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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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37878645 No.37878645 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/,

It's that merry time of the year again. Tell us how you've been doing?

For me, I've had Christmas dinner with family. When alcohol gets involved I'm the happy drunk type, however some of my family are the air your grudge type, so it was quite awkward and my father lashed out at me in front of everyone. Did you give or get anything? I got nothing but I did give away candy and fruit.

I will pray for each and every /jp/sie to be in good health in the next year as well.

>> No.37878846
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>how have you been doing?
Christmas dinner was fun. Met family again, got drunk and chilled out. Got some small gifts and gave out some small gifts. Nothing 2hu related though.
After the party ended, I took the time to play some Touhou.
>I will pray for /jp/sies
Praying for you too.

>> No.37878943

I ate alone because family hates me & I have no friends, I got light food intoxication from the shepherd pie I ate since it was past the expiration date and I had nothing else because I didn't go out to buy food so I ate leftovers.
Stomach feels like shit and i'm sleepy.

>> No.37878961

got gifted some paper, charcoal pens, chocolates and a winchester

>> No.37878978
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I'm riding this one out alone /jp/. By myself right now in a small town for college. However I will order something nice to eat later today and try to hold it together. Being alone is a blessing and a curse at once.

>> No.37879099

Spent some time with my family, no alcohol because I had to drive home. It was fun, I was a lot more social than I thought I’d be and enjoyed talking to everyone which was surprising because I was dreading seeing them for weeks. Nothing too eventful but it left me in a good mood. You can have a lot of fun if you just don’t overthink everything.

>> No.37879687
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Im phoneposting in the living room, drinking coffee and whiskey. It’s been good so far. Got my brother some nice books on the Eastern Front. Taking it very easy today!

>> No.37879701

Bur unfortunately there was neither a drunken Suika or a Yuuka Kazami under my tree this morning. I guess Yukari gave Santa too hard of a time

>> No.37880235
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I have been working yesterday and today. At least I ate good food.

>> No.37887102
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>> No.37892806

It's the small things that count.

>> No.37892847

I ate food that's it oh well being alone is better than being with others
