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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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37703521 No.37703521 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>37612587

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.37703952
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>> No.37704201

How many chapters are there in Paradise Lost?

>> No.37704246

4 + that one intermission chapter if my memory is right. The last chapter is different depending on the route you're in.

>> No.37704874
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I recently learned about attachment theory and got diagnosed as a fearful avoidant. Are there any VNs out there where the MC is an avoidant personality?

>> No.37705032

>attachment theory
Sounds like modernist fairy tales.

>> No.37705047

>What are you looking forward to?
Is there a geimu like Umineko?

>> No.37705129

reminder to not reply to the shitter

>> No.37705859

the fuck is this bitch crying over?

>> No.37706546

She's crying after watching (You) working hard and it going nowhere, finally understanding the futility of it all.

>> No.37707653
File: 139 KB, 1024x600, other girls BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The madman.

>> No.37707771

What is the best font?

>> No.37707812

The nukiuta character theme CD is good.

>> No.37707911

Anyone got the links for Yumemigaoka? https://vndb.org/v5084

>> No.37707945

nvm it got re-uploaded on anime-sharing

>> No.37708505

can ya'll recommend some relatively easy, but really interesting vinnies?
i've heard that tokeijikake is quite easy? but also read that it doesn't get interesting until part 2?

>> No.37708530

vinesauce is pretty funny

>> No.37708542

for learning japanese

>> No.37708579


>> No.37708621

muramasa is too easy

>> No.37709108
File: 1004 KB, 1920x1080, 魔王城.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything more ry

>> No.37709808

Yukiiro Sign was kamige. Certainly better story and romance than shitsaku kanojo.

>> No.37710492

Got me interested in that old game. Can't find the second disk though.

>> No.37710819

Parting stories are trash.

>> No.37712036

Anyone has ps2 version of Baldr Force?

>> No.37713381

Keyaids stories are worse than that

>> No.37713620

Aojashin is pretty mediocre. When will it get good? I completed case 3/1 and about to read the second half of case 2. Case 1/3 are pretty meh and generic. I've experienced similar tropes and story beats before but here it's all done in a very mediocre way offering nothing fresh. High moments just don't click at all and the concept of these two cases itself is nothing meh.

>> No.37713690

Never lol
It only gets worse in true route. People only overrate it because muh "it's not like your usual moege"

>> No.37713915

Well, Fuck. I don't usually play VNs so my perspective is that of someone who only reads often-mentioned critically-acclaimed VNs now and then. But VN quality seem to be in decline these recent years? I see VNfags touting mediocre shit as masterpieces? What's going on???

>> No.37713955

>I see VNfags touting mediocre shit as masterpieces?
They are kamige if you overdose yourself on your fotm moege and nukige.

>> No.37713968

What's a real kamige?

>> No.37714019

Ningen debris

>> No.37714079

Saihate no ima

>> No.37714131


>> No.37714189

Is there any sci-fi VN that isn't pants-on-head retarded with ridiculous twists?

>> No.37714245

Among eroge pants-on-head is a compliment actually.

>> No.37714257

Phantom of Inferno

>> No.37714588

>When will it get good?
True route is peak kusoge and one of the most insulting pieces of shit i've ever read. It's the cursed part of the game after it was created through a monkey's paw wish from an Asakawa Yuu koebuta.

>High moments just don't click at all
This was my main problem with the original 3 cases as well. Not sure what they needed to do to fix it since the plot and voice acting was mostly fine.

>People only overrate it because muh "it's not like your usual moege"
That was the best part about case 1 for me. It's a story that gells well wil the eroge format but is told in a 'mature' way that you rarely see in eroge with every aspect of the story being connected to the relation of the two main characters. Case 2 was just somebody 'shakespeare in love' fanfic. The only thing from case 3 is just your regular moege aside from the lack of sex of course.

>> No.37714782

>but is told in a 'mature' way that you rarely see in eroge with every aspect of the story being connected to the relation of the two main characters.
The key here is eroge. That kind of storytelling is pretty commonplace in other mediums like novels. So unless you only consumer VNs it's nothing special.

>> No.37715601

>Also looked up how's the ratio for VNs under 10 hours length
You forgot to divide your time by 2.5, slow reading faggot. Maybe you should get texthooker and cease your coping.

>> No.37715693 [DELETED] 

It goes by median, the time shown on the main VN page, not my time, which is 75% listening to voices. Now stop bringing back the cancer and focus on actual VN discussion instead, if you're capable of that.

>> No.37715705

It goes by median, the time shown on the main VN page, not my time, which is 75% listening to voices. Now stop bringing back the cancer and focus on actual VN discussion instead, if you're capable of that.

>> No.37715967

Please respond

>> No.37716357
File: 185 KB, 1024x600, come on now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, there's a fucking TYPHOON outside and you're going to bitch at someone for being 5 minutes late to a contest that should have been rescheduled anyway due to weather conditions?

>> No.37716512

What a career. From Kara no Shoujo main heroine to doing just nukige for 10 years to getting a new alias and voicing a char who doesn't even have H-scenes. Is this what she dreamt of when she started? I'm starting to become a koebuta I feel like. I want to know more about seiyuu.

>> No.37716573

>From Kara no Shoujo main heroine

>> No.37716743

Yes but there is still value in applying that writing style to a coomer story where (you) icha icha with your semon demon student that lisps while whispering 先生 into your ear. That's a pretty unique combination that utilizes eroge's strengths, while still having a decent level of writing. Shame about the number of CG's and the absolutely mind boggling call to have the case drag on after the main conflict is resolved.

>> No.37717286

Personally I like センセ. Mostly influence from GTO, the dumbo from episode 1 is still the best student to this day.

>> No.37718794 [SPOILER] 
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Alright, I just finished Owarinaki. I quite liked it. Takumi felt like a real character with actual agency, motivation, etc. which I appreciated. Basically most of the stuff is just dramashit, but that's cool. I like that stuff. The amount of things that actually happen is of course a bit absurd (nobody's life is this exciting), but it's fiction so whatever. A lot of the scenes I found to be pretty well executed and touching. I guess for me this one connects a little more than most things since it revolves around playing music and that was a big part of my teenage life growing up. The game inspired me to start playing again. I've been diligently practicing every day. This is also important, but the porn was pretty good.

>> No.37718964

Avoidant as in avoids any interpersonal relationships or as in avoids entering romantic relationships by intentionally ignoring clear signs from the heroine(s)?

>> No.37719508

What resources are there for learning how an eroge is put together? In Japanese, obviously. Is it as simple as googling up my questions? I'm curious.

Also, what are some good mystery games that have come out recently? Recent meaning in the past year, I'm not picky.

>> No.37719890

Bros, it's happening again. 4TB HDD with eroge and PC games, 2TB with PS4 games, 1TB Switch and 1TB PS3.

All pretty much full. And I'm in a deletion mood again. What games will survive?

>> No.37719953

The ones you have the greatest sentimental value for

>> No.37719988

Yeah, that's gonna be it. Now I'm keeping too much random "I might play it one day" stuff.

I thinking of buying two new 4TBs and consolidating, but it's better to have some restraint.

>> No.37719998

Kazuki Funi did a couple of streams showing the whole process, just an overview,not really learning material but it was interesting.

>> No.37720338

>I thinking
I was thinking*

For me it's really easy to get into hoarding mode too, so better delete stuff instead.

>> No.37720711

Upload all the good switch titles

>> No.37720745

Those are easy to get.

or Alvro's collection (comes up on Google)

>> No.37720757


>> No.37720812

His earliest videos but he also has some other stuff.

>> No.37721037
File: 144 KB, 256x284, 櫻井恵梨香.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn she's hot

>> No.37721906
File: 185 KB, 560x560, hobe_0406pl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there at least one happy ending?

>> No.37722376

Kys self-spoiling moefag

>> No.37722499

We dream of moege becoming NTRge, and we like them because they don’t.

>> No.37722566

It's called knowing what you're getting yourself into

>> No.37722793

It's called "i am a fucking snowflake who gets too frustrated and triggered over piece of fiction for teenagers, so my moebuta heart can't take anything that is not moe, so now i need to know every twist or i am going to die while reading it". Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.37722800
File: 171 KB, 925x1001, ハミダシクリエイティブ_-_Ver1.00_『大貧民負けてマジギレ』hamidashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> my moebuta heart can't take anything that is not moe,
Absolutely nothing wrong with this.

>> No.37722822

Snowflake, go back to plebbit.

>> No.37722857

That really hurts my moebuta feelings bro.

>> No.37722859

Seething lol
I just don't wanna waste time on bullshit. I don't care about muh surprise tweeeests.

>> No.37722890

> sob-sob everything that is not moe with happy ending is a bullshit and waste of my time sooob uuuoooohhhh
You still need to kill yourself, subhuman faggot.

>> No.37722894

yes, based on vndb. I don't intend to play the game, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.37722896

Anyone know how to get アザナエル working? I got it installed from itazuraneko but now that it's installed, I can't seem to get passed the authentication part, and nothing else is working.

>> No.37722899

Not everyone is a masochist like you who gets off to unnecessary suffering.
E in eroge stands for Escapism.
Seethe and cope.

>> No.37722920

There's no point to bad ends

>> No.37722935

I would love to have NTR surprise ends in VNs marketed as moege

>> No.37722940 [SPOILER] 
File: 636 KB, 1440x810, Monkeys!¡Monkeys!!_ (94).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just released a nakige marketed as a moege only a few months ago.

>> No.37722943

No company would dare to take such risk.

>> No.37723002

Use the authentication crack (check the zipped file and/or mounted image).

>> No.37723071
File: 199 KB, 1183x839, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your response but I'm still a bit unsure.
Top left is the mounted CD, bottom left is what I downloaded, and right is the install directory. I have no ideas as to what to replace,I've tried renaming the NoActi.exe to SdActi.exe but that didn't do anything. Sorry if this is off-topic too, just not sure where else to ask.

>> No.37723199

you have to run noacti.exe

>> No.37723204

u drag the crack in the game directory, run it so it patches ur shit and then u should be able to just run the game from the game exe

>> No.37723224

Yeah, that's the one I had too, but it's been too long and I don't remember how I did it...
>drag the 2 files in the install folder and start the Noacti.exe
If it doesn't work:
>same as above, but instrad drag axanael.exe (or viceversa) on noacti.exe, than try to start it (or viceversa).
One of the 2 methods should work.

>> No.37723265

u probably also need to download the update from nitro site since the download doesnt seem to include it and the crack is for 1.10

>> No.37723293

> masochist
> gets off to unnecessary suffering
Lol you should look up definition of masochist, retard. Or cure your autism and do not self-inster.
> E in eroge stands for Escapism.
Lol look at this pathetic loser, you can't even use anything other than moege for escapism, lol at you and your pathetic life.

>> No.37723314

Thanks all of you, I suck an enourmous bag of fucking dicks. I got it working, it was the 1.10 thing, I had to find 10 year old /jp/ threads but it's working. Thanks again and sorry for the derail.

>> No.37723319

Lol almost everything in this medium is meant for escapism

>> No.37723352

Lol piggy, everything can be used for escapism, even utsuge with no good ending. You're just too weak. Because you're fucking snowflake.

>> No.37723362

And moege is the best form of escapism.
Utsuge with no good ending is like wanting to escape to north Korea.

>> No.37723556

Utsuge can also be moege. Utsuge can also have a beautiful romance with tons of ichaicha. You can think "that's a good way to die" when you finish it. Everyone dies, the difference is that the characters might have died happy with their loved ones, while you and me will die alone and unnoticed.

>> No.37723629

>And moege is the best form of escapism.
Lol no, escaping into utsuge is totally valid. You just focus on something that is not your shitty life. Doesn't matter if it's other people tragedy or happy pure love story. Distance between you and medium makes any tragedy beautiful.

>> No.37723900

Anyone has it? https://vndb.org/v418 lightbox2010 version

>> No.37724087

People don't pay 10 000 yen for an erotic game to take a shit on them, especially without warning them first. That's why there won't be moege with unexpected NTR surprises.

>> No.37724121

I don't think lightbox 2010 was ever uploaded anywhere.
Is it supposed to be different from the original version?

>> No.37724172

lightbox2010 version of this vn runs fine on win10 but original version won't run on win10

>> No.37724202

Well that's because you're fucking snowflake. NTR is based af.

>> No.37724286

I had issues with getting it to work too there two things you need to do.
One from vndb discussions
``don't use autorun. open the disc manually, find .exe that is supposed to be responsible for installation and run it as administrator.``
Follow the instructions here:

>> No.37724627

I have managed to find a torrent. But it's unseeded. And it might be just someone's collection of separate isos instead of proper rip of the released box.
Try hashing the original iso using that torrent.

>> No.37725392

Not exactly a moege but I honestly didn't expect that shit in Rakuen lmao

>> No.37725474

It's literally a moege

>> No.37725513

Even parfait has NTR

>> No.37726588 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.37726649

It's just like your usual comfy comedy moeshit that doesn't take itself seriously, goes out of its way to show that characters are virgin, and then this shit happens kek

>> No.37726679

Women are ultra stupid.

>> No.37726698

So this is the power of cartelge...

>> No.37726719

Wait a second
>Sae is Boku's ex-girlfriend from high school. She was a year behind him, and has always called him senpai. On his graduation day, Boku gave her one of the buttons from his uniform. Sadly, he lost touch with her and did not see her since.
If this is true, then this is MC's fault big time.

>> No.37726783

It's not what you think it is. they date for like 3 days before breaking up. They then meet each other after 3 years at cram school to prepare for uni entrance exams. She's a virgin at this point. It's entirely her fault no matter how you see it.

>> No.37726798

MC literally does nothing wrong.

>> No.37726800

Picked up

>> No.37726828

Name a more iconic duo than cartel and NTR.

>> No.37726956

Just spoil me. Why does she do it?

>> No.37727046

There's a Mexican weeb in their 塾. At first sae and this dude just exchange casual banter. Before you know it she brings up him during a phone call with MC and starts talking about how he's so handsome, rich and talented. This ticks off MC and he angrily tells her to fuck off and fuck him if she likes him that much. She gets mad and the next day she's sitting beside him at 塾. They go to library to study together and do all shit which makes MC burn with envy and jealously. That Pic related >>37726588
happens after a few days. She literally says "thank you for fucking me. You have a godly penis" to that spic even after all of that happens and MC forgives her and has sex with her. Even in the end she's still in contact with that Mexican chad who is pestering her to marry him

>> No.37727076

What the fuck is this 3DPD shit

>> No.37727108

We need more 3DPD heroines. I find 3DPD in 2D form cute for some reason.

>> No.37727129

Holy macaroni, that's one hetare MC and one slut of a heroine...
They deserve each other, truly.

And you are telling me this game was marketed as a moege? Don't get me wrong, I love this shit, but correct labeling exists for a reason.

>> No.37727142

Do you get to see the scene? If yes the fuck picked up

>> No.37727158

It's goes off the rails only in that one route. Otherwise it's pretty comfy dialogue-driven SoL like oretsuba with cute heroines.

>> No.37727175

Unfortunately No

>> No.37727201

Nah but it is still worth it.

>> No.37727211

Oretsuba itself also goes off the rails... not nearly as much as this though.
But yeah, I get the idea they wanted to tell: "don't be a fucking spineless coward if you go 3DPD, or shit like this will probably happen to you. Or it might happen anyway, just... hang in there, you little bitch."
That's a good message. Or at least it's a realist one.

>> No.37727231

Now I see why people think this is a kamige

>> No.37727237

>Oretsuba itself also goes off the rails... not nearly as much as this though.
That menhera route? It was such a cop out lol

>> No.37727253


>> No.37727286

Yeah. It didn't help that imouto was my least favorite heroine either.

>> No.37727323

Iirc In oretsuba it was a virgin heroine whose previous partner was a girl, right? At least It wasn't NTR like this shit.

>> No.37727369

why would anyone want to read this unless you're an actual cuck

>> No.37727384

I loved that imouto JC. She's just so cute. The way she talks trying to show off as 大人 is just cute. My favorite oretsuba girls are konato, ai and asuka.

>> No.37727394


>> No.37727424

Heh. Asuka's seiyuu sold her for me, otherwise Hiyoko's beigeness would have won.

>> No.37727464

For 3D™ experience

>> No.37727490

Best tag

>> No.37727520


>> No.37727526


>> No.37727825 [SPOILER] 
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Its pretty late here but I can't stop reading

>> No.37727958

The pacing is so good in WA2 you just can't put it down until you reach an end

>> No.37729110

any loli vns with easy japanese?

>> No.37729236

All of them lol

>> No.37729253
File: 2.28 MB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Yuru_Yuri_05_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[33D2F429].mkv_002205.200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay well with even easier than those

>> No.37729645

Except for Yoru no Hitsuji. Pseudo-philosophy has hard words.

>> No.37730557


I think those had quite easy language, was very fun to read, and had more than enough loli.

Agreed. And it's not even about words being hard. Vocabulary is often easy enough in those games. porori uses a lot of quite abstract language to do that philosophy stuff in those games. Grasping that abstractness and context will be quite hard for a beginner. Without that those games lose a lot of their value.

>> No.37730828

thanks currently watching cure dolly so wanted something easy to try and start learning to read

>> No.37732802

Is White Album in general any good?

>> No.37732841

anyone have the bonus games released by waffle for christmas 2019?
https://vndb.org/v27659 can't find any proof of this being shared
https://vndb.org/v27661 can't find this either but i think a post on kfgal claimed this was shared somewhere
https://vndb.org/v27660 only one i got, links still alive on nyaa
https://vndb.org/v27658 links on nyaa and kfgal dead

>> No.37732986
File: 452 KB, 1920x1080, biology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this would offend people today kek.

>> No.37733077

Good line

>> No.37733703
File: 521 KB, 1920x1080, the soundtrack too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides

>> No.37733743

If you don't have anything against its genre it's actually extremely well-written

>> No.37733762

*only WA2

>> No.37733864

I managed to put it down permanently halfway through IC about 5 years ago.

>> No.37733915

I would play it anyway, I was just curious.
Sorry If that question hurt your mature utsuge otaku feelings.

>> No.37734167

Good shit, i laughed so many times while reading sensinkan. Certain moment with reference in common route of Ayumi is just kami.

>> No.37734486
File: 609 KB, 1920x1080, 神座万象.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did a chuunitard like Masada get so good at writing comedy anyway?

>> No.37734655

https://anonfiles com/73V2haC8v1/ やりなおしのクリスマス found it in a waffle collection on the website of that guy that posts them on kf, it doesnt have the other 2 though
i would try asking in /hgg/

>> No.37734731

i don't know but he really came into it during senshinkan, even outside of the reference stuff
also, the chemistry between the main cast was pretty good so i found myself enjoying the SoL sections quite often

>> No.37734925

I don't remember Dies Irae being particularly funny aside from Ren calling Kasumi Chinese for overusing ある. I laughed my ass off at KKK's comedy parts though. The ヌキヌキポーン shit was great. I did also laugh a lot at Ryle in Paradise Lost but that was more me just finding his yankee-style speaking patterns + the fact that he was a giant asshole amusing rather than the game actually trying to be funny.

>> No.37735123
File: 1.81 MB, 2448x3264, hurricaneharbor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey so I don't post here at all but I need a hand in getting a proper translation in naming a masc gay character. So in English you can shorten homosexual to homo derogatorily, right? Well I need the kanji or whatever-character equivalent of "Homo-san."

a lot of googling led me to お釜さん, but I'm unsure if this is legible, or proper use of slang.

If anyone could give me a hand it'd be much appreciated. Have a picture of my bf I took while not breaking into hurricane harbor.

>> No.37735232


>> No.37735245

A japanese national I know just handed me でかまらさん. That seems a bit more traditionally masculine, no?

>> No.37735309
File: 251 KB, 1280x720, no homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first of all this should go to the djt thread or /int/ or at the very fucking least the bl/otome thread
second, you can just use the exact example you gave or what that other faggot mentioned

>> No.37735323

Is there a ゲイム like Umineko?

>> No.37735328
File: 164 KB, 591x982, ChadVirg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for not speaking japanese or knowing where to ask about japanese translations on 4channel, sir. It won't happen again.

>> No.37735350


>> No.37735398

Are rpg maker games really that popular compared to adv/nvl eroge nowadays?

>> No.37735409

No, not really. Just in circle of micro-e-celebs on twitter.

>> No.37735514

Just wait until the final boss shows up.
Habaki's yobai explanation was pretty funny too.

>> No.37735768

Hrpgs maybe
The kind of rpgmaker shit the cartel likes are obscure shitposts.

>> No.37735806

I like hrpgs where you play as huge-assed flandre getting fucked by fat old men

>> No.37735832

Hrpgs are unironically for trannies. Most of them have female protags who are massive sluts fucking everyone in the town.

>> No.37736048

So apparently koreans did a translation for Kakyuusei several years ago. How did they manage to properly do this? As I recall, the AI5WIN engine was really hard to crack, and took the chinese many years of hard work.

>> No.37736268

thanks anon

>> No.37736501

Well post it

>> No.37736887

Finished Saya no Uta.
You know shit is going down when somebody enters a house without taking of his shoes first.

>> No.37736971

I just want some good fucking game

>> No.37736997

What, you can't even find something good for yourself? Lol at you.

>> No.37737290

So it seems Ryuusei World Actor have a gacha soshage now
Is this the future of eroge?
Pls no

>> No.37737385
File: 94 KB, 442x502, 81215bb8cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you playing?
I played more than 30+ hours of this. Did I have to intepret this as profound or what?

>> No.37738086


>> No.37739076

It's just a shitpost in VN form

>> No.37739086

You have to play 50 hours of Sakuuta to get true enlightenment

>> No.37742098

Good VNs don't exist

>> No.37742403

>Fearful avoidant attachment is one of four adult attachment styles. Those with this insecure style of attachment have a strong desire for close relationships, but distrust others and fear intimacy. This leads people with a fearful-avoidant attachment to avoid the very relationships they crave.

>> No.37742627 [SPOILER] 
File: 328 KB, 624x510, tojiko, noooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KnS has some of the cheapest writings for a detective novel with realistic settings. Overused random encounter on the streets, murdering people was laughably simplecharacter confessing her feelings right before she kicked the bucket, like really, who wouldn't have saw her death when she went out of character to tell how much she had ever wanted a brother? Not saying I didn't enjoy the game, hence why I kept playing. But damn, there's this big ass elephant in the room that's hard to ignore, especially when the game was supposed to set in Japan during 1956. Can anyone REC me a better detective vn?
So basically any protagonist with a betrayal tag + good ending.

>> No.37742906

read 魍魎の匣

>> No.37742922

KnS2 is a much better game. Also take the recommendation of the anon above. The first KnS ripped it off hard.

>> No.37743176

I'm ripping it off z-lib since all nyaa torrents seem to die already. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.37743208
File: 709 KB, 1390x637, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know how to chagne the font of this text hooker I cant really see what the kanji look like so im not gonna remember them

>> No.37743308

Use Textractor

>> No.37743312

use chiitrans lite

>> No.37743329

Don't be a hook nigger.

>> No.37743336

i tried textractor it doen't work with this vn, has the same disgusting font anyway i'm using wine so dont know if thats got something to do with it or not
will give it a go thanks
how else am i gonna look up the kanji

>> No.37743345
File: 17 KB, 440x224, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitware kek

>> No.37743368

>how else am i gonna look up the kanji
By radicals, idiot.

>> No.37743398

You're probably missing some fonts. I don't know how that shit works with wine though

>> No.37743517

>has the same disgusting font anyway
But you aren't supposed to get the text directly. Use textractor add-on to parse it into your clipboard, have a clipboard inserter to attach to an HTML file, where it changes whatever font your game has into your custom font. Sounds kinda roundabout but you only need to set up once. With the added benefit of never wanting to use MTL or furigana parser since they are shit.

>> No.37744100

>how else am i gonna look up the kanji
Draw it by hand until an OCR program can recognize it. Does it take a while? Sure. But you fucking learn the kanji.

>> No.37744221
File: 1.86 MB, 1439x812, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karasu is the best girl, right? Just started playing Monkeys and it's pretty funny so far. Kinda reminds me of マルコと銀河竜 in terms of style/tone.

>> No.37744243

Fair warning that Karasu's the true route so you have to clear the other three routes first to see hers.

>> No.37744249

>Kinda reminds me of マルコと銀河竜 in terms of style/tone.
Yeah same writer.

>> No.37744378

what vm/os should i be using for ancient games like https://vndb.org/v5538 ?

>> No.37744389

XP? But surely the 2008 download edition would work fine on 7.

>> No.37744469

spergs are still seething over the true end in succumate despite not even paying for it, LMAO

>> No.37746161

Do you have Japanese pack installed on your OS? I haven't used ITH or other hookers in ages but IIRC it should use the default Windows Japanese font. If you don't have Japanese support with all the fonts installed explicitly, it will pick up some weird non-standard font and it will look weird.

If you have it installed then it's also possible that your windows theme is interfering with default font lists. Try it on clean user profile without some design bullshit installed or enabled.

>> No.37746275

Are you on Linux / Wine by any chance?

>> No.37746502
File: 2.65 MB, 2362x1891, 83153125_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding eroge, has there ever been a case where fans decide which is the true ending, in case of a sequel?

>> No.37747812


>> No.37747860

Can't believe he's unvoiced in the h-scenes

>> No.37747864
File: 581 KB, 1920x1080, meme face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she so dumb

>> No.37748138

All masada girls are dumb

>> No.37748193
File: 466 KB, 1920x1080, meme face 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one seems REALLY dumb though.

>> No.37748260

Time-consuming and useless. I only recommend that for retards with memorization issues.

>> No.37748478
File: 340 KB, 1600x900, rkAIBtYTlY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was not expecting 硝子's route to be the one that makes me choke on my own laughter

>> No.37748484

Garasu and Yuki are the comedy routes, Mebachi and Karasu are the feelings routes.

>> No.37748488

>Karasu is the best girl
Yes. VA in monkeys is pretty amazing, made me listen 95% of voice lines to the very end, which is rare to me. Characters just feels so fucking alive and high all the time.

>> No.37748506


>> No.37748519

>skipping voices
lmao, no wonder babby always cry about games being short.

>> No.37748536

Most VNs have garbage voice acting with garbage dialogue writing.

>> No.37748549

> not skipping voices
lmao, no wonder babby always cry about everyone else play time being short.

>> No.37748565

Need more scat

>> No.37748572

Is senshinkan good or atleast fun?

>> No.37748573

>joptard skip voice so me as a poser have to skip them too

>> No.37748585

Some lines really aren’t worth being played fully. If you listen to every line in a game you’re honestly on the autism spectrum

>> No.37748601


>> No.37748611

>djt n1 tard can't read ahead of voices

>> No.37748616

You are the minority, autist.

>> No.37748620

cope harder with your projection

>> No.37748627

Usual masada shit

>> No.37748628

Seethe harder

>> No.37748634

mald faster

>> No.37748642


>> No.37748656

Dilate faster

>> No.37748663

Any iyashikei kinos?

>> No.37748689


>> No.37748694

You still need to like chuuni to enjoy it. Reading senshinkan just for sol is stupid, even if sol with group of friends done really well this time.

>> No.37748770

I actually only started using auto mode recently.

>> No.37748780

>reading VN
>get to h-scene
>leave it on auto and leave the room to give MC and heroine-chan some privacy
>secretly watch them and fap

>> No.37748785

I unironically did this and it made the fap much more fulfilling. This isn't a joke. Everyone should unironically try this shit.

>> No.37748797

I sometimes just turn up the volume and go to the adjacent room and listen to heroine's sex noises through the wall to fap. My imagination stimulates a better H scene than the actual H scene. Shit's fucking addictive.

>> No.37748945

It disgusts me how they are so many unironic cucks in here

>> No.37748949
File: 1.22 MB, 1271x713, macho2 (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I self-insert as the heroine being fucked by the fat old man.

>> No.37748964

Are you a woman?

>> No.37748979

you will never fuck any girl anyway

>> No.37749017

Yes. "People" who like NTR stuff are mostly girls

>> No.37749029

Most of them are slutfags like >>37748949 dude. Unironic cucks like me are pretty rare.

>> No.37749069

Well i have a bunch on my systemm maybe wine doesn't know what to choose from https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/all-repository-fonts/

>> No.37749308

All-ages kamige got PC port

>> No.37749574

I love listening to seiyuu. Japanese is music to my ears. Americans can't comprehend this.

>> No.37749919

White Album 2 sucks.
What's with all the praises it garnered?

>> No.37750019

Any non-nukige with actual abusive relationships(preferably women abusing men)?

>> No.37750056

Why it sucks?

>> No.37750133

The story is too realistic, it's like listening to my friend lamenting about his love life and the woman he had in the bar.

>> No.37750286

It could've been more realistic by making kazusa a crack whore

>> No.37750362

Musicus. Muramasa.

>> No.37750417
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 冥契のルペルカリア__2021-03-02_13-37-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37751268

>crack whore
Just like my straya ex-girlfriend.

>> No.37751302

You must be around some real schizos if you think WA2 is realistic

>> No.37751953
File: 218 KB, 800x600, ac7cie2t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try installing ttf-ms-win10-japanese and ttf-ms-win10.
But to be honest you're on your own in a world of pain of setting up fontconfig and shit properly. Linux font handling have sucked for ages and it sucks now. There should be some guides floating on the net about how to make it better so try googling and trying stuff out.

It probably would be easier to set up a virtual machine in seamless mode if you need to use Linux. Or at least try it on virtual machine first to get a picture of how shit should look like properly when font handling is not broken.

In case it might help, the screenshot is how fonts looked like when I played this game a decade ago.

>> No.37752316


>> No.37752629
File: 679 KB, 802x639, Screenshot from 2021-12-16 14-27-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based thanks, installing the win 10 fonts fixed it

>> No.37754292

Anons, anybody knows how to extract music from 'System-NNN' novels?

>> No.37754318

What's the appeal of JCs? They always seems inferior both to JKs and JSs.

>> No.37754355

It's for when you want to be a little pedo but not too pedo.

>> No.37754414

反抗期 is their appeal, especially if they try to be more mature than JCs really are.

>> No.37754720

14 is prime.

>> No.37754769

JKs are too mature
JSs are took retarded and innocent
JCs are perfect

>> No.37754841
File: 250 KB, 1000x1477, JD onsen master up yoppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JDs are perfect yall some chomo niggas

>> No.37754944

It's the period of transformation from child to woman

>> No.37755016

I know that the MC cheats on the girls but does it go both ways? Might play it if there's no female-initiated NTR. Yes, I'm a massive hypocrite.

>> No.37755395

No, main heroines are obsessed with the MC to the point they come off as mentally ill.

>> No.37755831

trannys dont count

>> No.37757387

Only when you have shit taste

>> No.37757479
File: 12 KB, 300x168, 幻想牢獄のカレイドスコープ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here played this, plot was dumb, but loved the screams of the VAs

>> No.37758362

Purely out of curiosity, have you guys ever read a VN with a foreign heroine that actually was convincing as a foreigner and didn't just name drop a few foreign words in katakana and called it a day?

>> No.37758477

Interested in Rewrite. Is there a difference between Rewrite and Rewrite+?

>> No.37758531

Allegedly the final ending of Rewrite+ is altered a bit from the original Rewrite. I don't fucking remember what the ending of the original Rewrite was though so I couldn't tell you how meaningfully different Rewrite+ is or isn't. Also Rewrite+ is fully voiced whereas the original release wasn't.

>> No.37758546

Should i read dead end aegis gaiden before main game? Or after for better experience?

>> No.37758556

Absolutely after the main game. Gaiden is full of spoilers.

>> No.37758557

Rewrite+ has full voices and sprites.

>> No.37758569


>> No.37758618

They gave Inoue a sprite but I think that was it. That Suzuki guy or whatever his name wasn't was still spriteless as ever as well as a few other reoccurring characters.

>> No.37758690

Wait until jast releases uncensored CGs for the EOPs to get the best version.

>> No.37758780

Are localizations transfered to different engines or why are they never hookable?

>> No.37758927

Yeah dw I’m just gonna read en version. My dick size is big enough, so I don’t need to overcompensate by reading every single vn in japanese just to flaunt by big jop e-peen in the internet.

>> No.37758962

*on the

>> No.37759029


>> No.37759047

But small enough to feel the need to correct a typo.

>> No.37759072

Yeah it’s somewhat average, not too small but not too big. Don’t expect me to reveal my size tho.

>> No.37759095
File: 490 KB, 1920x1080, shameless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't feel comfortable changing in front of my dog.

>> No.37759102
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, 2021-06-29 08_32_37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The voice acting was fucking top-tier. It's a fun emotional rollercoaster, plus the message of the story BTFOs out of trannies, what's not to like?

>> No.37759189

Loved it too, but would have preferred if the reason for the rancors were not this dumb.
Love how they loose gradually their mind at each round when you give them the prisoner card

>> No.37759275
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, 2021-06-26 09_00_37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the reason behind it all is probably the biggest "anime" misunderstanding in the history of forever. But in the end I wanted to see psycho sadistic bitches and it delivered on that, so I'm satisfied.

>> No.37759303

I liked her VA, she was so over the top

>> No.37759313


>> No.37759329

She was my favorite, her VA needs to voice more crazy psycho bitches.

>> No.37759622

Anyone know where to find this?
Looked everywhere and can find every other entry in the series BUT this one

>> No.37760314


>> No.37760497

Please, anyone?

>> No.37760500


>> No.37760501

look at what other stuff R07's done

>> No.37761203
File: 1.26 MB, 2020x1148, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is getting intersting
I really wanted to do Koharu first but I guess I will do Chiaki then Mari

>> No.37763832
File: 287 KB, 1000x800, FGzgb6KaUAIeBoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamige is back on the menu

>> No.37764602 [SPOILER] 
File: 414 KB, 818x754, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well I think every route will be painful to read.
doesnt help that I find all the characters likeable

>> No.37764685

Why do they call this the legendary eroge again?
I dozed off the first 10 minutes of the game.

>> No.37765383

so which one is gonna die

>> No.37765393

Somebody spoil me in Sakura no uta, is there a hidden heroine or some other girl with Nao?
Like I same a lap pillow or him getting kissed while he lies down on her lap.
Is there another girl?

>> No.37765424

Half of such games are called legendary because they had very small prints initially, their producers have gone out of business or have other complications preventing them from releasing download versions, etc, and thus the only way to obtain them legally is through second-hand market, prices where could get weird when there is not enough supply.
Sometimes prices go so high that such price by itself creates legendary status.

>> No.37765716

That's probably the CG with his parents

>> No.37766145

>doesnt help that I find all the characters likeable

>> No.37766181

You didn't even read it

>> No.37766204

There are even people who find characters in School Days likable. People have different tastes.

>> No.37766233

It's not even a controversial opinion

>> No.37766445

I think most of these people are into the corruption/slut aspect rather than the NTR one.

>> No.37768090

Keep all untranslated shit, it's most likely to be lost in a few years.

>> No.37768154

Japanese versions of Translated stuff will be lost

>> No.37768245

They're probably on mikocon ftp

>> No.37768466
File: 138 KB, 640x480, business plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our rail line is going to be shutdown so lets get 痴漢 on our late night train and get them to pay us so we can stay open
>btw I'll molest girls to make them into sluts
Nukige plots are great sometimes.

>> No.37768960

Exclusively thinking with one's dick is very liberating, yes.

>> No.37769124

Is there a way for Alpharom 2012 to make a direct access like the 2014 version does? The parfait release in the gigaroyal pack only works with me having the iso mounted and it's quite a pain in the ass.

>> No.37769147
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, 幻想牢獄のカレイドスコープ_20201225232452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a bit repetitive after the half-mark, but as was already said, everyone gradually losing their shit every round was pretty great.
Also yeah, there was some good voice acting in there.
Itaru's character designs just made it look more edgy in a cheap way.

>> No.37769408
File: 649 KB, 1920x1080, chuunitard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite literary technique

>> No.37769453
File: 492 KB, 1280x720, XVwVdMrmol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37770151
File: 624 KB, 1920x1080, 150928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened with the Mamiya daughters after Starless? Why aren't they in Sleepless?

>> No.37770339

I killed all of them because art is ugly lol

>> No.37771853

Shoin is amazing. It's like YU-NO though where it's more of a puzzle game and if you use a guide you'll find it 50% less enjoyable.

>> No.37772615
File: 36 KB, 1420x195, 1463291679934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanilla sex scenes on auto-mode with you outside the room is truly the peak of NTR as a genre.

>> No.37773991

Is there an eroge that address failing classes in one if its route?

>> No.37774756

also looking for recs

>> No.37774768

It's on ab.

>> No.37774931

