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3806081 No.3806081 [Reply] [Original]

Spartan hoplite vs Japanese samurai

50 on 50

Who wins?

>> No.3806092

japs and their bows can't do shit when their enemies have large shields, and the shitty katana is out-ranged by a spear.

>> No.3806101

I don't think you have any idea how fast most samurai actually were. They could step in and cut down a Spartan before the enemy even had a chance to react.

>> No.3806102

What kind of stupid question is that

>> No.3806106

Katana > spartan shield

>> No.3806111

Stop trying to force shit, dawson anon. This board is already a swine pen without your help.

>> No.3806140

Fuck your Japanese samurai.
Bring in the fucking catapult and send that cliff to hell.

>> No.3806146

>I don't think you have any idea how fast most samurai actually were

Do you know how well trained Spartans are? They train as full time warriors from age seven. The only time Spartans are not training for war is when they're actually waging war.

>> No.3806153

And samurai were preconditioned to be warriors before they were even born. You think just anyone could pick up a katana?

What a joke.

>> No.3806163

nails it

watches too much anime

>> No.3806175


>> No.3806188

That show is worse than /jp/ powerlevel discussions

>> No.3806189

lol very good

>> No.3806195

>Spartan vs. Ninja
>Viking vs. Samurai
So close!

But the show is good.
But then, so would be /jp/'s powerelevel discussions if they had an awesome simulation at the end.

>> No.3806197


>> No.3806193


I'm intrigued, where can I watch this online?

>> No.3806203

Spartans would not stand a chance, but that's only natural with the low level skill set of warfare

>> No.3806204


I suck at searching, return hits on "Deadliest Warrior" gives me a bunch of amateur videos.

>> No.3806206

If you are in Canada or the US, from the official site.
Otherwise, http://www.ninjavideo.net/video/38352
Link of the first episode, Gladiator vs. Apache. You should be able to find the other episodes from here on.

>> No.3806211


Much thanks kind anon.

>> No.3806216
File: 100 KB, 368x353, I dunno Shanghai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first relevant result is African Nigger vs. Mel Gibson

>> No.3806219

Gotta give this one to Mel

>> No.3806225

Steel weapons really do the difference.

>> No.3806227

Samurai would won

>> No.3806230

Thinking outside of shitty comics and manga and animu and all the other bullshit you all are no doubt going off, I'd go with the Spartan.
Basically >>3806092
And the katanas are shorter than the spears. And since the Spartans do work as a phalanx, if one did miss with their spear and a samurai was closing in for a hit, one of the back row would either
A. use his shield to block for the man in front, or
B. stab the samurai as he was readying his blow.

>> No.3806236

Not to mention that if the katana actually did hit the Spartan, it would simply bounce off the bronze plate with no damage.

>> No.3806238

Since when do samurai not use spears?

>> No.3806242

don't forget the power of formations(phalanx)

>> No.3806246

Since it's called 'naginata'?

>> No.3806257

On the actual battlefield, katana swords were used as backup weapons, not main weapons. Main samurai battlefield melee weapons were yari spears and naginata polearms.

>> No.3806268

If the Samurai and Spartans were both unmounted the Spartans. The Samurai just wouldn't have any idea how to deal with spears AND shields. They'd be too busy thinking "holy shit I didn't realize you could use both. Now all that training I had to get past a spear is useless because I'll just get shield slammed + short sworded through the face!!"

Against mounted Samurai, I really can't give you a good estimate. It would depend 100% on the battle tactics chosen by each side and the geographic features of the the land. The Spartans were some of the best tacticians history has to offer though, so depending on if both sides had influence on the location or if they were arbitrarily thrown into one without a chance for plans would make a large difference as well.

>> No.3806274

We aren't really expecting the Samurai to see the wall of shields and spears of the phalanx formation and say 'hey, let's blindly do a frontal charge towards it!', aren't we?
I think they were smarter than that.

>> No.3806286

>We aren't really expecting the Samurai to see the wall of shields and spears of the phalanx formation and say 'hey, let's blindly do a frontal charge towards it!', aren't we?
>I think they were smarter than that.
Yeah... I mean... totally don't belong to a culture that would do something like that. It would be just plain silly to throw your life away like that.

>> No.3806289

So what you're saying is the Samurai would be smart enough to just leave?

>> No.3806291

>The Spartans were some of the best tacticians history has to offer
What? All they did if they were forced to fight was assemble a phalanx formation and entrench themselves on a place.
Lighter, more mobile or flexible units completely raped them. Granted, they were tough, and nearly impossible to forcefully dislodge from a place, but they were so rigid with their formations that if someone used any kind of unconventional warfare (to them), the Spartans were fucked.

>> No.3806292

If their lord doesn't orders anything in particular, they won't do shit.

>> No.3806308

No, they would do something smarter than entering a meat grinder.

>> No.3806309
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>Yakuza loosing against Mafia

>> No.3806310

so... you guys started making real life powerlevel threads now?...

>> No.3806312

/jp/ loves powerlevels
ANY powerlevel will do

>> No.3806313

Mafia makes much more money.

>> No.3806314

owow not that broadswords can pierce the heavens troll again

Spartans don't stand a chance. Period. Stop even discussing it.

One jap warlords army would have 10 times the numbers of the Spartan citizenry and don't forget the japs wouldn't even have to fight them directly as the only move would be to assist and "liberate" the slave class of the Spartans that was like 50 times the numbers of the Spartans

>> No.3806320

>completely missing the scenario posed by OP

>> No.3806322

You realize the thread is about 50 Spartans versus 50 Samurai right?

>> No.3806325

Mafia would easily win against the Yakuza. It's like regular mafia with better guns versus midget mafia with worse guns.

This is actually a bad thing though. It means Japan is better at gun control.

>> No.3806341

Bronze Age doesn't stand a chance against Samurai. Their weapons would break before the start of the battle.

>> No.3806351

>Bronze Age doesn't stand a chance against Samurai. Their weapons would break before the start of the battle.
I don't think you understand how bronze works.

>> No.3806355

It's ok. The Samurai barely had any steel to make up for the Hoplites being covered head to toe in bronze and having plenty of backup weapons.

>> No.3806358

>their weapons
>spears made of iron+wood, Xiphos made of iron

>shields and armor made of bronze thick as fuck

>> No.3806400

>No, they would do something smarter than entering a meat grinder.

Like leave?

>> No.3806407

>Implying that instead of having 10 millions 30 millions automatically means they have better fighters, techniques and everything.

>> No.3806426

If it's a fair fight then (I imagine) they'd get similar armaments, at least of the same class namely spears.
But the Japanese wouldn't have any shield-experience, and so I doubt they could face the phalanx head-on (they also have shittier breast-plates).
They would have to harry and wear down the Greek formation with arrows and flanking movements, taking advantage of the Phalanx's clumsy turning rate. (which is probably how you want to treat a phalanx anyway).
Even so, I think the lack of shields would make it hard for the Japanese to meet the Greeks in close combat, even assuming they had longer spears. The Romans beat the phalanx by thrusting out their big shields and rushing in close on the side with their short gladii, breaking up the phalanx in the process. I don't see the Japs being able to rush in like that unless the Greeks have those shitty short spears instead of sarissae.

>> No.3806439

butthurt weeaboos.

>> No.3806452

So did anyone watch Ninja Assasin?
How well did they portrayed the Ninjas in the show?

>> No.3806488

What show? You are talking about a movie there.

>> No.3806495

Actually now that I think of it, with no other conditions, just 50 on 50 in an open field with the weapons of their choice, I think the Japanese would have a major edge.
In a smaller group they can be far more effective with just their bows wearing down the Hoplites from a distance. It's all about who can wear down the opponent first, and I think the Japanese would be the more maneuverable; and more importantly they have the ultimate range advantage. Hoplites are just formation spear fighters, whilst the samurai emphasized archery for most of their history and would almost certainly have their longbows with them.
And I bet that they're good enough shots to stick the Greeks in the legs where their armor is lacking at close range before running away neatly.

>> No.3806497

>the Greeks

What Greeks are you talking about?

>> No.3806507

Spartans had javelins.

>> No.3806552


longbow > javelin

as I see it.
If for no other reason that each Spartan probably wouldn't have any more than two javelins with them.

>> No.3806560

The Spartans would simply shield in until the Samurai ran out of arrows.
Then, it's bloody melee, and the Spartans can thin out the Samurais at range with javelins.

>> No.3806562 [DELETED] 

You guys really don't think the Phallanx didn't deal with arrows all the time? One of it's major strengths was dealing with it.

Likely scenario is they'd use all their arrows, get about 10 kills and then either leave or die.

>> No.3806565

You guys really don't think the Phallanx didn't deal with arrows all the time? One of it's major strengths was dealing with it.

Likely scenario is they'd use all their arrows, get about 10 wounds and then either leave or die.

>> No.3806567

Javelins are overrated. Reason? Maybe to buy some time for a maneuver and that's it.

>> No.3806575

Them let them walk around all day in their Phalanx formation. And some point they will collapse and nobody can urge them japs to attack a P formation because it's defensive only

>> No.3806587

So what you're saying is the Samurai could win by not fighting.

Once again, the Samurai couldn't win. They could annoy them with arrows and at best get a few kills and then they'd have to hope they can run away faster than the Spartans could catch them in formation. That's called losing.

>> No.3806592

In your little silly fantasarand

>> No.3806600

These are Spartans. They could go at it for days on end, maybe weeks.

>> No.3806610

You still haven't explained how the Samurai would do anything after they ran out of arrows.

>> No.3806623

>And some point they will collapse and nobody can urge them japs to attack a P formation because it's defensive only
You're a dumb guy huh? You're basically saying the Samurai wouldn't be dumb enough to take this match up. In other words even they know they would lose.

Also Phalanx can move. It's not a defensive only formation. It's a formation that's very good with defense. It's not like it keeps them from attacking, you gigantic moron. The greeks didn't fight Phalanx versus Phalanx by staring at each other because defensive formations can't move.

The Samurai would give out just as fast as the Spartans, probably faster. They'd be the ones having to sprint away.

>> No.3806627
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>50 on 50
>Image of 300
Do you even need to ask who wins?

>> No.3806630

Other than getting chopped in melee, that is.

>> No.3806635

Frank Miller wins.

>> No.3806638

Get more arrows, use flanking maneuvers, destroy their supply train. A walking wall without any support can't do much except defend. Also sage for this shit, the initial troll that started it, and the retards that think it's a good idea to repost or modify the original shitty idea.

>> No.3806647
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I don't think you know how sage works.

>> No.3806650

>supply train
>50 on 50
>Flank 50 people

You're a funny guy.

>> No.3806650,1 [INTERNAL] 

You cannot be that stupid to really believe that a P formation can hold it's ground against loose formations or evasive maneuvers.

>> No.3806650,2 [INTERNAL] 

What's a "P formation"?

Also, >>3806163

>> No.3806650,3 [INTERNAL] 

Nice job bringing this shit here.

/ghost/ != /jp/

>> No.3806650,4 [INTERNAL] 

Can you not read?

>> No.3806650,5 [INTERNAL] 

I think a more fair match-up would be 20 Spartans vs 200 Samurai. But that's just me.

>> No.3806650,6 [INTERNAL] 

How so?
