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37957987 No.37957987 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Alice such a nerdy faggot?

>> No.37958020

>anor londo
Alice is a Dark Souls fan? Wtf I'm in love now

>> No.37958108
File: 548 KB, 1100x1600, 93862907_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't that nerdy. People that play shmups are worse that people that speedrun a game like dark souls. There's nothing wrong with being nerdy anyway! Being an enthusiast is cool!

>> No.37958396

Women can't be faggots

>> No.37958669
File: 591 KB, 700x823, __alice_margatroid_touhou_drawn_by_nanase_nao__68588a2fe44ae2bbcd2af74fcce091fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love in that way

>> No.37958941

lesbians would like to have a word with you.

>> No.37958984

Lesbians are gay but they arent faggots.

>> No.37959115


>> No.37959213

This. I want to watch lesbians have sex, the only thing I want to watch a faggot do is hang from a tree.

>> No.37959216

You are a fucking retard

>> No.37959237

You're balding and 30 lb underweight. You're beneath me.

>> No.37959346

Anon I'm sorry that was mean. It's not your fault you're a waste of oxygen and even if it is I shouldn't belittle you for not mattering. I'm sorry.

>> No.37974001
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List hurtful things that you can say to Alice! I'll start.
>"DS1 is terrible, DaS2 was the peak of the series"

>> No.37974098

Alice reads guides!
Alice summons and spams lightning spear in every boss fight!
Alice alt+f4 the moment she gets invaded!

>> No.37974147

I want to hit Alice with a shovel

>> No.37974525

Are there even any shovel-like weapons in any souls game?

>> No.37974578

Greatsword from 2 would probably count.

>> No.37983748

Funny thing is I think you're right

>> No.37984459
File: 1.09 MB, 1000x1650, patchouli knowledge (touhou and 1 more) drawn by namiki_(remiter00) - e0129579a49176739c3267ef10283cef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lesbians literally don't exist. The lesbian 'drive' is a method of coping for women that can't attract the men they think they deserve and with traumas due to abuse or rejection. It's a coping strategy, no 'lesbian' will ever deny a cock in the right time. While the trauma option also exists for men, men who genuinely aren't attracted to women exist


Video related is an example of how a """"lesbian"""" routinely humiliates a man way out of her league to convince herself she's too good for him, and that's why he isn't attracted to her. That's what actually turns women on, being needed, attractive or desirable for men. Women who can't attract their desired partners end up as basket cases

>> No.37984465

I couldn't read past this page
Stupid thing for a rape doujin to make me connect with the girl , I can't get a boner after that
Fucking douchbag

>> No.37987038

You mean it's not a vanilla setup where the guy realizes how lonely Alice is and falls for her quirkiness?
That's just too sad I'm never going to read it and instead just pretend that's how it goes.

>> No.37987050

Depends how you define a faggot.

>> No.37987083
File: 1.81 MB, 388x278, anime_bicycle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bad person. Bad as in makes people feel bad ;^]

>> No.37987144

I want to rape Alice, so I think I'll enjoy that.

>> No.37987149

That's one of the only appeals of reading a fucking doujin

>> No.37988491
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>> No.37988992
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My wife alice is so cute when she laughs
Alice if she real

>> No.37989051

its trash, even a nigger like you wouldnt like it

>> No.37989663

3D makes me sick.

>> No.37990588

Wrong, women are inherently faggots, but we accept that because they're attractive and can bear children.
Touhous, on the other hand, can't be faggots. That's why they are vastly superior to all other forms of women.

>> No.37990636
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>Lesbians literally don't exist
anon says while posting the gay librarian

>> No.37992170
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My love for Alice burns with the intensity of ten thousand suns

>> No.37995554 [DELETED] 

nerds are cool

>> No.37996219

No, they don't, but some nerds like my wife alice are cute

>> No.38000195
File: 240 KB, 1191x1684, patchouli knowledge (touhou) drawn by chikado - ec39e6d797e9d2a063bc21a6ac2277c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Lesbians' like cocks more than a retard likes a pencil. Why do you think Patche has so many tentacle doujins? Again, you'll never find a dyke that on the right time and at the right opportunity, would deny the cock that she 'believes' to deserve.

2hus are super sexy and it would be hard for a top male specimen to resist being attracted to them, which again, is how women actually perceive sensuality and their sex drive. No way they need the scissoring coping strategy

>> No.38012203

They like silicon ones only.

>> No.38016104
File: 2.64 MB, 2402x3000, patchouli knowledge (touhou) drawn by chuansuyushan - 2afa18417d2c938dc8f0e228b0a33ddc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I would guess that it's 'heresy' if they like meaty ones. The ones who dare to say that they suffer because they still have desire to fuck men get reprimanded in social media and real life after all.

Homosexuality is a religious, irrational pillar, for turning societies on their final, decomposing stages into infertile and a literal rite of death, as the sexual libido gets purged in a sterile act, instead of giving life. Their followers will never admit that they are the 'victim' being offered and sacrificed, though, no matter how much their own instincts make them go through an agonic life. That's what the conditioning and trauma they go through is for

>> No.38024697

What this conveys in my wife Alice thread?

>> No.38024953
File: 945 KB, 686x960, alice margatroid (touhou) drawn by akane_hazuki - c8884526fdb93cda91aa7ff023ee7824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice love for penis (mine)

>> No.38026328

Dark Souls? That's old and busted. Alice should play Black Souls instead.

>> No.38035823

I'm guessing it means Alice is a normal person.

>> No.38041337

