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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 83 KB, 400x479, e593a016ff1295bf263bf772bd5a7494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3787790 No.3787790 [Reply] [Original]

Daily doses and normalfags got you down?

Looking for a place full of TRUE NEETs like yourself?

Look no further!

Bunbunmaru is the imageboard for you with nothing but REAL DEAL 24/7!

Why don't you Bunbunmaru?


>> No.3787801

I keep ignoring this but it doesn't go away.

>> No.3787802
File: 49 KB, 240x240, Angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away Aya imposter.

>> No.3787804

Go away, /bun/ mods.

>> No.3787808

That's because you don't have the word "bunbunmaru" filtered.

>> No.3787813


>> No.3787814

Why are people trying to cause a board war?

>> No.3787818

another touhou board

>> No.3787837

For the same reason you attempt to troll /g/.

>> No.3787841

Well, I won't even bother following that link. Looks like /bun/ and Gaia online have merged together. Sad story.

>> No.3787842

I don't troll /g/, everything I asay there is my honest to god opinion and you fags netter quit calling me out on it.

>> No.3787844
File: 49 KB, 441x408, amused_chink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>suggesting that the two were mutually exclusive to begin with

>> No.3787845 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming Anon Talk .com thanks

>> No.3787847

Like you really need to make an effort to troll /g/.

>> No.3787848

This is a great idea! xD Be right back, advertising /bun/ on AnimeSuki and Gaia Online.

>> No.3787849
File: 28 KB, 300x400, fascinatings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot from /a/ who goes to neither /jp/ nor /bun/

looking at his posts, he also participates in script spamming on /a/

>> No.3787851

Post links to those threads here.

>> No.3787854

I find it hilarious how almost every tripfag hates /bun/.

What's the matter, can't be an attention whore without your trip there?

>> No.3787855


>> No.3787865

I love /bun/ and I post at least 5 times a day there.

>> No.3787871


>> No.3787890


Why does everything have to be in absolutes with /jp/? Something's either great or it's shit, people either are supposed to love or hate something...

The world is not black and white, but merely different shades of grey. Yes, I suppose that's a bit odd coming from a character known as the White Princess, but that's how the universe works.

What if I'm merely indifferent or uncaring about /bun/?

>> No.3787911

Awwww, seems like Arc is stoned.

>> No.3787917

Fate is the best VN ever.

>> No.3787924

Why is Bunbunmaru so good?

>> No.3787933

It doesn't give you false expectations - you know it's bad going into it, so you don't feel disappointed.

>> No.3787952


>> No.3787953

What does bunbun mean?

>> No.3787957

It's not bump. It's age.

>> No.3787962

It's not auto-sage, it's a bump limit.

>> No.3787963


It's 1:12 PM and I'm sober as a Turk.


>> No.3787970

Thanks OP! Bunbun is better than /jp/ and works great, no trolls ;)

>> No.3788008

thx op penis so hard hit with shovel ejaculate inside sister cat hiss

>> No.3788274


>> No.3788297
File: 6 KB, 173x230, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3788314

Do people on /jp/ these days really not know how redirecting works?

>> No.3788314,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why is /bun/ so shitty?

>> No.3788314,2 [INTERNAL] 

Why is Dawson Anon so shitty?

>> No.3788314,3 [INTERNAL] 

Why is #bun so full of normalfriends?

>> No.3788314,4 [INTERNAL] 

I have a feeling you're the biggest of them all in there.

>> No.3788314,5 [INTERNAL] 

No, you are.

>> No.3788314,6 [INTERNAL] 

Because all the people that actively speak are e-friends with eachother. Everyone else is too awkward and shy to say anything, and so it seems like the normalfriends dominate the channel.

Also, #/bun/ - Losstarot drama/General

>> No.3788314,7 [INTERNAL] 

>implying that all IRC channels aren't full of normalfags

>> No.3788314,8 [INTERNAL] 

#bunbunmaru is /b/-incarnate and OPs are too scared or insecure to do anything about it.

>> No.3788314,9 [INTERNAL] 

It's not like other channels are much better.

I find the Losstarot drama oddly amusing.

>> No.3788314,10 [INTERNAL] 

That's what happens when you stick Jonesy in a channel with a dozen of his buddies.

>> No.3788314,11 [INTERNAL] 

What does Losstarot do anyway?

>> No.3788314,12 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not sure why people claim #bunbunmaru is filled with normalfriends. Everyone there faild miserably at life.

>> No.3788314,13 [INTERNAL] 

At least they can talk to eachother easily like that. I get too uncomfortable when I try and say something that I end up just deleting what I wrote and going back to idling.

He's a chronic whiner, hates everything, has aspergers, constantly tells people to delete their threads and such, mutes the IRC channel often and refuses to hand it over to Aya, etc.

I don't know, I kind of feel bad for the guy. Everyone hates him.

>> No.3788314,14 [INTERNAL] 

I'm the same type of person; the only things I can spew out on my own are the stuff "people" have problems with.

Except most of those aren't true or at least have been for a long while.

>> No.3788314,15 [INTERNAL] 

>I kind of feel bad for the guy
Why? He sounds even worse than me.

>> No.3788314,16 [INTERNAL] 

I never understood not being able to talk over IRC or some such. Even with a name, you're still pretty much completely anonymous. How is it any different from /ghost/?

>> No.3788314,17 [INTERNAL] 

S-so moe, I'm gonna die!

>> No.3788314,18 [INTERNAL] 

Because everyone is extremely familiar with eachother and I feel like an outsider. Also, if I did speak, I'd probably get some "Oh wow, he actually talks!" responses since I haven't said anything for over a month.

See, I hate names.

>> No.3788314,19 [INTERNAL] 

I'm always like that in other channels.

I'd make IRC totally anonymous if I could.

>> No.3788314,20 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think anyone really memorizes all of the lurkers' names. If a person I didn't remember talked I'd just assume they were new to the channel or something. Why would it matter either way though? We'd all be welcoming of a new chatter, I'm sure.

>> No.3788314,21 [INTERNAL] 

When someone new/lurker speaks, the channel all stops and "greets" them.

>> No.3788314,22 [INTERNAL] 

Because >>3788314,17

>> No.3788314,23 [INTERNAL] 

>Because everyone is extremely familiar with eachother and I feel like an outsider.
That's understandable I guess. But if you've been lurking for that long you should know most people's personalities which is a help. And jumping into a conversation isn't too hard. Just wait for someone to ask a question about video games or something and answer them. That's how I did it.
>Also, if I did speak, I'd probably get some "Oh wow, he actually talks!" responses since I haven't said anything for over a month.
Leave the channel, change your name. Come back in a few hours and I doubt anyone would even notice.

>> No.3788314,24 [INTERNAL] 

Huh, I've never seen anything like that, in any channel, really (in all the... 5 channels I lurk anyway). Usually people just blend in.

>> No.3788314,25 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, usually people just start talking normally. Sometimes, after you spoke for a while, people will be like "Who's X," but still not too common.

>> No.3788314,26 [INTERNAL] 

>I don't think anyone really memorizes all of the lurkers' names.
I'm not really just a regular lurker though.

But yeah, to me it feels like walking up to a group of friends and trying to go along with their conversation. It feels like I'm intruding.

>> No.3788314,27 [INTERNAL] 

We're not all BEST FRIENDS or anything, I didn't know any of these guys before the IRC was made. Just hop in and contribute if you can, we probably won't bully you. Well, Jones might, but no one likes him anyways!

>> No.3788314,28 [INTERNAL] 

Why doesn't Losstarot bitch or do stupid shit more or Azurite actually act like a nazi and stop the awfulness of #/b/unbunmaru?

>> No.3788314,29 [INTERNAL] 

Don't think of them as friends, think of them as /jp/sies, /bun/sies, and /ghost/s, only with names. Because that's what they are.

I mean, do you feel uncomfortable when Jones and Esky flirt here?

>> No.3788314,30 [INTERNAL] 

Better them here than in /b/un.

>> No.3788314,31 [INTERNAL] 

>And jumping into a conversation isn't too hard.
It is, especially when the conversations are like they are now. I don't know how you guys find it so easy to jump in and speak in front of 30-40 people that you barely know.

>> No.3788314,32 [INTERNAL] 

But they don't know anything about you, nor can they find out anything. If you get embarrassed, you can always just leave the channel. It's not as though you have to speak about anything personal if you don't want to.

>> No.3788314,33 [INTERNAL] 

/bun/ IRC is awful.

>> No.3788314,34 [INTERNAL] 

Works much differently when you have a name attached to you and some people actually attach a name to you.

>> No.3788314,35 [INTERNAL] 

I'll speak, one of these days!
Probably. ;_;

>> No.3788314,36 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.3788314,37 [INTERNAL] 

S-since when does that happen!

>> No.3788314,38 [INTERNAL] 

You do it all the time.

>> No.3788314,39 [INTERNAL] 

See, I get spoken about even when I never speak.

I'm taking a nap.

>> No.3788314,40 [INTERNAL] 

I want Jonesy to piss on me while he bans me from /bun/.

>> No.3788314,41 [INTERNAL] 

Why won't the OP fucking do anything about #bun?

>> No.3788314,42 [INTERNAL] 

What's wrong with #bun?

>> No.3788314,43 [INTERNAL] 

Forget it, Dawson.

>> No.3788314,44 [INTERNAL] 

I feel bad for Losstarot.

He needs Azurite's self-confidence, then #bun could be good and he'd stop getting picked on.

>> No.3788314,45 [INTERNAL] 

Hi, Losstarot.

>> No.3788314,46 [INTERNAL] 

It's sad that he gets picked on by the losers of the losers of /jp/.

He needs an actual friend and to stop trying to get people to like him; I doubt he's that bad of person, he just doesn't know how to act around people and tries too hard to get a feeling of security with his peers and surroundings.

>> No.3788314,47 [INTERNAL] 

Losstarot or kind anon(s)? You decide!

>> No.3788314,48 [INTERNAL] 

Sup Eksopl, why are you checking my IP? Have a crush on me, do you?

>> No.3788314,49 [INTERNAL] 

For the record, I'm not Eksopl, and you're annoying.

>> No.3788314,50 [INTERNAL] 

Wonder if I should kick ban Losstarot from a certain channel just for lulz

>> No.3788314,51 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.3788314,52 [INTERNAL] 

Remove yourself from this world, filth.

>> No.3788314,53 [INTERNAL] 

The idiot doesn't even have a host mask.

>> No.3788314,54 [INTERNAL] 

Why are there three big /bun/ threads on the front page? I don't see why you can't talk about /bun/ on /bun/.

>> No.3788314,55 [INTERNAL] 

Just the fact that people prefer to criticize /bun/ in the safety of Eksopl's ghost board speaks volumes about /bun/'s questionable moderation practices.

>> No.3788314,56 [INTERNAL] 

Because the mods would just delete everything. I prefer posting in the ghostboard.

>> No.3788314,57 [INTERNAL] 


It took me this whole time to realize how much of an insult that was. It's basically saying 4chan is gaia, and /bun/ is a way to escape gaia.

>> No.3788314,58 [INTERNAL] 

Aww. It must've made you so mad!

>> No.3788314,59 [INTERNAL] 

I post here, on 4chan, on /bun/ and various other /jp/-related places.
It's all the same people posting all the same shit.

>> No.3788314,60 [INTERNAL] 

It's all the same people posting all the same shit.
It's all the same people posting all the same shit.
It's all the same people posting all the same shit.
It's all the same people posting all the same shit.
It's all the same people posting all the same shit.
It's all the same people posting all the same shit.
It's all the same people posting all the same shit.
It's all the same people posting all the same shit.

>> No.3788314,61 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, I'm out of /bun/. I'm sick of my posts getting deleted and the IRC is basically Jones and Eksopl being /b/tards.

>> No.3788314,62 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm sick of my posts getting deleted
If your posts are getting deleted on /bun/ then they are either spam or of a quality so terrible that they are illegible.
I mean seriously, have you seen some of the atrocious threads and comments that have been left untouched? If your posts were of a quality below that then they more than likely deserved to be deleted.

>> No.3788314,63 [INTERNAL] 

Farewell, young Dawson!

>> No.3788314,64 [INTERNAL] 

Pretty much. People are confusing active moderation with ZOMG FASCIST NAZI moderation.
I assume it's because they are used to the mods being unable to cope ala 4chan.

>> No.3788314,65 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know man.
The mods are applying double standard.
/b/ like thread like cybersex and other shitty thread are left untouched. I mean what did he post that is worse than those /b/ threads?

>> No.3788314,66 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know, I'm not a mod. But that's my point, I've only seen Dawson and Japanese Bird threads get deleted; the only other time was when the Aria thread got deleted because it was a blatant flame/troll, but even that eventually was allowed to stay.
The mods are extremely lenient, they just delete spam and the like, so if his threads really are being deleted they must be extremely shit indeed.

>> No.3788314,67 [INTERNAL] 

Simply put, 4chan is a fast board with slow moderation while /bun/ is a slow board with fast moderation. Can you not see why that's a problem for us /jp/ers that are used to /jp/? /bun/'s moderation is overkill.

If the /bun/ mods knew anything about propagation they'd realize we /jp/ers fail at natural selection.

>> No.3788314,68 [INTERNAL] 

Apparently, there was one thread about penises that was nipped in the bud (dohohoho) and a couple Dawson threads.

>> No.3788314,69 [INTERNAL] 

Doesn't help that there's three mods and an admin on a slow board like that, which is like 1/3 of the userbase.

>> No.3788314,70 [INTERNAL] 

You're just mad you can't spam "Why is bun so shitty?" dawsonbaw.gif over there.

>> No.3788314,71 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off Eskopl.

>> No.3788314,72 [INTERNAL] 

Just to spite you Eksopl.

>> No.3788314,73 [INTERNAL] 

Keep on spamming, /b/awson. I have more time than you do proxies.

>> No.3788314,74 [INTERNAL] 

Dawson, you're so bo~ring.

>> No.3788314,75 [INTERNAL] 

>Keep on spamming, /b/awson. I have more time than you do proxies.

Not the guy you're talking to but if you were to ban all of the proxies it would guarantee me never becoming an active user on /bun/.

>> No.3788314,76 [INTERNAL] 

Well, I doubt he's bored enough to go through over a thousand of them.

>> No.3788314,77 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you need proxies to post, paranoid-kun?

>> No.3788314,78 [INTERNAL] 

He probably doesn't want Jonesy to see his IP and track his house down for homo shit.

>> No.3788314,79 [INTERNAL] 

He should be more worried about russia haxing his anus. At least that's a legitimate threat.

>> No.3788314,80 [INTERNAL] 

Get a hardware and software firewalls. A proxy is not going to keep you from getting owned. No ine wants your precious IP address anyway.

>> No.3788314,81 [INTERNAL] 

Many moons ago I had finally managed to build up enough courage to bad mouth AoRF's excessive JBCS threads and next thing you know, my computer starts freezing and randomly deciding to shut down. He even began to repeat some of the things I had said off of this board and 4chan. My entire conversation I had on facebook was spammed several times on /jp/ (most likely from one of his bots). So yes, I very much don't enjoy getting my anus haxed by a Russian pedophile, h4ck3r, and bot-herder. And that also goes double for Eksopl.

Also this. Homo e-stalkers, not so good.

>> No.3788314,82 [INTERNAL] 

Because IP addresses point to specific houses.

If they did I would probably never post, anywhere, ever, without being behind 7 proxies out of paranoia.

>> No.3788314,83 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you such a liar, paranoid-kun?

>> No.3788314,84 [INTERNAL] 

That's not me, it's obviously Meru using a proxy. Or maybe I'm Meru.

The real reason why I prefer proxies is because I know the /bun/ and ghostboard devs too well. They wouldn't want me stalking their post so why would I want them stalking mines.

This challenge has already been offered before but for the sake of this argument I'll say it again: if any of you server admins have the guts to disagree with this statement then start posting with your IP in your email field. That's more of less what it's like for us.

Now if these people were strangers (i.e., non-tripfriends), I wouldn't mind letting them see my post.

>> No.3788314,86 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a server admin but I'm confident you won't hax my anus.

Proxies are for pansies.

>> No.3788314,87 [INTERNAL] 

Esky and Jones aren't /bun/ devs.

>> No.3788314,88 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.3788314,89 [INTERNAL] 

Have fun getting hacked.

>> No.3788314,91 [INTERNAL] 

Eksy is actually FairX

>> No.3788314,92 [INTERNAL] 

Should I use my botnet to packet smack this guy around a bit? Yes/No? P.S. One of your ports is open. You shouldn't have disabled updates, that activex exploit is older than this ghost board. Also, that's a pretty big Touhou folder - I'm impressed. But did you really have to base your directory names on 4chan boards?

Brb, booking a flight to Portugal. Enjoy being hot and bothered while I stick it in you.

>> No.3788314,93 [INTERNAL] 


See how easy it is for me to come over and rape you guys?

Jonesy could search up any /bun/ IP he wanted and head over there for some gay loving.

Well, besides Eksopl, since you're using a proxy.

>> No.3788314,94 [INTERNAL] 

Nah, he got it from that Numbers show.

>> No.3788314,95 [INTERNAL] 


Yeah, you're a real big man, you did a geoip lookup on me!
Whatever next?

>> No.3788314,97 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

>I only use a proxy for bin.4chan.org (using a pac file for that), because my subnet is banned, probably because some /b/ kiddie nearby ran 4chan.js or something like that.
I didn't know you were permabanned from 4chan. Now I'm starting to feel sorry for you, it must have been really hard on you once you realized your subnet was banned. You must feel limited knowing that any wrong action you take on /jp/ can result in your proxies getting banned. The proxies being the only link to the few friends you care about.


Hahaha oh wow, how does it feel to be eternally banned? Now I know why you haven't been posting as much. And to think you're one of the few ghost that endorsed /bun/'s moderation (can you say irony). How does it feel being Anontalk's bitch on a day to day basis? I kid Eksopl, it was nice while it lasted. But now I'm going to have to find another tripfriend to e-stalk. You're no longer cool enough to warrant stalking now that you're no longer a member of our /jp/ club. Why don't you start an unban region campaign.

>> No.3788314,98 [INTERNAL] 

>Now I know why you haven't been posting as much
Because he posts anonymously.

>> No.3788314,99 [INTERNAL] 

I went too far in this one. And I apologize.

>> No.3788314,101 [INTERNAL] 

>I have a bunch of IPs on different subnets, I can freely run my own private proxies on them.


>> No.3788314,102 [INTERNAL] 

>But now I'm going to have to find another tripfriend to e-stalk.

>> No.3788314,103 [INTERNAL] 

>Implying that he isn't stalking Jones already.

>> No.3788314,104 [INTERNAL] 

Why is /bun/ so slow?

>> No.3788314,105 [INTERNAL] 

I wold not know. I am not a faggot. I don't go there.

>> No.3788314,106 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

>I'm so tired of seeing HILARIOUS /b/ MEMES drawn on whiteboards.

>And then you people wonder why I mock /g/.
What does /g/ have to do with /b/?
It's like you're trying to troll me.

>> No.3788314,107 [INTERNAL] 

Know what? Fuck it!
I do not care, disregard >>3788314,106

>> No.3788314,108 [INTERNAL] 

Don't even try backwards-kun. Don't even try. /g/ is terrible.

>> No.3788314,109 [INTERNAL] 

I used to want /g/ to be archived until I actually went to /g/. It's basically /b/ with computers. Of all of the faster boards, /g/ in my opinion has the most /b/tards.

/g/ sounded good on paper (after all, it is a board about technology), but just like /a/ and /v/, /g/'s topic attracts too much newcomers.

>> No.3788314,110 [INTERNAL] 

I think the whole "tripfriends posting Anonymously" thing is silly. If you only use your trip to talk to people when a unique identity is needed then you might as well just use a secure trip'code' and drop the name drama. Alternatively, if you only use a tripcode to express your opinions during serious discussions, your opinion means nothing to us if we don't know you on a regular day to day basis. On a board like neo /a/ for example, only a handful of people remember the old /a/ tripfriends like AoRF and AoC. You kinda have to talk a lot of times for people to know if your opinion is worthy or if you're just another tripfriend using the namefield to troll like Taiko or Arc. The only true excuse for not using your tripcode is if you don't have enough time to post on 4chan nowadays.

I think users like AoRF and Eksopl have been brainwashed by various prog jargon that told them it was dishonorable and/or stupid to be concerned about an identity. (When in actuality, no tripfriends ever cared about the identity itself and only use it to mark their opinions.)

>> No.3788314,111 [INTERNAL] 

Are you still too ashamed to post your last.fm profile, Eksy?

>> No.3788314,112 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a normalfag and I'm also 29, what's a last.fm?

>> No.3788314,113 [INTERNAL] 

last.fm is one of 'em social networking websites, but it's actually useful. It records your music listening habits and recommends you similar artists based on that data. And the charts it creates are fun to look at.

>> No.3788314,114 [INTERNAL] 


Mods = fags

I got banned in two minutes for a Dawson image.

>> No.3788314,115 [INTERNAL] 

Of the countless social networking sites Eksi uses, last.fm is probably the most harmless.

>> No.3788314,116 [INTERNAL] 

Back off, Eskopl is mine.

>> No.3788314,117 [INTERNAL] 

But that trip is only a four character match to mine, Dawson.
You'll have to do better than that.

>> No.3788314,118 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.3788314,119 [INTERNAL] 

whoopsie meant to quote 116 but i fucked up
cant delete posts either (fuck you AoRF)

>> No.3788314,120 [INTERNAL] 

Not to mention you wouldn't misspell Eksopl.

>> No.3788314,121 [INTERNAL] 


No, really.

>> No.3788314,122 [INTERNAL] 

The only Dutch posters on /jp/ that have identified themselves are idiots, so this wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.3788314,123 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, I was born in The Netherlands!

>> No.3788314,124 [INTERNAL] 

What does that say about your chances at being an idiot?

>> No.3788314,125 [INTERNAL] 

VDZ, I just know this is you.
MSN. Now.

>> No.3788314,126 [INTERNAL] 

Normalfags on the bunbunmaru IRC! This is an outrage!

>> No.3788314,127 [INTERNAL] 

The sad thing is that you all think it's done in irony.

It's not and you just are too insecure to accept it.
