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File: 173 KB, 554x303, world without america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3756476 No.3756476 [Reply] [Original]

Japan would be better off if the US never existed.

>> No.3756484

If by better you mean backwards and strained trying to control their asian holdings against soviet-funded revolutions.

>> No.3756482

Yes, because glorious Russia would impose their will on them instead.

>> No.3756489

The US would be better off if Japan never existed.

>> No.3756493

Russia would lose against the overwhelming Japanese fighting spirit.

>> No.3756500

Without America the world would be overrun with spics and muslims.

America is the worlds beacon for freedom, technology, and human rights. If it did not put Japan in its place, they would never have taken anime and manga to such a level of escapism and would be too busy trying and failing to enslave China.

>> No.3756496

The world doesn't need amerikkkan sympathizers like you. Perhaps you would also enjoy getting nuked.

>> No.3756498


lol what's this from?

>> No.3756506

Would Britain still be the major world power if America didn't exist?

>> No.3756510

/jp/ trolling is getting worse. Where are the clever trolls of yesteryear? Nowadays we have all these low tier faggots.

>> No.3756516

What? I'm agreeing with you. Japan would have been much more prosperous as a Soviet satellite state. Just look at Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. They were so happy under Russian domination that they never, ever revolted.

>> No.3756521

I'm imagining it! I'm imagining it!

It's paradise!

>> No.3756533


>> No.3756536

Just Japan? Try the whole world.

>> No.3756551

Probably not. The real question is whether the American colonies would become a larger role in the British government. Following WII, since we didn't knock it too much until WWI where we were just the 11th hour backup, the "British Empire" was in shambles and the ruins of their empire were occupied by Russian Allied forces.
Except for America; this continent would be their empirial ace in the hole, unless they increased our autonomy until they let us go like with Canada.

>> No.3756560

Without America huh?

The world be an even worse shithole, with hardly any human rights for ANYONE.

>> No.3756565

But you don't have human rights in America either. You know, unlike Europe you still have death sentence.

>> No.3756577

Imagine a world without 4chan!

>> No.3756578

I know you love your country, and I respect that.
But you don't know half of what you are talking about.

>> No.3756580

No space travel, no nuclear energy.

>> No.3756581

Well, without that convenient chunk of land to distract the Europeans, they'd just go fuck up Asia.

And then everyone in Japan would be speaking Dutch right now.

>> No.3756584

What? The Russians were the first to send a man in space.

>> No.3756585


I don't think you do either.
Without America, there would be no reason for the French revolution, which heralded the whole concept of inalienable rights.

>> No.3756586

Actually, much of of the credit for Japan's development post-WW2 goes to America. USA's army completely overhauled their economy.

>> No.3756600

It's very arguable how the ideas of the enlightenment would have affected the rest of the world without America putting them into practice.

>> No.3756601

On the other hand, the auto-sufficient economic model used by the USA fucked the world in the ass. In that sense, China's development was great for the global market, as they not only export but also import tons of things.

>> No.3756607

didn't france help america win the war? I know nothing about history how could that spark a revolution

>> No.3756613

You mean to say that human rights, or let's just say, anything discovered or made by america will never have a chance to come to fruition just because it never existed? Nu uh.

Human rights, inventions, etc. At least those that are not made for nonsense, come to light because of necessity of a group of people. The existence of "America" has nothing to do with it.

>> No.3756616


Helping America wasn't free. France's wars and expendages designed to fuck Britain over ended up plunging them quite far into debt.

>> No.3756634


Given the amount of times that human rights have come into existence and then been lost to history, I'd hardly say that they are necessary. Republics in general haven't fared very well over the course of history.

>> No.3756631 [DELETED] 


Given the amount of times that human rights have come into existences and then been lost to history, I'd hardly say that they are necessary. Republics in general haven't fared very well over the course of history.

>> No.3756646

If the US never existed nobody would have even bothered with japan and because of that /jp/ would never be created. Enjoy you're /a/.

>> No.3756651

Nice thread, indeed.

>> No.3756655

America isn't the problem. Its niggers and jews.

>> No.3756658

you forgot pedophiles.

>> No.3756663
File: 70 KB, 493x472, 1257433650718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They were so happy under Russian domination that they never, ever revolted.

Yeah, just one day they decided to switch government.

>> No.3756675

afghanistan was much better off under the soviets

>> No.3756685


>> No.3756691
File: 86 KB, 600x375, American.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A world without the U.S.
I wish.

>> No.3756697
File: 126 KB, 400x400, 4chantouhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Internet would be better off if 4chan never existed.

>> No.3756748

America is an embarrassment to the white race.

>> No.3756749
File: 192 KB, 473x488, 1257702900428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you basically hate america because they are the best, and you all secretly want to have money to be fat slobs? You disgust me.

>> No.3756762

i thought you only posted on /a/, lanced jack wannabe
what happened? got banned or something?

>> No.3756782
File: 124 KB, 450x338, KonataBored4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dont compare me to such an immature fool like him.

And yes i got banned, but that means absolutely nothing.

Besides you immature people cannot understand that everybody hates the most powerful country in the world. Immature brats.

>> No.3756784

Japan would still be raping Chinese by the thousands without America...so better off I guess?

>> No.3756786


>> No.3756795

>i got banned because i was too immature even for /a/ standards

That's a new low there, bro. Congrats.

>> No.3756794

ignore him, he's trying to imitate a shitty troll from /a/

>> No.3756797
File: 39 KB, 512x512, 486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many of the Ainu were also used in slave-like conditions by the Japanese fishing industry. As the Japanese government encouraged immigration of ethnic Japanese to populate Hokkaido, the Ainu became increasingly marginalised in their own land.

>> No.3756800

>But you don't have human rights in America either. You know, unlike Europe you still have death sentence.
You're a moron. In California people ask for the death sentence because it never happens and they get super comfy cells with their own TV.

Yes, lawyers actually advise asking for it because it will never happen here and you get a better cell + extra privledges.

>> No.3756802
File: 29 KB, 704x396, KonataTalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This aint a thread about my fails, i can accept superiority of America unlike you. Dont push my fails at me like that, you dont even know who i am.

Besides im maturer than you at least, im not desperatly trying to troll someone here.

>> No.3756816
File: 28 KB, 225x374, PTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be asking for this.

>> No.3756817

Japanese war crimes occurred during the period of Japanese imperialism. Some of the incidents have also been described as an Asian Holocaust and Japanese war atrocities. Some war crimes were committed by military personnel from the Empire of Japan in the late 19th century, although most took place during the first part of the Shōwa Era, the name given to the reign of Emperor Hirohito, until the military defeat of the Empire of Japan, in 1945.

>> No.3756826


Largely because of the Cold War. Not saying that they wouldn't have eventually gotten around to developing a space program but I don't believe that it would have been as advanced as what they have now.

>> No.3756828
File: 40 KB, 320x428, nanjing-massacre-whitewash-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3756835



>> No.3756841

The world would be better.

>> No.3756844

Didnt Japan have the death penalty up to a few months ago?

>> No.3756846


>> No.3756857


>> No.3756884

there's only "human rights" because someone somewhere is profiting off of them. the second they become a burden they will be dissolved

>> No.3756910

profit=getting elected, yes.

>> No.3756914

>there's only "human rights" because someone somewhere is profiting off of them

Humans who have rights, obviously.

>> No.3756935

Our Empire, for the purpose of self-defense and self-preservation, will complete preparations for war ... [and is] ... resolved to go to war with the United States, Great Britain and the Netherlands if necessary. Our Empire will concurrently take all possible diplomatic measures vis-à-vis the United States and Great Britain, and thereby endeavor to obtain our objectives...

meaning the conquest of manchuria, china etc

of course, the japanese couldve NOT tried to invade these countries, and consquently stayed out of the conflict but it was their choice. so dont blame america for a bad decision on your countrys part.

of course, Japan will probably always view itself as right in its own eyes.

>> No.3756954
File: 234 KB, 900x1358, WithoutWarning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On March 14, 2003, as coalition forces ready their assault on Iraq, a massive energy wave envelops the continental U.S. and portions of Canada and Mexico. Quickly dubbed the Disappearance by baffled onlookers, the wave mysteriously obliterates all life forms, human and animal, within its shimmering borders. As politicians and scientists try to make sense of the anomaly, some foreign observers, including Iraqis, start celebrating, while others descend into chaos. Birmingham follows the volatile developments through the eyes of an American general in Guantánamo Bay, near the wave’s perimeter; a city engineer in Seattle, the only major U.S. city left unscathed; and an American secret operative fending off assassins on the streets of Paris.


>> No.3756969

>Just look at Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. They were so happy under Russian domination that they never, ever revolted.

You kill enough of them and they'll stop complaining. For a while.

>> No.3757059

spoil me the ending!

>> No.3757071

everyone was sad that america was gone

>> No.3757076


It was the Rapture.

>> No.3757079
File: 63 KB, 999x549, cromwell.ve.napoleon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without America? You mean something like this?

>> No.3757083

What do you say, stupid fag?
World would be better.

>> No.3757086

Grow up or read some history books.

>> No.3757090


Bullshit, holland couldn't take that much territories.

>> No.3757096

There was no Prussian Kingdom at that time. Seriously wtf.

>> No.3757106

Who always causes the great depression?

>> No.3757123

Yamame. Depression is a disease!

>> No.3757125

imagine if there were no countries at all

>> No.3757137

I guess the world would be better off without the Roman Empire too.

And no, I don't know what I'm talking about.

>> No.3757144

No it wouldn't, Cause if America never formed and won we be one giant land mass under the crown of England and we just invade you and call you Elevens.

>> No.3757150

It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

>> No.3757152

>an American secret operative fending off assassins on the streets of Paris
Can it get any more original than this, folks?

>> No.3757153

I suppose regionalism is a step up from nationalism but it still sucks.

>> No.3757156

Imagine if everyone was a self-sufficient hikikomori.

>> No.3757160

Not hard to believe, watch Soaring cake girl

>> No.3757169

Imagine if we all uploaded ourselves to the Internet and had robots feed us.

>> No.3757201

Despite not having control of UK/europe and just the americas at the begining?

>> No.3757202


>> No.3757214

Change American operative to Irish and we got a Crossover game of Assasin's Creed and The Sabouteur

>> No.3757227
File: 43 KB, 999x549, jpn 1930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3759115

Two Words: Code Geass
