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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 520 KB, 796x646, katahane-main-screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3789150 No.3789150 [Reply] [Original]


Last thread apparently vanished.

The candidates:
Baldr Sky Dive1 "LostMemory"
Eden* They Were Only Two, On The Planet
France Shoujo ~Une Fille Blanche~
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
MuvLuv Alternative
Narcissu Side 2nd and Narcissu 3rd Die Dritte Welt
Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu

>> No.3789151

oh wow. another thread.

Kiminozo has already won

>> No.3789154

Rui Tomo won thanks to gg shenanigans.

>> No.3789158

Only possible winners are the 2nd, 8th and 10th candidates.

I just wish Katahane had a chance. ;_;

>> No.3789159

/a/ seems to be voting for Baldr now.

>> No.3789162

rollseyes.jpg yeah. without their efforts we would have never seen anyone sub both Durarara!! and Dance in the Vampire Bund! shit shows

>> No.3789169

RuiTomo will get disqualified, don't worry and just vote for whatever you want. Also, this is the last Amaterasu poll, confirmed.

>> No.3789171

Who gives a fuck what /a/ is voting for?
Vote for what you want, but I suggest you give Eden* a look before casting your vote!

>> No.3789178

oh no you don't - I don't care what wins, but hell if this is going to be the last poll

>> No.3789180

This, eden*.

>> No.3789182

I voted for Eden but I doubt it will beat the legions of people voting for RuiTomo.

Also Isn't Narcissu side 2nd being translated by someone?

>> No.3789187

I voted for Eden too. ;_;

>> No.3789188

I voted it twice!

>> No.3789189

>early 2009

>> No.3789196

<Vodka> Anyway, this poll made one thing clear.
<Vodka> It will not work next time.
<&Ixrec> indeed

>> No.3789202
File: 125 KB, 801x599, 1241623934939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you guys abuse your right to vote?

I voted at home, at my University's wifi and even got my normalfag friend to vote. Here's hoping.

Seriously, I'm not lying. I do have a friend who voted because I asked. Here's hoping he didn't click on the France Shoujo tab

>> No.3789207

inb4 ixrec becomes the next Dark Translations guy

>> No.3789212

Same, actually, except I got 2 other people to vote - one normalfag and one that watches some anime.

>> No.3789220

I wouldn't mind donating a few bucks to kickstart a translation that I want.

>> No.3789233

I'm an honest, down-to-earth guy. Why would I cheat?

>> No.3789237
File: 39 KB, 301x267, 1234347393538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted once, with no shady tricks.

>> No.3789244

I accidentally voted for Pat Buchanan, help

>> No.3789248

I still want to see what happens if he does an unlimited choices poll. Right now we only get to see which game is highest ranked among us all, not which game most of us would like to play.

>> No.3789331
File: 29 KB, 1110x404, democracyatwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Democracy at work here guys.

Everyone is so corrupted with just VN translation poll. I can't imagine how corrupted real world democracy is when they have so much more at stake.

>> No.3789335

<rhx> most of the staff not only doesn't read vn's but actually actively dislike them

And those are the guys who decided the result of this poll.

>> No.3789338

>The VN community cannot allow itself to be bossed around by outside elements. As one of the pillars of said community (founder of TLWiki, 2+ years of community building, hundreds of hours of work on TL projects, involved with business ventures), I sincerely request that Ixrec drive a stake through the heart of the debacle this polling process has become and then translate the game he most wants to translate, for the sake of the betterment of the community.

Moogy is a true bro.

>> No.3789345

Now, the choice is reduced to vote for Baldr Sky/Muv Luv Alternative, or backstab /jp/.

Will you be the uragirimono?

Will you abandon your NEET friends?

No. You won't.

Vote for Baldr Sky or MLA.

>> No.3789351

I am still doing my Translation Project.
And I am still NOT trolling

>> No.3789357

Shit is getting so intense. No matter who wins, /jp/ loses.

I'm already looking forward to the next poll

>> No.3789359

Shouldn't you be working on that project then instead of getting us to believe you?

Real progress will prove us wrong, faggot.

>> No.3789361

Moogy is a faggot that tried to do the same thing himself, and now is butthurt that bigger players than him have ruined his little scheme.

>> No.3789364

sup jaka

>> No.3789378

Well if I had the fucking scripts then sure. But I cannot extract them and people refuse to give them to me.

>> No.3789386

I'm glad I haven't trapped got myself into this drama nonsense.

I'll just wait for the results for now, *maybe* make another rally thread on /a/, but just reading all this makes me tired.

>> No.3789390

>*maybe* make another rally thread on /a/
Good job being dumb

>> No.3789401

He is actually pretty smart.
He know how easy it is to influence the /a/ fags.

>> No.3789404

Why are you asking /a/ to vote on it? They've even got shittier taste than /jp/, and that's saying something.

>> No.3789416

Even if their taste is shit, at least it's balancing out some of the votes that came from all the gg rallying.

>> No.3789426

Show is over. Once again, Baldr Sky never had a chance ;_;

>> No.3789433
File: 142 KB, 631x4693, futuregenie_mla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is rallying /a/ for Ruitomo.
Like I said on the last thread it is over guys.
Get over the bawwing fest and just be happy so that gg doesn't feel any accomplishment.

>> No.3789440

I actually don't even care anymore. As long as it's not Ruitomo.

>> No.3789442

This so hard. Despite how much I enjoyed the first route of RuiTomo a while back, this whole ordeal has left a bad taste in my mouth regarding it.

>> No.3789452

stop being such a tool and get driven by stupid drama like a high school kid. like what you like and vote for what you like, other than that, STFU.

>> No.3789462

lol troll

>> No.3789466

I remember last poll when the RuiTomo supporters were relatively quiet, open-minded and dedicated.

Although I still voted for RuiTomo, fuck you gg.

>> No.3789480


>> No.3789486
File: 18 KB, 498x363, curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it, faggot.

>> No.3789490

Are you slow or something? MuvLuv already won.

See you in 1½ year. Hopefully we can all rally behind Baldr Sky by then...

>> No.3789491

Well, I will be honest with you: now that I know that Himawari is going to be translated by the Sunflower devs, I don't care anymore who the winner of this poll is.

>> No.3789492
File: 768 KB, 1240x1754, 1259106672036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL ima riding mai mecca!

>> No.3789493

I blame gg for the drama this time.

>> No.3789498

We will be getting swan song and episode5 soon so it is all good.

>> No.3789506
File: 354 KB, 834x1200, ひまわり01_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good boy, have some Aqua's pantsu.

>> No.3789507

voted for MLA to support /jp/ my only hope is that the swan song project isnt a massive trollage...

>> No.3789514

Nobody in here voted France Shoujo?

>> No.3789521

We have other ways to fap efficiently around here.

>> No.3789523

Why would anyone vote for France Shoujo?

>> No.3789531

For the ero and tony taka.

>> No.3789532

To troll.

>> No.3789541


I did. 3 seconds after the poll opened.

>> No.3789558

I voted for Muv-Luv. It seemed so fucking epic, I just had no choice. I gotta say, though, the girl from France Shoujo almost melted my heart.

Anyone here played both MLA and Baldr? Are they comparable in terms of epicness?

>> No.3789560

So I heard that the total vote count right now is 2000+

inb4 Rui wins by 1900 votes

>> No.3789566

FUCK! 11eyes of Baldr Sky......Eni Meni Mini Mo...

>> No.3789573

And the first one was like 200.
Guess which one went smoothly?

>> No.3789580


Well, they both got rigged so ... neither.

>> No.3789585
File: 495 KB, 750x750, voteforrance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets hope this guy doesn't let the poll get to him and do Rance02 irregardless of the result.

>> No.3789588

'both'? This is the third poll.

>> No.3789590

Perhaps he refers to when CRoss Channel was chosen?
And the Inganock one only had serious trolling AFTER the results were out.

>> No.3789599


They were all rigged. Although I wasn't mad about Cross Channel.

>> No.3789603

Disregarding whatever voting faggotry is going on, I just voted for Eden*.

>> No.3789611

You are just too fucking paranoid.

>> No.3789620

I voted France but I know it dosent even stand the slightest chance.... I had a friend vote for MLA.

>> No.3789630

Quick to point the finger aren't you? I was thinking the exact same thing about the fucking shenanigans the MLA supporters have been pulling all along, and am enjoying immensely their delicious tears.

Voted eden* by the way: 61ae1286611510

>> No.3789637

Am I the only one who voted for Reika Training?

>> No.3789638

I voted Baldr. I was torn between it and MLA. Decided to go for Baldr since I hear Takeru is a wimpy spineless faggot.

>> No.3789642
File: 163 KB, 632x927, 35-60%.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone here played both MLA and Baldr? Are they comparable in terms of epicness?
You can't even bring them on to the same table, MuvLuv is far superior.

Of course, other people might think otherwise or argue that only Dive1 has been released. In my case, I'd take Unlimited over Dive1 anytime.

>> No.3789644

Yes, comparing the rallying made in a VN translation site and the rallying in a site unrelated to this matter with 10000% visitors is absolutely logical.

>> No.3789647

You heard wrong though.
He is a normal guy who get thrown in a fucking crazy world, his reactions are normal for the most part.
Heck at the beginning he goes FUCK YEAH MECHA, CAN'T WAIT TO PILOT ONE rather than emoing.
And he mans the fuck up in Alt.

>> No.3789648


VN translation site, huh?

>> No.3789651

>Takeru is a wimpy spineless faggot.
I'd take that instead of the generic hot blooded hero.

>> No.3789657

ALT is certainly far more epic than Dive 1. But anyone that would take the ball of average Unlimited over Dive 1 is undeniably a fanboy

>> No.3789658

Hey, you were talking about moogy there. And I still think that what that blog is doing is far better than what gg did because:
a) The scale is different
b) Isn't that a mecha site? Lots of guys there should be interested in that, not like with gg (even staff said they don't fucking care)

>> No.3789668

I voted for it.

>> No.3789669

First, I just lumped all viral MLA supporters together.
Second, that was exactly what was said earlier. They're whining because they didn't have enough scale.
Third, every time someone complains about Muvluv being mecha, it's always countered with "not really, mechs play a very small part, you wouldn't call a VN with cars a racing VN would you?"
Having your cake and eating it much?

>> No.3789676

Thank you, I was really curious. It seems I voted right, then.

Other than the Xbox, anything else going on? If it's only that, it's far from being on the same level as gg's faggotry.
I'm actually moved by the guy's attitude. He's doing it because he likes the game that much, and it's something that'll benefit greatly out little animu/vidya/jp community.

>> No.3789678

I voted for French Shoujo. Did she win?

>> No.3789680

I really doubt it will win.

>> No.3789694

then who? mecha-tan?

>> No.3789695

I have some bad news for you.

>> No.3789698
File: 91 KB, 600x450, orig_54_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope. ;_;

>> No.3789704

Enjoy your disappointment.

>> No.3789707

I don't know what it is.

>> No.3789708

Ruitomo. The gg faggots got horriblesubs, gamefaqs, nyatorrents, tosho, fakku, #news, #eclipse, #BSS and their ro server to vote for them.

Inside sources reveal that vote count for the final is almost double compare to the prelims.

>> No.3789713

She looks so cute, too bad she sound, act and talk like a retard.
For those who played Swan Song, she is basically Aroe, which make the whole thing really, really creepy.

>> No.3789716

A mediocre game.

>> No.3789717

Hopefully it doesn't meet ixrec's quality criteria or whatever.

>> No.3789719

she is so cute! how could she not win? :(

Do you have insider knowledge?! Noooo!

>> No.3789723

What is #BSS? I know all other channels.

>> No.3789725

This is so fucking sad. Really. I'm sure Ixrec is happy with that turn of events, like last time with the furfagottry. Meh.

>> No.3789727

Seriously, I had to be a cold bastard to ignore that adorable loli's eyes.
But in the end, story matters more than sex scenes and delicious Tony Taka.

>> No.3789728

Would you please get out of this board/site?

>> No.3789729

Isn't it a fansub group?

>> No.3789732

Anyone who really believes Ixrec is going to translate Ruitomo, is going to get trolled.

>> No.3789733

The channel for the BSS fansub group.

>> No.3789734

>Inside sources reveal that vote count for the final is almost double compare to the prelims.

Prelims had like 1000 votes, now there's more than 2400 already.

>> No.3789738

Because her game isn't that good.

>> No.3789742

Why people who can read japanese care about the poll is what i don't understand

>> No.3789747


>> No.3789752

Like who?

>> No.3789753



>> No.3789756

They don't care, some gg staff member said something we already knew; it's not just that they don't mind VN, most of them actively hate them.

>> No.3789757

You have a point, partially. I believe it's all about spreading the wealth. I'd want my fellow bros without moonspeak knowledge to be able to experience the same wonderful VNs as me, If I was in their shoes.

>> No.3789759


I think he was referring to gg.

>> No.3789760

Whatever game gets picked will have threads about it for a while. It gives them more people to talk with about the game.

>> No.3789762

>most of them actively hate them.
Why the fuck?

>> No.3789764

Which part of "faggots" don't you get?

>> No.3789774

Don't ask me that. They just thought trolling english readers was fun so they did it. Hoping Ixrec disqualifies RuiTomo and everything will be over. I'll feel a bit sorry for the guys who genuinely voted for it though.

>> No.3789775
File: 177 KB, 1002x1478, mla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote MLA


>> No.3789777

Hey, one hour left! How soon will we know who made it? This is the first one I voted for, will the results be instantaneous?

>> No.3789778

I've been here since 2005 so no :)

>> No.3789782


I really hope Ixrec picks up whatever comes in second. But he DID tell gg that it was ok to promote their choice.

>> No.3789786

It'll probably take a while.

>> No.3789788
File: 45 KB, 160x168, Feels_bad_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll feel a bit sorry for the guys who genuinely voted for it though.
I'm one of these guys. Oh well, at least this poll teached us that current poll system doesn't work. Hopefully there won't be any of this for the next projects.

>> No.3789789


>> No.3789796

Check tokyotosho and weep.

>> No.3789799
File: 106 KB, 1280x994, votewhatexactly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3789802
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>> No.3789804

I don't know how to respond to this.

>> No.3789805

Democracy works when theres rules, the internet has no rules and it never will.

>> No.3789806

I don't really care if RuiTomo wins, but the thought of this shit working is depressing.

>> No.3789808
File: 32 KB, 220x240, inko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3789810

You don't get real world democracy, don't you?

>> No.3789817

MuvLuv = Too long, didn't read

I'm amazed that he's going to translate it.

>> No.3789821

I get that most "democratic" nations are about as democratic as china. Sure the chinese have more OBVIOUS propaganda, but US propaganda is much more sophisticated, it let's you feel free while your actually in deep shit being brainwashed.

>> No.3789823

(17:06) <LoSs> http://tokyotosho.info/ lol gg
(17:06) <LoSs> wtf
(17:06) * Joins: Siesta410 ()denwa@Rizon-ABEED46C.lv.lv.cox.net)
(17:06) <Yoshiro> lol
(17:07) <valkyrie> ...uhhm.
(17:07) <valkyrie> i plead innocent ( ´A`)
(17:07) <zeroj> >schneizel.com
(17:07) <Siesta410> Fags
(17:07) <zeroj> >innocent
(17:07) <zeroj> ( `ー´)
(17:07) <Wasabi> ._.
(17:07) <valkyrie> zeroj schneizel.com is hosted on my personal dediserver, IT'S PROBABLY GOING TO GET LOL'D NOW.
(17:07) <valkyrie> yes i would like that very much.

apparently gg is not responsible, but fuck, guys, quick, go ddos koda's box

>> No.3789829
File: 4 KB, 113x118, what!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3789830


>implying MuvLuv will win

>> No.3789831

Fucking Koda.

>> No.3789834

I can see Ixrec taking on two projects if the second one is short. Didn't he already say he'd probably do that?

>> No.3789838

Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu
Is what I voted sukah

>> No.3789840

This is the final test for Ixrec. Will he pass and be considered as one of the greatest contributors to the English VN community, or will he fail and become a miserable troll hated by everyone? Only time will tell.

>> No.3789842

Wow toshokan got spammed, way to make me not want to take part in this gay little poll.

>> No.3789844

For the first time ever, I'm really considering something like that.
Fucking faggots.

>> No.3789855

Damn you Koda.

>> No.3789859

Voted for Ruitomo because gg is obviously not the one who did >>3789799.

Although I guess I was pretty stupid in voting for someone, instead of using my heart. I will now insert a Christmas tree in my penis.

>> No.3789862

Vote for French Shouho, be a rebel! >:)

>> No.3789867

It won't win. Give up.

>> No.3789868 [DELETED] 

[20:15] <aers> gg|honeydew is responsible
[20:15] <aers> direct all inquiries to her

>> No.3789872


It's obvious Rui is going to win.

>> No.3789873

Are you gg?

>> No.3789880

Of course it is. I can't wait.

>> No.3789885


gg will be the ones who are trolled for a change

>> No.3789893

Who or what is gg?

>> No.3789894

The most important fansubbing group on the internet.

>> No.3789895

Fansubbing group.

>> No.3789896


Sup gg?

>> No.3789897

Two options for you Anon, I won't say it again:

1) You genuinely want to vote for RuiTomo: go for it.

2) You want to vote for ANY OTHER VN FROM THE POLL: it's useless, the only two VNs who stand a chance against that gg fagottry are MLA and Baldr Sky. I'd say MLA more particularly.
So, if you really don't mind about RuiTomo and gg winning the poll, go vote for your favorite VN (France Shoujo, Eden, etc) and literally throw your vote away. If you DON'T want RuiTomo to win, vote for MLA or Baldr Sky. That's the only choice left.

Oh, and third choice: you don't care about the poll and you pass your turn. If that's your case, just sit and watch warmly until it is ready.

>> No.3789900

Since when did fansubbers care about visual novels?

>> No.3789901

Something to tell your grandchildren about.

Also, get out gg devs.

>> No.3789902

I dunno, they're probably laughing their asses off at the drama. We have already gotten trolled.

>> No.3789903

You forgot to add the "self" in front of that "important".

>> No.3789906

When they realized they could make tons of NEETs on /jp/ cry

>> No.3789907

I'm going to enjoy watching you get trolled.

>> No.3789909

Yeah thing is, they don't. This is just another trolling exercise for them.

>> No.3789911

I actually wanna see Rui translated myself.
The story is more or less highjinks filled and I admit I could use a not gay trap game in my file.

>> No.3789913


You do realize it's 30 min before the poll closes. Almost everybody has voted already.However, what do i do if don't want neither MLA or Rui to win?

>> No.3789917

You waste your vote.

>> No.3789918

That's not cool. Usually our community is void of outsiders. :(

>> No.3789920

It would be more fun for Ixrec to just disregard Rui if it wins, that's why he didn't say anything against the spam

>> No.3789921

Nothing, go vote France Shoujo or Katahane.

>> No.3789922

I can't believe you guys still don't believe me. This is ridiculous.

>> No.3789924

one thing i don't understand about this is that if all of gg "never heard of vn's until umineko" and "hates vns", then how did they know to seek out takajun to translate kara no kyoukai?

>> No.3789925

Forget Baldr Sky, go MuvLuv.

>> No.3789926

If we lose, we lose nothing.
If we win, we gain something.

If you lose, you lose something.
If you win, you gain something.

( ´・‿-) ~ ♥

>> No.3789928

I'm sorry dude, whoever wins, you lose. If you vote for anything other than these three, you are acknowledging RuiTomo's victory anyway.

>> No.3789930

The thing is that Baldr and MLA have the same fanbase, thus its votes will be divided.
Rui will win this poll with a 75% chance, at least.

Luckily I wanted to go for either Kara no Shoujo or Swan Song, so at this point in time I couldn't care less about the poll.

Rui seems pretty good by the way.

>> No.3789931

A small part of gg actually plays VNs, the rest are faggots.

>> No.3789935

A trap game and it's not even gay? Now I know I'm not playing it.

>> No.3789938

Because some of them like VNs. But >>3789335

>> No.3789939

Look. as soon as you get results I'll believe you. Like, just few lines.

>> No.3789941

Can't you just stfu? You got what you wanted, muvluv already won.

>> No.3789942
File: 11 KB, 504x503, qsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care. Everyone acting like that is fucking retarded, I'd rather vote for a game I actually want translated. Yeah, useless, whatever, feels good voting for what I like man.
>literally throw your vote away
pic related

>> No.3789948

Your troll was successful as you have caused a shitstorm, but I think that's where your luck will end.

>> No.3789943

You're missing out.

>> No.3789944

I voted for France Shoujo! :)

>> No.3789945

So are you guys even going to read RuiTomo, or was it all for shits and giggles

>> No.3789946


No such thing as a wasted vote. Voting for personal fulfillment reasons is more rational, and a better idea than foolishly voting with the aim to seriously affect the outcome.

Not all details necessarily relevant to internet polls, but general principles should cross-apply.

>> No.3789951

Did you mean "the fansubing group that once did matter, but now is just just a bunch of trolls"

>> No.3789952

We have achieved what we originally wanted to achieve. Anything more is just icing on the cake.

( ´・‿-) ~ ♥

>> No.3789953

well, I have a few people offering to extract the scripts for me. So you'll see results soon, and I understand everyones' reluctance to believe me.

>> No.3789949

From what I read in the synopsis, it looks like a pretty generic high school drama and I'm sick of those. But I could be wrong, I guess.

>> No.3789956

...which is?

>> No.3789958

You seem nice I'll believe you for now.

>> No.3789955

Have you missed the shitstorms all day? There's about 10 people out of all the voters that actually want to read RuiTomo.

>> No.3789959

>Yeah, useless, whatever, feels good voting for what I like man.
You don't need to tell me that, I'm one of the six people who voted for Himawari in the last poll. It's just in case some people want to vote using common sense instead of their own taste. You know, like that Le Pen VS Chirac vote in France.

>> No.3789964


I'm not reading that shit.

>> No.3789960

> If we lose, we lose nothing.
> If we win, we gain something.
You have to sub 2 more anime, is that a gain?

> If you lose, you lose something.
> implying I care about what wins
> If you win, you gain something.

>> No.3789962

See also: http://perspicuity.net/sd/tbac.html

>> No.3789963


Not really. If Ixrec snubs you and disqualifies Rui all the drama will be rendered moot. He'll have the last troll.

>> No.3789965

Triggering events that subject to our amusement.

>> No.3789967

And you think that isn't another troll? They either won't sub them or were probably planning to do so already.

>> No.3789970

Too bad you don't know Japanese, but you might learn some by trying to translate a game.

>> No.3789971

I was talking about gg, since they seem to be so on about RuiTomo winning.

>> No.3789972

In the end #gg are the one that got trolled.

We are already gonna get Swan Song and EP5 of Seacat. Anything extra is a bonus and if masato is not trolling and really translating BS it is a win win situation for us.
I don't give a shit about the winner but it is fun seeing gg antics screwing all the torrent sites and irc channels when it accomplish nothing.

>> No.3789973

We're subbing it regardless. (lol)

>> No.3789976

How is that a gain? I mean, you made angry some guys you don't know at all over the internet. What now?

>> No.3789981

>not trolling

>> No.3789988

I swear if MLA or Baldr or KimiNozo win I will fucking kill you all.

>> No.3789989

>>disqualifying rui affecting gg
how would that affect gg? this thread has been going on about how they're just randomly supporting it and none of them play visual novels, so why would they care if it gets removed or not? earlier in #gg, ops believed it'd get removed due to ballot stuffing.

>> No.3789983


>if masato is not trolling

I seriously lol'd.

>> No.3789985

Epic lulz, sticky this shit moot.

>> No.3789986

I think you are unfamiliar with the concept of "trolling"

>> No.3789987

15 minutes

>> No.3789992

Just leave them with that. Trolling and making other "angry" is the only excitement in their lives.

>> No.3789999

...? Out of happiness? I might kill someone if they actually win.

>> No.3790000

If Ixrec stays passive about all this faggotry, it's be a huge disrespect for the VN community. I doubt that'll happen.
GG, you lose, you retarded faggots.

>> No.3789996


Replace Kimi with Rui and you're all set.

>> No.3789997

But this isn't even trolling, it's just like child's play.

>> No.3790005

We have already achieved our "effect" on the poll.

>> No.3790007


What is he gonna do? Eliminate Rui? tlwiki was doing the same shit for MLA.

>> No.3790001


Because they will have had no effect on the poll, which obviously they were trying to do.

>> No.3790012

They already lost before all this started when Swan Song got 50% translated out of thin air.
If they are real troll they will get Takajun to drop it.

>> No.3790015


>> No.3790011

Only 11 minutes left...

I can't wait for all the delicious butthurt tears and trolling.

>> No.3790022

>earlier in #gg, ops believed it'd get removed due to ballot stuffing.

Don't think they don't care about the poll

>> No.3790023

This does not mean the game will get translated.
Enjoy getting trolled.

>> No.3790024


Fuck, I just want to see the results.

>> No.3790019

TLWiki users will actually play the games, gg or its fanbase won't.

>> No.3790026

So much drama over a vote. All we need now is an up-to-date news ticker and a bunch of analysts talking about the possible outcome and that guy from CNN manipulating a map of the United States with his finger.

>> No.3790029

I firmly believe that French Shoujo will win. It is the only one with nudity in the description.

>> No.3790030

Someone said it on ammy forums: they targeted the wrong audience this was mainly aimed at people who actually were following this poll not putting it at a place and telling people to vote when they have no clue on what they're voting on.

>> No.3790042

What a shame, I genuinely wanted to see Rui translated. Looks like there's no chance for that to happen now.

>> No.3790044


If Ixrec disqualifies Rui, MLA will probably get translated. I lose either way. ;_;

>> No.3790035

Child's play or not, people are raging regardless. Says something about /jp/.

>> No.3790038

>You have to sub 2 more anime, is that a gain?

More stuff to troll with.
Not that I'll be downloading gg's releases.

>> No.3790040

I have bad news for you.

>> No.3790046

Totally different things.
*TLwiki is the VN community itself, they care enough to rally like that. MLA is far and wide recognized as one of the best VNs ever released
*GG is a bunch of trolling faggots. RuiTomo is a low grade VN.

So yes, I expect RuiTomo will be eliminated.

>> No.3790053

You'll play it. Don't lie. We all will.

>> No.3790054

MLA's way more REAL DEAL than Mulan: The VN.

>> No.3790057

>GG is a bunch of trolling faggots. RuiTomo is a low grade VN.
>RuiTomo is a low grade VN.

You haven't even play it yet. Don't jump to conclusion.
A Disney Mulan VN really does sound interesting.
Just treat it as a bonus on top of Swan Song if it really get translated.

>> No.3790064

RuiTomo getting disqualified is not related at all to its quality.

>> No.3790073

>RuiTomo is a low grade VN.
I wouldn't say that now. I was planning to vote for it sooner or later my order for this poll and the next were:

This poll: Baldr Sky
Next poll: Muv Luv
The poll after: Baldr Sky Dive2 (yes, I say we should wait a year and half before seeing the ending)
The next: RuiTomo

>> No.3790074

Hopefully Swan Song will get translated. That was my original pick anyway.

>> No.3790080

4 minutes! Will the results get posted instantly?

>> No.3790088


>> No.3790084


It didn't have a chance of winning in the first place though. gg should have trolled with mass MLA or Baldr votes

>> No.3790090

2 more mins... IM EXCITED

>> No.3790097

If Ruitomo wins, I'm going to use all of my university's resourses to DDoS gg.

>> No.3790099

I'm not jumping to conclusions, I did what little research I could, and most people seem to agree.

The real point is the intention: TLwiki is trying to spread the wealth, to allow as many people as possible to enjoy a great VN previously available only to japanese speakers.
GG is just trying to measure their epeen in a fairly disrespectful way, both for those who follow them and to the VN community itself.

>> No.3790092

>Next poll: Muv Luv
>The poll after: Baldr Sky Dive2 (yes, I say we should wait a year and half before seeing the ending)
.... Now that I think about it.... This is actually how we SHOULD have done this.

>> No.3790094

That is their point.
They are looking for MLA and BSfag tears and you are giving them.

>> No.3790095


Why the hell would they do that? Those two had the best chance at winning anyway.

>> No.3790107


>> No.3790108

