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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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375125 No.375125 [Reply] [Original]

>YouTube, GameFAQs, LiveJournal, deviantART, and isoHunt are all running April Fool's Day pranks based on 4chan memes... Christ. More here.

Wow. I remember when anime was popular and 4chan wasn't.

>> No.375129
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>> No.375127

Anime was never popular. Enjoy your imageboard.

>> No.375128

I remember whn /jp/ wasn't a random board.

Oh wait it isn't, sage.

>> No.375135

I don't like normalfags. I'll be honest, I think normal people are the cancer killing 4chan. Look at /b/'s front page, it's all 'my girlfriend' this and 'my girlfriend' that, it's nothing but posturing bravado in my eyes and it doesn't contribute to the overrall quality of a board. Want to know why night time /a/ and previously night time /v/ were remembered so fondly? Because most of the people on 4chan at 2:00am PST are not 'normal' considering societal definition, often abnormal people are the most creative though, they take out their abnormality in artistic ways. That's why so many of them are good at creative writing (look at how many famous authors have had psychological conditions for example).

In short, normal people are boring - they talk about normal things, their normal life with their normal girlfriend at their normal school/college/workplace with their normal friends eating their normal food and retiring to their normal apartment/house. They aren't interesting. Take that horse head dude on Nico Nico, he's clearly as abnormal as they come, yet he's absolutely hilarious as a result. The world would be fucking BORING without people like that.

Basically, /b/'s content these days is normal people dealing with normal things in a normal way ('hey /b/, i fucked such and such a girl, but X problem happened, what do I do?')

Tell me honestly, is that as hilarious as hearing anons give serious advice on how to jerk off over sleeping girls? Fuck no.

Don't take this in an offensive way, I just don't want the normalfags spreading to other boards. They spread to /v/ like wildfire over the summer and look at the difference in quality as a result. Let's keep /jp/ abnormal: Abnormal people with their abnormal VNs watching their abormal incest animu hugging their abnormal hug pillows. It's funnier and tends to generate more original content as a result.

>> No.375147
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>> No.375163
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That's okay Anon, I plan to remember 4chan AFTER it's no longer popular too. Back when the abnormal freaks you so fondly admire have run of the place again.

/jp/ is /a/'s overflow board. That makes it a random board. You need to learn.

>> No.375174

I don't talk. I stab in Morse code.

>> No.375178

>That's okay Anon, I plan to remember 4chan AFTER it's no longer popular too. Back when the abnormal freaks you so fondly admire have run of the place again.

4chan will never become good again.

>> No.375183

If you stabbed in EBCDIC then we could have been friends.
