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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 7 KB, 300x300, 山.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3755042 No.3755042 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not seeing any mountain in this character.

>> No.3755050
File: 350 KB, 1250x800, 1254704914172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3755051

It's easier to draw than a mountain.
And they didn't want to use a triangle.

>> No.3755053
File: 3 KB, 105x111, kanjiman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not seeing any bone in this character.

>> No.3755054

you blind? it's clearly a mountain

>> No.3755058

Stop trying to learn Japanese, then, because the characters only get more abstract from there. 馬 <-- see the horse? 鳥 <-- that's a bird right there, not a horse. 店 <-- obviously that's a store clerk at a desk with a big nose underneath a canopy.

If you don't have enough imagination to see a mountain in 山, stick to an alphabetical language. Go try Korean, the writing's way easier.

>> No.3755068

I see a robot.

>> No.3755072

>store clerk at a desk with a big nose underneath a canopy.
Haha, that's pretty good. Was that from Heisig, or is that just something you came up with?

>> No.3755079 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 261x314, hone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can see its jawbone and ribcage.

>> No.3755097
File: 142 KB, 755x538, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3755103

I’m not seeing any tree in this ch

>> No.3755113

only the most hardcore japanophiles believe kanji even remotely look like what theyre representing

>> No.3755120

>店 <-- obviously that's a store clerk at a desk with a big nose underneath a canopy.

I love that explanation. First time I read it from was the YOU CAN READ JAPANESE! book from the 60's.

Let's have a kanji thread! What are your favorite kanji? Mine is 火 since it actually looks like fire.

>> No.3755122


>> No.3755124

Some actually do and all were technically pictographs once even if we don't associate that with the meaning any longer.

My favorites are 兄 mouth with legs 父 and man with sticks

>> No.3755125

I like 終. I've always liked 終.

>> No.3755129

> only the most hardcore japanophiles believe kanji even remotely look like what theyre representing

Yeah. Those definitely don't look like what they represent.

>> No.3755137

壱 (one)
弐 (two)
参 (three)

Now you try, asshole.

>> No.3755139

I always got a chuckle out of 大丈夫 big stature husband

>> No.3755145 [DELETED] 

水 - water
火 - fire

If anyone can see the similarity, maybe they need to get their brain check.

>> No.3755146

水 - water
火 - fire

If anyone cant see the similarity, maybe they need to get their brain check.

>> No.3755149

Fire looks like a bonfire to me. Water looks like... lines.

>> No.3755150


>> No.3755165 [DELETED] 

>implying that those aren't intentionally obfuscated to confuse the laymen

>> No.3755168

I always liked 楽 for some reason. 好 is "woman" and "child" and that's just cute.

>> No.3755175


>> No.3755176

Fire looks like a fire with embers

>> No.3755178
File: 4 KB, 300x300, chichirabbit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always seen this one as a rabbit face.

>> No.3755183
File: 72 KB, 854x480, ZnT-LouiseNervous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been partial to 犬

>> No.3755191

>好 is "woman" and "child" and that's just cute.
That is pretty cute.

>> No.3755198

I always saw this as two crossed hammers and think of a manly father figure.

>> No.3755200

My teacher ruined all (or maybe enhanced?) all the characters using women in them for me.

He said japanese are mysoginist (he was a guy btw) and the kanjis and language reflected this.

好 was "liking" because you liked child women. Just like "Okusan"/"Wife" means "women in the back part of the house" and the kanji for husband can mean both husband and master.

>> No.3755204

That's the ugliest rabbit i've ever seen.

>> No.3755208

>好 is "woman" and "child" and that's just cute.

Daww, fuck you, I have to go to a funeral in 10 minutes and I'm gonna have a smile on my face the entire time.

>> No.3755212
File: 20 KB, 349x279, chichirabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3755221

It's true. They were.

>> No.3755233

>They were
They aren't now?

>> No.3755236

find me a culture that never was

>> No.3755244 [DELETED] 

>implying the Japanese are responsible for the creation of kanji

不 好 。

>> No.3755243

>I always liked 楽 for some reason.

I remember how I learned that kanji. It showed up on the "you managed not to fail" screen of the clapping game in Rhythm Tengoku where you make a stupid-looking girl in pigtails not drag down the rest of the cheer squad. I was just starting to learn the language, so I see "楽だったね" and think, "Hey, I can figure that out if I look up the kanji. However, 楽 looks very little like 楽 when it's in five-pixels high. So, I spend ten-minutes stumbling around the dictionary for anything that resembled the tiny kanji. Then I found it, and learned how worthless that girl truly was. I think her "friends" probably beat her up behind the shed after the remix game.

Tano-kiss my ass, you pink haired retard.

>> No.3755245

Not even close to how they were. It's pretty much the same for most cultures though.

>> No.3755251


Forgot my し. Somehow. I blame anger.

>> No.3755257 [DELETED] 

>implying the Japanese are responsible for the creation of kanji
Actually yeah they are. They just stole the characters from China to make it. The Chinese don't call them Kanji.

>> No.3755276

Doesn't matter. They didn't make the characters, therefore to say that the characters themselves say anything about the Japanese mind-set is wrong.

They do, however, say plenty about the Chinese mind-set which, by the way, is not unlike the description given by your teacher.

>> No.3755278

did you also forget い

>> No.3755299

What's wrong with saying Rhythm Heaven or Rhythm Paradise?

>> No.3755300

Gentlemen, I think we can agree both the Japanese and Chinese were misogynistic as fuck, just like every other culture was hundreds of years ago.

The real question is what went wrong?

>> No.3755302

chinese and japanese are more like each other than they like to admit.

sort of like isrealis and palestinians.

funny how people who truly are worlds apart get along, but it's the people who are actually alike except in small ways that insist on killing each other.

>> No.3755335

What's wrong with saying Rhythm Tengoku?

>> No.3755360

Yes, but that's because I'm stupid and forget extended vowels a lot.
I called it Tengoku because the rom is called Tengoku and the game is in Japanese. It also differentiates it from the DS game which is called Heaven and Paradise in its translations. Being a GBA game, and thus low resolution, was central to my frustration in finding the kanji.

If it makes you feel better, I don't call the DS game "Rhythm Tengoku Gold." I had to look up what its Japanese name was.

>> No.3755366

Opposites attract.

Also, any two people (for example) who are very similar to each other will either be the best of friends or the worst of enemies.

I find it kind of interesting.

>> No.3755377

Most people won't know what game you're talking about?

>> No.3755418

>text says "That was fun, wasn't it?"
>poster is angry


>> No.3755419

肆 (four)
伍 (five)
陸 (six)
漆 (seven)
捌 (eight)
玖 (nine)
拾 (ten)
萬 (that thing in man tiles)

>> No.3755421
File: 2 KB, 379x379, ame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the first kanji i learned back when The Reading Rainbow was airing.

it makes me feel a little sad because it's like staring at the rain from the window of my room. my room that i never leave..

also 悲 亡 茶

>> No.3755424

The best kanji.

>> No.3755436

The poster had to look up that kanji in order to understand that vapid, pointless statement. This is after beating that level, which was rather trying. And now the song is stuck in my head.

>> No.3755440

ah, understood

>> No.3755513


>> No.3755615

I love this one. I totally forgot about it.

It fits perfect with our misogynist discussion.

If a woman and child are good, three women are evil. hurrr.

>> No.3755632 [DELETED] 

hey please stop spamming ur shitty board on Onontalk dot com except with "a" insted of "O" thanks in advanenc

>> No.3755642

Another one I like is 羽(wing). It's one of the few that look like they're supposed to.

>> No.3755710

finally someone who knows what the fuck he is talking about in this thread

>> No.3755760

woman woman woman?

>> No.3755805

Korean's skill.

>> No.3755810
File: 2 KB, 166x152, UnknownKanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that there's a thread like this anyways, could anyone tell me what kanji this is?

I know left (左、ひだり), but I have no idea what that is.

>> No.3755852
File: 33 KB, 600x600, svg2raster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not seeing any noodles in this character.

>> No.3755862 [DELETED] 

I don't think you have proper eyesight.
Enjoy your noodleless kanji life.

>> No.3755863

佐 assistant

>> No.3755875


>> No.3755878

I like the character 出 because in 90% of the time in things I read it pertains to the pleasure of cumming inside.

>> No.3755879
File: 107 KB, 727x728, 1218283489378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3755891


Thanks a lot, really helped!

>> No.3755903 [DELETED] 

出 practically makes it's own sound effects. Look at it. It's like a splurt.

>> No.3755924

A nose.
Enjoy never unseeing.

>> No.3755950

Sorry. I already see 自 as a nose because of all those stupid mnemonics. THE ' IS BY THE EYE SO ITS A NOSE. ASIANS POINT TO THEIR NOSE TO MEAN SELF.

>> No.3755960

Fat woman crushing two little girls.

>> No.3755968

I'm gonna take advantage of the wise people in this thread to ask for some info:
When putting two kanji together to form a word, e.g. 鬼殺し - Onigoroshi from Oni and Koroshi, what are the rules for when the, what I'd call the 'binding letter' changes?
Because I've noticed that for some words, the binding letter doesn't change.

>> No.3755988

It really did mean 'nose' originally.

There are no rules. Enjoy guessing every time.

>> No.3755992

It's like many "rules" in English. There's no specific set of rules, you just have to eventually get a good feel for what sounds correct.

>> No.3755994

>Kanji is a logical part of language which once you get used to is not so bad
>There are no rules. Enjoy guessing every time.


>> No.3756000


I had a feeling it was like that, thanks for clearing it up for me.

>> No.3756014

The kanji character are borrowed from Chinese, they have the same meaning in both language, just spoken differently. The current traditional Chinese evolved from "ancient chinese". Which are a bit more squigglier, and more similar to a pictograph system. The tradition chinese was simplified to create the simplified chinese system.

>> No.3756195

I love how so many people think kanji is japanese.

>> No.3756246

what's the program to use to type these moon characters?

>> No.3756262


>> No.3756302

Where's this from?

>> No.3756306

>I love how so many people think kanji is japanese.
Kanji is Japanese. Yes, they're Chinese sinographs. That doesn't mean Kanji isn't Japanese.

>> No.3756325

English is Latin.

>> No.3756326
File: 32 KB, 249x239, 1241821211623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kanji looks tasty. Must be some kind of food.

>> No.3756330
File: 37 KB, 340x1080, 1243461484190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3756335 [DELETED] 


Do people even use this shit anymore?

>> No.3756337

A stack of hard disk drives.

>> No.3756343

Control Panel
-> Regional and Language Options
-> [Keyboards and Languages] Tab
-> [Change keyboard...] Button
-> [Add]

Then just add the Japanese keyboard.( Microsoft IME )
[Alt+shift] Switch between emulated Keyboard
[Alt+Caps]Katakana(while in JP mode)
[Ctrl+Caps]Hiragana(while in JP mode)

>> No.3756356

it's biang, only used in china
as anyone could have guessed, it's a kind of noodle dish that only gets purchases because of its unique advertisement as having a weird name
the dish tastes horrible, imo

>> No.3756368
File: 54 KB, 531x480, 531px-Anglosaxonrunes.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English is Latin.
Anglo Saxon alphabet here. I look way fucking cooler than Latin.
I'm so lonely ;_;

>> No.3756423

please tell me this is not a real kanji. I counted fifty seven strokes.

>> No.3756432

Dirty runes, get out.

>> No.3756444

It's not Kanji at all. It's dirty Chinese. Pay attention.

>> No.3756448

>Dirty runes, get out.
But but but... you can use me instead to pronounce the same words! Why don't you use me! ;_;

>> No.3756453

phew! well that makes sense. Damn dirty Chinese.

>> No.3756462

I mean you are cool and all, it's just that, the shapes are really too complex and angular.
Hell, I practiced writing runes for about a year seriously and it still took me about twice as long as usual to write the same sentence.

>> No.3756465


It is 漢字.
Fuck this shitty western-made-up distinction between "kanji", "hanzi"... whatever.

It's all 漢字.

>> No.3756471

籲 is 32. You can't even read it in a browser.

>> No.3756480

If I zoom in 500% I can.

>> No.3756492
File: 123 KB, 1470x899, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3756497

Anything past 25 strokes is a pain in the ass to read on a monitor in standard English font. 鬖,籲,鸙, What the shit is even going on in these?

>> No.3756501

Alright, without zooming. That was pretty much implied.

>> No.3756503

鬱 is pretty neat also...

>> No.3756509

>籲 is 32. You can't read it in a shitty browser.

>> No.3756517

When you are fluent with hanzi/kanji, you only look at their general form and bam! you know what the character is. So being "unreadbale" in broswers only applies to those who are unfamiliar with the character or students of the language.

>> No.3756534 [DELETED] 

Bro if
was in 14 font size it would look just like like ▓ this regardless of how fluent you are.

>> No.3756550
File: 745 B, 14x13, 14fontsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in 14pixils.

I'm not sure any amount of fluency makes that readable.

>> No.3756572

You do not read sentences character per character. You read them by blocks. You see a really small "unreadable character" and your mind should go evaluate all the characters you know that look like this within the context of the neighboring characters or meaning. A split second later, you get what it's all about.

>> No.3756596

Or you could just use the Latin alphabet already and throw away all that useless garbage.

>> No.3756618


>> No.3756621

Yes it's possible.
Also get a better font, that looks like shit.

>> No.3756633

First, those 30+ stroke characters are rare as hell.
Second, there aren't many of them. With some practice (I mean, gaijin-attainable practice, not fluency) you can usually guess them from the shape, even without seeing all the different strokes.

>> No.3756805


I see a Hydralisk

>> No.3756821 [DELETED] 

hey please stop spamming ur shitty board on Onontalk dot com except with "a" insted of "O" thanks in advanenc

>> No.3756834

kekeke spawn more moonrunes

>> No.3756982

>>I'm not seeing any mountain in this character.
actually that's a camel toe. they used to call that "yama".

>> No.3757343

Sickle and hammer, anyone?

>> No.3758710

I like 見 the most out of what I've learned thus far. I immediately associate it with "see" since it looks a lot like a rod cell that you find in your retina.

I'm a neurosciencefag in case you couldn't tell

>> No.3758761

http://www.coscom.co.jp/ebook/2001kanji/diskdata/vol1-top.html <--- Pretty useful tool for learning all 2000 motherfucking kanji characters if you ever have the time.
http://www.hellodamage.com/kanjidicks/main.htm <--- This guy, if you want to figure out why kanji characters look the way they do, and how to piece all the 2000 kanjis in order with radicals.

>> No.3758783

It seems that the Chinese were rather advanced in optics then.

>> No.3758806
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 125682878656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Price: 4900-yen
