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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 37 KB, 790x334, holyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37611333 No.37611333 [Reply] [Original]

this is hell

>> No.37611360

Worse, since they have their own board now they're simply spamming this stuff because they hate us.

>> No.37611369

I'm confident that this is just a singular person behind this but either way its annoying as shit

>> No.37611425

Use filters.

>> No.37611440

Filters don't stop threads from pushing more appropriate threads off the board. 4 threads died for that shit.

>> No.37611482

Nothing new. Thread re-creation panic spamming has been going on since that thread became the dominant circle jerk here.

>> No.37611490

A lot of us hate this, think we can petition hiromoot to ban vtubers from this board since they have their own?

>> No.37611513

Stop being cunts. 4 threads that didn't have a reply in over 8 hours died. Big fucking woop.

>> No.37611525

Don't worry you can remake your textless image dump threads.

>> No.37611539

/jp/ used to be a comfy japanese culture board moving at a moderate pace. now it's zoomer meme hell

>> No.37611551

Like real life grandpa, get with the times

>> No.37611558

I expected as much from you

>> No.37611562

So why is this shit STILL allowed? They have their own board yet they still spam here. Why has nothing been done about this for so long?

>> No.37611564

wouldn't ever work. hes a moron using this site as nothing but a way to (somehow???) make money. and that worthless stupidity goes from the top all the way down to the janitors. similar things have already been tried, including the faggot useless mods saying to submit feedback on what to do with these nu-weeaboo losers but as you can see nothing was done.

>> No.37611570

Nobody server side gives a flying fuck about this board.

>> No.37611596

It's gotta be worth a shot at least, right? There are a ton of us that want this shit gone. I can see what you mean with the moderation though, even if hiro tells them to ban it the mods won't know how to stop it even though it's the most important part of their job. Saw it happen over on /b/, they tried banning all the normie porn threads to make way for random discussions. They redtexted like 50 people but the flood never stopped so they just gave up. They could at least try making a sticky or something with rules in it. They manage to keep pony shit in /mlp/ somehow.

>> No.37611635

Do they care about any board any more? The few others I go to are equally full of shit and what I hear about boards like /qa/ makes me wonder why they even exist. Have the jannies just totally checked out beyond removing CP and extreme flooding?

>> No.37611687

The only ones that really get attention are the ones that are held in the most contempt by staff.

>> No.37611688

site moderation as a whole it seems like they all individually do their own thing, moderating whenever they feel like it with their own biases and completely disregarding the board's rules and/or culture. its just fucking terrible and useless, and id go as far as to say completely intentional. because this is what you get when you accept volunteers to control groups of people, they'll be deranged individuals completely unfit for the job.

>> No.37611700
File: 394 KB, 1280x1175, janny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moderating whenever they feel like it with their own biases
this image is a great example of that

>> No.37611748
File: 137 KB, 340x444, CUP OF RAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ubertards are a red herring, id*ltards and 3DPD porn circlejerks have been pollution for years now. ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS MAKE A STRICTLY TOUHOU ONLY BOARD, MOOTYKINS

>> No.37611872
File: 39 KB, 380x498, 1620287147930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy

>> No.37611885
File: 52 KB, 278x210, 1635885665506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, literally

>> No.37611949

the current times are a monetized, de-saturated, cancel culture happy nightmare.
Why anyone would want to "get with the times" when the current times is an absolute nightmare is beyond me.

>> No.37611988
File: 120 KB, 400x353, d3093012c2e3fcd8b6a36500fb82428de03a8788f2e7c6748c0a639fcf65956a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't keep video game or MMO threads off the board a decade ago.
Couldn't keep 3DPD threads from starting to fill up half or more of the daily posts seven years ago.
Can't help but get fucked by people watching livestreaming anime girls either.
Was anyone surprised? Not really.

Maybe ZUN will make a bunch of 2huTubers and begin the final act of /jp/ just got shitty.

>> No.37612017
File: 15 KB, 1080x140, IMG_20211206_052103_629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's never enough, have to manually hide their shit because they used off-topic subjects like bollywood and shit like that

>> No.37612201

obvious samefag spamming holoshit. they know they already have a board it's intentional

>> No.37612304

this cancer should have been purged when /vt/ was made, but nobody wanted to enforce any rules, so these vermin stayed here

>> No.37612798

>Maybe ZUN will make a bunch of 2huTubers and begin the final act of /jp/ just got shitty.
Speak of the devil

>> No.37612891

It's cute that you think the rest of /jp/ is even relevant to them, it's entirely due to internal thread strife.

>> No.37612913


>> No.37612971
File: 2.18 MB, 854x480, gunshot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they rush to make a new thread?
Does being the op really make you feel special?
I havent made a thread in a long while.

>> No.37613090

they do it to avoid the OP pic being one of the members of the indonesian branch as this tends to derail and make the thread even shitter than usual as the indonesian and english branches are basically only used as vehicles for shitting up the thread.

>> No.37613161

/vg/ culture of using OP image to troll

>> No.37613272

There's /uma/ now?

>> No.37613457

looks like janny lmao

>> No.37613464

Our mods and jannies are vtuber fans, and they think it's funny to piss off /jp/

>> No.37613482

Except they're not

>> No.37613500

Whatever you say anon.

>> No.37613543

They do everything they can to piss off the people posting in those threads, retard.

>> No.37613607

Oh so our jannies spend their time posting on the 25 vtuber threads instead of deleting their spam. They sure aren't vtuber fans then.

>> No.37613726

If they're such huge vtuber fans why do they let anyone insult japanese vtubers in those threads?
You are actually retarded and have no idea what you are mad about.

>> No.37613831

Look, maybe you should just fuck off to /vt/ and take your pocket janitor with you. I don't care about your chatroom drama.

>> No.37613862
File: 336 KB, 708x1024, FFwoLACVQAIXcla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37613887

Once again demonstrating how fucking stupid you are. Please kill yourself out of /jp/, abortion.

>> No.37613917

Won't somebody please think of the poor 2hus?

>> No.37614044

Uhuh, please let me know when the vtuber hating jannies start deleting your spam.

>> No.37614121

touhou poor cute kiddies

>> No.37614131

It'a not my spam, retarded ape. Blow your braina out.

>> No.37614160

You first vteen.

>> No.37614185

Stay mad, diaper NEET. I own /jp/ and you can only cry about it.

>> No.37614203

You will only own jaypee if you keep donating to your favorite e-girl.

>> No.37614250

Why would I pay for free entertainment?
You 2hu diapers sure are fucking dumb.

>> No.37614261

Keep lying and crying, vteen.

>> No.37614274

Us /jp/sies love indonesia.

>> No.37614282

Got so mad you forgot how to type properly?

>> No.37614304

You deserve it so stop complaining.

>> No.37614334

Why can't we all just get along and appreciate cute Japanese things?

>> No.37614343

Vtrannies are not Japanese.

>> No.37614408
File: 137 KB, 360x450, chad warden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh errybody knows, is that ZUN makes the best games, knaw I mean nigga? I mean, c’mon, you got lil’ vtuber bitches. I mean you got holo what.. what you got? Hololive where they chat around with a lil’ bitch, and her lil’ bitch-ass shark avatar, and lil’ fans, and she’s goin “HEH! HEH! HEH!” C’mon, who wants to watch that shit? I needa dodge some niggas.

>> No.37614422
File: 70 KB, 405x270, 1620964404343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you just try to argue that mods and jannies hate you, genius?

>> No.37614424

Filters don't stop these fags from spamming 60% of the posts per minute here

>> No.37614487
File: 337 KB, 1721x620, ppm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37614525

They do but since you believe they don't I can take the opportunity to tell you to get out of my board.

>> No.37614535

>/pol/ is the most active board
Well, no wonder outsiders pigeonholes us all as Nazis.

>> No.37614564

Whatcha gonna do bitch? Poop in your diapers again? C'mon man.

>> No.37614588

You're here crying and ragong impotently about my thread while I can keep posting albeit under the rules of a shitty janitor.
Stay mad and eat shit, 2hu.

>> No.37614625

Who the fuck you think you are? You think ya smart and shit? We ain’t simpin', we tryin’ ta play some games

>> No.37614671
File: 1.40 MB, 1440x1080, 34319191_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who neet here

>> No.37614691

Keep it up. I'm sure everything will be fixed if you make one more post.

>> No.37614693

It'a ragong braina

>> No.37614704

oh this nigga mad LMAO

>> No.37614765
File: 269 KB, 1669x800, EatlgrsU8AAwDqI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no touhou bros, how could this happen...

>> No.37614781

shiiet you must be low life to photoshop dat shit

>> No.37614786

Hating trannies and women earns you that label nowadays so it's not really related to /pol/ at all.

>> No.37614824
File: 269 KB, 1635x800, Eao0pT-WsAYajUX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha yeah...

>> No.37614857

Damn these e-sluts got nothin' on my man ZUN. Look how they simpin' after his ass.

>> No.37614860

ZUN is a soulless faggot who sometimes makes good games.

>> No.37614935

did you really just use NEET as an insult on the jay

>> No.37614977


>> No.37614992

He's underaged and mad as fuck. Give him a break.
Not clicking that shit. This traitor doesn't deserve my attention.

>> No.37615090

Why does /jp/ even exist when you hate ZUN?

>> No.37615115

Ask on IRC and come back

>> No.37615141

Isn't touhou originally videogame franchise? Why is here instead of /v/ or /vg/? I don't care if it has a "culture" here.

>> No.37615147

you first

>> No.37615168

because 2hu's the bomb nigga

>> No.37615184

Why can't you take it easy?

>> No.37615189

if you don't know then maybe you should shut up when adults are talking nig
