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3804806 No.3804806 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I had Thanksgiving dinner with a co-worker and their family. The food was great and I got to hear some amazing stories about the local area. What did you do for Thanksgiving?

>> No.3804809

Not your blog.

>> No.3804808

go away normalfag.

>> No.3804812

I'm not Christian.

>> No.3804815

You don't need to be Christian to use an excuse to make delicious pie.

>> No.3804822

I'm not american.

>> No.3804827

That doesn't stop people from participating in various holiday activities.

I'm an atheist, but when I get the rare chance to eat my aunt's meatballs in sauce and the excellent gravy on mashed potatoes, christian holiday be damned.

>> No.3804829
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I'm no longer human.

>> No.3804834

Good thing all of the Christian holidays have been completely drained of all spiritual meaning by the country. I don't believe in that shit either but I can celebrate.

>> No.3804846

I had awkward conversations with people I didn't want to talk to in the first place.

The one person I did enjoy listening to no doubt thought I was an idiot the way I was stuttering and not responding to most of the things he said.

My mother also managed to humiliate me.

Isn't it great having no social skills?

>> No.3804854

I played video games and browsed 4chan.

>> No.3804857

>>Gargle some car battery acid
>>Become mute
>>Win at social situations

>> No.3804867

Don't forget to always look angry. No one will ever want to fuck with you again.

>> No.3804883

Every segment of the fucking internet was spammed with this shit.
Celebrate your fucking holidays offline amerifags!!

>> No.3804890

Everyone feels the need to /blog/ their day.

I stopped caring about holidays/birthdays/etc long ago. I suppose a lot of people still haven't let go.

>> No.3804999

Sorry for making the world wide web and internet so popular.

>> No.3805003

>Christian holiday

>> No.3805018
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Had thanksgiving with my unit.
Chowed down on some epic german chocolate my grandmother sent me.
Worked 2 12 hour days,
Played shuffle! essence plus
Read about Chaos Theory.
Jerked off to NUMBERS
You know, Nothing big.

>> No.3805020

Every time I see a Yemen Nickel thread, I check that site in the vain hope that they've updated.

>> No.3805023

Got high with some uni friends, ate, then got drunk.

>> No.3805028

>Still thinking getting drunk is cool.

>> No.3805034

We were watching Giants/Broncos. That shit wasn't cool.

>> No.3805049

Then why mention it?

Sorry but after a while of being able to drink, you just kind of get tired of it and find the effects of a hangover to not be worse than the pure joy of being drunk.

>> No.3805059

>implying getting high is okay while there is something wrong about getting drunk

>> No.3805061

Alcohol is a more dangerous intoxicant than many illegal substances, as strange as it may seem.

>> No.3805062

Not strange at all.
Half the reasons why I avoid it.

>> No.3805074

I don't follow.

Getting high before eating Thanksgiving dinner was a brilliant idea we've repeated for years now. Kind of sucks that I'm always forced to carve the bird but it makes the food so much more delicious and consumable with the effects of the munchies.

>> No.3805077

Picked up stuff for my aunt to finish cooking, played L4D2 until Cowboys/Failers game, ate, played more L4D2 plus other games with the cousins, and just got back in from Black Friday near-shopping. A line three department stores down from Best Buy discouraged my family, so I just came back home.

>> No.3805081

When people mention alcohol or getting drunk. They tend to be doing it because they think they are boasting about it. Those who have gotten drunk and aren't proud of it, deny that they got drunk.

>> No.3805087

Okay, so your problem was with my wording?

I'm still not drunk and it's past 3 am here.

>> No.3805117

No no no.
The fact that you bragged about being drunk (Again those who actually regret getting drunk tend not to mention it)

Thats it.
Nothing else

>> No.3805124

I stayed home and ate with my family.

I don't believe in going to other people's houses on holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.

>> No.3805131

Well, I wasn't really bragging, more describing the series of events.

Everyone regrets drinking the next morning, especially if they ate Mexican food the night before.

>> No.3805139
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what a coincidence op....
i got back a few hours ago from doing the same
