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3769638 No.3769638 [Reply] [Original]

New polling thread


Baldr Sky Dive1 "LostMemory"
Eden* They Were Only Two, On The Planet
France Shoujo ~Une Fille Blanche~
Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
MuvLuv Alternative (and a significant portion of Extra and Unlimited)
My girlfriend is the PRESIDENT
Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu
Swan Song

>> No.3769647

Shikkoku no Sharnoth didn't make it?

>> No.3769660

sorry we're ruining your precious Ixrec cocksucking thread

>> No.3769663

What should I vote for to ensure that MuvLuv or Baldr Sky doesn't win? I feel that these games willl attact the most /a/ and /v/ users.

>> No.3769664

I fucking loved the Kimi ga Nozomu Eien anime.

>> No.3769668


>> No.3769674

Swan Song seems the third biggest contender

>> No.3769677

bitches and whores.

>> No.3769680

France Shoujo, that's what I'm going for. It's 6MB so it'll keep Ixrec busy for a while.

>> No.3769686

More like 11eyes will.

>> No.3769690

Fuck yeah Baldr Sky

>> No.3769695

There's some faggot viral marketing this shit like crazy in the ammy forums. Makes me really not want to vote for it, despite the quality.

>> No.3769708

Vote for it faggot.

>> No.3769712


>> No.3769714

Oh yeah, that guy. It's kind of funny and sad at the same time, esp. now that the even the staff started to troll him for it.

>> No.3769718

Not going to vote anyway. I would just probably vote for first thing i saw, but i don't know entire poll, so those who do should decide.

>> No.3769720

Link to ammy forums please.
I need a laugh.

>> No.3769727

If he was telling people not to jump off a 20-story building, would you jump just to spite him? Ba~ka. Just vote what you want to win.

>> No.3769734

Yes. Yes, I would. This is the only path I know now, thanks for 4chan ;_;.

>> No.3769748

Here's his rallying thread, though pretty much everyone of his posts is about vote for KGNE or else!

>> No.3769754

>That, and it's fun to see people whine about and/or troll people who do this.

Seriously, Ixrec is a seasoned troll.
I won't be surprised if he pull another troll on all of us after this poll.

>> No.3769809

Found this great Christmas site and want to share it with you... has recipes, videos of christmas houses and lights, cooking how to videos for the holidays and a great selection of Christmas decorations and gifts for everyone.

The website is <a href=>"http://www.christmas2you.com"</a>

Again that address is www.christmas2you.com

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did... got most of my shopping knocked out in one night this year.

>> No.3769867

Anything but Swan Song and I'll be happy. Sadly I bet it will be the thing winning because it is REAL DEAL marketed and we all know how easily influenced we are.

>> No.3769919

Why do you say this? I'm only a fair chunk into Act 1, but Swan Song has been consistently awesome. The humorous sections are remarkably well done, and they don't detract from the very serious sections at all. This VN is surprisingly right up my alley.

Admittedly the autistic girl is a bit annoying, but I deal with it.

>> No.3769931
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>> No.3769950 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3770024


>> No.3770031
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>> No.3770035

That is actually rather awesome.

>> No.3770040

What are we voting for again? I reaaly don't care since Ayakashibito and Extravaganza didn't make it. ;_;

>> No.3770047

We are voting for everything on the list except My girlfriend is the PRESIDENT and Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu because we are not a hivemind.

Personally, I'm going with either eden* or France Shoujo. I haven't decided yet. Though I'm leaning toward France Shoujo.

>> No.3770050

>Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu
Why not this one?

>> No.3770053

Which one is France Shoujo?

>> No.3770055

Because no one has heard of it. Duh.

>> No.3770056


We're voting for Swan Song.

>> No.3770057

This >>3770031 >>3769931

>> No.3770059

I'm betting on nnl translating eden after ef, which they're almost finished with.

>> No.3770062

The one with the cute loli and 40+ different suicide-inducing-ly depressing BAD ENDs.

>> No.3770066

Yeah but that is not the name of the game for any of the lists. That is the character but not the name.

>> No.3770067
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How could've you not heard of RuiTomo?!

>> No.3770072

Have you not visited their homepage recently? NNL is practically begging Amaterasu to take eden* off their plate.

>> No.3770075


>40+ different suicide-inducing-ly depressing BAD ENDs.

Really? I thought it was just normal moe moe disney type shit. Now I'm intrigued.

>> No.3770077

Their next project supposedly has 50000 blocks of text. Eden has like 9000.

>> No.3770079

Either French Girl or Swan Song works. Now we just have to decide on one.

>> No.3770080

And more h-scenes the rest combined. Fuck your nukige.

>> No.3770084

>New polling thread


>Baldr Sky Dive1 "LostMemory"
>Eden* They Were Only Two, On The Planet

>> No.3770092


>> No.3770093

Have you suddenly turned dumb or what? France Shoujo has fucking T2 art, which means dozens of sankakucomplex users would raid /jp/ if it gets translated.

>> No.3770099

>implying /jp/ isn't already raided by dozens of sankakucomplex users on a weekly basis

>> No.3770101


What's T2 art?

>> No.3770104

Nukige with the longest script of all of the candidates? Right.

>> No.3770105

>off their plate
Exactly. They will probably translate it if it doesn't win. If they had no intentions of translating it they wouldn't be trying to get someone else to do their work for them.

>> No.3770109

I knew it.
Shallow people voting for it just cause it has Tony Taka arts.
If you just wanted the arts why dont you just download the HCG instead?

>> No.3770110
File: 44 KB, 300x300, 1229779133625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, this fool doesn't know what T2 art is!

>> No.3770112


He's famous for being holy fuckawesome.

>> No.3770115
File: 44 KB, 631x466, give_up_and_die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fool he is!

>> No.3770122


So that's a good thing right? It's another reason to vote for France Shoujo, not against it.

>> No.3770129

Right? No one has heard of it even though it is one of the top 2chan eroge?

>> No.3770131

>If you just wanted the arts why dont you just download the HCG instead?
Go ask Sankaku Complex. I am supporting it for the sake of ;_;.

>> No.3770137

For some people, it's the only reason, and that's just stupid.

>> No.3770138

Not when he has lots of retarded fans who will come here in the event it wins.

>> No.3770140


I don't even know who Tony Taka is, but I still want to vote for it.

>> No.3770144

Referring to 2channel as "2chan" is not helping your credibility any.

Also, they voted Sumaga as THE BESTEST EVER OMG despite it being nukige garbage, so lol 2ch.

>> No.3770146

It is stupid, but who cares as long as it gets France Shoujo some more votes.

>> No.3770149

Now stop this fucking french shit already you bunch of moronic retards. The game is shit, second worst on EGS scores of all 50 games that were listed initially. Japan agreed so don't the fuck bother me.

>> No.3770152

France Shoujo and 11eyes seem to be the worst in that list, and fortunately they have no chance.

>> No.3770155

Half of the script is h-scenes, bro.

>> No.3770156


It's a trade off. I can handle a few fanboys in exchange for a translation.

>> No.3770163

Not like it matters.
I am not voting for any high school harem romance bullshit anyway.
I just wanted to say that Rui Tomo is a quite famous eroge and the most low key eroge on the list is probably I/O.

>> No.3770167

Because of this:

>> No.3770169

11eyes has an anime airing so it will get votes from people who are easily distracted by the flavor of the month.

>> No.3770171

>EGS scores (read as: popularity contest)
And American Idol used to be the best show on television, right? Right?

>> No.3770172

You understand that we have like 2 or 3 retards who "voted" the second worst game into the TOP10? Pollriggin will happen again because the real deal crowd is divided into several fractions and then we have the bunch of super retards who will vote anything hipster like the worst game on the 50 initially listed, that president retard romp. xDDDDD putina xDDDDD so kawaii XDDDDD

>> No.3770176

You base your decisions on EGS? Fucking hilarious.

>> No.3770180

Swan Song right?

>> No.3770181

Last time I listened to Japan they said Sola was "best anime of the year". They have shit taste.

>> No.3770183

And it still has a longer non-ero script than much of the rest of the list. Funny how that works.

>> No.3770184

Because people rate TV shows amirite? EGS is closed target group so even then it's something completely different.

>> No.3770186

>blah blah REAL DEAL blah blah

>> No.3770187


Check it out yourself. Enjoy your nukige garbage eroge.
I can see why people will enjoy this I do fap before to T2 doujins.

>> No.3770188


Ok, so we all vote for Swan Song. Problem solved.

>> No.3770191

No adult is that retarded. Reported for underage.

>> No.3770193

sola anime was great piece of art. If you didn't like the anime, it's obvious you must have catched somewhere the bad taste disease.

>> No.3770199

>real deal
>several fractions

Couldn't read past that

>> No.3770204

Real adults understand that if polls weren't rigged, polls wouldn't be held in the first place

>> No.3770211


Not the same guy, but that doesn't even make any sense.

>> No.3770215

This is not politics, child. Ixrec does not gain anything from staging a popularity contest as he is already a dictator and cannot be overthrown. Go ask your mum and dad about it.

>> No.3770224

Tired of generic high school harem shit?
Tired of moe-moe shit?

You can change this.
Vote for REAL DEAL

>> No.3770225

I think he's trying to imply that rigged polls still induce a sense of democracy, despite the outcome.

It's still a stupid comment, however.

>> No.3770227

Different anon, but Sola was boring as hell. Watched the first three episodes in anime club. That time would have been better spent asleep.

>> No.3770231

Nukige = porn without plot
The non-ero script in France Shoujo is roughly 6MB. Sure sounds like no plot.

>> No.3770242


Wait, nobody really thinks Ixrec rigs the polls do they? That's just plain stupid. Although I'm pretty sure the last 2 pols did get rigged by one fag with a botnet.

>> No.3770243

>in anime club
If I was drinking something as I read that, I would have spat it out all over my screen.

>> No.3770245

>baaaaw someone told the truth about my gaem now I have to insult him over teh internet baaaw

By the way, nobody said anything about ixwreck rigging the poll. The appearance of french shit in the list of the last 10 should be proof enough to fucking silence silly trolls like you.

>> No.3770251

Cool story bro. I'll translate it for the rest of us: YOU DID NOT WATCH THE SERIES

>> No.3770259

From VNDB.
>Masashige lives a well-off but vacant life. One day, he receives an invitation letter from Harumichi, his friend. Masashige visits his house with Kasumi, his sister, and Kounosuke, his friend, who are also invited by Harumichi, but what they face there is a sudden death of Harumichi.... Days later, Masashige receives some part of Harumichi's inheritance from Caliban, a butler at Harumichi's house. It is a beautiful girl laying in a basement of Harumichi's house. When Masashige whispers to her, she opens her blue eyes and says, "My master...." The butler tells him, "You can do whatever you want to her...."
>"My master...." The butler tells him, "You can do whatever you want to her...."
>"You can do whatever you want to her...."

This and fapping to the HCG only strengthen the case for me calling it a nukige.
Of course I might be mistaken and there is a actually a very deep plot on how the HERO try to save the HEROINE from becoming a sex slave after countless ero scenes between the hero and heroine and maybe some gangbang with more heroines.

>> No.3770260

...Dude, your balls are tripping.

>> No.3770262

Of course I didn't. If I hated the first three episodes I'd be a moron to watch the rest of it, now wouldn't I?

>> No.3770274

It's actually very much a part of the story, though.

Just because he can do whatever he wants to her doesn't mean it's necessarily a good idea.

Play to the 永遠 bad ending and you'll see exactly why it's not a good idea.

She's a TRAP, and not even in the usual way!

>> No.3770275

You mean you do not force yourself through things you do not like for the sole purpose of complaining afterward?
What life do you live?

>> No.3770276

Sure is nukige, huh?

>> No.3770283

Are you implying people don't die in nukige?

>> No.3770284

Confession right?

>> No.3770288

What is a 'confession right'?

>> No.3770289

Essentially, Shoujo is a tool used as part of a conspiracy; she's the reason Harumichi died, basically, and the same fate awaits the protagonist.

>> No.3770290

>I fapped to the HCG, so it's a nukige.
Well, gee, what a convincing argument. I guess Fate/stay night was really a nukige all along.

>> No.3770296

I watched the whole serious, but liked it about as much as ef - the 1st tale. It was kind of interesting at first, but parts of it just felt too fillerish while other parts felt really rushed (bad pacing throughout). Also, like ef, the heroines started to get on my nerves with their little bitch war, and it really brought out the worst of them. Also, MC was kinda meh guy, only thing I remember about him is his cloud porn collection. All in all not bad I guess, but certainly not what I would rate among the best of the year.

>> No.3770304

You fapped to it?
That's an accomplishment of it's own.

>> No.3770305

>I didn't like ef - a tale of memories
Taste not detected, post discarded.

>> No.3770308

Because F/sn's CG is shit, right?

>> No.3770313

Compare the HCG sets between FSN and France Shoujo.
I am pretty sure you will notice the high amount of ero scenes in France Shoujo.

Well I guess having tony taka arts + high amount of ero CG might be a bonus for a lot of people, sadly it isn't up to my taste.

>> No.3770314
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>> No.3770315

He said first tale, not tale of memories. First tale wasn't all that great.

>> No.3770321

WHile I have seen much worse, I think of Takeuchi's CGs and designs as proper fodder and incentive to download the immense amount of doujins that do the job better.

I only fapped furiously in the akiha scenes, but not because of the CGs.

>> No.3770322

The point is that it's not a nukige unless the only value is in the ero. Because that's plainly not correct (otherwise it wouldn't be as goddamn long and impossible to read as it is) I don't see what you're trying to get at.

>> No.3770325

From the second on I saw the results I knew what game is being played here. Same hipster faggets who pollrigged disney in the last vote are planning on riggin french shit in the upcoming vote and it's so fucking obvious to everybody with a brain and proper understanding.

>> No.3770328

wtf is that furry monster thing??

>> No.3770336

Protip: More people liking different things than you is not rigging.

>> No.3770345 [DELETED] 

Actually now that I think about, I did like the amnesia girl part from the first tale, but the rage I felt for the other story overshadowed it.

The latter tale for me suffered a similar problem - crazy genki bitch + emo gay faggot does not a good couple make, while the other story was somewhat interesting.

Really good art direction in both serious though, and nice musics.

>> No.3770342

He was talking about anime, so I assumed he meant the anime "version."

>> No.3770354

>hipster this, hipster that
Go watch your O'Reilly Factor, grandpa.

>> No.3770363

The catgirl in the OP? That's Ati, from Inganock.

>> No.3770366

Go see a doctor, bad taste disease can become chronic if not handled appropriately.

>> No.3770373


So, we should all unite and vote for Swan Song right? According to vndb, France Shoujo is over 50 hours long, so it'll take Ixrec forever if it wins.

>> No.3770375

when is the poll?

i'm tired of all the trolling and butthurt

>> No.3770376


Yeah I'm talking about the anime version. Not sure if I'll bother with the VN, since it's supposedly pretty linear and I really hate Wind with a passion.


Actually now that I think about, I did like the amnesia girl part from the first tale, but the rage I felt for the other story overshadowed it.

The latter tale for me suffered a similar problem - crazy genki bitch + emo gay faggot does not a good couple make, while the other story was somewhat interesting.

Pretty nice art direction from SHAFT in both series though, and really nice musics (I loved the Chihiro ED song).

>> No.3770387

You mean just like more people liked disney than BALDR and SS in the last poll amirite?
Your pollriggin plans have been exposed and should the game win in the end /jp/ now knows why it did happe.

>> No.3770388

>Yeah I'm talking about the anime version.
See? He was talking about ef - a tale of memories. Taste, discarded, etc.

>> No.3770395

Go get high with your friends or some shit, kid.

>> No.3770398

Because we liked T2 art too much?
Sorry, but two of the storylines are just stupid drama and characterization.

>> No.3770408

> voting for readan games because of the art
> buying books because of the cover

>> No.3770409

>the storylines are just stupid drama and characterization
We're talking about ef - a tale of memories, not Sharin no Kuni. Focus, anon.

>> No.3770416

Nigacock won because of Neko proxy friends voting.
He got like 10+ of his friends that don't play VN at all to vote for nigacock.

I wish I have friends.

>> No.3770417

You should give the eroge a chance. The "bitch war" you complained about isn't nearly as prominent as it is in the anime, and Shaft added a lot of other shitty drama that wasn't in the game. Also it's from a different writer than Wind, which I hated too.

>> No.3770421

And there it is. I was wondering when the Sharin troll would work his way into yet another VN thread.

>> No.3770422
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>>According to vndb, France Shoujo is over 50 hours long, so it'll take Ixrec forever if it wins.

We know. That's the plan.

Honestly, Ixrec would probably like French Girl. I think it has "PSYCHO-SEXUAL" h-scenes like Moon.

>> No.3770424

>voting for video games because of the gameplay
>watching movies because of the executive producer
See? I can list two unrelated things, too!

>> No.3770430

<Ixrec> ok now to decide on a final poll date
<Ixrec> Monday-Tuesday, 23rd-24th sound good to everyone?

>> No.3770434

If it really IS shit, Ixrec won't translate it. What's the big deal?

I wouldn't really mind that. If a VN takes twice as long to translate as some other VN, it will also keep me busy for twice as long. I don't see the problem.

>> No.3770438

Holy le Gasp, people voted?
And we managed to confirm with psychic powers they did not care?
Le travesty.

>> No.3770444

So soon? Really?

>> No.3770455


>> No.3770456

See how corrupted /jp/ had become. In the past if we had gotten the chance of a ML translation, nobody would let such an opportunity pass on. Now we are in the third iteration of pollriggin, hipster herpderp and obsessive manchild bandwaggon marketing of selfish interests. In the end nothing of value we got and the second gigantic fail is about to be summoned.

>> No.3770464


What? Didn't it say it would be a month in his blog?

>> No.3770466

If something is shit, normally you would wish for it to end as soon as possibie.

>> No.3770469

Question. Are there any translated games with T2 artwork?

>> No.3770470

Yeah man, who cares about shit like Cross Channel.
We miss out on FUCKING ART, man.
Those philistines.
How dare they chose what they like from a selection.

>> No.3770471

>gigantic fail
Leaving out the word "epic" won't fool us. Go back to /b/.

>> No.3770472 [DELETED] 

OP here. I just found a far superior board without morons so I'm leaving Retardchan forever now:



>> No.3770473

Go back to /b/.

>> No.3770478

He changed his mind.
[00:45:40] <Ixrec|SnI> it does occur to me that we don't *have* to wait for an Inganock release to have the final poll
[00:45:59] <Ixrec|SnI> before I figured I'd get Inganock out of the way first
[00:46:20] <Ixrec|SnI> but clearly I underestimated what a huge task it was to reedit an entire game
[00:46:29] <Ixrec|SnI> and vastly underestimated the insanity of the poll

>> No.3770479


Ixrec said he'll play the game before beginning translation. If it falls below his standard of 8/10, he won't translate. It's the reason GSS wasn't included in this poll.

>> No.3770481

Time has changed bro.

Nowadays people prefer stuff that has
-nice ARTS, I <3 T2
-moe moe girls
-high school harem romance
-high ero scenes count
-action sword fighting and magic fighting

Isn't it sad?

>> No.3770485

You forgot
-Shitty mecha action

>> No.3770488
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>> No.3770489


>> No.3770491

It always was like that. Why do you think Type-Moon was popular?

>> No.3770499 [DELETED] 

OP here. I just found a far superior board without morons so I'm leaving Retardchan forever now:



>> No.3770498


>> No.3770501

okay i have been away from visual novels for about half a year. What is disney referring to?

>> No.3770504

Ignore it and it will go away.

>> No.3770506

Artsy stuff like Liar-Soft, I guess.

>> No.3770507

Things you do not like.

>> No.3770516 [DELETED] 

> Old. I already read this on the far superior bunbunmaru.com last night.
I came buckets.

>> No.3770510


According to /jp/, Extravaganza is disney. Go read up on it.

>> No.3770513

Talking animal like OP picture.

>> No.3770515

Not the case here as the hipsters want to rig another poll for yet another obscure gaem not many liked in Japan.
>herp my jabanees friends told me it's so sugoi derp

>> No.3770518

God, this is what happens when /jp/ gets spoiled. We need to go back to when more than one translation/year was something to celebrate about.

>> No.3770519

I do not see an animal.

>> No.3770520

Furry mickey mouse shit like the OP.

>> No.3770521



>> No.3770529

Disney, adj.: The defining quality of any VN I don't like.

Nukige, n.:Any eroge I don't like.

/m/, n.: The cancer killing /jp/.

>> No.3770533

That's never going to happen.

Eroges are mainstream now.

>> No.3770534

Some random shitty nukiges I think. This is probably his first work in an eroge that actually has some claim to artistic merit.

>> No.3770544

>Eroges are mainstream now.
I just cried a single tear.

>> No.3770545


Shining Tears is translated.

>> No.3770548

>artistic merit
Choose one.

>> No.3770560 [DELETED] 

> Old. I already read this on the far superior bunbunmaru.com last night.

>> No.3770556

Okay thanks for explaining disney. I was away so long because I couldn't find anything interesting after finishing fate/stay night. Is there anything out now that i would like?

>> No.3770558

No ixwreck should stop making silly polls, all he has accomplised doing so is to provide the faction of the silly obsessive weeaboo hipster to rig the polls to their liking for the latest herp obscure arsty-fartsy derp. C+C had at least pretty good scores, even though being highly overrated. Disney was a disaster and now this fucking shit. VOTE FOR REAL DEAL, WE NEED REAL DEAL GAEMS, not some obscure bore romps.

>> No.3770559

I'm being very generous with that term, but stuff like CC can be said to fall into this category.

>> No.3770562
File: 87 KB, 687x600, trollstrolling3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the thread has become.

>> No.3770563

Sharin no Kuni.

>> No.3770566

Not really, no.

>> No.3770570

Pearls before fucking swines.

>> No.3770572
File: 129 KB, 400x1009, not_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard it here first, folks! If it shows any hint of sexuality, it's trash!

>> No.3770574
File: 39 KB, 469x428, Trollface_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3770576


>> No.3770578

I am not too sure what is going on.

People are putting artwork infront of actual story and plot now?

I gladly play Yu No that has shitty arts compare to these lists.

>> No.3770585

Tasteful sexuality/erotica != Porn games

>> No.3770587

No, people are putting mecha and EGS scores in front of everything. If it doesn't have mecha and a high EGS score, it's shit.

>> No.3770589


>> No.3770592


I meant Ero games. But I'm pretty sure there's none.

>> No.3770593

Weekend /jp/ etc.
Or so I hope as the support for this hasn't been nearly as strong (nor idiotic) during the week.

>> No.3770594

In other words, it's only okay to stick your pOnOs in her vagOOO if you were created thousands of years ago. Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.3770597

Did you even try the partial patch? I was disappointed when Inganock won too, but somewhat pleasantly surprised when I gave it read through. It wasn't amazing, but it was good.

>> No.3770600

I have a question about France Shoujo.

people who were expecting something like a nukige were disappointed and rated it low on EGS
people who weren't expecting a nukige liked the story and characters and rated it high
result is still a decent ~70 average

Is this the case or did I get something wrong? I don't know Japanese so I gathered this stuff from the highly varying vote stats on EGS (and vote comments with google translate), old poll threads etc.

I wonder if it actually would have a higher score (but probably less votes and lower top votes) if it didn't have Tony's art.

Personally I don't care about scores but there seem to be an awful lot of people who do and who will reply to this with "so 70 is actually better than 96?" or such.

>> No.3770601

although i'm voting for swan song because its awesome this real deal shit is plain retarded ( I used a vote for Reika's and I would love to see it in the finals just to troll real deal fags). also it would be awesome if someone post a swan song advertisement on the forums ( http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/forums/index.php?topic=83.135)) for there is a lot of games getting massive review links and advertisement in there.

>> No.3770603

You got that backwards. You're only allowed to fuck her if SHE was born thousands of years ago.

>> No.3770606

>Did you even try [it]?
What are you, high? Of course not!

>> No.3770607

What's all this talk about hipsters now? Do we have hipsters here? Or is that just what you call anyone with a different opinion than yours?

>> No.3770608

Furry elements override any other factors, for most I assume.

>> No.3770614

> not even one mecha games has been translated so far
> implying EGS score aka japanese veteran eroge readers rating japanase games on a japanese platform are a bad measurement for quality

>> No.3770615

Good eroge translated since HF patch: Saya no Uta, Suika, Family Project, Cross Channel, Sharin no Kuni. I'm not sure which will suit your taste. None are like F/SN.

>> No.3770620

ITT: Nobody knows what they want.

>> No.3770628

Oh cool. Bookmarked it, thanks!

Also to the poster who said Yu-No has bad art. The art is good but it's just an older style. I like it.

>> No.3770633

>Is this the case?
You seem to have done some research to come to that conclusion, so I'd have to take your word for it over this "HURR HURR SHITSUX DURR" faggot.

>> No.3770635
File: 180 KB, 1024x640, eden2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody here likes Eden? This stuff is as "real deal" as you can get.



>> No.3770636

I'd like to add KiraKira.

>> No.3770639

What were the EGS scores for Umineko again? Or Aoishiro?
Yeah, that's what I thought. EGS audience doesn't always map to western audience.

>> No.3770648
File: 153 KB, 702x475, obvious_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suika, KazoKei, Sharin no Kuni

>> No.3770649

Good for you but not for people who can't stand furries and anykind of talking animals. Not to mentian the questionable art, and to tell you the truth, personally I feel trolled if not directly offended by it

>> No.3770650

That's not the impression I got from the egs comments.

>> No.3770656
File: 92 KB, 1024x640, eden6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's by Minori (creators of ef), the main heroine is a hundred year-old loli, and the art is FUCKING GORGEOUS!

>> No.3770659

Regarding Yu-No, how major is the LOOK CHECK TALK MOVE part?
Is it enough to rape my hand?

>> No.3770664

Don't vote for it, let them trolls from nnl pickin.

>> No.3770671

/b/ called. They want you back.

It's only in the prologue and epilogue.

>> No.3770673
File: 132 KB, 1024x640, eden14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's even in widescreen! I can't believe how much this amazing VN is ignored.

>> No.3770675

Your picture describes your own post quite accurately.

>> No.3770678

I like the art, but it looks like one of those single route, single character games which I'm not so fond of.

>> No.3770683

Personally didn't like it very much but I guess a lot of other people did.

Well in Aoishiro's case there were only a handful of votes, so it's not exactly a representative sample.

>> No.3770684

>It's only in the prologue and epilogue.
That's good to know.
I couldn't finish EVE because it was quite painful.

>> No.3770686

eden* did atmosphere/art/music very well, but not much else in my opinion. Still worth the read but it's not something I'd choose if I was to pick one out of hundreds.

>> No.3770688

Leave this thread, as the time for infantile is over.

>> No.3770689


I'll look into it. Thanks!

>> No.3770691

>hundred year-old lol
oh great, not this trope again

>> No.3770694

France Shoujo EGS page.

Ok from what I have read so far.
-Beautiful CGs
-Impossible to complete game without walkthrough
-Large number of end
-Very difficult for 100% clear

People are giving high score for this game for the wrong reason sadly.

>> No.3770702

You know Japan is too chickenshit to have actual children.

>> No.3770703
File: 18 KB, 311x284, Suzu_u_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swan Song, because I want an actually good story.

>> No.3770705

Suprise Suprise.
And stil the game failed at EGS .... if you know what that means

>> No.3770708

Only the prologue and the epilogue is look/talk/move. About 70% of the game is with point and click interface (kinda like Policenauts for example just to name one).

>> No.3770710

Not exactly Tony Taka XD

>A Tony氏ですから
>2009年08月27日21時24分26秒 DKon [ネタバレ投票/投票]

In before accusation of slander and misquotation.

>> No.3770711

You're almost as bad as that Index one a while back.

>> No.3770721

Get back to translating ef, GipFace

>> No.3770723
File: 167 KB, 1250x1425, 1237135454846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or maybe the reason you think is right doesn't exist.

>> No.3770725

>About 70% of the game is with point and click interface
As I've not yet gotten around to reading Policenauts, could you elaborate.

>> No.3770731


See NNL's criteria for a good VN.

>> No.3770732

Seemed like everyone mentioning Tony gave it a rather low score, but I can't read Japanes so yeah.

>> No.3770743

This thread only makes me want to vote for France Shoujo even more.

>> No.3770750

No, it exists. The right reason for giving a game a good score is REAL DEAL.

>> No.3770752

People gave high score to the games because of Tony Arts.

>80点 tony絵はいいとして、もっとましなエンディングはなかったの 後味は最悪
>85点 クォリティは高いが、非常に人を選ぶ作品

Here are some example of low scores comments.
>59点 不必要にルートが多い。Hシーンも似たようなシチュエーションが多数
>30点 (GiveUp) 似たような文章を延々読まされる。飽きない方が不思議。

Seem like people rate the game lowly because of the repetitiveness of the game.

>> No.3770754

Oh great, now I bet he's blacklisted from working on any eroge even remotely high-profile erogame again.

>> No.3770764


Swan Song right?

>> No.3770766

Then /jp/ doesn't deserve having MuvLuv.

>> No.3770767

Stop cherry-picking, anon. No one's going to fall for that.

>> No.3770771

What happened to all the I/O fags? Anyone going to vote for that or RuiTomo?

>> No.3770775

They're simply smart enough to avoid shit storms like these.

>> No.3770776


Read it for yourself.
Or do you think EGS faggots are not trustworthy at all and you rather believe some faggot from ammy forum?

>> No.3770781

They're all out for the weekend. I am only here because... well, fuck, why am I here? God damn it, /jp/.

>> No.3770782

You hover over the face of the person and it'd talks, you hover to location X and it moves there, you hover over some item and it'd inspect it. Quite easy. It's kinda essential to have it that way due to the jewel map system it employs (which is one of the main focuses of the story).
Of course, let's not forget t's an adventure game eroge, not a VN though, and it's at lot longer than Eve.

>> No.3770785

I'm torn between voting for RuiTomo and Baldr Sky (yeah, I know).

Voting for RuiTomo would be supporting the moe VNs that I usually support, but I'm very unsure about the fanbase and whether it is strong enough to even get close to winning.

On the other hand, while it's not my favorite type of game, Baldr Sky has quite a high chance of winning, and voting for it would reduce the chance of MuvLuv winning. And I don't want to play a VN that requires previous experience of playing a bad/mediocre prequel, which is what MuvLuv Alternative is.

>> No.3770789
File: 14 KB, 317x367, baww reverse4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3770792

What happened to voting for France Shoujo, Sir Romance?! You... you... DOUBLE FLIP-FLOPPER

>> No.3770797


>voting for RuiTomo

Don't throw your vote away.

>> No.3770801

I can feel my hand beginning to ache already.

>> No.3770806

I'm reading it. The people who mention Tony say "OMG HIS ART IS SO SUGOI BUT THE GAME GETS A 40 FROM ME LOL" The people who don't tend to rate it 80-90.

>> No.3770815

>bad/mediocre prequel
Extra and Unlimited are neither bad nor mediocre. They might not be great, but they're still quite good. Assuming one doesn't hate the genre they fit into.

>> No.3770820

I wouldn't mind it winning, but apparently it isn't that good on EGS, while RuiTomo (and Baldr Sky) is really high on the same list.

>Don't throw your vote away.

That's what I'm afraid of doing. I just might vote for Baldr Sky instead because I DO NOT want MuvLuv to win.

>> No.3770821

>the genre they fit into
moemoe high school harem?

>> No.3770824

Hey you. Yeah you. Fuck you.

>> No.3770828

Everyone vote for something different, so that I can use my botnet to get my pick.

>> No.3770834

Bad might be overstating it, but mediocre is spot on. Ixrec/TakaJ agreed, don't bother them about it.

>> No.3770835

>I base my vote on EGS
Die, please.

>> No.3770842

More like comedy for Extra.

>> No.3770843


I suggest Baldr Sky. I voted for Ruitomo over Baldr Sky last time and even got a couple friends to vote for it, but then Inganock won by 3 votes.;_;

>> No.3770850

Frankly, if you absolutely can't stand adventure games at all, then I would recommend against playing it.

>> No.3770856

But neither of them have very good taste so yeah.

>> No.3770861

I enjoy them quite a bit, it's just after nearly breaking my hand, it's becomes quite uncomfortable.

>> No.3770864

That's what I'm gathering as well... with my abysmal skills in nihongo.

Ignore the EGS scores. No vote is wasted. Voting something just because it has a higher chance to win than the VN you'd actually like to see translated is stupid.

>> No.3770881

voting for swan song for the great story/art.

>> No.3770882
File: 104 KB, 356x488, Rui_wa_Tomo_o_Yobu_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ignore the EGS scores. No vote is wasted. Voting something just because it has a higher chance to win than the VN you'd actually like to see translated is stupid.

Actually, now that I have found out a little about RuiTomo, I think I'd prefer it over France Shoujo.

I deleted a post earlier saying I'd vote for Baldr Sky. Reason was, I don't really care about this poll anymore now that Hoshizora isn't in it. Even if MuvLuv wins (god forbid), I'll just learn Japanese so I can play whatever I want.

So, whether it can win or not, I'll vote for that one VN in the list I want to play the most: Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu. My opinion won't sway anymore.

>> No.3770891

has the limit been reached yet?

>> No.3770896

>262 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Oh wow, these threads sure get full fast.

>> No.3770957

