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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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37777448 No.37777448 [Reply] [Original]

If you like Japan so much, why haven't you moved there to wotk?

>> No.37777451


>> No.37777483

because I am not a japanese. and japan is for the japaneses.

>> No.37777490

If Japanese get to live in my country its only fair for me to live in theirs.

>> No.37777568

Jokes on you I WILL move there and I WILL impregnate a woman.

>> No.37777581

Based. Though I dont think they will accept foreigners.

>> No.37777604

I don't speak fluent Japanese

>> No.37777616
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As if that has ever been a problem.

>> No.37777789

I don't think I can be an urban planner (what I'm studying for) in Japan without at least being able to speak fluent Japanese (and then I probably wouldn't be able to work there still)
I'm not gonna go there to work at a 7/11 or as an english teacher, what's the point?

>> No.37777884

Find a gaijin company with humane working hours, learn japanese on the side?
What's the problem?

>> No.37777917


>> No.37777960

>Find a gaijin company with humane working hours
You literally define the exact problem

>> No.37777972

Why? No urban planning in nippon?

>> No.37778008

I can't make heads or tails from this
Seems hardcore Japanese
Afaik most if not all urban planning is done by the government there anyway

>> No.37778051

no higher education

>> No.37778095

melanin enriched man logic

>> No.37778116

mods literally too damm busy fapping to cp to do shit

>> No.37778241

Nice racism there

>> No.37778323

trying to get a transfer to the japanese branch of the company i work at but they only take good employees so i'm SOL

>> No.37778404

Try harder

>> No.37778419 [DELETED] 

fuck niggers and kikes

>> No.37778760

Because I don't have a visa.
Give me one and I'll gladly work a dead end job there.

>> No.37778775

Taiwan is better

>> No.37778777

I would be too much a net negative over there

>> No.37778812
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because i'm asian myself and not attracted to the people japanese people

>> No.37778928

I don't know the language well enough. I might consider it after I study.

>> No.37778959

This is something that I just posted on /a/. They told me to repost it here, and I thought it was worth a shot.

I live in Japan, and it fucking sucks. I made a thread about this a lonnnng time ago, but this bears repeating.

1. Anime and manga are more expensive in Japan. The prices are ridiculous, and it's hard for me to justify buying anime even though I feel it's important for fans to make an effort to support the industry.

2. If you are a girl, you will be groped and treated like shit. I have had men grab my ass in public *7* different times in the past year and a half. My Japanese friends say that women should just grit their teeth and bear it, since if you try to do something about it you will be publicly shamed. I also feel dirty and pathetic when these incidents occur.

3. Office culture in Japan is...intense. You are expected to show up at social gatherings even if you do not want to. And at these social gatherings people have the EXACT SAME CONVERSATIONS AGAIN AND AGAIN. I've had like 50 conversations on the power of beer to refresh you after a day's work. You have to say "good morning" every day in a very specific way, and if you don't then someone will approach you and tell you that's not how things are done at company XYZ.

4. The people treat gaijin like shit. Even the ones who try to be nice come across as condescending and rude by American standards. There are also a large number of Japanese men who think gaijin women are sluts and that they can get you to open your legs at the drop of a hat. Fuckers.

I wish all the Japanohiles could actually visit GLORIOUS NIPPON. They'd change their tune.

>> No.37779103

exactly what i thought, i'm comfy as fuck in my western country why would i wanna move to japan

it's a harsh environment and it resulted in some great products that they sell overseas to the western world, but that doesn't mean it's all nice

based japs

>> No.37779146

Doesn't help that they theoretically have no future ahead of them and companies are now relying on chinese money to stay afloat.

Give it 10 more years and China will basically own Japan.

>> No.37779167

because border is closed fren

>> No.37779207

Don't you get tired of this pasta?

>> No.37779208

I visited it and liked it, but I don't want to work. Really, I'd rather just be almost anywhere but where I'm at now.

>> No.37779486

I don't give a shit if an anonymous twat thinks I'm a racist.

>> No.37780736 [DELETED] 


>> No.37781555

tried job hunting there as a student for a few months with no prior experience and decided that the corporate work culture is not for me

>> No.37782387

Because I'm a third worlder and the local embassy was told to make sure the smallest number of people possible should get a japanese visa or any valuable information on japanese programs of any kind

>> No.37782596

What a high quality get.

>> No.37783250
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many such cases

>> No.37784336

>I'm not gonna go there to work at a 7/11

That's impossible to do on a work visa, btw. You'd need a visa with no job restrictions (e.g. "married to a Japanese national" visa) or be a student and just do it as a baito with under 28 hours a week.

>> No.37785047

whats preventing you from getting a visa and a dead end job?

>> No.37785062

What is your job?
Working in gaijin company would be the dream.

Besides most gaijin women ARE sluts so they are not wrong in their prejudice.

>> No.37785072

Yeah but after corona fren

>> No.37785275

>moved there to work
>to work
lol, it is a nice place to visit.

t. neet

>> No.37785337

My Cock is too Huge for the small Homes they have. When I tried to apply for Citizenship despite the Warnings my Friends gave me, my Application was denied with the Reason "We are sorry to say your Penis is too large too fit within any Japanese Buildings we Wish you the best with your Life in Australia".

>> No.37785424

Because while Japanese culture and products are interesting, the country itself is a miserable shithole

>> No.37785476

Enjoy not having a girlfriend and a life, nerd.

>> No.37785939

How expensive is land in Japan? In the countryside?
kill yourself mutt

>> No.37785980

>Enjoy not having a girlfriend
I do, actually.

>> No.37787613


>> No.37789078

I'm not attracted to 3D women.

>> No.37789650
File: 62 KB, 640x512, 176C5C6A-6590-4A39-B273-2FC13B5BCA79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do I move there as a worthless neet? I know lots of chinese, vietnamese and phillipinos do it somehow

>> No.37789674

>I do, actually.

>> No.37790909

Do the way of the davido kun.

>> No.37792027
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This account is funny as someone that doesn't live in Japan, but living there seems like hell

>> No.37792737
File: 48 KB, 640x503, 1630331431278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to work there, I don't want to work at all

I do want to visit though

>> No.37793012

>not having a girlfriend

this is a good thing

>> No.37793066
File: 52 KB, 439x500, B07JDP1DLQ.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unpaid overtime? I don't think so, bub.

>> No.37793095

was this thread moved from some other board?

>> No.37793471


>> No.37793526


>> No.37793571

And US is for blacks?

>> No.37793608

Nowhere is for blacks

>> No.37794067

>I hate how if you're a fan you're obviously a disturbed pedophile who needs psychological help

>> No.37794152
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>to wotk

>> No.37794241


>> No.37794248

I have no intentions of living in Japan, but I can tell either chink or gook hands wrote this

>> No.37794303

While it's indeed comfy to live there, I find my style of living would be incompatible with their social norms there.

>> No.37794355

Kill yourself redd/int/ virus.

>> No.37794606

I feel like a stranger of in my hometown but I'm supposed to feel at home in a strange land? The conceit of escapism.

>> No.37798175

In the future.

>> No.37798200

I'd rather be the odd one out in a beautiful exotic land than in a dirty western place

>> No.37798492

Who made western lands dirty then huh? HUH?

>> No.37798504

the depths of hell seem to be the only place for them

>> No.37798975

people other than myself

>> No.37799247

The only good things about Japan are otaku culture and teenage girls. I can have one here and I can't have the other even there because I'm not a politician or into prostitutes.

>> No.37799336

>why haven't you moved there to work?
Aside from the fact that I'm still working on my PhD, Japan is not exactly one of the best places to work. The pay is mediocre, and there's an unhealthy culture of working extremely long hours. It might be a good place to consider taking a vacation to, but living there is another matter entirely.

Moreover, although I've been teaching myself Japanese, I find it a lot easier to read it than to speak and listen to it. I think in terms of actual words per minute, English is spoken a lot more slowly than Japanese, so listening to it requires not only having to process a language I'm not fluent in, but also having to process more words than I'm used to. I already sometimes find it difficult to listen to some of my Indian colleagues who also speak English fluently, but have a habit of speaking much faster than the average speaker.

>> No.37799535

Do you guys seriously not know that pasta or is it tradition to play dumb I forgot

>> No.37800000

Who cares if working hours are bad since they idle alot.

BTW what PHD?

t. stem major

>> No.37800639


Whew, those are some nice digits. I'm working on a PhD in computer science. I don't think I'd want to work at a job where I spend a lot of time in an office idling. Would be much nicer to work from home, get my tasks done, and then head outside or do whatever if I don't have something I need to be doing.

>> No.37800793

Is it that easy? I thought there were requirements or something.

>> No.37800850

>I'm working on a PhD in computer science
Should have done math instead. What are you research topics of interest that you're throwing your life away on?

>Would be much nicer to work from home, get my tasks done, and then head outside or do whatever
I wish this too but I get the feeling you'd get even less respect than someone without a social media for the boss to investigate. Like a total secret person who never shows up or goes to gatherings or anything. "Why should someone like that get a raise?" they would say.

>Indian colleagues
Why couldn't it be any other group of people?

>> No.37800885

I guess you could work for some foreign company in japan then, I think CS is well needed there.

>> No.37804061

To work? Nah. I've considered working and probably live there but no, not anymore, probably never.

But to visit? Yea sure.

>> No.37804200

1) I like not dealing with 5.0 Earthquakes every week
2) There is a suicide forest and Neetdom is huge, so shit is fucked up in the culture
3) I don't want rocks thrown at my head while little kids scream "gaijin gaijin".
4) My boss would be a 90 year old man with dementia because "muh age hierarchy"
I just want a hot Japanese bitch to suck my smol peepee and to watch some cartoon kino. Nothing else.

>> No.37804576

They're using crossing language, they are not playing dumb, they ARE dumb

>> No.37804846

Cause the ZOG USA is so much better place eh

>> No.37805512

Japan is great if you go there as a tourist. Turns into hell when you live and work there though

>> No.37805546

Just because they make fun comics and games doesn't mean I want to move there. Is this board full of wapanese now? I've considered working there for a few years, but I've also considered working in Finland or Germany for a few years.

>> No.37805596

That's a good idea. I doubt it could be worse than the criminal-loving shithole I live in, since I won't have to worry about being stabbed, shot or kidnapped.

>> No.37805714

don't if you value your mental health

>> No.37805795 [DELETED] 

>I've also considered working in Finland
Fuck or we are full. You better not be black.

>> No.37805809

Fuck off we are full. You better not be black.

>> No.37806073

Yeah, honestly, it wasn't that appealing

First off, no you're not, pretty much every single company in your whole country has job listings because it's fucking empty. They're practically begging me to move there. Second of all, I'm white, have a college degree, and was considering Finland because it's one of the few countries in Europe where it's still relatively easy to purchase firearms. I somehow doubt Finnish society will collapse if you add another autistic engineer who likes the cold, hiking, and guns.

>> No.37807005


>What are you research topics of interest that you're throwing your life away on?
Generative adversarial networks and synthetic cybersecurity data.
>I wish this too but I get the feeling you'd get even less respect than someone without a social media for the boss to investigate.
Well... I also don't have social media. I like being invisible.
>"Why should someone like that get a raise?" they would say.
I mean... ideally, raises should reflect worker output, rather than how much people enjoy interacting with them.
>Why couldn't it be any other group of people?
There are other ethnicities that may talk a bit fast, but I think it is most prominent among Indians. I actually looked this up, and I'm not the only one to notice this phenomenon. The common explanation is that Indians are taught to associate the speed at which they speak with fluency, which is a bit silly. To be fair, my colleagues *are* good English speakers. It's just hard to keep up with their pace. Oh well, maybe one day an Indian will crush this guy's record for fastest speech:

>> No.37807370

I just meant "why did it have to be Indians that are all over CS related fields?", not "why can't any group of people speak English quickly?"

I remember reading stuff about the difference in speed between English and some other languages and vaguely remember some theory about it having to do with information density. Like English having more words that provide information in a sentence than, say, Japanese, leading to Japanese being perceived to be spoken quicker since it has a lot of "filler" that doesn't need to be processed to understand the sentence.

>> No.37807640

Yeah I agree on this. Japan is a nice country to vacation and buy things for fun, but not to live in unless you are ultra talented and willing to work a lot for the good of the country. But you can do that from home if they outsource to you for Animation, Translation and Programming work. They pay good money for that.

>> No.37808132


>why did it have to be Indians that are all over CS related fields?
They have a huge population with a reasonably high intelligence, and a desire to raise their economic circumstances. CS is where the money is, so it follows that a lot of them will pursue it as a career path.

>Japanese being perceived to be spoken quicker since it has a lot of "filler" that doesn't need to be processed to understand the sentence.
In some ways, it's English that has a lot of this filler. We mandate things like the subject being included in every sentence, while conversational Japanese likes to drop things that can be derived from context.

>> No.37808194

Racism is simply pattern recognition. If your kind weren't bad actors you would have nothing to worry about.

>> No.37808241
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But corona will never end. I'm sure Japan is actually really happy to keep up the act as it means less subversive gaijin trying to shove their way in.

>> No.37809777

They don't accept hikineets

>> No.37810316

This paste is at least 3 years old, newfags

>> No.37812109

>But corona will never end
It will fren. Trust me.

>> No.37812262

How many variants are we on now with the media having to remind me that it's super deadly and I should take multiple shots from pharmaceutical companies that are protected from liability?

>> No.37812317

People will surely wake up sooner or later.
It's gonna be rough, buckle up.

>> No.37812972

Reminder that once they stop riding this one, they'll ride some other disease in a couple years just like they have been all throughout the 2000s.

>> No.37815293

the apocalypse begins next year as it so happens
source: dude trust me

>> No.37821463


>> No.37824982

tfw you will never be a japanese ojisan groping blonde gaijin women on the train daily
Why even live?

>> No.37826690

I get matches on tinder. Damn right im gonna impegnate at least 5 japanese women

>> No.37830712

I did. I like it.

>> No.37831426

Based. It's a white man's duty to spread superior seed to other side of the world too.

>> No.37831690

I've always wanted to have 5 or so kids with a Japanese girl.

You sound like one of those asian ntrfags.

>> No.37831720

Anecdotal evidence told me that you need a bachelor's degree minimum although I'm sure that if a company was interested in you they could set you up.

>> No.37831732

t. black man
You will never marry a japanese, blacks disgust them

>> No.37831795


>> No.37831801

I'm white. I have no idea why you'd think I'm black.

>> No.37831825

Then what do you have against spreading superior aryan seed in Japan?

>> No.37831870

Nothing. That's why I want to have lots of kids with a Japanese girl.
I didn't think you'd be that offended by the "ntrfag" comment.

>> No.37831911

Calling a white man asian is pretty offensive, friend. It also implies having small pp.

>> No.37831951


What work? Underpaid English teacher? I'd rather suicide

>> No.37831981


>> No.37832005

Sometimes in threads about white men and asian females, some asian dudes will show up saying how much they want a white man to fuck their mother
Your comment reminded me of them. Apologies for the misunderstanding.

>> No.37832030
File: 741 KB, 720x1028, 1639561826191.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay friend. God mades us white so we can spread our seed.

>> No.37833076


>> No.37835448

I'm unskilled, currently going for a Diploma of IT which I doubt will open up many doors in my country let alone in Japan. I also don't know Japanese.

>> No.37839881

I did, I'm living and working in Tokyo now, actually. Fluent in Japanese and a citizen as well.

>> No.37840085

How is it?
What is your job?

>> No.37840134

I wish i could fuck an asian mother

>> No.37840542

This has been repeated often, but only worth working there as freelance working from home, just like you could work from any other place on Earth. And the taxes and paperwork makes it a pain. Or working in a big international company at its Japanese branch, under international (non Japanese style) management.

>> No.37840599

>studied EE
I think I could probably get a job there, but I'm not sure if I actually want to work in japan.
Earning less and working like a slave sounds like a crappy deal regardless of how much I like weeb shit.

>> No.37840613
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Working part time (they sponsor my visa) so I'm living a pretty comfy life. I found a bank that will give me a mortgage without permanent residence or a high salary so I'm planning on buying an old house in the city and fixing it up.

I'm currently doing some freelance work under the table since I can't legally do it on my visa but I want to go full time with it once I get permanent residence or a marriage visa. If it ever picks up and I'm able to live entirely off of freelance work, I'm going to move into the country side or Onomichi or something.

My goal in life is to live in an old wooden house on a hill.

>> No.37840624

What kind of work with what educaiton?

>> No.37840639

Bachelor of Computer Science, teaching English. I could work in programming and make more money but my current job is too comfy to quit. Rent is cheap so I'm able to save about ¥100,000 a month which is going towards a down payment on a house.

>> No.37840779

>managed to get a CS degree
>be a disgraceful english teacher
Anon, I...

>> No.37840842

Don't forget 7 years of work experience in my home country.

>> No.37841818

Are you anglo? How else you'd get teaching job

>> No.37842232

Yeah, my friend recommended me to his boss so I got work that way. It's a pretty laid back little company.

>> No.37842982

Based. Spread the white seed brother.

>> No.37843300

fields for the beasts of the field!

>> No.37843766

japanese HATE black folk

>> No.37844715


>> No.37845463
File: 25 KB, 416x278, akiya-athome1.jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How expensive is land in Japan? In the countryside?
In the countryside, it can cost next to nothing. Solid, cool old Showa homes left empty by the aging population and flight to cities by the young.

Look up "akiya", there are databases with thousands of cool old abandoned cheap properties. Some of these places are Detroit tier cheap.

The main page on this site leads to thousands of them by region:

>> No.37846373

What does it require other than money? Visa?

Also how racist are folks in the countryside?

>> No.37846533

I don’t like Japan

Im not a retarded deluded freak that thinks Japan is some heaven on earth
Working in tech in Japan also pays like shit

I rather earn 130k back home and visit 2 times a year

>> No.37846604

lmao those houses are ridden with debt and wrecked hard it’s been discussed so many times also locals will fucking hate you. A gaijin has no business there

>> No.37846627

If you speak Japanese and act like one why should there be any problems nigger?

>> No.37846686
File: 118 KB, 780x639, Ken+sama+figured+id+upload+before+it+ends+up+on_177fd0_5172707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan is paradise on Earth
>Schoolgirls in sailor uniforms on every corner
>Commute to your job as a Gundam pilot in a flying car
>Everyone will hail you as a conquering gaijin hero, Banzai!
>Anime is real, a documentary.
Just ask pic, he knows where it's at.

>> No.37846729

because you aren't one retard

You are not Japanese, you will never be Japanese, and no, spending your life as a shut-in playing videogames and consuming garbage repetitive media doesn't make you special, maybe retarded if something. even worse if you belive you are better than others for being one, even people who have a healthy relationship with the anime medium consider you a deluded freak, humans aren't made to be isolated, that's how it works.

Get your life in order, because tik tok time is running out and it runs out faster when you spend your entire days doing the same and the same thing, that's just how the brain and memory works, don't you wonder why time seems to go so fast and you don't remember most of it? why oh suddenly another year has passed? yeah that's because your memory isn't saving anything, that's what life is about.

At least get a job, save some money and visit Japan.

>> No.37846744

Don't shit where you eat. Visiting and living are two very different things, and I'd rather enjoy my time in Japan.

>> No.37846922

t. never lived in japan

>> No.37847505

It's the dream but ironically I will look down on a Japanese woman who wants a foreigner (>>37777581)

BUT >>37777581 I always wanted to travel there and sleep with a Nip girl. Go to a bar and pick one up, or even easier go on tinder. I'm tall and white and I don't mean to sound lame and conceited but also good looking. But I always felt like Nips can't even tell the difference lel like how supposedly guys with an Asian fetish like any of them because they're Asian and will fuck ones that aren't good looking but to Asian fetishists they're mostly hot even if they're objectively not really attractive.

I actually downloaded a Japanese dating app not too long ago and the girls on there are thirsty(super hot ones too). They even move fast and want something serious right off the bat. Of course could be a scammer. But they proved that it was really them in the profile at least.

>> No.37847579

What dating app? I won't get shit cause I'm literal 5'4 lmao but I want to peek at least

>> No.37847587
File: 59 KB, 696x1024, incel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously jap men look down on foreign chasers too. Imagine white woman going for niggers, same thing. Bottom of the barrels.

This you?

>> No.37847640

No. I'm not fat and don't have a face like that. Funny enough back in school I had a decent life even had gfs that weren't whales so I'm not really incel. It all went downhill after 20's though so I'm now kinda a bit I guess

>> No.37848994

I don't remember. Just look up Japan dating up. It's either the only one specifically for Japan or one of the only. Be careful. There are a lot of fakes on the non mainstream apps. If it looks like a model or professional pic, it most likely us. There were some apps I downloaded when I was fucked up and I got messages before I even put a picture. The worst part is those apps send you constant alerts. I had to talk shit to customer service to delete me, something I don't usually do. Over a day later they didn't delete my account and I told them that I was gonna give them a bad rating on google play and guess what, that got my account deleted quick.

Japan one wasn't like that, but you have a lot of girls messaging you first. This doesn't happen on mainstream ones. They'll send a wink or like at most and let you be the one to approach. (like irl(unless they're fat lmao they have the most confidence and are the most forwarfor d)).

Just be careful dude. Don't let your desperation make you fall for a scammer. It happens a lot, and mostly for dudes who are desperate. I actually would talk shit to the accounts I felt were scammers. Told them how fucked up they are for taking advantage of lonely men.

Btw on one app, and it might have been the Japan one, I don't remember. But it was a literal pic of that one pornstar with a big ass(Abella Danger). I'm not even into her, great ass but otherwise I'm not attracted to her.

I messaged that account saying I'm a big fan of your work. They responded with some oh yea baby bullshit, then I said who the pic was of and the retard didn't even understand and was still trying to flirt. I reported that account. Days later it was still there.

I just checked and I still have the app. Account is still there. Different pic though, but still Abella lol It's a closer up pic of her face so it's harder to tell. I might not have noticed if I didn't already see the previous profile pic.

I know they do, but they're obviously jealous. Black guys get mad as fuck too when white guys fuck "their" women.

To be honest, I think Japanese women are the best. Peak femininity, great manners, and by far most attractive. Which I know is mostly their style, they got that shit down perfectly. It's like how American hot girls didn't look so great in the 80s and 90s. They just had a shitty style. I actually didn't think Japanese were that hot in the 90s.

But the idol industry was amazing for Japanese women. It looks gorgeous and the women adopted the look. I do not like kpop idols at all. I call them airbrushed irl. I know they're attractive but it's like airbrushed pics. Kind of "too perfect". Just looks fake and doesn't do much for me.

>> No.37849090
File: 105 KB, 869x1883, 1639771214845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also even though I'm tall(I'm really not that tall just taller than the average all around the world and especially taller than women obviously).

But I took a screenshot just for my short bros. I know how much it bothers short people, but I think if you let it get to yourself too much, you're just cucking yourself. Some women aren't gonna like that but a lot of women don't care.

Also, I always felt like NO woman is unattainable. When girls would act like rudely uninterested, I made it a mission to get them into me. Not on some weird creepy shit, like "ok, you wanna act like that with me, bet I can get you to like me". Very successful, even my friend's mom lmao.

Seriously, no one is off the table. Yes, for you too. Looks to me isn't the hardest, it's class difference. If a girl makes more money and especially is in a comfortably higher class than you, they might not even give you the time of day to even try to get them into you. It helps if you meet them through someone else. Like my sister. She has a dope high level job in the music industry, she also has hot friends, from that industry or kind of close to it.

Because they know my sister, they're cool with me off the bat, and then they all always really like me and think I'm super cool.

Which means, legit, personality is the most important part. I am tall and attractive so I know it sounds like bullshit coming from me, You gotta have game. For example, my friend who some people straight up consider ugly, has pulled a ton more females than me. I have better game, but he's better at closing the deal. I'm on 4chan, clearly I have some issues, I have bad anxiety and that's why I fuck up so much after the beginning part doing so well. Ironically for most people, especially with anxiety, the beginning is hard and once they get that the rest is easy.

>> No.37849121

How good is your japanese?

>> No.37849210

Btw should let you know, that screenshot was from Tinder. There are actually non-Japanese Asians on there too and even other races(not a fan, but I'm not Asian either).

That being said it's funny because they tend to send likes to me too. One 30 something year old said she's not really on the app much anymore and gave me her instagram(I don't have any social media lol), and she was a fitness "influencer"(hate that term). Obviously pretty hot though even though I'm not into instagram models.

>> No.37849274

Not at all, which is funny because even when I was younger and full of confidence and picked up girls' numbers on the street sometimes(I don't ever randomly approach, they give me clear signs like staring or big smiling). But I always avoided spitting game at girls with bad english, even if they had decent English but a heavy accent. I just find it hard, like I don't know how to approach that. Even though there were some that wanted me to, one of them lived literally right next door as a foreign college student renting out my neighbor's room. From Argentina, pretty and big ass. There were a few that lived there and were giving me the signs heavy too and I just didn't even say anything to them. A couple of them even looked upset like rolling their eyes and stuff. Which happened quite a few times with other girls on the street and I wasn't in the right state of mind to talk to them.

I know guys always sound so corny and full of themselves when they say this stuff but I'm on some anti anxiety shit right now, and an upper. So I'm talking my ass off lmao.

I would have to take some anti-anxiety stuff to do it.

>> No.37849286

Oh shit, I accidentally deleted a middle paragraph but oh well. Probably a good thing.

But I forgot to say the most important part. The stuff I take completely rids me of anxiety, and no it's not meds. I would have no problem approaching a girl. Even though I'm introverted and hate talking to people, I'm extroverted as hell on this.

>> No.37849432

I am saving money to move there, but recently I learned that setting the documents is a shit ton of work. Why cant they just accept me there without a fight? I am a good person, I am not a spy or anything.

>> No.37849497

I respect this

>> No.37849749

white virgin lie, black people are treated better in japan than in america. white people always lie about japanese people, always projecting their own evil onto them

>> No.37849961

White devils

>> No.37850170

Most guys who want to live in Japan suffer from "grass is greener" syndrome. They assume they'd fit into society better there since they're huge fans of otaku media, but in reality they become even bigger outcasts. A ton of guys just have some delusion surrounding this. I know because I was one of them. Just make sure you're not projecting your personal problems onto your homeland before you decide you should leave. Until you fix what's wrong inside, you won't be happy anywhere.

>> No.37850174

because it's fucking hard
it's easier to find a decent life in Europe or in America but Japan is bloated with stupid bureaucracy and I'm too lazy to put up with that
I just want to visit

>> No.37851405

>It's like how American hot girls didn't look so great in the 80s and 90s.
That was the last time they were hot, bro. Slim, fit, and sexy instead of fat girls in stretch pants like nowadays.

>> No.37851468

>Also, I always felt like NO woman is unattainable.
>Seriously, no one is off the table
What about JCs?

>> No.37851537


>> No.37854426

Because you could be a black criminal.

>> No.37854434 [DELETED] 

You will never marry a Japanese woman, blackie.

>> No.37854701

I do not work and I don't plan to.

>> No.37855221
File: 471 KB, 750x501, shieet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will always be wrong, whitey

>> No.37856569 [DELETED] 

>found one pic of nigger with japanese girl

*clap clap clap*

>> No.37856589

Because what I like is animeland and Gensokyoland, not Japan

>> No.37856623

what do you take?

>> No.37857013

>Going to move to Japan for work
>Covid hits
>Still have job
>WFH for a company that is half a world away
>Life doesn't change for me at all
what do?

>> No.37861450

Because the only non asians who move here are either delusional, autistic weebs who lacks self-awareness or sex-pats who used to be in the military.

>> No.37861509

You'd be surprised at how quickly the human mind can become tired of something.

Bad news, Japan has way more population density.

>> No.37861518

>enjoying tight hairy japanese pussy is bad because... just because its bad okay?

>> No.37861637

>casual interracial sex is good because...just because its good okay?

You're in the same ethical conundrum with the exact same burden of proof. Assenting opinion should have no more advantage than the dissenting one. I do have a grounding for my morality now I'm curious about yours.

>> No.37861655

yeah nah m8

>> No.37862265

>because the only non asians who move HERE are either blablabla
>move here

So you're not one of them, lucky you huh?

>> No.37862290

>delusional, autistic weebs who lacks self-awareness
that's me and I'm loving it here

>> No.37862321

Did I stutter?

>> No.37862769

I don't like Japan, I like an idealized 2D version of Japan.

>> No.37862788

>i get to live in japan but others cant :P

Nerd. I will come to Japan and impregnate their women. I will live in Tokyo and watch anime.

>> No.37863097

Enough with your bait. I'm guessing this is also you >>37847505
While I will continue shamelessly gatekeep Japan out of the same intentions that I gatekeep /jp/, the loathing I feel for your kind is on an entirely different level. You porn-addicted, coom-brained zombies have the audacity to go to another nation and spread your Jewlike degeneracy all for the pursuit of some disgusting fetish. I have less respect for your than literal homos because at least they cannot reproduce and will one day stop being a drain on society. You, on the other hand, have no respect for your partner, no responsibilty for your potential hideous Hapa offspring, nor any shred of concern for either side of the family. You don't even sound like the type who would bother putting effort into learning Japanese. Even if by God's miracle that all your mental retardation gets lost in translation and you do get hitched with a Jap, good luck maintaining that relationship on a non superficial level. Lack of communication and cultural differences(due to you never putting in the effort to learn) almost always lead into cheating or divorce.
>Hurr durr implying I'm anything more than a sex tourist and want anything more than one night stands
Then go cheapen whores in your own country, filth. Unless, you do us a service and take your race-mixing whore back to whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.37863920

Hahaha laughing at this literal nigger who thinks he is better and more japanese than anyone. Bend down sissy, I WILL fuck your sissy ass. Take that kimono off bitch.

Tkyosam is more man than you will ever be, subhuman mouthbreather juden.

>> No.37864015

>"one pic"
lmao @ this loser

>> No.37864060 [DELETED] 

Niggers will never eat japanese pussy. Keep banging those white whales negro.

>> No.37864208
File: 46 KB, 540x720, 44f747a09b9ae4122fda2d0ac7c2ff6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will plant more babies in japanese wombs
>keep fucking white women
we'll do that too. keep sleeping, ytboi. there will be more kids like these in your future, and remember, every one of them is automatically black. your rule, our advantage
