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37509553 No.37509553 [Reply] [Original]

Haku-sensei will help you learn English in no time!

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>> No.37509565
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>> No.37509574

haku-sensei got wide.

>> No.37509579
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Fellas what does "bung-bung" mean in orcish? trying to communicate with the girl I met in this cave here.

>> No.37509582

haku sensei why are you teaching english in english

>> No.37509628

That's a standard practice, I think. I had all my language courses in the language taught from the get go.

>> No.37509638

thanksgiving, thats why
can she teach me how to please monsters for money?

>> No.37509641

That's how English is taught in Japan and China, full immersion.

>> No.37509643 [DELETED] 

Have you never taken a foreign language class anon?

>> No.37509651

Mojo kind of fits it

>> No.37509667

i have, and they started teaching it in english then slowly started using the actual language we were learning

>> No.37509682

Pero, yo se ingles!

>> No.37509698
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>can she teach me how to please monsters for money?
I believe another Haku teacher has those classes.

>> No.37509710

I tried taking a Japanese course in uni but for some reason I slipped into a different timeline where I was taking macroecomics instead

>> No.37509715

Damn, I must have gone to the wrong class, is it two doors down?

>> No.37509743
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>> No.37509759

It's very common to do so in most places.

>> No.37509766

How do you guys feel about flayers making other monster girls their thralls, as well as a human male?

>> No.37509768

haku-sensei sure eats a lot.

>> No.37509773

No worries, I found a monster willing to teach me, Ms. Notabicorn

>> No.37509777

No it is three doors down

>> No.37509825
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Haku-sensei lets some weird people into her classroom...

>> No.37509852
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>mindflayer is the harem's master, lovingly directing anon to fuck the other girls
>everyone but her has their minds clouded and fuzzy, locked in a comfortable fever-dream state of hazy horniness
>anon barely even notices the time he spends as a man versus the time he spends as a squid
>he just fucks whoever flayer-chan feels like he should fuck at a given time

>> No.37509961

three doors down? the one with all the lights turned off and the dress code is not to have clothes on?

>> No.37509997

that wock flunked that class so many times, my father knew her as a student, my grandfather knew her, even my great- great-great grandfather knew her. BUt I AM GOING TO BE THE FIRST TO ASK HER OUT

>> No.37510009
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Aaaaah, I'm a bad otouto who wants to cumflate his onee-chan!

>> No.37510011
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Congratulations anon, you're a future father.

>> No.37510026
File: 175 KB, 1000x1000, 7C0B7AEF-6A81-4B80-80D6-0DB464082F7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be prince anon
>4th in line for the crown
>Reach the age of marriage
>Dad betroths me to the princess of the spider kingdom for that sweet, sweet silk trade
>Princess is an ushi-oni only half my age
>Incredibly small, barely up to my chest
>And surprisingly light too, I can easily carry her around
>Cute as well, she flusters and blushes easily
>I sometimes just sneak up behind her to for a surprise princess carry
>Queen spider is eager to get the wedding along and sign those trade agreements, as is my dad
>Still can’t escape the fact she’ll become much bigger and stronger than me before soon
>And if the many broken beds and healing potions strewn about my in-law’s room is it won’t be long before I join that fate
How do I establish dominance over my betrothed before she becomes too big and smug for me to top her in the bed room?

>> No.37510057

>Reach the age of marriage
>only half my age

>> No.37510071

Come on anon, you can do so much better than a fat hag

>> No.37510077

You have to molest and humiliate her often so the power imbalance becomes a sexual one rather than a physical one.

>> No.37510082

Thats why it turns me on so damn much

>> No.37510094
File: 442 KB, 1628x1864, aHR0cHM6Ly9zdGF0aWMud2lraWEubm9jb29raWUubmV0L21vbnN0ZXJnaXJsZW5jeWNsb3BlZGlhL2ltYWdlcy9mL2YyL0V1eVk0SGJYY0FFYjZXRC5qcGcvcmV2aXNpb24vbGF0ZXN0P2NiPTIwMjEwMjIxMjMzODEy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would various touhous be as MGE monsters? Be creative now

>> No.37510115

Ran would be an Inari
Aya would be a Crow Tengu

>> No.37510120

>Be creative now
Can you teach me how to be creative?

>> No.37510121

Monsters age faster dontcha know

>> No.37510131

reimu would be a demon
marisa would be a shroom dark mage
alice would be a living doll dark mage

>> No.37510140

Didn't Hellhounds in the Summer have guides for asserting dominance over little rapists?

>> No.37510152

>alice would be a living doll dark mage

>> No.37510153

Ogres need love too.

>> No.37510246
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>> No.37510272
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Reminder that two momsters means two future wives eagerly waiting for the day you first pop a boner.

>> No.37510302
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>> No.37510325

>finding the biggest, meanest, most aggressive monster in the lands
>becoming her faithful little househusband and make her happy
>giving her lots of love
>getting her breakfast in bed every morning
>giving her as many children as she wants
good lord I want to spoil a big woman

>> No.37510333

then what would she be? a dark mage with puppets?

>> No.37510339

Who's the artist? I feel like I recognize it from somewhere

>> No.37510384


>> No.37510434

>tfw ywn wake up to getting smothered in their tits
>ywn leave your house covered in their lipstick
>ywn get sex-ed and be taught how to please womenreally them

>> No.37510520 [DELETED] 

Druella-sama looks so cute and sexy here.
KC seems to have plans for her so hopefully there will be more of her directly in some World Guide or a Side Story. WGS2 was nice and I really loved the knights but we didn't get all that much of her directly.
There is that Fallen Brides story but that isn't even translated and it's not canon anyway.
Speaking of which. Picrel is nice but both Dru and the profile lilim really could use a updated full-color, full-body art for their profiles.

>> No.37510525
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Remember, if you make it to a spooky town that asks you for help slaying the evil vampire in the nearby castle, they are secretly in on it and trying to get their ruler married. She is not oppressing them in any way as the town disguises themselves to look that way when adventurers come by

>> No.37510542
File: 147 KB, 867x1200, 1605823623283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Druella-sama looks so cute and sexy here.
KC seems to have plans for her so hopefully there will be more of her directly in some World Guide or a Side Story. WGS2 was nice and I really loved the knights but we didn't get all that much of her directly.
There is that Fallen Brides story but that isn't even translated and it's not canon anyway.
Speaking of which. Picrel is nice but both Dru and the profile lilim really could use a updated full-color, full-body art for their profiles.

>> No.37510556

I will marry that old hag even if she boobied trapped her castle, Its what I was made for, old hags

>> No.37510578
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Red eyes, black sclera, and a smug smile are my one true weakness

>> No.37510606

Druella's hair somehow excites me more than a kejourou's. Is this the power of a lilim? I wanna bury my head in it until my mind melts.

>> No.37510733
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pet the fox

>> No.37510762

So with how the setting is like very good ending affirming lewd vibes, does that mean that no human has ever killed a monster since new dl came to power, not mean this in edgy way just thinking that like no veteran paladin/hero/soldier anything would probably have any real experience or is this a misunderstanding?

>> No.37510775


>> No.37510776

Does demon silver do any good as armor?

>> No.37510790

i guess it blocked demon silver

>> No.37510797

It can happen as undeath and afterlives are very much a thing, without even getting into complete deus ex’s from gods directly acting, or reincarnation.

>> No.37510802
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>> No.37510817
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This is some of that fox trickery I have been warned about, isn't it?

>> No.37510842

Need Samurai Kitsune

>> No.37510850
File: 899 KB, 2483x3114, 3IGoQg90_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dark elf thing! Pretty smutty, but not entirely so. It has standard dark elf stuff at the start so be warned, though I don't think it's anything too hardcore. Hope you guys like it.

>> No.37510883

Impossible kitsune never do anything interesting ever

>> No.37510927

no, just cute fox

>> No.37511045
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<< Target locked, loading Demon Energy Rounds complete. Neutralize high value target Anon and bring him to the Royal Makai. >>

>> No.37511051

poor casey, man
i dont like this kind of femdom, and this definitely wasnt for me but it was still a good read. very well written, good job dude

>> No.37511070

praying the CWIS is loaded...

>> No.37511086

Now this looks like it's gonna be good.

>> No.37511093

Anon will pelvic thrust as a defensive

>> No.37511094
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>> No.37511097

So do lizardgirls and salamanders get really into sport? Like really, really into sports?

>> No.37511118

How many people lurk here? my raiju story has like 500 hits and I dont know how else anyone would find the stort

>> No.37511127

Post link then raiju fag

>> No.37511133

sir the ship is not designed for such a maneuver

>> No.37511136
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I had Miss Hatter for that one.

>> No.37511137

nice read, i liked the freakout the dark elf had.

>> No.37511171

I posted it last thread, but here it is again.
not my best work (although its my only work on AO3)

>> No.37511187

I agree, that was the part I like best. Despite not liking her, it as cute

>> No.37511207

was it hard? Do I have to study for tests?

>> No.37511218

>I dont know how else anyone would find the stort
People browsing for MGE stories on AO3 itself and it's listed on anubis.moe, which is used elsewhere too.

>> No.37511231

She's pretty unconventional, we had tests occasionally but she was more focused on hands-on experience. Lots of labs and field trips.

>> No.37511236

What are lilims good for? They are just op succs

>> No.37511268

call me a newfag, but id never even heard of this before. seeing myself in the top 3 feels good even if its because i uploaded a whole one stories

>> No.37511276
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Gonna read rata-chan's love letter to me in front of the whole class then accept her love whole heartedly

>> No.37511329
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Have you successfully nutted on every single day of Nonstop Nut November? If so, then congratulations! Miss Rata has a nice little present she'd love to give you.
What do you think is in it?

>> No.37511356
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Dark Knight-chan is so cool! I wanna see her become the strongest hero!

>> No.37511369

Is she Motivated?

>> No.37511374
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Marry horse

>> No.37511440

Of course! She is a proud knight and a devoted servant of Druella, she has to be strong to make her vision come true and save those foolish humans and protect her fellow monsters.

>> No.37511449

>capitalised Motivation
she'll show no foolishness

>> No.37511454

>tfw ywn go on a field trip with the best teacher to eat monster pussy
>ywn go to the great hagtown for some "instense" extracurricular activities with many old hags
>ywn have a lab on how to sus out where the client felt it the most and how to expolit
>ywn get a class in how to be the perfect switch

>> No.37511489

Middle ages were different bro

>> No.37511551
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Are pointy horses acceptable?

>> No.37511559

>two MILFy momsters living together in a Boston marriage
>one day they learn about a human boy orphanage nearby
>both decide to try and adopt one, for purely humanitarian reasons

>> No.37511567

I'd her horns.

>> No.37511591


>> No.37511609

>purely humanitarian reason

>> No.37511623

It starts noble
You know
Things change

>> No.37511634

all it takes is one stiffy and a question about the birds and the bees...

>> No.37511647

There was a thing either in the guids or KC's notes saying that it has defensive effects that allow succubi get away with JRPG bikini armor

>> No.37511648

I feel a NEED to breed those elves.

>> No.37511654

and lets not forget that those rich monsters will have maids

>> No.37511659

What Musick dies that fox listeen to?

>> No.37511662

someone oded on mofu

>> No.37511666

do you have what it takes to earn the Kiki Tzarina's favour?

>> No.37511672

I don't know Satan-chan, but I'll give it my all!

>> No.37511680

finally put the shog rebels down

>> No.37511684

I will reclaim the rebellious desert kingdom in her name!

>> No.37511691

>proceeds to get most of his forces mana bombed

>> No.37511706

Time to do my best Rasputin impression

>> No.37511719

then I have no choice but to take my remaining forces and push to the rebel capital, victory or death, In Her Name!

>> No.37511729

Wight's must give mind-blowing scalp massages.

>> No.37511732

just don't let this forsaken land corrupt you my duke

>> No.37511739

I will not pet the fox

>> No.37511773

I'd let a kikimora piss on my face. Same goes for a demon, holst, mino, or even a dormouse!

>> No.37511782

break in and put her in a maid outift

>> No.37511786
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Can I marry a loli princess that stays cute and elegant even after she grows up instead?

>> No.37511790

>Duke anon continues with his conquest
>he pushes ever further to his goal
>but as he continues this land, its people, their ways start to get to him
>the choices he has had to make, the people he has associated with, the battles he has fought
>would the man he was only a few months ago made the same choices?
>would he be proud of the things he has done?
>and finally once his crusade is complete and anon looks upon all he has won he can only wonder
>will the his Tzarina even recognise the man that stands before her?

>> No.37511817

the desert takes all, one way or another

>> No.37511824
File: 2.31 MB, 2572x896, LaMulanaLamiaGang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the idea of a harem sounds nice,i dread thinking about showing favoritism or not giving one of them enough attention compared to the others,if one monster girl is already too much for a man then more would be impossible

If the reverse happens and anon gets used as as breeding stock then you have the issue of the girls fighting each other and who gets to use you and that would just make me sad

>> No.37511832

embrace chimera

>> No.37511849
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>showing favoritism or not giving one of them enough attention compared to the others
Exactly why I personally wouldn't want a harem, one wife only.

>> No.37511864

>that blue haired one wearing a sling on her head for no reason at all

>> No.37511866

soft kot

>> No.37511872
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What makes jinkos so marryable?

>> No.37511886

>s big
>s kot
>s big paw

>> No.37511896
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They're just such good wives.

>> No.37511913

Strong, yet feminine

>> No.37511956

This is why I strongly prefer monogamy.
Bigamy seems workable though.

>> No.37511998

Ye punny, stupid snakes with ye punny snake bodies. Damn ye snakes.

>> No.37512011

How do you properly thank your kiki for taking care of you and the house?

>> No.37512018

>warrior anon last words before snake uses bullshit magic to neutralize him

>> No.37512022

I wonder...
Did Druella literally ask the Fallen God for help before the invasion of Lescatie?
It seems very unlikely to me that Sasha's corruption was a pure coincidence.

>> No.37512037
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Seems to me like you answered your own question.

>> No.37512053

There's no way to make a harem equal.
Anyone that wants a harem can't go into it with the ideal of equality if they don't want a chaotic and painful experience.

>> No.37512060

>then what would she be?
a Nyalice

>> No.37512075
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Whisper on her ear that they need mini-maids

>> No.37512089

a hundred?! that's terribly irresponsible, the children would never get the sort of care and attention they would need

>> No.37512101

the ideal solution is
>you aren't the 'lead', the Queen is
>She pretty much owns you
>All other ladies are subordinate to you, but more significantly, her
>She handles all issues of 'hierarchy'

>> No.37512107

0/10 could take your eyes out with that thing

>> No.37512119

They can raise eachother.
Plus, do you think I made this many grandchildren just to keep them all to myself?

>> No.37512124

got to give it at least a 1 for the sheer amount of hearts they crammed into it

>> No.37512143 [SPOILER] 
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Pregnant monsters woo vacation

>> No.37512157
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>> No.37512161

i salute you, fren

>> No.37512163
File: 560 KB, 2550x3370, FEpUdmUWUAcWWOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember having a vampire party member means you get to pick their equipment

>> No.37512203

>"M-mortal, this outfit barely keeps me modest"
>but the stats though
>"I do not know of these "stats" you speak of, but I will not become some common harlot that-"
>you can drink my blood?
>"Y-you cannot t-tempt me to..."
>you can ALWAYS drink my blood?
I love dressing up my traveling companions

>> No.37512208
File: 1.16 MB, 1500x2294, Dark elf 4Kan2Wyp_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it breaks a bunch of rules for MGE dark elves and for how mamono realm silver works, but it's certainly still a well written dark elf story in general.

>> No.37512229

]they can also dress YOU as well

>> No.37512249

Would dress a party of lolis in the skimpiest armor and clothes, obviously since they're low level they need the stats.

>> No.37512275

>they try to dress you
>thank them for giving you a speed boost with the speedo+hat set
dex build wins again boys

>> No.37512284
File: 192 KB, 695x695, Doppel Potion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ideal harem is one where everyone finds the fulfillment and time they personally want. even if the result is that they don't all get perfectly equal attention.

And in more magical settings there is always the option of temporarily copying yourself to spread your attention out more. Sure in the MGE the more copies you make the more your mental faculties are reduced. but making just one extra you could be useful for things other than sex.

>> No.37512287

I would do the same but for monsters with a thicc venus body type, it also makes easy access for healing

>> No.37512336
File: 1.37 MB, 1285x1493, 78285140_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<< Don't you see Oni-chan? Salvation!!! A powerful gear, powerful gun, powerful demon energy ammunition! Add to that lots of no-good Onee-sans and a precise aim! Then lolification all over it, and the formula is complete!!! >>

>> No.37512351

Someone's automaton has gone a bit nutty I see.

>> No.37512353

>little does she know the reagents in the round have the changed and the barrel blocked

>> No.37512365

>I told you that fox was asking for directions, not hitting on me

>> No.37512411

how's she pronounced? ess-ah-chee?

>> No.37512424

>get dressed by my party
>slut in monster
why are they so mean?

>> No.37512461

Little known fact, Hakus have militaristic orders whose duties consist of finding and protecting forbidden knowledge.

>> No.37512478

but what if their husbands ask what the knowledge is?

>> No.37512481

Jokes on them I already stole Haku-sensei's diary good luck getting it back

>> No.37512497

They cannot tell him what it is, thats the point of it being forbidden.

Not that sort of knowledge, that's just sensitive knowledge.

>> No.37512510

i know where I am breaking in, I must know what I am forbidden to know, also, bet would make their lives a whole lot fun

>> No.37512531

Depends on how you try to break in, they may find it amusing at least.

>> No.37512543

thats ok, you can dress like a slut together
>demon lord is awaiting the adventure party that dare challenge her
>door opens and demon lord begins her evil speech
>evil speech dies in her throat as a party of skimply dressed "heroes" walking in
>they all look super embarrassed but try to act like nothing is amiss
>their stuttering speech is ignored as the demon lord is worried about the integrity of the holst mage's string bikini armor

>> No.37512556

>They cannot tell him
but what if they said please?

>> No.37512571

I'd probably dig into the guard room on purpose to talk with them, do a naked helicopter outside, or try to mail myself to them

>> No.37512575

never do anything by halves, full aerial strike group

>> No.37512587

>air pirate anon REALLY wants to know the secret gumbo recipe

>> No.37512609
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, fktil06upkv71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touch fluffy tail.

>> No.37512610

The magic word does not simply get one access to forbidden knowledge, he'd have to join their order and get the correct rank.

Well, they may find it novel if anything.

Well, time to see what happens when sword mages fight aircraft I guess.

>> No.37512618
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>> No.37512630

I want to make their life a little more fun, how about I become the resident clown of funni and sex

>> No.37512634

>join their order and get the correct rank
won't the husband get any "husband bonuses"? how about saying please with puppy dog eyes?

>> No.37512649

Husband bonuses are free weekly potions and scrolls.
Not access to the name of an elder demon.

>Do not approach clown.

>> No.37512651

how do i get a dragon off my bed? i want to sleep and shes just sitting there

>> No.37512663

I would need bisexual wives for a harem to be smoothly so they can love on each other even if im not around.

>> No.37512692

>name of an elder demon
gonna just guess until I'm right
how about sally? that sounds elder demon-y

>> No.37512695

>"The damn Oujou-sama ruined it... Don't you see!? She walked all over it with her dirty high heels! Over the crisp, white sheets of my bed that I had just made!"

>> No.37512704

>Anon, what makes you think that an elder demon from a realm unkowable is going to have a true name that is in English?
>"is it debby"?

>> No.37512709

mana bomb loaded cruise missile

>> No.37512723

deborah is a good demon name if you say it with 3 syllables.

>> No.37512731

i just wanna make the guards happy as thier clown, and maybe learn the names of elder monsters to bed them

>> No.37512756

the reverse sounds nice but also yeah very guilt inducing, even if you literally have no choice in the matter

>> No.37512757
File: 1.99 MB, 2543x2302, 1497823434559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't make fun of elder demon debby, just because her human dad named her doesn't mean she isn't an all powerful demon

>> No.37512761
File: 1.72 MB, 956x1779, 672324ba2b4bc4427d0875a5fbb1e51a8e2b6277f262220ca72c6b54b6b6ca4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winter is coming.

>> No.37512771

it a cute name

>> No.37512772

Look, there needs to be at LEAST a more complex middle and last name to prevent folks from having power over her.

>> No.37512788

"thermal signature detected"

>> No.37512800

But it's already here

>> No.37512801

What if I ask to be taught?

>> No.37512812

see that's the beauty of it, it is such a simple name that no one will figure it out. I mean, would you expect a super powerful demon to have a cute name like Debbie?

>> No.37512835

Mindflayers are extremely dangerous to human men. If you see one, don't try to interact with her or listen to her, just run.

>> No.37512850

but she makes me feel goooodftoegaijfCJLAX

>> No.37512865

Jokes on her, she can't flay me if I am already thinking of her

>> No.37512877

purple titties though

>> No.37512889

Nah, that nice old mindflayer that always there when I am feeling down or lonely can't be bad at all, she just now lives in my house now

>> No.37512913

>always been there
are you sure about that anon ?

>> No.37512941

i clearly remember moving town to a new place and she was the first person that I talked to. Also was there when I was at my lowest low. Her house is so comfy, it just really feels like home.

>> No.37512960

>i clearly remember moving town to a new place and she was the first person that I talked to
Anon, how much time have you been exposed to that mindflayer ?

>> No.37512984
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>> No.37513009

She was! She was my neighbor, I just moved in MGC, into little hagtown. Rent was real cheap, good jobs that paid good money and the place was five minutes away from my job. I hit it off with her and i would go over to hang out and talk with her. Hell, she was my only friend at the time since most of my other neighbors were neets that never left their damn houses.

>> No.37513043

grasp firmly by the boobies for best leverage

>> No.37513070

Anon, she...no, you're right, it's better that way, you're far too gone anyway.

>> No.37513093

I am not!! She would never molest my mind without me asking. LIttle hagtown is a real thing in MGC, just like the mofutown

>> No.37513105

>LIttle hagtown
a rape alley is just a rape alley, no matter what fancy names they try to give it

>> No.37513149

it's not a rape alley, it's a place of culture and cultural enrichment

>> No.37513173

nun alley is ok. it's got hallowed grounds and salvation and stuff. barely any rapes are reported from there

>> No.37513181

>nun alley
go on...

>> No.37513194
File: 1.15 MB, 1600x2500, 832521d694c4d2f96d0af423e6e9183f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust her completely

>> No.37513217
File: 36 KB, 512x528, 1496752159607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes my fellow dudes, there is no such thing as rape alleys
>now, I hear of a totally sweet hang out spot in the manticore alley you should hit up

>> No.37513231

Can I get three cheers for consent?!

>> No.37513232
File: 1.28 MB, 3600x5280, 93104515_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37513239


>> No.37513241

The goal of automanuns is to ensure humanity continues.
Ergo, you must continue humanity with her.

>> No.37513243
File: 3.99 MB, 2500x3000, tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wife in need of recharging

>> No.37513249
File: 66 KB, 219x144, 1949aa6a3d4737437813d817e7b13c31dafdc7791f1a034d0492cf2301e5ee7f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try finding an alley in Lescatie that doesn't have at least one couple making out/having sex.
You can't.

>> No.37513259

you mean, cultural enrichment?

>> No.37513273

Didn't mean to reply to >>37513149 but what the hell

>> No.37513278
File: 253 KB, 1200x1697, 1480846283329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just plug her in then

>> No.37513366
File: 446 KB, 1000x1000, 35128090_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37513376

What if I don't want humanity? What if I want lots of daught-omatons?

>> No.37513379
File: 953 KB, 1390x1353, FFWXc2wacAACUeV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mechanical superiority

>> No.37513388


>> No.37513390

Humanity will continue when you can have sons.
Until then, automadaughters will do.

>> No.37513402

meaty paws, good for holding

>> No.37513445

I think there was some stuff in a tweet about how when you get used to things you can have more copies active without side effects.

>> No.37513456

Yeah, that was what I was thinking it would sound like.
Oops. Guess I need to do a little more research on some of the other parts of the setting. Thanks for the compliment though.

>> No.37513458
File: 168 KB, 713x937, Alraune extra art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster girls love consent, and love how their husbands always consent... eventually.

>> No.37513461
File: 175 KB, 1000x1000, 1501096868308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marry mechanical superiority

>> No.37513505
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If he didn't want it, he could always run away

>> No.37513508
File: 145 KB, 792x1120, E56yrUYVgAEzAIB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marry black birds instead

>> No.37513510
File: 400 KB, 1000x1000, Gazer917_rori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb Robutt

>> No.37513521

i want to make a robutt gazer

>> No.37513523

it's all fun and games until robo-geizah shows up

>> No.37513544

dumb gazer is just jealous she isn't as cool as a robot

>> No.37513554

>gazer goo is replaced by oil
it checks out

>> No.37513560

I love my lich wife!

>> No.37513563

Good. I want to know how different kinds of issues manifest in Monster Girl minds.

>> No.37513581
File: 2.07 MB, 1240x1754, tumblr_pierndPyrw1rkn25go1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad, anon.

>> No.37513601
File: 320 KB, 900x600, Dark Elf book profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guess I need to do a little more research on some of the other parts of the setting

Well other than the mamono realm silver stuff you could just review dark elves specifically. Namely that the bondage stuff dark elves do in the MGE is only meant to induce submission via pleasure. This includes the magical whips they use. Not saying MGE girls can't ever scratch or strain a man uncomfortably, but a MGE dark elf would never use pain as punishment or as a intention unless it somehow made the pleasure better. Which means the temporary mindbreak thing could still happen as in the story, though the experience would be more pleasurable (a monster gets a lot less out of sexual acts if the man is not enjoying himself, as it effects the amount and taste of his essence).

To quote KC from some years ago:

>「The encyclopedia world's hard S is completely the girl using pleasure from a proper facial expression and voice that you want to hear to bestow love and pleasure. She doesn't want her own husband to be hurt or suffer. The magic-added whip and techniques are naturally things that aren't painful and only give pleasure.


>> No.37513605
File: 2.13 MB, 2000x2500, f99347aa1f8b2c85363e42593c96f182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Initiate marital subroutines.

>> No.37513614
File: 254 KB, 657x496, 1526736645101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and she loves you

>> No.37513620

If I shitpost anti-monster sentiments on 4mon, which mgs are most likely to respond by saying they're in my house and then rape me as soon as I turn around?

>> No.37513634

Well I'll be, if it isn't rare good quality black harpy fan art.

>> No.37513641

that artist certainly has a way with meat

>> No.37513644

the funniest one around, thats who

>> No.37513655
File: 519 KB, 921x1200, 351_Bogie_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Punishing naughty boys is their thing.

>> No.37513658
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>> No.37513671

I like elves

>> No.37513676

So not Cheshires

>> No.37513682
File: 410 KB, 578x863, FEeLoDtaIAMnxJE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i see the appeal

>> No.37513701
File: 493 KB, 1115x1200, Black_Harpy_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys do know that black harpies in MGE are supposed to be ravens, right? Not crows.

>> No.37513716
File: 2.11 MB, 2894x4093, 45633666 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flaming hot hebi

>> No.37513724

i wish tailfeathers got more representation.
they cute.

>> No.37513725

gonna save the hebi by putting out those fires

>> No.37513729

Evidence? I could see raven girls being a bit bigger as in real life they are substantially larger than ravens (though the black harpy's revamped art does make her look bigger than before).

>> No.37513733

Shit. I guess I just saw dark elf and figured pain was involved. My bad.

>> No.37513754
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>> No.37513770

dumb hair

>> No.37513778

She looks evil, I'm gonna ask her out!

>> No.37513782

Read the wikipedia page on the Common Raven, and then read the Black Harpy profile. Super similar.

>Common ravens is super intelligent
>Black harpies are the smartest of all harpy species

>Common ravens are known to steal shiny things to impress mates
>Black harpies like to steal shiny and valuable things

>Common ravens like to steal food
>Black harpies like to steal food

>Unmated common ravens will sometimes attack in groups
>Black harpies will sometimes attack men in groups

>Common ravens are often quarrelsome, but are fiercely loyal and devoted to their families
>Black harpies are aggressive towards outsiders, but are super devoted and friendly to their families

>> No.37513806

call me crazy but corvids are fairly similiar

>> No.37513821

Anon thinks lich wife is mad so he thinks maybe leaving her alone for a but would make her feel better, thinking that they processes time differently anon leaves for years “Thats the same thing as a day to undead right?”

>> No.37513852

Only the dumb, harmless ones. The dead serious ones will ambush you unannounced.

>> No.37513861

I think mistaking a black harpy as a crow, or a crow tengu as a raven, might get you pummeled to a pulp by whoever the offended party is. They're going to insist on the difference

>> No.37513884

if they beat you up it's a black harpy.
if they push up their glasses and try to educate you it's a crow tengu.
simple enough

>> No.37513886

>Gremlins find your location
>They send it to the Bogies
>You're pranked, spanked and drained on a live stream for all of 4mon to see

>> No.37513898

But what if the anon is married man and he just trolls in secret.

>> No.37513914
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>> No.37513915

Would she even notice?

>> No.37513968

>Highly intelligent and smartest of all the harpy species
>But also aggressive enough to kick some ass when needed
And this is why black harpies are the best birds and top tier girls overall.

>> No.37514001

What happens if you make the same mistake with a Inari and Youko?

>> No.37514009

medium rape and heavy rape respectively

>> No.37514023

>we dont call it rape in my homeland, we call it being "loved agressivly"
Said the succubus to the police

>> No.37514031

>implying succubus is even getting arrested for rape

>> No.37514036

Gentle chiding with passive-aggressive sexual intercourse.
Classy bitching with sexual domination.

In both cases, she's going to be taking the lead, and you won't have any say in the matter.

>> No.37514041

Depends of where she is and what she was doing ash she got caught

>> No.37514046
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x687, headpats____by_dirtykuro-dbke7ts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37514065

It will do her some good, finish her whatever projects

>> No.37514153

I need me a Gazer gf to help with my panic attacks.
Being watched helps me calm down, or at least refocus my attention.

>> No.37514174
File: 3.24 MB, 1920x1080, 121746325435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no portable grill wife.

>> No.37514179

Metal is perfection, after all

>> No.37514187

>I need me a Gazer gf to help with my panic attacks.
So you can have panic attacks together?

>> No.37514363
File: 268 KB, 1200x815, 1626938988535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would kiki do that?

>> No.37514376
File: 53 KB, 730x411, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about to get it on with wife
>these creatures pop up on your shoulders
>"sir, stop! You're thinking of doing lewd things, aren't you? No, sex is among the most pure and sacred human rituals! You must only procreate in missionary to make babies, and hold hands!"
>"cmon bro you telling me you're buying this shit? angels don't know an ass from a pussy lol, lick her armpits, full nelson her, spank her fat ass, call her a dirty slut!"

>> No.37514384
File: 152 KB, 800x614, 1469398036406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, I only listen to my shoulder succ

>> No.37514397

Mastah used the wrong fork for the entrée.

>> No.37514413

i like when they both tell you lewd things

>> No.37514416

daily shog check of master

>> No.37514450

>do her in the butt
>yeah, do her in the butt
thanks moral guidance

>> No.37514469

>anon randomly gets ambushed and wrestled by his kiki screaming SHOG CHECK out of nowhere
B-but there are no shogs in this house...

>> No.37514493
File: 880 KB, 1957x515, 1495855215211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she just suspicious of the shog next door, who already has a mastah
shog just laughs at kiki's silliness while doing her daily kiki check her mastah, involving her enveloping his body into her goo to check for stray kiki feathers

>> No.37514496

But you could do her gently or do her rough

>> No.37514500
File: 815 KB, 1500x1038, 1636103563393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a reward, you get to nut inside the cute Rata as much as you want from now on.

>> No.37514504

And do you know why? Kiki works very hard making sure no shogs sneak in.

>> No.37514524
File: 1.38 MB, 1200x1600, 93199065_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sneak? i'm adopting any starving/malnourished slimes i find in the wild
i mean how are you supposed to say no to that face

>> No.37514549

>anon keeps bringing home "slimes" cause they need help
>kiki keeps throwing them out as home wrecking shogs
>anon is sad but he always fails to hear the "tch" sound the shogs make when they are thrown out
can't adopt everything anon, you're gonna give kiki gray hairs at this rate

>> No.37514598

>anon's house is filled with slimes and shogs he rescued
>his kiki is foaming at the mouth in rage at her master
anon no

>> No.37514616
File: 234 KB, 1449x2048, 1617926340565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adventures take me to zipangu
>All avaliable party members are either samurai or shinobi
I swear to god they're gonna kill each other over the first magic katana to drop

>> No.37514623

nureonago will help kiki overcome her slime trauma

>> No.37514628

Because they are all scared of kiki that suplexes her mastah every day
They are also somewhat cautious of said mastah who not only survives, but thrives in such an environment

>> No.37514637

>haha she just likes to play around
>t. thick headed master

>> No.37514651

That's how you make your kiki revert to her feral state

>> No.37514665

What's a feral kiki like?

>> No.37514676

Sounds like you all need to try your own wrestling moves out on your kikis. I hear full Nelson is very effective on monster girls

>> No.37514723

Neglects housework to focus solely on securing her mate.

>> No.37514728

Extremely territorial (you are part of her territory), prone to anger and rape, and is utterly uncompromising. Awoos and chirps angrily a lot.

>> No.37514827

Where do kikis even learn all these moves? Are there "Basic CQC" courses in kiki maid academy where a grizzled old kiki with an eyepatch is teaching all those young maids how to defend their household if need be? Or is there a some sort of wrestling club where they don masks and costumes and practice pile driving their enemies? Is it both? What else do kiki know?! I'm scared

>> No.37514977
File: 479 KB, 860x1142, 1566955779471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet most of them are kuudere too, broken up by the occasional genki Oni warrior.

>> No.37515006

my wives

>> No.37515081

>Anon's in a party with a Fox Kunoichi.
>She does excellent damage, can pick locks and pockets, even knows a few spells.
>But the whole time he's never heard her say a word.
>At this point it's been so long, that it's awkward whenever it's just the two of them.
>Anon occasionally her staring intently at him in the corner of his eye.

>> No.37515104
File: 537 KB, 2197x1696, 1632367916449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know batcats this size would give otherworldly good scalp massages with their tails.
Just imagine having your whole head engulfed in her tailpussy while she's giving you a killer paizuri.

>> No.37515180

>be a anon soldier in the only human part of the army
>No war so you just train, patrol and hang around with other soldier bros
>The mamono army will now have every male human soldier be paired with a monster girl to increase effectiveness...
They said it will be randomly attributes so I should wish for which monster girl ?

>> No.37515262
File: 712 KB, 3100x5100, 9c9ce467447ce238d3fa8b1906a524601f869331747aeab51a9b367f638dec7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get thoroughly raped and drained until you can't even move
>stay in queen-sized bed all wrapped up while cuddling the whole day
Sounds comfy, especially in winter.

>> No.37515366

>No walking in the snow and cutting wood for the fire
Too many good things missing for a comfy winter

>> No.37515378
File: 332 KB, 2000x2194, 1623902296935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find a single soldier of preffered species
>she refuses to disobey orders
>grope and seduce her a little
>she snaps and rapes you in the supply stockpile
>next day the assigned mamono armywife arrives
>she wants you and refuses to let go
>your current waifu doesn't mind sharing
roll what wife millitary assigned to you. Would you agree to her and your wife sharing you? If not, how would you deal with the awaiting court marshal for defying orders?

>> No.37515457

Is she gonna be my instructing officer when I work in the relief tents or what?

>> No.37515498

>Get kiki and shogg
>Please help me nigger man intensified
I'm not a solider anymore, just a fiddle in the storm but yes I keep them both

>> No.37515515

Anyone here have any advice or experience for commissioning artists in skeb? I don't know japanese and am worried about stuff getting lost in translation.

>> No.37515547


>> No.37515563

>head to bed for the night
>walk into your room to find your siege engine automaton wife and your daughter-unit (who just looks like a slightly smaller version of your wife but with your hair color)
>they both insist that you start doing your part to increase the human population with them

>> No.37515577

Your daughter though? Why?

>> No.37515593

Because oyakodon is hot?

>> No.37515621

Nah. It's pretty gross.

>> No.37515693

remember anons high magically proficiency makes you court bait

>> No.37515726

Can I get high magic power by staying a virgin ?

>> No.37515738

you can try

>> No.37515761

What kinda court we talking about here?
I'm learning Meteor and nobody can stop me.

>> No.37515787

But if you get your magic proficiency high enough no one can do anything about it anyway.

>> No.37515797

all types anon, those regal types really like having the arcane at their beck and call

>> No.37515859

>Black harpies are very family oriented
>So your black harpy wife demands you knock up her sisters that are single as well so they don't feel left out

>> No.37516016
File: 186 KB, 1400x933, 1618348765288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine a slime wife on a hot summer day
you can just come home and rest between her tits
they need to absorb heat by nature and you're just a walking radiator
your face just sinks right into those smooth soft cool slime titties and she even drinks the sweat off you
just taking a siesta inside cool, comfy slime while telling your wife about your shitty day
makes it all worth it

>> No.37516017

so learning high level clown spells makes me the court jester?

>> No.37516056

I want a phantom wife just so I can fulfill my fantasy of knocking up tons of monster girls and have lots of casual sex but without any of the issues that bring.
She'd probably just make it so I'd keep knocking her up instead, and that's even better.

>> No.37516059

This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them

>> No.37516064

Slime but what if warm?

>> No.37516085
File: 168 KB, 750x1206, E7559B21-4749-45B6-AC13-D3ACAAC7C1D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have that

>> No.37516099

What I wouldn’t to be hugged by one right now

>> No.37516290

>casual sex
What monster girl would be best for "no, we're totally not married, we just live together have have tons of casual sex with one another and no one else"?
I just think the idea of that sounds kinda hot.

>> No.37516307


>> No.37516310
File: 1.08 MB, 1072x1500, 51122763_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know sometimes I do recall or vaguely remember discussions about technology and tech levels in the MGE world. Some say it should stay in the pre-industrial era because "muh comfy medieval fantasy" reasons. Some also have suggested the MGE world is in the Renaissance period, in which pre-monstergirl days was absolutely medieval but the current era is now Renaissance. Complete with gun powder technology. While 20th and 21st century era tech levels is still debatable and hotly debated.

So why not just make tech levels of the MGE world be just like Final Fantasy instead? It has aesthetics, themesand technology of old world and new/modern world all mixed with Fantasy and magic. Take a look at the more modern Final Fantasy games and it's settings and worlds have people who are magic users with swords, guns and some feudalism era governance, monarchies, kingdoms and empires. There is magic everywhere with fantastical creatures and animals. And lo and behold despite the mix of old world elements. The internet exists, TV and radio exist to some degrees, there computers occasionally, people have smartphones and MP3 players. And in the case of Final Fantasy 15, modern day cars also exist and is available to most people. But the commonfolk and peasants would drive old retro style looking Fords and Chevy Belairs. While people and citizens who live and or work in the government sectors, Royal Crown Cities and wealthier empires get to ride and drive more modern/futuristic Mercedes-Benzs, BMWs, Audis and any other high end car brand upper class people drive.

How about that for tech levels?

>> No.37516334

What is the demon lords policy on sneedposting?

>> No.37516362

she married chuck

>> No.37516397

Big monsters who want to be dommed by their (relatively) small husbands!

>> No.37516509

Do you want sons or daughters?

>> No.37516525

Didn't ask.

>> No.37516530

Make a story about a woman excited to give birth to a son so she can fully embrace monsterdom afterwards

>> No.37516535

Sons to make alps out of them

>> No.37516564

Quit your bullshit and learn how not to post like a /tg/ refugee grasping to conversations about shit no one cares about

>> No.37516574

One boy with a bunch of monstergirl younger sisters sounds fun

>> No.37516580

I'm pretty sure that's just a repost because /tg/ threads are dead as fuck

>> No.37516636

Oyakodon is bestkodon, don't listen to that serf.

>> No.37517330

what would be some common tourist traps in monster cities?

>> No.37518050

Temples with fox priestess

>> No.37518065

what's MGC's beach like?

>> No.37518112

can slimes breakdown microplastics?

>> No.37518135

filled with either nude or damn near nude monsters with men who enter by accident are also forced to be nude

>> No.37518170

will I be able to dig a hole in the sand without being interrupted?

>> No.37518214
File: 413 KB, 733x1200, FFcQ_WOaAAAajcx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New girl just dropped.

>> No.37518244
File: 696 KB, 934x629, pyrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the profile

>> No.37518246

what? tell me the details!

>> No.37518259

I'm not interested in women that aren't taller than me.
Cute horns tho.

>> No.37518263

nice horns!

>> No.37518272

Could a diving suit protect me if just want to get in the water ?

>> No.37518283

Oh shit oh shit
I like her hoodie

>> No.37518311
File: 72 KB, 293x380, 3630670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those would be specialist beaches. A big draw of monster girl beaches in general is the swimsuits. To quote World Guide 2:

>By borrowing the power of the monsters of the oceans they've established swimming beaches that can be enjoyed by families, and are also great spots for men to meet monsters in swimsuits.

>> No.37518332

>dedicated gyaru girl
KC is too good for this world

>> No.37518346


>> No.37518348

Well this is unexpected. Not what I was hoping for, but a new profile is a new profile.

>> No.37518362

No! I must remain strong for my waifu! I cannot give in!

>> No.37518398

Available on patreon. They're minions of balrogs.

>> No.37518406

Hehe, I just drew a contour of a female in a sexy pose, but with no details and new profile dropped, thank you Mr Cross.

>> No.37518413

i will try to draw milf verison

>> No.37518429

>MILF Gyaru
You know not what you do! It has been forbidden for centuries!

>> No.37518436

>Crazy flame girl
Oh no the ice girls aren't going to like this

>> No.37518446

God speed

>> No.37518459

>another balrog mention
I can feel it, they're coming next month.

>> No.37518460

Some kind of a gyaru fire demon?

A younger version would be peak msgk

>> No.37518466

but thats why I will do it!
thanks will probably be within th e week

>> No.37518535

Good god I wouldn't be able to resist.

>> No.37518704

In general, their theme is that they give an air of inviting casual sex but it never turns out to actually be like that. Namely if you "play with fire" (them) you will get burned (addicted to them).

There seems to have been some confusion or miscommunication regarding her name too. The english text on the profile says "Pyrow" but the Patreon translated profile says "Grigori." Hopefully this gets cleared up soon.

>> No.37518706

so whats her motif, just fire or something else?

>> No.37518754

Ack, I mean "Grigoris."

>> No.37518912

>That flesh fang.

>That modest chest.

>That tan.

Oh no. It's Nagatoro in monster girl form! Look out senpai!

>> No.37518922

Hah, didn't someone in this thread just ask for this?

>> No.37519023

>gyaru fire succubus
Yes please.

>> No.37519094

>tfw get a Patreon alert
>tfw it's a new girl
Also, I feel obligated to mention how I want to get zipped up in her hoodie

>> No.37519302

Mimic taxis. Mimic buses. Mimic hotels. Mimic restaurants.

>> No.37519327

Isn't the Dragonia book all about this?

>> No.37519344

Fuck dragons

>> No.37519404

>Fuck dragons
i looked this phrase in the archive and it seems the phrase "fuck dragons" seems to be mostly said in /tg/ and /trash/

>> No.37519448

>i looked this phrase in the archive

>> No.37519509

nah, I want a demon.

>> No.37519520
File: 105 KB, 518x396, 93972706_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I understand the importance of gatekeeping very well, but don't you think this is going too far?

>> No.37519537

Wtf? Pyrows are Georgian?

>> No.37519545

>Grope and get CLANG'd by a horny Automaton
>Get Dark Mage the next day
Oh boy... Now I see why she wants to share me

>> No.37519562

i looked this word in the archive and it seems the word "gatekeeping" seems to be mostly said in /tg/ and /pol/

>> No.37519586
File: 28 KB, 245x237, ice cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i guess maybey i shouldn't saw some things in the process that i can't unsee

>> No.37519660
File: 3.03 MB, 1711x1200, 1637883278590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newest Monstergirl appears to be a Gyaru oriented girl

Can't help but just post this image. Not to sponsor this manga. But damn, Gyaru mamono girl. And literally imagine the smell of the new Gyaru monster, with all that perfume, cocoa fragrance, hairspray and peach scented body spray.

What would a room full of Gyarus smell like?

>> No.37519744

KC released the first profiles in, what, 2008? 2009? I'm very glad he's still chugging but it's also pretty surprising.

>> No.37519775
File: 50 KB, 527x395, 040efad912b09a19b88b81f86bbe95c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not to sponsor this manga.

>> No.37519784

>Not to sponsor this manga.
im sure

>> No.37519805

Who could?

>> No.37519837


>> No.37519840

>Even amongst the succubus family they are considered lewd
>Permanent blush
>Relationships are really lewd and you end up thinking you have a ton of "casual sex" with her.
Well, I found a new girl to hit my top 5.

>> No.37519875

Now consider that it is very possible that she will also be hooking you up with her balrog boss.

>> No.37519901

Human bimbos sound like a horrible idea, that room needs dark matter bombardment A S A P

>> No.37519933

I don't really like dark elves, but this is a great read. Kudos!

>> No.37519947

think I'll just flee to miss yeti in the infirmary

>> No.37519960


>> No.37520019

So a dedicated mesugaki MG?

>> No.37520050

But anon, that would leave the obligatory single male classmate with an entire room full of horny but monogamous gyarus to deal with. No one should have to suffer like that.

>> No.37520104

stop looking for reasons to post humans you can just say imagine a room full of pyrows without posting that shit

>> No.37520129

I didn't expect this she looks super cool

>> No.37520139

Not exactly since it's not a loli race, but the loli pyrows probably are quality msgks though.

>> No.37520206

How are you supposed to find an alley where you and your monster partner can have some time alone?

>> No.37520213

The translation on KC's wiki also mentions a superior monster girl that they are subordinate to, the balrogs (who rule the Volcanic regions).

Also, I don't know if it's supposed to be an alternate name or a translation error, but they're also referred to grigoris.

Quick summary: They're frivolous girls that entice men to fuck and are direct about it. They're touchy feely with soon-to-be prey: running their fingers across the prey's body to entice them, getting in close, etc. They're a subset of succubi. They like to be used to casually vent out lust (sex).

>> No.37520243


>> No.37520260

>The translation on KC's wiki also mentions a superior monster girl that they are subordinate to, the balrogs
This is the second time they've been mentioned, they can't come soon enough.

>> No.37520268

Also, they give off street slut vibes, but of course, that one-night-stand will result in marriage.

>> No.37520282

I will hasten climate change.

>> No.37520283

Quick correction but they are only seemingly frivolous and casual. Men who get a taste of them won't be getting away for long and will return again and again to get relief from the fire they ignite in them.

>> No.37520334

Fellas, is it wrong to fall in love with a picture?

>> No.37520358

Natural predator of Otaku

>> No.37520376

Just in time for winter.

>> No.37520507

Those horns look fun. Very utilitarian.

>> No.37520530
File: 1.10 MB, 2000x2667, 595A6992-81EE-474F-AD48-06FE4AAFF293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Save princess from dragon
>Law of the states I’m now the king
>And I have to take the princess as my queen
>Don’t wanna do this cause she’s a bitch who complained the whole way home
>Can’t back out now due to former king already eloping with his many kikimora concubines
>Just wanna go back to my home town and marry that cute elf shopkeep
>Was always there for me and gave me a discount on all the goods I bought from her
What should I do?

>> No.37520553

>Save princess from dragon
>Law of the states I’m now the king
Marry the dragon
Let princess do whatever

>> No.37520591

They look like the typical bratty teenage gyaru from doujins

>> No.37520594

Go back to the dragon, ask her for help with that bitching problem. Mamono mana fixes everything, every time.

>> No.37520784

It's time to introduce democracy.

>> No.37520799

I'd appreciate she didn't break the immersion with modern clothing, but still she's alright.

Hoping this means Kenkou is back with regular updates.

>> No.37520849
File: 121 KB, 461x500, 206_sahuagin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd appreciate she didn't break the immersion with modern clothing

Anon, sahuagins literally grow school swimsuits via their scales. "Modern" clothing has long been a part of the MGE.

>> No.37520878

That's what they behave like too.

>> No.37520896

MGE is actually futuristic. There's been advanced civilizations that have been destroyed so it only makes sense some things from back then stuck around.

>> No.37520913

Demon tailors find time and space to be irrelevant. They only trickle modern clothes into MGE for funsies

>> No.37520926

>neither loli nor hag
not that i mind either but it's nice to have some more variety. would attempt compensated dating with.

>> No.37520927

>Sahuagin’s swimsuits are scales
I always just thought they commissioned arachne to make them all the time

>> No.37520953
File: 1.97 MB, 1720x2473, MomonikaSabbath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon didn't read the third side guide despite it being out of a few years already.

>> No.37520966

Love it

>> No.37520986


>> No.37520997

Wtf? Is KC back to his normal schedule?

>> No.37521020


This is Pyrou, a succubus tribe that lives in volcanoes.
Their creed is "Take it easy, if you're horny, let's fuck" (I'm not saying they won't marry).
The person who gives them strength is their boss, Balrog-san. You may also be able to guess what kind of demon Balrog-san is, as I introduced him only by name a few years ago. ......!

>> No.37521077
File: 559 KB, 1322x629, Sahuagin book profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite the opposite. There is demand for molted sahuagin skins among monsters.

>Arachne greets a local sahuagin every day.
>Always seems to work into the conversation a question of just how long it will be before she molts again.
>Always wants assurances that she gets first dibs on the skin.
>Sahuagin silently tolerates it.

>> No.37521108

I know, I know. Still rubs me a bit whenever it happens.

For what it's worth, it looks fine in this case. Sabbaths are all about cutting edge and defining future, and Momonika's branch especially so. Sahuagin linked above is a typical case however.

>> No.37521137
File: 409 KB, 1472x2048, Sahuagin 1552855328686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sahuagin are technically always naked when they look like this.

Is this the source of their smug confidence?

>> No.37521147
File: 162 KB, 892x1200, lamia_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All roulettes apart from hakutaku, wurm and inari are on AO3
I plan to rewrite/extend the mentioned ones

>> No.37521174

I found this 18+ harem web novel full of non-human girls (mostly variations of elven) with almost 1000 chapters. After I started reading it it really seemed to be my thing, the girls are really really devoted to the mc, lots of funny situations and all that. I was really getting into it but then the author introduces a married woman into the harem.
I fucking hate those people who seems to be anti-ntr (I assume the author to be one given the number of scenes where the heroines kept reassuring their devotion to the mc) but indulge in hitozumashit, it's so fucking hypocrital. It also doesn't help how her reason for hooking up with the mc is so shallow compared to the other heroines. It's just feels shitty.
Sorry for the rant. Recently I have been kinda ill and reading this kinda cheered me up but then shit happened so I'm kinda upset right now.

>> No.37521178

When's the new girl getting in?

>> No.37521206

Not too sure
depends on if i get a feel, you never know when inpirations strikes and even then it might not be the for the one you were expecting
for example, ideas for the dragon continue to evade me

>> No.37521352

Yeah, there have been a number of such stories I've had to drop due to them suddenly adding a married woman with little or no justification (or just awful justification), and often causing much of the cast to break character to accommodate their behavior with her.

Your husband doesn't give you enough attention? Well freaking talk to him about it, give him an ultimatum, etc.

>> No.37521370


You have a link to this story?

>> No.37521392

Which web novel is this?

>> No.37521412


>> No.37521501
File: 1.87 MB, 1624x2000, 94485200_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37521529
File: 180 KB, 1400x1400, T2fBPpKE4HA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of it and can't google. Is it a typo, some obscure jap yokai or OC?

>> No.37521549

>Minions of Balrog.
Just assume fire imps, it's not that hard.

>> No.37521584

Probably either an english-japanese-english mistranslation or an enemy from some old jrpg.

>> No.37521628

i'm for it, w is a cute letter.

>> No.37521649
File: 170 KB, 543x478, shogvidya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balrog had minions?

>an enemy from some old jrpg.
Oh yeah, probably some mistranslated monster from DQ, KC used to have lots of them

>> No.37521684

I'm not sure about Tolkien but Balrogs are often demonic rulers in other media.

>> No.37521694
File: 2.05 MB, 2048x1800, KumanoCasual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blonde oni with hood
Now where have I seen this before?

>> No.37521710

Can't say I disagree, the name sounds cute and fits the girl.

>> No.37521724

>seducing guys with GPUs
Whats next? Creeping cryptocoin?

>> No.37521725

that's not banana

>> No.37521796
File: 64 KB, 347x413, 51303374_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but it is a boat.

>> No.37521838

Try パイロゥ, though I don't see relevant results either and I can't speak Japanese.

>> No.37521851

I hate liches

>> No.37521869

>extra sensitive post molt sahu
sounds fun

>> No.37521890

what did they ever do to you

>> No.37521894

good thing she keeps her emotions bottled up. you can still maintain your professional relationship.

>> No.37521908

What is shog hashrate?

>> No.37521929
File: 716 KB, 1510x2360, 796a539e54053963e261544a097fe8c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37521944
File: 457 KB, 732x835, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37521982
File: 718 KB, 3520x3400, m2PpZWcQ_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liches hate me because I keep stealing their experiments

>> No.37522019
File: 1.95 MB, 1876x3000, 94476613_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37522032

Do wights give birth to zombies or wights

>> No.37522048

Yeah bro we're just REALLY close friends. Letting you nut in me like 8 times a day is just what best friends do! Also if you fuck anyone else I'll suplex you through the floor.

>> No.37522086

if i have to have kids, one of each. although, that could change depending on who its with.

>> No.37522092


>> No.37522104
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x1200, 1638284194637[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go be a teacher in an all-angel academy they said
>it will be fun they said
>they won't try to stalk, spy and rape you like the monsters do
>they said

>> No.37522114


>> No.37522132

Tiny tail! Pathetic!

>> No.37522146
File: 750 KB, 868x1228, 6cee50b8afd55da8f7875a8716529348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erotic forehead lolis

>> No.37522156

Might depend on how powerful the husband is.

>> No.37522158

>fire imps
>heavy metal intensifies

>> No.37522184

Thats a big fucking forehead god damn.

>> No.37522223

Angel wife perma stuck in loli body because it is a form if innocence.

>> No.37522227

do they have their own MGE threads or something?

>> No.37522258

damn, thats two in two months time. KCs on some shit and I want some

>> No.37522270

I think they still do but they're total shit
Filled with faggots who don't actually like monstergirls posting about war and how to grimdark mge from what I recall.

>> No.37522286

balrogs a dude? im not complaining but i honestly expected them to be a big fire milf

>> No.37522312

Where else am I supposed to get my daily dose of edge+monster girls???

>> No.37522319

Translation mistake probably since he listed balrog as future profile species

>> No.37522322

As far as I know they have killed thier threads and don't make new ones anymore, the autists responsible go around to different boards shitting up the local thread for a while until they get upset that no one will have them so they move on.

>> No.37522328

Machine translation just doesn't do pronouns correctly. The question is if it's a single individual or whole species.

>> No.37522331

ohhh yeah that seems likely

>> No.37522359


>> No.37522380

At least they are easy to spot here. Huge walls of text filled with detailed descriptions of everything EXCEPT monster girls are a dead giveaway. Sometimes I wonder why do they even bother trying.

>> No.37522398

balrog seems to be the volcanic version of the h'orc

>> No.37522401

>In the case of especially large and dangerous volcanoes, the Demon Lord is said to dispatch balrogs - great fiends girdled in hellfire - to take control of the volcano before it erupts.

>> No.37522417

Never really sure to be honest.
It's bait that no one seems to fall for, that no one even reads.
I guess they just copy posts from their terrible threads over here to see what will happen.

>> No.37522421

Japan don't use genders in conversation because in their language it's always obvious based off who you're talking about. It results in some weird fuckery when trying to translate Japanese with google/deepl and visa versa.
Also more on Balrogs can be found here
>In the case of especially large and dangerous volcanoes, the Demon Lord is said to dispatch balrogs - great fiends girdled in hellfire - to take control of the volcano before it erupts.

>> No.37522443

What monsters would be the most loyal, by that i mean the follow orders kinda way, cause alot of monsters seem like they would sell you out fast.

>> No.37522494
File: 54 KB, 894x894, hine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where I was going to summon a Hinezumi as my mate. I was aware it was a dream, which is why I attempted it, as I was doing it, I had a clear vision of a Hinezumi elsewhere inside a summoning circle. While she was anime, it was amazing the detail in which I could see her, while she was still anime, I could see her in full detail, her beautiful martial artist body and curves accentuated by her China dress. The dream ended before I could complete the summoning. The level of detail is so amazing, I think rather than dreaming it, I am actually accessing whatever dimension these girls live in.

As a public service I am going to give you a method in which you can do better than I did and dream about your MG waifu and I have confidence, if you go through it during 1 week you will be in your waifu's arms. It has less to do with skill and more to do with beating laziness and fear.

>Download a chess app or game, or anything similar that force you to work out your brain
>Go to sleep
>Set an alarm clock to a hour where you know you will be tired enough that you would easily fall back asleep if you do nothing else
>Look at images of your waifu
>Get up and play the chess game for 10 minutes
>Get back into bed and just sleep
>You will find yourself in a strange state, where you are aware, you can open your eyes but can't move or can barely move, you will likely feel you can't breathe well and even like you are dying. Relax, it is normal. You feel your breath is lacking because you have adopted the slow breath you normally take whem sleeping.
>Here your instinct will be to get out of bed. If you try hard enough to drop out of your bed, You will find you have succeeded and fall from your bed, but you actually haven't, you are dreaming. You will try a modifird version of this.
>As soon as you find yourself in that state, open your eyes and try to get out of bed, but instead of just getting out, reach out to your waifu and help her reach you. When you try to move, do it with the intent of reaching your waifu and having her pulling you out of bed towards her, like a guy trapped under rubble reaching out for the rescuers trying to pull him out. Help her pull you out, try to feel her hand/paw pull you as you try to get out of bed.
>Congrats, you are now in your waifu's arms.

>> No.37522526
File: 1.77 MB, 1682x2242, fcaa1c342f18be482a983b1775f6ed87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she also keep mental innocence?

>> No.37522599

>follow orders kinda way
Robots like automaton and golem

>> No.37522648

Poor angel trying to live a normal life, but has to constantly grapple with a innocence mentality that she tries to overcome but fails every day into a blushing mess.

>> No.37522749

surely a demon would, with the right contract?

>> No.37522757

So if pyrows are the little giggling gyarus... balrogs are the big ufufuing gyarus?
Please KC I need it to live

>> No.37522831
File: 2.38 MB, 1872x2648, 25 downsized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new girl on the same day as getting a commission delivery
Today's a good day. Hinezumi wife commission by @Bell_orgel over on skeb/twitter, had to downsize it to fit upload limits so here's the full size https://files.catbox.moe/52c47j.png

>> No.37522874


Shoggoths hands down. KC Tweets state to them serving her master/husband is beyond the normal definition of serving, it is basically a deeper experience for them. They see her husband as sort of Cthulu god. After Shoggoths it should be Khepris, that is their entire thing. Then Soldier Beetles, they are top tier soldiers and basically see their husband as their Commander in Chief. In general, obedient bug girls should be among the most obedient MGs. Golems with "obedient" engraved in their control runes, are likely as obedient as Khepris and Soldiers too though.

>> No.37522976


And thus, my wait for a new musclegirl continues...

>> No.37523021

Your wife is hot! Literally! Can you beat her in a fight?

>> No.37523088

If I play dirty or get lucky/a fluke happens, she considers those valid wins because she says should have accounted for them.

>> No.37523105
File: 3.28 MB, 498x390, shirohebi-muramasa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37523107

Cute wife, and tasteful commission too.

Wouldn't most husbands lose in a 1v1 against their wives just because most mamano are peak human at least?

>> No.37523146

>Soldier Beetles
Never would have thought them to be especially loyal.

>> No.37523204

>Wouldn't most husbands lose in a 1v1 against their wives
Many husbands are more chuuni than the chuunis they marry

>> No.37523255

>serving her master/husband is beyond the normal definition of serving, it is basically a deeper experience for them. They see her husband as sort of Cthulu god
Yes and this is exactly why I love shogs so much

>> No.37523317

Certainly true but that will only get you so far versus brute strength and speed.

>> No.37523344
File: 751 KB, 1995x2048, FFc7BA5VUAcBFpq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37523370

Chuunis only lose when they die. And a chunni doesn't die when they're killed.

>> No.37523509

>Lose when they die
>Implying "Crossing the veil of death" won't just strengthen their chuuni powers
Anon, you aren't prepared for the chuuni monster girls you'd unleash.

>> No.37523566

>Cute wife, and tasteful commission too.
Thanks! And funny you should say tasteful because this round of commissions is about getting some more SFW stuff for my wives after a lewd spree. I absolutely plan on more lewds though

>> No.37523597

Is she quite a tall fire rat, or relatively small but just imposingly built?

>> No.37523610

>Anon, you aren't prepared for the chuuni monster girls you'd unleash.
Not him, but what are they gonna do to me? Scream out at the top of their lungs about their “ultimate attack” and throw a styrofoam ball at me?

>> No.37523682

how do you know about the darkness dark blast?

>> No.37523704
File: 209 KB, 1280x720, Zurv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute and lewd, the war eternal.

>> No.37523710


KC already addressed this. Living with a MG that wants you as a husband and to defeat her, will eventually lead to her man defeating her, even if she has to adopt loose definitions of defeat. In the case of Dragons for example, there are cases where the guy is just an average joe and one day just manages to overpower her because she has been feeding her dragon mana to him with the intent of making him beat her.

Note also that doesn't mean, unlike what a lot of the thread suggest and even some of Dragonia seems to point out, that most Dragons are like Salamander and go after stronger men. I asked KC about it and Dragons have a dual desire "to have a man stronger than me defeat me and bear his children" "to claim a man as my treasure and protect him" both of these desires are very prevalent in Dragons, though I don't know if KC means that Dragons tend to have both of those desires or if individual Dragons will lean to either of them and these desires are simply very widely distributed among individual Dragons. I asked KC about it and the "protect a man as my treasure" is the majority of Dragon relationships due how strong they are. The quotes are not exact, but this is basically what KC said.

>> No.37523723

any girl can be a muscle girl with the right attitude

>> No.37523741

Fool! Who do you think taught it to her in the first place?

>> No.37523774


The soldier beetle profile specifically has "obedient" as a disposition. And after claiming a husband it is stated they follow him closely behind like a soldier escorting him. So they are basically top tier soldiers with the discipline and obedience you would expect of a soldier and see their husband as their commander.

>> No.37523791

She's 6'3 and the tallest of my wives, unexpected to some given her race but I love that about her!
Bare witness to my will.

>> No.37523869
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When you want to go to mofutown but you get turned around and take a wrong turn into bigtown

>> No.37523871

Tch, only a dim-witted plebeian would miss the might of that attack. It's no styrofoam ball. That's an ancient, evil technique passed down for generations between only the most dark and evil of all mamano. Doubt me still? Just you wait. The day will come when your screams will echo through the heaven's chambers like a thunderous cacophony, and it will be because of me.

>> No.37523906

>whew, nearly made the wrong turn into mofutown

>> No.37523990
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Care to cite the source? If you don't have a direct link or the Japanese text do you know if it was on patreon or a tweet? It'd be good trivia to add.

>> No.37524028

In case it wasn't clear, I meant to ask about the source of the dragons desires specifically that is. The stuff about monsters making it so the husband can defeat them has already gotten documented as trivia.

>> No.37524055

I just meant they'd win at their peak or if they weren't actively sabotaging themselves.

>> No.37524206

Post your most recent mge commission

>> No.37524209
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By the way I asked KC in a tweet about Hinezumis, since I really like it but the "must be fighter to marry" keep me from appreciating them further. And he said that while rare Hinezumis with the taste of "i want a weaker that I can protect, I want to beat him in a fight and force him to do lewd things to me" is rare but does exist. More importantly, even with Hinezumis that don't have that taste, you can still marry her without being a fighter by defeating her with your "words and attitude". A Hinezumi's is waifed by "lighting a fire in her heart" and that fire can be lighed with your words and attitude as well. Also, if you are weaker than her and still challenge her to a fight, presumably with the explicit purpose of marrying her, even by defeating you she might still fall in love with you for your hard work and "cute, weak appearance".


>> No.37524274

That was fast

>> No.37524312

>Anon, you aren't prepared for the chuuni monster girls you'd unleash.
So I get to face off against all the angels in heaven? Fucking sweet.

>> No.37524321
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There is no shame in defeat as long as the spirit remains unconquered.

>> No.37524329

>It's no styrofoam ball. That's an ancient, evil technique passed down for generations between only the most dark and evil of all mamano.
Please honey, we need those supplies for our daughters science fair project.

>> No.37524355

>”accidentally” insult a chunni MG
>she goes to throw a soft styrofoam ball at you
>in her anger she grabbed an actual softball
>now she’s standing above you crying because she accidentally broke your nose
Why does my chunni waifu also have to be an Olympic softball player?

>> No.37524388

It was in a KC tweet in response to a question I asked, I will have to dig through my tweets to find it. Here it is:


KC talk about both "types" of Dragons, so there are presumably the type that want stronger men to defeat them and the type that want to protect weaker men as their "treasure". KC states that most Dragons take the "protect a man as my treasure" stance.

>> No.37524399

Cute tomboy Succ!

>> No.37524412

I really like her boots.

>> No.37524424

Quick again

>> No.37524425

Every month or two used to be KC's standard actually.

>> No.37524454

What happens if I put on the vampire mask and activate it

>> No.37524551

I'd expect dragons to have both desires since they already have the tendency for internal conflict and contradicting desires, to the point they can die unhappy and rise from the dead out of sheer dissatisfaction with that end. Also with how the dragon relationship progression is originally described in the profile.

>> No.37524661
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It's nice to have more confirmation that most dragons remain the more powerful and protective ones in the relationship and that they choose mates that accommodate this. It's long made sense that this would be the case, but more information is good.

>> No.37524671

She looks like she throws little fireballs at old man paladin's mailbox.

>> No.37524706

That's messed up
He has letters from his family in there!

>> No.37524732
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>Its anon sworn duty to repopulate a species and save them from the brink of extinction

>> No.37524742

Bring on them dinosaurs.

>> No.37524746

>Pally's mailbox is on fire again
>his Yeti companion runs after Pyrow but can't catch her
>Pally has to make another call to the Rata post office about his mailbox burning up

>> No.37524769

Yeah me too, and her cute hair ties. KC has an eye for cute female fashion, and his art style is very whimsical, like some of the better art you'd see in a roleplaying game guide

>> No.37524796

Really looking forward to a few weeks of Nagapyro art

>> No.37524797


Ugh, that sucks. What is the point of looking for a Dragon if you are not to be expected to be stronger than her? It also contradicts Leia's Dragonia profile about her looking for a man stronger than her.

>> No.37524800


Only if you don't cheat on her

>> No.37524823

It seems to basically say they hold both desires. Of course most men won't have the drive or ability to be stronger than a dragon, so most dragons just end up indulging their "protect greatest treasure" desire.

And of course it also depends on the individual dragon and the individual man involved. It's just that in general the dragon ends up the protector.

>> No.37524846

dinosaur girl when?

>> No.37524876

Isn't there a manga about a dinosaur girl?

>> No.37525019
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>> No.37525032


>Chunni Lizard wife claims to be a Dinosaur, and you go along with it because it's cute when she roars before chowing down on her burger

>> No.37525136
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>> No.37525137

she reminds me of a medium redcap on fire. i'm into it.

>> No.37525167
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so many new smug girls
but the queen can never be dethroned

>> No.37525195

>He doesn't know.

>> No.37525226
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>> No.37525228
File: 457 KB, 500x750, Manti-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>day 30 of NoNutNovember
>my wife reverted to her pre-Lilith form
>I managed to lose her and hide
>I can hear her heavy steps and nefarious whispers, as she walks past my hideout
>"cum... cum... hubby... must have... hubbies' cum..."
wish me luck Anons, only few more hours left!

>> No.37525270

Every monstergirl couple has to fuck with the mg in her old form at least once.
Except alps because that would be gross.

>> No.37525323

Congrats on lasting so long king

>> No.37525363
File: 594 KB, 800x735, e7b56e8cc8190f4d0f0700beb0e0df49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some MG dont "Translate" to real forms though?
>Echidna is a monstrous snake woman
>Her real form is also a monstrous snake woman
unless you mean things like dragons and kitsunes

>> No.37525378

*just plug into her

>> No.37525501

Haku-sensei? More like Fatasfucku-sensei heh

>> No.37525529
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>Leave anon to me

>> No.37525543

her tail is pretty fat

>> No.37525567

Stop staring at her tail. She's here to fight (You) not be gawked at

>> No.37525616

Jim look at that alp's tail lmao
She even strapped those belts to it

>> No.37525618

I cant read the profile and I just pulled up the thread, but what I do know is that I want her to sit on my face

>> No.37525631

You must hug it and squeeze it as hard as you can

>> No.37525690

I need two of these

>> No.37525714

Is her hair short except for the pigtails or the hood is hiding it?

>> No.37525731

Looks like it's short to me.

>> No.37525777
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its really hard to not have sinful troughs with these elven nuns constantly dropping things,it must be a test of faith

>> No.37525847
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>> No.37525858

Yeah, that's pretty accurate

>> No.37525878
File: 112 KB, 960x1200, 1533006744101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This new girl makes me want to see an all fire based girl harem

>> No.37525890

>not sure how/why a Nurarihyon ended up in the army in the first place, but I wasn't going to miss that opportunity, orders be damned
>She is all too happy to 'take along' the Dark Angel I was officially paired with
>I don't really have any say in the matter either way
good end...?

>> No.37525895

She looks like a bully. I'm in.

>> No.37525904

>Take a werewolf, add fire, get hellhound, arguably the most popular MGE girl
>Take a lizard, add fire, get salamander, (IMO) a better lizard fighter monster
>Take a succ, add fire, get shiny new fire succ gyaru
In conclusion: Add fire to your monsters, it will make them better

>> No.37525917

Anything I'm missing?

>> No.37525929

fire+bogey=no more house

>> No.37525934

Right, I forgot Firelizard

>> No.37525944
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>> No.37525969
File: 84 KB, 1053x1200, 1635395338532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do lizardmen have any kind of weapon restriction when they're fighting their husband-to-be? Hinezumi seem pretty focused on unarmed martial arts. Are lizards the same, just with swords? Or do they not care?

>> No.37525990
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>you go adventuring with a monster girl companion
>find treasure chest
>among the loot there's a new bikini armor
>genki loli salamander is excited to try new equipment and strips naked on the spot to put the new gear on
>she's happy with the stat bonuses being double the previous armor
>you're happy with there being half the fabric of her previous armor
Picking the best available party members is very important

>> No.37525997

>Tell Lizzie if she asks reeeeaal nicely you'll let her play with your 'Sword'

What would she say?

>> No.37526006

It goes right to her thighs.

>> No.37526011

>Lizard does an elaborate display of swordsmanship
>Anon just draws his revolver and blasts her with demon silver
Martial arts nerds are easy to bully

>> No.37526042

Anon, this is how you kickstart the wild wild west because the lizards will adapt to these new weapons and all of a sudden instead of demanding you fight them with swords, they will be demanding duels at high noon in the center of town!

>> No.37526060

>By the time it happen automatic rifle have been develloped
They never learn

>> No.37526070

sally cow girl with big guns and big milkers

>> No.37526127
File: 69 KB, 571x790, 1514235414650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monster party puts anon on gear duty
>fighting and adventuring are a woman's job afterall
>they get forced to wear skimpy armor (more than the usual) because the "stats are dope"
>they don't even get the satisfaction of giving anon a boner
>he's too busy sperging out on the stats to see their looks
was it worth it?

>> No.37526140
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>Not choosing the shoggy
she can became your gun and fuse with one of your eye to increase aim

>> No.37526156

>Figured out how to live fantasy of being total manho without ruining lives (including his own)
On reflection, my proclivity for harems was always, at least in part, a cludgy sort of attempt to do the same thing. In some ways Phantom (and Nightmare, too I guess) are much cleaner ways of going about it.
Bigamy is definitely still in, all that said.

>> No.37526180

I like her already! can't wait to see the tl

>> No.37526185

Are there any shape-shifting mamano?

>> No.37526205

So this seems like a very sad story.

>> No.37526233

shogs can p=np in their heads and thus have practically-infinite hashrates, so they are banned from participating in cryptocurrency networks by international agreement. they take this with grace, understanding how important silly things like that are to mortals.

>> No.37526248

All mamano can shape-shift to an extent, because they can alter their proportions to suit their husband's tastes. Beyond that, there's slimes, Shogs, Mindflayers, and Night Gaunts who can warp into entirely different forms.

>> No.37526254

>Our Parting
>Our spousal bond has already Ended

>> No.37526278

>tfw ywn get dressed slutty by your party with a big old collar around your neck that says that you are the property of the monsters you are trying with
>ywn get covered in kisses before you get left alone or sent off to do something but still one of your party members comes along
>ywn be put on a leash so you don't stray to far
>ywn get molested in public by your party member

>> No.37526334

>Fire Kiki
I bet she's hella chunni. "BEHOLD <name>, THE CLEANSING FLAME!"

>> No.37526349

Gonna nickname my spicy kiki "Kuun-Lan"

>> No.37526368

What do I get when I mix fire and a Mershark?

>> No.37526379

Take Udine, add fire, get... steam girl?

>> No.37526380


>> No.37526384


>> No.37526396
File: 66 KB, 850x1280, 1626460310655.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she turns the heat on the skillet up
>she gets under the couch to sweep
>she brings out the extra strength soup for a stubborn stain
I love chunni kiki

>> No.37526397

>sharkboy and lavagirl
>boy and lavasharkgirl
simple mathematics really

>> No.37526401
File: 118 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20210909_083954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing wrong with being a dragon's treasure

>> No.37526406

fire+kraken+ushi oni is a ultimate rape mcahine

>> No.37526417

Dragons sleep on their treasure and there's no way I would survive that hag laying on top of me all night

>> No.37526433

Weak and pathetic!

>> No.37526437

Where in the MGE world can a guy go to find mamano who understand PRIVACY and just a bit of PERSONAL SPACE? Zipangu, maybe? All I know is I've gotta get out of the country. Can't take 2 steps without one of them copping a feel, usually a holstaur or minotaur.

Anyway, where the FUCK can I go where mamano will respect a man's basic sovereignty? I'm trying to stay on my sigma grind, not get caught up in a relationship.

>> No.37526445

gotta go to ligma for that

>> No.37526451

>cuts the bullet in midair
>teleports behind you
>rips off your pants
>activates her secret "empty palm milks the snake" technique

>> No.37526457

She's soft, you'll be fine.

>> No.37526488

>Chuuni lizard lost so hard this is the story she tells to the patrons of the local saloon

>> No.37526501

>no one believes her cause her body is nice and meaty after 20 kids with anon

>> No.37526509

speaking of, what monster girls would you find in the wild fantasy west?

>> No.37526520

>chunni lizard keeps yapping her tale
>goes pale when anon walks in
Would you expose her lies? Or protect her image?

>> No.37526528
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Rattlesnake Lamias

>> No.37526537

It's like a weighted blanket. A very very very weighted blanket

>> No.37526538

Holsts and Minos.

>> No.37526548

sounds amazing, ony thing that would make it better is me being inside her as I sleep

>> No.37526551

Not that anon, but I'd protect her image and then bully her about it in private.

>> No.37526568

lol, that lizard is going to get exposed, exposed and impregnated for that

>> No.37526586

Exposed and bent over a table in front of everyone.

>> No.37526617

Do you think the Barlog will be a muscle girl?

>> No.37526660

That would be nice, but I don't expect it.
