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38025601 No.38025601 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished the greatest visual novel of all time. I loved every bit of it except the airship and village dream parts where there's all these choices and barely any hints at what to do. Also Chachamaru is best girl.

>> No.38025767
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I couldn't make it through the first three hours of that snoozefest. Read a real visual novel.

>> No.38026045

You finished fate stay night? Nice anon.

>> No.38026124

Did you get filtered by chapter 1 or something?

>> No.38026304

I'm always glad that people are finally realizing that Chachamaru is the best girl after the game got translated.

>> No.38026313

You read it in English. You didn't actually read Muramasa, but rather moogy's fanfic.

>> No.38026357

I understand enough spoken Japanese to know when the EN translation is taking obvious liberties. Don't ask me to read any fucking kanji though.

>> No.38026479

>I understand enough spoken Japanese
Most people who say this think they do, but really don't.
Anyway, glad to hear you enjoyed it. What did you think of the other heroines? Kanae's voice made me hate ojou-sama types.

>> No.38028188

I took 4 years in high school and a few college courses too. I also stayed with a host family in Osaka for 2 weeks as well as all the Japanese media I've consumed. I think I know a good bit of moonspeak.
Anyways, I liked Kanae a lot and liked her route too. It was Ayame and Muramasa that I didn't really care for.

>> No.38028345

I saw it got translated recently. Is it better than Baldr Sky and Fata Morgana? Those two are next in my VN priorities.

>> No.38028584
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>> No.38028647

>Is it better than Baldr Sky
Few VNs aren't

>> No.38033667

What makes those VNs so good?

>> No.38033816

baldr sky's prose isn't anything special and the gameplay is a big part of it, so you shouldn't lose all that much in translation
don't know about fata morgana
mogymasa is a waste of time

>> No.38034014

Hey, it's ks's 10th anniversary today

>> No.38034898

The only good part of Muramasa was MC. Everything else was mid

>> No.38034988

Is the translation bad?

>> No.38035010

The supporting characters were pretty good too, like the 4 generals, Sorimachi, and the pantsu professor.

>> No.38036248

It's definitely overlocalized at times but on the whole most of the sperging about it is from the schizo who runs the visual novel subreddit. It's fine.

>> No.38036982

Its mostly just the translation making things more over the top then they actually are, usually during comedic scenes.

>> No.38037011

doesn't this VN have an entire chapter about traditional Japanese theater that is basically untranslateable?

>> No.38037586

No, there's a brief theater scene that quckly turns into public rape thanks to bald ojiisan monk.

>> No.38038427


>> No.38038635

Fata morgana is shit, don't waste your time with it.

>> No.38039302

What other Nitroplus VNs are good and translated? I've only read Saya no Uta, Cyberslayer, and Muramasa.

>> No.38040740

Kageaki is a chad autust.

>> No.38042724
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No best girls route.
That's my only complaint.

>> No.38043057

>that tiny navel peek
I am now horny.

>> No.38046193
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This part got me legit choked up. I just wanted her to be happy, she had such a shitty life.

>> No.38046539 [DELETED] 

You were probably one of these cumbrains that expected some H content in it.

>> No.38046560 [DELETED] 

Good taste. Did you try Phantom of Inferno and Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi?

>> No.38046717

No, the only H content VNs I've played is saya and dies irae (fabula version). Fata morgana is boring shit with a few decent moments that only autists obsessed with aesthetics enjoy. There's only one decent character and they're a rip-off beatrice.

>> No.38046722


>> No.38046837 [DELETED] 

I'm convinced that you didn't read Fata Morgana at all and are judging based on the art style and some descriptions alone. If you like Dies Irae you are beyond saving.

>> No.38046867
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I've read the entire of the original fata morgana but not the extra story stuff. Stop trying to check my credentials and say what you liked about it so we can have a conversation you fuck.

>> No.38046887 [DELETED] 

>Not the extra story stuff
And by that I assume you didn't even bother reading Requiem For Innocence, I thought so. And yet you have the nerve to like Dies Irae and call Fata Morgana boring.

>> No.38046963

>And by that I assume you didn't even bother reading Requiem For Innocence
Well yeah, innocence didn't come out till years later and I'm not going to read the sequel of something I didn't like. Normally I would've dropped it but I couldn't for the life of me understand what people were praising so I read to the end out of curiosity. Again, say what you like about it so we can have a conversation rather than checking my credentials.
I really liked marie's route in dies irae a lot and it was worth reading just for that but it was quite bloated in parts. I don't give a shit if you're baiting because bumping a vn thread that isn't ryukishi or nasu on /jp/ isn't so bad so please just give me something to actually think and respond to.

>> No.38046965

They're ok, but not great.
MC was a real stand out, however.

>> No.38046979
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>> No.38047015 [DELETED] 

It literally focuses on two of the most important characters and expands on the remaining ones too. You're comparing actual narrative with low tier chuuni stuff.

>> No.38047040

I'm not comparing anything.

>> No.38047058 [DELETED] 

Then let me compare the two, who do you like the most? Dies Irae, there you go, you are a failure of a reader, don't bother judging a pearl like Fata Morgana without having read the rest, retard.

>> No.38047106
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Fata morgana is shit and you are autistic.

>> No.38047137 [DELETED] 

Tranny fingers typed this. Cope, Fata Morgana has a coherent and satisfying story and ending, unlike your beloved Mr. Dragon "Without Love it cannot be seen" Knight. Keep waiting for Phase 2, I'm sure it will come out one day.

>> No.38047169
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>Tranny fingers typed this
>fata morgana fans are fucking /pol/ and /v/ crossboarders
Holy fucking kek.

>> No.38047193 [DELETED] 

So you're a tranny after all, YWNBAW.

>> No.38047197
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>> No.38048075
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>> No.38048989

>Phantom of Inferno
I watched the anime a long time ago but haven't played the VN. Is it good?
>Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi
Haven't heard of this.

>> No.38050202
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>> No.38050247 [DELETED] 
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The VN is much better, but there are two versions. The Remake and DVD one. The remake is Japanese only VN so if you're EOP you should settle with the worst version. It has many different routes too. Cal's route is the best one.
The other one is best experienced without any spoilers, do not look up anything related to it, in other words, go full BLIND. Just know that it is considered a very good Nitro+ VN, but that should be up to you to judge.

>> No.38050259

>go full BLIND
What genre is it though? Is it action focused like Cyber Slayer and Muramasa or more psychological/horror like Saya no Uta?

>> No.38050264 [DELETED] 

Slice of life/Horror, involves some 4th wall breaking too.

>> No.38050302

I'll check it out.

>> No.38050326 [DELETED] 

Have fun anon, oh and also, remember that the game requires more than one playthrough, you'll see.

>> No.38050486

>the game requires more than one playthrough
Aren't a lot of VNs like that?

>> No.38051252
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>> No.38051324

Perfect description of this thread.

>> No.38052941

Kanae or Ayane?

>> No.38052960
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>> No.38056553
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>Muramasa thread
Feels good.

>> No.38061272

Chachamaru is my newest waifu

>> No.38064003

So you didn't even see the end of the prologue? You really did get filtered then.

>> No.38064910
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>> No.38065397
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I understand the appeal of Chachamaru, but I enjoy the other Muramasa girls more. She honestly felt like Nero in Al Azif's route.

>> No.38065439
File: 36 KB, 474x296, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys haven't even read planetarian

>> No.38065505

What makes you like the others more? I hope that doesn't include Muramasa because she's so boring. The only good thing is her design.

>> No.38065886
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>best girl didnt even get a route
thats why i gave this VN a 9/10 just for that

>> No.38066076

They never explained why ninja geezer had a big tiddy sex body.

>> No.38066206
File: 308 KB, 700x615, 2010-05-16-279111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll go through what I like about each girl in some detail. Muramasa is pretty boring when you compare her to the other girls, but I did actually like her a bit. She's not as great of a main heroine as Al Azif, but her design is legendary.

I love Ichijou's hardheaded, reckless personality. She's very cute when she shows her more vulnerable side. Also, both her post-timeskip and pre-timeskip designs are amazing. Especially the pantyhose and long scarf on her pre-timeskip design. She has Masamune as well, so that's an extra plus. Her route's ending is unforgettable and probably the highest moments in the novel.
My favorite design in the game, very curvaceous and elegant. Has a cool tsurugi as well. I liked her comedy duo with her servant, but I wish she got to show her more scheming side more. Kageaki's relationship with her in her own route coupled with her own doubts reluctance were interesting. Her seiyuu has a weird lisp but it grew on me.
Has the best themes in the game and the best tsurugi design. Unbeatable in terms of coolness, and also, this is an obvious one but the final fight with her was also one of the best scenes in the game"there was love!". Bonus points for being a little sister daughter character. I also like her seiyuu's performance in this.
Like I said above, boring when compared to the other girls, but cute regardless. I liked the parts where she got jealous of the girls in other routes. She's surprisingly moe; before reading Muramasa, I expected her to be a lot more serious of a character. I wish Narahara expanded on the relationship between her and her mother more, but there's a lot of things I'd change about the true route. They keep putting out figures of her human form, but I just want one of her spider form.

In the end, I think characters like Chachamaru just don't appeal to my personal sensibilities.

>> No.38071482

Ichijou was kinda retarded. Her stupid moralfaging literally ruined the entire country. Also
>mmmm hairpin tasty

>> No.38071547

I could go for a good VN. Redpill me; why is it good? Why is it bad?

>> No.38082759

Great MC and supporting cast, cool alternative history setting, badass power armor, high production values. Give it a shot, anon.

>> No.38083113
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>> No.38083458

One of these things is not like the other

>> No.38085584

What genre is it? Action? Tragedy? Mystery? Romance?

Is it haremshit? I hate haremshit.

>> No.38085866

>What genre is it
Alternate history with some fantastical elements, tragic character driven drama. A good amount of action/fights too.
>Is it haremshit
No. MC has a few love interests but it's never a harem. Things never end very romantically or happily in any of the routes either. It's a tragedy not some retarded romcom.

>> No.38087253

Ok, I don't know if banned anon is still reading this thread but I got a lot farther into Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi.
I'm getting DDLC vibes from this. There's no way that VN wasn't inspired by this. Miyuki the cuck destroyer has totally won me over. I literally wanted to kill the faggot MC when that happened and she made that a reality.

>> No.38088511

>Things never end very romantically or happily in any of the routes either.
You really shouldn't have told me that, anon.

>> No.38095877

It's obvious from reading the story for a few hours that it's not going to be a "and they lived happily ever after" kind of thing. Not really a spoiler.

>> No.38095941

Yes it is. You never tell newfags anything about the ending unless they ask for it. Never.

>> No.38097995

All I did was describe the tone.

>> No.38098559

Did Demonbane ever get translated? I only see the Japanese version on nyaa.

>> No.38100806

You described the ending. That's bad.
Telling a newfag that the story doesn't end happily or romantically is as spoilery as it gets. They now know that no matter how happy or romantic the story gets, it won't last until the end. It doesn't matter how obvious that is; what's obvious to you might not be to someone else, and subverting and playing with the reader's expectations is something good stories do.

>> No.38101214

There's multiple endings and they vary quite a lot from each other. I didn't go into detail on anything. All I'm saying is that it's not the kind of story where things end happily ever after.

>> No.38108280

>no best girl route
You mean the imouto? Yea, seeing her possible yandere route would have been excellent. Such wasted potential

>> No.38109152

She did tho, even got her ending, good one too

>> No.38109767

That chapter got me into it, but I sure wish the MC would participate in some of the raping or being raped.

>> No.38110939

It would have been better if MC had to rape the redhead girl because she's the one that had a crush on him to begin with.

>> No.38112841

I really wish there had been a Chachamaru/Hikaru "evil" ending instead of the tease you get if you pick Chachamaru over Muramasa near the end.

>> No.38120193

Yeah, it's been translated for awhile.

>> No.38120696

Good, I need a new nitroplus VN after finishing Totono.

>> No.38127399

What's your favorite Nitroplus VN?

>> No.38130808

I just started Demonbane. How do I get the game not to blackscreen during cutscenes?

>> No.38131624

is this that VN with really detailed descriptions of swordfighting techniques?
when authors drop real-world specialized knowledge on me it always makes me feel retarded

>> No.38131658

If you read the Japanese version you will notice it's even more of a self-indulgent snoozefest

>> No.38132352

I don't know if it's based on real-world techniques, but the game has techniques based on their magic mechs, so there's probably some made-up stuff. The game does have tons of lengthy info-dumps describing the fights and the techniques happening though.

>> No.38139024

It has techniques for both aerial power armor combat and traditional on foot sword fighting.

>> No.38139171

You might be thinking of Hanachirasu. Same writer.

>> No.38142647

Faggot contrarian

>> No.38151585

Is that translated and worth checking out?

>> No.38156193

Yes, it is translated. You might be turned off by the swordfighting autism, but the story is only a few hours long overall.

>> No.38159579

Jesus how long is this game? Just obtained the 3rd ending and it seems i still have 4th ending, normal end and true end.
And lastly i am disappointed why there is no explanation for Kotaro voice and appearance.

>> No.38160026

>3rd ending
If you mean the Chachamaru one then you still have like 4 hours of reading left. The normal and true ends are both based of one choice at the very end of the 4th ending. You're almost there.

>> No.38169223

I'll check it out eventually
