> No.38227818

yeah morbido guy is one of the scummiest around. a ball of negativity because his life sucks and all he has is his anime.

>> No.38227822

shes just gone incognito
she knows how to blend in when she doesnt feel like being identified and thats what she is doing these days
but she also doesnt come to these threads much anymore, just here and there when she feels like it

>> No.38227825


>> No.38227828

yea i honestly miss og

>> No.38227831

shes still here every day watching over me

>> No.38227833

latest theory supported by data: anacreon and og were the same person

>> No.38227834

Like doing what? Studying Japanese?

>> No.38227837

maybe lurking daily, but she doesnt post daily anymore

>> No.38227838

when there was only one pair of footsteps on the sand, it was og riding me

>> No.38227839

ive identified every post og has made since she went incognito, shes here almost daily

>> No.38227842

name 1 scummy thing ive done

protip: telling scumbags to kill themselves is a community service

>> No.38227844


>> No.38227852

yeah i know im a god you should kneel and suck on this *unzips*

>> No.38227856

hanako had a fucking murder fetish. disgusting. fuck jamal for hiring that bitch.

>> No.38227858

no one ordered a quarter incher with cheese

>> No.38227868

women are wild animals
and thats a good thing

>> No.38227872

don't mind him, poor thing is not well, on the plus side, he has lived exactly the life he deserves, karma is real

>> No.38227873

ok I keked

>> No.38227878

>poor thing is not well
this is the vshitter. ignore all of his posts

>> No.38227886

one day morbido guy will take action and save this thread

>> No.38227890

true true pity him morbeso guy

>> No.38227892


>> No.38227893

true true

>> No.38227899

ill take ur inability to list a single scummy thing ive done as a concession

>> No.38227905

take your meds morbicucko

>> No.38227909

r u trying to reverse psychology me into summoning her

its working

>> No.38227910

yeah morbido guy won

>> No.38227913

theres no need concede twice

>> No.38227923

big fucking dubski

>> No.38227929
File: 47 KB, 500x672, 1641584714583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is crying about vchads in /jp/

welcome newfriend

>> No.38227936


>> No.38227938

>in /jp/
nice job outing yourself as not one of the djt boys
djt is not part of /jp/

>> No.38227946

how to summon og from the other world

>> No.38227952

yoga's posts as a bunch of burners and anons counts as the wide internet's love for his anacreon alt.

>> No.38227954

wonder what meisou is up to these days

>> No.38227959

shes at the zoo

>> No.38227960

japanese birb is my favorite

>> No.38227967

shes here


>> No.38227975
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>> No.38227978

to summon og you have to summon 4bc

>> No.38227985

/jp/ is older than you are dumb crossie

>> No.38227990

imagine having animal sex with meisou. gross! lol

>> No.38227993

watashee no namayay wa yuuuuuuuuuuki

>> No.38228001

don't hold out on us anon, link that shit in one post. right now i'm leaning on anacreon/premiere being yoga but if its og thats even better.

>> No.38228002

i did a full year of exclusively anki as a test. i didn't learn shit.

>> No.38228011

anacreon isnt yoga cause the code for his script isnt a complete sloppy mess

>> No.38228013

what are you doing instead now

>> No.38228016

recognized both the red kanji lets fuckin goooooooooooo

>> No.38228018

strong possibility you are retarded

>> No.38228022

bros im getting obsessed with yuri whats wrong with me

>> No.38228025

imabi is pretty good

>> No.38228027

sorry its terminal

>> No.38228028

nothing. you just never grew up (and thats a good thing)

>> No.38228031

watching anime

>> No.38228036


>> No.38228050
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>> No.38228053

lol true

>> No.38228055

og samefagging you hate to see it

>> No.38228059

being a girl wont get you girl
not thats youd be a real girl anyway

>> No.38228067

it's actually a year and a half
that's how long it took khatz

>> No.38228070

what did she mean by that?

>> No.38228075

84 ips in the thread take your meds

>> No.38228081

lol hmslc, doth and matt wipe the floor with you
ciaran has said that jamal knows japanese when he clearly doesn't so he just gives random compliments.

>> No.38228084

84 ips but only 1 with the ogroid smell

>> No.38228091

>sounds like text to speech
it doesn't and he said he paid someone

>> No.38228094

dno about ogroid but i smell moe defending trannies again

>> No.38228095

its called sarcasm, even n3's can tell jamals "japanese" is "the cat is red" tier

>> No.38228105

this show sucked, asagao to kase san is the good version.

>> No.38228108

ya moe is def in the thread defending yuri and trannyism at the moment

>> No.38228109

>without much thought in their native language
lol you've never actually read a deep philosophical text if you think this is true

>> No.38228110

i'm too old to learn japanese it's just not working

>> No.38228112

>she knows how to blend in
fake news and stop talking in the third person

>> No.38228114

really hate yuri because i remember all the irl lesbos and it ruins it

>> No.38228116


>> No.38228120

it's ok nuke

>> No.38228123

djt bout to move beyond something rn

>> No.38228125

same i hit the n2 barrier and now i just read linnies all day without making progress

>> No.38228129

this is the same 'esls are great english teachers' guy from yesterday

>> No.38228138

you may not like it, but thats what peak language theory looks like, also hes right

>> No.38228144

lmao he actually used the matto video!

>> No.38228153

do you guys actually watch language learning theory videos? the fuck

>> No.38228155

>no speaking no studying
another retard didnt even read krashners papers before making a video about it

>> No.38228156

anacreon isn't yoga, not a single thing happened that would lead to that conclusion wtf

>> No.38228161

>"learning" this language aka consooming shit mindlessly and talking to cute girls ill never meet
just stop then you said you don't care about it like a year ago, go do something else you retard

>> No.38228166
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interasting development on the matt thing

>> No.38228167

i'm at the n5 barrier not even. i can't do it

>> No.38228173

what server is this

>> No.38228175

read more for 2500 hours or so

>> No.38228180

wait i thought krashen's theory doesn't support studying

>> No.38228181

i am almost 30 and i am doing it

>> No.38228182

i should have started 10 years early there's no poitn now

>> No.38228183

he didn't delist anything meant for youtube.

all of his non-uproot videos still prominently display the refold links in their description

stop falling for fake news

>> No.38228184
File: 13 KB, 195x191, 1633133626763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

migaku discord

yoga is making some schemes of his own...

>> No.38228185

really wanna touch ogs oshiri

>> No.38228188

start up capital for what
he's fucking his long term prospects
unless it's not jp related and he's going to buy a 7/11 or something

>> No.38228192

>how do you think you will be accepted as a human being without output

>> No.38228198

i'm 31 almost my retention just isn't good enough and i hate learning grammar

>> No.38228199

how old are we talking

>> No.38228201

it doesnt matter what krashen actually wrote a billion years ago, all that matters is what people THINK he proposed which he himself perpetuates because he likes his cult like the jew he is

>> No.38228202

hi matt whats ur girth

>> No.38228203


>> No.38228206

lol seethe and also cope

>> No.38228211

that last year did you in anon, its too late now

>> No.38228212

i dont believe the refold team is in it for 1 reason
u think ken is gonna settle for anything less than 50%
u think matto is gonna settle for anything less than 50%
i rest my case

>> No.38228213

give an example video then
matt's patreon still links to the refold patreon and the refold site still lists matt as a member

>> No.38228215

you can still learn japanese when ur older, just take psychadelics

>> No.38228217

matt why did you ignore my post my feelings are hurt

>> No.38228218

moribito mad cause output or not he will never be accepted as a human being

>> No.38228220

input chads will, at best, passively be able to understand japanese
output chads will, at best, be able to communicate in japanese

ankitards will forever be dekinai in either

>> No.38228221

can't even force myself to start programming. i'll never compare to ciaran so what's the point.

>> No.38228224


>> No.38228225

stop trying to study grammar and read more
the pain will last a couple thousand hours and the only way out is through

>> No.38228231

heres the thing
was matt using a refold newsletter subscription to catch whales or was it a mattvsjapan newsletter?
if it was a refold one, then refold is absolutely involved (legally). if not, refold is legally safe

>> No.38228233

just fyi making chess isnt that hard and he probably followed a tutorial for certain parts of it anyways

>> No.38228236


>> No.38228238

the only time i gave an email was to get into the refold discord and im getting spammed with uproot shit

>> No.38228240

what is matts opinion on og

>> No.38228244

concession accepted

>> No.38228245

i use japanese for 1 thing
my dick
get on my level

>> No.38228246

how do i read without learning grammar

>> No.38228249

i don't concede

>> No.38228251

a dictionary/google
look up stuff you dont understand as you come across it

>> No.38228253

did you give the email to refold? was it a refold newsletter? these specifics matter

>> No.38228255

never understood how you could communicate without being able to understand the language until i met og

>> No.38228259

fucking brutal

>> No.38228262

>he's fucking his long term prospects

>> No.38228264

too late, no takebacksies

>> No.38228274

come on bro lets just have a discussion

>> No.38228275

his long term prospects are fine https://graphtreon.com/creator/refold

stay jealous

>> No.38228279


>> No.38228282

i'm a 30 year old neet and it's almost february and i haven't done anything about it

>> No.38228284

my wife (soon to be)

>> No.38228293

>he's fucking his long term prospects

>> No.38228304

when you put it like that im sorta jelly, hopefully signups are still open for the prospect fucking course

>> No.38228315

if you dont know what long term means feel free to concede

>> No.38228320

Another teacher/bitch who don't want to lose his job because of the input thing

>> No.38228323

notice through all this fake "controversy" redditors are drummed up over the last 6 or 7 months he's still getting dozens of new customers everyday? matt is set for life

>> No.38228328

its more likely youre just coping no one would claim that outside of djt

>> No.38228331

not planning on doing anything about it

>> No.38228339

this dude is fluent and you can't convince me otherwise

>> No.38228342

still not blending in

>> No.38228349

i need to do something about it

>> No.38228350

i love pearl but i can't stomach matt so she wins by default

>> No.38228355

after knowing that he rehearses the few times he speaks japanese to a camera like 10 times and that hes been studying nothing but bitch accent for the last few years its crazy how bad this is

>> No.38228356

learn to code

>> No.38228362

so do something about it, its never been easier to make money in the history of the world, there is some ugly hippopotamus who is rich off stuffing his mouth for onlookers, surely you can do at least that

>> No.38228365

nice ふ lmfao

>> No.38228367

i wish matt had told pearl about his exchange experience i would love to see her trying to hold back breaking down laughing at how pathetic he is

>> No.38228369

he's native vetted. sorry, but nothing you losers say about him is relevant.

>> No.38228371

impossible, qm has 150+ iq and all he's managed to do over the years is make a discord bot

>> No.38228373

oh wow its everything awful in the jp world in one thumbnail

>> No.38228374

lmao when you put it like this....

>> No.38228377

qm's iq was like 130 or some shit based on the scale you and most people use but he used some weird european scale no one else uses because the number was bigger

>> No.38228379

so was og

>> No.38228384

how does one avoid learning basic phonetics after ten fucking years of autism and buying bitch accent dictionaries lmfao

>> No.38228388

yoga, everyone knows you're anacreon. (you) both argue and play the victim the same way. oh, and in the anacreon video that matt took down you used two new screenshots when you were logged in as yoga. how did anacreon get access to those?

>> No.38228390

i need a djt eceleb iq chart

>> No.38228393 [DELETED] 
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Do you think they're disappointed in Matt for doing 便所飯?

>> No.38228394

matt's pretty open about his faults which is part of why other youtubers seem to really like him. it's only losers on 4chan that don't do anything with their lives that hate on him incessantly.

>> No.38228398

wtf i thought you all said he was good at japanese pronunciation
if this is the best he can do after editing and a million takes lmao at the state of his simps

>> No.38228406

sure thing matto-kun

>> No.38228407 [DELETED] 


>> No.38228408

true. just made an alt account to sub to his channel again

>> No.38228414

Sure Matt, whatever you say. People on YouTube totally aren't critical of you or anything. It's not like you do fake DMCA requests on videos criticizing you or anything.

>> No.38228417

Because his family is low iq.
Blame his family and not him.

>> No.38228419

hello literally matt

>> No.38228421


>> No.38228426

his mom and brother

>> No.38228427

>in the anacreon video that matt took down you used two new screenshots when you were logged in as yoga

wtf are you talking about? post proof.

>> No.38228428

matt honest question is this an exit strategy or do you think youre going to make sustained income with ken

>> No.38228435

>People on YouTube totally aren't critical of you or anything
youtubers? nope.

>It's not like you do fake DMCA requests on videos criticizing you or anything.
oh please those videos were smear jobs full of half truths and lies. and it's funny you cite this example because those videos were literally made by a djter and promoted on djt!

>> No.38228438

i can't pronounce ふ either

>> No.38228439

matt isnt actually good at anything EXCEPT making videos regularly

>> No.38228446

he doesn't make videos regularly

>> No.38228449

quizmaster is marrying his hot white gf next month and his firstborn is on his way he's more successful than you'll ever be matt

>> No.38228450

the videos were full of unedited images and clips
if you told half truths and lies thats on you matto
>made by a djter and promoted on djt
we arent legion retard

>> No.38228453

anons, this is desperation. matt now knows yoga posted libel about him around reddit and 4chan and has the receipts to prove it to go after yoga's small bank account. what we're seeing here is damage control from a weak and flabby manchild.

>> No.38228455

>we arent legion retard
wtf are you talking about anacreon made those videos i was here when he was posting people asking for the clips (clips - not whole videos with context) and shit lol

>> No.38228457

i tailor my japanese posts to be easy to understand for people of all levels

i learned from natives how to do that


>> No.38228460

have you assessed the financial impacts of having a reputation as a scammer after you make your few thousand off the scam? is it really worth it?

>> No.38228461

all you posted says other qm-domo including her giant feet

>> No.38228463

>it's only losers on 4chan that don't do anything with their lives that hate on him incessantly

matt you literally had a video series called "hating on" where you viciously attacked other youtubers using copyrighted clips of them

>> No.38228466

crazy that yoga matt and nuke are all posting in this thread right now

>> No.38228468

i never gain weight i'm perpetually skinny

>> No.38228474

which he apologized for, stating in the comments that he didn't want to build a channel based off of attacking others when he knows what it feels like to be attacked himself.

>> No.38228476

what specifically did yoga do that was manchild-like?

>> No.38228482

>youtubers? nope.
George criticized you. Are you saying George isn't a YouTuber? What about all of the videos popping up now criticizing your new scam which are being made by YouTubers? Watch it or I'll make a video myself because I have more subs than you.

>smear jobs full of half truths and lies
They were literally just recordings of you talking and screenshots of messages you wrote. Nothing was a lie or a smear. One is literally just a 2 hour long video of you talking.

>> No.38228488

it means djt isnt a hivemind and no one stands up for analcream just cuz hes "one of us"
trip users are attention seeking faggots
anyone standing up for him just goes to show how low the general opinion of you is

>> No.38228492

his gf is hotter than you og, 4bc is getting the short end of the stick

>> No.38228496

i feel bad for my parents for being a neet this long

>> No.38228497

even ruka was more successful than matt

>> No.38228501

matt's too scared and fragile to browse 4chan. yoga has been the one hiding behind samefag anons and posting namefags like anacreon

>> No.38228503

>George criticized you
you mean the guy who constantly reiterates that he really likes matt? thanks for proving my point.
>They were literally just recordings of you talking
...out of context.

>> No.38228506

so make some money

half of the worlds workforce is sick with covid rn

lots of opportunities to step in and get paid this week

>> No.38228508

matt i will have you know that i have no association with that loser analcream
hes the kind of guy id 100% give a swirly
but so are you so theres that too

>> No.38228510

>clips - not whole videos with context)
It really doesn't matter when you told Doth about something and then went and did exactly what you were talking about in the clip. And the whole 2 hour video is on yandex anyway retard.

>> No.38228511

will you hire me?

>> No.38228512


>> No.38228516

>it means djt isnt a hivemind and no one stands up for analcream just cuz hes "one of us"
i don't disagree but why are you bringing this up? i'm just pointing out that the initial traffic for those videos was mostly random djters. anacreon and djters don't make a living talking about japanese on youtube.

>> No.38228517


>> No.38228519

he said she was fat and hairy too
no way shes thinner than og

>> No.38228531

i just can't do it i'm too scared of the outside world

>> No.38228535

>It really doesn't matter when you
this shouldn't need to be stated but i'm not matt lol
>when you told Doth about something and then went and did exactly what you were talking about in the clip
you mean a perfectly fine and ethical thing to do which people only pretend to be outraged over?

>> No.38228544

who are you trying to convince, qm

>> No.38228548

>out of context
a 2 hour video of you talking is out of context? Because it's that 2 hour video that got reddit mad at you.

>> No.38228551

>anacreon and djters don't make a living talking about japanese on youtube.
y-yeah haha you got me there

>> No.38228555

(you) make this too easy yoga. (you)'re mentally incapable of shutting the fuck up and have to pull any trick to make (you)rself the victim.

>> No.38228558

qm making a last ditch effort to get og to dox herself

>> No.38228562

why do you keep referencing the 2 hour video when we're talking about multiple video compilations that anacreon made?
>Because it's that 2 hour video that got reddit mad at you.
you mean the 2 hour video that most redditors almost certainly didn't watch?

>> No.38228563

there will be plenty more opportunities because she can never leave

>> No.38228569

not for him tho he wants to slide into those dms before he gets married

>> No.38228572

weird. i don't feel that bad for mine. i'm the one who's suffering here.

>> No.38228574

anacreon anacreon yoga matt yoga anacreon? og jamal matt jamal ciaran. anacreon george ken matt anacreon LOL

>> No.38228576


>> No.38228581
File: 120 KB, 954x954, IMG_7952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally nobody else here would stand up for that scumbag except for picrelated and only because she has to. We know it's you, Matt.

>> No.38228582


>> No.38228585

og is never getting married

>> No.38228589

its pronounced fu

>> No.38228591

now you're speaking my language

>> No.38228592
File: 1.07 MB, 1267x712, 1620910091738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea she kinda based

>> No.38228594

i dont need to hire anyone

ull stop being scared when its truly do or die and at that time ull wish u did it when u still had it easy

>> No.38228596

actually not going to make it

>> No.38228600

this except youre holding too much analcream and not enough jamal and matt

>> No.38228605

learn english

>> No.38228607

maybe the problem is your retarded, i didn't say gorge yourself, i said find something you can do, the fucking hippo did and hes borderline retarded

>> No.38228611

uncanny valley lmao same bug eyes

>> No.38228612

my guide to perfect ふ
say fu (hard f) and feel the starting positioning of your teeth which should be biting your lower lip
pull your lower lip out without moving your teeth and don't pucker your lips then say it
it shoud feel like you're blowing air into your lower lip

>> No.38228614


>> No.38228615

the djt experience

>> No.38228619

my b caught up in the heat of the thread skimming

>> No.38228623

i always pictured her as being slim. disappointed.

>> No.38228624

i mean i'm obviously retarded i can't do anything.

maybe i'll just keep stay a neet till i'm homeless so i have no choice but i feel too bad for my parents

>> No.38228626

yea japanese women have NO ass its all bones

>> No.38228629

what so you think the outside world can do to you that you haven't done yourself already?

>> No.38228632

>why do you keep referencing the 2 hour video when we're talking about multiple video compilations that anacreon made?
Because I'm talking about a specific part of the 2 hour video that I mentioned in my r*ddit post where you talked about scamming people and then you literally tried to pull the exact scam you talked about in that clip. And you're saying it's all out of context.

>you mean the 2 hour video that most redditors almost certainly didn't watch?
They watched the relevant part of it, and they watched your newsletter video where you tried to shill the exact scam you described in that clip. That's all they really need to see.

By the way that post was payback for what you did to me and I'm not done yet. I will legitimately get you cancelled.

>> No.38228636

i think its easier to start from hu and bring your lips together until theres audible resistance

>> No.38228645

unarguably based

>> No.38228648

holy shit, ken cannon has joined djt! hey ken, when you scammed $18,000 off those 30 people did you really think people would just forgive and forget cause a few reddit posts got removed?

>> No.38228651

as it should be

>> No.38228654

do you regularly watch vtubers?

>> No.38228657

>By the way that post was payback for what you did to me and I'm not done yet. I will legitimately get you cancelled
and you are?

>> No.38228665

i don't know i'm just a failure

not regularly i'll watch the occasional clip

>> No.38228671

>where you talked about scamming people
offering motivational/guru speak to plebs isn't "scamming" them. both parties benefit from the transaction.
>And you're saying it's all out of context.
it 100% is, because almost none of those redditors who are outraged watched the video.
>They watched the relevant part of it
nope. the entire interview sets a tone that the clip doesn't.
>By the way that post was payback for what you did to me and I'm not done yet
dude i'm not matt why do you insist on this. unless this is ultra bait to make anacreon look bad.

>> No.38228674

>no posts about Japanese
This thread is a circus. I'm going to /int/'s DJT.

>> No.38228676

and stay out

>> No.38228677

this thread has very little to do with learning japanese, newfriend

>> No.38228678

>By the way that post was payback for what you did to me and I'm not done yet. I will legitimately get you cancelled.
lets fucking goooooo

>> No.38228684

The guy who's going to get you cancelled. But I'm not the guy who's going to tarnish your name, you already do that yourself.

>> No.38228687

>hey ken, when you scammed $18,000 off those 30 people
oh so now i'm both matt and ken now? intending to do the right thing but having a mental breakdown and failing to deliver on a promise is not a "scam". it's doubly not a scam when you apologize and refund those people. yes i know you can attempt to spin him as a liar who tried to swindle people but reversed his decision when things got too hot, but the point is that you're speculating just as much as i am, and assuming bad faith when you don't need to.

>> No.38228690

>By the way that post was payback for what you did to me and I'm not done yet. I will legitimately get you cancelled.
is this before or after you join the navy seal sniper time?

>> No.38228694

you're not anacreon

>> No.38228697

can you link back any posts with funny japanese mistakes

>> No.38228703

why not?
actually im making dinner and i don't care that much
fight retard fight, fucking videotape yourself masturbating on chaturbate if you cant think of anything else, or go on fiver, or make videos discussing the deepest lore of the fuzz on your belly button
look, you are overthinking things, if you were retarded youd have an easier time
oh i know, look up how to grow mushrooms and sell gourmet shrooms, and also use some to fix the bitch thing you got going
look bro, you aren't a hot girl, so nobody is gonna save you. nobody is even gonna give a shit when you are shooting heroin in a gutter, our lot is to fight
so fucking fight retard, get mad, you are more than this, you should be, anyway
good luck bro
we have this convo now and then and it never helps but who knows, maybe this time
slap your idiot face for me, you need to feel something outside of coom and self pity

>> No.38228705

lmfao it actually is ken

>> No.38228706

just realized if i get a job soon i probably won't be able to get time off in late february for video games is it considered weird to ask for some days off less than a month after starting?

>> No.38228714

theyll understand if you tell them its for miyazakis newest
or just tell them you got a positive test, yw

>> No.38228717


>> No.38228718

ken kaniff from connecticut little bitch

>> No.38228720

>is it considered weird to ask for some days off less than a month after starting?
one of the aspects i most dread about getting a job is not being familiar with norms like this and making myself look foolish when i break a norm or don't know a norm.

>> No.38228729

you also make yourself look foolish when you dont take any time off and you never ask for a raise
cant win

>> No.38228735

thats smart but i bet theyd just fire me considering it wont be a respectable job. maybe i should just wait till march to get a job.

yeah me that and i was always really scared of breaks especially the first day holy shit its so awkward. made me want to eat lunch on the toilet like in high school but you cant really do that at a workplace

>> No.38228740

>offering motivational/guru speak to plebs isn't "scamming" them. both parties benefit from the transaction.
It's a scam because you're selling them a product on the promise that it's going to make them fluent in Japanese and you know very well that it's not going to do that. You are literally just selling hopes and dreams and taking peoples money. And as for Ken, taking money from people and promising a product and then running away without delivering that product is a scam.

Nobody is benefitting from this transaction except for you. You are taking advantage of people who think that you're good at Japanese because they're too low level to hear all the mistakes you make.

>it 100% is, because almost none of those redditors who are outraged watched the video.
What about the ones who did watch the video and thanked me for linking the videos because it added context to my post and proved what I was accusing you of?

>nope. the entire interview sets a tone that the clip doesn't.
It doesn't matter. You did irl exactly what you described in that clip. The rest of the video also makes you look bad but it's not relevant in the case of uproot.

>dude i'm not matt why do you insist on this. unless this is ultra bait to make anacreon look bad.
Are you Ken or are you Dawn?

>> No.38228742



>> No.38228747

bros i cant read all these posts its too fast

>> No.38228751

matt does not have the mental capacity to handle browsing here much less posting. you're the only one defending ken cannon here since this shit began infecting our jp threads three days ago. even nuke posts here and he never defended what you did even on reddit. reads more like he didn't want that post dmca'd like matt did to so many others.


>> No.38228760
File: 1.10 MB, 1267x712, 1635414963925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what anime character is on the guy holding the light's shirt?

(also tag yourself)

>> No.38228761


meant to link this reply by ken


>> No.38228762

"mental breakdown"
What about the previous scams you ran? You did the same scam tactic multiple times where you took money and then disappeared. It doesn't matter if you had a "mental breakdown," poor mental health doesn't excuse your actions.

You also didn't refund everyone and some of those victims are saying you didn't refund the full amount.

>> No.38228765


>> No.38228766

a lot of eceleb autism in this thread

>> No.38228768

I'm not Nuke but as a side effect of my post his dekinai ass did get removed as a mod so that's nice.
Fuck no I'm not.

>> No.38228773

moe do you think you could defeat matt in a nihongo battle?

>> No.38228782


That 2 hour video isn’t going away. I’m sure most people have already dl it and are ready to keep uploading it.

What are you going to do to stop that?

>> No.38228784

im the guy doing the fucking and shes cutie honey

>> No.38228791


>> No.38228793

>you're selling them a product on the promise that it's going to make them fluent in Japanese
you're not going to get fluent in a short period of time but if you follow his advice overall for a long period of time you will. ken and matt talked in the video about people achieving fluency without their new scheme or whatever, just that they're not as good as they could be, or as efficient as they could be.
>And as for Ken, taking money from people and promising a product and then running away without delivering that product is a scam.
noooooope the connotation is that there's intentionality. all you're doing is inferring that intentionality is there but there are alternative explanations based on the available evidence and his testimony.
>Nobody is benefitting from this transaction except for you.
wrong. people like having their hands held and like having live support when attempting to learn something. they also enjoy the community and exclusivity. matt's program offers all of those things. funnily enough even if we granted that matt was trying to build a cult it wouldn't be accurate to say no one is benefitting from it - people join cults for a reason.
>What about the ones who did watch the video
probably the power posters who hated matt to begin with.
>You did irl exactly what you described in that clip
and there's nothing wrong with what he described or what he's doing.

>> No.38228795

>By the way that post was payback for what you did to me and I'm not done yet

what did he do to you

>> No.38228800

the 90s version cutie honey flash

>> No.38228801


>> No.38228802

im the captioning

>> No.38228807

>poor mental health doesn't excuse your actions.
it could actually but idk what previous scams you're referring to.
>and some of those victims are saying you didn't refund the full amount.
who knows who's telling the truth.

>> No.38228809

I'm not op of the reddit post and the person you're replying to isn't me retard.

>> No.38228820

So I can play games and earn money.

>> No.38228821

>Im sure most people have already dl it
hate mobs generally don't actually watch the stuff they form hate mobs over. the sheeple see a clip that sounds bad, see that a vocal minority are outraged over it, and then they join the mob. this is especially prevalent on reddit.
>What are you going to do to stop that?
nothing because i'm fine with the video existing and i'm not matt

>> No.38228824
File: 93 KB, 1065x1027, Nenpai mad at Matt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, so you're just mad at matt cause you can't hack learning japanese even though you live in japan, and that he called you a naughty word? get the fuck out of here, big bad nuke got taken down by a pussy.

>> No.38228829


>> No.38228835

>Fuck no I'm not.
then wtf did matt do to you

>> No.38228844

just chceked morbido guys anilist

>> No.38228847

Based if true

>> No.38228848

>he called me a racial slur


>> No.38228849

>for a long period of time you will
No you won't.
>wrong. people like having their hands held and like having live support when attempting to learn something.
You can't learn a language by having your hand held. That's not how it works and you know that. You even made a video about it.
>even if we granted that matt was trying to build a cult it wouldn't be accurate to say no one is benefitting from it - people join cults for a reason.
People do not benefit from cults. Matthew Lawrence Bonder from Portland Oregon you are a psycho.
>probably the power posters who hated matt to begin with.
Sure Matt, let's just ignore the few thousand people on Reddit who are currently mad at you.
>and there's nothing wrong with what he described or what he's doing.
There is everything wrong with scamming people but you being unable to understand that doesn't really matter because it's going to be your falling.
You're mother.

>> No.38228852

her most mannish version
80s was weird

>> No.38228856

>you're not going to get fluent in a short period of time but if you follow his advice overall for a long period of time you will.
meaningless statement
>just that they're not as good as they could be, or as efficient as they could be.
bullshit scam
>there are alternative explanations
meaningless statement
>it wouldn't be accurate to say no one is benefitting from it - people join cults for a reason.
>power posters
>and there's nothing wrong with what he described or what he's doing.

>> No.38228857

lmfao based matt

>> No.38228863

oh you're tatsumoto, ok nvm

>> No.38228867

ken, seriously, just don't post here. you're just going to hurt your and matt's brand more that you already did. yoga outed himself two days ago by posting here.

>> No.38228871

no hes the 10 year guy who seethes at bunko

>> No.38228874

Nothing about "hacking." He called me a dekinai faggot because I was lower level than he was since I had only just started studying and he was a dick in every sense of the word. Meanwhile he himself was struggling with the n1 quiz.

jokes on him because he still can't pass the n1 quiz but i can and he's going to get cancelled. Getting cancelled won't be good for a college dropout...

>> No.38228878

I will never work again.

>> No.38228882

>No you won't.
you're saying that reading a lot, listening a lot, using anki, and paying attention to pitch won't get you fluent? interesting.
>You can't learn a language by having your hand held.
>People do not benefit from cults
there's probably benefits like camaraderie and a sense of purpose. it's just not optimal because there are better alternatives.
>let's just ignore the few thousand people on Reddit who are currently mad at you.
the few thousand people who didn't watch the video and joined the mate mob because they're dopey redditors?
>There is everything wrong with scamming people
offering hand holding for a high price, and people taking you up on that offer is not a scam.

>> No.38228885


>> No.38228889

theyre the same guy

>> No.38228890

seethe noob

>> No.38228899

this idiot can't even "hack" the english language, no wonder he can't "hack" japanese and has to cry about it on reddit all day.

>> No.38228900

better version of hanii-chan

>> No.38228901

kill gay people in video games

>> No.38228903

holy fuck quit making me scroll past a bunch of garbage every time i check the thread

>> No.38228905

actual schizo thread

>> No.38228911

mined 生唼

>> No.38228912

never been called miniyoga before i need a shower

>> No.38228918

you want a guy's life to be ruined because he was meant to you? well thank goodness his business will be fine and the hate wave will pass.

>> No.38228924

too lazy to shower

>> No.38228927

honey you got to stop posting

>> No.38228928

thoguht u were kind of based for a little bit there but now i think ur gay : (

>> No.38228933


>> No.38228936


>> No.38228948

same i meant metaphorically

>> No.38228949

>reading a lot, listening a lot, using anki
That's not what uproot is
>paying attention to pitch
Worthless. Accent is acquired naturally and only autistic retards would pay attention to it like I told you on your pisscord before you kicked me out. But don't take my word for it, I'm just someone who works at a Japanese company speaking in Japanese all day to Japanese people with zero problems being understood. I'm not some YouTubers who can't even pass an N1 quiz so you should probably just disregard this statement.
>there's probably benefits like camaraderie and a sense of purpose. it's just not optimal because there are better alternatives.
Yeah I'm sure everyone in Jonestown was benefitting from the camaraderie.
>offering hand holding for a high price, and people taking you up on that offer is not a scam.
Offering a fake product that doesn't work and promising it will is a scam. Where did you get your marketing tactics, infomercials?

>> No.38228951
File: 487 KB, 890x490, jamalxog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38228953

netflix cuteh hunny when?

>> No.38228956

ill go kyoani on them if they dare

>> No.38228963

based, im cheering for your victory. dont let us down

>> No.38228965

ok matt

>> No.38228974

shit show on a shit streaming platform i don't see the problem

>> No.38228981
File: 14 KB, 280x208, 1634452955862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learning for a couple years and i have forgotten that this also means
>to save
like to save the company

>> No.38228982

stay filtered id hate for you to like the things i like

>> No.38228987

I want his business to be ruined because he's trying to scam people. Normally I would have kept scrolling and ignored it but since he wanted to be a dick it feels good to watch him get caught in traps he set for himself.

Nobody is ruining his life except him. all I'm doing is pointing out the shady shit he's trying to pull and saving potential victims. And stop samefagging.

>> No.38228988

>yoga outed himself two days ago by posting here.

yoga has never posted here, you are a legitimate schizo

>> No.38228993

stay mad, boomer

>> No.38228997

are you african american

>> No.38229002

>That's not what uproot is
uproot is part of matt's overall advice.
matt disagrees, but also irrelevant.
>Yeah I'm sure everyone in Jonestown
they probably did. but just because there are instances of something leading to bad outcomes doesn't mean it's always or usually bad.
>Offering a fake product that doesn't work and promising it will is a scam
does matt believe it won't work? what makes you say that?

>> No.38229003

got my pussy eaten out by a japanese man on sunday. he was really good at it. sadly his dick was small.

>> No.38229007

even if you're not ken, seriously, shut the fuck up. no one gives a shit about your uppercase defense of matt and this thread disappears in less than a week anyway.

>> No.38229008 [DELETED] 
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>> No.38229019

guess what outted you as a man?

>> No.38229021


>> No.38229023

>because he's trying to scam people
what makes you say that
>Nobody is ruining his life
agreed on this part. his life isn't being ruined at all and he'll be fine.


>> No.38229026

bros i already know he wins (his pic is in the wall as having won in kaji" but they hype is real
they need to animate the rest of kaiji

>> No.38229028

choose to not buy? since when does that have anything to do with a scam. a scam isn't armed robbery, everyone in a pyramid scheme for example CHOSE to buy into it willingly

simple as

>> No.38229029

this but unironically

>> No.38229030

tell us og

>> No.38229031

is matt preying on the low iq masses because he is a bug with nothing to live for? yea. is it cringe yea. is it wrong no not really.

>> No.38229033

these are all the same person

>> No.38229038

all the big dicked guys in japan get snatched up by jav companies. gotta pay extra for their services young lady.

>> No.38229040

have to agree with moe
giving a shit about matto is an L

>> No.38229041

>uproot is part of matt's overall advice.
Matt's advice is just AJATT. Everything Matt does is just AJATT, and this is just silverspoon which Matt even acknowledged is a scam.
>matt disagrees, but also irrelevant.
Matt's idol (Krashen) agrees with me.
>just because there are instances of something leading to bad outcomes doesn't mean it's always or usually bad.
Cults are always bad. There are no exceptions.
>does matt believe it won't work? what makes you say that?
It won't work because that's not how you learn a language. Same reason why a language school can't get you to fluency.

>> No.38229042

true true

>> No.38229044

>wojacks in djt
this general really is dead

>> No.38229049

i like to pretend these posts are fruffi

>> No.38229052 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 785x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>wojacks in djt
>this general really is dead

>> No.38229054

When the fuck did I defend matt or ken can you even read

>> No.38229060


>> No.38229063

its always been a thinly veiled zoomer discord

>> No.38229066
File: 60 KB, 353x500, 513HbVoXzaS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna be based when anacreon literally gets sued and we get to read the court documents

>> No.38229070

arguing this is a waste of time. your days are numbered matt, don't forget it. you're going to be the joke of language learning youtube.

>> No.38229072


>> No.38229075

this but postironically

>> No.38229076
File: 323 KB, 800x600, 1626632962370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haters gunna hate

>> No.38229078

djt be mad

>> No.38229080

thats not og shed post something emo like

>> No.38229082 [DELETED] 

the most hilarious part of all this is that nuke was made a 4chan jannie last year and can see all the ip addresses.

>> No.38229089 [DELETED] 
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>> No.38229095

gonna be based when nuke kicks the bucket for being old and obese raging at randos online

>> No.38229097

lol that might just be true. they are a rare find in this place. とっても貴重なもの

>> No.38229101

only since we got raided by qms discord

>> No.38229118 [DELETED] 

>can see all the ip addresses

>> No.38229120

>Matt's advice is just AJATT
nah he doesn't recommend those bullshit mcds or whatever, or listening to jap shit when you sleep, and other cruft khatz shoehorned into it.
>and this is just silverspoon
don't remember what khatz offered in silverspoon but it was probably bullshit compared to what matt offers. didn't khatz first push his mcd shit there for example?
>Matt's idol (Krashen) agrees with me.
matt's smarter than krashen.
>Cults are always bad.
disagree. they offer benefits i described. don't lose track of your original claim which is that nobody benefits from the uproot transaction except matt. this is false.
>It won't work because that's not how you learn a language
it will work because uproot is a small part of matt's overall advice and he already said that uproot isn't required to reach fluency. genki won't get you to fluency either but it can help you along the way.

>> No.38229129

70s had such soul

>> No.38229130

what is this? a book or a game

>> No.38229135


>> No.38229139

>matt's smarter than krashen.
matt got a bachelors in "business"

>> No.38229141


>> No.38229143

youtubers like matt and know that the hate mob is baseless.

>> No.38229146

tabletop rpg. i just bought both rule books. they're coming out with an english version in march

>> No.38229147

matt used to sell his time for $60 an hour on patreon back in 2018 iirc. you would get 1 hour a month to talk to him about anything you wanted. 4 members per month. t's not absurd that he sells it for 10x that when his platform is 20x the size, inflation is through the roof since 2018, and this course claims to offer 1 on 1 coaching quite frequently and much more. being a poorfag is an illness.

>> No.38229151

matt has recommended almost everything at one time or another even if it contradicts something he said before
>or listening to jap shit when you sleep
including this
if youre going to be a mattfag dont slip up cuz i aint the only historian in the thread

>> No.38229156


>> No.38229157

>matt used to sell his time for $60 an hour
damn i make more than that lol. cmon matt

>> No.38229158

i stand with matto

>> No.38229160

>and this course claims to offer 1 on 1 coaching quite frequently
it doesn't, there will be no 1 on 1 aspect

>> No.38229162

>inflation is through the roof since 2018,
low iq post

>> No.38229165

literally who

>> No.38229168

matt even bought time with khatz. matt has experience on both ends of the transaction and doesn't have a problem with it.

>matt has recommended almost everything at one time or another
hyperbole but he has changed his mind on things he advises but he gives reasons why.
>if youre going to be a mattfag dont slip up cuz i aint the only historian in the thread
the problem is that i'm smarter and can better contextualize things than you can (e.g. matt changing his mind).

>> No.38229177
File: 2.62 MB, 2894x4093, 1637122989906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could never switch up on the gang

>> No.38229179

ur iq and genetics guy u got owned yesterday

>> No.38229181
File: 57 KB, 1024x793, 1642237892628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw anacreon leaks the links to uproot zoom meetings

>> No.38229185

this is honestly impressive
and shes actually cute

>> No.38229190

i have no idea who that is and i haven't posted in like a week

>> No.38229191

>matt even bought time with khatz. matt has experience on both ends of the transaction and doesn't have a problem with it.


matt calls khatz a scammer then copied him

>> No.38229196
File: 908 KB, 850x1202, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

子供のとき 夢見たこと
今も同じ 夢に見ている

この大空に 翼を広げ
悲しみのない 自由な空へ

>> No.38229197

stop samefagging ogroid

>> No.38229199

a classic
every 70s hit was a banger

>> No.38229201

nothing he says in this clip is wrong. khatz never did it right.

>> No.38229204

i said almost
>i'm smarter
>matt changing his mind
contextualize matts advice being untested useless fleeting womanly feelings that are no more legitimate than any other n6 retard reddit posts on optimizing language learning no matter how many revisions they go through

>> No.38229214

is morbido guy still here

>> No.38229215

newfag there is multiple 70s music posters

>> No.38229216

closed the tab at your voice

>> No.38229217

that's actually really neat

>> No.38229220


>> No.38229221


>> No.38229225

yea might not be true though i'm definitely correct on this and you're completely wrong.
>contextualize matts advice being untested useless fleeting womanly feelings
i think he's too idealistic/adopts ideas too quickly without them being empirically tested.

>> No.38229226

pic is the japanese learning community

>> No.38229236


>> No.38229237
File: 1.13 MB, 1267x712, 1636254520897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking jap

>> No.38229243


>> No.38229247


>> No.38229252

have you ever done sex

>> No.38229254

morbido guy is probably sleeping

>> No.38229261

i have had sex dreams about matt before

>> No.38229263

you can tell how tiny matto is because of how gigantic his weird bug-eyes are
humans always have the same size eyes at all ages so you can use it as a proportion metric

>> No.38229264


>> No.38229266

agree w/ moe's middleground position on all of this

>> No.38229267
File: 650 KB, 320x610, 1628820367876.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(This is a stupid question) What console is better if I want to play games and change the language to Japanese, Xbox series S or Nintendo Switch?

Is a stupid question because I guess for the Xbox I'd need to change the region or buy the games in the Japanese store right?

>Anon, idiot why not use your pc?
Because my laptop is shit and because I want a console.

>> No.38229271

xbox region locks all games. its gay. switch for sure

>> No.38229282

switch by far

>> No.38229283

>adopts ideas too quickly without them being empirically tested.
hes never empirically tested an idea and he never will

>> No.38229284

a hacked switch. if the console you buy can't be hacked you're severely fucking yourself cuz getting jap games can be a nightmare

>> No.38229291

im the 1 watching it happen : (

>> No.38229293

it's language learning you can't

>> No.38229298

switch. how is this even a question?
>if the console you buy can't be hacked you're severely fucking yourself cuz getting jap games can be a nightmare
lol no. all you need is a japanese nintendo account and you can easily access the japanese eshop.
t. regularly switch between the japanese and british eshop

>> No.38229304

there are like 25 xbox gamers in all of japan hope this helps

>> No.38229312

thats why i said it confidently

>> No.38229313

eyes growing during adolescence is literally one of the biggest causes of myopia

>> No.38229322

is that why you can't see this coming *shoves foot up ass*

>> No.38229323

sorry og i know i promised but youre dead

>> No.38229332
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>> No.38229335

og has a beautiful personality

>> No.38229340

lold out loud

>> No.38229352

>all you need is a japanese nintendo account and you can easily access the japanese eshop
yeah but you can't buy anything there without a Japanese payment method

>> No.38229371

imagine you marry a yellow monkey faced woman and have her hellspawn then one day you see a woman like this on the street smiling at you

>> No.38229372

wish i could lick og's manko until she squirted her ibari all over me

>> No.38229381

woah what a heel turn from moe

>> No.38229383


>> No.38229390

ootl. who is og?

>> No.38229398

imagine getting that excited about a 6/10

>> No.38229399

the one who recorded this vocaroo

and these ones:

>> No.38229408
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, LoveR Kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have a visa/mastercard, you can buy anything. pic related is a japan exclusive game that i bought from the eshop. i have lots of games from both regions.

>> No.38229410

turn on your monitor

>> No.38229414

wish i could go back to a time when i didnt know

>> No.38229420

why is all japanese media in 2022 like this lol

>> No.38229423

i subvocalize moes name the same way
do you think were made for each other

>> No.38229424
File: 1.03 MB, 1267x712, 1617768301857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when they find the secret stash

>> No.38229433

that's an old vocaroo

>> No.38229434

the baba yaga of djt

>> No.38229435

thanks for the compliment

>> No.38229436

objectivity doesnt exist so yea

>> No.38229438

why is she called og

>> No.38229448

output girl. advocated output. thinks matt and djt are wrong about needing lots of input

>> No.38229450

god the "moe" vocaroo was such a high iq joke for her
still puts a huge smile on my face every time i listen to it

>> No.38229451

ill take opinions from my djt bros if og isnt here but i know she is

>> No.38229453

cause he had tons of orgasms, it stands for orgasm grunt

>> No.38229455

there was no joke in it

>> No.38229463

you got a tingle from it dont lie

>> No.38229467

she made herself ongasm on vocaroo with a pencil. a fuckin' pencil.

>> No.38229469

cuz shes the og djt poster, the progenitor and revered ancestor of our thread

>> No.38229471

>if you have a visa/mastercard, you can buy anything
no you can't lol

i have tried with an american visa and a mastercard and it didn't work

>> No.38229475

she argued about how important output is but she doesnt realize the reason the name stuck is cuz she cant listen or read lmfao

>> No.38229482

are you sure your bank didnt block it

>> No.38229486

so funny that og got to japan and had lots of sex and the n6 haters cant do either

>> No.38229492

its not an accomplishment for a hole to get fucked

>> No.38229494

>on vocaroo
>he didnt see ogs perfect manko

>> No.38229495

yes i am sure

>> No.38229499


>> No.38229502

having sex isnt an accomplishment

>> No.38229505 [DELETED] 

imagine having lots of sex and not 1 orgasm and then bragging about it

>> No.38229513

imagine having lots of sex for 2 seconds of pleasure and much longer refractory period

>> No.38229514
File: 252 KB, 1280x720, 1642479165343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no you can't lol
i literally proved to you that i can. maybe it's an american-only problem.

>> No.38229515

imagine caring

>> No.38229516 [DELETED] 


>> No.38229522

moe was bated into a trip all too easily
hes low iq afterall

>> No.38229532

im gonna use it every time some unfunny faggot uses my name.

>> No.38229539

actual cope

>> No.38229541

moes taizensa alone would rank him above jamal if his taste wasnt shit

>> No.38229556 [DELETED] 

had sex with hundreds of women. most have orgasm though some feel it bigger and more often than others. a few just can't reach that point while a few more require nearly an hour of effort.

if og has fun but can't orgasm during sex unless a toy is used, nothing wrong there.

>> No.38229561 [DELETED] 

get out.

>> No.38229566 [DELETED] 

>if og has fun
never @ me again when you dont even know thread lore

>> No.38229569 [DELETED] 

gonna enact an automatic death penalty for any man who sleeps with more than 3 women in his lifetime

>> No.38229570 [DELETED] 

>most have orgasm

>> No.38229579 [DELETED] 

i'm 30 and haven't had sex with even 1 woman yet so i think i'll be ok

>> No.38229584

when did u do the purchase maybe things changed

>> No.38229590
File: 264 KB, 1280x720, robots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting question.

>> No.38229593

sv3rige is right again

>> No.38229600

if hes so right about everything why doesnt he have a family anymore?

>> No.38229609

want the man who stole his wife and kid to start a yt because he defeated him

>> No.38229621

that game had a lot of style

>> No.38229630

raising another mans child is the most pathetic loser shit you can do
even if you start a family almost everyone in the world is mentally ill so it probably wont work out

>> No.38229633

hed be a cuck if not for the fact its a daughter and hes gonna groom and fuck her as well when she gets older. its normal for women to enter another mans care

so hes double cucked

>> No.38229635 [DELETED] 

im losing hope ill ever find a cute girl as mentally ill as me

>> No.38229639
File: 2.57 MB, 4032x3024, 1642479806282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two months ago, but today I bought both ninjala story packs at discount from the japanese eshop.

>> No.38229644 [DELETED] 

you shouldn't actually want this. it sounds nice because it means her value is low and she'll settle for you but you'll discover it makes for a very unsatisfying relationship.

>> No.38229658 [DELETED] 


>> No.38229663
File: 166 KB, 1077x793, 1642257932386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38229669 [DELETED] 

beggars cant be choosers

>> No.38229672 [DELETED] 

because if you imagine him having 100 bastards while so many dont get a single woman hes the enemy

>> No.38229676

he was too pure for this world, rest in peace bro

>> No.38229688

wtf, what country you in

>> No.38229700 [DELETED] 

nothing would change for the guys who don't get a single woman though.

>> No.38229701 [DELETED] 

there's no shame in raising my kids with the one woman willing to settle for you after having her fun with me.

>> No.38229707 [DELETED] 

yes it would
men would be choosier for their 3 women
even higher status women would be outcompeted
less sluts would be created
more virgins would have to settle for other guys
its the social contract we all used to abide by

>> No.38229713 [DELETED] 

jokes on you your kids are going to grow up to be even more pathetic than me

>> No.38229716 [DELETED] 

deflowering a virgin used to be considered taboo unless you planned to wife her
we need to start stoning men who dont have morality

>> No.38229720 [DELETED] 

oh it's og, lol nvm.

>> No.38229726


>> No.38229729 [DELETED] 

>its the social contract we all used to abide by
nice rp

>> No.38229730 [DELETED] 

at least i'm not paying for their pathetic asses so you're a better man than me for taking on the job. if you need help with your wife being satisfied again just give me a call. i'm still in tokyo after all these years.

>> No.38229740 [DELETED] 

>implying i have money
looks like you havent grasped the situation

>> No.38229741 [DELETED] 

its true
even the whoremonger edward vii wouldnt take unmarried women as his mistresses

>> No.38229748

based circle takes the square opening song

>> No.38229755 [DELETED] 

i've fucked maybe three virgins in my life and all of them were pretty bland experiences with one bleeding (a 36 year-old virgin at that). personally it should be a rule that women and men should have sex with at least three people before they can settle. and no anon, jacking off to vn's doesn't count.

>> No.38229767 [DELETED] 

how does a woman even remain a virgin until 36?

>> No.38229768 [DELETED] 

so you just ruined 3 women and their potential husbands for sex you didnt even enjoy
congrats you deserve to have your existence undone
>woke shit
whodda guess it

>> No.38229771

just can't stand all the sex-havers here any more... i think i'm off to greener pastures.

>> No.38229772 [DELETED] 

loling that og thinks its her boyfriend that ruined her

>> No.38229777

primae noctis is so hot bros

>> No.38229778

ciaran is such scum

>> No.38229789 [DELETED] 

he did literally defile her which ruined her so shes kind of right

>> No.38229799 [DELETED] 

and he was mexican or something
that's the cherry on top

>> No.38229807

>DJT Daily Japanese Thread
What a joke

>> No.38229813


>> No.38229814

if he hadnt have fucked her i might have wanted her

>> No.38229817

learning japanese is free.
advice isn't
knowledge shouldn't be
if you have knowledge to share
you should be able to charge for it
we don't live in a free society, we must eat
we must use our knowledge and our skills fruitfully

matto, out

>> No.38229831

what knowledge and skills retard

>> No.38229835

never thought of it that way

>> No.38229843

i only care that your advice and knowledge is a bad product

>> No.38229853

forgot to mention i totally bullshitted about the "first month or two" part. i didn't remember at all if he gave a timeline on that. i wasn't being serious but apparently i was kinda accurate

>> No.38229854

honestly, i do wonder.
are there 100 people out there that will actually sign up.

>> No.38229863

500+ for the $500 course. for the $1000 course? 100 ez.

>> No.38229867 [DELETED] 

because japan. funny thing is i fucked her in an internet cafe on new years day cause all the love hotels were full. to her credit she got much better by the third and fourth time we hooked up.

>> No.38229870 [DELETED] 

lmao so that's why she is racist

>> No.38229875

My schizo friend who likes this guy tells me to eat raw meat because of him. Not doing that shit but I’ve seen a bit of his content and he seems smarter than the average person.

>> No.38229877 [DELETED] 

man i really want to go on 3 month vacations in japan and go wild on tinder

>> No.38229883 [DELETED] 

so og got raped?
must suck being a women and being so weak
literally, every men has bigger bones and 10x more muscle than most women
they probably live in constant fear.
explains this feminism movement too
they wish they could have the power men could have and let men feel the fear they have inside of them
but, it will not work
god didn't make you that way.

anyway, post your favorite kanji mine is:

>> No.38229895 [DELETED] 


>> No.38229907 [DELETED] 

They’ll be so boring compared to even an average white girl it’s incomparable.

>> No.38229913 [DELETED] 

kinda racist

>> No.38229915 [DELETED] 

most shamanistic cultures believed men exceed in all ways in the physical world so women are given the inverse in the metaphysical

>> No.38229922 [DELETED] 

you r9k "chads" have been talking about the beta uprising for like 15 years now lmao

>> No.38229931 [DELETED] 

weird since all important thinkers ever in history were all men

>> No.38229933 [DELETED] 

The way my gf chains me to the bed and puts me in a pink maid outfit is something no Asian bitch could replicate. It’s over for them bitches.

>> No.38229942 [DELETED] 

logic and intellect are also of the material
its more like supernatural and ghost shit

>> No.38229949 [DELETED] 

medicine and science advanced too far.
women were biologically made to give birth early and die during one of their births before they reach menopause so they can stay beautiful.
its all downhill for them after their 30s

>> No.38229951 [DELETED] 

elaborate please

>> No.38229952 [DELETED] 

yeah asian women arent as good at trying to be men

>> No.38229963

How good was steve kaufmanns pitch accent when he talked to those japs on vr chat

>> No.38229972

stevie k reads wayy too much to have good pitch

he forgot the most important part

to buy matt's course. only 1000 bucks a month for 2 months

>> No.38229979 [DELETED] 

No kinky shit will ever happen. The most boring missionary that feels inferior to fapping will take place. Insert my current goth girl and she bought me a whole sissy maid wardrobe and degrades me, humiliates me, spits in my mouth, the whole nine. Meanwhile in Japan you’ll be lucky if the head even feels good

>> No.38229987 [DELETED] 

og said she won't give head :(

>> No.38229988 [DELETED] 

another thing her and i have in common then
we both fucked mexicans

>> No.38229992 [DELETED] 

u know jap women have access to western shit nowadays righ

u go to a danceclub and youll se how homogenized the world culture of women actually is

>> No.38229993 [DELETED] 

i debated og on whether or not she's orgasmed and won

>> No.38230007 [DELETED] 

im pretty sure they have compared men brain and muscle spasm during orgasm to women's and it's basically the same readings in an mri

women can orgasm
and they can orgasm more than men
it's just that they can't really orgasm from penetration alone.

>> No.38230012


>> No.38230017 [DELETED] 

childbirth was never that dangerous
and menopause was group evolution to make women not get cancer and live longer as aged carers for the tribe
men are the ones that arent supposed to live past 35

>> No.38230019 [DELETED] 

they compared taking a satisfying fat shit to eating a hershey's candy bar and the mri readings looked pretty similar.

tl;dr "neuroscience" and "mri" studies are complete bullshit.

>> No.38230025 [DELETED] 


>> No.38230028 [DELETED] 

dno i consider it my job to corrupt a pure woman but i aint an m so maybe thats it

>> No.38230032 [DELETED] 

>it's just that they can't really orgasm from penetration alone.
if you don't have girth

post timer prevented me from posting this thought first

>> No.38230038 [DELETED] 

>it's just that they can't really orgasm from penetration alone.
not all women suffer your ailment og

>> No.38230039

gotta love how the most mentally ill fuck itt is always talking shit about psychology/psychiatry, lmao

>> No.38230041 [DELETED] 

>if you don't have girth
no, most women orgasm comes from clitoral stimulation
whcih, the dick doesn't really stimulate

>> No.38230050 [DELETED] 

>women orgasm

>> No.38230056 [DELETED] 

then why do women masturbate

>> No.38230061


>> No.38230073 [DELETED] 

which is funny cause freud said it was the "bad" kind of orgasm because it was too close to a male one

>> No.38230078

I dress in maid dresses and I can tell all of you are faggots when you care this much about whether the bitch cums or not. She has sex to serve you. Stop worrying about a bitch

>> No.38230082 [DELETED] 

maybe try banging her cervix harder anon
you do reach her cervix right?

>> No.38230093 [DELETED] 

because it feels good but that doesn't mean they orgasm

>> No.38230104

imagine not reaching a japanese womans cervix

>> No.38230105

customer satisfaction is priority one, a satisfied customer spreads word of mouth/brings more customers anon, retaining a customer is 5 times more valuable than getting a new one and much less time consuming

>> No.38230118

i wonder if a woman has ever masturbated thinking of me

>> No.38230127

a woman masturbating to the thought of me would be the hottest thing in the world

>> No.38230140

you? no
me? yes

>> No.38230143

try a woman masturbating to the thought of you while in the same room as her husband

>> No.38230154

Get a job you bum.

>> No.38230164

make them masturbate in front of you as foreplay

>> No.38230165

which anon are you?

>> No.38230168

That show was atrociously bad.

>> No.38230172


>> No.38230174

moribito retard

>> No.38230178

wonder if og rubbed it to bunko or 4bc

>> No.38230179

tell me about moribito

>> No.38230184

That's not what save means in that context. It means to not use up 100% of something.
You're thinking save as in to rescue.

>> No.38230188

>this is your brain on dual lingual

>> No.38230196

That show is the perfect example of how having great actors doesn't mean the performances are going to be any good if they're directed by idiots and the script is a farce.

>> No.38230205

if ur ever confused about 残す just remember 一滴残さずに

>> No.38230214

yeah the japanese are terrible writers and directors
they can only synthesize an illusion of inspiration by stealing enough shit and smashing it together to make it seem random

only westerners have the muses on their side

>> No.38230229

theyre terrible at every other role in film too
third world countries do a better job

>> No.38230241

sorry pajeets but your bollywood shit is awful

>> No.38230245

they can act when they are directed properly but only in the natural/method acting style which i usually hate

>> No.38230249

im not sayin bollywood isnt dogshit
im sayin japan makes it look professional

>> No.38230299


>> No.38230320


>> No.38230338 [DELETED] 

meme or...?

>> No.38230362

matto is gonna find u

>> No.38230374

It's a free source.

>> No.38230379

this aint right

>> No.38230396

So, who is gonna be the hero who will leak the infection?

>> No.38230408

really problematic for matt to use those terms given the current global pandemic. insensitive to the loss of life

>> No.38230411

Anacreon or Yoga.

>> No.38230412

u can call me pestilence

>> No.38230423

I will be djt representative. All I need is a couple of dollars from each of you to afford it

>> No.38230426

This is the Yoga channel?

>> No.38230433

cant believe no 1 posted this on reddit

>> No.38230448

yoga looks like THAT ?

>> No.38230450


>> No.38230457

I thought Yoga was a fat dude

>> No.38230471


>> No.38230479

dear anacreon: can you stop spamming r/languagelearningjerk with matt threads. thank you

>> No.38230480

>These two guys are not “exceptionally good” as they claim. To be fair, they are definitely fluent. But they still have noticeable American accents and far from a native level. I’m Japanese and have seen lots of foreigners whose speaking abilities are much better than theirs. So, it’s so weird to me that every comment on Matt’s videos is like “his Japanese is perfect!!” when he makes at least one mistake every 10 second.

>> No.38230481

science is a passing fad
its already on the way out
ill stick with whats served countless cycles of humanity, thanks

>> No.38230488

based theist bro

>> No.38230490

>served countless cycles of humanity

>> No.38230494

go ahead and post it for me and watch the upvotes pour in

>> No.38230496

aint gonna be me

>> No.38230507

wow 1 every 10 seconds? insane...

>> No.38230518

hi yes im japanese and i just want to comment as an expert on the japanese language that analcream suffers from rectal prolapse

>> No.38230524

i am japanese man
very good japanese you all very try harding
please try hard for future japanese!

>> No.38230536

if i hear a foreigner speaking english and it sounds perfect except there's something off every 10 seconds then i would consider that foreigner to have extremely high level/advanced english with a fantastic accent, so what gives.

>> No.38230537

Matto-kun, we already have the vaccines, and people still getting the infection.

>> No.38230544

copety cope cope

>> No.38230547

matto you shouldn't spend so much time in the thread or you'll get addicted

>> No.38230555


>> No.38230561

He spend 10 fucking years learning purely japanese.

>> No.38230575

>He spend
how long have you spent learning english?

>> No.38230577


>> No.38230578

doesn't that just prove my point.

like there are a surprising number of scandinavians who have great english but i can tell they're foreigners if i listen to them talk for 20 seconds or so because there's a sound or two that's off. but i consider that to be extremely high level and to sound great.

this criticism of matt feels unfair.

>> No.38230579

5 months.

>> No.38230586

I am like Ken, I can speak and listen easily, but my writing skill are shit.

>> No.38230588

his new $1000 course claims his expert instruction on pronunciation will help you acquire japanese significantly faster than otherwise
whats unfair about pointing out that he makes n5 level pronunciation mistakes

>> No.38230594

Should I study isolated kanji or learn it through vocabulary?

>> No.38230596

seethe poorfag

>> No.38230600


>> No.38230601

>He spend 10 fucking years learning purely japanese.
some esls spend their entire life learning english and still sound bad. or sound great but flawed.

the fact that people with great accents regularly make mistakes?

>> No.38230608

guy that got scammed by ken cannon gives uproot the thumbs up

>> No.38230609

i haven't spend a second of my life learning english.

>> No.38230610

this is the type of instruction you all should be sperging out over if you really want to larp as masters
but then again you wont because that would count as "instruction by a native teacher" and djt thinks natives suck at teaching lmao

>> No.38230611


>> No.38230619


>> No.38230620

stfu ogroid ydkj

>> No.38230621

>great accents
come back when youre n3
anyone who speaks with moderate confidence sounds good if you dont know the language

>> No.38230627

the sound thing is not a bad idea, i think if the average dekinai spent 5 minutes a day doing scales their learning would speed up considerably

>> No.38230629

>t. dekinai

>> No.38230632

>djt thinks natives suck at teaching lmao
no matt says that and as a general principle i disagree with everything matt says just in case

>> No.38230634

if the worst thing a native can say about someone's accent is that "he mistakes a mistake every 10 seconds", then that's extremely good by any metric. that's actually fantastic. maybe they meant to say he always sounds bad but sounds egregiously bad every 10 seconds?

>> No.38230638

>he mistakes a mistake
makes a mistake* wtf...

>> No.38230640
File: 1 KB, 300x81, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38230643

this is def matt you can feel the weight of his massive post lawyer verbal iq

>> No.38230646

>he mistakes a mistake

>> No.38230650
File: 30 KB, 627x613, no one wants anything to do with you disgusting excuse for a piece of shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pathetic faggots spend all day every day trying to get certain people to reply. It's just really really sad. I keep trying to get you retards to move on because I feel sorry for you all but holy fucking shit I can't stop cringing

>> No.38230651

djt living his head rent-free

>> No.38230653

no, no. matt would have been able to express my thought much more elegantly. i'm a gentile so i even struggle with wiping my own ass after i shit.

>> No.38230663

your standards are fucked maybe youve hung around too many esls that are painful to deal with

>> No.38230667

jamal said if you want to stop thinking about sex you should have it

>> No.38230670

this guy are sick

>> No.38230673

i'm talking about some of the consistently highest level esls that sound indistinguishable from natives except there's a certain sound that they consistently miss.

>> No.38230677

one of the few times he said something accurate

>> No.38230685

Nice market Matto-kun/Ken-San

>> No.38230688

oh so you are going to put my shitpost on reddit

>> No.38230695

yeah bro just go out and have sex ez pz lmao

>> No.38230698
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>> No.38230699

gaki with haughty syaberikata best trope

>> No.38230703 [DELETED] 


>> No.38230704

what does that have to do with matt lmfao

>> No.38230712


>> No.38230715


>> No.38230719

the native's criticism of matt.

>> No.38230728


>> No.38230729

i really like this!

>> No.38230736
File: 465 KB, 477x598, Screenshot 2021-01-07 at 23.10.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

modern jp girls are so booooring
gibs flashy gyaru

>> No.38230738

not my fault you arent desirable

>> No.38230741

stfu faggot

>> No.38230742

yea it is. he's a human just like you and needs your help. now fix him you piece of shit.

>> No.38230745

yeah japan really is the place for me

>> No.38230746

it worked for me
have you tried not being fat, short, ugly, retarded, and femenine?

>> No.38230752

Says over 1 billion people.

>> No.38230753

if it was possible to fix dregs like him, pua would still be around, nature didnt intent for everyone to taste manko, sadly

>> No.38230754

retards in here who have gotten laid a couple of times in their life think it's easy af

>> No.38230758

its "effeminate" when its a negative male trait
feminine isnt a negative descriptor

>> No.38230767

based mother nature doing gods work
this is why we should all be shinto

>> No.38230769 [DELETED] 


>> No.38230773 [DELETED] 


>> No.38230778 [DELETED] 

kys ogroid

>> No.38230781

it really was very easy anon, the first time the girl literally did all the work, its all in your head

>> No.38230784 [DELETED] 

ty 4 the u but no u for u fromみ

>> No.38230788


>> No.38230793

ur so stupid u don't even realize it
what made the girl do all the work?
she found you attractive
what happens to dudes no girl finds attractive?

>> No.38230795

>modern jp girls are so booooring

>> No.38230799 [DELETED] 

you going out of your way to reference my post in such a stupid way is worse than just clicking my post, spergling

>> No.38230805

so i guess all the jp women have just decided to collectively have those nasty balding greasy bangs this decade

>> No.38230806 [DELETED] 

hmm, they end here spamming kys all day at their betters? just a guess

>> No.38230809 [DELETED] 

og coping again

>> No.38230816 [DELETED] 

dame this is kinda an aesthetic post

>> No.38230827
File: 102 KB, 800x1200, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how dare you talking shit about mah idol

>> No.38230833

your posts make me mad. i hope you stop making me mad.

>> No.38230836

lol shes fat

>> No.38230841

this guy gets it

>> No.38230855

it isn't obvious?
the standards for men and women arent the same.

>> No.38230875

dont encourage it

>> No.38230880

they end up here spamming kys at their betters and talking about how ugly and stupid they are?

>> No.38230887

u made the same post twice thats how butthurt u are lmfao

>> No.38230896

bunch of posts banished, look at post counter, was at 1480 something before

>> No.38230899

you been listening to og for too long dont be so shakespearean

>> No.38230900

ur low iq mlen
very low iq

>> No.38230908

are you fucking kidding me. getting scammed for thousands of dollars and still vouching for the guy. ken must have a two foot silver cock that tastes like chocolate and strawberries or something.

>> No.38230919

with all the wonderful words in existence, why choose to talk like a retard?
perchance that's why youll never partake in sexual intercourse that you do not fully remunerate the farmer for at thrice the going rate

>> No.38230922

Ken talked about the whole "scam" thing in his interview with Matt and the KoreKara Podcast. He grew up in less than stellar conditions developed social anxiety etc. The course he made that everyone calls him a scammer for was just him biting off more than he could chew then having a mental breakdown, becoming homeless etc. There's too much to explain about this.

>> No.38230924


>> No.38230941

veracious veracious

>> No.38230945

there are no words in the english language which can describe my feelings

>> No.38230953

aroint thee knave

>> No.38230959

i got u bro

>> No.38230962

horny usually suffices for mine ngl

>> No.38230963

why the fuck are you polluting the board with (*you*) notifications. nobody gives a shit about your argument with other dipshit anons.

>> No.38230966

lol all that talk and he couldnt even land a virgin

>> No.38230975

>STFU I will rip your asshole apart

>> No.38230982

mental illness general

>> No.38230987

im glad this thread got stretched out a bit i wasnt feeling the other threads

>> No.38230991

in the end qm couldn't beat ciaran or matt lol he was just hot air

>> No.38230995

ill stretch things out more

>> No.38230997

other threads are gey

>> No.38231017

og > matt > ciaran > queef > jamal

>> No.38231032

was temp banned for 15 minutes. guess a jannie reported my post about sex with over three hundred people as being a troll. glad that's over. anyone else get snatched up?

>> No.38231042

i hate to imagine the walking disease bag a person becomes from that kind of life

>> No.38231044

just make good posts (the post level im at)

>> No.38231064


>> No.38231077

Crazy how this general just gets worse and worse

>> No.38231087


>> No.38231094

it's been on a downward spiral ever since Quizmaster left us

>> No.38231095

>feminine isnt a negative descriptor
for you

>> No.38231097

looking forward to seeing what this place is like in another 2 years

>> No.38231111

daily chinese occupied japan dialect thread

>> No.38231142

which dialect will chairman mao enforce

>> No.38231193

matt doesn't care if you criticize him, he only needs 100 whales, the rest of you suckers can go to hell

>> No.38231213
File: 15 KB, 425x345, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she knows how to blend in
lol no, she does not

>> No.38231257



>> No.38231258


>> No.38231305


>> No.38231530

You have 0% chance with one of these girls. Better stick to trying to get an inaka girl that has never seen a foreigner in real life and doesn’t know how dasai you are.

>> No.38232506

when you're stealing anime yeah

>> No.38232690

even if you dont pirate you can acquire houdai on narou and youtube ez

>> No.38233132

i came to this thread to read up on the matt situation

30 minutes wasted and ive learned nothing

not a single coherent thought or explanation in this thread just people rambling

if you want to protect people from scams try writing a few coherent paragraphs explaining the issue and the facts of the matter

>> No.38233140


>> No.38233288

matt wants to charge 100 rich people money to use his time to hold their hand. yoga is pissed at matt being successful so is using his anacreon alt to harass him. now you're all caught up and can get the fuck out.

>> No.38233305

i think reddit already did that
were just here to laugh

>> No.38234817

lmfao at this guy talking about japanese culture and then mentioning playing genshin

>> No.38235007

we just here to lol br0

>> No.38235045

unko getting owned in the other thread

>> No.38235065


>> No.38236035
File: 983 KB, 766x766, Harnnold_Dogegenchonegger_Color_Closeup_Anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sounds like Arny at the end there

>> No.38236513

this is so dumb. I dont think yoga would release paralled tools to his tools just to get back at matt, thats. it's beyong dumb to think that

>> No.38236610

She should khs, what a hypocrite.
She never gonna tell his viewers to study japanese instead of watching his stream.
