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File: 42 KB, 491x349, Touhous age naturally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3745474 No.3745474 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3745481
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>fictional characters age naturally

>> No.3745478 [DELETED] 

This thread was created for me!

>> No.3745485
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>> No.3745483
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Awesome. Feels good to be immortal, man~

>> No.3745487

Nothing wrong with that, they'll be begging for immortality by the time they hit 30.

>> No.3745489
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>> No.3745493
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>> No.3745511


>> No.3745521
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>> No.3745524
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She's 2300 years old you sick bastard!!

>> No.3745526
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>> No.3745527

Older than that, even.

>> No.3745534

No, almost all Touhous are Youkai or otherwise immortal.

The only ones that aren't are:

Akyu (reincarnation, so who cares)
Maribel/Renko (they're in the real world, so that's perfectly normal)
Rinnosuke (half-Youkai, so long-lived anyways)
Sakuya (Either Lunarian, can manipulate her aging with her time-manipulation, or something like that, since it's obvious she's much older than she looks)
Marisa (Will probably go Youkai-magician in 10 years)
Reimu (Yukari + gap magic)
Sanae (Fuck the slut)

>> No.3745536

Little girl smell~

>> No.3745537

Sanae's a LIVING GOD, her death will be just like the cracking of an eggshell as she's born anew.

>> No.3745540

> Marisa (Will probably go Youkai-magician in 10 years)
Out of character!

>> No.3745547


Nothing out of character about that. People's choices change as they age. Suddenly immortality becomes a lot more appealing once you get your first gray hair.

>> No.3745553

She's stated she wouldn't mind it before at least once. Obviously hasn't made up her mind yet.

>> No.3745554
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She is a fresh and pert ghost.


>> No.3745555

Over my dead fanon!

>> No.3745559

The only actual eternal touhou aside from Kaguya and Mokou.

>> No.3745561
File: 54 KB, 180x223, reisen1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, what's the reason for the double standard? You like virgins because you're virgins, but don't want your waifu to age even though you do. Don't you want to die romantically together or something? You really want your waifu to have sex with or be raped by Rance's grandson some years after you die?

>> No.3745565

I will eat my waifu's liver and live for ever.

>> No.3745568

I don't want to be romantically involved with a touhou because I am not a faggot.

>> No.3745582
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Since you don't want to be a lesbian, here's some shota for you!

Also, this topic is extremely relevant to recent Touhou as it's Byakuren's back story. She started out with terror of death, and initially defended Youkai to preserve her youth.

>> No.3745593

If my waifu can be immortal, I can too!

>> No.3745592
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My saintu might have had a few small personality flaws in the beginning but she's totally over them and now lives for equality and justice.

>> No.3745595

>Reimu (Yukari + gap magic)

>> No.3745605


What about the gods?

>> No.3745607

I wonder what reisen would look like when she's 70 years old. Any anon have a picture?

>> No.3745613

Gods die when no one believes in them, of course. Or at least fade into irrelevance, pale shadows of their former selves.

>> No.3745616
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>> No.3745619
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At least 1700 years and counting. Long live the queen!

>> No.3745637


>> No.3745639

Isn't she a Lunarian? Prettymuch the same as now, if she isn't 70 already.

>> No.3745642

Reisen may already be 70. She's at least 40+some years and still looks like a teenager.
She was a "young rabbit" in 1969 (according to Eirin), and to Eirin, everything is young.

>> No.3745677

So, who is the oldest Touhou?

>> No.3745681


>> No.3745684
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Enjoy your pipe dream

Also: Using timestop means you age faster than those around you. Indisputable.

>> No.3745686

Not necessarily. She earned her position and we have no idea when.

>> No.3745691
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Citation motherfucking needed.

>> No.3745692

Touhou anime said she's a Lunarian. I'm not one to disregard canon sources as easily as you.

>> No.3745696

one year for a yama is 12000 years for a mortal
some guy posted this long ago and provided sources i cant be arsed to search it just to prove the ages of fantasy characters on the internet

>> No.3745705

What a coincidence, this just happens to be plot of the latest Touhou Battle Royale

>> No.3745739

Well Paradise and Hell and thus the judges existed before Gensokyo so I guess it makes sense.

>> No.3745745

Shiki is an alien anyway look at this from Yuka's PoFV scenerio

"It's my job to discern black and white.
However, I am not of Gensokyo.
Nor am I of this world.
Judgement is done from top to bottom, from there to here,
reversedly, it also must be carried out completely one-sided!"


>> No.3745744
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Let's say you have a vastly extended lifespan. Enough to actually carry out the legendary, if somewhat impractical feat of grinding down a mountain by rubbing it once with a silk cloth once a century.

When the mountain is gone, Shiki will still be there to judge you for disfiguring the landscape. Just another day at the office for her. No different from any before it.

>> No.3745749

>Touhou anime
>canon sources

1/10, try harder.

>> No.3745766

shiki is a astronaut

>> No.3745775
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"She claims to be in her late teens, but this is unlikely judging by her refined manner and the level of her abilities. Rather, she seems to be a human who has been living for hundreds of years"

Source: Perfect Memento in Strict Sense

>> No.3745781

mental image of shiki in a spacesuit won't leave my head

>> No.3745787

At least she's admitting she's full of shit this time.

>> No.3745790

Erin will give them age reduction medicine eventually, and make them all young again. Rinse and repeat, ZOMG FOREVER YOUNG TOUHOUS.

>> No.3745793
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Perhaps. Or maybe it just means that being a judge of hell, she likely comes from hell. That is, hell as in a punishing afterlife - not the actual geological hell under Gensokyo.

>> No.3745797

you seem to be mistaken

>> No.3745802

Touhous may stay young forever, but you're still going to grow old and die.

And so will ZUN.

>> No.3745810
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For some reason I read this as "I can't get the image of shiki shitting in a spacesuit out of my head" I need some fucking sleep.
>citing Akyu as a reliable source of information

>> No.3745813

The OP image now reads "Eiren can't use age-reduction medicine on herself"

>> No.3745824

But she's immortal so yeah

>> No.3745847

ZUN wrote it, so why not?

>> No.3745901
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ZUN wrote some of Aya's stories as well, does that mean they're always reliable information? No.

That's retarded logic.

>> No.3745934
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Eirin's just extremely long-lived, not immortal.

... unless she is immortal and I haven't got around to reading about it yet

>> No.3746025

Ok, let's see it like this:
In ZUN's universe
-Aya is notorious for exaggerating her stories. Bunbunmaru= gossip rag.
-Akyu and her predecessors have been recording Gensokyo's history for over 1000 years

I assume that ZUN intended Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red to be a reflection of Aya's Bunbunmaru. It's tone is very informal.

Perfect memento, on the other hand, is very similar to an encyclopedia. I'm guessing ZUN did that on purpose?
Also, Akyu could have been created for the sole purpose of this book, thus keeping ZUN "out of the story", meaning he wouldn't want to interfere directly with his creation's universe, to be an active part of it (Of course, outside it he is still the creator). A copy of Perfect Memento would be a plausible thing to exist in Gensokyo. The only exception is ZUN's afterword, in which he directly addresses the reader and refers to his games. Which, of course, was added because Gensokyo doesn't exist and his target public is his fanbase.

Wait... why are we arguing about this?

>> No.3746047

>-Akyu is notorious for exaggerating her descriptions.
>-Aya has been recording Gensokyo's stories for over 1000 years.

>> No.3746054
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It's been argued countless times before, go look one up in the archive.

>> No.3746080

>Akyu's 'memory' is over 1200 years old

Oh fuck, why am I joining this shit discussion? FUCK THIS, THEY DON'T EXIST

>> No.3746091


Lunarians are immortal. Not Kaguya-regeneration-immortal, of course.


Akyu is considered relatively reliable; in PMiSS she explicitly says that the book is filled with exaggerations (in the Monologue), so we trust on that fact. Basically PMiSS is an excuse to make Gensokyo much more GRIMDARK than it actually is.

>> No.3746097

Gensokyo exists everywheeeerrreee.

>> No.3746102

ITT: faggots arguing over the reliability of sources of historical information FOR A FUCKING GAME.

seriously guys, get a life.

>> No.3746116
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> get a life
> posted in /jp/

>> No.3746123

Lunarians are ageless, not immortal.

>> No.3746136

ageless obsession

>> No.3746156

If I ate Kaguya would I become immortal from drinking the hourai elixir by proxy?

>> No.3746158


You only have to eat her liver.

>> No.3746166

Chicken livers are delicious, I bet human liver wouldn't be half bad.

>> No.3746171

I would rather eat all of her.

>> No.3746172

Sakuya has time manipulation - her body is timeless unless she wants it to age.

Marisa becoming a Magician type youkai is not a choice, probably - it's just something that will happen as she continues to become stronger. If it hasn't happened already.

Reimu has shown no interest in immortality, and I can't blame her. Face it: If all you want is to be left alone (and maybe get some donations for your temple), and what you -get- is tons of monsters causing world-altering incidents just because they're bored from living forever, you might have a jaundiced view of immortality.

Sanae likewise will probably not live forever. She may be a descendant of Suwako and have power over miracles, but she's also part human and likely to grow older.

Eirin will not live forever. She can vastly extend her life, but if she were going to use the medicine to live forever, she would have already.

>> No.3746179

>Eirin will not live forever. She can vastly extend her life, but if she were going to use the medicine to live forever, she would have already.

How do we know she didn't?

>> No.3746182
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NEET steak...

>> No.3746186

I remember reading somewhere that Eirin CAN'T use medicine on herself, but can't seem to find anything about that on the wiki so maybe I imagined it?

>> No.3746208

Hey guys, I had a great idea!
How about we track down ZUN and ask him personally???

>> No.3746221


Fucking terrible idea. Last time he personally elaborated on canon we got CoLA, which was retardedly unsatisfying.

>> No.3746222
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>> No.3746223

After reading the wiki, it says Lunarians don't die of natural causes, so even if she didn't drink the elixir she shouldn't die, normally. Which means I wonder why Kaguya wanted to drink the elixir in the first place, but...

>> No.3746225

Don't be naive, if that worked the Japanese would have done it repeatedly and gotten every possible question answered.

>> No.3746230
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For you, maybe.

>> No.3746240


>> No.3746244

Just find ZUN and ask him, he's out drinking beer every night.

I don't know if he makes this shit up when sober or not though.

>> No.3746245

Is it ZUN hunting season yet?

>> No.3746253

"So... *hic* yeah everyone is immortal *hic* like.... Like plastic... yeahhh plastic..."

>> No.3746289
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>> No.3746348
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