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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 93 KB, 805x602, WS000712_20080922185629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3755214 No.3755214 [Reply] [Original]

You know, anonymous, even if she is a slut and does not give a damn, she might be the only girl in the world that will accept you as you truly are.

Will you let that chance slip by? Who cares if she is a slut if she is YOUR slut? Or perhaps redeem her in the name of love, you hopeless romanticist white knight?

>> No.3755235

Then I shall be alone for all eternity.

I have no regrets. This was the only path.

>> No.3755239

Id have sex with her and that's all. No romance whatsoever involved.

>> No.3755246

Why would you feel love toward a cumdumpster?
They are an object for your body to relieve themself.

>> No.3755249

PROTIP: someone hasnt played the sequel.

>> No.3755254

I can't do it. My hate for sluts is just too deep.

>> No.3755256

I sure do love being male!

>> No.3755258

But you could atleast fuck her for free.

>> No.3755261

Sluts are not tolerated here. This is why Islam should be the official religion of /jp/.

>> No.3755262

Not out yet? It is still on development , I believe.

>> No.3755277

What wrong with having a sex friend?
I mean no emotional is involved.
It is just a physical relationship, I would gladly do it.

>> No.3755279


Sorry towelbro, but you'll have to do my praying three times a day for me.

>> No.3755286


Islam is a retarded religion, enjoy praying five times a day and not being able to eat bacon.

>> No.3755291

sex friend was pretty hot

>> No.3755295

hmm...for some reason the side comic they published somehow became "sequel" in my head.

im fucking tired, but yeah, side comic has something along the lines of her pretending to not care, etc etc, typical stuff and yeah.

>> No.3755294

sex is overrated, i prefer fap to sex with someone i don't like.

>> No.3755301

As opposed to a religion that is not retarded?

double standards nada

>> No.3755304

I wish this game was translated. Not all this REAL DEAL emo garbage.

>> No.3755306

For your information, I am free thinker.

All religions are stupid anyway, they are also the cause of all conflict.

>> No.3755311

Side comic, you say?

Where could a gent read this, my good friend?

>> No.3755315

>Sluts are not tolerated here. This is why Islam should be the official religion of /jp/.

Except for the part we look up porn.
And we'd never fast for a month.
And we'd never pray 5 times a day.
And we'd never give up traps.
And we'd never stop eating pork.
/jp/ does however smell bad and is full of pedos as well so there are some similarities.

>> No.3755320

good, hope you not doing something stupid then

>> No.3755336

Are you talking about the drama CD that come with the game?

>> No.3755338

>Not referring to lolis

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.3755344
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Religion is a good excuse to commit many atrocities in the name of greed/hate. Most religions, by themselves, are pretty much harmless.

However, this thread is about sluts, and not silly topics like religion brawls.

>> No.3755351

Of course. It's not like scarcity and the centralization of power have anything to do with it at all.

>> No.3755358

I guess I can't speak for everyone.
But I mean you can't really expect your hand to be better than a real hot slut and I mean your own personal sexfriend that only you got access to?

>> No.3755371

for a freethinker, you're awfully biased and make rather extreme claims.

saying they're (religious people and religion itself) the cause of all conflict is quite profound.

>> No.3755379

Think about it this way.
Because of religion, masses of people can't think for themselves and think that by suicide bombing or doing killing are actually a service to god.
Not to mention all the perverted priest that go rape little girls or little boys in the name of god.
If there are no religions boundary in this world, do you think Crusade or the middle east conflict that we have now will happen?

But well humans are greedy so they will probably find something else to war about.

Ok sage for offtopic and I won't talk about this anymore.
Lets go on with our slut thread.

>> No.3755382

it was about...6 pages long? i dont quite remember where i found it, it was in a magazine.

im pretty sure its the same magazine that published the sumaga short, cant remember for the life of me.

i'd start by looking at who published the official sumaga short, seeing as its most recent.

>> No.3755438


If she just want sex, she can find with somebody else. There is plenty of people who would gladly accept the offer, but I am not one of them.
But I see no wrong if someone wants it. It's just that I can't do it...

>> No.3755449

Ignorance is not a valid POV. I suggest you read what was the real reason behind the crusades. Your lack of knowledge is staggering.

Child rape is normally frowned upon by most religions though.

>> No.3755497

>There are bad people who are religious, therefore religion is bad.
Cool fallacy, bro.

>> No.3755531

I actually thought she was rather cute and innocent and almost forgot that she was a slut.
Those are the most dangerous.

>> No.3755547

Let's not have the retard discussion. You know the one- where we try and act like religion is different because its irrational principals are based on sky gods instead of nationalism.

Totally secular states are more than capable of perpetuating violence and rape against its people and encouraging moral self-righteousness. Let's not forget that China censors the fuck out of everything, and they are an officially atheist state.

Your enemy here is ignorance, and it should be identified as such.

Now please, let's continue with our misogyny.

>> No.3755559

I know, right? I almost feel in love with her personality and not her intact hymen. Close one.

>> No.3755600


I was thinking the same thing. But what happens if I fall in love? If I told her. Our relashionship would end and if I didn't, I would keep suffering, hoping for something that would not happen.

>> No.3755609

Part of the plot for this game.

Granted, it is mostly porn. But she is certainly better than the perfect girl archetype I have grown to loathe like Shiori Fujisaki from Tokimemo.

>> No.3755621

what game is this?

>> No.3755630
File: 14 KB, 294x400, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ you project your own insecurities and anxieties about relationships onto the opposite gender so as to excuse your own inaction and self defensive behavior, it is easier to call women bitches and whores and sluts than it is to address your own failings as a man. You cry that it is not your fault you are not successful with the ladies, that it is their fault for being shallow, deceitful creatures uninterested in your self stated multitude of fine qualities because they are preoccupied with base and superficial things. This process of othering women allows you to transfer your own self hatred to hatred of their gender, so that you might continue on your self destructive path without being forced to confront yourself.

You must confess, /jp/, you have no one to blame but yourself for your situation. If you are unhappy with it then only you can change it. If you are happy with it, why do you persist in this lashing out at the fairer sex like a petulant child? Do you have no confidence in your choice of life style?

>> No.3755633

Fuck year, you are my hero.

>> No.3755640

Sexfriends. Has quite a nice soundtrack and CG.

>> No.3755663

a bro

>> No.3755671

Thanks, I think /jp/ needs a bit of that.

>> No.3755678

I bet you think you're the first one to say this.

>> No.3755689

Seeing as you need to be reminded of it daily, I'm sure he's well aware.

>> No.3755700
File: 14 KB, 294x400, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm Sigmund Freud, bitch, I invented brains!

>> No.3755712

We're reminded every day because normalfags can't stand their precious preoccupations being challenged.

>> No.3755719

and you are.....?

>> No.3755723

Less than normal.

>> No.3755725


>> No.3755733

It used to be that nerds were ostracized because of their interests, but on /jp/ they do it themselves and are proud of it.

>> No.3755744

oh ok

>> No.3755755

That's called being pretentious and in denial. One fine mess if you ask me.

>> No.3755777

What's wrong being nerd? We don't mess with people...

>> No.3755826

Normalfags are so convinced that they're better than us and are doing the right thing by "helping" us become like them.

Essentially, social colonialism.

>> No.3755897

It's because people who claim they're "TRUE NEET" who shit on the floor make us look like retards. That joke's getting out of hand.

I mean there's nothing wrong with jerking it to your 9yo 2d animu waifu, but please stop claiming to hate 3d pig disgusting women when you crave their pussies so much and BAWWWW everywhere that you can't get any while not even trying because of your inferiority complex. It's as if you're just normalfags who are bitter because they're too socially retarded to score with a girl.

Get it? You're not "TRUE NEET", but normalfags too stupid to get a vagina and make us who actually chose this lifestyle look bad. Please stop it.

>> No.3755980

Not NEET at all bro

>> No.3755986

Actually that's what happens with introverts and extroverts.
And not every introvert is a nerd or a NEET.

>> No.3755989

It don't think so, unlike you, 3D disgusts us and we've seen that real relationships are just plain fucking horrible when compared to 2D ones. Ever compared a 2D vagina with a 3D one?

>> No.3755991

Oh man. This is sad. I will play it safe and assume you are just a troll. Nobody can be this... confused.

>> No.3755998

>It don't think so, unlike you, 2D disgusts us and we've seen that 2D relationships are just plain fucking horrible when compared to real ones. Ever compared a 3D vagina with a 2D one?
Cool argument bro.

>> No.3756020


Yes, brand him as a troll as a way of avoiding his arguments.

Cool strawman, Aniki.

>> No.3756024

Arguments? What arguments are you referring to?

>> No.3756026

The argument that ur gay lol.

>> No.3756065

There is no 2D relationship. No matter how hard you wish for it, the pretty drawing in your screen cannot respond. And even if it could, you would disappoint it.

Unrealistic depictions of genitalia? They look like children most of time so- Oh, I see.

>> No.3756101

2D is designed to be flawless, or however you wish something to be.

>> No.3756113

Here comes another normalfag.

I can create them in my mind, no problem with that.

>Unrealistic depictions of genitalia? They look like children most of time so- Oh, I see.
I'm not going to point out how one of your fucking 3D vaginas looks like.

>> No.3756118

What are you talking about?
I dropped out of high school because it literally made me want to kill myself, never worked a day in my life, only go outside once every few weeks, have no friends, am a virgin and not interested in real girls.
Yet I don't whine in all the shitty ronery threads about how horny I am and how much I crave a vagina like some addict or how pitiful I am because no girl will ever have sex with me (which is not true, if I wanted to I could get laid tonight, just like all of you). I'm quite content with my current life, though living on my own instead of with my mom would be nice I guess.

So if anything you're far below me in "NEET"ness so don't give me that crap.
Now please, kill yourselves you worthless pieces of trash.

>> No.3756134

I wasn't mentioning "NEET" though, my post was just directed to 3D vs. 2D, so take it easy already.

>> No.3756140

>if I wanted to I could get laid tonight
lol sure

>> No.3756159

I like both 2D and 3D.
Guess I don't belong in this world.

>> No.3756161

>Yet I don't whine in all the shitty ronery threads about how horny I am and how much I crave a vagina like some addict or how pitiful I am because no girl will ever have sex with me
I have never seen such a thread on /jp/.
This thread has nothing to do with 3D whores, it's talking about whether you'd accept a 2D slut as your waifu.
And most of the threads aren't "Oh god, I wish I could fuck a vagina" but "I wish to be the little girl".

>> No.3756167
File: 8 KB, 294x400, Freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why all the hate towards women when you yourselves wish to be the little girl?

>> No.3756168

If you've got a few hundred bucks, it's not hard to find a prostitute in your area.

>> No.3756174

Because that's our id speaking, Freud-kun.

>> No.3756187
File: 25 KB, 329x434, Sigmund_Freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Freud-sama to you, bitch!

>> No.3756198
File: 27 KB, 423x600, Sigmund_Freud_LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3756203

/jp/ - Freudian psychology

>> No.3756213
File: 150 KB, 527x355, koi1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3756221

Lower your standards, take a shower, go to some bar, pick up drunk chick. They crave for attention like you for their vagina.
Or do what >>3756168 said, but hundreds of bucks sounds a bit overpriced.

>> No.3756222

Requesting that pic of Freud blowing up a guy's face with his fist while shouting: CHO!

>> No.3756234

I'm currently having a romance with a slutty girl because she's nice to me and we get along really well despite being completely different. It's weird and probably not my idea of an ideal relationship but I enjoy it too much.

>> No.3756236

Already had my share of shitty relationships with clingy whores who decide they need to fuck everyone else. Answered those questions in practice. Yes, gave it a shot. No, can't be redeemed.

>> No.3756338

You are such fucking hypocrites. If you were a girl, you'd be out fucking strangers all the time. You often say exactly that: if you were a girl, you'd love to be used as a cumdupster.

You're just jealous.

>> No.3756359

Nah, I'd be a pure little girl. The shy, innocent bookworm type.
I hate those kinds of girls, but that's just the way I'd naturally become.

>> No.3756499

Those shy bookish types are usually the biggest sluts, though.

>> No.3756681

No...the slutty types are usually the biggest sluts.

>> No.3757296

sluts are pretty reliable for giving the gift of stds

>> No.3757310

I want to be a little girl who first resists getting raped by middle age fat rich bald guys but slowly come to like it and then they start dressing me in slutty dresses and have me do a hundred rounds a night where I would probably cum so much that I usually pass out by four o clock. Feels good man.

>> No.3757324

But in the case of OP, she is only a slut to you.
So there wont be any STDs.

>> No.3757345

>there wont be any STDs
hahahah keep telling yourself that
