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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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37831449 No.37831449 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous Thread >>37711820

>> No.37831963

Best sword


>> No.37832001
File: 193 KB, 1200x675, 1640176179711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like your girlfriend

>> No.37832079

I only allow this gender theory discussion because it is actually /blog/ related for once.
Every other thread I look at is off-topic shitposting about t*******. Everyone on 4channel has t******* on the brain. It's tiring. I would shoot myself but I have to finish this route first.

>> No.37832182

God this game was shit. It didn't even have a proper prologue

>> No.37832193
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Rei has a competition now. Jokes aside, making a bunch or murderous degenerates [insert sexuality, gender or twitter gender] is a choice. Do we have enough alphabet for the remaining 8 guys(?) anyway? Who is going to be an asexual furry

>> No.37832212

The guy wearing a binder

>> No.37832233
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Clearly the rabbit mask one.

>> No.37832424

Do you even get any romantic scenes when the guys are in girl forms or were they cowards?

>> No.37832504

Also, most guys didn't even say they love MC, mostly no kisses either.
A perfect choice for Aksys shovelware!

>> No.37832601

Their hands are badly done that it detracts from the interesting designs they have.

>> No.37832621

Pointless censor

>> No.37832887

Will EOPs play this?

>> No.37833008

Yes, they'll also call everyone non binary

>> No.37833063

That's hilarious because magical girl scenes are super short and don't affect the plot.
They're just dudes for the rest of the game

>> No.37833628

How come nobody told me Hanakisou is getting a TL?

>> No.37833889

Nice, I saw some translations on tumblr before

>> No.37833960

I hope I can tell him HWNBAW

>> No.37833976

I never played Paradigm Paradox and just watched some gameplay footage on the otomate youtube by chance, but it surprised me that they didn't bother to give the heroine a sprite. I thought that had died out going into the switch era (big screen means less worries the heroine's face is hogging the screen I guess), at least for otomate releases.
I did check and it looks like the only other otomate game originally released on the switch without a heroine portrait feature is Haikara so guess it's a marker for irredeemable kusoge.

>> No.37834021

Everything from this looks awful.

>> No.37834059

That's how your girlfriend became a murderer

>> No.37834502

Everything about it looks like kamige, really.

>> No.37834652

If "edgy and over-the-top" is kamige, why do you guys not like DiaLovers more?

>> No.37834676

Eh...sounds like an oelvn shit but with
>better/interesting plot
>not hideous art or orks for LIs (except for the gangrene yaoi hands)
>everyone is white

>> No.37834796

Because the guys aren't ugly enough.

>> No.37834809

Funny that these complaints were the exact same ones /blog/ had about Club Suicide before release. Hope it pleasantly surprises us this time too.

>> No.37834815

Dialovers is more like a bad parody, but at the same time it still tries to be an otome at times, so it's bad.

>> No.37834949

Yes I want to be pegged by there womanly penis

>> No.37835209

/blog/ does like it, they just hate to admit it.

>> No.37835233

I don't remember majority of guys in CS being gender confused and queer. The (male) lesbian was "special" because of that.
So far, we only have one straight guy, the rest were created when dev pulled random LGBT terms out of the hat and wrote characters around them.
CS was stupid and barely otome, but this game is trying too hard to be "unique"

>> No.37835266

Personally didn't like Club Suicide at all, but it was tolerable. My expectations for this game are astronomically low.
How many routes does it even have? I hope it's not twelve because all of them will be shit. 6 is far less alarming

>> No.37835271

Because it's not obscure enough. It also has no male lesbians

>> No.37835289

I mean the edgy and over the top/this looks like an oelvn/ugly art complaints. I'm not happy about the alphabet soup element either but I'll still give it a shot.

>> No.37835865

The first CDs still hold up, everything after that sucks

>> No.37836296

Liked the first 2-3 games, then it got boring and repeating.
Satoi run off with Katagiri and other rejet fags to become otomate slaves, so the art and writing is kinda different.
Laitou is still fun tho.

>> No.37836501

Satoi is stuck between Otomate and Yumas' cage

>> No.37836965

I never understood the issue Satou had with Rejet. I don't even recall if it was she or other artist, but I do remember some rants about artists being exploited (?) by a certain company.

>> No.37838188

Did they make her work for free by lying gaijins stole her salary?

>> No.37838200

The only one I know is Yone. That otomate sued her for posting some hakuouki artwork on her Twitter. Even though it's her art she can't post anything, after leaving otomate, because the rights belong to the company and new artist is doing hakuoki now, yeah pretty fucked up.
Satoi still helps rejet I heard, she left for better money I heard. I think she left for nil admirari. Still, she only posted chibi dl drawings at her Twitter.
That's the drawfag drama that I know. Oh hackamuras case too, Yuiga Satoru did shit on both hackamura and otomate. Well she was not wrong.
Fucked up stuff overall.

>> No.37838849

DLSite's new guidelines... no more onii-chan rape drama CDs... no more shota...

>> No.37838865

This is like Tumblr in 2018, this is going to kill DLSite slowly

>> No.37838945

Looks like this is targeting users(reviews, comments etc)and not the content that circles can sell.

>> No.37839005


>> No.37839175

Fuck you anon from last thread who talked about 24ku yaoi hands, I was just replaying the game.
Now those hands haunt me forever, why do they look so massive...
The artist is based from what I've seen her post on Twt, but her art is so weird

>> No.37839386

Thank goodness.

>> No.37839816

>better/interesting plot
>not hideous art or orks for LIs (except for the gangrene yaoi hands)
Sis, your standards are on the floor. No wonder otomefags pump money in Otomate

>> No.37840014

Kek, iirc I've seen some comments/reviews from retards shitting on the creators and calling them pedos or disgusting.
They were EOP/google translate ones, but nip ones as well. Was it Twitter?

>> No.37840885
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>> No.37840998

>hetero maybe?
It's a damn shame this game isn't BL.

>> No.37841100

You know, this is starting to remind me of Blackish House and somehow I doubt it will be as unhinged despite the cast having higher body counts.

>> No.37842730

It gets worse.

>> No.37843153

Forgettable design.
But I hope he and another hetero will explore each other's bodies

>> No.37844548

I wish there was a way to turn off English reviews. When I read through reviews, I want spoilers and not “hurrdurr I didn’t understand a single word but the slurping and slobbering sounded sexy”. Merging the EN and the JP DLsite was a mistake.

>> No.37844840

>every game with Nakajou Rosa as a partial writer is shit
Works like a charm. Those retards should've hired her to write everything instead

>> No.37845342

He's an idol, the CEOs and producers have definitely run a train on him at least once.

>> No.37845362

He can rape the male lesbian!

>> No.37846030

I hope we get this situation on-screen

>> No.37846171

All he mentions is that he wants to debut solo, and killing your teammates is far easier than sucking producer cock.

>> No.37847531

I forgot, was there ever a NTY sequel/FD planned? Or was it just AU drama CD/anime(not sure which one)?

>> No.37847716
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To this day I only live thanks to Ouka Otsu not being FULLY dead yet

>> No.37847747

I managed to run some old ass otome and bl without virtual machine on windows 10, with Win8WOH.
I remember someone wanted to play la corda pc version. You can try this to see if it works.
I managed to run chou no doku and an old blvn. I want to test angelique but I don't have the pc version.

>> No.37847758
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This shit would shit on UuultraC so hard, if only it was actually alive

>> No.37847886


>> No.37848005

being in limbo is better than being cancelled for good

>> No.37848108

>Hackamura's case
That was the one that made more noise. How did she go away with it? The fact that Yuiga has paid her a visit to check if her ability was real or not, yet not finding any hint that she indeed traced her works, sounds like a case for Conan.
Everyone knows it was Hackamura. She herself admitted to be the person Yuiga was talking about.
I'm not sure, but it seems she still has links with Otomate, although she's been working making art for LNs.
How will Reject survive? kek

>> No.37849680

Why can't I find a vndb entry? Can I get a run down on this?

>> No.37850593


>> No.37851458
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There was both a drama CD planned (pic related high school AU) and an H-OVA, but we got no further details on the OVA before both projects were quietly canned.

>> No.37851772

Who would want more of this one sided homosexual misery porn?

>> No.37852178

did NTY sell badly?

>> No.37852192

What was the premise?

>> No.37852327

The site was deleted anon...

>> No.37852685

Gay sex

>> No.37852798
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Kamen Rider+tentacles+gay hate sex

>> No.37852807

All men belong to tentacles

>> No.37852835


>> No.37853190

Sorry, sister. At least I'm not alone anymore. LoveDelivery comission good artists challenge(impossible)
Wouldn't be surprised, Parade tried hard to apeal to men rather than women. Too bad homo and bi men love furryshit and shotashit more. I honestly don't know what they were trying to do with NTY in terms of audience appeal

>> No.37853491

Honestly I've seen more "str8" guys into shota. Then there's that weird corollary of people into bara and shota.

>> No.37853633

I thought I'd pirate it first before buying, glad I never brought that game.
Hrau became completely insufferable by the end of the game, all LIs were boring and "plot" was dull until twist happened and everything became worse.
After trying Lkyt I lost interest in Parade for good, it was one of the most retarded plotge I've ever played.

>> No.37855363

happy holidays /bl/

>> No.37855429

Thank you anon, I love this song

>> No.37855596
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New otomate game has a teaser now.
It's Katagiri and Satoi again.
But MC with a whip. Possibly based?

>> No.37855688

>MC is the enma stand in judging the sinners
Cool enough I guess.

>> No.37855868

Meh, call me when something less formulaic is announced

>> No.37857942

Am I allowed to ask for shota cds recommendations or is it games only here

>> No.37858008

As long as you don't mind BL or otome, it's allowed
/blog/ is mostly dead those days, anyway

>> No.37858463

I think it's fine, there's CD posting every now and then and there's not a lot to talk about right now anyways. Though I don't really know any good ones to tell you, sorry sis.

>> No.37859032

An emotionless doll who thinks she is a monster or an incompetent airhead retard. Pick your otomate flavor

>> No.37859068

She can be both, we know she can.

>> No.37859203
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merry christmas /blog/

>> No.37859963

All I remember is when the oji-san is getting fucked and Haru is like "you might be my dad, isn't that crazy!" and kept fucking him

>> No.37860494

God I miss good PilSlash games.
Need to replay Shingakkou
Okay, that was funny. Too bad Haru sucks thanks to shitty twist

>> No.37861504

merry christmas anon<span class="fortune" style="color:#2dfc53">

Your fortune: Your heart grew three sizes!</span>

>> No.37861808
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Release the console otome you COWARDS

>> No.37862316

>releasing on console when you can get more money out of mobile
Sis, that's not how buisness works...

>> No.37862363

So another strong independent MC until the scene where every LI physically overpowers her

>> No.37862856

Is it weird that I don't want to cuck/break up the canon sweet relationship with his GF of one of my husbandos so I mostly project my desire to see him get railed onto his doppleganger from another anime made by most of the same creative team?

>> No.37862922
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And we are back to studying american alphabet. The long haired one will be a trans man

>> No.37862948

Get get yourself a gay shitbait as a husband. You'll forever be the only woman in his life

>> No.37862962

Can someone post a game with good art before I puke already

>> No.37863014
File: 789 KB, 583x827, tumblr_nhl9dxnrTR1rbut8no1_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my son

>> No.37863017

Virche popularity poll

>> No.37863033

Based, I hope he'll go apeshit and rape every guy besides trans man

>> No.37863145

I liked when you son used the guy who had a crush on him, murdered the said guy and had sex with his boyfriend in front of his dying body

>> No.37863170

Is Mathis that shit?

>> No.37863398

He's cute, but nips never liked the younger/cute boys.

>> No.37863424

Yeah, it was all my idea originally. I love my son

>> No.37863627

>/blog/ is mostly dead those days, anyway
Where did everyone go?

>> No.37863864

Gave up on VN industry, became yumejoshis, moved on to drama CDs, lost interest in BL/otome etc

>> No.37864129

These are all on dlsite. I don't have any BL suggestions that I think would qualify so these are all /ss/.

>おとうとのきもち 2 & 4
Probably still the best after all these years...

>彼氏がちっちゃくなっちゃった!? 1 & 2
Boyfriend turns into a shota, kind of fun. I've only bothered with the second one.

Cute and sexless.

These two have been sitting in my cart.

>> No.37864458

I don't think it sold that poorly for the niche product it is, and it got a decent amount of merch. I think the cost of decent animation is really high, and you need to contract out to H-anime studios. I think Clockup works just get more priority/resources thrown their way; as far as I know, only Euphoria and Eroge got OVA releases on the male-targeted end. How many H-OVAs are there for BL game works anyway? Drama CDs seem like a safer bet cost and production-wise, so if that didn't happen, I'd never expect an anime to work out.

>> No.37865510

How is Henry from Piofiore?

>> No.37865770

Best boy in 1926.

>> No.37865934

Joyous Noel
Maiku is such a chad<span class="fortune" style="color:#01aad0">

Your fortune: You got an extra thick slice of fruitcake.</span>

>> No.37867014
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Merry Christmas anons!
Remind me please, to get the buddy end (love) in tokimeki series, you need to raise both LIs stats or only the guys you plan to dump?

>> No.37867329

The guy you want to dump’s stats but iirc if you meet both of their stats you can go and confess immediately to the buddy without having to dump the other guy

>> No.37867394

Why do you have this picture of my boyfriend

>> No.37867916

Thanks anon, dumping them is kinda sad, if they are not Tarou.
Don't be stingy sis, sharing is caring.

>> No.37869776

So another KLAP basically? How was the heroine in that game?

I don’t care at this point. I just want YumeCast back.

>> No.37869832
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Merry Xmas, /blog/
May you receive your fav husbando as a gift.

>> No.37870131

Cancellation of CD was super weird, even shittiest kusoges manage to release drama CD. And I don't remember any expensive seiyuus in NTY, so why?
She was Girl.png, but she slapped men so retards called her girlboss

>> No.37872633

What kind of CD could they even make? A hour of disturbed dead fish noises?

>> No.37873013

Any good BL games with straight guys?

>> No.37873035

Parade games(only non-straight guys are MCs)
Even if it CDs were shit, they would be still kino because Haru would've been allowed to speak more during sex

>> No.37873104

>turn on game
>Teru wishes me merry christmas
>go on a ski date with him
>chop his head
>sexually harass him
>beat him in a race
>smash tits on his arm on the way home
>sexually abuse him some more
>throat rape him as a goodbye
Ah, yes, merry christmas.

>> No.37873265
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Another homo

>> No.37873290

You mean literal manwhore
>bi polyamorous

>> No.37873502
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>make a cast full of slutty degenerates
>all ages game
>draw exclusively vanilla straight porn instead
I don't understand

>> No.37873639

Either it's secretly a PWP BL or the creator secretly hates otome genre and its fans

>> No.37873779

Wouldn't you hate them too?

>> No.37873825

>or the creator secretly hates otome genre and its fans
This is most otome creators.

>> No.37873884

Imagine writing a genre were your fans
>only accept the most bottom of the barrel and utterly boring females
>the most popular guys are the plain abusive cunts you put zero effort in and are written to have zero chesmitry with her

>> No.37874015

any games where the boys だいしゅきホールド you while you peg them

>> No.37876062

Homosexual intercourse in an otome game! Is this why the game is anti-romance? Because none of the guys would fuck (You)?

>> No.37876499

I mean, the first game was pretty much "anti-otome", should have been a sign of things to come

>> No.37876941
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>some artist copy your art style
>they actually do it better than you
The absolute state of Hackamura

>> No.37877600

The creator has more or less said that they don't want to make r18 content of characters they actually care about. The porn manga is probably just to fund the games.

>> No.37878003

I think the creator actually thinks all otomefags are super woke and care more about alphabet soup more than romance.
Which is funny, because I remember hearing about biggest otome subreddit going apeshit when somebody posted gay fanart of Code Realize characters. Or how they refused to promote OELVN with two female routes(one of them platonic).
I hope this game gets localized and set EOPs assholes on fire

>> No.37878105

>EOPs assholes on fire
What parallel universe are you living in? EOP will love the shit out of it, especially the twitter and "why does this heterosexual otome game have no gay leads" kind. Although hopefully they won't dare to touch it because all characters are murderous degenerates

>> No.37878147

Just because two they/ze/shes on TWT said that doesn't mean majority of otomefags are straight women who hate BL and call fujos "dirty degenerates"

>> No.37878182

Uesugi writes for Uesugi, I doubt they truly believe there's an untapped market for psychotic lesbian (male) love interests. And who gives a shit what EOP redditors think?

>> No.37878184

I think the creator is just making the kind of games they want to make. Can't believe /blog/ is so fired up about a doujin game.
And who the fuck cares about EOPs? Their first game found an audience among nips and if they deem that audience is big enough to make another one for it they should do it.

>> No.37878196

>Uesugi writes for Uesugi
Not gonna stop people from making fun of their taste

>> No.37878362

>constantly whines about how shit, soulless and formulaic all their games are
>pisses themselves over one indie artist making games that don't stick to genre conventions
The amount state of otomefags

>> No.37878402

There's a difference between making fun of their taste and going full retard and starting to attribute it to things that obviously aren't true and tying in the EOPs who live rent free in your head.

>> No.37878592
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She did nothing wrong

>> No.37878610

Literally, yeah, her brother did worse stuff but half of the time he was justified.

>> No.37878756

I wasn't talking about otome fans, but about EOP VN players who seek exactly this type of VNs. Although the degenerates part will be a deal breaker

>> No.37878763

She didn't fuck Olympia and I found it offensive

>> No.37878865

Otomate is too afraid to have any female LIs
Just look at that reverse harem LN adaptation, MC is bi and yet they cut all potential female LIs

>> No.37879149

It's not like we are asking for a route just a rape bad end that could be avoided would do. Fuck otomate
Isn't Hanakana's character winning in the novel along with the prince? Or did /u/cucks lie to me again

>> No.37879392

>winning in the novel along with the prince?
You were lied to

>> No.37880014

So the prince is winning? Can anyone win anything in bakarina? They keep making her dumber and dumber just to milk the story for longer

>> No.37880177

Nobody is winning. I can feel this shit ending up on friendship or cliffhanger ending, mark my words.

>> No.37880359

At least it can't be worse than the brocon ending

>> No.37880817

Last time I tried reading the Lamento LN I wasn't good enough to get much out of it. It's been a long time though, so I thought I'd replay the game first before trying again. But fuck, I forgot what a slog this game is, I don't know if I can endure. Wat do?

>> No.37881901

Good because the characters they care about are ugly as sin.

>> No.37881984

Endings where the protagonist makes the worst choice possible are at least memorable, when a harem series ends maintaining the status quo I just feel bored and cheated.

>> No.37884157

Stop whining and push yourself to read it or just give up

>> No.37885066

Finished vndb.org/v12096
Everything besides MC was underwhelming

>> No.37887321
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>Endings where the protagonist makes the worst choice possible are at least memorable
I hope we can have more games that continue from the bad endings in FDs or sequels. Chou no Doku was fun because of that. It was super interesting to see everyone get wrecked when they gave in to despair.

>> No.37888236
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, Best boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have a chance to fuck him?

>> No.37888281

I've always wondered what's with otome games and making beauticians and the like straight when they are the biggest gay stereotype job wise.

>> No.37889157

"best boy" my ass
The most boring ptofile so far

>> No.37889833

If konami ever decides to release a tokimemo girls side 6 what sort of features would anons like to see? I’d like it if angel/devil mode were brought back

>> No.37889934

what first game?

>> No.37889977

In general the conventions are flipped on masculinity.

For Japan:
>Flamboyant pretty boys are flirty ladies men, muscley macho guys are gay

For US
>Flamboyant pretty boys are gay, muscley macho guys are flirty ladies men

>> No.37890160

>having high standards
He is the only heterosexual man with experience here. The rest will just fuck each other, you have no choice

>> No.37890513

Club Suicide
I would like to see BL Tokimemo, but I know it'll never be a thing

>> No.37890555

Rape and good art

>> No.37890583
File: 26 KB, 600x338, Brkm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how the heroine will be like. It looks like she wears a binder so if she instead indentifies as a man and it's a "he", then the straight dudes won't be straight but gay if they decide to fuck? So it's not antiromance otome but antiromance bl? But what about the male lesbian?
I wanna see how the fuck this alphabet soup will be like.

>> No.37890601

>then the straight dudes won't be straight but gay if they decide to fuck?
There will be no romance, calm down

>> No.37890629

I haven't read it yet, but you're saying it's not romance and just character studies?

>> No.37890934

There will be everything I want, shut up

>> No.37890983

More or less. 1 of the guys grows romantic feelings for MC, 2 are mildly implied, 2 don't hint at anything.

>> No.37891127

>still no profile of the hot one yet
come on...

>> No.37891316

Something that actually rewards being faithful to one of them I guess, like a mode that adds unique dates or something. From 1 to 3 they just expanded the two timing aspect of the games.

>> No.37891400

There's a hot dude? They're all ugly or "quirky"

>> No.37892259

A proper morality system with various personalities, not just braindead tenshi or slightly teasing koakuma
Option to make the guy officially your bf before the game ends like Storm Lover, maybe then he won't get blueballed when he invites you to his room
College or workplace setting, they need to accept that their audience are hags now
Dates with elementary schoolers, bishoujo degenerates should not be the only ones allowed to have this
Should've made a console TokiRes otome when they had the chance desu

>> No.37892382

>A proper morality system with various personalities
I'd honestly take just an expanded system where you actually have different personalities based on clothes, instead of two.
>sexy personality
>active personality
and all that. It'd be fun and would actually reward clothing beyond a single comment before the date starts.

>> No.37893120

Lack of romance doesn't necessarily mean that they can't fuck.
I just wanna see who is gonna top.

>> No.37893430

What's the point of mentioning everyone's sexual preferences if there's no sex

>> No.37893455

Attracting players from you know where.

>> No.37893473

That's why it's 愛情区分 and not 性的指向. I'm starting to think you guys can't read kanji.

>> No.37893478

Does anyone care about this doujin company besides /blog/

>> No.37893630

And? How is that information relevant to something that's supposed to have no relationships be it anything sexual or romantic

>> No.37893648

It should have some Chinese fans

>> No.37893672

>that's supposed to have no relationships
Like Club Suicide, it just says that not all the routes will be romantic, not that there's zero romance.

>> No.37894174

Which characters?

>> No.37894554

>mildly implied
Eba and Mitsuki
>don't hint at anything
Masaya and Meiyou

>> No.37894687

Meiyou is for old fat men so it's understandable

>> No.37894733

Not being attracted to Ringo is peak homosexual behavior.
Masaya was kinda autistic and even they had cute almost romantic scenes together.

>> No.37894840

I think Meiyou is actually the only character other than Shiki who says 愛している towards Ringo but it's during the ending where he's stabbing himself to death in front of his father so it's not very romantic.

>> No.37894872

>be yurifag
>extremely painful over the top suicides to get back at your family
>or turns into a cumdumpster
The author is way too based.

>> No.37894910

Never understood why CS is considered so special. "Lack of romance" can be found in most otome games: some don't have proper confessions, other have little to no kiss scenes and the rest feel more like friendship sims until suddently MC and LI say they like each other.
There are different standards for 18+ otome, but that's a different story.

>> No.37894930

Because there's always a mood of romance in their interactions and endings are always romantic in some way where the characters end up together.
In CS, I can buy Ringo and the guy she saved, barring Shiki, never end up in a romantic relationship.

>> No.37895315

I agree. As long as you're not hung up on an otome needing to meet a quota of explicitly romantic scenes it doesn't feel that out of the ordinary. CS is full of cute scenes and convinced me on the relationships between Ringo and the guys better than most other games do.
I think how you see it comes down to what you value in your otomes.

>> No.37895383

Even the whole "MC and guy didn't end up together" is not a new concept. One of the future Aksys releases, Paradigm Paradox, has half of the cast not explicitly end up with MC. And there are planty more titles with similiar outcomes.
So CS is not innovative in any way outside of being slightly edgy and having (male) lesbian. Which may be its only selling point.

>> No.37895637
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If I squint and tilt my head 90 degrees this looks like a not emaciated version of my cute son Eba.
God I miss Eba.

>> No.37895760
File: 215 KB, 753x1024, ざくろの事.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got fucked again otomefags, odalisque postponed for the 100th time.
The only r18 otome that will come out in a few days, is this.
I blame yumejos and dramacds.

>> No.37896226

Blog unironically has a good taste, I pirated the games you told me not to buy and they were truly shit

>> No.37896288

I'm really curious about it but /blog do you mainly pirate, or buy only the things you know you will like/played and liked, or just buy everything for supporting or collection reasons?

>> No.37896556

Buy what I already know I like, otherwise I get sick of kusoge faster than the time it took to download them

>> No.37896660

I've been buying stuff more often recently but I'm so glad I waited to pirate Dystopia no Ou. Couldn't even get through one route.

>> No.37896726

If I don't know the dev or never played their games before, pirate before buying.
Sometimes I brought the game day 1 if I liked the devs. Sometimes I was glad I did(24ku), sometimes I wanted my money back(Dystopia no Ou).
Tl;dr depends on who the dev is. I rarely buy doujins anyway.

>> No.37896812
File: 17 KB, 807x159, BigNo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright sisters, which of you posted pic related on ANN?
Speaking of Twisted, why do retards keep calling it otome? MC is either gender ambigious or male(in manga adaptation). And there's enough homo tension between main cast.

>> No.37896866

Most of the time I pirate first if I can, since a lot of blog stuff don't have official demos. Sometimes I make do by watching a playthrough just to get a feel for the game. I recently did this with TMGS4 and ended up ordering it.

>> No.37896889

Generally I buy new releases and pirate old stuff. Exception is Otomate who I'm never giving a cent again.


>> No.37896916

I do this too. Thanks chinks who upload entire playthroughs.

>> No.37897651

>so it's not very romantic

>> No.37898401

Is uta no prince sama character the only popular remaining Tatsuhisa Suzuki role?
He can still voice doujin porn games..

>> No.37898596

I hope he has to settle with voicing doujin gyaku ryona/mindbreak/degradation "ASMR" for literal pennies for the rest of his life.

>> No.37898730

For doujin CDs, I buy pretty much everything I’m interested in. Partly because there is no easily accessible sharing group out there anymore, but also because I want to support the circles. It’s good that DLsite often has sales and coupons.
With games, I usually wait and then buy them used when they’re about 50% off. Some games I buy instantly though (TMGS4, Virche, Sweet Clown, etc).

>> No.37900094

Did he ever explained why he cheated on his popular waifu? She would've probably give him more roles than he could've got naturally on his own

>> No.37900096

I buy CDs as cheap as I can, I bought a couple with the christmas coupons I got from dlsite last week.
Super fucking worth it too.

>> No.37900218

Dynamic Chord anime is so bad it's good. Enjoyed it more than any DC VNs

>> No.37900289

>why does [musician] cheat on [popular wife] with [younger fan super into him]?
A mystery.

>> No.37901386

Mfw only BL game with pirate theme is vndb.org/v3540

>> No.37901402
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x1080, FGtujg1VQAAj-R0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your wife for tonight
Bdsm gay CDs are in need of people like him. I'd unironically support his new career

>> No.37901721

I hope in the next UtaPri game Ranmaru will be NTRing Haruka and the rest of the cast will beat him up for that

>> No.37901962

is this motherfuckers ``gender’’ hydration

>> No.37902111

I had no idea to wtf omnisexual was. And I still don't kek.

>> No.37902144

I hope someone fluent is going to translate these eventually. I can half-understand them I suppose but there's so much slang and absurdity I'm often left scratching my head.

>> No.37902223

Googled it, omnisexual means attraction to all gender identities and sexual orientations. Aka the character will be a bigger whore than poly guy was

>> No.37902300

He himself is his own gender.

>> No.37902783

Is this our long awaited cuntboy?

>> No.37902817

I was just about to say, that anon who wanted one to have a vagina got their wish.

>> No.37903201

I'd rather have (male) lesbian, thanks.
If the thing in bunny mask isn't (female) or asexual I'm giving up

>> No.37903251

I checked someone does translate them here https://vndb.org/v33070/chars#chars but they didn't translate the alphabet identities.
Thanks anon. If he is town bicycle, that's all that matters.

>> No.37903384


>half of the voice cast are literal whos
>two other seiyuus were in UuultraC(Shoutarou and Shirou)
Yup, this game needs a good voice director

>> No.37903545
File: 126 KB, 896x1014, FGGLKZHVQAIQ9ys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it just bisexual or a slut in human language. I'm getting too old for this

>> No.37903650

It was the same for Club Suicide so no surprise. It also looks like it has all the seiyuu from it except Eba's.

>> No.37903721

Not all bis are attracted to all genders and sexual orientations, in fact most of them end up in the most hetero of relationships

>> No.37904058

Bis wouldn't fuck trannies, this thing would.

>> No.37904264

Another snowflake way to say bi

>> No.37904276

>in fact most of them end up in the most hetero of relationships
Well going by numbers, that makes sense. Finding same sex relationships is hard enough, but then some people (het or gay) auto-reject if someone is bi. Makes the dating pool actually smaller a lot of the time.

>> No.37904292

Common misconception, it literally varies by individual. Pans just use that as a way to dunk on bi people and try to legitimize their made up classification.

>> No.37904322

>He is completely 100% definitely heterosexual (a rarity in the modern age, I know) and absolutely adores women.
>Men with boring kinks.

>> No.37906013
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Dolce Vita is finito. Only HEAVENS can save us now

>> No.37906331
File: 91 KB, 715x486, nwosjk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can't believe LoveDelivery abandoned suck good art and premise

>> No.37908519

I only buy what I REALLY like after had played the pirated game or have done the same this anon does >>37896866

>> No.37908734

He hasn't said a word. Just apologized to LiSA while in hospital and she forgave him. No details on why he cucked her.

>> No.37908756

>forgave him
Wtf lisa is a cuck..?

>> No.37908970

He was rumored to love alcohol and sleeping around even before they got together. And japanese women usually forgive their cheating husbands even in jdrama

>> No.37909007

*Among recent famous people scandals, the one who didn't forgive her husband was Watanabe Anne but it's mostly because her husband announced to entire Japan that he prefers his mistress over the woman he's had 3 children with.

>> No.37909501

Why are Japsisters like this?

>> No.37910448

>she forgave him

She already moved out of their house. Divorce will probably happen next year.

>> No.37912454

i am a poorfag, so i will pirate everything.

>> No.37913144

Nah they are back together, according to articles she forgave him when he got hospitalized (since it wasn't suicide, I'm guessing alcohol poisoning?). She took him back on the condition of moving house, replacing all the cum soaked furniture, deleting line, stop drinking etc.

>> No.37913687
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, FEi35eEakAgQ6oS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it better having big breasts?

>> No.37914120

It's overrated.

>> No.37914182

If only they did anything with the booba

>> No.37914476

Why is he still bleeding roles? He's not actually end up as ASMR actor for weird kinks, right?

>> No.37914666

Probably because no one wants to work with a guy who breaks his NDA over a rando.

>> No.37915007

This, plus his reputation was already not good before the scandal for drinking and being rude to kouhai. There were rumors reported that Lisa's label Sony/aniplex banned him, but they're back together and companies not related to Sony did the same. So either Lisa is more powerful then we thought or Suzuki has a shit work ethic that companies hold against him. I doubt it's a health issue,

>> No.37917995

Because japanese women are expected to be remissive and forgving.

>> No.37918139

I dated a bi man for a while and I had to be "weary" of women too and not only men. I can see this be one of the reasons why many hets and gays refuse to date bi people

>> No.37918180

I meant wary

>> No.37918464

Maybe just don't date someone you don't trust?

>> No.37918494

I did trust him but still it something to take into account when you date a bi person.

>> No.37920508

Man I don't give a rat ass about who cheat on who, to be honest. I get the NDA stuff, at laest

>> No.37920544
File: 199 KB, 1200x675, FHoODe5aQAYqR0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily shitpost
>pansexual #2
>no age
>whole body shaved clean except for one part

>> No.37920622
File: 105 KB, 300x300, 1639063857725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no age
And Mitsuki's seiyuu, nice.

>> No.37920641

I'd believe his age if he hadn't crossed the year he was born.

>> No.37920642
File: 78 KB, 800x800, EGvxdK1VUAENzhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


New chapter.

>> No.37920657

Japanese celebrites have it hard(especially idols), they always have to keep an immaculate reputation. A simple, human mistake can ruin their lives and careers(in this case deserved it though)

>> No.37920659

Welp I completely missed that. Looks like an 88 crossed out.

>> No.37920670

Urgh men wearing nailposh is an abberration that should not be tolerated

>> No.37920798

I think the secret message of this game is this:
most terrible people are LGBT-something

>> No.37920836

Is this a BL or an otome?

>> No.37920860

If you date there is always a chance for cheating though. You think straight men are somehow more likely to be faithful? Especially when its proven men are more attractive to women when they're already in a relationship.

>> No.37920868

Otome, or at least a "parody" of it, just like Club Suicide. MC is female.
But man, what a waste of not making this BL

>> No.37920870

Shit taste. Akatsuki showed me it was based.

>> No.37920901

Considering they are all living together and half of them aren't even straight, there's literally no way they aren't having daily orgies.

>> No.37920925

We got confirmation on MC?

>> No.37920934

If I remember correctly, the dev did little with (male) lesbo of CS. I thought the idea had potential, but in the end it was meh.
So I'm already expecting less than nothing here.

>> No.37920960

Of course he wouldn't have sex, that's dirty and purity is why he was so into yurishit.

>> No.37920976

I didn't need sex or anything. Just anything more than, "oh my friend is a (male) lesbo"
Look at the cover and tell me the person with a knife isn't a chick

>> No.37920977

You could see black call her ojousan in the announcement trailer.

>> No.37921029

>Look at the cover and tell me the person with a knife isn't a chick
Fingers crossed it's a trap

>> No.37921057

>Just anything more than, "oh my friend is a (male) lesbo"
This doesn't actually happen though. The game itself doesn't confirm anything about what's up with Meiyou because it's irrelevant.

>> No.37921077

Meiyou's issues ran far deeper than a simple "I'm a male lesbian".

>> No.37921094

Yeah, Ik that. Which is why I said they did nothing with (male) lesbo concept.
Which is why I see no reason to label non-straight characters here, since they either won't show their attraction to same sex or maybe mention it once. MAYBE.
It's the dev wanting people to know he understands what "omnisexual" is. It no better than cheap pandering in "choose your gender" OELVNS.

>> No.37921142

I guess? As long as it isn't clumsily executed in the game I don't really care what they stick on the profiles.

>> No.37921167

Guys I'm starting to think this anon who is mad about Club Suicide hasn't read it.

>> No.37921206

I don't think he's even anything, he doesn't show physical or romantic attraction towards anything, he wants to become yuri, but that's completely different from being a lesbian.
Even his cumdumpster ending isn't actually related to sexual preferences.

>> No.37921228
File: 9 KB, 747x77, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think non-homo 24ku anime adaptation is doing so hot.
But it's kinda faithful to the game in a "disappointing visuals" department

>> No.37921353

That was my interpretation of him too but it's kind of ruined by Uesugi coming out and saying it.
From what's in the game all you really get is he dislikes gender constraints and has erratic bouts of expressing himself differently. If anything I would've assumed he wanted to be seen as both or neither. Even the kare/kanojo scene with Ringo felt like it was pushing that conclusion to me.

>> No.37921479

CS was all-ages, but the new game should be at least 15+.
But it probably won't, rip implied orgy

>> No.37921590

It makes sense because he had a huge complex regarding what masculinity means because of how much he loathed his father and his actions.
If the author said it, no way around it, but there's really nothing in the game about him being a male lesbian, just using yuri as his way to express the kind of purity he wanted to achieve.

>> No.37921687


>> No.37922033

Nip news say he has apologized to fucking everyobody and changed his attitude and is acting like a serious VA. He told his agency that he just has his voice, he doesn't know what else to do if he can't use his voice to live. His agency and the companies he was working for have accepted his apologies, as well. That's why he has kept many roles. He's doing all possible to make his "break" as short as possible.
Even his agency was asked what they would do about the enraged LiSAsimps, and they had to apologize to those massive faggots too and ask them to understand that everybody makes mistakes and should forgive just like LiSA did. Kek. Well, it seems that worked because teh harrassment against Suzuki is little now.

>> No.37922778

>MC is female
Will she get AIDS?

>> No.37923162

Yeah but having that complex doesn't mean the only interpretation was him wanting to be a woman, it was just one reading of many and the game doesn't confirm anything one way or the other.

>> No.37923311

I agree, I never thought, even once, that he wanted to be a woman. He had his own issues about gender and what it meant, but I never went "this is going for a tranny ending".
All his issues, bodily or otherwise, stemmed from sharing his father's blood, not having some kind of dysphoria. Then again, if this game happened in the west he'd already be transitioning.

>> No.37924105

What is your favorite true end, and what's your least favorite?

>> No.37924234

There are so many bad true ends, take yoshiwara higanbana which is a better game if you just ignore the route, which is pretty standalone anyway.
For this year, virche's true end was good, some really neat twists too.

>> No.37925162

Forever fav, choudoku one.
Least fav, 95% of otomate true/good endings. I wish I could just delete the Hashihime and Yoshiwara one from my memory. I give Bustafellows one more chance.

>> No.37925703

One of my least favorites is London Detective Mysteria, hands down. 7'Scarlet, too.

>> No.37925959

>Fav true endings
I second this anon >>37925162, plus all Neormance's true endings.
>Least fav
Kazama should have been true route

>> No.37926532

Any good games for someone who likes characters like Yang from Piofiore or Toma from Amnesia?

PC games can be any language but if they're on console I'd prefer English but I know most western otome fans have a hateboner for these kind of characters so I don't expect much. Bonus points for R18 games.

>> No.37926602

I'm sure you've played Diabolik lovers already.

>> No.37926896

Otome in English with such characters are rare.
But you can find that acrhetype in Voltage Inc. games. Those are for mobile, tho. Some games are smutty, but not R18 at all. However, you might try, for example, Kissed by the Baddest Bidder (Eisuke's route), Star Crossed Myth (Leon's route), and others. I haven't played in while, but if I'm not mistaken the app suggest you characters based on your preferences. There are characters that follow Toma's line, but none of them will put you in a cage, tho.

>> No.37927368

Favourite: ChouDoku
Good: Virche
Shit: Yoshiwara Higanbana

What the good ones have in common is that the love interest in the respective series are actually compelling and interesting characters. Shigure a shit and shouldn’t have gotten that true end. The game would be better off ending at Souichirou’s route.

It’s been a while since I played Hakuouki but was Hijikata ever advertised as the true route? I only remember the name being referenced in his route. Either way, good tastes. Kazama is best and his dynamic with Chizuru is actually fun and he gives her more personality.

>> No.37927659

Hacked my Vita for the sole purpose of playing it in English actually. Sad the patchers threw a shitfit over piracy and refuse to do the other games.

With the Switch releases I'd love to see Dialovers get an actual English official release but I'm not ready for the storm of bad takes if that ever does happen.

Why DO otome fans get so pissy about characters and tropes they personally dislike? People like breadmasterlee and sandeian etc. Never found their blogs funny or their opinions valuable.

>> No.37927715

>likes characters like Yang from Piofiore or Toma from Amnesia
Why though? They're so bland and only stand out because their games are fucking boring.

>> No.37927762

I'm a degenerate masochist who wants to be lovingly mistreated.

>> No.37927983

It's because of the huge overlap with the SJW crowd.

>> No.37928294

Europoor here so I can only pirate.

>> No.37928363

Hijikata is considered main route.
Try searching 薄桜鬼 王道ルート or 薄桜鬼 メインルート and all you get is Hijikata. Some nips even explain that the word "hakuoki" is a direct reference to the real Toshizo Hijikata.

>> No.37928442

Any sisters interested in playing https://vndb.org/v28714?

>> No.37928471

I pirate it first, then if I liked it enough, buy it on sale/if I have coupons.

>> No.37928605

Wasn't Room No 9 the same thing?

>> No.37928615

Well shit, now I am. Happy to see Tennenouji still thriving, I grew up with Yura's art and thus have a huge soft spot for it.
>t. played Enzai as a kid and was never the same

The concept of this sounds really cool too, kinda Room No. 9 vibes. And RN9 was absolute kino.

>> No.37928645

The art is hideous, pass.

>> No.37928651

What are your favorite games that would most likely never get a translation?

I adore Laughter Land, everything about it is so fucking good. But a lot of factors are in the way of it getting any kind of TL-- it's long, shitloads of lore, there's shota and the game is old as balls. But to this day it's one of my favorite BL games, hell one of my favorite visual novels altogether.

The person who wrote that walkthrough of it long ago had shit taste, with them skipping Ioan and Doug. She said their routes weren't plot relevant but they felt pretty important to me.

>> No.37928666

BML once said she disliked SJWs but that was a few years ago. Her priorities always seemed weird as hell to me, idk. Why spend so much time on something you don't enjoy, just to sperg out and rant about it?

>> No.37928772
File: 234 KB, 800x600, WS000230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shingakkou, because whoever will try to tl it have to decide between voiced and non-voiced editions. Plus most bad end are ultra fucked up, I wish EOPs would play til they see pic related
I used to like LD1, but due to badegg delay it felt like the series has been going for way too long. Glad they finally have new IP
Looks like normal Yura art to me. It looks fine unless you hate Yura's art, which is fair.

>> No.37929380

>there's shota and the game is old as balls
Didn't stop JAST or MangaGamer before

>> No.37929821

https://vndb.org/v4106 Iirc, everyone in that game liked to use cages, or was mentally deranged.

>> No.37929935

Once again, one of the most boring characters is considered the main route. Who gives a shit though, at least Kazama actually received a longer and a proper route this time.

>> No.37930196

>People like breadmasterlee and sandeian etc. Never found their blogs funny or their opinions valuable.
Lee low key gave up on otomes and became FFfag and 4Shiki has been dead for half a decade. Nobody cares about those type of "reviewers" anymore. Plus more titles are available for EOPs nowadays, which meansd they no longer need to rely on shitty plot retellings and unfunny memes

>> No.37930259

RomeovsJuliet and its sequel, I did not expect to enjoy then that much when I first tried them but here I am (even if the premise of the "sequel" was disappointing asf). Benevolio and Lawrence best boys

>> No.37930631
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, FHtDQ4gaUAsiKtj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for mask
>doesn't even know what he wants to fuck
>huge narcissist

>> No.37930686

>wears animal mask
>doesn't want to fuck animals
>liking shovelware QuinRose title on PSP/Vita
anon, you've sealed your fate

>> No.37932594

characters aren't attractive to me

>> No.37932822

With the case of people running summary/review blogs, the negative reviews almost certainly get more readers. Especially at the time, that sort of 'angry reviewer' content was really popular.
I think for people like that the real hobby is often running the blog and the games are just material to feed into that. So they'll purposefully seek out games they know they aren't going to like to make wacky reaction content.
Or at least in the past they did. The ones still going now are probably just continuing on out of autistic completionism.

>> No.37933007

>dislikes SJWs
>deleted all 18+ reviews because "underage people read my blog"
She has became SJW herself

>> No.37933545

Like the pacthesis one, that deleted her sim date devianart flash otome bc they were "problematic".
I was kinda sad bc nostalgia kinda hit me, from my first experiences with otome.

>> No.37933569

I'd rather have him identifying as a genderless omnisexual trans lesbian, than a fucking furry.

>> No.37933624

Who's BML? sounds like Good Haro.

>> No.37934362


>> No.37934857

Oh wow, looked her up and wtf
>says otome games make you unable to form normal romantic relationships
>has made many otome games and probably played lots of them too
>is in the long term relationship and now only draws her and her bf most of the time
What an autistic hypocrite

>> No.37934885

What's the appeal of this trannyge?

>> No.37934975

13 actual psychos cohabiting.

>> No.37935425

Yeah. Otomate tends to choose a boring character rather a general taste one.
If they, at least, choose a general taste guy, they would have chosen either Saito or Kazama.

>> No.37935444

>tries so hard to sound cute he coughs up blood
I'm looking forward to hearing Meiyou's VA portray this.

>> No.37935797

Good suggestion.
Ikuto is kinda more twisted than Toma.

>> No.37936192

>Star Crossed Myth (Leon's route)
Ntayrt, but I played that route and I was quite...satisfied. Heh. That game should be R18.

>> No.37936679

Can we assume she's in an abnormal romantic relationship, then?

>> No.37936851

What's the worst archetype and why is it playboys?

>> No.37936864

Because who the fuck likes manwhores aside from LiSA?

>> No.37936913

Tsunderes can be awful if they have no other personality traits

>> No.37936966

Male tsundere are always pretty much good

>> No.37936985

They're terrible in most otome games. In BL they can be cute

>> No.37937148

I can't stand the genki type. Particularly because most timeit's given feminine traits.

>> No.37937423

Playboys the MC "heals".
Tsunderes that act tsun 99% of the route.
Assorted cage-kuns.

>> No.37938141

Ooh, forgot about this one. Looks great, many thanks anon!

>> No.37938160

Masochist/sub guys.

>> No.37938546

delete this

>> No.37938621

>Glasses character
>Glasses come off immediately when
I hate this fucked up world

>> No.37939211

Upbeat boys who act like teenage girls are the worst.

>> No.37939472

I've been into otome games for a long time but for whatever reason I never got around to Hakuoki. Is it actually decent or is it just something everyone played because there was nothing else available at the time?

>> No.37939500

It's decent, but it can ve convoluted at times because of the historical context and if you choose a boring guy.
People were playing it a lot even before it got a translation. If it became popular between EOPs was because of the anime.

>> No.37939502

It's honestly pretty boring.
Not even getting into the retarded vampire/demon shit, it covers a span of time too big so it just timeskips a lot, the routes are really samey and the relationships not particularly well done.

>> No.37939644

The translators also changed Chizuru's personality to make her more palatable to the Muh Strong Heroines people which sucks

>> No.37939698

>Chizuru's personality
Oh come on, she didn't have one.

>> No.37939746

Chizuru will always have teh personality of a wall even if translator try to make magic.

>> No.37939792

Kissed by the Baddest Bidder disappointed me so much, way too tame and the MC has little to no personality. The only route I kinda enjoyed was Mamoru's(and mostly because I have cops fetish)

>> No.37939810

Have you tried Masquerade Kiss?
That MC is much better and even has crossovers with Kissed by the Baddest Bidder. I think it was better.

>> No.37939901

I heard about it, the Boss and the english guy seem the the type of lis I would enjoy. Votlage though is too expensive for my taste and If I have to spend money for mobile otomes I would rather do it for Tear of Themis or Sengoku/Vampires

>> No.37940106

Yeah, it's more expensive than the average. I've always played Voltage games in pleb porfag mode without spending one cent in the game, tho. I always wait until they give routes for free.

>> No.37940486

Not really they have the same problem as female modern ones: they end up bipolar instead of gradually revealing their -dere side through actual development

>> No.37940504

>Cute homely character with glasses and messy hair
>Lets hair down and/or combs it and loses glasses
>This is somehow supposed to be an upgrade

>> No.37940693

I hate this
