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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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38049611 No.38049611 [Reply] [Original]

is the shrine really this small?

>> No.38049779

Yeah, most likely. I don't think the Shrine is that big and most of the Parties that take place there seem to happen outside of the building.

>> No.38049922

I don't really see a reason why it should be bigger. Two/Three people could definitely live comfortably there.

>> No.38049991

Where's the bathroom?

>> No.38050454

Actually it's smaller, Reimu lives next to the shrine, not at the shrine.

>> No.38050508

i always thought it was smaller

>> No.38051627

I'd say that there's probably more courtyard space, given that they were able to hold festivals and host several stalls there, but other than that they never suggest that the shrine was very big.
Also, I always thought the main shrine was only 1-2 rooms?

>> No.38054570

They shit Outside near the Trees.

>> No.38054963

Dose anyone have any blue print like art of the Shrine that might come close to how it looks like?

>> No.38055811

Do Shrines have toilets inside of them? Don't they have some place outside of it where Reimu can do her business.

>> No.38056059

if anything, I suspect there might be an outhouse, unless yukari upgraded the shrine's facilities while keeping it traditional-looking

>> No.38056105

>map for a TTRPG

>> No.38057611

Do we get any canon mentions about how big the Shrine is? I know he see it quite a lot in WaHH but it's always from the front.

>> No.38057975

Are there designated shitting trees?

>> No.38058288

Yeah, that big one the fairies live in.

>> No.38058405


>> No.38058412

Post more 2hu TTRPG maps!

>> No.38058445

Shut up, Akyuu.

>> No.38058508
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Weird, i expect a shrine has a main prayer room with large statue and lots of candles.

>> No.38058793

Motherfucking god isn't even present, Reimu probably doesn't care enough to set up a big altar for an absent deity.
I wish ZUN made it show up already.

>> No.38058852

My baseless theory is that it once was Yukari.

>> No.38058877

i have some hazy memory about some shrines combine the prayer room with the outside part so there's no figure/deity, but people can still make coin offerings, or at least the prayer room is missing due to some reasons
don't quote me on this, but I think it's more important for a shrine to guard its sacred objects

>> No.38058973

Psychotic crazy Reimu likely removed everything about it and secretly tries to take that god's place

>> No.38058977

Kasen commented about how little Reimu cared about making her shrine look presentable for the visitors in WaHH

>> No.38059143

Anon the real Hakurei god is ZUN itself

>> No.38059209

Oh shit mind blown

>> No.38059252

What gayme is that?

>> No.38059309


>> No.38059326

Why doesn't he tell his miko to stop being so lazy?

>> No.38059467

I can't help but think it being Yukari would be the laziest way to explain it
as far as I'm aware the God is still present, because if it wasn't Reimu's Yin-Yang Orb wouldn't have powers, but since Reimu doesn't know who it is and can't communicate with it, she can only use it's powers.

>> No.38059733

We know it isn't. Rinnosuke knows the Hakurei Gods name and he never says anything about it when he meets Yukari.

>> No.38059808
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This kind of Photos is all I could find so here Eientei.

>> No.38059907

Somehow this guy managed to come up with a layout which has no actual shrine in it. Unless Reimu was the god all along.

>> No.38059969

> The Hakurei Shrine isn't really a Shrine
It wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.38060103

Not all Shinto shrine feature the Main Hall where they keep the go-shintai, i think in this case only the oratory is present
two things that irk me:
how narrow the space between the storehouse and the shrine
reimu is cooking right on top of tatami mats. I'm not sure about safety standards in Gensokyo, but that's asking for for another shrine rebuild.

>> No.38060312

I'm not seeing the haiden there either.
I've been looking through various solutions for the layout, and they generally seem to keep both the haiden and honden together in a single building behind the donation box, but then either stick Reimu's living quarters behind them or in some building off to the side somewhere.

>> No.38062980

This looks good enough, if it weren't for the Insects and the Weather, I wouldn't mind living there.

>> No.38063288

It’s missing the big porch.

>> No.38067660

That looks buddhist desu

>> No.38071910

this reminds me of the minecraft gensokyo map, with the size and layout and everything.

>> No.38074376

Well Kasen did complain to Reimu about the state of the Shrine

>> No.38075336

He encourages that behavior. Just get drunk, exterminate uppity youkai every now and then, and relax at the porch. Isn't that what you're there for anyway?

>> No.38075368
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Eh it's alright, Reimu's got her little helpful fairy taking care of heating now. It's all coming together.

>> No.38075529

Now all she needs is to create an Anti Insect Barrier for the Summer.

>> No.38077835

Poor Clownpiece. How many people live on Hakurei ground now?

>> No.38080591

Isn't Eientei much larger though?

>> No.38080778

I think it's only big on the inside, like the SDM or the TARDIS.

>> No.38081433

I think so. I didn't get the impression of it being big from all the times it appeared in the Manga or other Official Illustrations.

>> No.38085361


>> No.38086495

I'm sure they will enjoy it.

>> No.38088135

Marisa is the bathroom
