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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3821216 No.3821216 [Reply] [Original]

About to be released

So, will the nude loli scenes be censored?

>> No.3821219

Not likely, MangaGamer isn't an American company and doesn't release physical products.

>> No.3821220 [DELETED] 

stop spamming Anon Talk .com

>> No.3821221

So what's the premise for Soul Link?

>> No.3821234

Shuffle in space.

>> No.3821236

Looking through the HCG, it looks like a large percent of the sex scenes are non consensual.

>> No.3821255

They are consensual for the man and that is what matters.

>> No.3821257

interest raised

>> No.3821264

That's some pretty hardcore Engrish at the top. Was it originally there, or is this indicative of translation quality?

>> No.3821266

The English version doesn't come out until tomorrow, so it's probably the original.

>> No.3821270

This is from the Japanese HCG set, made 5 years ago. That engrish was before Navel ever thought it would be released in English.

>> No.3821271

Considering MG doesn't have a Soul Link page up yet, I'd assume the former.

>> No.3821273

HCG set from the Japanese version, from Hongfire

>> No.3821291 [DELETED] 

stop spamming Anon Talk .com

>> No.3821313

Dead ends, lots of them

>> No.3821330

As in protagonist dies, or just ends to the story that aren't the "true ends"?

>> No.3821342

Protag dies kind of ends, such as getting blasted by C4 when opening a door

>> No.3821356

My interest has increased hundredfold now.

>> No.3821363

Oh god, the twintailed girl has the most annoying voice ever. It's really bad, seriously. Like, Kirari tier.

>> No.3821369

were did you hear it?

>> No.3821384


Go to the characters section, you can listen to some sample voices there.

>> No.3821416

Dear god my ears.

>> No.3821422

Kirari was love. Go see a doctor as I heard there's a Bad Taste Disease pandemic going on

>> No.3821426

Aki? Doesn't sound too bad.

Reminds me of Satoko.

>> No.3821428

Jesus fuck.

>> No.3821434

The loli annoys me more. She sounds like a five year old and she speaks so damn slowly.

>> No.3821447

You think that's annoying? Go watch Yotsunoha and see if you can't stand Nono's voice.

>> No.3821455

What the fuck is wrong with you? Nono was adorable.

>> No.3821458

I liked her but the voice gave me headache. ANO NE?

>> No.3821462

I always repeated her lines just to hear that.

>> No.3821477

VNDB puts it at 10-30, guess that's how I'm spending my Monday.

>> No.3821487

Space based VN? Fuck yeah!

>> No.3821499 [DELETED] 

stop spamming Anon Talk .com

>> No.3821509

In AD 2045, a group of military cadets, attending the preparatory course of the Central Military Academy, proceeded for training aboard the space station Aries. Within this group of cadets were Ryota Aizawa and his classmates including Sayaka Nagase and Kazuhiko Nitta. The situation went sour when a terrorist group called "Jararacas" took over the station. While the military successfully evacuated the station, Ryota and his group were trapped aboard. Worse still, the boarding assault left most of the military forces dead, effectively leaving the cadets on their own.

An unexpected twist occurs when a mysterious virus was released within the station, gaining control of almost all personnel and turning them into mindless creatures in the process. This forced everyone, friend and foe alike, to find a way out of the station alive.

>> No.3821510 [DELETED] 

stop spamming Anon Talk .com

>> No.3821558

Shouldnt there be a little brown girl too?
Or was she just an anime addition.

>> No.3821574


>> No.3821582

She was in the PS2 version.

>> No.3821715

Sold. Eagerly awaiting.

>> No.3821721

Hopefully this gets uploaded relatively quickly.

>> No.3821776

At least something good. Must be feeling bad for all those disney devs that nobody cares about their translations. kekekekekekke

>> No.3821881

Is it just me, or is the MangaGamer site very unreactive right now?

>> No.3821883

So where is it? Local time is now the 30th or did they change something that I'm not aware of?

>> No.3821886

It is loading a bit slowly for me.

>> No.3821945

> So where is it? Local time is now the 30th or did they change something that I'm not aware of?

Suck My Dick or Die went up about 8 or 9 hours their time into the next day. They only reason Shuffle was instantly at this time was because it was set up to go online automatically (like the previous releases last year that caused problems). In this case they likely need to do it manually since it is not on site yet.

>> No.3821961

Well, that could be potentially disappointing.

>> No.3821986

Higurashi better be fucking online at midnight their time on the 15th.

>> No.3822067

I see

>> No.3822317

Still not out. I surely hope it wasn't delayed.

>> No.3822326


>> No.3822994

Bump for tonight

>> No.3823139
File: 85 KB, 719x425, awesome_wg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized the butler dude is voiced by Norio Wakamoto
Fucking sold

>> No.3823354

Wakamoto is always welcome.

>> No.3823861

Bump for juice

>> No.3824357

He was pretty annoying in Family Project, but that was only his character. His voice was the only reason why I didn't skip those stupid scenes.

>> No.3824383

What the hell? Hiroshi was one of the best characters in the game.

>> No.3824387


>> No.3824431

It's not even released to the public yet, it'll probably take a day for it to get hacked anyway.

>> No.3824436

As long as it gets uploaded, it can be done withing the hour, as long as their security has not changed much.

>> No.3824456

I liked him overall, and it was nice to see Wakamoto doing some more comedic voice roles. But there were definitely some times that I wanted to reach into the screen and smack that SOB.

>> No.3824459

Does this game have any hentai?

>> No.3824465

I agree. The only time I liked him was when he became "normal"

I wouldn't mind his comedic voice if the scenes weren't so ridiculous.

also yes, but who cares?

>> No.3824479

Is this game shitty, like Shuffle, or non-shitty, like not Shuffle?

Also, how much rape does it have?

>> No.3824480


I care, I like porn in completely inappropriate situations such as a zombie attack in space.

>> No.3824482

...This may be the stupidest post I have seen today.

>> No.3824483

It's about as mediocre as Shuffle.

>> No.3824499

Different writer so it might not be complete shit.

>> No.3824508

Agreed. Agreed.

>> No.3825348

Seriously now, MG should think about their PR. Not so much because of SL but if they think about getting their share in the english market, then why don't they start moving their asses with only ~2 weeks until Higurashi release ...
I want them low level weeaboos to pay for our games like every responsible aniki would do.

>> No.3825395

I like how /jp/ers want others to buy these games when it is the users of /jp/ who are the actual fanbase that should be buying these games in support.

>> No.3825413

Personally I'm buying MG's good releases. Already got Kira Kira.

>> No.3825422

Not everybody has the money to support MG, but we'd all like them to live.

>> No.3825438 [DELETED] 

With me it's the credit card, I do not own. But I would buy Higurashi through paypal. Well that's MG's fault as there was word about a worksafe page launch for Higurashi so they could implement paypal payments or make bank transit avaible for EU customers.

>> No.3825443

With me it's the credit card, I do not own. But I would buy Higurashi through paypal. Well that's MG's fault as there was word about a worksafe page launch for Higurashi so they could implement paypal payments or make bank transfer avaible for EU customers.

>> No.3825448



Some irc fag should message evospace and ask about the release date ...

>> No.3825521


>Some irc fag should message evospace and ask about the release date ...

He isn't online right now, if you want to bother any irc fag, bother VDZ, who has directly contacted EvoSpace before (about Katahane's licensing potential during the poll)

>> No.3825528

Did Evospace say anything about Katahane?

>> No.3825550

Yes. To put it shortly, at least currently it seems like it won't be released.

>> No.3825568

Sorry, had to be delayed to remove the loli.

>> No.3825574
File: 49 KB, 848x480, nyun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3825600

Mangagamers translations were pretty crappy in the past.

Have they improved? will we get good trans for higurashi?

>> No.3825671

SHUFFLE! was better than their previous releases, which admittedly isn't saying a whole lot, but it wasn't horrible. I'm going to be frustrated if Soul Link ends up not being released today, or this week at least.

>> No.3825909

>SHUFFLE! was better than their previous releases, which admittedly isn't saying a whole lot, but it wasn't horrible. I'm going to be frustrated if Soul Link ends up not being released today, or this week at least.

Shuffle was translated better than Family Project as well, not that that is saying much either.

>> No.3826809


>> No.3827964

Eh, looking at some of their older releases like Edelweiss and Hinatabokko, I'd say they've improved. Still inferior in quality to most fan projects, but it's at least somewhat readable without cringing every other line now.

>> No.3827972

Has this been released yet?

>> No.3828007

Not up on MG's site. You could ask around IRC for potential release time.

>> No.3828041

I have limited funds and have to deal with bank fees and the exchange rate. Even if this comes out soon it has to be on the cheaper side or else I can't get it day one.

So how much rape am I looking at exactly?

>> No.3828062

Just pirate it like everyone else in this thread is going to.

>> No.3828097

Well at least one of us is going to buy it

>> No.3828098

But if I pirated it, how would you guys start downloading it right as it came out?

>> No.3828117

Please buy it in that case, and know that you have my thanks.

>> No.3828133

I doubt it's coming today.

>> No.3828147

Get out, you unbeliever.

>> No.3828184
File: 576 KB, 800x488, Gou_Shudoruku_by_aurora_wolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3828364 [DELETED] 

>Not up on MG's site. You could ask around IRC for potential release time.

Ask where?

>> No.3828451

Some guy over on the forums

(question was will it be released today)
>Likely not, the edits made were not to the translator's liking and some volun-told help was acquired in order for him to go through all of it. Unless MG's various proofers and encoder are amazing and made a split-second decision, it's gonna be a day or two at the very least.

>But rest assured, much sleep was lost...

>> No.3828517

Wat? Is this sum professional translation drama? So evospace made edits that the translater, a weeaboo from around the english eroge scene, didn't like?

in b4 sankaku breaking news coverage

>> No.3828529 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and ddosing Anon Talk .com also stop trolling and harassing us and remove all clones and troll articles and lies and leave us alone if u do this well stop posting these msgs forever

>> No.3828542

Watch it'll be released late tonight.

>> No.3828555

In regards to which timezone

>> No.3828560 [DELETED] 

EvoSpace update

>Actually Soul Link seems to be getting pushed back to the end of December... due to issues more crucial than just translation. But at least it gives us more time to polish the translation.

>Higurashi might come out first afterall~

So it is to remove the loli after all

>> No.3828564

EvoSpace update

>Actually Soul Link seems to be getting pushed back to the end of December... due to issues more crucial than just translation. But at least it gives us more time to polish the translation.

>Higurashi might come out first afterall~

>> No.3828571

From EvoSpace:

>Actually Soul Link seems to be getting pushed back to the end of December... due to issues more crucial than just translation. But at least it gives us more time to polish the translation.

>> No.3828581

Goddamn you, /jp/ spies

>> No.3828582

As long as Higurashi doesn't get pushed back, who cares

>> No.3828585

Someone please ask EvoSpace if they have plans to censor it.

>> No.3828593
File: 40 KB, 640x480, frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3828594

aha oh wow. Kind of sad that its pushed back, but in a way its nice to see them care about their work and not release a shitty product.

>> No.3828611

>aha oh wow. Kind of sad that its pushed back, but in a way its nice to see them care about their work and not release a shitty product.

Too bad the delay is likely censorship related.

>> No.3828628
File: 26 KB, 150x149, JAST_ADVICE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It better not, we have enough censorship from this faggot.

>> No.3828635

Why that? Which characters and if you know the game or have the resources please upload the HCGs in question

>> No.3828639

HCG was posted earlier in this thread.

>> No.3828664

I looked through the HCG and didn't notice anything that would be censored. Unless we are talking about the imouto character.

>> No.3828715 [SPOILER] 
File: 220 KB, 800x600, soullink_098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoiler for loli

>> No.3828733

shes 18

>> No.3828753


She looks like Mikan.

>> No.3828923
File: 61 KB, 798x600, oujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really see them censoring her when they didn't censor the girl from Suika.

>> No.3829475

I suddenly have an urge to play Suika for some reason.
