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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.37678112
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>> No.37678206
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I love Amane

>> No.37678528
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There is only one thing she wants

>> No.37678599

Live a normal, happy life away from the obssesed otakus

>> No.37678605

she wants retards to stop posting her
fuck off

>> No.37678686
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>> No.37678897


>> No.37679106

playboy cock

>> No.37679991
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I want to lick her

>> No.37680138
File: 3.59 MB, 2048x1536, 0hsCF9AGu0LGx7QDu5gHJTOzUdKgMCIzZkETg7Vg4WJkIOLDtsEzozUg0QHAwOIDMmI3NnDCM1AAkyEjhsJF1lD1sSFgAeEhxFFSYHClgDczRKcGw4TyZjA1tCdFxeIjkyTy8mCwoUJVwDdG8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37680149


Jouou Engi starring Nomoto Hotaru as Dowager Cixi and Ikuta Teru as Xu Fu. This is not really a spoiler because it is shown within the first couple of scenes, but ”Xu Fu” is an alias, she is the same character as Jack from Jouou Rondo. Jack’s mumbling when giving her name leads to her rescuer to dub her after the actual Xu Fu: “Jack” becomes “Joufuku”.

I was rather impressed by Chinharu’s portrayal of Emperor Guangxu from his (her) childhood to death as an adult, too. Also didn’t expect Shiraishi Mayumi to be capable to a voice so deep, her usual speaking voice is higher. Still waiting for some enterprising Assault Lily fan to draw Yoh and Chinami getting married as a reference to their roles here.

Watching Jouou Rondo is not a must, but having knowledge of its plot/story does add extra layers to what is depicted in Jouou Engi.

>> No.37680281

You guys have any recollection regarding a story about how Aimi was one of the background dancers at anisama 2011? I'm about to watch the event and curious if I should try and look for her

>> No.37680357

She was already portraying Kazumi in 2011, she wouldn't have the time/be allowed by management for something like that. You might have been thinking of someone else or saw some mistranslation somewhere.

>> No.37680652

Something similar, but I could have sworn that 生田輝 was listed as a backup dancer for Idolmaster Million Live I think. It was before revue1

>> No.37680786

So this is how Kaorin made iPhone shower trend again yesterday

>> No.37680803


>> No.37680872

At this rate I am beginning to believe in the theory that someone among the Twitter staff is messing with her on purpose.

>> No.37680886

Big iPhone

>> No.37680973


I love them so much...

>> No.37681248
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>> No.37681365

Ayasa hibiki

>> No.37681914


>> No.37682354

Is there a recording of this somewhere?

>> No.37682473

You mean Julia right? She did a bunch of anime openings and other non idolmaster stuff at the time, it's definitely not impossible that she was there.

>> No.37682766


>> No.37682777

From 1:29:30
I watched it last month on youtube and there was beep sound over it, but now they actually cut few seconds from that video

>> No.37682927


>> No.37684545


new teamY. Chiharu in a dance cover

>> No.37685012

That looks really interesting, i wish i can understand it
Also will the be doing the together cover next like the Machico x Mikku one back then?

>> No.37685141

Can't get past the cringe and the clothes
Who dances in a studio with those boots and dress wtf

>> No.37685171


>> No.37685602

Li Fuoa's line about the years passing and suddenly becoming older hit me hard desu. I didn't want the feels right now, so I don't know why I watched this.

Jofuku telling her she's still beautiful(and Saiba's smile) makes it worth it though/spoiler]

>> No.37686014

They are old ladies after all

>> No.37686568

She's going to be the last in amuse to get the checkmark

>> No.37688489

The earlier scenes where Jack's street performances would incorporate her immortality were less comedic in hindsight, when the viewer considers that she will outlive her children and those who had called her a friend. No wonder she sees it as a curse.

Jouou Engi was more lighthearted compared to the previous shows in the series but it still had a dark and harsh undercurrent that never went away for long.

>> No.37689173

Anyone watched Day1 of Edelstein? How was it?

>> No.37689788
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Reo makes me want to do the big bang

>> No.37692131
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>> No.37692372

Another thread saved by the most righteous of Knights. I fought everywhere. I was like America bringing freedom where I march.

>> No.37692389
File: 364 KB, 1536x2048, 4E8A0F70-86AE-4B3D-BEAE-28EA8BA7F6D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you will never eat with Ayasa

>> No.37692539

I had a dream about ayasa once and she felt so soft

>> No.37693258

who is that old lady?

>> No.37693419

What will OyuReo build?

>> No.37693743


>> No.37693911

Did we have the same dream? Because that happened to me once, too.

>> No.37693913

I can't remember the last time I had a dream about Bushis...

>> No.37693917

I wonder what Yurika's current job is.

>> No.37693936

I've had a total of 3 dreams about Reo. I think I am blessed

>> No.37694067

Blowjobs for playboys

>> No.37694161


>> No.37694228

Is Yurika bushy?

>> No.37694636
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>> No.37694814

Maybe Islam is right about women...

>> No.37694816

Have you seen her armpits anon? That should give you a clue

>> No.37695281

Go watch Oreo!

>> No.37695330

Oyu is so pretty in that sweater

>> No.37695376

comfy if a bit unstylish

>> No.37695389
File: 317 KB, 1478x1108, FGYqXWjUYAE_9if.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rimi is looking a lot better lately

>> No.37695424

This is a pretty cool coincidence.

>> No.37695557
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The free part is over, the title of the new show is "Oyureo Koubou (workshop) Tontenkan!"
I'll just catch the rest on bili or wherever the official archive will land.

>> No.37696129
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>> No.37696346
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devilish Non-chan

>> No.37696402

She should share her lips with Yuki

>> No.37696453
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>> No.37696587


>> No.37697117


god bless the photon maidens

>> No.37697413
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>> No.37699153

God yuki's legs are amazing

>> No.37699163

>Rimi appears in my dreams
>She looks really good, in her normal weight again
>We start talking
>Have fun, get closer
>Almost kiss
>Feels so real I can feel the warmth of her skin and the softness of her lips approaching mine
>Wake up
Bros.... I miss her......

>> No.37699296
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>> No.37700005
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She looks so cute and healthy

>> No.37700223

Cute outfit, especially the shoes.

>> No.37701487

>Wake up
>it's actually Ayasa you slept with
It could be worse, anon.

>> No.37701942
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I'm still waiting for my sweet dream about Amane.

>> No.37703255

Fans knew what they were doing when they voted for that dress

>> No.37706356
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at least she's not shy about showing them off

>> No.37706829


>> No.37706857

Wait people were able to vote for costumes? Didn’t know that

>> No.37707511
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Yes. That’s why i love her now more than “the other one”

>> No.37707708


asami got married

>> No.37707739

The sold-out Peaky cap listing got deleted from Bushi's JP store. I hope that's a sign they're gonna restock it. The restock is a separate listing on the global website after all.

>> No.37707796

Her spouse: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E6%9D%91%E8%AB%92

Seems to be doing quite well for himself in his career, good for them.

>> No.37707799
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>> No.37707912

Which Bushi is the bushiest?

>> No.37707974


>> No.37708258
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>> No.37708288

Eguchi marriage announcement when

>> No.37708515

>she will never feed you yakult

>> No.37708522

Aimi is so pretty...

>> No.37708533
File: 206 KB, 789x377, anisama 11-d1 dwango credits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way I couldn't see Aimi as a dancer she was also not listed in the credits

>> No.37709191


>> No.37709389

ikemen, nice

>> No.37709674

okada's still hotter, no homo

>> No.37710226

Peaky cap is back

>> No.37710536

I’m sure you can give her your yakult if you know what i mean

>> No.37711257


>> No.37711706

You can't just replace half your lyrics with "peaky" and not expect it to sound cool.

>> No.37711741
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i want to see Tsumu in this

>> No.37712920

I want to see Aimi in that

>> No.37712981

How come the only Bushiroad seiyuu (as in those who mainly do Bushiroad stuff) who have done Pokemon roles are Aimi and Mimorin? Natsuyoshi has also appeared in Pokemon but I'm not sure if she really counts as a Bushiroad seiyuu by this thread's standards.

>> No.37713092


>> No.37713145

I would have loved to be at this one in-person, but as we all know, traveling overseas isn't the simplest thing nowadays.

>> No.37713287

which one

>> No.37713365


>> No.37713403

the format for Be Happy Remix looked fun, I hope they do more like that

>> No.37713457

bushi slaves aren't allowed to do external work

>> No.37713704

A lot of seiyuu discussed in these threads are barely in the voice acting business, and are more stage actresses, musicians, and personalities rather than actual seiyuu which pokemon probably prefers.

>> No.37714048

Anon you replied to asked the same thing some threads ago so I don't see how anything would have changed from then till now.

PKMN is big but let's be real, aside from the main cast, the roles aren't so significant that the portrayers can be household names or even decently recognizable to the average normie who thinks anime is for kids. Anyone who is so fixated on wanting their fave to appear in a 20+ year old series sounds like they need a break from the internet.

>> No.37714316

fun stream, Popipa watching various scenes from the anime

>> No.37714348

Mimorin's popularity came from Love Live and not bushiroad
Dont @ me

>> No.37714452

I don't think there's anyone that's going to refute you on that point, though milky holmes probably helped a fair bit too

>> No.37715702
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It's Ha-chan's character's, Miyu, birthday today

>> No.37716076
File: 386 KB, 1542x2048, tanda_hazuki-1470081195673538560-ipRz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy birthday Ha-chan's character

>> No.37716169

Compare Mimo to all the other muses, Love Live alone will only takes someone so far. Only ones still really doing things are Nanjo and Soramaru, who both had Bushi links as well.

>> No.37716959
File: 182 KB, 2048x1536, NomotoHotaruYukishiroAkiraShoujoKagekiRevueStarlightTheLiveSeiranBlueGlitterPantyhose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also Nossan's character's

>> No.37718098

Ordered. How nice of them to accept foreign cards even if you have to use a forwarder for the delivery.

>> No.37718491

They all had massive careers and are not bushislaves

>> No.37718645

Happy Birthday Miyu
Imagine having a Ha-chan gf... Amane is so lucky.

>> No.37719113

I'll never get tired of watching this.

>> No.37719636

So cute and pure, I miss this Amita

>> No.37719654


for me it's the one with ogura yui and amita

>> No.37720211

Sora's weird. Ever since she left Hibiki she's been dabbling in everything, even fucking vtubing which is hats off to her

>> No.37721389



movie's going to have online streaming options

>> No.37721482

Amita is so good at dancing
As expected of a top idol

>> No.37721762
File: 328 KB, 1128x1504, FGfeMqTVQAAbXCW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks so warm

>> No.37722283

Is non-chan the bushi with the highest education? She graduated with a music degree at a music-focused university right?

>> No.37722383

Depends on who you had in mind when you said "bushi" - there are several voice talents under Hibiki, but you had to name somebody who is only in like 2 Bushiroad projects and not affiliated with Hibiki?

Many people with university degrees have been cast in Bushiroad projects, or are/were at fairly prestigious universities. Oyu and Haruki were both Keio graduates.

>> No.37722464

Then why does she suck at keyboardo?

>> No.37722716

some of her keyboard performance was pretty memorable to me desu
well there's only 2 i guess, Ringing Bloom and that time they did NGNL op with Konomi Suzuki at anisama

>> No.37722770
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>> No.37722827

Very cute nesu

>> No.37723751
File: 850 KB, 2048x1536, 4C3BA2A2-CE0F-46A0-8598-C700359EC491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aimi means love

>> No.37723973

Educational drinking.

>> No.37724407


>> No.37724713


new teamY

>> No.37724963

Look at how jun (anisama band) plays it that ngnl song in the 2017 edition
It's a world of difference

>> No.37725529
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>> No.37726981


>> No.37727013
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>> No.37727068

Raychell is in DJ? i honestly have no idea

>> No.37727097

I'm watching the archived stream of Edelstein rn and is it me, or was AiAi a bit off key during the first two songs?

(I love AiAi. No disrespect intended.)

>> No.37727224

She plays a side character, and at present isn't playable in the game but yeah she's got a few songs here and there.

>> No.37727485


she sang the ending cover song of D4Dj

>> No.37727715

well i'm not arguing that she's the creme de la creme or anything, especially compared to an actual backing band
just saying she's pretty alright sometimes

>> No.37728090

Ye she should have actually studied and practiced in college instead of riding the cock carousel

>> No.37728678
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>> No.37728704

I noticed her singing being a little shaky too

>> No.37728974
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>> No.37729035

This is exactly what I want for Christmas!

>> No.37729587

I wonder if they'll ever get Nana in D4DJ again.

>> No.37730934
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Ahhh I love her so much...

>> No.37731777
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Here's a photo from our shopping date.

>> No.37731810
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>> No.37731824
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>> No.37731942

my cute wife

>> No.37732044

I knew who that was from her height alone
Just imagine

>> No.37732740

those boots are yabai

>> No.37733348
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>> No.37734333

anyone have an archive of edelstein?

>> No.37734382

Bili is your friend, as usual.

>> No.37735095
File: 359 KB, 1504x1128, FGkqFI-VgAUG5lz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an option to watch the LiryLily concert online? I want to see my Lilies

>> No.37735114

The post above yours might be of some relevance.

>> No.37735276


>> No.37735397

Cute Moepi

>> No.37735450


>> No.37735474

had to look 4 times to see if I was the one to miss something

>> No.37735493
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Not him, but thanks. I thought it was going to be on eplus only.
Now I'll gladly pay to watch my precious Lilies.

Remember to use a VPN for Openrec anons, it tends to lag a lot when watching on the other side of the world.
So far the best experience I've had with Bushi streams was the D4FES in May. They streamed it on Rakuten/Vimeo, easy to buy a ticket, decent quality and no lags. I wish they used it more often, but I'll take Openrec if it's the only viable option.

>> No.37735564

Thanks. Are there any tutorial on how to set everything, what do i need to watch it on that page?
Sorry, but im new with idol stuff and concerts.

>> No.37735654


>> No.37735837
File: 221 KB, 1128x1504, FGfolxcVgAQSPqm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just need an account on Openrec to buy a ticket, they don't require a Japanese address or anything, unlike eplus/PIA. You can easily pay using a foreign card, too. I use Revolut, for example.
The process is pretty straightforward. I think you can even change the language to English somewhere.

As for the VPN, install OpenVPN, then go to https://www.vpngate.net/..
There you'll find a lot of Japanese VPNs, I'd advise going for those with less active sessions, but with relatively high throughput. You'll have to try out a few and check how well they work.
To connect, you have to download the OpenVPN config file. Get the one with a hostname and UDP protocol (though those with bare IPs and TCP should work too).
If you use the GUI then launch the program, right click on the icon in the system tray and import the file you want to use. Right click again and you'll see a new item on the list, that's your VPN. Click connect and that's all. Don't forget to disconnect when you're done.
You can also use OpenVPN from the command line if you wish, "openvpn --config your_config_file.ovpn" is what you're looking for. Run with sudo on Linux.

Try to find a few reliable VPNs and test them on other streams right before the concert to have some backups. While there are some that are hosted 24/7 at universities, the less popular ones are usually operated by people on their own, so you can never be sure that they're gonna work when you need them.

>> No.37736543


>> No.37737008

Is Izumi bisexual?Yahoo news said she married a man and it feel like on her line blog she hides the gender on purpose?
old news but she is the only josei seiyuu I trusted as actuallesbians.
she have like wrote yuri manga too

>> No.37737069

italian guy not lady

>> No.37737128

only thing we really know is she openly supports gay rights which is nice of her I guess. We probably won't know in the near future

>> No.37737196


>> No.37737393


hibiki style

>> No.37737539

Chiharu makes my heart go doki doki

>> No.37737827

You think some poorly paid intern at Yahoo News even knows who Kitta Izumi is? Probably just saw her stream/tweet where the marriage was announced and instantly jumped to conclusions.

I wouldn't believe any source about whether her spouse is male/female/a tree/a car unless it's a direct statement or quote from her.

>> No.37737876

Chinharu makes my heart and my eyes happy

>> No.37738415

Harmoe streaming


>> No.37738467

Hinapyo sounds like the perfect excuse to come up with a Starlight opera unit.

>> No.37739559

>doing their best to hide aimi's legs

way to cuck everyone, it's almost impressive

>> No.37740476


>> No.37740789

>Haruki = Angel

Not wrong

>> No.37740849


>> No.37741494

Might be a bit late now, but I couldn't ever get my get my card to go through the Openrec website so I buy my tickets on mobile through the Openrec app using my google account.

Once you buy the ticket you can just watch on the page (or mobile app if you want).
For smaller streams like Aiba Derby I never get lag, but for the bigger live events switching to a Japanese VPN server solves any lag for me.

>> No.37741994
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>> No.37742181
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>> No.37742767

Rin a cute, fun too

>> No.37742814

is Chiharu's gimmick the fact that she's a trained childcarer?
is this some Abe psyop?

>> No.37743059

miyu is the cutest <3 wug gang

>> No.37744254



>> No.37744374

Reoyu or Re:Oyu?

>> No.37744722

Took me too long to realize that Oyu was wearing her sweater backwards on TonTenKan

>> No.37744760


>> No.37745482

>is this some Abe psyop
kek, abe sponsoring bushiroad for more children.

I guess her gimmick's also being aimi's sister? The two seems like they'd make for a pretty entertaining duo

>> No.37745565

Why do seiyuus cut their hair short? Like Aimi, ayasa, yurishii, kdhr, kanon. Is there a significance behind it or just a trendy fashion thing in japan?

>> No.37745599

Some people see cutting their hair as a way of mark a period of transition in their life, which is what Yurishii did (she cut her hair when she retired) however not everyone does it for the reason. Short hair is simply easier to manage and more comfortable during summer (which is when Kanon cut hers)

>> No.37745839
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Thanks my friend. After a lot of searching, im ready for tomorrow's concert.

>> No.37746491

Well that makes sense now. Same with moeshi too. Forgot to put her name earlier. Not complaining though. It’s something i’ve noticed a lot with seiyuus. I always thought its just a trend thing.

>> No.37746972


>> No.37746980
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>> No.37747499
File: 148 KB, 1440x1080, 266743018_450069443401010_2198116872738469439_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you remember Ayaneru is in Bandori.

>> No.37747551

why would i forget about her she's literally one of the main vocalist

>> No.37747925

And she can fuck right off

>> No.37748296
File: 2.51 MB, 850x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was reading a new manga chapter and there's Tsunko in it

>> No.37748317

Tsunko cosplaying as Anjou has elevated the manga to a new level for me, plus, it's just really good.

>> No.37748631

You will kiss Aimi feet
You will like it

>> No.37748708
File: 355 KB, 1455x1920, B0F9EE43-050A-4070-8CB1-8F8FBEF20786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to remind me anon. As long as its aimi, i will love it

>> No.37748860


>> No.37749143


rimi with kinglymask

>> No.37749512

Apparently 4 hours of Tono Tsumu playing games or something in 10 minutes

>> No.37749737
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love this artist' seiyuu art

>> No.37750645
File: 204 KB, 1478x1108, FGubMEGVkAQhSml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37750708

VERY cute but also a bit lewd Aimi

>> No.37751076
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>> No.37751089
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>> No.37751111
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Finally the live costumes are different
I wonder how PKPK'S costumes will be designed with all of the overcomplicated fabrics

>> No.37751124

Oh man another anon beat me to it

>> No.37751214

Gal Gun segment with Tsumu.

>> No.37751237

cute yuzu

>> No.37751436
File: 411 KB, 1917x1074, FGuhUw5VUAAPpR2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was a fun live. The new costumes are very cute, the Lilies looked great in them. Can't wait to see other bands' new outfits, too.
They finally sang Magi no Okurimono, it was a magical moment as expected with Christmas coming in a few days.
Also, I liked Tsunko's DJTIME. There was a lot of high energy songs and she always looks like she knows what she's doing out there.

NYAN-NYAN SHAKE is coming out in March, pic rel. Kinda weird that there's no deluxe edition with both parts included.
リリリリ's first album was also announced, but no details yet. I'm guessing we'll get some at their second live in February.

>> No.37751564


>> No.37751808

Check out Okada Mei's body, must be the hottest bushi hands down


>> No.37751825
File: 337 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oyu is looking dangerous

>> No.37751918

cute ayasa(violin)

>> No.37752013

I want to go fishing with Oyu

>> No.37752064

Amane looking weirdly Victorian there

>> No.37752156
File: 270 KB, 1920x1080, princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And very cute too.

>> No.37752209

Are Tonotsumu always like this while playing horror games?

>> No.37752235


>> No.37752329
File: 487 KB, 1536x2048, FGu_ys1UcAIoKEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very gay

>> No.37752340

Incredible. Someone responsible for audio in バンステ finally figured out stereo sound. Took them only 24 episodes.

>> No.37752374

Cute girlfriends
That's the リリリリ we want to see.

>> No.37752781

I want to lick Yurika’s feet

>> No.37753240

How will aimi react if i said i love her feet?

>> No.37753292

Laugh, then call the bushi security on you

>> No.37753396

Blew a load on yurishii

>> No.37753962

I like it whenever tsunko interacts with the rest of D4Dj. It's really cute

>> No.37753983
File: 196 KB, 1108x1385, aimi_sound 2018-06-07 [1004616238213914624] #4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool Aimi

>> No.37754234
File: 1023 KB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2021-12-16-12h03m00s394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Lyrical Lily concert. Does Ruka cried at the end?
Also..is there a way to download the stream from OpenRec?
I'm trying to record it myself, but it keep freezing every 10 secs.

>> No.37754996

looks like streamlink works https://github.com/streamlink/streamlink/releases
you'll have to provide your login info for paid streams, like this:
>streamlink https://www.openrec.tv/live/12ro0pmvmrn --default-stream best -o output.ts --openrectv-email "email@email.com" --openrectv-password "password"

I just tried with some random videos, downloading is kinda slow but it works

>> No.37755234

>Does Ruka cried at the end?
Yeah, she did. You can tell she made a lot of progress since the Lilies' debut though. I guess the stress finally got to her, but she looked really happy that everything went well, too.
>Also..is there a way to download the stream from OpenRec?
Never tried it with youtube-dl or annie, but someone already ripped the stream and uploaded to bili, so you can download from there instead. It's not like you're gonna notice a drop in quality or anything in this case.

By the way, one thing that's annoying on Openrec is that the scrollbar doesn't disappear in the full screen mode, like in your pic. You can hide it by editing the CSS, just right click on it and inspect, then set overflow to hidden on the whole element that contains the player (the one with class "movie-page-article").

>> No.37755628

>It's not like you're gonna notice a drop in quality or anything in this case

>> No.37755653

Is that openrec's actual video quality?

>> No.37755681

You can't say you love your favorite bushi if you aren't willing to watch her content in 144p at dial-up internet speeds.

>> No.37757118

I had a dream where i was thinking of aimi’s feet.

>> No.37757343
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, yuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, I'm usually the first one for getting the best quality possible, but the original video is pretty bad already and there's not much to salvage here.
The "source" quality on Openrec has a bitrate of 8Mbps for 1080p60 (I think, they don't mention the resolution anywhere when you select "source"; the next option is 720p60 at 3Mbps). Of course the 60 fps is unnecessary here, as the footage itself is shot at 24 fps, so you get a lot of dirty frames because of the 3:2 pulldown (same thing happens at 30 fps). Plus there are combing artifacts for some reason.
A concert like this is very hard on the encoder at these bitrates. Every closeup ends up looking blurry as hell, because people moving dynamically in front of a LED screen with lights flashing around is one of the worst scenarios you could wish to encode. You can often see the screen in the back being sharp while everything else is a blurry mess. There's a massive difference in quality when you look at some shots from the side, when there's no screens in the background. Pic related.
Whatever additional compression bili is applying when uploading there isn't gonna hurt this video much. By the way, the guy who uploaded it included both streams from Openrec and eplus. I'll look and compare them later, right now everything I'm saying is based on the Openrec stream that I watched live.

At some lower setting, pretty much yes. I'd say source is bearable for a live stream though.
For anything better we'll have to wait for the BD.

>> No.37757402

Not gonna lie, that sounds like a whole lot of worrying over pedantic nothings. I get not wanting to see it in quality you'd get from the bargain bin 1990s DVD store, but

>> No.37758138
File: 437 KB, 2048x1692, FGvOkusUUAgbINd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I say, I've always been autistic about video and audio quality. But the Lilies deserve the best and nothing will stop me in this pursuit.

>> No.37758802

>implying I ever forgot about my favourite Bandroi group

>> No.37758965


>> No.37758994

Yum yum.

>> No.37759611

the new costumes look nice, I'm looking forward to seeing Photon Maiden's

>> No.37759755

Amane so cute

>> No.37759763


>> No.37760057

>fap bait
thats only in your own twisted mind

>> No.37760125

He actually thinks we come here for a fap. My condolences.

>> No.37760374



>> No.37760463
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>> No.37760509
File: 302 KB, 1000x667, FGh7pDZVkAIvkA-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sprechchor is such a good song.
Every time I think Roselia's getting stale and that they can't reach the quality of their older songs they come out with an absolute banger.

>> No.37760514
File: 246 KB, 1108x1478, FGu9GlQUcAAN1tt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37760571

holy shit the look of pain on Tsunko's face, I'm dying
if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.37760707


>> No.37760709

Fapping to Amane is a big non non.
Shame on you anons

>> No.37760769

Why did she hide her boyfriend's name on the bottle?

>> No.37760783

she's probably just hiding the coca cola brand name, you know how JP is with product placement and all.

>> No.37760792

>tfw no Sae gf to share coke with
Why even live

>> No.37760835

swapping it back and forth from your mouth to hers?

>> No.37760917

japan is so fucking backwards with this shit.

>> No.37760960

it's all formality and keeping up appearances, it's a negative that goes hand-in-hand with the positives of a Japanese industry.

>> No.37761038
File: 239 KB, 1152x2048, 3D13DEC5-B87F-4C4F-A7DC-CB4A25809116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will you give aimi for christmas and birthday?

>> No.37761062

That silly underground soda company will have to pay if it wants Sae to advertize them

>> No.37761157

I have the same hairline.

>> No.37761198

Why are you doing this to me?

>> No.37761211

i think their songs have gotten a lot more diverse ever since they came out with Avant-Garde

>> No.37761223
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>> No.37761232
File: 59 KB, 1080x720, 1596203349646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like making other anons imagine

>> No.37761283

Delete this

>> No.37761306
File: 66 KB, 1080x810, 1596259414686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37761352

Some of you guys are alright. Don’t go to the Bushiroad HQ tomorrow if you are in Japan.

>> No.37761574

I love her.

>> No.37762188

Final Hoshicolle

>> No.37762385
File: 193 KB, 960x1280, FGzdyCYaMAUO1EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very cool Yukki

>> No.37762557

Aimi wears a croptop during recording here but they purposely zoom in on her face as close as possible

>> No.37762947

Been months since an update, thought she dropped her solo career again

>> No.37763071

I see feet

>> No.37763484

All I want for Christmas is my own Aimi

>> No.37763529
File: 516 KB, 1487x2048, FGz_aOWaIActuBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did Tetsuya Nomura design these costumes

>> No.37763637

I needed pantyhose Rihonyan in my life.
>did Tetsuya Nomura design these costumes
Not enough belts, but looks close enough.

>> No.37764180
File: 293 KB, 2048x1449, FGzP_4BacAAfJGZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pius have really stepped up their costuming game this year. The Odaiba cast's custom uniforms, Nagisa's Heimskringla uniform in Inori/Himitsu 2021, and now the Hitotsuyanagitai team uniform all are impressive. I wasn't even especially keen on the Around the Willow set in Last Bullet but they look great here.

>> No.37764263

All that Last Bullet gacha money has to go somewhere, I guess. But yeah they look really great.

>> No.37764468


new teamY

>> No.37764634

Oh no. I’m gonna dream again about her feet… why does this happen to me recently

>> No.37764635

I'm pretty sure none of the gacha money goes to Pius, they've been handling the theatrical productions for the series before Bushiroad had entered the picture and still produce merch together with Azone. If anything the gacha money probably is used to pay Kobayashi and co at Pokelabo and Bushimo. And buy the occasional nice things for cast members appearing on the Last Bullet streams. I saw in a store the nagashi soumen water slide they gave to Pi-chan as a reward; that thing is surprisingly expensive for a novelty knickknack.

>> No.37764755

That one went completely over your head, anon.

>> No.37765186
File: 396 KB, 1440x1800, 268087309_943201076595536_2670865459252128690_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very cute teru

>> No.37767461
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very hot teru

>> No.37768079 [DELETED] 
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>> No.37768088

All you had to do was scroll up a bit

>> No.37768096
File: 1.91 MB, 1200x1694, FGxd45haIAAZflN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37768110

I like the gloves, whoever thought that up is a genius

>> No.37768170

VERY cute Aimin

>> No.37768191
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>> No.37768766
File: 481 KB, 2048x1536, E97yAkVVkAA5_zd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gloves are kinda funny if we think about it. The purpose is to look cool, help with gripping, or both, but in practice the actresses wearing gloves will either switch out the cool gloves for those fingerless gloves used for gym and stuff, or the gloves don't do much to create a better grip.

>> No.37769228
File: 268 KB, 1536x2048, FG2gtxCaQAMeVZo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half gloves 最高

>> No.37769675

Her real name is Aya Ohashi?

>> No.37770157
File: 284 KB, 2048x1364, FG2YefcaUAEwgaX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Reo with sexy eyes looking at a sexy Reo with cute eyes

>> No.37770282

Anybody watching the Photon live today?

>> No.37770523
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>> No.37770962

>thread has lasted for over a whole week

>> No.37770976

I don't see any problem with that

>> No.37771016


>> No.37771309

Oh yeah.
You can feel the smoothness and the warmth of the palm, and at the same time you feel that tingling sensation of rubbing against leather.

>> No.37771552

I may

>> No.37772422
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>> No.37772497
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>> No.37772536

Why does aimi look weird

>> No.37772613

She doesn't have her usual filters.

>> No.37772767
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>> No.37773101
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>> No.37773439

Amane looks beautiful in this outfit

>> No.37773637

Who is that on the left?

>> No.37773692
File: 312 KB, 1108x1478, FG0Ii4yakAM0H1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chad of D4DJ.

>> No.37774237

She looks real old in these two

>> No.37774269
File: 275 KB, 1108x1478, FG4TqgRagAIisw3-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new Photon outfits

>> No.37774271

She probably 10yrs older than the Lilies.

>> No.37774280
File: 271 KB, 1478x1108, FG4MSJqaMAYLpcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37774322

>Plastic fabric back again
The Maidens never get it easy do they

>> No.37774329

>one leg stocking

damn, DAMN!

>> No.37774336
File: 61 KB, 750x1000, FG4fLijaQAAs6j2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shocker: the cat-eared prefect lost her cat ears and is apparently no longer a prefect

>> No.37774339
File: 344 KB, 1478x1108, FG277oragAcEaCS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The old costume was better.

>> No.37774346

it's actually 2 one just skin colored

>> No.37774357

Oh, you are right, excitement levels dropped a bit but still neat, where's Amita btw?

>> No.37774453

Couldn't attend live due to scheduling issues. So they simply used a 3D Ibuki on the projector during the latter half of the live.

>> No.37774465

She that busy?, what a letdown

>> No.37774474
File: 262 KB, 1504x1128, FGz-fZTacAg-5SF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37774535

dear lord

>> No.37774560

I, honestly, have no idea how I should react

>> No.37774766
File: 1.04 MB, 2160x2880, FG5JHVZagAEOICx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinharu is the cutest!!!

>> No.37774952
File: 596 KB, 1349x1826, E-cQvUcVkAAfJ0h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, wrong tweet and picture

>> No.37775262


>> No.37775366

VERY cute Oyu

>> No.37775384

Hahaha what the hell is this?, grandma cosplay for some stage play?

>> No.37775612

New Rihonyan


>> No.37775895

Rihonyan blurring her boyfriend's face

>> No.37776061
File: 473 KB, 1536x2048, FGx3n3EaAAM0tcA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37776091

Finally an improvement

>> No.37776253
File: 327 KB, 1038x1385, Hazuki_himari-1472196551653347328-pOOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37776301

Cute Himaringo

>> No.37776320
File: 277 KB, 1534x2048, FG5CKcgakAEZVgL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37776395


>> No.37776422


>> No.37776512

haruchan looking a bit ero in that

>> No.37776577
File: 266 KB, 1931x1931, FG5I4ZEacAEVvQW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haru-chan for me really stole the spotlight this time.
It's a shame Amita couldn't perform today though, it felt very sad every time they played her solo parts from tape. At least we got the MMD Ibuki.

>> No.37776613
File: 366 KB, 2048x1536, EDJeHiIUwAEoWDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've seen that one before

>> No.37776644

You probably watched this before, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHnA4OQz3C0

>> No.37776650

I mean the place

>> No.37776847

tsunko, she's in an erocosplay group apparently which I just found out last week

>> No.37776936


new teamY

>> No.37777403


>> No.37777697

these outfits look a little generic, at least to me

>> No.37778226

They don't bring amita anymore so haru-chan doesn't need more cardboard kek

>> No.37779098

Mostly unrelated, but for anyone who doesn't play the game, the new D4DJ outfits are based on the game's 1-year anniversary designs for each group

>> No.37780722


>> No.37784225

