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File: 133 KB, 400x521, 1214622793492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3776987 No.3776987 [Reply] [Original]

How do people go about importing loli stuff into the US or Western nations without getting caught? Seems like it's just asking for it if you send it like that...

>> No.3776989


>> No.3776993

TrueCrypt - Protecting your loli from the FBIs

>> No.3777003


Importing, not downloading. I mean customs would get you.

>> No.3777010

I don't know about you but in my country, customs don't generally go around reading the books you import.

>> No.3777015


In Russia, if you send a package to a small town where everyone is familiar with one another, customs will open the package, steal personal items you're sending to your grandparents, and replace them with hotel soap.

>> No.3777018

How about you get a comic book reading program, and download it instead?

>> No.3777039
File: 873 KB, 1724x1149, Roadrunner_supercomputer_HiRes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brotip: four of these babies can brute force your 20 digit code in a few hours. (Even if you used the special characters.)

>> No.3777054

Generally customs don't give a shit or they just don't have enough time, so you have to be incredibly unlucky for anything to happen, even then it's usually just that they confiscate it, no other penalties.

In Russia they mutilate and torture friends, family and relatives of criminals to make them give themselves up, the police even boast about it.

>> No.3777056

What, do they think I'm hiding information that is a threat to national security?

Also, four roadrunners? What are you smoking, pal?

>> No.3777059

and what if you used 24 digit code with special cases?

>> No.3777060


Hmm... very interesting.
Pray tell, where could I get my hands on a couple of these?

>> No.3777068



>> No.3777069


If you're in the liberal US, you should be good. Loli is still legal here, last I checked. Unless you violate local obscenity laws. So if you're sitting in the mid-west, or deep south, you're pretty much boned.

>> No.3777083

Loli is technically legal everywhere in the US, obscenity is the only way to charge somebody with it - so it pretty much comes down to appealing like a motherfucker 'till you get a non-hick court.

>> No.3777090

The government has a lot of these.

It's only $133 million dollars. Are you a billionaire?

You're roadkill.

>> No.3777092
File: 32 KB, 430x303, roadrunner_computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image.

>> No.3777094

Cryptographic algorithms are the toughest link with encrypted data, and your brute forcing would be in vain if they used small flash memory (like microSD card) with a large key. It's much easier to circumvent the whole crypto with keyloggers, temporary file analysis etc. or one can just beat the key out of the guy.

>> No.3777104

A printer!

>> No.3777108

I wish to import some loli manga, but I live in Canada. Are there any methods?

in b4 loli is illegal in Canada urshitouttaluck.

>> No.3777114

I don't see why loli always gets lumped with CP. The ban on CP is to prevent the demand for CP, which supposedly stops sick fucks from producing it. But loli? What does that accomplish?

>> No.3777120

>The government has a lot of these.
Pretty sure they only built one. They probably have a few other supercomputers though. That picture of yours is just the one Roadrunner - it takes a fair bit of space to hold 19k+ processors.

>> No.3777123


Think of the fictional children's rights! If you were a 2d little girl, would you want people jerking off to you?

Yes, you would

>> No.3777129

You seem to be under the impression that government exists to protect the rights of its citizens and the rights of children, when it actually exists to tell you what you can think, say, do, and masturbate to.

>> No.3777130

Most first world government(s) have decrypted most encryption standards.

AES to name a few.

>> No.3777132

Moral guardians.

loli is illegal in Canada urshitouttaluck

More seriously, I think the only way would be to pray that Customs doesn't inspect your package.

>> No.3777133
File: 63 KB, 704x784, 1244999881873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing. Nothing at all. People who peach about how terrible CP is is one thing, but adding loli into the fray makes me grimace. When will people learn?

>> No.3777142

Government is a creation of one person or group of people intended solely to oppress all other human beings. No exceptions.

>> No.3777137

It's like the groups of people that say violent video games should be banned because they influence people to become murderers and such.

>> No.3777145

I think it's because it's a good publicity stunt to demonize something and then ban it, so people think government is actually working. Just like they occasionally convict couple guys for corruption, while not actually affecting most corruption at all.

>> No.3777149

Consumption supposedly encourages pedophilia. cf: Grand Theft Auto encourages crime.

>> No.3777154

Have they even proved that possessing CP makes you more likely to be a child predator?

>> No.3777155


On second thought, does it run anything except specific applications?

>> No.3777157

Sure is /g/ and fucking stupid around here.

>> No.3777158

Sorry I meant to quote >>3777114

>> No.3777180

source needed

>> No.3777185

There was a study this year that showed that there was no correlation between possession of CP and either recidivism or offending. So yeah, they're preaching out of their ass.

>> No.3777188

> How do people go about importing loli stuff into the US or Western nations without getting caught? Seems like it's just asking for it if you send it like that...

They don't check every package. In most States, they don't check any packages.

>> No.3777214

What's the source of this image?
I've forgotten it thrice so far.

>> No.3777219


That's not what they did with Christopher Handley.

>> No.3777221

Rationality and ZOMG PROTEXT THE CHILDRENS!!1! does not mix.

>> No.3777225


>> No.3777228

He got unlucky.

And, he should've fought the legal battle instead of just caving in.

>> No.3777237


Was he still charged? I can't remember.

>> No.3777241


Didn't he plead out? He had a big chance to be found not guilty. He wasn't like that Virginia guy that was looking at loli at some government center.

>> No.3777261



Feels bad man, even if I don't live in the States.

>> No.3777273


>> No.3777274

>Iowa man

Ordering loli in this case would be a bad idea in the first place.

>> No.3777316

Thank you.
I'll start downloading the VN before I forget it again.

>> No.3777326

It can play Crysis with MAX SETTINGS if you hook up an awesome graphics card. In the process you're likely to fuck its balance up, though.

>> No.3777328

Who here would actually submit to torture?

I sure as hell wouldn't.

I'm far to out-of-sync with reality to care what happens to this flesh anymore, and the mere idea of getting to spite someone by just not talking sounds wonderful.

The mere thought of getting to see the look on the faces of my would-be torturers when they find my dead body after biting my own tongue off and bleeding to death fills me with glee

>> No.3777350

>The mere thought of getting to see the look on the faces of my would-be torturers when they find my dead body after biting my own tongue off and bleeding to death fills me with glee.
>see the look on their faces
>dead body


>> No.3777383


Studies that would conclusively demonstrate one or the other are pretty much impossible for ethical reasons. So we are left with whoever's bullshit we choose to belive.

>> No.3777391

Okay you got me there.

I meant was I can only imagine the look on there faces when they find a fat neckbeard dead in his cell.

That'd be great.

>> No.3777439

Enjoy your emergency medical intervention and then subsequent lack of a tongue while you get your ass tortured.

>> No.3777465


The fans blur lines between the two far more then any other external force.


Don't kid yourself you'd probably submit a guilty plea before trial like that one guy.
