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3757624 No.3757624 [Reply] [Original]

How do you quell the initial feeling of depression and self-loathing when you first become a NEET?

Just been kicked out on University, around $5k in debt despite not getting an education there at all, I have no qualifications, and because I'm in the UK, that means I can get more money living off benefits than I can getting a menial job.

What do you do to stop the self-hatred they comes with this though? Just ride it out until you realise you're living the good life?

>> No.3757632

I hear exercise is supposed to help depression.

>> No.3757635

i play eroge and masturbate

>> No.3757636

How the fuck did you get kicked out? Poor grades?

>> No.3757646

The question is: Are you happy? Are you happy with the path you are taking?

If you are, then you have no reason to hate yourself. If you are not happy, then you need to align yourself to best achieve it.

>> No.3757652

Masturbating in public restrooms.

>> No.3757655

Contact with friendly human beings releases a flood of chemicals within the brain. This results in a mood lift and general overall positive outlook.
Being solitary negates this.

You will have to make up for this lack in other ways, as mentioned by others - such as exercise.

>> No.3757665


That, plus the fact my uni is run by bastards. Still taking the money when it comes through, and making me pay it back though. Cocks.

>> No.3757671

Well at least you're only 5k in debt.

>> No.3757694

I'm not happy where I am, but I realistically can't see me getting to where I want to be, and I'm willing to settle >_>

>> No.3757738

Well, I got an 85k education at a university in the US for only 5k total debt thanks to scholarships and grants. You're 5k in debt and didn't even get to finish a quarter? Wow, that blows.

>> No.3757744

How did they catch you?

>> No.3757763

Ah man, I heard about this. A few of my friends are having hard times because of this shit as well.
I am thankful I never had to take out a student loan.

>> No.3757783

I cumshot'd over the cubical wall and hit someone in the eye.

>> No.3757791

depression is actually tricky, i associate depression with a pleasure to be in that situation. what you should do is to improve yourself, and you should start with your mentality.

yet i can appreciate your desire for change, since you decided to talk about your situation.

the sad feeling isn't productive at all, it just reminds you of that something went wrong, but that doesn't solve your problem. this means that you should think of a way to get out of that situation and improve it. and the only good reason is that you have nothing to lose. you must win the battle.

successful people are successful because they strive for a goal that's nearly impossible for others, but they believe it's possible for them.

convince yourself that you can make the impossible possible. then start working on your situation, step by step, over a timeframe, according to a plan.

>> No.3757809

I wasted nearly 15k for one year of school, of which I cracked and dropped-out.

Been NEET for years now.

>> No.3758112


>> No.3758128

Pills. Many pills. Or acid. Acid is good too.

>> No.3758185

it pretty much never goes away, you learn to ignore it

>> No.3758197 [DELETED] 

hey please stop spamming ur shitty board on Pnontalk dot com except with "a" insted of "P" thanks in advanenc

>> No.3758208

I got a menial job, paid off my debt, and then went back to university.

>> No.3758239

Pick something you like to do and do it. I don't understand being depressed about having free time.

>> No.3758273

The knowledge that you now have all the free time in the world, and will never accomplish anything is pretty fucking depressing.

>> No.3758294

then stop caring about whether the things you do will ever amount to anything

theres always a niche, stop fucking bitching

>> No.3758304

What's even the point of accomplishing things?

It's not like accomplishment is essential in order for you to be happy.

>> No.3758317

>I can get more money living off benefits than I can getting a menial job.

USfag here, how much more?

>> No.3758325

At least £1000 a year more in most cases. More if I can get diagnosed with depression and get on disability, but I don't think I'm scummy enough to do that.

>> No.3758345


God damn

>> No.3758381

And you people complain about the US?

I can't wait for Obama to turn the US into the UK. OBAMA MONEY for all.

>> No.3758393

I only felt depressed when I realised that I'd no longer be able to mess around with my friends. I've been a NEET for well over a year now and it's good enough for me. Leeching off of benefits like JSA is decent enough and allows me to make any purchases I want like consoles, new games etc. I'll probably look into getting a job sometime but for now I'm fine as I am.

>> No.3758398

Yup, the UK's benefits system is pretty fucking stupid. "Free" healthcare is the only good part, in theory, but in actuality it's fucking shit. Most of the people who work in hospitals barely speak English, nobody knows how to clean a hospital properly, and they're generally dirty and shitty.

>> No.3758412

Change is the only thing that depresses me.

I follow a strict schedule of doing nothing and anything new that pops up scares me half to death.

>> No.3758428

Welfare is the cancer killing the world.

People in developed countries are able to cruise along doing nothing while the rich carry them through taxes and the extremely poor people in third world countries work for slave labor so we can afford to live on welfare.

>> No.3758457

The middle class will be joining them pretty soon. The rich want nothing but poor serfs. Goodbye western standard of living.

>> No.3758465

5k in debt in Pounds is much more debt the 5K in dollars.

>> No.3758472

>never accomplish anything
No such thing. You're just stuck with what most people will tell you is 'accomplishment.' Get multiple hobbies that you enjoy and work on them.
I had the good fortune of owning guitars, a piano, and a violin, so between music, cooking, 3d design and programming, I'm very content. I'm NEET, and I'll admit at the start I felt a little sad that I'm completely insignificant to the world. Eventually you'll accept that everyone is like that already anyway.

>> No.3758485

the phrase "western standard of living" is pretty offensive, you guys deserve it

>> No.3758493


No, there is no replacement for this. The people who try that eventually wind up on /r9k/ making hikki threads

>> No.3758543

How do you keep on JSA for more than 6 months?
My personal advisor keeps trying to send me on these shitty courses that're 9-5, mon-fri.

I literally *cannot* go on them with the level of social-anxiety I have (like, fall over unconscious from nerves and panic if I have to talk in public type level), but they refuse to accept a psych's note as a good enough reason, and cut off my money for a fortnight when I don't show up.

Living on nothing but bread and juice for a month is unfun.

>> No.3758552

>the initial feeling of depression and self-loathing when you first become a NEET?
I wouldn't know because I am not a faggot.

When I became a NEET, my first thought was along the lines of "FUCK YES."

I have yet to regret it.

>> No.3758566

Guess it's because I have the same backstory as pretty much every other pathetic NEET on here.

Started off top of the class and shit in school
Didn't do any work because of this
Fucked up GCSEs slightly because I didn't work, but still got okay grades
Fucked up my A-levels completely
Fucked up uni
Entered NEETdom

>> No.3758576
File: 43 KB, 662x533, 1228110845746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEETs are worthless leeches to society.

You should all be purged from existence.

>> No.3758579

I just got another monitor for my PC today and then I saw this thread. I felt "OH GOD I'M GOING DONW THE ROAD OF NEET"

Watching animu on one and chatting on other is pretty cool, tho.

>> No.3758584

I felt a slight pang of pain reading that. Asshole...

>> No.3758591

>My personal advisor keeps trying to send me on these shitty courses that're 9-5, mon-fri.
I do perfectly fine on these. It's like being at school again.

>> No.3758600

Currently trying to avoid completing this step:
>Fucked up uni

>> No.3758604

Then your problem is that you're pathetic, not that you're a NEET.

>> No.3758607

What I wrote describes at least half of 4chan though.

>> No.3758610

How do you quell the ... depression ... ?
Why with Keynesian Economics of course!
I'll get my coat.

>> No.3758616

I might live in a shitty third world country, but at least I don't pay for university.

>> No.3758620

Thats half the problem I have with them. I was bullied at school, heh.

>> No.3758626

I fucked up uni, but I graduated last year anyway. Got a bunch of useless theoretical comp sci learnings. Useless, but not worthless. I'm still interested in the field, but not in a career way.

Got a call from potential employer today. I could be selling phones over Christmas. It'd be my first job.

>> No.3758634

OP here, I was actually doing a computer science degree. What could I have actually done with it?

>> No.3758651 [DELETED] 


>implying we have the ability to create money out of thin air and to "spend" our way out a depression as Keynes foolishly believed, despite the fact that all that aggressive spending is a tax on the future generations and it just so happens that anyone under 35 falls into the "younger generations" category but hey, as long as the baby boomers are happy who in government fucking cares

>> No.3758645

Honestly, I watch slice-of-life anime and pretend they're my friends.

From what I hear, nothing. The market is flooded with CS grads.

>> No.3758647

I hate to say this, but how can people fail out of school so badly? I'm pretty damn apathetic and a chronic procrastinator and I still got my degree. Just take an easy major or something. Fuck all I did was show up for 80% of my classes for 4 years and bullshit a few papers and I graduated with a 3.1 gpa.

>> No.3758659

We go to hard universities because we're afraid that going to a cheap and easy one won't look good on a degree and will be a waste of money...then we flunk out, for various reasons (bad grades, depression, mother died, etcetcetc.)

>> No.3758662

> Sales job

I don't know how you do it. I cannot fucking deal with people at all. I take jobs with as little social interaction as possible.

>> No.3758666

Software engineer. Sysadmin. Videogame coder.

Last one was my dream. I still want to make some amateur games.

I just want enough money to give me comfortable free time to spend on whatever whimsical urge tickles my fancy any any given time. Like learning Nipponese!

>> No.3758671

>>3758626 Got a call from potential employer today. I could be selling phones over Christmas. It'd be my first job.

I hate you. I can't even get min. wage jobs due to living in a college town and telling every potential employer I could work 12 hour days 7 days a week.

>> No.3758673

And what job did you get out of it?

>> No.3758687

I went to decent Christian university. In fact, going to a Christian school is probably better if you want to be lazy, because they're usually supernice people who will help you and let you get away with murder when it comes to turning in assignments and stuff. The students are generally nice too. You just have to tolerate the religious bs now and again.

>> No.3758692

Mortgage company. Right at the height of the remortgage boom 5 years back. FUCKING HATED IT. Dealing with people on the phones all day FUCKING SUCKS, even if I could browse the internet while talking.

>> No.3758695
File: 32 KB, 1024x576, 1204495677953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 22 years old, unemployed.
I have no qualifications like OP and I am from germany.
My life is a true NEET life.

>> No.3758696

Well I'm not there yet. I haven't done sales before. I deal with the public in my volunteer job. I can communicate okay. But I don't know if I can persuade.

If there are targets, I'm fucked.

>> No.3758703

You should be a professional Jew hunter. Germans have a solid lock on that occupation.

>> No.3758705



Social anxiety sucks, man. You know what sucks even more? There's only one cure for it. And you know what sucks even more than that? You already know what it is... :(

I feel your pain about living off of bare pantry foodstuffs though. I live off bread, instant coffee and tiny packets of just-add-hot-water miso soup.

>> No.3758707

This thread depresses me.

>> No.3758723

Join the Britfag army. They'll give you some motivation, and a purpose, as well as giving you benefits and an opportunity to get back into your education later, but with some stuff on your resume. You can also feel good about yourself by telling yourself that you are doing something noble with your worthless and wasted life and sacrificing it to protect others.

You'll shape up real quick in the army, and the exercise and constant motivation will lift your spirits too. Hell, you might even like the army life.

>> No.3758727

This thread alarms me as to how my life could end up next year in uni.

Fuck, I really hope this doesn't happen. I won't let it happen, dammit.

>> No.3758732

Can barely walk due to severe tendon problems in my legs, so there's no chance of ever going in the army.

>> No.3758736

> Join Army
> Get sent to Afghanistan

You're just full of bad advice tonight Anonymous

>> No.3758740

I think I have social anxiety, but I'm too scared to even go to the doctor's to find out.

>> No.3758751



>> No.3758752

JobSeekers Allowance. Basically unemployment benefit, but you've gotta prove in a million different ways that you're looking for work.

The only cures for it that the UK's free health-service covers are zombie pills. I am NEVER going on those again. I'd rather keep myself isolated and deal with it than be in the constant fog of depression that comes with them.

It's not so bad on weeks that I get money; about $60 or so a fortnight after rent. On weeks that I don't get money for whatever reason (refusing to go on a course, missing an interview, didn't provide a statement signed in triplicate that I'd applied for the millionth job of the month) I pretty much subsist on leftovers from the week before.

>> No.3758754

Does britain even have many people there? I don't think it's a guaranteed thing. It's definitely not guaranteed for Americans.

>> No.3758757

>Does britain even have many people there?

>I don't think it's a guaranteed thing.
90% of new recruits will get either an Afghan or Iraq deployment as their first.

>> No.3758763

I want to know how you worthless fucks get on welfare. When my dad lost his job it took him like a month to get into it, and they gave him complete hell. He had to prove he was applying at a lot of places/ect. When he finally got a new job but was laid off a few years later, it was even worse.

Are all of you from the U.K and it's really that easy over there, or am I missing something?

>> No.3758768


I know it's a strange request, but can you describe your eating habits, how you make do with the food you have, how it feels to live off such basic food for survival?

>> No.3758780

Because he's not black.

>> No.3758782

90% isn't guaranteed at all, quit whining.

>> No.3758795


I wish I was kidding.

>> No.3758796

You have to be trolling, blacks get on welfare the easiest you moron.

>> No.3758803


Damn man, I thought that was a joke. Sucks.

>> No.3758822

I think I probably have some kind of social disorder too, but I don't really feel like going to the doctor about it. Or maybe it's more that I don't really believe in the alphabet soup of ill-defined disorders the medical community's come up with. I know I have OCD, but that's enough for me.

>> No.3758824

In my case, it's not working that I hate. When I had a job I'd show up on time every day and do the job to the best of my ability. Unfortunately, one day I just had a mental breakdown and walked out at 1 A.M while it was full of customers. Still, I worked there faithfully for two years.

Ever since then, I can't bring myself to apply at other stores. I know if someone else signed me up for a job and told me I started on Monday, I'd be committed.

Same goes for parties. I've only been to a couple, but when I'm finally dragged there by parents or some other circumstance where I can no longer escape from it, I socialize and enjoy myself. Same as education. I got straight A's in High School but never applied to a college.

The point is that my problem does not lie with completing the task, but making the first step to enter into it. It's just apathy, I guess. I bet a lot of /jp/ is the same as me. I mean, there's just no point to it all. I might as well just take it easy.

Cool story, bro, ect.

>> No.3758837


Describe some of your symptoms to me. I'm an e-psychatrist with a diploma from Robot Nine Thousand University.

>> No.3758853


Yes this thread is depressing.

I'm also fucked up pretty soon. Getting lot of F's on my university exams...

>> No.3758857

I have a few close friends, but I mostly keep to myself, and I tend to be submissive towards others. I have absolutely no confidence unless I've been drinking. When I'm in a situation where I don't know anyone, I either hit the booze if it's available or sit in the corner, or find some excuse to leave.

>> No.3758888

All of you complaining about failing university and such doesn't even sound like you have it that bad. I dropped out of high school and am now deathly afraid of any social contact at all. Like hell if I could even bring myself to try to enroll in any further education. ;_;

>> No.3758898


Join the Coast Guard then.

>> No.3758907


Tell us about it. What happens to you if you want to go talk to people? What would happen if someone dropped you off in, say, a Foot Locker store alone and a clerk approached you with people standing all around you?

>> No.3758909

I'm kind of lucky, I'd be out of a job if it wasn't for a friend hiring me... but we're going through a merger and I'm getting re-interviewed by the other company, kind of nervous about it. If it goes well, I'll be making a lot of money every month. If it doesn't go well, I don't know if I have what it takes to get back on my own two feet.

>> No.3758917

In the UK, you have to wait 6 weeks before you can get welfare, prove you have less than X amount of savings/property, and prove you've applied all over the place.

It's not easy, but it's more advertised.

Ok, I guess.
Eating habits:
Rice. Lots and lots of fucking rice. You can get 20 kilos of rice for £20 or so. Best value food I've ever seen. Obviously I add different things to it, cheap meat like fishfingers or chicken nuggets, but mostly rice. It's bulky enough to keep you full, provides energy, and is easy to make taste different so it doesn't get too boring.

No breakfast. Cereal is expensive and mostly sugar, so fuck it. Dessert similar, though I find it hard not to cave and buy at least something nice and sweet every time I shop. Even once a month, it's something to look forward to, something to find a reason to reward myself with.

How I make do:
Poorly. It's really, really important to know how different vitamin/mineral deficiencies present themselves, and buy supplements/extra food appropriately. It's way too easy to see something that looks good, have to cut something else, and end up feeling like crap because you didn't buy enough stuff with Vitamin [whatever] in it.

I honestly don't know if I can continue like this indefinitely without making myself really ill. I'm a little over 120lbs (8 stone 6 or so, for the brits, 55kilos for the metrics), at 6ft. That's pretty goddam skinny.

How it feels:
Feels bad man.

I had to re-write this little ramble about a million times because it kept coming off as "baww, I'm po', pity me ;~;", when that's not my intention at all.

Sorry for taking so long.

>> No.3758930

To be honest, I don't really know. I haven't really left my house in the past two years. It's gotten to the point where I feel uncomfortable around my parents, of whom I live with, and I can hardly manage to talk to people online, outside of 4chan, that is.

>> No.3758931

You should add beans to your diet. Rice and beans gives you 100% of the proteins you need to survive and is a staple diet in many places. Dried bulk bags of beans are just as cheap as rice, and you rehydrate them over night.

>> No.3758937 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3758941

Yeah, I hear you. In online games like WoW, I always play solo, I'm too nervous to group with anyone or join a guild. I live by myself though, haven't spoken to my parents in years. Surviving off of savings from previous job mostly.

>> No.3758944


It can't be that hard to get out there and get a better paying job. If you're miserable because of a lack of money, and your problem is not drugs, I don't see how you can't pull yourself back up into some kind of job.

>> No.3758959

start listening to good music and read lots of things

>> No.3758975

That's not really social anxiety on a hikikomori level then. True social anxiety is when you certainly would not be around others to be submissive to or be in a room with unknown people and booze.

Nonetheless, if you you truly feel you need it, there are still programs to help boost your self-confidence. Don't know much about those though.

>> No.3758979

And I thought I was the only one like that. No matter on which RO server I play, I can never find a way to approach people, join guilds, parties or whatever. And if I do, I stop logging in on that character because I'm too scared to try telling the guild members why I haven't logged in for so long.

>> No.3758983

That is all.

>> No.3758992

They're amongst the stuff that I add to my rice, but I try to avoid them 'cos I'm mildly allergic to a lot of them. Red beans, for example, leave me feeling like crap for hours.

I don't have a job. See >>3758543.
I *cannot* get a job. I can't sleep for about 30 hours or so before my weekly Job-Centre interview. If I have to stay in the waiting room for more than a few minutes, I start to shake, can't breathe, feel like I'm going to die, and generally either leave or lock myself in a bathroom cubicle until I can calm down.
The last time I was forced to be in a public place for a long while without zombie-pills, I passed the fuck out. From sheer terror (and more than a little hyperventilation), just "ohgodohgodohgo- *thud*

>> No.3758994


>6', 120

Jesus CHRIST man, you're literally starving. Like, it's not a joke. I weigh the same as you do, except I'm 5'4".

Might wanna stock up on pasta. It's cheap too, but you can probably eat more of it at once than rice. Just slap on a little bit of tomato sauce, some cheap parmesean, and bam, some food to put some meat on your bones.

>> No.3759005


Also, one more quick note... fresh fruit. The minerals and antioxidants stay in dried (bulk) fruit, but the vitamins don't. Buy fresh fruit, it's cheap and nourishing. Apples are the best because if you keep them refrigerated or in a cold cellar, they'll last for weeks. Some varieties will even last months.

>> No.3759015


This explains SO MUCH.

>> No.3759016

That's probably true. Maybe I should just join Toastmasters.

>> No.3759026


>Useless, but not worthless

explain, anon

>> No.3759028

Don't think about it.
ignorance is bliss.

>> No.3759035

This thread has turned into a trollfest


>> No.3759036

I eat mostly rice too, because it's so cheap. Rice + mackerel == nutritious and delicious.

>> No.3759044

I know. Doctor says that so long as I'm getting the vitamins, it's just a matter of having almost no fat storage, rather than serious malnutrition. Doesn't help that the most excercise I get is the 6 mile round trip to the JC once a week, so I have very little muscle.

Parmesan is kinda expensive, £2 for a relatively small block. I'll keep it in mind though.

I always get fruit. Mostly bananas, because bananas are delicious. Fresh fruit juice whenever it's on offer too, you wouldn't believe how good just plain ol' squashed oranges taste when you normally just drink water.

Also, to head off the inevitable; My internet is free, as was my laptop. There's nothing I can cut from my budget that I haven't already.

>> No.3759058

rice + vegetable curry is cheap. if you make a big batch, it's like $2 a meal.

>> No.3759066

search for asian rice recipe in google

>> No.3759102
File: 63 KB, 256x886, animefriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened to you?

>> No.3759105
File: 63 KB, 256x886, gamefriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this?

>> No.3759114

these make me sad, and i am only 22 ;=;

>> No.3759120

This has :(

>> No.3759123

My best friend in high school, before he ended up moving and changing schools, came to visit me a couple of months ago, it was the first time we saw each other in years. Christ did I feel like a piece of shit after he found out I was a total loser who haven't left my house in several years.

>> No.3759132

A combination of both.
Though it was them signing onto msn for the first time in 5 years or so, rather than meeting them in person.

>> No.3759143

Considering I have no desire to have a job like that or a child, I could care less if it did.

>> No.3759147

Neither one has happened to me, actually, but I can see it happening in a few years...

>> No.3759150

Thank god I don't have any friends to reunite with

>> No.3759158

I'm 28, all of my old friends from highschool are married and either have kids or have plans on having children soon. All of them have successful careers making decent $60-120K income. I haven't even had my first job yet. I felt so bad, I deleted my facebook account.

>> No.3759161

simple you kill your self so that your not a drain on society or waste of resources that could be put to better use. :)

>> No.3759173

Reported for underage.

>> No.3759194

then you're wasting burial space, unless you go for cremation.

A better alternative is to destroy your body completely.

>> No.3759195


That's pretty much more depressing than any of us.

There's only one good thing to say... you're still young enough to turn things around. If you were 35, then yes, you'd be fucked. But it's not uncommon for men to start families in their 30's. You just have to reinvent yourself and create a new identity, and just lie your ass off about your past to create a successful image of you, even if it's a lie, as you proceed with your new life.

Of course, you aren't gonna do this. But hey, I tried.

>> No.3759212

I have a friend I see maybe once or twice a year and there's no pattern to when he shows up so I never know when to expect company. He likes to bring people I've never met along with him and it's always extremely awkward. He's hardly the friend I used to know the way he has changed and grown up so much. When I asked him which games he plays he told me that he doesn't play them that often because he spends most of his time with all his new friends drinking and smoking pot.

I know it's wrong to think this, but I almost wish he would tell me that he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. It's humiliating seeing how far he's gotten in life in comparison to me.

>> No.3759213

Well, I don't care so much about the family part. I had shitty parents, and I'm jaded about getting married and shit. Even so, when I got asked if I was married yet, I still felt pathetic saying no.

But fuck, I wish I could at least get a job, I'm way too nervous at interviews and always fuck them up. And people ask me why I've never had a job yet even though I'm 28.

>> No.3759238

Wow, I'm 20 and I thought my life was fucked.

I'm truly humbled by the desperation in this thread.

>> No.3759241

I simply gave up years ago. I don't expect anything from the future anymore. I'm 26 with only high school education. I don't have any friends IRL or online. Thankfully I'm not in debt and I manage to live on welfare quite well.

Anything positive that might happen is a bonus. Anything negative... well, I don't know what could possibly happen that I'd actually care about. Maybe getting jail time for loli or something but thankfully that's not going to happen where I live yet.

This way I never feel disappointed. Though you could say I've just become apathetic. Yes, I'm fine living like this. If any change were to happen I'll call it a miracle.

>> No.3759244

This thread sure is a normalfag circlejerk.

"I just want to get a job and get married and drink and smoke weed. ;_;"

>> No.3759245

Every time I read one of these threads, an unusual thought always occurs to me:

How many of these are just stories made up by clever people who just want to make other people realize their lives could be a lot worse than they are?

>> No.3759254


>> No.3759259
File: 24 KB, 640x358, 1239506610310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not how I want it to be !

I must make the mistake somewhere..

>> No.3759265
File: 118 KB, 814x1178, 1252558185523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only path
I have no regrets

>> No.3759267

Whenever I feel down, I watch this:


Puts a big smile on my face.

>> No.3759276

Hey losers, I've got this boat where your dreams can come true. Don't you want to take a chance and try a change for once, or will you continue to rot away in your rooms?

-Totally not scamming you,
Gaton Rangste

>> No.3759277

I dunno. At least I don't have enough motivation or imagination to come up with an even shittier scenario than my life currently is. Well it's not really shitty since I'm fine with the way things are "for the time being".

Why would someone want to make others feel better about themselves on 4chan of all places anyway?

>> No.3759284

I'm 25, and currently at uni again, after spending three and a half years doing basically shitfuckall when I left home and went to a different uni which I dropped out of. I then worked in factories for a few years before eventually realising that unless I went the fuck back to school, I'd be either doing shit line jobs forever, or even worse be going into management.

Several of my friends are married now. One is expecting his second child before the new year. I've never had a relationship, barring a short-lived thing that was online-only and almost as long-distance as physically possible.

>> No.3759285

Oh, and I forgot to add that I'm >$50k in debt thanks to the three-four years of "education" that I spent sleeping, drinking liqueur, and playing cards....

>> No.3759292

I dunno honestly. Maybe I just like indulging the fantasy that nice people exist even on 4chan.

>> No.3759296


Ironically anon, I share a similar trait, though I don't have quite the cush job that you did [Construction, all the things I fear(ed) the most wrapped up in a magnificent apex of a tempest. On the plus side, it makes me manlier then 90% of /jp/ automatically.] In reality, the only reason that I even have that job is because of my father, even if he won't admit it. The labor itself isn't so bad. In some cases the mindless, endless drone of menial labor is almost satisfactory to the point where I personally wouldn't mind working for $10/hr forever. The people however make the job almost unbearable to the point of where I honestly believe that being pwned by a crane would be a wiser alternative than listen to some of the most inane statements coming from the mouths of idiots (And they are, trust me). I easily have the longest hair of any of the actual workers on site by a large margin. I one of the few (Outside the occasional token black or white that isn't a supervisor.) who can't speak Spanish proficiently enough, so that isolates me from the get-go. Sadly, the most common thing I have with my fellow co-workers is that they more-or-less know that I smoke pot (Which I have remained off of just to make them stop with the drug charades, though it is pretty funny.) Also, OSHA is a myth that only exists on Safety Inspections for them, so ironies like carrying a ladder up a ladder six stories off the ground are all too common.

And the sad thing is that this past week has been the first time I've posted regularly on /jp/ in three months. The filler for the lack of internet has been playing P3F (Jesus Fucking Christ, that game is long, but I grind in Tartarus a fuckload. Plus, I don't want it to end. ;_;)

Ironically, I applied to the university where the job is at (Mainly for quick easy credit from my AP scores.) in the spring, so I will probably get my hair cut to try to blend in and continue to avoid most people.

>> No.3759338

Building commercial ovens isn't really that cush. Those fuckers are heavy, and the fibreglass inside the walls fucks up your lungs something chronic. The workmates were definitely the same kind of thing - there was talk once of a mandatory drug test, but they decided not to go through with it because they'd lose 90% of the non-office staff.

Electronics assembly is relatively cush though, I'll give you that.

>> No.3759357

Long hair isn't particularly uncommon at universities, so you don't have to get it cut if you like it.

>> No.3759369
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Feelings are all chemicals in the brain. Learn how to manipulate them. The vast majority of people use good friends and plenty of social interaction (see the sixth reply to this thread) . Others take the more harmful path of sex and hard drugs. Personally, the only things I use are healthy food, good exercise, and proper sleeping habits. I have no friends.

And honestly, I've felt like the happiest person in the world for years. Even today nothing special happened, but it was still a great and enjoyable day for me.

I suggest enjoying your time as a NEET. If you're still buttmad and depressed as a NEET, then consider doing something else. If you dropped out of school, then don't fret too much; it's perfectly fine to make a mistake in life. Go back in a year or two or five. If you're afraid of failing again, then consider this: you only live once, so you might as well go down in a blaze of glory.

>> No.3759392
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>Others take the more harmful path of sex and hard drugs.

>> No.3759399

Do you ever feel like you're going insane? I've been alone for almost 16 months now, and lately I've been having weird dreams about people from earlier in my life, and I feel like I've been left behind. Also, the days just seem to meld together. It's like a month goes by in a day.

>> No.3759406

It is not a fantasy. When we don't have to discuss which touhou is our favorite, what you'd like to do to her, why Rika's cuteness is a miracle of the universe, why Shiki can or can not kill servants/beat Shirou/Ryougi could curbstomp both of them, why idolfags should get off /jp/ even if their content fits on /jp/ anyway, and doing stupid meta discussions, we can be alright.

I guess that's never though. Enjoy your delusions, Takumi.

>> No.3759416

>Also, the days just seem to meld together. It's like a month goes by in a day.
Story of my life. Ever since I became a NEET last year I just can't separate the days. I can never remember when I did or didn't do something and it always feels like it might have happened yesterday when there's no way it could have been.

>> No.3759444

Don't you only do weed Arc? Even posting on /jp/ is more harmful than that.

Actually now that I think about it, I've never been truly alone. I still had my mom, my dad, and my younger brother. How is your situation? And every person in the world has dreams about the past once in a while. Personally I feel that dreams are nothing to worry about.

As for the days melding together, that only happened to me when I slept strange hours.

>> No.3759451


>do Weed

Man, the way you say this makes it sound like cannabis is a sexy, slutty bitch whom I eat out daily. That would be AMAZING. I bet that's what sex with Yuuka is like.

Anyway....yeah, I wasn't seriously challenging your post, I just thought it was funny how sex is as dangerous as hard drugs.

>> No.3759459

Yeah, I'm completely alone. Haven't spoken to family in years, and don't care to, they're horrible people, part of the reason I ended up struggling in life perhaps. I left my last job 16 months ago, just had too much of the grind and getting exploited by an abusive boss. I last talked to my landlord 8 months ago, it was like a 10 minute conversation. Since then, I've just been mailing my rent checks. I occasionally say hi to cashiers at the grocery store, but other than that, the Internet is my own contact to the outside world. Currently living off of my savings from my last job.

>> No.3759476

>part of the reason I ended up struggling in life
No. It's your fault. Stop trying to reassign the blame.

>> No.3759493

It's my fault for not figuring out a way to change my life now and move on, but you don't know my past, it fucked me up and it wasn't my fault.

>> No.3759496

>it wasn't my fault
Everything you do in life is your fault. No exceptions.

Stop running away, Shinji.

>> No.3759500

Where the fuck would he go? He's on a big blue board!

>> No.3759555

I have SAD too. The hardest step was going to the doctor to get it diagnosed but in the end was the best thing I have done for myself so far. I still have it, living with it, but my life has much improved. Was a NEET for 4 years -- struggling to get back into "normal" society... and repeating first year courses all over again. It's an uphill battle but it gets easier in time.

>> No.3759561

>struggling to get back into "normal" society
Then hurry up and leave /jp/. Take the rest of this thread with you.

>> No.3759564

When you re-entered school, you weren't able to get your previous credits transferred in? Or did you re-apply as if you never had attended college before?

>> No.3759572

".. and repeating first year courses all over again"

Sounds familiar.....

>> No.3759615

Yeah, I had a schizophreniform episode that lasted a month, probably because I was smoking too much cannabis.
Got some credits transferred, but it doesn't count for much. Redoing a lot of courses because I've forgotten a lot.

>> No.3759624

Yeah, I should probably just take it to 2ch. NEET threads are more acceptable there.

>> No.3759629

Should just buy some lard and toss that in with your rice. Fry it up real good. Also add beans like another anon suggested.

>> No.3759631

This is an "I want to get a job and fuck some sluts while drunk" thread, though.

>> No.3759645

Yeah, I'd agree -- but I do prefer the optimistic outlooks over the apathetic pity whoring.

>> No.3759786

Goals are helping me.
Think about yourself, your hobbies, interests and where you want to be in so many years (1, 5, 10, 20, 50).
Writing out a detailed plan on the steps you will take to get to your short term goal which is a step to your mid term goal which is a step to your long term goal.
After really stopping and looking at myself and how I think I noticed how fucked up my mind was and how it worked so positive affirmations help change that. Its stupid as fuck at first but if you keep doing it you start to think differently.
Thinking about dark shit doesn't help you get through life so when you catch yourself thinking something like killing or raping someone stop and start going through your positive affirmations. Affirmations like respecting people or women, about how your not a piece of shit in a shithole surrounded by shitfucks, etc.

If you skip the religious bullshit 'The Secret' is a good book to help change your life. http://www.thesecret.tv/

>> No.3759793

Is "I'm a NEET and I like it" not optimistic enough for you?

>> No.3759806

it would suck if this was a troll thread and a shitload of people just took the bait. i feel for you guys though.

>> No.3759832


Even if it was, would it make any difference?

>> No.3759872

if it was a troll thread damn a lot of people got trolled and owned.
if not then just it all just blows.
small difference.
i say just enjoy yourselves as much as possible while you can and just do whatever you can to help yourselves out or help out. to make a difference you gotta actually have the right mindset and want to actually want to feel good and do something nice. shit just be happy you're not a sex slave in another country or your arms are chopped off.

>> No.3759877

>a lot of people got trolled and owned
I don't see any rage or slave trading in this thread.

>> No.3759890

I've just set myself my first goal. To clean up my room.

>> No.3759895

responding and being trolled are two different things

>> No.3759898

I do that once every few months. It hasn't brought me any closer to a job.

>> No.3759902

Must suck being NEET in debt. NEET without debt is really the best.

>> No.3759919

I got scholarshipped all the way through university, all the way through my PhD.

Now I sit at home and the government gives me money.

>> No.3759924

PhD in what?

>> No.3759931

The best is being NEET with savings and a house already paid for. People these days are too quick to spend money they don't have on nothing.

>> No.3759935

Computer Science (my paper was on relevance feedback).

>> No.3759940

Once you have enough savings, you can live off the interest.

That's why I don't understand why anyone with >a million dollars works - but then again, those people live in a completely different world, and probably:
1. Somehow enjoy what they do.
2. Like money far too much
3. Have trophy wives to feed

>> No.3759941

I'm 26 years old and living with my parents. They would have kicked me out if I wasn't attending school, so I've been going to community college for the past 6 years. I generally take 1-2 classes a semester (night classes only, there are far less people) and I have to struggle just to get through those. I don't know what I'm going to do when my parents finally do decide to cut me off

>> No.3759943

>Just ride it out until you realise you're living the good life?

Realize now that little work and lots of leisure is the good life.

>> No.3759959

At the rate I'm making money, combined with my cost of living and inflation taken into account I would have enough to live off interest in about 40 years. Maybe I should look into stocks or something...

>> No.3760008

Man, lately I've realized I have stopped talking to the only friends I've ever had: my online ones.

I go on AIM or whatever but keep it set to block everybody. I used to be on that shit all the time chatting it up, heck even on messageboards I've gone from poster to browser.

When I do show myself (only between certain hours so as to keep up my lie about having a job) I see friends online but never send the first message. It's just getting so hard to make up interesting or even boring stories about having a "normal" daily life. When asked "what's new" I don't even know what to say anymore. Each of my online buds have grown up and become pretty normal relatively successful people, how am I supposed to shoot the shit with them pretending to be one of them?

So yeah, its getting pretty bad when you won't even speak with people online huh?

>> No.3760571

I'm 21 and I've been reading from must-read literature list while still getting regular VN fixes. Here's some cool shit I learned while neglecting my uni assignment and shit:

Thomas Mann - Death in Venice and other tales
The protag in his story are always people who resent normalfag life and choose to be intelligent people. To be intellectual one start by denying life and go with his ideal way, and stuff is fine until real life starts to hit you back in the face. I like Tonio Kroger the most because the protag ends up choosing the path of self-denial instead of suicides like in his other stories.
It's awesome that books written in 1900s can be more relevant to my life than any other piece of medium I've ever consumed.

Romeo Tanaka - Cross Channel
No matter how unreal (not 3D enough) channel you're in, as long as you have someone to talk with, listen to for them to listen to you, it's real. Despite how unnormal it is, limiting yourself to internet and 4chan is fine.

Also Joseph Campbell for being a NEET for 4 years straight after uni and dedicated himself fully to passion and topics normalfag doesn't care about. In the end his study about mythology and symbolism makes him a hero etc.

John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath
In order for Man to have sense of self-worth, he has to do work or anything for the sake of himself, his family or his wife and children. If you can't do that and continue to pity yourself, you're out. Looks like I really need to start DevianTart whoring soon in order to save myself.

Having taken some part in active and productive doujin/tl circle really helps me a lot in keeping my mind off from suicide. I'm going to vote for Swan Song because it looks like the most enlightening piece after Cross Channel.

>> No.3760585

Have you guys tried forex? Seems like you NEETs are right for the job.

>> No.3760607


>> No.3760622

Making money by trading currencies. Just google it.

>> No.3760640

This thread is incredibly motivating. I just bookmarked the easymodo version so I can look back on it whenever I feel like procrastinating.

Thanks /jp/ !

>> No.3760706
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- dropped out of college when they tried to dick me out of even more money than I could borrow for the third time
- moved out of state because it's economy was THAT bad (yay Michigan)
- got bumped out of various lousy living quarters due to shitty landlords and inconsiderate roommates.
- lost my job due to a store closing

Now I live in yet another city across the country from where I started, still trying to get a job, holed up with my computers and my unemployment checks.

Am I miserable? No, because even if it was lousy at times, fuck all if I didn't have an interesting time. I make enough to get by, I have a circle of friends (some in the same situation that I'm in), and I have my hobbies: fucking with my computers and writing.

Am I a leech on society? I don't think so, since I'm still LOOKING for a job, and in the meantime, I'm working on alternate forms of starting a career (lol authoring).

Also, I'm $20k in debt. $5k ain't shit compared to that, even with the currency conversion, and I'll one up that: I'm sitting pretty with my debt compared to some of my classmates: my 20k ain't shit compared to their 30, 40, even 50k.

Not everything is so bad, man.

>> No.3760720

>1. Somehow enjoy what they do.

This, to some degree. I've known two people in this situation, and both of them worked simply for something to do. One of them worked with me in an incredibly shitty place, and everyone questioned his sanity, but the other guy worked in the back room of a bookstore and liked his nice, quiet job, because it gave him a place to be and a task to complete.

>> No.3760866

i wish i had friends ;_;

>> No.3761177

I olnly was in home for three months and I sometimes went and met with my relatives so I wouldn't say I've had it bad. Durning that time I didn't feel much, I had created a bubble of illusion that most people have such a small world. I wasn't sad nor happy. But now I have started going to university, we have a really small class so I listen to them talking a lot and sometimes talk to them myself too. I am happy that I can talk to somebody and I even dared to go to a small party that they invited me to. But most of the time I feel bad because I can see how people of my age actually live like and how many people they interact with each day.

I have a potentially good life, but I am just too cowardly to try and make something of it. I'm afraid of the future. I really feel like a whiny brat.
