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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3758187 No.3758187 [Reply] [Original]

How do you quell the ronery from taking hold, /jp/?

Personally, I pretend I have friends by playing WoW even though I hate the game and the idiots I'm playing with. I just do it because I would break down without that weekly social contact. As long as I have that, I'm content never leaving my room and prefer to be alone.

>> No.3758207
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I spend time with my girlfriend.

>> No.3758215

You don't consider /jp/ social contact?
You get responses to your thoughts and opinions in almost real time.

>> No.3758216

Epic hikkis!!

>> No.3758221

i smoke cigarettes and pretend i care about things.

>> No.3758222

IRC. Constantly.

>> No.3758225

I go through scenes with Mikan in Wanko to Kurasou every day. It makes me almost feel like I have an adorable dog-girl.

>> No.3758229

I could go to a pre-k school and get more intelligent feedback than what I see on /jp/.

>> No.3758235

Hey man, that's not fair, those kids actually went to school.

>> No.3758238

I play VNs, games with routes. Imagine girls and stuff like that in my head.

>> No.3758249

If he's willing to be with WoW fags then I don't think his bar is to high.

>> No.3758365

I'll never understand why people hang out in IRC. There's either awkward silence or people blathering about something they saw on another site, which they could be discussing on said site.

>> No.3758370

I talk to people I care about and read a lot.

>> No.3758373

I pretend that I'm a girl, and that I'm in bed with my husbando.

>> No.3758390

Why would I want to discuss things at the sites? None of my internet friends are there.

>> No.3758391

That's pretty gay.

Since when does /jp/ tolerate fags?

>> No.3758396
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>internet friends

>> No.3758400

I don't think you've hung around /jp/ for very long, and therefore don't understand what you're saying.

>> No.3758409

I've already let the ronery take hold. Why delay the inevitable?

>> No.3758413

Saber would make a good NEET. She's useless for anything outside of battle.

>> No.3758417

Not having an identity in this day and age also helps.

>> No.3758448

And because she's an attractive woman.

Anyone woman above a 6/10 can be a NEET without any worries. Just gotta find a lonely sap who will buy them. It's what my mom has done her whole life.

>> No.3758455

I would buy NEET Saber.

>> No.3758469

I would as well.

>> No.3758471

I don't. I'm fine with being ronery. I don't need anyone, really. I mean, what can I get from a real person that I can't get from here, or IRC? I'm perfectly fine.

I've tried to kill myself twice this year.

>> No.3758475


>> No.3758507


What makes a good NEET is not being able to do anything well.

You know the type. No real strengths or talents.

The sociable kids that had good upbringings with no talent become PolySci or Psych majors.

The unsociable kids... well... they wind up here...

>> No.3758536

Goddamit /jp/, we can't keep letting the world do this to us. We seriously need to lash back somehow. Or at least invent waifu creating machine.

>> No.3758542
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What is 'ronrey'? Some kind of sickness?

>> No.3758544

Not enough funding, bro.

>> No.3758551

I'd put my money on the average /jp/ browser to be of above average intelligence though.

>> No.3758557

Are you implying any of us actually has an identity?

>> No.3758561


The definitive term is 'High-functioning Autistic', dear.

Also, reported for roleplaying

>> No.3758563


Apathy is an important thing to consider.

>> No.3758572

We should all move to the UK and leech off government money, eventually saving up enough to afford to have all our brains uploaded to virtual reality (we'll get a discount by buying the uploading service in bulk, you see).
It should take about 20 years for this service to become available, and if we start saving up now, we'll be able to afford it in 30 years, when all/most of the bugs are worked out.

>> No.3758569

I won't deny that, I'm guilty of it myself. My whole life for the first few years after college has been to find a job, hold it for a few months, stop caring, quit or get fired, and not look again for 6 months at a time.

>> No.3758570

I mean things such as records of existence. e.g. birth certificate, social security number, tax records etc.

>> No.3758577


I find that working doesn't end up pulling off for me, in the long run so I gradually stop bothering before reaching some small amount of care. I then proceed to repeat the entire process.

>> No.3758575

Do you have AIM/MSN/email? Contact me, I'd be interested in having social interaction with you.

>> No.3758585


Be careful Anonymous, I think we've got a time traveler from the past here.

>> No.3758583 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3758589

We should all play a MMORPG together.

>> No.3758592

I lol'd.

>> No.3758596

/jp/ is terrible at MMOs, because they're geared towards people who want accomplishment for actually working for something online.

>> No.3758597

It's harder than it sounds to leech off of unemployment money. You have to attend interviews, prove you've actively looked for work, give reasons why they haven't hired you, attend courses, and so on.

Disability is pretty easy though. "Oh, my leg hurts when I do this, give me money forever"

>> No.3758602

So long as it's not a typical korean grindfest.

Or WoW.

>> No.3758603

That sounds like a good idea, until I realize that there's a sword ban in effect in the UK. What would I do without my trusty replica katana?

>> No.3758611

What do you do when everyone everywhere is idle?

>> No.3758629
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I have friends

>> No.3758630

Loneliness is something you get used to eventually. I mean, the people living around me are such insufferable assholes that I couldn't imagine trying to make friends with any of them. Now, of course, the bottle is my only friend...

>> No.3758632

I would, but I've sweared off MMO's since Auto Assault proved that anything new that isn't a WoW clone will fail.

>> No.3758643

I would tell you all to play Valkyrie Sky, but they still haven't announced the date for open beta.

>> No.3758648


virtual faggality

>> No.3758654

I am never ronery, that's how.

I have /jp/, I have a friend to play games with on steam, I have youtube videos, and I have random people on any online game.

Even playing a vn is enough for me, it's impossible for me to be ronery as I am happy.

>> No.3758656

Not him, but I trip a couple highlights by posting pictures/links and idle myself.

>> No.3758670

How about we start a corporation on EvE? Then we can talk to each other in between mining and zzzzzzzzing

>> No.3758691

I'd join it.

>> No.3758694


Yeah, now.

In a few years, when your needs change and society starts expecting different things of you, you might not be so happy.

>> No.3758704

So you're saying right now he society is expecting him to sit at home wasting his life playing online games and talking to people over the internet?

Society already expects a lot more out of him. It just gets easier as you get older, as you have a better access to funding/no parents or grandparents or teachers to constantly get on your back. Around 35 I regretted not having a family though, but I got over that faster than the depression that hit me when I turned 18 and realized I was getting too old. It wasn't as bad as I expected.

>> No.3758712

I will forever be happy, or in a state where I am so delusional that I have false happiness, in which case as long as I do not try to fight it I will be happy even with fake happiness.

>> No.3758717

I will kill myself before I get to an age where I will experience regret of my decisions. (Around 30/40)

>> No.3758719

EVE is terrible.

>> No.3758721

Fuck, I WISH I was 18 again. So many fewer worries.

>> No.3758733


You're shitting me...

Someone past their late 20's here?

Life story. Now.

>> No.3758743

He's not the only one. I turn 30 in a few months.

>> No.3758749

29 is not past your late twenties, anon.

>> No.3758753

I'd be willing to bet that /jp/ has the oldest userbase on all of 4chan. I've noticed quite a few oldfags.

>> No.3758759

But I will be shortly, and I'll still be browsing /jp/, playing Touhou and trolling Type-Moon threads.

>> No.3758771


I've been on unemployment since June.
I get $200 or so every two weeks.
I haven't had to report to anyone, all of my correspondance is done online

>> No.3758774


The guy I was responding to said he had turned 35.

>> No.3758789

So was Aion and Mabinogi, but enough people here expressed interest in those two.

>> No.3758810

EVE is like watching paint dry. In space.
