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File: 3.85 MB, 1496x2287, yuukaupdate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37654585 No.37654585 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>37525220


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>> No.37654737

Yuuka-tan will be mine~

>> No.37654747
File: 202 KB, 500x281, yuuka advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone will roll for Yuuka.

>> No.37654865
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>> No.37654876
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>> No.37654886

she can yell at my dick all she wants, it will only make it harder

>> No.37654909
File: 583 KB, 567x800, 1622952953455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am rolling for the laziest, prettiest cheerleader and no one can stop me

>> No.37654927

She looks like her favorite pastime is stomping on people's penises...

>> No.37654959

There's a reason why the Japs call her "ドS" or "USC". they stand for "Dreadnought-class Sadist" and "Ultimate Sadistic Creature".

>> No.37655190
File: 192 KB, 644x774, yuuka stench of her feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real reason why everyone fears Yuuka.

>> No.37656133
File: 1.39 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2021-12-08-20-58-20-103_jp.goodsmile.touhoulostwordglobal_android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought i ever catch up in the tower climbing.

>> No.37656142

Same, I finally caught up this time. I was floors behind since most of the times the Tower came back I just wasn't feeling like pouring hours into this game.

>> No.37656161

Yeah. I mostly let it auto it, but i noticed a few stages has enemies that heal every few turns.

>> No.37656358
File: 1.19 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20211209-093629[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those tile subs might have been cool if they were just universal for all tiles but even the subs are divided by tile type. It also costs the same amount of subs as it would tiles to upgrade stuff. Unless they hand out this stuff in huge quantities, it will be mostly useless. I can't even upgrade one card with the subs from the event lottery.

>> No.37656382

>but even the subs are divided by tile type
Wait what? I thought it was dumb before but could maybe help you compensate for a tile you don't grind as often. What a pointless addition.
Maybe this is a hint that tiles will be more important in the future for things besides story cards and the occasional character upgrade? Really can't think of another reason.

>> No.37656385

What's even the point of them, outside of not paying coins to upgrade your cards?

>> No.37659039
File: 968 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2021-12-09-14-27-06-653_jp.goodsmile.touhoulostwordglobal_android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. There is even more to this? So how will we get these?

>> No.37659057

If she's so scary then why does it look like she's wearing a cheerleader's outfit?

>> No.37659281

She is cheering your death

>> No.37659885
File: 162 KB, 984x250, forever summons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the Forever Summons are closing in on its End, what Unit were you hoping for?
What unit did you pick?
Is it a new one?
Or just a dupe?
Did you get units multiple times?
How many days did you have left when you took her in?

Also, what level are you?

>> No.37659917

>hoping for
Tewi > Murasa > Yukari, Rumia
Rumia. She was the first, third and last one i got. with 3 days on the clock, i didnt want to take risks
Alice 4x. Marisa/Joon 3x, Reimu and Satori 2x, rest only once like fairys, chen and shit like that. the only other "new" unit was Satori, but...nah.

>> No.37659930

ah, level 150.

>> No.37659978

>Since the Forever Summons are closing in on its End, what Unit were you hoping for?
Yukari, Shion, Okuu
>What unit did you pick?
>Is it a new one? Or just a dupe?
New friend.
>Did you get units multiple times?
No, my answer to the next question should be a decent explanation.
>How many days did you have left when you took her in?
Took her in on day 3, so I still had most of the roll period left but didn't want to risk rolling Cirno 9 times.
>Also, what level are you?

>> No.37660004

Isn't there one more day of forever prayer ? If it's over, then I'm stuck with a Nemuno. Well at least she's new...

>> No.37660112

people usually dont wait for the last day, only when luck really fucked you in the ass HARD

>> No.37660437

>Since the Forever Summons are closing in on its End, what Unit were you hoping for?
Okuu but I luck shitted her with a ritual later
>What unit did you pick?
>Is it a new one
>Did you get units multiple times?
>How many days did you have left when you took her in?
Only a few days in, I thought I wouldn't get anybody better
>Also, what level are you?

>> No.37660467

Kasen Ibaraki
New to me.
I think i got a few of them 3 times, alice came out twice in a row.
Picked her yesterday as i didn't dare to try my luck again. i should have accepted Ibuki instead but it's done now.
Lvl is 127

>> No.37660696

I was hoping for koakuma or murasa ended up picking satori which I needed a dupe for to save on dolls
I got her 2 weeks ago I didn't want to risk getting something more useless
Lvl 130

>> No.37660871

What is a good story card setup for Yuuka?

>> No.37660913

Overwhelming Firepower everywhere, obviously

>> No.37661587
File: 107 KB, 724x1024, ZGIlslCq7uThyYskHC0ICgcYfFSVs4ojzzX8i7QaWno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37661848

My plan was to take the first FES unit that showed up that I was missing. I got my top pick from my missing FES units (Eirin) on day 3. I skipped Doremy who I already had at MLB and Rei'sen because she's not a favorite, in the general pool and not meta. Lv152.

>> No.37661855
File: 221 KB, 800x709, tumblr_m6nxpauHoe1qhqy46o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 Hours 3 Minutes until the Flower Dork is available! Cant Wait! Im gonna spark her in the first 10 minutes!

>> No.37662216

Is this a joke or are you serious?

>> No.37662269

Since the Forever Summons are closing in on its End, what Unit were you hoping for?
Kanako. Byakuren, Jo'on, Yorihime I would have accepted as well but I was willing to gamble until the last week where I'd just pick whoever I got first.
What unit did you pick?
Is it a new one?
Did you get units multiple times?
Plenty of them showed up twice, Byakuren showed up three times.
How many days did you have left when you took her in?
Five days left. I'm glad everything worked out.
Also, what level are you?
84, I only started somewhat recently.

>> No.37662333
File: 851 KB, 850x850, 1639061449555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Yuuka

>> No.37662620
File: 141 KB, 540x405, 91ef9gv3e8e43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I have all my favorites (that are already in the game, at least) I was looking for an easy S tier friend. Got Toyohime first roll and immediately nabbed her, since I just know my luck would roll Sunnys and Nitoris if I passed.

>> No.37663164

Who wants this? It already takes like 20 days to max out a hu with those

>> No.37663276

I gave up and settled with Murasa since Koishi refused to show up

>> No.37663593
File: 1.56 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20211209-204113[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuka ironically can't use the card that features herself since day 1 because all of her attacks are either yang-heavy or yang only types of damage. This mess of cards is already enough to 100% beat the dork card stage in regular full auto. I never felt the need to change this to something more optimized because it already works.

>> No.37663745
File: 58 KB, 1135x284, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even tho I skipped one day

>> No.37664020 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is THIS?

>> No.37664152

Keep it up Anon. You'll get there someday.

>> No.37664406

>dork card stage

you mean the one with cirno and lilly white on the last wave?

>> No.37664865

>what Unit were you hoping for?
Okuu or one of the Moon Wakatsukis
>What unit did you pick?
>Did you get units multiple times?
No dupes
>How many days did you have left when you took her in?
I think I got her less than a week in. Thought I'd cut it while the going was good.

>> No.37664894

Just feed your friends to the tower one by one.

>> No.37665053

Murasa, Eirin, yes, yes, 7 or so
Also got a weird glitch when I got Keine twice in a row. The summoning animation was completely skipped and Keine got replaced by Reimu in Japanese. I was worried it forced me into selecting Keine somehow.

Why would you kill your friends for two (2) gold books?

>> No.37665124
File: 203 KB, 600x600, 0eb1b2dfd5d5f10548d14cd47edd02b8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanted and needed Kaguya but had to settle for Eirin.
I rolled every day right up until last night then cut my losses.

>> No.37665210
File: 1.53 MB, 1334x750, CDC3BB6C-B84D-4616-BC87-3BE708110F6E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, uh, is she worth? I’m going for Yuuka for sure, but Marisa and Yuuka both may screw me if something hot comes after.
Got my favorites so that’s not a concern, I’m mainly looking to make the grind easier (both farming cards and tower etc). But I don’t know which units are to come so not sure how to weigh Marisa.

Oh, and I’ve got enough divine dolls for 1 sfes. Any takes on who it should be? None of my faves have gotten the sfes treatment so looking to tierwhore. Thenks

>> No.37665229

Pirate yorihime is THE strongest unit in the game. Sfes her.

>> No.37665259
File: 10 KB, 245x205, 1ba08ce93887a236c04bbb5cea20afafe0ef3ad65810217ecc930d72ac317723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what Unit were you hoping for?
Any festival unit who I didn't already have. Didn't care who, just so long as she was new.
>What unit did you pick?
>Did you get units multiple times?
>How many days did you have left when you took her in?
I got her really early so I don't recall. Although I did consider rerolling her in the hopes of getting a better fes unit, like her povo sister
>Also, what level are you?
153. I was one of the people affected by that level-cap problem.

According to the google doc tierlist, EoSD Marisa is apparently comparable to Enchanter Marisa and other sfes units, despite "only" being festival.

>> No.37665475
File: 3.57 MB, 1855x1043, lastdayeasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was only interested in either Byakuren or Yorihime
Pic related today's roll, hyahhaaaaaaah!!!
Bonus satisfaction : had the pleasure of burning each Satori sisters (new) when koishischizo had to spark both of them

>> No.37665481

I think maintenance tonight?

>> No.37665517

DDC characters onegai

>> No.37665533

Was hoping I could grab Toyohime for her sister, but I got Suwako on the last day. At least she is cute.

>> No.37665546

Never noticed she's suffering the same wedgie as Patchy.

>> No.37665560

Maintenance is definitely tonight.
You've all got roughly an hour to throw your units into errands.

>> No.37665588

Are we ever going to get more free divine dolls or is it cash and fortune dust from now on?

>> No.37665603

She's good. Supports auto crit attackers. Has youkai killer bullets on all her spellcards. Self-sufficient on giving herself +1p to start her elemental breaks on turn 1. Works in every content.
If you are struggling in arena or tower, she's useful. If not, you don't need to pull.
I'd pair her up with Hecatia so I don't need to use my brain in arena.

>> No.37666392

Tower should have one every 25th floor. Other than that, only Phantasma knows.

>> No.37666566
File: 178 KB, 1107x1034, 6D73A664-89BF-4623-8439-6A72E0A617C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’m ready for the cock stomper youkai

>> No.37666853
File: 1.67 MB, 1334x750, 57A72233-245C-445D-A033-119F4F319A3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I went ahead and gunned for her. Got 2 copies at 149 rolls lmao. I swear the gacha in this game is either giga fuck or generous with little in between

>> No.37666863

Classic Yuuka!

>> No.37666871
File: 345 KB, 1814x1772, 1f80e976aa5ef94c1c0bff9f225774df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally all I've been waiting for since launch.
Rebirth when though.

>> No.37666998

At least it has spark mechanic, instead of "oh 500 rolls and still nothing? Just keep rolling, lmao" attitude.
You made good choice, its a solid unit for gameplay while her sprites and art are top notch too to boot, no real reason to skip her.

>> No.37667538
File: 20 KB, 800x473, red yuuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reject Green Yuuka, embrace Red Yuuka.

>> No.37667559
File: 1.16 MB, 926x1400, 38047857_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you meant
>Reject Sadist Yuuka, embrace Masochist Yuuka

>> No.37667598

I will roll them both and order them to have sex with each other

>> No.37667942
File: 764 KB, 1400x3056, 1630936814956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this drum

>> No.37668044

I like the winter home screen.

>> No.37668073

Post it.

>> No.37668088
File: 138 KB, 680x951, 1625295864507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37668104

I wanna bang her drums if you get what I mean.

>> No.37668113
File: 1.35 MB, 1334x649, 56490352-73AF-4DB2-9F92-97C10EEF7102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but

>> No.37668119
File: 1.87 MB, 2220x1080, destitute miko buried in snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37668180

Comfy. Is there a list of all errands somewhere?

>> No.37668196

Wasn't autofarm going come out today?

>> No.37668407

Do you really mean "errands"? That's not really something worth listing out.

>> No.37668535

750 cubes for yuuka but also luna child (new) koakuma (new) nuclear bird (new). this is a win for me

>> No.37668718

go on

>> No.37668735

I hope Kokoro isn't the next banner, cause I really don't have enough cubes for her and Yuuka

>> No.37668752

Yeah don't worry anon, she's not in this event and doesn't have a costume so you should be fine

>> No.37668760

Isn’t she general pool?

>> No.37668790

she´s not even out yet, retard

>> No.37668833

Isn't the next banner a (solo) Shion rerun?

>she's not in this event
Yes she is. She's right there alongside Hina, Komachi, Yuuka, and Shion.

She's out in JP, as a general pool character. Don't be mean when you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.37668845

but we arent talking about JP, smartass.

>her and Yuuka
THIS event. THIS one. in GLOBAL right now.

>> No.37668847
File: 162 KB, 850x943, 1513125189874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't the next banner a (solo) Shion rerun?
Thank god I can save for my daughter

>> No.37668876
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20211210-045717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On only my eleventh roll

Finally, I have them all

>> No.37668878

Kokoro is general pool, yes.

>Yes she is
No she isn't.

>> No.37668938

Sorry, I took your comment to mean:
>she's not even out yet, [so how can we know whether she'll be general or festival at this stage?]
when it seems you actually meant:
>she's not even out yet, [so she's not in Global's general pool.]
Or perhaps you didn't know that all general/festival/superfes characters in Global are the same "rarity" in JP?

To be clear: She's not out in Global, *yet*. However, when she does end up finally being released to Global, she'll be a general pool character just as she currently is in JP.

>> No.37668993

>To be clear: She's not out in Global, *yet*. However, when she does end up finally being released to Global, she'll be a general pool character just as she currently is in JP.

exactly. Thats what i meant. She´s not out yet "in global" being in general, festival or Ufestival has nothing to do with that. as if they´d change anything of that

>> No.37669389
File: 15 KB, 1290x46, 958th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently everyone will get the 600 cubes, so it's time to get some cute costumes

>> No.37669403
File: 794 KB, 1560x720, Screenshot_20211210-063007_Touhou LostWord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sad that they built a stadium for the olympics and covid made it end up in Gensokyo.

>> No.37669414

There's not 150k players in global wwwww

>> No.37669432

That's for sure. I would be surprised if there were something like 50k

>> No.37669454

The twitter account has 56.2k followers
The youtube account has 33.2k subscribers
That could very well be the case

>> No.37669815
File: 601 KB, 1560x720, Screenshot_20211210-074911_Touhou LostWord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really gave up trying to come up with events, didn't they.
And isn't it too early to be welcoming spring? I get they wouldn't have christmas in gensokyo but this is just silly. Plus is Hina even out in global yet?

>> No.37669967 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.91 MB, 1236x874, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And isn't it too early to be welcoming spring?
Lily paid a bribe.

>I get they wouldn't have christmas in gensokyo but this is just silly.
Mystia is responsible for suppressing knowledge of Christmas in Gensokyo, for *certain* reasons.


>> No.37669977

The event is about spring is gone, summer is coming, phantasma needed something to fill the gap between the rerun and the christmas event, so let's release the summer event to make southern hemisphere people happy

>> No.37670209

I know very little about Yuuka.
Some people say she's kind of a sadist type of character while others say that portrayal is inaccurate and is either a nice person or extremely genocidal
Which is actually correct?

>> No.37670274
File: 504 KB, 600x800, Yuuka is disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just quote the wiki:
>Yuuka is a troublesome and playful youkai. She holds strength in high regard and likes to look down on and toy with those weaker than her. She's sharp-witted and thoroughly enjoys rubbing people the wrong way through various methods, ranging from simply joking around with her opponent[1] to (falsely) claiming credit for causing an incident[2]. Her Perfect Memento in Strict Sense article states her threat level as "very high" and her human friendship level as the "worst". However, she also tends to visit the Human Village and comes off as fairly polite, in addition to often appearing at the Hakurei Shrine on peaceful terms (like in her Phantasmagoria of Flower View ending, for example), meaning this could possibly be an exaggeration.

>Yuuka is shown to be rather dormant due to her age - in Lotus Land Story, rather than directly participating in the incident she caused, she simply goes to sleep as if ignoring it. In the Windows series, this is further reinforced - she doesn't move from the Garden of the Sun nearly at all, and thus usually doesn't actively seek opponents. However, there are exceptions to this when something catches her eye, as shown in her excursions in Mystic Square and Phantasmagoria of Flower View.

The above influences her fanon perception:
>Many fans in Japan refer to Yuuka as the "Ultimate Sadistic Creature" (アルティメットサディスティッククリーチャー) or USC for short, often portrayed as being dominant over Alice Margatroid, Wriggle Nightbug, or Tenshi Hinanawi. Yuuka's conversation with Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu, where Yuuka admits she likes to "tease" others daily, is sometimes used to speculate that she may be a sadist. In other fanworks, Yuuka is portrayed as an insane and bloodthirsty youkai, who kills with a pleasant smile on her face. Thus, she is commonly called a Do-S (ドS) (where "Do" stands for "dreadnought-class" and "S" normally stands for "sadist"). However, she is also sometimes portrayed as having a soft side, in which case sometimes people joke that the S stands for "shinsetsu" (親切) instead, which means "kindness" or "gentleness."

>> No.37670348
File: 8 KB, 604x249, 8dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just likes to play games.

>> No.37670362
File: 26 KB, 659x102, everyone wins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had to spark yuuka, but at least i got her as well as Rumia. also from what it seems the "everyone wins campaign thing is going to be pretty literal according to the discord, everyone will actually be receiving the 600 gc

>> No.37670368
File: 1.85 MB, 2000x1250, yuuka-kazami-234134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Yuuka can solo
-Lunatic Yukari
-Lunatic Alterisa
-Lunatic Fairy (The hour struck)

what else? Is she able to solo stages that are yet to come?

Also, Phantasma you lying motherfucker, wheres my Auto-replay feature?

>> No.37670393

iirc it was around the 17th or so?

>> No.37670439

If i remember, they did this for the new year costumes or anniversary.
I suggest you guys to consider to buy the "new year" costume for Reimu, since it fit her and it's a shrine maiden-like costume.

>> No.37670442
File: 1.23 MB, 1394x729, FukPhantasma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im waiting for this since summer, i know the dates.

>> No.37670461
File: 33 KB, 326x363, dec 17th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately it's another of those things only known in the discord

>> No.37670467
File: 223 KB, 692x620, yuuka kick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuka likes to kick shotas in the balls for fun.

>> No.37670479

fucking cocksuckers

>> No.37670598

So she's either a sadist, a blood hungry genocide machine or kind hearted on the inside.

I like her.

>> No.37670637

according to perfect memento basically as long as you aren't completely retarded and do something like attack her or burn her flower field she'll ignore you

>> No.37670651
File: 232 KB, 578x709, 1626846661196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rateup is a God damn lie, how the fuck did I get Ringo, Yatsuhashi, Murasa, Okuu, Nitori, Medicine, Keine, Alice and Daiyousei before getting a single Yuuka? Every single one of them had a "connecting..." too

>> No.37670700

Okay but how do I marry her

>> No.37670748

Is this your first Gacha Game?

>> No.37670767

She's territorial, but she doesn't go out of her way to attack people. She even shops at the human village without causing trouble. She has a soft side for flowers and other manifestations of nature, which is why tons of fairies and bugs like to live and play in her fields.
Super sadistic Yuuka is fanon, it comes from her being a tease and being classified as extremely dangerous and hostile to humans by Akyuu. The canon reality is that Akyuu is full of shit, but that fanon headcanon is so iconic you might aswell accept it as your golden truth if you like.

>> No.37670781

Meant for >>37670209

>> No.37670815
File: 128 KB, 720x500, 1630729547612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No? But this should be nearly impossible, statistics wise

>> No.37670821

You have a 5% chance of getting a unit, and a 0.5% chance of getting Yuuka specifically, or in other words, every unit you pull from Yuuka's banner has a 10% chance of being Yuuka herself, and a 90% chance of being someone else.

Your chance of getting 9 non-Yuuka units without getting a single Yuuka is ~38.7% (assuming my math is right)

>> No.37671420
File: 2.13 MB, 400x308, bc4039bb1316ef8b4b4f551f0eda2a81.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One question regarding exp from errands

is there a difference between the exp that errands warrant? Like, does the 6h one give more exp than the 2 hour one?
Cube-errands more than wood errands?

>> No.37671786

A little gutted we don't get a free costume this event, ngl

Are there even that many residents in Gensokyo?

>> No.37671798

Fairy. Hundreds of fairys

>> No.37672499

>to (falsely) claiming credit for causing an incident
Oh she did it alright. I'm pretty sure it was her.
And if she didn't she at least had fun during it.
If you haven't played pofv on lunatic you don't have a say in the matter.

>> No.37672572
File: 94 KB, 1200x892, 1634472234400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pray 10 times
that's the good stuff

>> No.37672700
File: 73 KB, 850x479, __konpaku_youmu_touhou_drawn_by_cream_nipakupa__sample-194f63875989e4ff775153678264e784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats with this event? It feels like shit! Were does it fit in? Why is there suddenly a stadium? Where are Reimu and that box?


>> No.37672776

Aya is a reporter and nitori is a merchant
They are the Jews of gensokyo, always behind everything

>> No.37672799
File: 81 KB, 409x406, 1621074227395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37672926

The stadium bugs me too, it's way too modern for Gensokyo and it's just gonna be ignored afterwards, unless Yukari spirits it away at the very end.

>> No.37673029

"we found plans floating down the river"


>> No.37673192

That's actually the thing I find the least bullshit. It's 100% Yukari wanting a quick laugh.

>> No.37673222

she´d show them tiktok if thats what she wanted

whats this about Yukarin tho

>> No.37673531

depends in silent sinner in blue they were able to make a very shitty rocket based off magazines, althought it wouldn't have worked if it wasn't thanks to eirin helping

>> No.37673578

>it's way too modern for Gensokyo
Bro haven't you seen the mechahus and the Renko Maribel story yet?

>> No.37673853

Lost Word developers have absolutely disappointed us by adding whatever this event is instead of a Christmas event! I was expecting the 2hus to give presents to each other and eat large buckets of fried chicken! I was expecting large Christmas trees with stars on top! I was expecting Santa Claus and festive spirit! I was expecting hot cocoa and cookies! I was expecting a snow covered Gensokyo!

>> No.37673904

Lost Word developers would much rather add in the overused Jewish characters like Aya and Nitori and an out-of-place stadium rather than adding something that would better represent the jolly spirit of Christmas! The Lost Word devs are unequivocally anti-Christian!

>> No.37673928

That's a liiittle bit more excusable, seeing as a. it takes place a bit in the future, or at least in another separate au (I'm frankly not sure) and b. it takes place on the moon revolving around advanced Lunarian technology. It's essentially a mecha Touhou au, which is pretty fun compared to a random modern stadium in Gensokyo.

>> No.37674158
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>> No.37674546

i know this is bait, but the problem is that next events would have been the xmas event which is still too soon, in fact we'll get the xmas event exactly on the 25th and the one after xmas is the valentine event which would have also been too early.

>> No.37674580
File: 149 KB, 1170x540, IMG_20211210_154048_920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is your yuuka level up going, mine slow as turtle
And yes, i have 30k sp

>> No.37674673
File: 2.31 MB, 1390x798, scr3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got her from the friend ritual in the event shop
I don't like how she is protrayed in the gacha as a patchouli simp, i like her more in the doujins

>> No.37674849

I loved her back when ZUN didn't give any hint of her personnality, and people assumed she was a rude bitch

>> No.37674959

Will Lost Word devs add an Easter event after the Valentine's one?

>> No.37674975

im leveling yuuka and okuu with meiling in this stage as well. yuuka needs to mlb quick

>> No.37675159

I am waiting to max her skills first before sending her out to farm so I will let her chill in the school to level up.

>> No.37675187

Almost at lvl 60, I wish the school had an exp boost this week, exp boost for errands is pretty useless

>> No.37675205

I've been trying to level up Rebirth Sanae since the beginning of time

>> No.37675298

3x errands sucks ass, the only relevant errand related event is the double errand reward jp recently had.

>> No.37676012

I'm over the SP cap so I need 10 prayers for the weekly.
So I'm waiting until monday to roll her.

>> No.37676311

Are we ever going to get Red Marisa's theme as a home screen theme?

>> No.37676779

Just spent 750 fucking crystals to spark Yuuka this better be worth it

>> No.37677015

ZUN has literally never given a hint to her personality
no, Inaba doesn't count

>> No.37677077

congrats you now have one of the best farmers in the game

>> No.37677153

Yuuka is always worth it. Even if she was C rank she'd be worth it.

>> No.37677190
File: 59 KB, 600x600, Kirisame.Marisa.600.3375979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my Scarlet Marisa can easily grind on level 80 now (MLB). Havent even played more than the nitori stage, since it rewards dragon and tiger scrolls. A bit sad we dont get a costume again, but oh well, whatever.

it´ll be my to go to this event. Yuuka is 64 now, and the brown haired tsukomogami i got along is 61. Also got a Koakuma dupe and MLB her with an additional paperdoll.
Koakuma is supposed to be a good debuffer unit, right?

>> No.37677276

wait where the fuck are the free cubes. don't tell me we have to wait until the 31st when it ends

>> No.37677329

I want a bonus costume for the event but the cheerleader outfits are so disrespectful to the characters...

>> No.37677338

I have never bought a costume outside of Yukari's IN outfit. I will just grind a bit more than usual for this event.

>> No.37677350

I think that's how it's gonna be.

>> No.37677351

I believe that anon meant the costumes you buy from the event shop.

>> No.37677354 [DELETED] 

But how? It's not like they're dressed up as sluts

>> No.37677356 [DELETED] 

What's with all these one wave stages? Is this heaven?

>> No.37677379

Not that anon, but what I think he means is that it's kind of hard to picture characters like Yuuka and Shion willingly dressing up as cheerleaders.

>> No.37677388

But all bonus costumes for this event are in the GC shop

>> No.37677434

Shion would be very willing if you paid her. Just look at her SHoSS outfit, she's not afraid of being lewd

>> No.37677458

Shion is nowhere near my top 30, but I think I'll buy her costume just because I regularly play her and I find her vanilla art atrocious

>> No.37677613

I'm glad the game agrees that Kokoro's expressions are cute.

>> No.37678469
File: 575 KB, 1280x1878, IMG_0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your explanation!

>> No.37678804

What's SHoSS?
Is that just Gouyoku Ibun?

>> No.37678850
File: 413 KB, 1920x1080, 1638855510699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Kanako so big?

>> No.37678936


>Touhou Gouyoku Ibun ~ Suibotsushita Chinshuu Jigoku
translates to
>Touhou Strange Tale of Avarice ~ Submerged Hell of Sunken Sorrow
The translated subtitle can be shortened to SHoSS.

>> No.37678952

Hina is the perfect ad girl

>> No.37679172

To better hold all that faith.

>> No.37679511
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, 1614338019759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Komachi = cheerleader
Hina = ad girl
Kokoro = wtf is she supposed to be sell?

>> No.37679578

Why is Komachi so damn BIG

>> No.37679759
File: 794 KB, 1560x720, Screenshot_20211210-215725_Touhou LostWord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me. One day I'll take a screenshot without the volume slider photobombing it.

>> No.37679770

Waifu Shion

>> No.37680063

Womanlets, when will they learn?

>> No.37680087

I don't have any numbers or sources to back this up, just observation. In order of importance:
Limited errands that spawn around daily reset give the most by far
Limited errands give more than normal errands (including the 6 hr one?)
The longer the errand, the more exp

>> No.37680089

Which Yuuka voice are you guys using?

>> No.37680102

You jest, but this Shion is top cute. Something about crying girls makes me hard.

>> No.37680134

I wish the gloves didn't look so dumb in her sprite form.

>> No.37680159

I can't wait to reincarnate Byakuren. She looks so beautiful.

>> No.37680246

tall women are superior

>> No.37680296
File: 23 KB, 850x429, __houraisan_kaguya_touhou_drawn_by_tonbi__4881ad7e6826eeb2dce218ee3f49e4e2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people in charge of making the events need to be replaced. How many fucking times am I going to see Aya and Nitori? There are other characters in this series you know!

>> No.37680301

Aya is perfect though, she gets the funniest scenes

>> No.37680333

wtf is Shion wearing LABO hands?

>> No.37680340

Get off /jp/, Aya.

>> No.37680418

3rd voice since she moans a little when using grazes.

>> No.37680437

Anyone has a video of that?

>> No.37680625

they cardboard lmao

>> No.37681175
File: 43 KB, 750x512, short people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Tallhu country. No shorties allowed.

>> No.37681679
File: 106 KB, 1125x759, C13CF0E3-3D08-454A-AF1D-357149EC8957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate the lostword discord so much and if it didn’t give fast news i wouldve left it

>> No.37681804
File: 129 KB, 960x544, New Memes 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet there are some idiots who think having a purple heart is good. This is not Nep game.

>> No.37681876
File: 425 KB, 1125x1526, 8AE4B59E-9CF3-4F5A-A378-AE74F42BB3D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they do tho, for farming purposes

>> No.37682004

I mean, if all you want to do is throw SP at a level and farm rewards, it's easy to just pick your least-favourite 2hu and work her like a draft horse until Shion looks like a giggling bimbo by comparison.

>> No.37682511

Is this level of minmaxing necessary? Who would even WANT to do the amount of farming needed to make this worthwhile?

>> No.37682539
File: 19 KB, 280x258, ExmomYfW8AAtxkM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37682553

It's not required at all. Those shitty low cost purple heart characters can't grind any of the difficult main story cards anyway and most event story cards are not worth grinding at all. Just getting to 999999 points in events can easily be done without ever getting anyone to purple heart by just switching to another character.

>> No.37682632

Absolutely not. Ladder point rewards after 580k (about the point where you can get everything in the shop and lottery except the overpriced coins) are really underwhelming. Even with just 2 school slots, you can definitely grind that much points during the event timeframe without ever needing to overwork any 2hu. This is not taking into account the bonus points from daily tasks.

>> No.37682692

Im always aiming for 830k in total. last tiger scrolls, and the event shop needs around that much to be fully emptied, except the "10 coins for 1000 points" bullshit

>> No.37682775

How do you guys get enough coins to spark a character in a single day?

>> No.37682849

...save up? I mean you get more than 200k every event?

I´d rather ask the question: What the fuck are people even spending their coins on all the time? I´ve been above the cap of 999,999 coins since a long time ago and i have no idea how many coins i really have.
Im frequenting the Sanae Shop, and upgrade cards and units often, so HOW are you wasting them?

>> No.37682850

We all just use god cubes. You're not a freeloader, right anon?

>> No.37683001

Is it really infested with troons or is that a rumor?

>> No.37683150

Sure. The point remains that overworking your 2hus to purple heart is definitely not necessary to grind events unless you are so new that you are forced to rely on only 1 or 2 farmers.

>> No.37683162

i dont. I do use a autoclicker tho, so its easy

>> No.37684682

yeah, troons and narcissists as far as the eye can see lol

>> No.37686083

What about Touhou Found Word?

>> No.37686251

Not yet, but we are still searching for it, come back later

>> No.37686383

Why are Touhou fans like this?

>> No.37686714

It's so fucking bad. I joined just to watch as well and holy shit.
You've got a couple of em floating around gensokyo radio's server as well.
I mind my own business, but it's definitely odd to see the new crowd when I've been latched onto this series for over 10 years.

>> No.37687153

Yuuka impregnated (You). Will she take responsibility?

>> No.37687204

Only if you stay living around the garden of the sun

>> No.37687412
File: 217 KB, 1019x624, YuukasSeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you give birth to flowers.

>> No.37687670

Holy shit so that's what she meant

>> No.37687797
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>> No.37688191

How to not be a poorhu:
1. The coin limit only applies when claiming coins from the offering box. Coins from mail, missions or event stores can go beyond the limit.
2. Once you're at or over the limit, stop caring about the offering box. This is the one daily/weekly task you skip.
3. Events are the big windfall. You get ~240k from the regular point store, ~50k from the milestones, ~28k from the lottery.
4. Grind missions as many times as you can stomach on minimal stamina cost. If you're grinding on Lunatic, you make about ~1k each time you get a character to exhaustion. It adds up.
4. Only buy cubes, gold dragon scrolls and gold tiger scrolls in Sanae's shop.

>> No.37688204
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>> No.37688295

Counting is hard. It's worth noting you're probably not going to get that full 240k without sickening amounts of additional grinding but the 200k from the 2 100 coin stacks should be good enough.

>> No.37688609

There is no free skin this time? Or i'm just blind.

>> No.37688699

No freebie.

>> No.37688709

Yeah. Just read it back in the thread. Is this one time thing or can we expect not getting a free skin with new events?

>> No.37688718


nope, no free costumes anymore. The last event was the last overall that ever gave free shit like that, even in JP

>> No.37688728

that is kinda sad.

>> No.37688747

A question for those who play JP. Was Clownpiece a free unit in JP as well, or was she modified to be a free one in Global?

>> No.37688815


talking about yuuka is interesting since, like flandre, she's a pretty popular character who hasn't actually had that many canon appearances to flesh her out

canon yuuka facts:

-she is an extremely old, extremely brutally powerful youkai, even though her ability (making flowers bloom) has no real combat application
-she can and will destroy people who harm flowers, but otherwise is surprisingly docile and doesn't go out of her way to cause trouble
-she's known to visit the human village and shop and doesn't seem to cause any issues in doing so, even though akyuu claims her friendliness to humans is low and her danger to humans is very high, and she's also been depicted visiting reimu's shrine during parties without causing incidents
-she enjoys accepting challenges from people who actually want to fight her, with pre-agreed on rules to avoid unnecessary destruction, and watching her fight is described as being very pretty
-she greatly enjoys teasing/riling people up, including joking about genocide in her pc98 appearance, but she's sessile enough that eiki shiki (judge of the dead) has criticized her to her face for not causing enough trouble as a youkai

as far as fanon goes its basically take your pick of "sadistic monster who will crush your balls and make children cry", "devastatingly powerful yet polite force of nature", "socially awkward super-old youkai who doesnt know how to have friends" or "any combination of the above"

>> No.37688891

I'd argue she has more appearances than other typical touhous, being one of the very few characters to actually show up after the pc98 era. Not counting any outside sources like books or doujins she still provides more info about her than characters like Wriggle or Kisume.

>> No.37689071
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>> No.37689217

I was lazy and didn't do tower at all this time around.

>> No.37689256

I still dont have Yukari

>> No.37689285

putting her in backline for grinding red marisa cards and she is level 60 now.

Why would a mountain goddess be smol?

>> No.37689296

I want this outfit NOW!

>> No.37689385

>-she is an extremely old

>> No.37689426

I want to say yes but I can not remember for sure. I know her outfit was free and I already had Clownpiece at that point despite skipping her banner but I can't remember if I just randomly pulled her or if she was free.

>> No.37689440

No, JP only got her outfit.

>> No.37689495

They're really shitting the bed every day they don't add it.

>> No.37689527
File: 545 KB, 1280x1872, IMG_0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk why but "myon" totally killed me.

>> No.37689574

Got all my 78 units with LV5 Skill, even if they are not Lv100.
Now, i need a lot of paper dolls and blue mirrors for raising the rarity.

>> No.37689738

poor Yuuka-tan, I would cheer her up

>> No.37690352
File: 1.95 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20211211-232609[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jap event rerun is only active for a week so it already stops at 500k points for rewards.

>> No.37690374
File: 544 KB, 1280x1851, IMG_0022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she isn't sad or crying.

>> No.37690635

Alright, thank you both. I was asking because of my train of thought regarding no more free skins... Global clearly does what it wants with both events and characters, and just maybe if enough people bitch in this discord, Phantasma will give in and give a freebie once in a while. Despite his money grubbing and abysmal planning, he tends to buckle under pressure as seen when people were getting pissed at the light-speed rate characters were getting introduced.

>> No.37690727
File: 440 KB, 452x619, KuramaOfficial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even though her ability (making flowers bloom) has no real combat application

>> No.37691079

Name of the doujin ? Too lazy to do exhentai stuff

>> No.37691603


>> No.37691893

How many Yuuka is too many? 2? 3?
You could have a 1 star and 3 star.

>> No.37692024

finally the free 600 gc are here

>> No.37692257
File: 84 KB, 172x253, cute!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why limit yourself?

>> No.37692479 [DELETED] 

I want to come on Kokoro's face

>> No.37692492
File: 1.88 MB, 3040x1440, Screenshot_20211211Touhou LostWord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to come on Kokoro's face so bad

Why did they make her so cute guys

>> No.37693036

wtf is she selling?

>> No.37693039


>> No.37693085

Stay away from my daughter

>> No.37693923
File: 888 KB, 1000x892, kokoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not ok.

>> No.37693959
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, linus_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37694131
File: 593 KB, 917x481, cute 2hu gang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Kokoro, this is the group of characters who can solo the newest story card boss in the jap version, according to their testing. I can only confirm Hecatia, Reisen, Kasen and Tenshi from my own testing but it is also really annoying to test this stuff because you can only keep 1 set of actions stored for auto-replay. Japs also do not like to have any sort of video proof or screenshots linked to their stuff so everyone always has to figure out how it works.

>> No.37694139

Wait, Kasen? Everyone here at launch told me she was terrible though.

>> No.37694143

She got buffed eventually, I'm not sure if global buffed her since day one though

>> No.37694159

cute belly. now im tempted to buy this skin

>> No.37694176
File: 1.52 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20211212-055020[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only test it with reincarnated Kasen because she is my cute wife but she can do it. Did not even have to switch her cards around from what she usually uses. Might work with regular Kasen too but probably needs more optimized cards to max out buffs and her LW damage in the end.

>> No.37694404

All fully awakened, I assume? If the boss is only weak to earth, how are half of these characters pushing through? Just pure LW damage, even without boost?

If memory serves, Yukari always had her buffs, so Kasen must have as well.

>> No.37695645
File: 694 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20211212-100104[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi has finally brought home enough cards. That's 50% energy damage and 2 yin attack.

>> No.37695817

Dang. I won 600 GC! Didn't think i would get it.

>> No.37695916
File: 1.59 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20211212-104313[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire top row has earth elemental attacks on at least some spells. The fight is basically just managing your buffs so that you can extend them as much as possible. For characters without elemental advantage this usually requires pretty unique card set ups. Here is the damage of a regular spell from Kasen just for giggles.

>> No.37695994

in my head cannon her face expression changes when she orgasms

>> No.37696305

What Mask would her Orgasms Face be?

>> No.37696562

where is nazrin

>> No.37696612

who is nazrin?

>> No.37696614
File: 686 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20211207-184138[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here

>> No.37696641
File: 416 KB, 984x250, cock banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing will ever be the same once the cock is unleashed...

>> No.37696656

can't beat the cock...

>> No.37696660
File: 728 KB, 623x728, 2hu chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37696690

Really wish there was an in-game way to sort through spellcards to find useful matches for story cards like these. All I can think of between energy and yin is Shion, and her LW is mostly sharp.

>> No.37696837
File: 356 KB, 1200x637, baku bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want characters who can benefit from both effects then there are the Baku, Hataters, Seiga Nyan, Hecatia and Mystia. There are also people like SFES Yorihime, Cyber Sanae and Okuu who can still use the 50% energy damage. Technically that Underground Parley card is going to be better for some of them but it can not be farmed.

>> No.37698233
File: 191 KB, 1200x637, chen card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This card is too cute.

>> No.37698964

My game crashes after it finishes downloading data and then it prompts me to download it again.

>> No.37700310
File: 283 KB, 684x394, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notes for this week's maintenance.

>> No.37702354

>Various bug fixes (Iku Nagae's Last Word...)
What's wrong with it?

>> No.37702405

Sometimes plays Canned Heat by Jamiroquai. They're been working on patching this out for over half a year.

>> No.37702607

She actually comes out of my phone and attempts to rape me every once and then it's really distracting

>> No.37704051
File: 25 KB, 800x500, 1633794178146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still waiting for a day when Chimata will be playable.......

>> No.37704342

I now regret not rolling for Iku

>> No.37704715

I want to give Chen a big hug

Focus overhaul? Sweet. Hope they explain the exact mechanics of it.

>> No.37704839

Same thing as jp probably, focus down reduce the damage a character receives if the enemy uses an all spell card, or your tank with focus damage receive bonus damage to reduce everyone else damage received by the same spellcard, basically stuff to make tanks useful

>> No.37706373

As I understand it, it basically means that all-target attacks will deal more damage to higher-focus targets and less to lower-focus targets.

High focus tanks will be able to tank better, by redirecting damage taken from others to themselves. Those with low focus will be able to do the opposite, and protect themselves at the cost of their allies.

>> No.37706911

Never bother to check but does the rarity of a unit increase the chance to get at least one guaranteed green cube and god cube during tasks/expeditions?

>> No.37707572

What do the cool kids use for Yuuka? The English wiki says Ordinary Magician or ACC boost.

>> No.37707595

Pretty sure the answer is no. Send 6 2hus to maximize your chances of getting rewards.

Who should I get? Yuuka or Shion (her banner will be up tomorrow)? Which of them is better?

>> No.37707800

Ordinary magician (mlb) or alternatively yakumo family to get the max amount of yang atk up

>> No.37707885

Yakumo Family is a good story card

>> No.37708404

Both of them. Spend money if you have to. They're invaluable units for upcoming content.

>> No.37708543

Someone said that Yuuka was great but classic Reimu outclasses her somewhat, how true is that?

>> No.37708840

EoSD Reimu is more powerful than Yuuka, yes.

>> No.37708873

No they have all have their unique niches. You really need all of them, even if you have to spend money.

>> No.37709207
File: 296 KB, 1816x1864, baae2e783c8da676f6c91680855da5c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which of them is better?
Why is this even a question

>> No.37709281

I mean sure but one is a Reimu alt and the other one is Kazami motherfucking Yuuka
I don't care about metafagging vs waifufagging but I mean, if you're uninterested in the characters to the point of not wanting a character as cool and iconic as Yuuka, I don't know what you're playing this game for

>> No.37709366

I'm not uninterested, I just value my testicles.

>> No.37709395

Me too. I need to keep them safe so Yuuka can crush them properly.

>> No.37709703

it will never be baku time

>> No.37709739
File: 1.13 MB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20211213-090537_Touhou LostWord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got her bros. Now all I need is Eirin, Eiki, Tenshi and Kogasa, then my collection will be complete.

>> No.37709910

I'm so used to Byakuren being part of this ensemble that it's odd not to see her (I assume this doujin was pre UFO)
(C85) [Circle Nuruma-ya (Tsukiwani)] Ganbare no Otome-tachi | The Cheering Maidens

>> No.37710012

The author's note page says comiket 85, which was in 2013. UFO was 2009.

>> No.37710060

It's also worth mentioning one of the three untranslated ones (a Yuuka focused one, one where they're playing Monster Hunter, and the last involving sake) on Ex just flat out features Nazrin.

>> No.37710203
File: 3.76 MB, 2048x2048, c3d6c9055991a553cb85bcc8beae915d93b256f4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the beloved mountain hag virgin

>> No.37710604

my wife. i said it first

>> No.37710639

I'm going to fuck your wife

>> No.37710665

thats not up to you or me. I know my wife will reject you without a second thought!

>> No.37710686
File: 198 KB, 912x848, 1638836614383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I´ll shoot all three of you!

>> No.37710758
File: 467 KB, 1078x1518, 1622411588624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So since im STILL just grinding the first battle of the event with nitori over and over and over again, is the event finished by now? Like, did the last part of the story got released today or do we still have tomorrow?

>> No.37710850

Probably ending tomorrow.

>> No.37710892

At this point I'm 99% sure that Eirin and Yuyuko's rebirth costumes will be wedding dresses as well.

>> No.37710966

....arent they all wedding dresses, except Reisen, because fuck Reisen?

>> No.37711199
File: 653 KB, 1920x1080, 公式生放送第11回用_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all. Most notably is Nitori who's outfit is just a recolor because the devs fucking hate her despite putting her in every event.

>> No.37711228
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>> No.37711477

What would Nitori's wedding dress even look like? A dress with cargo pants pockets sewn on?

>> No.37712616

Why would you even marry nitori she will anal fist you and kill you

>> No.37713323
File: 343 KB, 925x1212, jptl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the new jp approved tier list. https://twitter.com/Yakitori_in_Cup/status/1470002785844625408

>> No.37713329
File: 107 KB, 508x338, flick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star's forehead!

>> No.37713349


>> No.37713393
File: 76 KB, 302x325, 1632731010227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parsee is relevant? This has got to be a dream

>> No.37713679

she was already claimed in previous thread sorry

>> No.37713983

What a load of shit, lmao.

>> No.37714139
File: 411 KB, 2048x922, reisensinnermorstthoughts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed my mind, I love this event

>> No.37714410

What the fuck was up with that. I get the horny bunny joke, but for Tewi? Should've been simling for literally anyone else instead. Maybe Sanae.

>> No.37714587

she is one of my best units, personally

>> No.37715092

Big titty oneesan + loli oneechan is my fetish

>> No.37715302

Tewi's older that Reisen.

>> No.37715467

I'm pretty sure in the sister event tewi said that she preferred to be the younger

>> No.37715660

Reisen only pretends to be irritated by Tewi. I bet she's secretly flattered that Tewi makes pranks just for her but is too tsundere about it.

>> No.37716634


>> No.37716932
File: 60 KB, 424x318, chen question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue what that list is going for. Imagine putting regular Marisa and Ran in the same tier or having Yukari and regular Yorihime near the top next to someone like EoSD Reimu or Miko's horse.

>> No.37716968
File: 103 KB, 1000x800, good morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's cock time.

>> No.37716981
File: 2.43 MB, 925x1212, 1617514280812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, he only posted half the story

>> No.37717013

That one is for hard content and this one >>37716981 is for farming.

>> No.37717122


>> No.37717147

We're S+ for hard content!

>> No.37717182


>> No.37718646

How did Yukari become SO good? It couldn't have been just from her rebirth. Did a good story card come out?

>> No.37718690

That's the "hard content" list, focus was buffed so kanako and yukari got better for tanking stuff in general

>> No.37718748

Her stat total is on par with the strongest sfes characters (after rebirth), she’s the best barrier restorer, her last word is stronger than yuuyuko’s, she has a free earth break, very tanky, can lower yang def, boost team yang def, focus rework enables her to reduce teammate damage from AoE attacks, etc.

In practice she never dies, helps fragile friends, and hits surprisingly hard. Greater than the sum of her parts IMO.

Oh, and as far as story cards go her entire last word is tagged with light bullet and global will get really good light boosting cards in the future

>> No.37718761

Yukari is a character that really needs separate lists. She’s great with hard content but atrocious at farming, so most tier lists take the average of the two which doesn’t give the full story

>> No.37718841

>her entire last word is tagged with light bullet
Don't forget that said story card also increases no-element bullet damage, and Yukari's LW is mostly no-element

>> No.37718885

Well, that one tierlist is exactly that, we have the HC one with SS yukari and the farm one B yukari, seems more reliable and less bloated than the spreadsheet one

>> No.37720011

Overall, I liked this event, but at the same time it feels like a massive wasted opportunity for comedy and craziness.
Everything needed to be amped up to eleven, specially with such a weird premise. If I was in charge of designing the event, first I'd get rid of the entire first half, tournament arcs are dumb.
Now the race, that should've been a wacky racers tier disaster that'd be fit for a mel brooks movie. Komachi would have been shown wasting time on every single stop, doing stuff completely unrelated to the actual race, kinda like how she did in the human village.
Kokoro would've taken her bento business all over Gensokyo, completely sidetracked early on, and afterwards each time attention came back to her she'd be somewhere else entirely.
Show her in Makai, Youkai Mountain, all leading up to her selling bento on the freaking moon somehow.
Yuuka had to have been more ruthless, stuff like her getting lost in the bamboo forest should've been resolved by her blasting a hole through the entire thing with a master spark to just go forward.
Hina and Shion could've been constantly in each other's business. Shion actively trying to sabotage Hina and having her plans backfire coyote style, while Hina innocently tries to help Shion but ends up getting them both in more trouble instead.
By the end nobody would get anything done and yukarin would just die of old age or something. An anticlimatic ending, but much better than an evil manju? What?
Maybe my sense of comedy is broken, but I would've enjoyed an event like that much more than what we got.

>> No.37720232

>Yuuka had to have been more ruthless, stuff like her getting lost in the bamboo forest should've been resolved by her blasting a hole through the entire thing with a master spark to just go forward.
Bamboos are flowering plants

>> No.37721469

Please never write anything

>> No.37721709

It took me this long to realize the manju was probably a yukkuri reference. I'd be kinda cool to get yukkuri implemented in this game as pets or special characters.

>> No.37722007

This sounds better than the actual event.

>> No.37723267
File: 133 KB, 600x600, chocobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not sure if I want to roll for the chicken. She's just a regular character after all.

>> No.37724007

Reisen's looks like formal military uniform though. Military sometimes wear it for wedding too

>> No.37724032
File: 899 KB, 1471x667, Screenshot_20211214-065233_Touhou LostWord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this game's version of Lily White.

>> No.37724075

self bump.

So does Seiran. But yeah, the Kappas are just cheapskate, only wear white jumpsuit to seem ceremonial

>> No.37724365
File: 337 KB, 1200x637, FGdZhVnVUAIwDfr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37724814

She's very precious
God, that's cute

>> No.37725406

I wish she was better in the game

>> No.37726690
File: 45 KB, 545x352, new banners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck already a loliko rerun

>> No.37726702
File: 15 KB, 567x98, divine doll and ring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also new free ring and divine doll

>> No.37726777
File: 225 KB, 1080x1018, Goddamnit+i+actually+googled+it+_5c589ee849eadb26001de691cc4f1916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37726784
File: 2.51 MB, 1995x4292, EB980D6C-38FC-4601-8BCE-E276484048B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An extra week to save.
