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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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37940653 No.37940653 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>37857650

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.37940760

i drop vns too fast to post about 'em in here

>> No.37940856

Moyoka fandisc has not been released, so no.

>> No.37940874

What are some chuuni games with metal as fuck soundtracks? I want something like Dies Irae where like 70+% of it is full of good riffs.

>> No.37940996

I started the ghost game posted in the last thread and the first H-scene is literally in the first hour. Plotge my ass.

>> No.37941009



>> No.37941149

Is it necessary to keep feeling value of heroines below 8000 to get Mistress ending in Dohna Dohna or is it only necessary to keep feeling level below 8?

>> No.37945389
File: 877 KB, 1027x772, image_2021-12-30_040236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is getting good

>> No.37945716
File: 595 KB, 798x694, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember playing that garbo when attempting to complete every game with misonoo mei in it.

>> No.37947106

Jesus, Porori is the least mentally stable writer I have ever seen.

>> No.37947333
File: 566 KB, 636x541, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening big time.

>> No.37947381

A lot of writers are quite mentally unstable actually. Some are better than others at hiding it.

>> No.37948132



>> No.37948161

I'm only playing to for the meaty nipples, and the VA.

>> No.37948403

Are the serious Whirlpool games good? They look boring

>> No.37948716

>44 RTs
Literally no one cares

>> No.37948777

what's the point of moege sequels anyways

>> No.37948791

Fucking new girls and fucking the old girls more.

>> No.37948936

Is it really that good?

>> No.37949009

as bland as they come

>> No.37949111

The best madosoft game yet.

>> No.37949121

That's not the official announcement, just a random dude who went to comiket.

>> No.37949605
File: 920 KB, 1920x1080, 保健室のセンセーとシャボン玉中毒の助手_-_Ver1.00_2021-12-30_16-18-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying this so far. Daily life with tsundere loli ghost (tsun during the day, dere during the night). It has perfectly drawn flat chest. Some modern artists have a tendency to call a girl flat and then draw her with B cups in HCG. Heresy, I call that.

>> No.37949841

Cute size. (both of the girl and the chest size you mention)

>> No.37950021

making them secret mecha games

>> No.37950328


I don't why but this song about eroge has suddenly become very nostalgic and I want to share this feeling with you all.

>> No.37950341

>when attempting to complete every game with misonoo mei in it.
How'd that go?

>> No.37950377

Those nipples are a heresy on a flat chest, to be honest.
That's pretty much why I can't bring myself to get interested in that game despite liking heroine's design in general.

>> No.37950474

I love small chest but total flattie is just a big turn off for me. It's no different than femboy chest which is gay.

>> No.37950788

What do you mean? They are realistic child nipples. From experience when my sister and I were kids, in case mods get mad about that comment for some reason.
Look again at https://imgur.com/a/2qaBp6F and tell me it doesn't look absolutely wonderful.

>> No.37950888

Not from viewing Japanese photobooks from the 80s?

>> No.37950910

At least this image from the official site: https://citrus-soft.net/product/hokejyo/images/character/pic01e.jpg left an impression on me that nipples were too humongous in this game.
I guess they are just not very consistent. As I pay more attention now, it's clear that their size changes in different images, with some being much better than others.

>> No.37950920

I'm no expert, but those strike me as too big, yeah.

>> No.37950979

That's just a bad angle, I suppose. I should follow that regardless of that, if someone likes lolis who actually act like kids, they should give this a shot. I fully expected her to be like an iyashikei onee-san type heroine going into this, but no, she's just an immature child in both body and mind.
Though she says she's older than MC (early 20s) by counting the time she's spent as a ghost, she hasn't matured a bit. She hides behind the MC when meeting new people, often spewing toxic remarks at them from the safety of cover. She gets jealous easily and lightly pinches him or blows her signature bubble toy in MC's face to grab his attention. She doesn't admit to being head over heels for MC (the game starts with them as a couple), but she insists on taking baths with him, getting carried around, making him dress her, and 仕方なく getting ravaged at night. Man, I grow to like her more and more as I type this.

>> No.37951042

Sounds good, DLing now.

>> No.37951052

lolicons are gonna get the rope

>> No.37951054

Hey, stop it. Just reading your description is making me drool all over keyboard.
I should give this game a shot, I guess.

>> No.37951110

New Muv-Luv PV

Was it posted?

>> No.37951167

To play nawa shibari with some lolis, right?

It's rather rare to see nawa shibari scenes with loli for some reason.

>> No.37951336

What are you referencing here?

>> No.37951373

Well if they use the Avex bux for this, I guess that shitty anime might be worth it after all.

>> No.37951901

Ah, nevermind. Don't reply to me, Ive figured it out now, lol.

>> No.37956380

Is it true that they talked about NFT half of the time of the official stream?

>> No.37956413

>the way the Rinko route ended
Oh come on, that's just a major cock tease kek. Well, that's what the last route is for. The rest of it was nuts though as expected. Keira's freakish 3-headed conjoined sister form was some nightmare fuel.

>> No.37956798

Anyone knows where to get the 9-nine sound drama cd on torrent?
I can found the DDL on AS, but I like torrent better

>> No.37957527

The package set torrent has the OST and tbe drama CD inside. They're separate rars so you can d/l them without cracking off 7 gigs for a VN you already have.

>> No.37959633

Are the bad ends worth doing in nikuniku?

>> No.37959708

Hmm, what I mean is the しあわせおうちでーと
Currently there are 5 overall, all heroines + Ghost

>> No.37959794
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>> No.37959987

Whats the point in reading it at all if you're not going to do them? Isn't that what you're here for

>> No.37960139

The great voice acting is enough to make them worth checking out. And the way the story works I think it adds a lot to the way everything is revealed and solved if you go through every ending.

>> No.37962130

New to VNs. What are some VNs like biniku no kaori or boku no kanojo ga gatenkei or kawarazakike 2?
I want adult stories with problematic relationships and degeneracy but your usual nukige doesn't scratch this itch. They lack writing quality and similar level of execution.

>> No.37964837

Our guy Taiki's top 10.

>> No.37964889

literally who

>> No.37964921
File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, FHxouxMaIAE68vH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Tom's next game.

>> No.37965105

ビジボ that high? I get that it has its charm, but come on.

>> No.37966754

>Mahoyo getting a full HD, fully voiced re-release in 2022
What a time to be alive.

>> No.37966971

>fully voiced
Trash. Never mind the console shit.

>> No.37966983

You can always turn it off if you have autism.

>> No.37967085

nice, now i'll finally play it.

>> No.37967145

Somebody will patch the voices into the original anyway but frankly I'm getting pretty dissapointed with some eroge/novels games being released only on consoles and not on Windows, especially when Type-Moon has a history of Windows releases. I sort of accepted it with Tsukihime considering it's only a half of the game and PC version would come in some glorious deluxe edition when both parts are released but now with Mahoyo (which amounts to basically only an) update being released only on PS and Switch I'm sort of losing hope. It's just kind of… dumb, to be honest.

>> No.37967211

Well the switch port of Kirikiri emulates flawlessly so I don't really care desu. It would bother me otherwise. I probably would have had some kind of autistic meltdown if the new Tsukihime didn't emulate well since I don't own a Switch (and probably never will unless they get to like the $100 price range since I'm a cheap bastard).

>> No.37967219

If someone's an all-ages cuck, they own a console anyway.

>> No.37968162

Cringe how EOPs swarmed the comments.

>> No.37968268

I want to kill every eop in comments

>> No.37968336

I'm hoping Steam Deck changes the situation around. Not only would we get a portable "console" that would play R18 games, but I'd get more Steam games that just runs on Linux.
But this is the nips we are talking about, they'll only find out about the Deck 10 years from now or something.

>> No.37968365

i've always wished comments were region locked

>> No.37968376

This is why I don't enable comments.

>> No.37968593


>> No.37968834

hajimete no kanojo? remember that elf died refusing to change their style, it wouldnt have happened if these stories were popular

>> No.37969505

new Tsukihime is gonna be a PS5 exclusive since its coming out in like 2028 kek

>> No.37969660

Steam is not that popular in Japan to begin with, especially in otaku circles. It's pretty much given that Steam Deck will flop in Japan.

>> No.37969666

nice cope faggot
just ask for ntr recommendations instead of trying to excuse yourself with
>m-m-muh quality writing!11
>m-m-uh l-level of execution!!1

>> No.37969784

only Gatenkei can be classified as NTR from the games he listed

>> No.37969827

nipland loves switch. They will never let it go until nintendo makes some new console to replace it.

>> No.37969907

>Steam is not that popular in Japan to begin with, especially in otaku circles
True, and that's my point: the Deck is a portable console that, due to also being a PC as well as having Steam's library to back it up, already more games and "PC exclusives" than any other handheld in the market at launch.
It's such a unique opportunity, and yet I'm pretty sure Valve will not bother with the nip market.

>> No.37970095

Japanese was the 7th most used language on Steam in November according to Valve itself.

>> No.37970381

With the closest by percentage of usage being Polish at the 8th place, despite Poland having 3 times lower population, despite higher percentage of English speakers in Poland, and despite Japan being the 3rd economy globally.

>> No.37970519

i called that they'd re-release mahoyo with voices but man is that retarded
>anniversary, so they'll re-release an incomplete game

>> No.37970564

Just because there's some sequel bait/unanswered questions doesn't mean it's not a complete story. I'd rather Nasu write the next Tsukihime part before a hypothetical Mahoyo 2. Anything is better than the fucking gatcha though.

>> No.37973224

あけおめ to all of you cunts, even the hookcucks.

>> No.37973330


>> No.37973419

Is it weird that I only play vns if they have sexual content in them, but 99 times out of 100 I just skip past the sex scenes?

>> No.37973460

not really
all ages means the entire writing will be affected by age restrictions, not just the existence of sex

>> No.37973692

Eh not really in my experience. Most scenario games I've played could easily be edited down to 15+ or so if you just take out the H scenes.

>> No.37973847

Interesting to hear about. Do you have any vn recs that seem to have unaffected writing with some fan-service and implied sex scenes?

>> No.37973909

Well off of the top of my head, the sequel Demonbane game is pretty much that. It has a few hot CGs/lines and Kurou and Al are a couple that (obviously) have sex. It's not a "fade to black" so I don't know if that's what you're looking for exactly, but they talk about it a few times. I think it's 15+.

>> No.37974222

Contrary to what delusional bubble sperg believes voices are important in VN and most players listen to them instead of skipping.

>> No.37975303
File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, yoshiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire fight
Oh boy, some crowds of people would lose their minds. This was cool though. Explaining why you are living your life incorrectly in the middle of a fight will always be one of my favorite cliches.

>> No.37975691

oh i agree, good voice acting and voice direction elevates vns to a much higher level

>> No.37975740

He's got a point

>> No.37977971

thanks, I'll check it out

>> No.37978518 [SPOILER] 
File: 423 KB, 1920x1080, seijuurou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seijuurou's ultimate punishment is to die on his deathbed while being loved by his wife and going to heaven because nothing is a greater hell to him that experiencing love
That's wild.

>> No.37981285

Higher English speaking population speaks AGAINST what you are trying to say.
I'm using English in Steam myself as well, without being from an English speaking country.

To use an actual different language than English, you either suck at English or see no reason to use English.

Also I don't think Steam is unpopular anyway. There are more and more JP games released on Steam. Both JP only, and JP availability in releases in general. If it'd not work, you'd not see the likes of Touhou Labyrinth 2 and whatnot be released there (JP only at first), or all kinds of other doujin games, VNs and so on.
I don't know what kind of Otaku don't care about Steam, but there must be a lot that do, given all the niche games being on there.

Sure it's still somewhat seen as an international platform (which isn't wrong anyway), but there's more and more stuff sold on there that's (at least at first) solely intended for the local Japanese market. Like everything, any platform needs some time getting used to, but it's been progressing over quite some years now to the point it's definitely established by now. You will be having trouble finding a Japanese game being released on there, that doesn't offer JP text, provided there isn't already such a version anyway (be it region locked or not).

>> No.37981817

Seijuuro was based from the beginning to the end.

>> No.37983378

明けましておめでとう anon

>> No.37983511
File: 62 KB, 424x803, Steam Hardware & Software Survey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Higher English speaking population speaks AGAINST what you are trying to say.
Why? For example, there are 10% of users out of Poland who prefer English instead of Polish while there are 5% of similar users out of Japan. Those numbers mean that number of Japanese users counted as using Japanese is 5% lower than total due to their switch to English, while number of users of Polish language is 10% lower than total.
Poland has much higher level of average English proficiency per capita than Japan so it's not unreasonable to expect much higher percentage of those who switch to English from their native language.

And yet Polish is right next to Japanese in the Steam's language statistics.

>> No.37985675

New doujin VN from Chloro

>> No.37986115

>2022 and still no sakutoki
Fuck Sca-ji

>> No.37989164

Please be nice. He's too busy working himself into death.

>> No.37989182

Chloro must stand for Chloroform because I fell asleep from this.

>> No.37989244

I wish he'd choose a a faster way to reach that goal.

>> No.37989282

This post was written by a hippo worshipper.

>> No.37989390

I dunno. It seems pleasantly artsy from the video at least.

>> No.37989427
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, nopan gosurori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the smug.

>> No.37989429

Isn't that like 5m users nowadays?
That's very big, I doubt shit like DMM has that many users

>> No.37989881

It must be nice being your own boss.

>> No.37990322

They already did multiple VNs during mid-2010s
New announced title isn't on vndb yet

>> No.37991103 [SPOILER] 
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, nobuaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I actually cried at this part. Sasuga Masada.

>> No.37991211

DMM.com has 34 million registered users according to quite recent interview for the blog of Google Cloud Japan Team.
>会員数は、約 3,409 万人

>> No.37991392

According to Steam they had $4.3 billion in sales in 2017, while according to DMM.com they had almost $2 billion in sales in 2017: https://dmm-corp.com/company/
It's not a fair comparison because DMM.com is not only games but also streaming, porn, DVD/BD sales, goods, and whatever else, but still DMM.com is very big actually.

>> No.37992080

If I already have the old releases and they still work, are there any reasons to update to the Yuzusoft Pentabox? Some of the sample sprites and CGs looked different=worse. I don't care about resolutions but if they added flowcharts, jump features and other QoL I'd get them.

>> No.37992834
File: 104 KB, 563x800, image-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else waiting for this?

>> No.37993044

Sure. But writing it is really torturing porori beyond imagination it looks like.

>> No.37993070

I'm not convinced it's ever coming at this point.

>> No.37993158

At least in the last post porori reports that scenario is finished with only voices and final compilation left: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/904/article/576209
Voice recording is planned for April so it's probably coming during the Golden Week or the Summer Comiket.

>> No.37993190

Three letters - NBR

>> No.37993271

yeah it's a shame but i wasn't expecting anything

>> No.37993328

Sca-Ji will always be my mentally unhinged writer.
As with all media, you have to be somewhat off to create anything interesting.

>> No.37993445

>0 percent
Why even have it there?

>> No.37993464

Is it some epic kamige passion project for him like SakuToki?

>> No.37993465

DLsite would be a more appropriate comparison, but it's definitely going to be lower since their catalog is universally 18+ and that will always limit your customer base.

>> No.37993490

Guessing based off of absolutely nothing, but it's probably that the number for Arabic is 0.009% or less (which is still thousands of people given steam's massive userbase), but the system they set up only shows the first two digits. They probably had some internal cutoff of a couple thousand users where it wouldn't even show any languages who had less, and Arabic just squeaked in over the cutoff to show up, but wasn't high enough to actually reach 0.01%

>> No.37993703

Looks like DLsite had 6 million users total and around 230 million dollars in sales in the 2020 financial year:
>『DLsite』を運営する株式会社エイシス(所在地:東京都千代田区、代表取締役:明石耕作)は、2020 年度で売上高を 23 年連続で更新し、昨対比 155%成長の 250 億円の売上高となりました。
>この1年で新規に会員登録したユーザー数は200万人と増加。 その結果、 全体の会員ユーザー数は620万人(2021年4月末時点)となりました。

So if that calculation which gives 5 million Steam users in Japan is accurate then DLsite should be around the same scale, with DLsite of course being very otaku-specific and very tilted towards 18+ content.

>> No.37993918

Both of those children need hard fucking.

>> No.37995231

Does anyone know where I can find ひぐらしのなく頃に解 with jap subtitles?

>> No.37995921

Anyone finished Clarias F?
I still have 10 CGs left uncovered on the other category
It's still that way even though I cleared the ??? Route
Was it only something unlocked in the 2 extra mini game?

>> No.37995970


>> No.37996038

>I don't care about resolutions but if they added flowcharts, jump features and other QoL I'd get them.
if they made any changes they would have advertised them
the only interesting part is the pc version of the psp version of tenshin ranman with the two additional heroines but that one doesnt seem to be included in the torrents

>> No.37996096

Yeah, I have it.

>> No.37997916

can you share it with me?

>> No.37998004


If you can't DL this, I'll upload it for you.

>> No.37998423

Just get steam/gog version and install 07th mod

>> No.37999841

Anyone have a screencap of that part in Sakura no Uta with the Rozen Maiden references

>> No.37999877

I want the anime, not the game

>> No.37999922

Why are you in a game thread then? I thought "subtitles" was just your weirdo way of saying "text".

>> No.38000028

because I can and you will find the anime with japanese subtitles
and you will do it

>> No.38000256

Then you should fuck off of this thread, wild faggot tranny cuck

>> No.38000344 [DELETED] 

You should go to >>/a/ or at least to >>/jp/djt instead.

>> No.38000382

You should go to >>>/a/ or at least to >>>/jp/djt instead.

>> No.38000583

>if they made any changes they would have advertised them
That's why I asked. I couldn't find anything about that. I think I saw pics of flowcharts added to Tenshin Ranman though so I thought maybe they did more with the older games.
>the only interesting part is the pc version of the psp version of tenshin ranman with the two additional heroines but that one doesnt seem to be included in the torrents
AFAIK they didn't make a PC port for that and the Pentabox includes the R18 PC release and a physical rerelease of the PSP port.

>> No.38000849

>and the Pentabox includes the R18 PC release and a physical rerelease of the PSP port.
it includes the physical r18 release and a download code for the pc port of the psp version

>> No.38001826

You're right about the code but I think it's for a digital PSP version not a PC port. But whatever, I don't care about the all-ages version.

I downloaded the Pentabox version of Natsukana and it doesn't have any QoL features at all. On startup there was a prompt for screen resolution so 4kfags get something out of this shitty rerelease. No new options or features, no backlog jump, nothing. A few GPU settings are also gone and in a different tab there's a DX12 thing. The only other change is a new default font and having like 3x more font options available.

This Pentabox anniversary release is a scam. They should've done something like August did for Yoake, adding QoL features in addition to the HD graphics.
Wow, I can't even open the files in garbro anymore. Into the trash it goes. I keep my original release.

>> No.38001874

>I think it's for a digital PSP version
it isn't you can't even download anything to the psp via official ways anymore

>> No.38002784

on vita you can dl psp stuff

>> No.38003226

Alright, I completely finished the first Senshinkan. Overall, it's pretty fantastic so if you're a chuunitard like me there's no way could come out disappointed. Lots of cool CGs, hotblooded action, etc. So the obligatory question is how does it compare to Dies Irae/shinza? I thought some things were better and other things were worse, so overall for me it's pretty much a wash (AKA it's 9+/10 easily). As it's commonly pointed out, the SoL parts in Senshinkan are shockingly good. It's a step up from KKK which itself was a step up from Dies Irae. The jokes are funny, and the main cast actually feel like real friends. In this regard, Senshinkan is actually kind of the opposite of Dies Irae. There's nothing wrong with Ren & co., but it's pretty much unquestionable that the antagonists were more interesting. Everyone had their favorite nazi or two while reading that. In Senshinkan, the protagonists are much more interesting than the villains. There's nothing wrong with Amakatsu, Keira, etc., but Yoshiya's gang was a lot more fun.

Speaking of Yoshiya, it seemed somewhat common in internet reviews for people to not like him that much as a protagonist. Funnily enough, the typical reasons those people listed were exactly why I liked him.Intelligent and at the top of his class? Responsible and hard-working? Strong moral foundation and firm decision making. Fuck yes, this guy is cool. How often does a character like this even end up being a protagonist and in a chuuni game of all things? I felt it was a nice change of pace from the typical archetypes you get.

Where I felt Senshinkan was weaker than Dies was in the plot. Not that there's anything wrong with it, Dies had a more sophisticated and more developed plot imo. People commonly complain about the couple of fodder routes that Dies has, but Senshinkan pretty much has the same problem but worse. Objectively speaking, it's not bad and they do tie into the overall story, but things don't really get real (haha) until the final route. In Dies, the end of Kei's route is where shit gets real but you lose. Marie's route continues this, and then Rea's route is a clever subversion. In Senshinkan, Akira, Ayumi, and Rinko are all pretty much fodder with the Rinko route being the ultimate setup for Mizuki's route which is the real deal. There's nothing wrong with this, and most writers wouldn't be able to pull off something like this so well anyways, but I simply preferred the plot structure/setup of Dies. Mizuki's route is undeniably fantastic though.

One small complaint I do have is that Senshinkan lacked a grand epilogue chapter. To be fair, Dies Irae and KKK originally didn't have one either, but still lacking that kind of hurts. That was among the best part of those games. Then again, there is a direct sequel to the first Senshinkan so perhaps my complaint isn't really justified. So I'd say that KKK is still my favorite Masada game so far, but this was still perfectly awesome in its own right. You can't really complain.

>> No.38003575

Nice review, anon
I'm a chuunifag, but I've got a ways to go before I can start comprehending Masada's writing

Eh, I'll get there eventually

In the meantime, could you put this up on vndb as a mini-review or something?

>> No.38004576

No worries, it's forever preserved in the archives.

>> No.38004912

By the way, did anyone check out the RE:D Cherish! trial yet? I guess I should find some time to try it out.

>> No.38005502
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x720, クナド国記【DL版】 -_共通02_-cmvs32 (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is there a recommend route order for kunado kokuki?

>> No.38005524

Really? I thought it was clear.
>Yuuri -> R&B -> Haruhime

>> No.38005545
File: 337 KB, 1680x945, 青春フラジャイル【DL版】 -_リズ12_-cmvs32_(seishun_fragile).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was worried because the girl who overwhelmingly seemed like the main girl in the last purplesoftgame and got like 80% of the screentime in the common route was actually meant to be the first route you read, and the stalker gag character who's barely in the common route is the true route.

>> No.38005583

Kinda a crapshoot, but can anyone share a healthy link for Doop Advance? The one on AB only has the original PC98 release and I'm too lazy to fire an .hdi file.

>> No.38005619

And you already tried the hsuki link, correct?

>> No.38005838

Man I hope someone uploads that one. I don't care if it's all ages, I want to play the new routes in full HD instead of shitty PSP resolution.

>> No.38005943

It would be great if someone already had uploaded it to sukebei, right?
But surely, that can't be the case...

>> No.38006221

They only uploaded the original R18 version, without the extra routes. And I don't give a shit, because I've already played the original years ago.

>> No.38006297

Yeah, dead.

>> No.38007561
File: 137 KB, 1113x268, sousakukanojo.log_IxeEnktB6D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purityfags are truly the worst.

>> No.38007695

Since Re:d Cherish is a fully new setting separate from the other Project Katana VNs I kinda want to skip the trial and wait for the full game. Of course, if you check it feel free to post impressions.

>> No.38008425
File: 317 KB, 1280x720, yukimitsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visits foreign country
>some scrubs try to mug him
>beats them up and then steals their money
Kek, this MC is a chad. I guess that's all of the trial I needed to see. I'll wait for the full thing.

>Project Katana VNs
Yeah I'm not familiar with them at all. I just liked the aesthetics and it also looked /k/ friendly.

>> No.38008503
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, 白刃きらめく恋しらべ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crystalia games are very /k/
Just swords and not guns.

>> No.38009473
File: 1.02 MB, 900x1200, 5BKpmeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, didnt notice they delayed the game one month. Goddammit Crystalia

>> No.38009611

I agree with most of things you said, except i didn't read KKK yet, so for me senshinkan feels like a huge upgrade from dies. For routes, i don't see much issues with them in senshinkan, because they're simply shorter. Kinda excited for senshinkan fd and kkk now, ngl.

>> No.38009636

I want to play Magatsu Barai so I'm actually glad it got delayed since they originally were supposed to release in the same week.

>> No.38009850

Why do nukige suck so much? I just spent 2 hours reading loli rape and vanilla doujins and didn't even touch my dick once. I just read them for the scenario and hot art. I could bust a nut every time I read a doujin but with nukige I more often than not don't find them hot enough. Not enough CG variations and most nukige never make use of cut-ins, close-ups or other visual devices. Voice acting in nukige is almost always bad and weak scripts with stock phrases and goat moaning make it worse. Moege have better voice acting though. And with how much could be done with visual novel style artistically and in terms of scenario just nothing really does it. A 20 page doujin achieves more in every way than a 3 hour nukige with 20 H-scenes. The main weakness of doujin is the short length and lack of buildup and connection with characters. But nukige aren't much better with how rushed the scenarios are and often nonsensical to a point it turns me off. Moege do that better but take too long to reach the payoff. Meanwhile a multi chapter doujin has enough time to develop setting and characters and tell a story I can care about and edge for long enough to bust a satisfying nut. Nukige are bad for edging because if 1 scene doesn't do the job the others likely won't either so you're wasting your time reading bad porn.

>> No.38009869

In my view, it's mainly just an inherent issue when doing a multi-route mystery setup. When you structure your game like this, the true/final route naturally has to be the best. If it somehow isn't, you're either a goddamn genius or your mystery is actually just shit. So that leaves the writer with the task of making the other routes worthwhile own their own while also revealing some things for the overall plot but not too much. That's hard. When it comes to senshinkan, I say "problem" here in the loosest sense of the word, but I could see how some people complain about certain aspects. For instance, Akira's route is certainly vital and important in terms of character writing, setting details, etc. But it ultimately doesn't resolve anything. Seijuurou loses to Yoshiya + Akira and then amusingly to Gozou later, but it doesn't directly result in anything. Yoshiya's daddy issues don't actually get fixed until the final route. Again, there's not there's anything particularly wrong with this, but I could see why someone may find that lacking when compared to say Rinko's route where both Narutaki and Harumitsu realize their own love interests. Both of their feelings are pretty vital and directly impact the plot so that it feels a lot more consequential in comparison.

>> No.38009877

yep, every single one of the thousands with several dozen more released every month are bad. Every single one. Thanks for your contribution, anon.

>> No.38009899

I have the opposite problem desu. My shitty nukige faps are usually better than my doujinshi faps.

>> No.38009980

Magatsu looks cool but Im waiting for a possible R18 version. Hopefully with new content for a change.

>> No.38010004

That's some shit zoomer urbanpunk clothing design.

>> No.38010009

Did no one playing the ??? route other than me?
Do we only get the extra 6+1 reminisce scene at night and the super short epilogue?
Was it even possible to fight against Grim Dragon Leon on this route, cause the limit of the night scene?

>> No.38010021

If zoomers actually started to dress in some futuristic cyberpunk fashion, they might be alright.

>> No.38010050

If it becomes a common clothing trend, wouldn't no longer be futuristic because it's just the present now?

>> No.38010069

You can keep those nipple clamps that prevent the zipper from closing.

>> No.38010168

I'm probably going to end up being the autist that reads it twice.

>> No.38010175

>When you structure your game like this, the true/final route naturally has to be the best. If it somehow isn't, you're either a goddamn genius or your mystery is actually just shit.
Fair, okay.
>where both Narutaki and Harumitsu realize their own love interests
Kino moment desu. Wish more eroge did this.

>> No.38014225

I only know that it has a secret vampire girl with amazing bright red eyes (that I will cherish indeed)

>> No.38014651


>> No.38016885
File: 674 KB, 800x629, DOOP_ADV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. That's really funny, anon.
See, I could have sworn that downloaded a 2.7GB file from there right after I posted that link, so I went ahead to check it and installed it on my linux box then ran it, just to check if I wasn't gone crazy.
But nah, turns out I'm sane. You just didn't even try. I even checked the link after typing the above and it's there, working and all.

>> No.38017044

You can check ryuugames, anon
I found Tenshin Ranman Happy Go Lucky and even the entire damn Penta Box there

>> No.38017152

How is Doop? Plot sounds interesting

>> No.38017225

I have no idea, I'm going to try it later. I installed it out of a rage boner.
Why would I? Like I posted before, I already have the pentabox downloaded from sukebei.

>> No.38017322

Keep in mind I'm living in a turd world shithole so torrenting close to 0 seeders takes ages for me. But hey, if you're willing to throw a bone could you set it up on anon files or somewhere?

>> No.38017354

It's on h-suki as a 1fichier link, for fucks sake.

>> No.38017410

Okay, finally I can get this over with.

>> No.38017829

For those who switched to W10, are there any VN's that are simply incompatible with the OS?

>> No.38017882

i had to use a vm for a bunch of ancient games like tonari and misc nukiges.

>> No.38018417

Install gentoo

>> No.38018548

How hard is Urobuchi as a beginner JOP? I kinda want to read Saya no Uta or Django as my first JOP-ge but I dunno if it would be too big of a mouthful for a beginner.

>> No.38018563

just try it out yourself faggot and stall if you aren't ready yet
you need to stop live by retarded djt definitions like hard and easy
feel it out, dumb faggot

>> No.38018582

uooooh youre absolutely right, i should just try and test my limits
h-here i go!

>> No.38019039

One does not simply "installs" gentoo, bro.

>> No.38019092

you can't adjust the sound in 相楽さん家の悦楽ライフ due to midi issues
萌えろダウンヒルナイト -峠最速伝説- always runs in the wrong resolution

>> No.38019966

You liar, they only have the HD version of the original Tenshin Ranman on there. I was talking about the PC version of Happy Go Lucky they just released, the all-ages one with the extra routes.

>> No.38020025

i love how the pc version of happy go lucky is the only interesting part about the pentabox and yet the dumb chinks didn't include it

>> No.38020423

you'll probably be looking up random chinese phrases and names if you read his shit

>> No.38021023
File: 5 KB, 99x109, 342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They couldn't even be bothered to add a higher quality icon.

>> No.38021798

did you read this one because of sakurai and mareni?

>> No.38022360

>game has a brief prologue
>the events the prologue occur again in the main story like 30 minutes into the game
what was even the point

>> No.38022415

nice to hear that you liked it, i liked senshinkan a lot too
the parts you mentioned about how the protagonists being a step up from dies irae and how the SoL was a lot of fun but for me it felt like senshinkan was a lot more tamed in the emotional aspect compared to DI and KKK - not that senshinkan didnt have any, they just didnt hit the highs that the other two did

>> No.38022563

It's called retrospective storytelling, friend.

>> No.38022683

That's fine, but normally you do pull that for a scene that chronologically happens much later in the game. Not something that's practically already at the very beginning.

>> No.38022848

If you're talking about Sakuretto, it's completely fine there.

>> No.38024138
File: 161 KB, 1024x768, big crunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This theory was proven wrong decades ago.

>> No.38024257

Please, no one knows jack shit about if it's true or not. It's just guesswork as is most of the stuff involving space. It's simply something that can't be measured with our tools.

>> No.38024259
File: 710 KB, 1280x720, あきくるる_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go past the self introduction and arm reveal.
He went completely out for akikururu, didn't he.

I have no idea how you would describe what's going in there but at this point I'm only worried that it cannot keep up to the pace it started, which wasn't really a problem in the others.


>> No.38024322

It's true that there are many unknowns about the universe, but there are also many things we do know with good certainty. It's not all just guesswork.

>> No.38024461

I'm relatively new, is there a website/resource that has script lengths for VNs in MBs? I'm thinking of reading Nukitashi 2 common route before Hentai Prison comes out, but it might be longer than I'm expecting and I can only read like 600 lines in an hour before my zoomer brain gets tired.

>> No.38024604

二重影 crashes during the animations without compatibility mode on, and even with compatibility mode on I couldn't for the life of me get the opening to play without crashing, so I had to skip it by mashing ESC when it came up. Aside from that it seems to work.

>> No.38024666
File: 512 KB, 800x600, asuna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Tenshi no Inai 12-gatsu before the end of the year.

It was a really nice game and the art and music are quite awesome for a 2003 title. I liked most of the routes aside of Maho and the protagonist had some funny dialogues here and there.

It's a very interesting drama and I liked the atmosphere. Also, Asuna is cute and best girl.

Right now, i'll probably go for Axanael, Tokyo Necro, Omega no Shikai (although slowly) and maybe the Final Complete version of Cross+Channel (I played the original some time ago and I want to replay it now that my Japanese is better)

>> No.38024756
File: 1.41 MB, 1296x758, 1635405098932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start up game for the second time today
>now none of the buttons on the main menu work anymore
>same thing started happening in 3 and 4 as well
I've tried:
>changing various engine settings
>verifying files
>compatibility mode
>deleting the \Documents save folder
>installing the digital version with the 1.01 patch
How can something like this just happen overnight?

>> No.38025047

Too green, didn't read.

>> No.38025192

Did you get one of those fabled windows updates?

>> No.38025294

I've never updated Windows. Not a single fucking byte has changed since yesterday.

>> No.38025335

If you run Windows 10, and haven't performed the 472-point ritual and sacrificed a goat, it'll get updated automatically.

>> No.38025406

I'm on Windows 7.

>> No.38025407

Like the other anon said if you're running Windows 10, it will magically do things by itself.

>> No.38025536

Look at the screenshot, idiot, that's win 7. You can tell by the window decorations.

>> No.38025743

Do you use non-standard DPI settings? Those are known to fuck up some game engines.

>> No.38025776

Does Windows 7 even have DPI scaling?

>> No.38025809

It does. And it's usually even more broken than Win10 one.
There are also font size settings which are known to cause issues with various software.

>> No.38026443

he has a point

>> No.38026642

nah because it was one of the first vns i coomed to as a kid

>> No.38027027

By the way when did you play Asuna's route? Did you figure out something was up before you entered her route?

>> No.38028460
File: 184 KB, 673x375, 1621415887319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The process of going for 100% completion always feels like something that ruins the impact that the work had, since you're pretty much ripping its guts out and witnessing all of its weaknesses, which inevitably leads you to seeing it in a different light, but I just feel obliged to do it anyway.
That's why I prefer VNs without choices.

>> No.38028596

Can you really say you love a VN unless you love them at its weakest?

>> No.38028608

Does anyone have any version of https://vndb.org/v746 from 2008 onwards?

>> No.38028820

i agree, i tend to just do whatever is considered the true ending for a route if it has multiple endings
just knowing that there's a true ending would kill whatever impact any other ending would have for me

>> No.38029060

I would recommend for complete beginners at eroge, otherwise don't bother

>> No.38030065

Reading Zoku Satsuriku no Django as my first true untranslated eroge and while I'm getting filtered hard by The Butcher prose, it's pretty easy to follow. He really went and just took every single plot point from every spaghetti western ever and made a smoothie out of it.

>> No.38031039
File: 91 KB, 702x397, 1631053670010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried again today and now all three games work again. Only thing I've done is re-mount the image. No clue how that could affect the digital version or the previous games, but I guess I'll just have to keep it mounted.

>> No.38031178

Only true if you are reading for the "story" or the "plot".

>> No.38031233

Yeah that happens a lot. I guess it's a form of DRM.

>> No.38032521

anyone have heaven's cage

>> No.38033797
File: 1.79 MB, 1920x1006, 2022-01-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the recommended reading order for Monobeno? I read Alice's route, should I go for her After route now or for the Sumi's route?

>> No.38034037
File: 3 KB, 208x29, highamountsofbadendings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the vn of life

>> No.38034610

What should I read when my 就活 begins?

>> No.38034691

Anyone got a nodvd patch for f/ha? I get a disc check fail with the disc inside the drive and the patch from type moon themselves isn't doing shit either.

>> No.38034731


>> No.38037538

Do people actually like /ss/?

>> No.38037581

I do

>> No.38037601

I don't, but you calling it /ss/ is a clear demonstration on how, yes, people like it. You'll find it mostly in fandom sites, like AO3, for example.

>> No.38037614

dangerously based

>> No.38037684

it's more popular than things like bestiality and maybe even yuri but it isn't one of the bigger ones. and honestly if you have to specify that your fetish isn't gay, that probably tells you all you need to know

>> No.38037719


>> No.38037974
File: 135 KB, 1024x768, alien chicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a slutty outfit

>> No.38038167
File: 1.80 MB, 1280x809, 1624802783480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I could download this in Japanese? All of the torrents on sukebei have almost no seeds

>> No.38038195
File: 12 KB, 630x180, │2D.G.F.│_*自炊品_[190726]_[Heliodor]_流星ワールドアクター_初回限定.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit. A game that recent and popular is well seeded.

>> No.38038254
File: 8 KB, 108x39, 1625652051280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A game that recent and popular is well seeded.

>> No.38038281

There are three different torrents. I didn't say all of them were well seeded, but the 2DGF one is (often 2dgf's torrents have peers that don't show up on nyaa but do after you download the torrent).
Maybe it's your client? rtorrent is fucked for me on nyaa so I have to use a different client.

>> No.38038346

I tried two different clients yet I still only have 1-3 seeds, I can see the 7 seeds in the trackers but I can't access them all for some reason

>> No.38038371

Well, 3 seeds is plenty. I've waited days or weeks for a single seed to appear and successfully downloaded torrents, so don't complain about only having a couple.
Could be a port forwarding issue or something on your end, but certainly nothing worth begging about here.

>> No.38038409

>I've waited days or weeks for a single seed to appear and successfully downloaded torrents
Fuck that, I'm just going to delete it and find another vn

>> No.38038473

I'm sorry you have ADHD that's so bad you can't start a torrent a week ahead of time, or try some other torrents, or find a DDL.

>> No.38038990

I did Asuna's route last because she's my favorite. And yeah, I did notice something was up with her somehow.

>> No.38039224

If you need something instantly, pay money. It's even on sale nowadays.

>> No.38039338

I found a gdrive link I'm ok

>> No.38039791

I'm so not sure. You're still you.

>> No.38040645

If you're that impatient you won't enjoy the game too much either way.

>> No.38041661


it's a bit different than your regular nodvd patch, so make sure to check out the instructions in the readme

>> No.38041676

Remember the posts about kamimahou? All age lolige with chinese seiyuu? Turns out they're also splitting it into several parts. Guaranteed success.

>> No.38042317

Is there a way to apply a voice patch to the original Japanese Umineko versions? I want to keep the text, sprites, and backgrounds unchanged.

>> No.38042468


>> No.38044407
File: 114 KB, 568x288, hgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually did upload it, sorry I called you a liar.

>> No.38044493

So how is Kunado overall? Did anyone here finish it?

>> No.38044644


>> No.38044856


This is fucking shit always.

>> No.38045111

shouldn’t have asked

>> No.38045773

Is every single H-scene in Umi kara kuru mono rape? Not that I'm complaining, of course.

>> No.38045969

I don't think I've ever encountered anyone here who enjoyed a Purple Software game.

>> No.38046010
File: 999 KB, 1280x720, sdf01a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look harder.

>> No.38046117
File: 965 KB, 1280x720, cmvs64_2020-11-21_22-06-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoi Tori is the only one I didn't drop out of the ones I tried. It was okay

>> No.38046311

Can you guys share some Japanese twitters that often write some decent vn reviews ect?

>> No.38046624


>> No.38046892

I follow that guy he's a moefag that enjoys everything and all his comments are just "it's cute/fun, nice art"
And I think he hasn't played anything for some months.

>> No.38046912

Just follow egs reviewers

>> No.38046925

True route of Amatsutsumi was great.

>> No.38047110

>he's a moefag that enjoys everything and all his comments are just "it's cute/fun, nice art"
So he's the blue guy in the Hauu Omochikaeri blog.

>> No.38047419

Dude the MC is a huge manwhore. I read the first few hours and I was appaled how he can cheat on his fiancee without giving it any thought whatsoever. No regret, no guilt, doesn't understand why she'd possibly be upset.

>> No.38048754

anyone has a link for the 終ノ空 remake?

>> No.38048777

That's just your typical male anon

>> No.38048787


>> No.38048908

Cute of you to assume anons here can score let alone cheat.

>> No.38049000

can you please share it with me

>> No.38049024

In my head, everyone here is pure of heart so on the off chance some anon here actually scores, they are full-blown married and with children. Not inbetween.

>> No.38049118

Finished the first umineko episode and it was insanely stale boring compared to higurashi
When it's going to become good?

>> No.38049147

>When it's going to become good?
when you uninstall it and read an actual eroge instead of pretentious troon garbage

>> No.38049384

I like them. Good art, cute heroines, comfy atmosphere. What more do you want?

>> No.38049392

>Good art, cute heroines, comfy atmosphere.
All those apply to Yuzusoft too yet everyone hates their VN's here.

>> No.38049417

Yuzu is too soulless

>> No.38049481

>yet everyone hates their VN's here
All the plotfags do, who are irrelevant for moege discussion.

>> No.38049507

You have to download Subahibi 10th Anniversary edition. It wasn't released separately. I'm not going to give you a link because it should be really easy to find

>> No.38049520

Moege reading during weekdays, plotget during the weekends.
Yuzusoft is the king of weekdays. Grab a cup of hot chocolate or coffee, turn off your brain and enjoy.

>> No.38049541

enjoy killing yourself from boredom

>> No.38049574

Oh no! Whatever will I do! Anon just told me something that literally never came to pass in the pass before might now happen! I'm at a loss!

>> No.38049646

>yet everyone hates their VN's here.
don't think i'd have read like 8 of their titles if i hated them

>> No.38049665
File: 458 KB, 519x609, クナド国記【DL版】 -_共通04_-cmvs32 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've greatly enjoyed parts of every purplesoftware game I've read.

>> No.38049762

Ah I see, thanks for that, I'll search for it

>> No.38050323

SF was the best game of 2020.

>> No.38050867

The torrent in sukebei includes both english and japanese language options, you just need to update to 1.01 manually. No copy protection whatsoever. I would say that is the definitive version of the game, no capsule servant like the Vita release but all the h-scenes and Vita improvements.

>> No.38051044
File: 77 KB, 640x480, 58317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a download for 肢体を洗う? Ran out of denpa games and I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy on DMM.

>> No.38051184

I'm starting to get tired of Kunado. Can someone spoil if the structure of the game is going to be A -> B -> solve heroine's problem -> climax -> resolution -> next heroine, or is there more to it? Doesn't help that the SoL dialogue makes me want to skim.

>> No.38051469
File: 2.84 MB, 2560x1440, Purrint_1583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, today I'm feeling a bit like eternal suffering with a dash of existential dread

>> No.38051589

Those sprites look silly like they're dancing around. I take it that wasn't the actual intention.

>> No.38051976
File: 2.21 MB, 2560x1440, Purrint_1578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess without context, animation and music I guess it could look like that.
First few hours akikuru spoilers.
Quantum accident rips through a town, destroying all "possibilities" of everything it touches, leaving the town itself looping the same day including interference/shadows of the previous inhabitants given no observers. Outsiders going there after the accident are presumably not affected.
At night a lot of the shadows are seen hurrying towards a shelter. It doesn't look like they had a lot of fun
Leaving out a lot including buildup but you probably get the idea. Granted, the eternal suffering and existential dread is more of a foreshadowed and previously touched upon thing so far.

>> No.38052529

>I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy on DMM.
Unless your bank doesn't allow purchases from adult vendors, it should be fine.

>> No.38052587

took me years but i've finally gotten into the habbit of uninstalling vns that i've finished

>> No.38052605

Now I imagine upper class white people to secretly look like this.

>> No.38054887
File: 1021 KB, 1280x720, クナド国記【DL版】 -_優里本筋02-01_-cmvs32 (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's interesting how the new purplesoft game has you play as a villain protagonist who's a corrupting influence on the ideal world that existed before him.

>> No.38055308
File: 242 KB, 1366x768, okita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38055840

Can't believe there is no Okita route, so much better than the actual heroines

>> No.38055937

Lol, just imagine how eops won't get this joke

>> No.38056214

How do you deal with those games that you left off over a year ago? I'm in the middle of a route but I don't remember everything, which annoys me, but if I start reading from zero then I'll get bored from reading everything again

>> No.38056342

>How do you deal with those games that you left off over a year ago
I eventually drop them.

>> No.38056601

i never completely forget anything
i remember the key brushstrokes of previous routes and what not and make an effort to never put a visual novel on pause in the middle of a route - only when i'm done with a route will I put something on pause
the only game that i fucked with this rule and still haven't finished is musicus, i'm 2 years out and i'm going to have to read it from the start

>> No.38057008

Just skim through it again while skipping all the sol or fillers and rereading key scenes

>> No.38057269

sol is soul

>> No.38058446
File: 212 KB, 520x445, 1631727661920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel that vns are giving me a warped idea of what a romantic relationship is supposed be like, since they're mostly written by other kissless virgins who pretend to know what adolescent dating is like based on what they themselves read in other vns

>> No.38058495

Wait are you telling me bishoujo games aren't an accurate depiction of real life?

>> No.38058532
File: 72 KB, 500x712, 1620469101859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't ask me
i'm way too autistic to be able to tell what's realistic and what's not
but i guess some people get pregnant after their first date and then have a shotgun wedding, so maybe anything is possible

>> No.38058552

Are truly autistic people this pessimistic?

>> No.38058611
File: 5 KB, 183x240, 1638788371937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, i'm not even sure what love actually feels like, so i often find myself doubting its existence and thinking that it has to either, depending on the case, be little more than a dressed up facade for regular horniness or some kind of a thing involving sunk costs for long term relationships

>> No.38058901

Who cares, I'm never going to be in a romantic relationship anyway.

>> No.38059238

Their older shit like Tenshin Ranman and Noble Works was fine. Their newer games focus too much on being risque rather than moe.

>> No.38059601

>supposed to be like
Thats something that you should decide for yourself.

>> No.38059749

What the fuck

>> No.38059775

That's one thing I never expected in 2022 for sure.

>> No.38060915

>scenario written by r07 fan
Should I worry?

>> No.38060997

that's 99% of all media in general. some aspects of relationships are going to be overemphasized compared to others. if you ever get together with someone you just have to keep an open mind, no media is ever going to prepare you for a real person, and that person is usually not going to be the way you expect them to be

>> No.38061461 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 367x201, 3646346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been trying to install Crayon Tulip for 2 hours now and I keep getting this error, can someone help me?

>> No.38061476 [DELETED] 

Sorry for the quote.

>> No.38061499

Try reading the error message.

>> No.38062574

put the disc in moran

>> No.38064475

The writer made sayooshi doujinshi back in the day and also organized the 20th anniversary event last year. Sca-ji also crashed the party.
They're probably going for a similar feel to that, but we'll see how it turns out.

>> No.38064643
File: 116 KB, 1024x768, picking up more chicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad girl jobs so hard that MC feels sorry for her

>> No.38065453

Holy shit, Im hyped.

>> No.38067841
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, omeganoshikai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently going through Omega no Shikai and wow, what is this game even? Even though i'm getting filtered by the insane writing style and weird vocabulary, it's still captivating and it grabs your attention from the get-go.

I think anyone in here should give it a try, if just for how experimental it is. I don't know what the plot is about yet, but the way it's setting up everything is absolutely awesome (This is from the beginning of Aki Kaketa Shiki no Ai, the second game)

>> No.38068170

Crap, thread's on its last legs. I'll put in my request when someone makes a new one.

>> No.38068689

