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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3790134 No.3790134 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3790145

what won

>> No.3790146

thank god. lets hope fansubbers never do anything this gay ever again. just translate whatever the fuck you want to, you retarded niggers

>> No.3790151

ha, /a/ is broken

>> No.3790153


>> No.3790154

They will. Just wait.

>> No.3790155

Commencing shitstorm.

>> No.3790157

If I see that fucking poll one more time...

>> No.3790158

shitstorm incoming

>> No.3790161
File: 60 KB, 800x600, image043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I won right? You guys voted for me? Right?

>> No.3790164

How long do I have to wait 'till they anounce the winner?

>> No.3790169

I'm going to enjoy this shitstorm.

>> No.3790170

Lets hope /a/ don't raid /jp/ thinking we did that.

>> No.3790172

<~Nagato> Ruitomo won

>> No.3790174

the suspense!

>> No.3790176

6 months.

>> No.3790177

But we did it

>> No.3790179

Haha oh wow.

Ruitomo won as expected.

Total of votes: 2483
Votes for RuiTomo: 1965
Votes for MLA: 387
Votes for Baldr Sky: 98
Rest: other VNs.

Good night, /jp/.

>> No.3790181

/a/ was just spammed to hell and back from gg I think.

>> No.3790184

but I did

>> No.3790187

Nope. You never had a chance.

>> No.3790188


>> No.3790189


>> No.3790195



>> No.3790198

/a/ needs more spam

>> No.3790204

bullshit. wait until the results are out.

>> No.3790212


>> No.3790215


>Rui, actually getting translated.


>> No.3790219

Why the hell did /a/ get bombed?

>> No.3790221

how about some sauce brah

>> No.3790222

omg u so funni xD epic winz!!111

>> No.3790223

It's late over here, I'm tired. Do they possibly tell us who won in the next hour?

>> No.3790224

disregard that, I suck cocks.
9/10 by the way.

>> No.3790231

I voted for you! You will win because you had tits in the summary!

>> No.3790238

They do when you sleep.

>> No.3790239

I Hope France Shoujo wins.

>> No.3790242


>> No.3790246

I have some bad news for you.

>> No.3790248
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>> No.3790254

It never had a chance.

>> No.3790259

I/O ;_;

>> No.3790262

I voted for I/O, what are the odds of it winning?

>> No.3790264

I fucking knew it
They will annound the results at 4 standard sleeping time

>> No.3790266

Never had a chance.

>> No.3790272

<Ixrec|MLA> The poll is cancelled. The next translation project will be YU-NO.

>> No.3790275


>> No.3790278

Maybe they will translate the VN with the least votes just to be awesome. What then?

>> No.3790286

Nothing have a chance against Ruitomo.
You guys are just still in the denial phase.
Get over it and start celebrating for Swan Song 50% translation progress.

>> No.3790287

If that were the case, calling it now Ixrec and Takajun are really one and the same.

>> No.3790290

Stop that already.

>> No.3790291

Lie. Idle time 2 hours

>> No.3790292

Means either 11eyes or Eien will be translated.
Do not want.

>> No.3790293

Ixrec isn't even around.

>> No.3790302

What's the IRC channel?

>> No.3790305

sugoi itsuwari, aniki

>> No.3790314


Are you an idiot? Rui isn't getting translated even if it has the most votes. It'll be the one with the next highest. Unless Ixrec cancels the whole thing.

>> No.3790328

How long till we get results?

>> No.3790337


Never. EVER.

>> No.3790338

[21:21:35] * Nagato sets mode: +m
[21:21:40] <Nagato> just wait until the results are announced

>> No.3790341

Someone's in denial.

>> No.3790345


>> No.3790346
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>Ixrec will pick me. You'll see.

>> No.3790351

Just give up.

>> No.3790367

RuiTomo won.

>> No.3790378


The first step toward acceptance is always the denial phase.

>> No.3790388


(But isn't getting translated)

>> No.3790390


That's not how it works. Here, we will be going from denial into rage and stay there.

>> No.3790395


>> No.3790412

everyone join #ammy and #tlwiki and #ensue
Also, i'm hoping either france girl or eden won. I like my hentai with long stories.

>> No.3790419

Eden is the shortest game on that list though.

>> No.3790421

France Shoujo won't win.

>> No.3790424

No matter how their discussion go, #gg win.
If they translate Ruitomo. #gg win and proved their influence on the internet epeen.
If they dont translate Ruitomo, #gg win and trolled the true Ruitomo fans.

Isn't it sad?

>> No.3790432

>Cannot join #tlwiki (Channel is invite only).

>> No.3790436

what!? I thought eden was long. Well, nevermind, i want narcisuu then. No hentai, but the first one was my first vn

>> No.3790438

>trolled the true Ruitomo fans

Gee, that sure is a lot of people trolled

>> No.3790442

gg won before the poll was even half way over.

>> No.3790445

all 8 people

>> No.3790450

probably to keep people out for the moment

>> No.3790451

Exactly, gg won by shitting all over their stupid poll and deserve a medal for it.

Also, if they discount RuiTomo and choose MLA instead, that will be the most hypocritical choice ever.

>> No.3790458


Yeah, they should pick France Shoujo.

>> No.3790459

Hello Butthurt RuiTomo voter or gg staff member

honestly I cant tell the difference anymore

>> No.3790460

>discount RuiTomo
Why? 99.99% of those people aren't ever going to read it anyway.

>> No.3790465

There is a reason why they just don't post the results.
For example if rui wins they have to figure out a reason why it doesn't get translated, for come on, even they have standards to keep you know

>> No.3790470

What I don't understand is, how come this poll fucked up /a/?
11eyes fans got angry or something?

>> No.3790478

Masato, you little prick, quit making it look like things are being said in #ammy

>> No.3790479

Honestly, if they find a lot of proxy votes, and then remove them, and RuiTomo still wins, then it should get the win. A vote is a vote.

>> No.3790481

gg imagespamming gave other spammers the idea it was time to start imagespamming.

Their faggotry is endless

>> No.3790578

Moogy was whoring votes as well, for MLA. And it was just as pathetic.

>> No.3790579

11eyes doesn't have any fans
Not even on /a

>> No.3790580


No it isn't. have you been paying attention to what's been going on?

>> No.3790583


But why did they hit /a/? Shouldn't they spam /jp/ instead?

>> No.3790586

wtf are you talking about. I haven't posted anything about the irc channels.

>> No.3790597

>not baldr sky
>died forever

>> No.3790598

on that note any and all help is appreciated

>> No.3790606



>> No.3790610

Majority of that website would die to read muvluv.

>> No.3790615

bampu pantsu

>> No.3790660

* Parts: &Ixrec (Ixrec@Rizon-BB837586.ucdavis.edu) <- the plot thickens

>> No.3790661

I see three highly plausible outcomes:
1. RuiTomo wins and gets translated. Lots of bad taste, general resentment, but no action.
2. RuiTomo is disqualified and runner up gets translated. (Lol MLA or Baldr) RuiTomo fans and anime loving xD drama fags pursue the community to the end of the fucking earth.
3. Ixrec gives the middle finger to the community, and translates something to his preferences. Everybody gets pissed.
4. Results are posted. GG dances off like fairies while knowing the precise measurement of their E-Peen, and from there:
a. Poll is redone from the top, post GG withdrawing, heavy qualifications that ensure or reduce votes from foreigners to the community, or general followers.
b. Ixrec translates what he wants, or after playing MLA, or after playing 4-5 games from the list, gives one a 10/10 and ends shit.

I suppose that'd suffice as a generalization. You can extend any element of that, but I don't think I missed anything critical.

Earlier today:
>This is the final test for Ixrec. Will he pass and be considered as one of the greatest contributors to the English VN community, or will he fail and become a miserable troll hated by everyone? Only time will tell.

>> No.3790669

[21:53] * &Ixrec (Ixrec@Rizon-BB837586.ucdavis.edu) has left #Ammy

>> No.3790673

But that's four.

>> No.3790678

I'm sad that kimi ga nozomu eien won't win. After watched the mediocre animu for it I really want to play the VN, especially since apparently every female character has a path in it. Even the minor ones.

>> No.3790685



>> No.3790691

Yeah, my bad, I added the "Ixrec gives a big fuck you to the community", but I didn't think of it at first because I can't imagine he'd have the balls to pull something like that. After all, Ixrec loves his attention.

>> No.3790695

Just admit that you want to fuck Akane.

>> No.3790718

Man, gg aren't even funny trolls any more. Although I give them points for using alternative methods to enlarge their e-peen.

>> No.3790724

I would actually prefer it if Ixrec just chose to translate something he likes. It's probably the fairest route to take.

>> No.3790732
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Actually I want Ayu.

>> No.3790736

Well he's secured a few cop outs in the event of intense pressure. To be honest, with all the controversy, that'll be happening in one form or the other.

>> No.3790758

Why can't Ixrec post up fake results for the polls? No one can prove that they're inaccurate and it'll show gg that they're just huge dbags with no influence.

>> No.3790760

The winner of the poll: Ruito wa Tomo wo Yobu.

>> No.3790771
File: 90 KB, 632x350, 20090702232800_799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sad that "My Girlfriend is the President!?" never made it past the first round.

I really wanted to get the PUTIN-TAN end (second from the left)

>> No.3790775

And I have an inflatable airport to sell. Interested?

>> No.3790776

>We are convinced that the results of the poll do not accurately represent the will of the VN community, therefore we will decide between the top candidates ourselves after I've played them.

>> No.3790781

That's it guys, MuvLuv practically won!!!

>> No.3790807

Enjoy your Too Long Didn't Read.

>> No.3790808
File: 51 KB, 333x450, captainobvious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are convinced that the results of the poll do not accurately represent the will of the VN community

Captain obvious is obvious. Looks like ixrec got the final troll.

>> No.3790817


>> No.3790824

Is KGNE considered a top candidate?

>> No.3790836

>3. Ixrec gives the middle finger to the community, and translates something to his preferences. Everybody gets pissed

>> No.3790841

I'l enjoy it immensely, thank you very much!

>> No.3790844

in before ixrec picks ruitomo after all

>> No.3790847

Good end

>> No.3790850

KGNE ;_;

>> No.3790863

Actually, taking 2nd and 3rd wishes into account, Baldr Sky would win. It won the preliminary.

>> No.3790893


>3. Ixrec gives the middle finger to the community, and translates something to his preferences. Everybody gets pissed.

I honestly don't care. I just want one of those 10 translated.

>> No.3790905

Ixrec should just translate Hoshizora no Memoria.

Or actually finish Never7.

>> No.3790907

it could be any even something is not there in the end is up to ixrec shitless taste

>> No.3790931


You sound as though most of the titles in the 50 candidates weren't that great. One nice thing to consider is that 5 or so titles won't be considered since someone else is now translating them.

>> No.3790959

And then the whole poll was pointless and they ended up translating what they want. Who could have guessed

>> No.3790969

>We are convinced that the results of the poll do not accurately represent the will of the VN community, therefore we will decide between the top candidates ourselves after I've played them.

Is this his way trying to "sneaking past" the problem that he actually isn't able to translate RuiTomo?

>> No.3790971


>> No.3791008

There's a reason they posted the individual votes. Rui wasn't even in the top 3 until halfway through, when all of a sudden half the votes are for it.

>> No.3791011


unfortunately, no. I was expecting it to do better, too.

>> No.3791041

He hasn't read it yet, so he doesn't know.

>> No.3791117

Oh, someone trying to fuck everyone over. That's nice~

>> No.3791137

in case you're trying to insinuate that they were all proxy votes!, I voted for it (only once) about 8 hours ago, I didn't even know the poll had started until I came across a few threads here on /jp/

>> No.3791140
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>> No.3791146

There would be one way for ixwreck fagget to apologize to the real deal crowd for all his wrongdoings: DEMAND THE VOTECOUNT BY CODE CONFIRMATION.


Why? Because I doubt all those semi hipsters and human bots saved the codes, so in the end we would end up with a more realistic result but obviously cancer does not care for such things.

>> No.3791151

I saved my code. Not that it matters.
