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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 797 KB, 792x990, _touhou_izayoi_sakuya_i_by_animedaisuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3801913 No.3801913 [Reply] [Original]

In Twilight, vampires who drink human blood have red eyes, and vampires who don't don't.

Sakuya has red eyes in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, and she's an enemy. She's bad.

In subsequent games, she has blue eyes. And she's not bad, she's good and friendly.

Sakuya is a vampire and Twilight is Touhou canon.

>> No.3801918

>In Twilight
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.3801927


>> No.3801929
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>> No.3801937
File: 50 KB, 627x620, can you repeat that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Picture of Sakuya

>> No.3801942
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You know who else has red eyes?


>> No.3801947
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>> No.3801951

>In Twilight
i am going to pay attention to this post and show my disaproval even if i dont actually give a damn

>> No.3801952

This went from when OP was given birth...

>> No.3801968
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>> No.3801973

but Sakuya isn't a vampire.

>> No.3801983
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>> No.3801997

Based upon your line of logic, Touho is bad and anyone who follows touho follows twilight, thus touho is the japanese version of an American failure.

Way to ruin a perfectly good thing for me OP.

-goes off to smoke as a way of dealing with the loss of his one last good thing-

>> No.3802083
File: 23 KB, 300x298, elo7eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I only meant to stay a whiiiiiile

>> No.3802097

>In Twilight

>> No.3802132
File: 167 KB, 650x480, 1212642723306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolf > Bat

Has no idea what 'Team Jacob' means.

>> No.3802154

Touhou and Twilight appeal to persons of similar mental capacity to each other

>> No.3802206

This is the worst hypothesis that /jp/ scientists have ever postulated.

It is unsupported and irreproducible, therefore its validity is unsubstantiated.

/jp/s Biological engineers DEMAND a retraction of such baseless theories.

Furthermore, /jp/ Biological Engineers DEMAND all GRANT funding for the touho project be placed under careful scrutiny to determine the source of this error in logic.

Such Unscientific claims have no merit nor bearing in the /jp/ scientific community.

Thus, it is with no regret that the /jp/ science board has reviewed and reject your hypothesis. Due to the inability for your results to be reproduced in even 1 peer reviewed trial, it stands to note that your research has been flawed from the grant application process.

Such instances of waste fraud and abuse of research funds constitutes a grave infraction and are subject to punitive measures.

It is the boards further decision that your title of "Touho Archeologist" be removed until such a time in which you can produce evidence which is reproducible and can substantiate your claim.

>> No.3802233
File: 8 KB, 222x203, Hammond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biological Engineers
>implying that biologists are not the lowest tier of scientist
>and further implying that anyone who plays towhoe would even be clever enough for that

>> No.3802266
File: 23 KB, 470x572, jeff_goldblum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruining a joke
>trying to look hip
>using the failure known as hammond.
>Not using the Winner known as Malcom

>> No.3802276

>Considers Biologists to be mid tier.
>Considers structural engineers to be Bottom tier.
>Evidence: American Bridges.
>Refuting evidence (For fairness) Chinese damn projects.
>Fair counterbalances, building a damn in a seismically unstable region.
>Wheres my damn chaos theory and salami Sammich damnit?

>> No.3802287

Go read XKCD in your hugbox

>> No.3803100

>>3802233 >implying that biologists are not the lowest tier of scientist

Biology is mid-tier.

>> No.3803107

Twilight is stupid.

>> No.3803116


I love that song.

>> No.3803223

Touhou doesn't have a Mary Sue, so it can't be related to Twilight.

>> No.3803278

You can't draw any parallels between Touhou and Twilight in terms of characters.

Perhaps you meant to make a point about how some certain touhou fans are as annoying as 12-year-old girls.

>> No.3803305

Computer scientists are low tier guys.

-Computer engineer

>> No.3803313
File: 53 KB, 704x396, snapshot20091126202457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, I hadn't actually heard that song before until I watched Densha Otoko...

>> No.3803327


Daikon bro Daikon.
