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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3755657 No.3755657 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3755662

Is that gun a Beretta ?

>> No.3755664

Nope. It's an Evoker.

>> No.3755677

And that's how I killed a weeaboo.

>> No.3755687


>> No.3755690

We call it "summoning Omoikane" here.

>> No.3755694


>> No.3755702

wait, she is?

>> No.3755705

"Oh hey hon, I couldn't find your funny spirit bullet thing, so I just put normal bullets in instead."
"Hon no, stop that, I told you those are ... FUUUUUUUUCK"
"Dammit the woman is dead, now who is going to clean this shit up"

>> No.3755717

I bet she forgot the clips to load it.

>> No.3755762

I bet she doesn't know where's safety lock.

>> No.3755767
File: 33 KB, 380x285, garand_clips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you.

>> No.3755768

Should have used a Deagle.

>> No.3755772

so i heard shinji doesnt die in persona 3 psp

>> No.3755785

Go back to Counter Strike / Doom.

>> No.3755792

everyones playing mw2 now.

>> No.3755793

Well, he might be right. You CAN load magazines with clips.

>> No.3755790 [DELETED] 

hey please stop spamming ur shitty board on Onontalk dot com except with "a" insted of "O" thanks in advanenc

>> No.3755799

Sure is /k/

>> No.3755844
File: 32 KB, 374x599, Magazines and Clips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3755921

I don't really see the difference.
So the clip is a magazine with a wrapping for smaller guns?

>> No.3755934

is that gun really small

or is her head just really huge

>> No.3755939

You have it backwards my friend.

>> No.3755956

So the magazines are the bullets, and the clips are the bullets put together. You should say it like that its much more easier.

>> No.3755962


It's a troll image.

Clips are just that, clips that holds a group of bullets together. Magazines house bullets completely, usually have a spring, and such.

In essence, that image is reversed.

>> No.3755981


worst thread on /jp/ in weeks, get the fuck off and go back to /k/ you normalfags

NEETs have no use for guns

>> No.3755984


If you don't have a ticket out when things get too bad, you're the retarded normalfag.

>> No.3755993




>> No.3755999 [DELETED] 

>Implying a typical /jp/ NEET would have a gun.

>> No.3756001


>> No.3756004 [DELETED] 

>Implying you don't have a plan for when it becomes impossible to continue being a NEET

>> No.3756011
File: 17 KB, 430x376, 1252066678203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never been to /k/ and even I knew about Clip / magazine.
Don't own a gun though. That stuff is for huntan and killan.
No use for that when I never leave the house.

>> No.3756018

I really wonder how many NEETs have it in them to pull the trigger.

>> No.3756023

What if someone comes into your house?

>> No.3756030

i scream and cry

>> No.3756031


Pff, guns.

My method of suicide? I'm going flying. Off the Grand Canyon.

>> No.3756039

Why would someone come to my house?

>> No.3756042


And how do you plan to finance this endeavor? Assuming you aren't in Arizona, you'll have to endure a flight full of people as well.

>> No.3756049

My method of suicide would be death by villain.

So...I'd go into some nigga slums and start shootin up there black asses.

>> No.3756676

Drop my self from a cliff, fell the wind on my greasy hair, and the waves beneath me. At least something in my life will be beautifull.

>> No.3756686

Pfft. Falling is for babies.

If I ever choose to go out, I'm going out like a man. I'm going to wrestle a shark.

>> No.3756692

But what if you win?

>> No.3756706

Pfft, wrestling is for homosexuals.

If I ever choose to go out, I'm going out with a bang. In the middle of Times Square.

>> No.3756707

Wrestle another one. Keep going until I can't go any more.

>> No.3756818

Don't do it. Let me use your body first. I promise to reduce your despair.

>> No.3756832


>> No.3757114

Tiny gun is tiny

>> No.3757133

Those proportions.

>> No.3758869
File: 449 KB, 800x600, FGSY12CX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3758873

Why is her head so huge in comparison to her body?

>> No.3758879



>> No.3758884

Because 5頭身規制 is moe.

>> No.3758885

fuck this shit maeda ;_;

>> No.3758891


I'd put my Mara in her Omoikane

>> No.3758936

Her route is confusing me. Is there only one ending where the Saya's Song ED plays? I tried looking at a guide and some of the choices it says to make I never saw.
