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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 198 KB, 712x1000, moe 524 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3756362 No.3756362 [Reply] [Original]

what is the legal status of loli in the USA right now guys?

Im thinking of buying the game that this image is based on and I dont want to be raped by a nigger in jail. :/

>> No.3756367

Have you tried google

>> No.3756377


I see all the touhou here so I assumed you people would be well versed.

>> No.3756391

Will customs stop this?


>> No.3756393
File: 116 KB, 648x968, 1183557598210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP picture sucks

>> No.3756406

1. that isnt the same tard.
2.this is an eroge
3. Noizi Itoh did the art for this game so swallow a cock.

>> No.3756412

Good chance of that, yeah. Guys have been arrested for ordering loli manga from Japan.

Country of the free, haha.

>> No.3756416
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>> No.3756429


strawberry crud is generic.

I want to be apreist who molest orphans so bad..

>> No.3756430
File: 46 KB, 600x800, 22440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3756436

We are all japanese though。

>> No.3756438

Depends on your luck and how smart you do it. I know of people who import plenty of loli stuff to sell at cons here in the US and never get caught. So it's not impossible.

>> No.3756439

they might use a postal box if your worried

>> No.3756440


Loli is legal in the US unless you live in a state with obscenity laws, in which case if they're feeling REALLY self-righteous, you could get a fine.

Unless, of course, you're ordering actual CP with it.

Will customs stop it? Good question. They shouldn't, and the stuff I've ordered has come through fine, but I have heard some stories...

>> No.3756445

Dunno, but still legal in Germany.

>> No.3756451

>Guys have been arrested for ordering loli manga from Japan.

That was a dude with actual CP in addition to loli, unless you mean the guy from New Zealand(which isn't part of the US, yet.)

>> No.3756459
File: 165 KB, 850x800, 3416453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3756460


by cp , do you mean u15 junior idols?

>> No.3756461

Noisy Ito can suck my cock instead.

>> No.3756463


lol u mad?

>> No.3756467

They only found the CP AFTER searching his house, which they did on the basis that he ordered loli manga.

You may not get arrested, but you'll get a search warrant and you can hand over your PC (which you will get back after a year, with the harddisk blanked).

Am I making this up? Not one bit of it.

>> No.3756470


No. By CP, I mean CP.

Though, if OP is importing loli, I wouldn't take my chances and import any U15 stuff. While the loli should be fine, that might give him some trouble...

>> No.3756488


u15 junior idols...

i dont know this but i'm gussing under 15 models?

that's a little creepy

>> No.3756491

Its less risky to just download it.

>> No.3756495


fuck ,for serious -I mean so if I bought komorebi

my computer is goinna get wiped.

what about stuff like france shoujo with ahalf nude loli on it.

>> No.3756507


see you in the party van dude.

>> No.3756508


thats stealing plus Im all about them extras.

>> No.3756515


Yeah, but that's a one-in-a-million chance. In order to search, they need a warrant. Which means they need to go before a judge and convince them that the import of loli means he might be a real pedo. Most judges point out the BS in that, as can be evident by how uncommon the practice is despite almost 20+ years of loli importing.

>> No.3756520
File: 346 KB, 800x1100, 1181695371323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good choice, OP, it's a nice game.

>> No.3756523

Go back to /a/, faggot.

>> No.3756525

Well aren't you a model citizen.

>> No.3756528

>Most judges point out the BS in that[citation needed]
The low incidence rate is because on the total amount of packages being processed, loli is probably <1% and then of all those packages they probably only search <0,1%. So the chance of them coming across loli probably IS one in a million, but when they come across it, they'll go for you.

But hey, if you want to risk it. Your life.

>> No.3756538

You can't be busted for loli, but they may be able to get a warrant. If all you have is loli, you're not in any real trouble, but if they find ONE naked 1st grader they get to tell the news they found "18,000 IMAGES OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY"

>> No.3756543


You risk your life just existing. He isn't even risking that in this case, assuming he's not actually breaking any laws. As you already mentioned, the worst case scenario is that his place will be searched and his machine confiscated and processed. Just waking up in the morning gives you better odds of dying than that.

>> No.3756545

I should specify, the loli images count as CP in their count if you're harboring real CP

>> No.3756547

What if I had CP on my hard disk about 4 years ago? Will they still find it?

>> No.3756559


Now you're starting to get into dangerous territory. After four years of use and formatting, it's unlikely that it's still there, but not so unlikely that you should chance it. Just buy a new harddrive and smash that one.

>> No.3756561

Lol, yeah. "Guy who ordered loli busted with CP" Smaller heading: "3,400,000 images found on suspect's computer" (none of them CP except for that one, but that's not what they say)

And of course, it would be full of implications that people who look at loli are obviously all pedophiles or potential pedophiles that should be locked up.

>> No.3756563

Probably. Unless it was overwritten, the data will still be there, just not indexed in your filesystem.

dd if=/dev/urandom of=filler; rm filler

>> No.3756564

If you buy a new one, make sure to do it with cash - not a card at all.

>> No.3756562 [DELETED] 


>> No.3756570

Haha, you're the same kind of person who goes out during a thunderstorm and 'reasons' "only 1 or 2 people die from a lightning strike each year, so the odds of me being hit are obviously so little, I am risking my life more just by lying in bed!"

I hope you understand the flaw in this 'reasoning'.

>> No.3756571

Cash only, why?

>> No.3756573

Op here, this guy isnt me -just some clarification

>> No.3756574

>Handley pleaded guilty
>accused of receiving and possessing obscene material

An excellent list of the wrongs things to do.

>> No.3756583


I dont suppose you know of a gallery on the net where I could view some cgs?...

>> No.3756587

He should have fought the case; even if he lost he'd probably have a good chance on appeal.

>> No.3756589

So you know better than his lawyer, Anon? It was a plea bargain. Maybe he got a good deal. Would you wager on the mercy of a jury of his peers? That is, the mob?

>> No.3756592


Preventative measures would have been better in the first place, such as not ordering loli if you're in fucking Iowa.

>> No.3756595

If you wipe the disk with about 4 full passes of GOOD pseudorandom data (PRNG stream in DBAN, using Mersenne Twister) it is 99,9% certain the data cannot be recovered. 4 more passes and you can make that 99,999%.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gutmann_method, the last bit in "Criticism", specifically.

But if you believe the government must have some super-mega-advanced tools to recover data of someone they only suspect to have some CP and you believe they'd go through all that trouble to try to find something that they only have the ASSUMPTION of that you may have in possession, then sanitize the disk (smash it, burn it, bury it 50 feet underground, etc.)

>> No.3756598

Well, there are some CGs and artwork here...


>> No.3756602


Due to the fact that there are multiple organizations which are willing to help fund representation for this, I would say he has a decent chance.

>> No.3756611

Also, here is a cute music video based on Komorebi Ni Yureru Tamashii No Koe.


>> No.3756645

That was awesome.

>> No.3756650

some of those made my dick stiff ..am I going to hell ;_;

>> No.3756656

Yes, together with the rest of /jp/.

>> No.3756659

so in the shower....are thosse the triplets ore is the brown haired girl the one on the far right?>>3756598

>> No.3756668

Oh wow, this is the guy who does the art for Haruhi novels?

>> No.3756669


girl ...believe it or not.

>> No.3756673


She is a female.

>> No.3756702

bumping for more anecdotes . lets hear em /jp/

>> No.3756735

If you live in a decent sized city try looking around Japantown. I found a bookstore in mine that sold ComicLO

>> No.3756750

I live in the southesst US , Georgia specifically

>> No.3756763


In that case, it's probably not a good idea unless you're feeling lucky. They've got 'obscenity' laws down there, which means you could end up like some of the rare above cases.

>> No.3756778

She has a career on doing eroge CGs.

>> No.3756839


yeah...christianity pretty much runs our government.

>> No.3757042


could I ask a retailer to order it for me so if its "found out"

they take the heat?

>> No.3757056


I guess that might work. I did hear of that store down in Florida that got charged for doing that and nothing about the guy who apparently had ordered.

>> No.3757072


haha,, crafty fucker prevails -I should be a folktale villain

>> No.3757243

these little girls look delicious

>> No.3757281

When will the supreme court make lolicon completely and utterly legal forever.

>> No.3757328

They have in the pass, but then congress just makes a new bill

Congress could make and pass a bill "women no longer can vote", which although would be quickly thrown out by the courts, it would still be passable.

>> No.3757341

theres always amendments though

>> No.3757360

i doubt we can get 2/3 of america to vote yes on it

>> No.3757436

you think two thirds of america wouldnt outlaw loli if it got the chance


>> No.3757450 [DELETED] 

well, just try explaining all this to your family, or coworker

>> No.3757452

well, just try explaining all this to your family, coworker, friends etc...

>> No.3757508

there was athread involving this on r9k a while ago-normal peopele will NOT understand

>> No.3757544

can anyone explain to me why real cp is illegal?

>> No.3757564

Who cares, it's 3D.

>> No.3757585


well it wasnt illegal until 1999 in Japan -Id love to see some cute japanese loli get plowed and suck a cock

>> No.3757600

Child exploitation. Apparently these anti-loli laws are supposed to protect 2D lolis from being exploited.

>> No.3757614

1. To protect privacy of child victims
2. To prevent profitability of child abuse
3. To suppress material that could cause non-paedophiles to become paedophiles

>> No.3757633

1. apseudonym would work.
2. considering most poeple get busted downloading from otgher countries ...is this really an issue?

3. You want to end pedophilia -go to the source and destroy the machinations of feminism .

>> No.3757649

Why would someone who is not a paedophile be watching child porn to begin with?

>> No.3757675


a logical challenger appears!

>> No.3757688


Arresting random young men with picutes on their computer doesn't help any of these goals.

It's like chasing down drug addicts to stop drug trafficking, it's dumb and more about middle-class morality then practicality.

>> No.3757743

>1. apseudonym would work.
Faces are identifiable. So are bodies. Sometimes. Even if they weren't identifiable, they're still images of *that person*. They still own the copyright, or something like that. We could deal with it as a civil, standard copyright infringement issue. But then the individual children (maybe grown up years later, maybe not) will have to individually sue people. That wouldn't be very effective. Having to go though this could also be traumatic. We could say they should just deal with that. But we didn't. The law is on their side.

>2. considering most poeple get busted downloading from otgher countries ...is this really an issue?
No, it's not, as far as I know, modern child porn is made for fun, not profit. But child models are another issue.

>3. You want to end pedophilia -go to the source and destroy the machinations of feminism .
No, not me. I'm a fan of freedom of thought. I'm also a paedophile.

Curiosity or accidental viewing.

>> No.3757747

>It's like chasing down drug addicts to stop drug trafficking

No no, it's like chasing down people who save pictures of drugs to stop drug trafficking.

>> No.3757749


I hate that attempting to defend this point of view causes society to view you as a monster.

>> No.3757771

/jp/ - Closet Pedophiles

>> No.3757772

What about old men?

It supports the goal of suppression of paedophilia, which looks similar to goal 3 enough. No one admits to it, no one defends it. People still do it, sure. In secret.

>> No.3757801
File: 159 KB, 600x450, 1232854498244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing closet about it.

>> No.3757821

I am not a pedophile fyi but current CP enforcment is just dumb.

Yes the primary threat to children are internet boogeymen who live in clandestine circles and decend on children like a hawk on it's prey, who in reality have neither the will nor the resources to do anything. Child sex tourists have will, resources and do personally exploit children but a laughable number of them ever get arrested.

>> No.3757825

Status is under the radar. Barely anybody knows about imported loli shit, nobody cares because nobody fucking knows about it.

Keep it that way, and you won't have any problems.

>> No.3757837


Pirating music and movies hurts the entertainment industry but pirating CP bolsters the underground CP industry.

>> No.3757868

There are several kinds of the internet boogeymen. Ones that communicate with children online, seducing them, eventually trying to meet them. Or merely encouraging them to take sexy photos of themselves. And of course, the ones that don't interact with children, but download illegal images.

What's my point? I don't know.

>> No.3757870


but one day....


>> No.3757880

"Pirating music hurts artists, downloading CP hurts children."
There you go, a more symmetrical proposition.
No, I don't think this.

>> No.3757890


I like this post I think you should all like it too

>> No.3757899

We have to pay the children for their hard work.

>> No.3757912


>> No.3757925


they were going to get an asspounding anyway it was inevitable. just let the pedos have it so they wont rape american kids.

>> No.3757939

Okay, I found something funny in an ironic way. Worth aging.

>> No.3757964

I agree that it is stupid.
If I would have a serious relationship with a 15 years old, they would treat me the same as if I raped a 8 years old girl.

>> No.3757997

Oh here we go. We weren't even talking about age of consent nonsense. Yet.
>If I would have a serious relationship with a 15 years old, they would treat me the same as if I raped a 8 years old girl.
Where do you live? Don't judges use discretion?

>> No.3757999


No, I believe he was talking about the guy from Iowa that had loli but no CP.


There's no hell for you to go to, so you're fine.


No to mention a hot female at that. She's about my age too. I would certainly hit it.


>3. To suppress material that could cause non-paedophiles to become paedophiles

So, you're saying it's like a drug?

>> No.3758014

Does it matter ?
For the "lowest common denominator" pedophile = rapes children and it is always male.

>> No.3758032

>3. To suppress material that could cause non-paedophiles to become paedophiles
>So, you're saying it's like a drug?
It could be. Or perhaps paedophilia is more of a potential aspect in certain individuals, that can be locked up, unknown and/or ignored. Or, with the right stimulus, provoked and awoken.

>> No.3758060

OP here, wow successful thread is successful .

>> No.3758061

I'm sure public swimming pools 'awaken' more paedophiles.

>> No.3758068

>Does it matter ?
Where you live? Yes. If there are specifically "zero-tolerance" laws, or something, that's significant.
>For the "lowest common denominator" pedophile = rapes children and it is always male.
This comment seems only loosely connected to the train of thought you're responding to.

Are we having a conversation or are you going to fly off on tangents with no focus?

>> No.3758081

Public pools are enjoyed by lots of people.
Child porn is enjoyed by paedophiles only.

Feels great, eh?

>> No.3758091


I've heard evolutionary explanations for homosexuality, but I'd love to hear an evolutionary explanation for pedophilia. I just don't understand the reason for the pathology away from the social norm and what effect that can have on a population. There HAS to be a biological reason for it that science can explain... I just wonder if it's too taboo for many people to take up the challenge.

>> No.3758093

well considering most threads I made would be lucky to get 20 , this feels like climbing mount everest.

>> No.3758107


Yes awoken, like a werewolf under the full moon. Emerging into a more primal form that is less human and more beast, ready to ravage it's helpless prey...

Or maybe it is just a sexual preference like any other. Most pedophiles aren't exclusive pedophiles anyway, they are so normal /jp/ would be disgusted.

>> No.3758115

But then
>3. To suppress material that could cause non-paedophiles to become paedophiles
Would be a moot point, because non-paedophiles wouldn't have any interest in watching it. Unless they somehow had accidentally downloaded and watched CP, then realised they enjoyed it. It seems like a silly reason, as going to a pool and seeing scantily clad little girls in the flesh should seem more likely to cause non-paedophiles to turn.

>> No.3758131

>There HAS to be a biological reason for it that science can explain.
Does it have to be some sort of evolutionary advantage? Why not just a misfiring of sexual instinct and attraction to youth? It's clearly not something sui generis.

>> No.3758144


meh dont read to much into it. ive never heard a convincing explanation for pedophilia -evolutionary psychology invovles a shitload of speculation.

ephebophilia is just a made up word psychologist created to make people feel bad about themselves.

>> No.3758165


sorry I meant homosexuality.

anyways men are attracted to purity -modern society is so grrl power!! that natural instincts are warped in an effort to satisfy a biological imperative.

>> No.3758170

Why does there have to be a biological reason? Is there a biological reason I might like twintails or kuuderes?

>> No.3758179

I am the person you replied to and I see no conflict between the ideas presented in these two paragraphs. Apart from the insinuation that there's a contradiction there, I agree with your post entirely.


>> No.3758193

Wait, except for the part about paedos being less human. Heh.

>> No.3758201


>Unless they somehow had accidentally downloaded and watched CP, then realised they enjoyed it.

Ever hear the old proverb 'curiosity killed the cat'?

Imagine someone hearing that CP was on a p2p file sharing network and then out of sheer curiosity just checking to see if that was true or just a joke.

Who knows, maybe that's never happened, but I doubt it.

>> No.3758211

Yeah, that's pretty much how it started with me.

>> No.3758226

Yea but I think those people are already predisposed and would most likely eventually become like that anyway.

>> No.3758255


I admit that I created a strawman but I was aiming at the use of language like "awaken" and "potential". I think it's terrible to understand pedophiles has having something inherent in them that is different from most people and it is what's wrong with the common understanding of pedophiles. Someone with that understanding and a different opinion can conclude (as they often do) that, "pedophiles have this thing that makes them a pedophile and it can't be changed so they must be castrated".

I think that anyone could be a pedophile with the right sort of sexual upbringing and understanding them as no different from any other sexual kink humanizes them.

>> No.3758257


Well, usually things like sexual preference has its roots in biology, but it's pretty complicated because as any neurologist can tell you, your brain adapts to your environment pretty fast. The brain you wake up with tomorrow is slightly different than the one you go to sleep with tonight.


Oh I'm not saying that it has to be an advantage, I'm just wondering what effect the preference has on a population, be it negative or otherwise. I'm not saying that pedophilia has a genetic or standard evolutionary explanation like common ancestry does, but if pedophilia can arise due to conditioning or some other mental pathology, what pressures does that exert on a population? That's all I'm curious about.

>> No.3758430

should I make that youtube vid my facebook update.

>> No.3758470

is this the best lolicon eroge or what?

>> No.3758478

Here ya go bro

>> No.3758503

you havent been watchin the thread bro, I dont pirate.

so does this company only make lolicon games because thats pretty sweet

>> No.3758540

Oh I see. Then why not one of those pay to download the game sites? I know they exist.

>> No.3758554


If I can get the special extras its better to buy a game in box-but if regular is all I can get download might be better -especially if it means avoiding being jamals release valve

>> No.3758669

man ....the latent sexuality just oozes outta those girls.


>> No.3758697


You are now imagining Noizi Ito being like this as a child.

>> No.3758748



>> No.3758787

>man ....the latent sexuality just oozes outta those girls.

That's semen.

>> No.3758834

AS cool as this game looks -it does have some faults
I mean it looks like the triplets are unwinnable

also what serious ending could be possible?

marrry a loli and live happily ever after?
not likely.

>> No.3758850

Dont think too hard about it man.

>> No.3758868


bump for question.

>> No.3758877

That's actually what my research area is going to be (well, paraphilias in general anyway) if I ever get my doctorate and a land a research gig at a university.

The reason why there's so little research on the subject though is for several reasons:

1. To study pedophiles you have to get them aroused. This tends to be an insurmountable squick limit for most people, scientists included, as it typically requires the PI to run through hundreds of child porn images, screening them to pedos, and then narrowing that database of CP down to only the "most arousing" images.
2. Contrary to what you're told in high school and undergrad, science is comprised entirely of freethinkers. Rather, science has it's fads just like every other part of society, and as a result you wind up with the vast majority of scientists focusing on only a few research areas.
3. There's very few biological sex researchers in general. Of those that exist, most are focused on female psychosomatic sexual disorders (ex: vaginisumus) since finding a cure or good treatment for one of those will you make you one very rich motherfucker.

>> No.3758920


Pretty sure it would be hard to get through point one without assistance from law enforcement officials too.

Who would sponsor this too, can't see it getting any funding but a research scholarship from the university itself.

>> No.3758942

Holy shit, guys: Lolicon / shotacon art as a legal proxy for child pornography in academic studies of pedophilia. As a researcher, downloading gigabytes of Japanese loli doujins would be a legitimate part of your job.

>> No.3758960

Yeah, but I can't see really studying pedophiles using the 2D stuff, since one can argue that people who get aroused by loli doujins don't necessarily fit the bill.

>> No.3758966


Any researcher would be ethically and legally prohibited from using actual images of child pornography. As far as I know, they currently use sexually-suggestive images of children (bathing suits, etc.) for PPG (penile plethysmograph) tests conducted during rehabilitation treatment for pedophiles.

>> No.3758970


You'd have to run that past authorities if you ever want a research grant, ethical considerations are a huge part of proposals these days in any research involving humans and legal considerations would certainly be part of that.

Also it wouldn't prove a thing about real CP, proxies don't cut it.

>> No.3758972

>rehabilitation treatment

Is there any evidence at all that this works? I don't even know what it consists of.

>> No.3758988

It doesn't work. Ever. At all.

No sarcasm here, either. It's just a fucking stupid idea.

>> No.3759056


I'm not qualified to answer that question, but the reform rate is exceedingly low. The few successful cases are usually accompanied with either chemical or physical castration.

>> No.3759104


you mean as in ...physically chopping balls off...

shit when are we going to get the chambers.


>> No.3759119

It's "voluntary".
As in, "It's completely up to you whether you go on this treatment/reform course that involves ball-hacking-off, but if you don't... well, good luck even glimpsing a parole board, or getting out of solitary this year" type voluntary.

>> No.3759139


It is something that has popular approval in most western nations. A while ago I took a class on the sex trade, a class full of humanities students who were at least in their final year and even there people were yelling out "castrate pedophiles".

It is really impossible to conduct honest research on pedophilia in this environment.

>> No.3759172


I've read a study where the researchers used a federally supplied pack of CP as their stimuli for a phallic arousal test. I wish I still had the article on me so I could give a citation, but unfortunately the flash drive I kept it on died several months back.

Suffice it to say, the feds do supply this stuff when it's for a legitimate cause like rehabilitation therapy or scientific studies.

>> No.3759178

I understand the outrage people feel towards certain offenders, but I wonder how many of them would support legislation to cut off the hands of convicted thieves, or other forms of mutilation as legal punishment. It's not exactly in the spirit of our legal tradition. Not to mention that castration doesn't necessarily make a sexual offender not dangerous

>> No.3759196

I remember back in my abnormal psych class we touched on fetishes for part of a class. I was face palming the whole time. For example, one girl behind me raised her arm and asked "do you think the internet is responsible for the rise in fetishes? Because it seems like there's a lot of sickos out there these days".

Yeah, the problem with sexual research in the US (and the West in general) is that society's imbecilic taboos against sex reach even into research. It's hard enough to get research on rather banal aspects of sexuality done, but God forbid you try to research something like pedophilia objectively. For example, there was a study released awhile back that concluded that the effects of childhood sexual abuse may not be as longlasting and severe as once thought. The US congress them issued an official statement of condemnation against the journal for publishing the study.

>> No.3759201


>For example, one girl behind me raised her arm and asked "do you think the internet is responsible for the rise in fetishes? Because it seems like there's a lot of sickos out there these days".

I would have turned around, put on a smile, and said, "Well, what kinds of kinky things were you doing to come to this conclusion?"

>> No.3759224

>The US congress them issued an official statement of condemnation against the journal for publishing the study.
The opinions of laymen are irrelevant.

>> No.3759236

what bugs me is why is pedophilia so reviled , but if someone says homos cant get married liberals bawww

anti gay marriage makes it in maine:

" this is a victory for hate"

the hypocrisy is mind boggling

>> No.3759246

Laymen's tax dollars is where funding for socialogical science pretty much exclusively comes from, unfortunately, and you don't get funding if you aren't working to bolster the opinions that your funders hold.

>> No.3759250

So you'd like it more if they were also chopping off gay dicks?

>> No.3759262


No but I honestly wish gays would just shut the fuck up with their bawwing about marriage.

Pedophiles are the most reviled human beings on the face of the earth ,why would anyone CHOOSE to be one.

>> No.3759273


Even the most critical thinkers need someone to inform them otherwise and really who wants to be that person who holds a contrary view of pedophiles, it's like wanting to be the first to climb out of the trench into no man's land.

I never said a word and I'm glad that it only angers me for how intellectually dishonest it is, and not personally.

>> No.3759275

It basically boils down to whether you believe that a behavior is somehow harmful to society. Social conservatives believe that homosexual marriages harm society, while the socially liberal don't; but both sides believe that pedophiles are doing bad shit.

Partly I think it is an education issue; pedophiles won't be recieved well until they can convince a significant portion of the population that they aren't potential child rapists any more than heterosexual men are potential woman rapists or homosexual men are potential man rapists.

>> No.3759283

>I honestly wish gays would just shut the fuck up with their bawwing about marriage.
I hope a pedophile abducts, rapes, and murders you. Go to bed.

>> No.3759287


Another pox on the discourse of pedophilia is comparisons to homosexuality, coming from both sides.

Don't do this.

>> No.3759293

>It basically boils down to whether you believe that a behavior is somehow harmful to society.
I don't give a shit about that. I am convinced that drugs are bad for society, but I still support their legalization. Why? Because you can't just go around telling other people what to do.

>> No.3759294 [DELETED] 

Why would a pedophile be interested in an balding overweight 30 year old slob?

>> No.3759298

>>3759293 Because you can't just go around telling other people what to do.
Yes you can. It's the easiest thing in the world.

>> No.3759301


well so many people are convinced that children cant handle any aspect of sexual contact whatsoever. I mean ,yeah a 5 year old probably cant take a dick , but she could give a nice handjob and suck it to no tomorrow.

plus the whole homo = ok thing

basically came from

male sheep do gay shit
they have a different sized hypothalamus ! it must be genetic!

>> No.3759314

>any more than heterosexual men are potential woman rapists
I've been treated like a potential rapist by a few organizations just because I'm male. It feels insulting.

>> No.3759317

Our entire legal system is based on the idea that you CAN tell people what to do, so yeah. That shit won't fly in a courtroom.

>> No.3759319


you're either a moderately good troll or a fucking retard.

i'm gonna go with the latter.

>> No.3759322


cool baseless assumption bro

>> No.3759326

Yours, not mine. I had no part in creating it and I do not support it.

>> No.3759331

No, the homo = okay thing was around long before that study, it's just the "okay because it's genetic lol" argument that is new (and quite frankly not terribly convincing in my opinion).

Homosexuality shouldn't be something that is okay only because it's an incurable disease or genetic defect; it may or may not be a choice, but if it IS a choice, it isn't an immoral choice.

>> No.3759332
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>> No.3759336

Legal frameworks don't work that way, bro.

>> No.3759343

Legal frameworks are a figment of your imagination.

>> No.3759346


well alot of people say it is because it isnt harmful and besides being gay homosexuals are completely normal .

however most pedophiles are completely normal apart from lusting for lolis .

>> No.3759355

OUR imagination. And as long as one of us is able to enforce it, it might as well be real. You can't be free from unjust laws by refusing to believe that they exist.

>> No.3759356

They really can't tell people to not use drugs though, only condemn people to poverty and a criminal under-class for using it. Especially since the line between good and bad drugs is so subjective.

It's a consumer product that has existed since there has been consumers and has supported global empires, no judge can stop that.

>> No.3759366
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>>3759356 They really can't tell people to not use drugs though
Were you not in school in the early 90's?

You need to stop saying "can't" when you mean "shouldn't".

>> No.3759367

Aside from their being written down on paper or in a large number of past court rulings and enforced by police and judges who have the power to deprive you of your property and liberty if you break them, yeah, you're right.

>> No.3759371

What I feel irritating about the social stigma attached to pedophilia is how said stigma is attached to pedophiles themselves and not the act of child molestation or rape.

I am sexually attracted to 2d images of children.
Here, this is normal.
In society as a whole, this is one of the most twisted and disgusting things a person can have as a part of themselves.

>> No.3759372

All I see is chaos. My rationality does not permit me to indulge in fantasies such as laws, souls, or deities.

>> No.3759381

I'd tell you to learn English, but you probably already know it, so reported for trolling.

>> No.3759408



>> No.3759412

Your poor grasp of English syntax is what is at fault here, although more generally your problem is that you can't seem to express your thoughts in writing in a coherent fashion.

(I'm actually very sympathetic to your point of view, but please practice writing your thoughts in a more precise way; it will help you convince your readers if your writing is more coherent.)

>> No.3759423

n.: the way in which linguistic elements (as words) are put together to form constituents


>> No.3759429

I for one report every loli imge I see as illegal content. ^_^

>> No.3759441


too bad for you if that was true -ichigo marshmeru would be against the rules. Now fuck off you piece of shit

>> No.3759449

you know , melanasia has homosexual intiation rites where from 5-15 boys will suck a mans dick and swallow.


>> No.3759473

Man, I visited /jp/ for the first time and I saw this. This board fucking sucks.

>> No.3759707

your sentence doesn't need a "however" bro. both portions of the sentence say the same thing but with different subjects.

>> No.3759804

don't buy it instead download it for free since the US is not very nice to anyone who pays for loli/pedo stuff whereas if you download it they only bust you if it is pedo otherwise they leave you alone. It is legal to be in posession of Loli however if they bust you then they will use it in court to convince a jury that you are a pedo. So as long as you stay away from pedo stuff and don't pay for your loli you will be fine.

>> No.3760895

I wan to fuck those princesses silly

am I a pedo ;_;

>> No.3760930
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OP here wow my first 150+ reply thread in return prepare for image dump

>> No.3760940
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>> No.3760944
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>> No.3760950
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>> No.3760953
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>> No.3760957
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>> No.3760968
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>> No.3760972
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>> No.3760982
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well here you go -thanks guys

>> No.3760987

The PROTECT Act of 2003 outlawed lolicon in the U.S, although law enforcement has bigger priorities than animated child porn so you shouldn't worry too much.

>> No.3761004


that was truck down ages ago dude

>> No.3761033

Im likin the look of those triplets -

Id fill them out in triplicate if you know what I mean..

>> No.3761050

Have fun getting banned for report abuse.

>> No.3761060

how does this game end?

>> No.3761068

No it wasn't.
The 2001 legislation was. The 2003 one remains unchallenged.

>> No.3761091

Not so long ago, I read an article on some french lawyer's site about a letter he got from an anonymous guy sitting in prison for being a paedophile, who told him a about his motivations, and how unfair it seemed to him to be labeled and treated like a monster.

Basically, what he's saying is that he never really chose to be that way, it just occurs, like one's own homosexuality occurs to anyone else. However, while one is frowned upon at most, the other one is demonized ad nauseam.

I'm not a paedophile and I don't mind looking at 2D loli pics at all, but I still found the article touching, to say the least.

Well, if you fancy reading French tl;dr texts and browse through some of the 600+ comments to that post, here's the link. Break a leg.

>> No.3761127


If it does it will just get the smack down again.

the probllem is plenty of states have obsenity laws ,which is about as close to sharia law as you can get

the courts ruled handley trafficked obscene material , but the truth is that they just wanted to lock up a lolicon becuase he might be a pedophile.

>> No.3761136

>sitting in prison for being a paedophile
I don't believe there are laws like that anywhere.

>> No.3761155

Why the fuck not?

>> No.3761191

>that was truck down ages ago dude

>No it wasn't.
>The 2001 legislation was. The 2003 one remains unchallenged.

>If it does it will just get the smack down again.

Virtual child-porn was outlawed in the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996, but that aspect of the law was declared unconstitutional in 2001 on the grounds that it violated the First Amendment. Virtual child pornography was again outlawed in 2003 with the PROTECT Act, with the added provision that that the virtual child-porn must be considered "obscene", and since the Supreme Court in Miller v. California (1973) decided that obscenity wasn't protected under the First Amendment, the new legislation is considered constitutional.

>> No.3761192

Sorry, for admitting to being a paedophile but being falsely convicted of having committed several crimes. Was implicit for me.

>> No.3761421


You dont read too well . I already stated that obscenity was the only way one would get charged.

of course Im sure DAs dont give a shit about obsecenity , in their ind they are getting a potential kiddy fucker off the streets.

>> No.3761737

>You dont read too well . I already stated that obscenity was the only way one would get charged.

You said the federal law would be struck down again and talked about state obscenity laws. The PROTECT Act is a federal law against "obscene" virtual child-pornography.

>> No.3761740


People don't like to admit that they don't know what they are talking about.

>> No.3763150


>> No.3763316

I fucking love you. I've been looking for these games, thanks.
