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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3744778 No.3744778 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3744782
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>> No.3744803

Of course Obama would bow. The order is

Whites > Asians > Hispanics > Indians > Blacks > Jews

>> No.3744805


Aryans > Whites > Asians > Hispanics > Indians > Blacks > Jews


>> No.3744808

>Asians not at the very bottom

>> No.3744813

>Saiyans not above Aryans

>> No.3744824

Whites contribute the most to the world, followed by Asians.

>> No.3744826

Back to /b/, scum.

>> No.3744830

>Whites contribute the most to the world

>> No.3744831

>Implying that whites are the color of white.

>> No.3744837
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>Whites contribute the most to the world

>> No.3744839

He is bowing down to spot the chink's penis.

>> No.3744840

u mad fag? Take your one worlder garbage somewhere else

>> No.3744842
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Obama really likes bending over.

>> No.3744843

>Implying he was implying NWO.

>> No.3744844
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Jews contribute the most to the world

>> No.3744847

There is a board for your kind of people.

>> No.3744849

>butthurt white liberals

If you aren't racist, you need to get out of /jp/

>> No.3744850

Jones? lolololololololololololol

>> No.3744852


Oh noes, Arabs! Bowing before them as a sign of courtesy means that he just acquiesced to let them fill our White America with ISLAM!
Quick, let me warn my white bros on Stormfront about the impending dangers!

>> No.3744858

Just a passing troll guys. Take it easy.

>> No.3744859

Fuck off.
By the way, I am not white nor liberal.

>> No.3744875

Don't disgrace Hispanics by associating them with the Mexicants and other sub-human South Americans.

>> No.3744929

So not bowing before the dictator of one of the world's most oppressive countries = stormfront?


>> No.3744935

Not nearly as oppressive as the UK

>> No.3744940

Gee, it sure is racist around here.

>> No.3744944

>Saudi courts continue to impose cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment, including amputations of hands and feet for robbery, and floggings for lesser crimes such as "sexual deviance" and drunkenness. The number of lashes, not clearly prescribed by law, varies according to the discretion of judges and ranges from dozens of lashes to several thousand, usually applied over a period of weeks or months. A court in Qunfuda sentenced nine Saudi alleged transvestites in April 2000: five drew prison terms of six years and 2,600 lashes, and the other four were sentenced to five years and 2,400 lashes. The floggings reportedly were to be carried out in fifty sessions, with a fifteen-day hiatus between each punishment. In February 2001, a court reportedly sentenced a captain in the Saudi army to seventy lashes because he used a cellular telephone on a domestic flight.

I'm no fan of the UK but the Saudi leadership are animals.

>> No.3744951

The ibn Saud family should just be hunted to extinction like the animals they are. Everybody would be better off without them, including the durkas.

Bowing to the Emprah is classy though, and tactically smart - it's a free way to score some goodwill from the nips.

>> No.3744952

>>Saudi courts continue to impose cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment, including amputations of hands and feet for robbery, and floggings for lesser crimes such as "sexual deviance" and drunkenness.
How is that not awesome?

>> No.3744955

It's also well known that the Saudi family is the greatest funder of Al Qaeda, and their brand of Islam, Wahhabism, is the vilest, most evil kind of Islam on Earth, one that even the Taliban look at and go "those fuckers are crazy".

>> No.3744956

In the UK, a soldier freshly returned from Iraq (afghanistan?) was sentenced to six years in prison for reporting and turning in a shotgun he found "ditched" on his property

The charge? Possession of illegal firearms. Apparently if it passes through your hands, even if passing through your hands means turning it in to the police, it's a horrible offense.

Islamic law may be backbreakingly oppressive, but at least I know where the line is, you never know for what you'll get thrown in prison for in the UK

>> No.3744989

> Implying whites haven't contributed the most to the world
> Implying Western Civilization hasn't beaten the fuck out of all others 99% of the times they've clashed

>> No.3744997

So you'd rather a regime that is always oppressive to one that is sometimes oppressive? How does that make sense?

I'm familiar with that case in the UK you are referring to. And it is very wrong. But do you think he would have gotten off scot-free in Saudi Arabia? No! They would've given him an even harsher sentence!

>> No.3744998

>implying non-whites from the fertile crescent didn't lay down the foundations for civilization


>> No.3745000

In Saudi Arabia he wouldn't have turned it in to the police.

>> No.3745003

>They would've given him an even harsher sentence!
I don't even think firearm possession is illegal.

Again, even if it is, the law in islamic states is easy to read, I can easily steer clear of getting myself into trouble. In the UK I can mind my own business and lay low and I'll still get arrested for some stupid shit.

I prefer predictably harsh justice to absolutely daffy bizarro-world justice.

>> No.3745005

Um, the fertile cresent cultures were an early civilization but they didn't "lay the foundation for civilization."

Advanced civilizations developed completely independently in present day India, China, and South America, for example.

>> No.3745008

I would love to live in an Islamic theocracy. Promiscuity, sluttiness, drunkenness and normalfaggotry are all punished to the degree they deserve.

> Implying Western Civilization hasn't beaten the fuck out of all others 99% of the times they've clashed
> Implying this is a contribution and not just barbarism

And for that matter, white people aren't even the best at being barbaric. That goes to the Mongols.

>> No.3745012
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>> No.3745020

>>I prefer predictably harsh justice to absolutely daffy bizarro-world justice.

Well, then you shouldn't about what happened in Britain. What that veteran did was explicitly illegal by the strict liability of British gun laws. It was both predictable and harsh.

Besides, you're completely wrong about the predictability of Saudi laws. For example, premartial relations (not sex, relations) are illegal but arbitrarily and capriciously enforced.

>> No.3745021

look where those countries are now. they sure turned out great didn't they?

>> No.3745023

>Advanced civilizations developed completely independently in present day India, China, and South America, for example.

Which, incidentally; aren't white.

>> No.3745026

shouldn't complain.

>> No.3745036

The Romans and Greeks are technically white.
Fag status: TOLD

Also, the dominant white countries in the world (The United States, varied European countries) are white. Stop searching for historical precedent and look at the PRESENT.

>> No.3745041
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>> No.3745043

>dominant white countries
>are white
But do people die when they are killed? Although I know what you wanted to say.

>> No.3745044

Who whoa whoa buddy. Persians are much, much different then those sand niggers in other parts of the middle east.

>> No.3745048

>The United States
lol no.

>> No.3745051

Bisexuals > fags > straights.

>> No.3745058

Argument invalid.

>> No.3745060

Damn right.

>> No.3745066

> Mongols best at being barbaric
> Empire completely fell apart because they lacked the means to run it
> Shitty 3rd world country today

The Germans were the original barbarians

>> No.3745068

>implying the United States isn't a world superpower

So how's that digging your head into the sand and fantasizing about your shithole country being influential working for you?

>> No.3745069

No one ever claimed they were...

But someone claimed that the fertile cresent laid the foundations for civilization, which they didn't.

And someone claimed the Western contributed the most for the world, which it did. For example, non-western contributions were usually invented redundantly in many different places and times: paper, writing, domestication. So even if China had never existed, we'd still see all their inventions anyway. However, Western inventions like experimental science, democracy, philosophy, and the steam engine were unique and would not have occurred without the west.

>> No.3745073

Asexuals > bisexuals > fags > straights.

>> No.3745075

Mongols completely and utterly raped the Middle East and are singlehandedly responsible for its current state.

>> No.3745076

>The Romans and Greeks are technically white.

And what happened to them after they lost contact with the superior cultures of the Near East and Asia? Yeah, they receded into the background of history and went back to screwing sheep and flirting with women, contributing nothing. The only reason why the greeks or romans managed anything vaguely resembling cultural achievement is through wholesale theft of Persian ideas.

>Also, the dominant white countries in the world are white.

And heavy rocks are heavy.

>Stop searching for historical precedent and look at the PRESENT.

Ok. Britain is a police state and a second rate power, the U.S. is well on its way to devolving to a second rate power in the next century and none of the other states of Europe are worth speaking on.

>> No.3745080

An attack on grammar is the last gasp held in an attempt to impoverish intellectual discourse while toiling in the dung heap of “ad hominem” sophistry.

>> No.3745082

You missed the point.

>> No.3745084

japanese president shaking midget

>> No.3745085
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This thread is /b/ plus /r9k/.

Who's up for a Cirno hijack?

>> No.3745088
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> This thread
> Liberal self hating kids upset whites run the world

>> No.3745091


Seems to be a mostly favorable reaction.

>> No.3745093
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>> No.3745096


>implying that the US isn't on the verge of losing this power if its weakening dollar is no longer the international reserve currency.

>> No.3745100

>And what happened to them after they lost contact with the superior cultures of the Near East and Asia? Yeah, they receded into the background of history and went back to screwing sheep and flirting with women, contributing nothing. The only reason why the greeks or romans managed anything vaguely resembling cultural achievement is through wholesale theft of Persian ideas.

Losing contact with the East was a function of the Roman decline, not a cause of it.

>Ok. Britain is a police state and a second rate power, the U.S. is well on its way to devolving to a second rate power in the next century and none of the other states of Europe are worth speaking on.
Doomsaying, huh? Being a police state makes you less respectable, but it doesn't make you any less a power. and as for the United States, take off the tinfoil hat, they've had economic downturn before. The United States isn't going anywhere just yet.

>> No.3745103
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>> No.3745107
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>> No.3745108

> Britain and the US turning into second rate powers
> Implying any country with advanced nuclear weapons could be a second rate power

Keep digging the hole deeper kids.

>> No.3745112

> Implying any country with advanced nuclear weapons could be a second rate power


>> No.3745113
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>> No.3745117
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baaaaw this thread isn't about 2D I'm going to hijack it

At least post something other than Cirno, because KoG.

>> No.3745125

>The only reason why the greeks or romans managed anything vaguely resembling cultural achievement is through wholesale theft of Persian ideas.

Are you kidding me? The Greeks had almost no ideas from Persia until the conquests of Alexander the Great and even then the transfer was mainly astronomy and a little religion and math. But the major Greek contributions of democracy, philosophy, nationalism, and geometry were distinctly Greek (and Athenian).

>> No.3745126

>And someone claimed the Western contributed the most for the world, which it did.

This is what white people really think.

>For example, non-western contributions were usually invented redundantly in many different places and times: paper, writing, domestication.

Papyrus =/= paper.

It says something when white people couldn't even invent their own systems of writing. They had to steal them from India.

>So even if China had never existed, we'd still see all their inventions anyway.

However, Western inventions like experimental science, democracy, philosophy, and the steam engine were unique and would not have occurred without the west.

Eurocentrism detected. Do you think that you could have any of those things without writing?

>implying Heron's steam engine was anything but a toy
>implying that westerners invented philosophy

>> No.3745127

gb2 /a/

>> No.3745130
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So you're telling me you actually like these herf derf, my Nation is better than yours circlejerks?

Settle down Americunt.

>> No.3745133
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>> No.3745136
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>> No.3745137

Butthurt minority detected

>> No.3745142
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>> No.3745146
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>> No.3745148
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>> No.3745152
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>> No.3745154

He floods Cirno constantly here too, just cause he's a bit less of a dick about it doesn't mean I'm not tired of Cirno imagedumps.

>> No.3745155

Rinnosuke sighed as he looked around his empty store, frowning as he saw layer after layer of dust on what he considered some of the most precious artifacts from the outside world. It was depressing. Even after he had gotten some brand new objects from the outside world, he still hadn’t gotten any more sales. He even had what they called “next-gen” systems, like the PlayStation 3 and the oddly named Wii. At this rate, he would have to give some of his items away, just so that he could make some more space in his storage room. Besides, he reasoned, if they found out how great his stuff was, maybe they would actually buy things from him.

>> No.3745161
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>> No.3745164
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look outside your window, white boy.

>> No.3745167
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Heartened with this thought, Rinnosuke tried to think of a way to give his gifts away. While some people, like Marisa, wouldn’t mind something new, others would probably kill him on the spot. He wasn’t really happy with the prospect of dying, so the silver-haired shopkeeper tried to think of a way to give gifts without receiving a seal, laser, fireball, knife, suppository, or whatever in the face. He briefly thought of just mailing the gifts, but he dismissed it on a couple of factors, like the fact that there was no mail service in Gensokyo and chances were that some of the girls would destroy the gifts.

>> No.3745170

It was then that he remembered a strange custom he had heard of from the other world. Yukari had explained it to him, but he had never really given it much thought. In the other world, during some time of the month in December, relatives and friends would exchange gifts to further strengthen their bonds. Or something like that. And there was a legend about this old, fat man who gave presents to all of the children. Rinnosuke smiled. He might not be old or fat, but he was a man and that was good enough to replicate this legend in Gensokyo. He would, during the night, give gifts to all of the girls of Gensokyo, thus getting rid of his storage problem and, hopefully, getting more business for himself. It was like killing two birds with one stone, to borrow a phrase from the ice fairy, Cirno.

>> No.3745173

Now that that problem was settled, Rinnosuke began to wonder what kind of gifts he should give each of the girls. He doubted any of them would appreciate the “next-gen” systems, since nobody knew how they worked, although Yukari gave a vague reference to electricity and TV when talking about them. He decided to get them practical things, since he knew that however common an item was, if it was useful, then it would always be appreciated. Adjusting his black-rimmed glasses, Rinnosuke went to business.

>> No.3745174

This thread is why pseudointellectual collegefags needs to be permabanned from /jp/. No true NEET is interested in boring topics like these.

>> No.3745178
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They're more interesting than most threads on /jp/, if only because Anonymous likes showing off his history knowledge.

>> No.3745179
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‘This is going to be harder than I thought.’ Rinnosuke thought to himself as he stared at the large sack full of gifts he had. While he, probably, could carry them to every single house in Gensokyo, the fact remained that it would take too long and the sun would be up before he finished. ‘If only I could fight and get myself some of those time orbs…Well, maybe some of stuff in my store could help me.’

>> No.3745185

The Western World isn't superior eh?

Alexander vs. the Persians and Indians
Cortes vs. the Aztecs
Pissaro vs. the Incas
Don Juan vs. the Turks
Clive, Cornwallis, Wellington, Napier vs India
US vs. Japan

Sorry apologists, but the list goes on and on.

>> No.3745192

You're the reason why all NEETs should be banned from the entire internet. Forever.


god can you imagine?! all the neets in the world would end up either killing themselves in mass suicide events or actually make something of themselves.

>> No.3745203

>Alexander vs. the Persians and Indians
>Cortes vs. the Aztecs
>Pissaro vs. the Incas
>Don Juan vs. the Turks
Power-level thread, GO!

>> No.3745210
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You enjoy listening to pseudo-intellectuals circlejerk about their distorted interpretation of history?

I personally enjoy our offtopic math discussions. At least with math you can tell when people are trolling. Also, historian majors are pathetic. Any moron can read books about things, math/science on the other hand requires work.

>> No.3745211
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>>Papyrus =/= paper.
The difference between papyrus and paper is the production process, not the material. And paper only became the dominant writing material used today because of advances in production made by Europeans.

>>It says something when white people couldn't even invent their own systems of writing. They had to steal them from India.

Our writing system is most directly descended from the Phoenicians which got their ideas from Mesopotamia and Egypt, not the Indians.

>>Do you think that you could have any of those things without writing?
The question is not if they could have occured without writing but if they could have occured without, say, "Indian" writing.

This is your fundamental mistake. Writing is very important but India made no contribution to the world wide development of writing since Egypt and China and million other civilizations developed it independently. Only the West made a large number of unique discoveries.

>> No.3745213
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You really think the true NEET guy is a real NEET? He's just a troll, ignore him and don't let him reflect poorly on real neets.

>> No.3745220

>god tier

All you need to study medicine is a good memory

>> No.3745221

He walked into the back room of his store, where a looming tower of random knickknacks and doodads sat at a corner. He needed a weapon…one that wouldn’t kill him if he did something stupid. Since he had no fighting experience, he wanted to pick something that he couldn't stab himself with. Spying an ornate lance lying against the wall, Rinnosuke picked it up, shrugging as he did so. It was over eight-feet long in length, so there was little chance he could stab himself with it. And if he didn’t need to use it, he could tie the bag to one of the ends and carry it using the lance.

>> No.3745222

Now armed with some sort of protection and a sack full of gifts, Rinnosuke decided to begin his journey. His first stop would be the Alice’s house, since she was close to his shop and also because she wasn’t as trigger happy as Marisa. He quickly walked towards her house, making his sure his shop was locked up tight.

>> No.3745223

> Implying most of math isn't memorization of formulas.


>> No.3745230

>>3745223 Bawwwww I cant learn math because I'm an idiot.

>> No.3745234
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President ur so droopy.

>> No.3745235

Before he could reach her house, however, he was suddenly attacked by a ravenous plant, a long, twisting tendril winding its way up his leg. Dropping his sack, Rinnosuke quickly brought out the spear and stabbed viciously at the plant. To his surprise, the plant immediately shirked away from his attack and disappeared. Looking at the spear, he noticed a faint magical aura surrounding it. ‘That was lucky…Well, hopefully nothing else will disturb me. Sigh…Now I remember why I never leave Kourindou.’

>> No.3745237

I find it humorous that people are arguing about Mesopotamia, China, etc. when the very earliest man came from Africa. Africa is still the same as it was thousands of years ago.

>> No.3745240

The rest of the way to Alice’s house was uneventful and Rinnosuke managed to slip her gift in through one of the windows, which Alice had mistakenly left open. He also put in an advertisement for Kourindou as well, just in case Alice couldn’t tell who gave her the gift. He continued in this fashion towards Marisa’s house, fending off any monsters that would try to attack him and, happily, getting some time orbs for his trouble. Luckily for him, Marisa’s door was wiiiide open, something that really didn’t surprise him, considering how reckless the human witch was.

>> No.3745242
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> Implying theres any money to be made in math

>> No.3745244
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You know nothing about modern Africa. Shut up.

>> No.3745249
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Implying money is a valid reason to learn something.

>> No.3745250
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Rinnosuke continued with his mission, delivering his gifts and advertisements, fending off any monsters or fairies that tried to kill him, and wishing that he could fly like almost everyone else here. Still, somehow he managed to make it within the time limit, thanks to a little bit of luck and some of the magical items he had brought with him. As he made his way back into Kourindou, the sun was just rising and Rinnosuke smiled before going into the back and collapsing on the bed he kept there.

>> No.3745252

A couple of hours later, a loud knock on the front of his shop woke the silver-haired man from his slumber and he stumbled towards the door, rubbing his hair. Remembering that a shopkeeper should always greet customers with a smile, Rinnosuke made sure he looked slightly presentable as he opened the door, revealing Reimu, along with all of the other girls of Gensokyo. Rinnosuke blinked, wondering what was going on.

>> No.3745255
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Looks like a village from about 500 BC to me

>> No.3745256

We wanted to thank you for your gifts, so we all came in person to show you our gratitude.” Reimu said. “Even that hardhead from Mt. Shuuyoujo came for a visit.”

>> No.3745258

“I am not a hardhead! Want to make something of it?!” A loud voice erupted from the back of the group. Reimu just sighed and waved the protest down.

>> No.3745260

Man is motivated by its desire of two things

1. Pussy
2. Material possessions and wealth

>> No.3745263

Anyway, we just brought some gifts of our own to give to you.” Reimu explained, handing Rinnosuke a small, thin package. “Here’s some warding seals, just in case somebody tries to steal from your shop. Don’t forget to donate to the shrine.”

“Uh, thanks…” Rinnosuke said uncertainly, accepting the gift. With that, Reimu stepped away, no doubt going back to her shrine to enjoy a mug of hot tea. All the rest of the girls crowded around, some of them tossing their gifts Rinnosuke’s way while others just handed him the gift with a word of thanks. After a couple of minutes, it was over and he found himself standing in a virtual mountain of presents.

>> No.3745265

That was nice.’ Rinnosuke thought as he brought the gifts in, wondering what was in each of them. There was a set of silver knives from Sakuya, a card on how to use Master Spark by Marisa, an antidote to some common poisons from Medicine, a frozen frog from Cirno, a doll sewed in his likeness from Alice, some Chinese dumplings from Hong Meirin, a flower bracelet from that youkai living in the mountains, and numerous others. He looked at the pile of gifts, wondering where he could put everything. He had intended to make more storage space by giving away the gifts, but with all this, all the space he had opened up would be used up again.

>> No.3745268

Well, while the whole thing wasn’t a huge success, it still felt pretty good to have given all those gifts and it felt even better knowing that they all were willing to make him a gift in return. ‘Maybe I’ll do this next year.’

The next day, nobody came to his store.

>> No.3745270

Rinnosuke is half Humanoid-Youkai. He could rip apart most monsters that attack him with his bare hands.

>> No.3745272

Far to the East, over the horizon, lies a land long forgotten by the world. Gensokyo, as it has come to be called, was once a part of rural Japan. Over a century ago, the youkai-infested area was sealed away by priests. Since then, humans and youkai have coexisted in relative (allowing, of course, for a few curtain-fire barrages a day) peace, the former shunning the technology of the outer world and learning magic instead. Such was life in this Eastern border land.

>> No.3745274

Today was a fine midsummer morning in Gensokyo. Tenderly colored flowers opened up to the robin’s-egg sky abuzz with flitting fairies and a black-winged girl tossing newspapers about. Golden sunlight, unfiltered by clouds, cascaded down from one end of Gensokyo to another.
The light streamed through the treetops of a deciduous forest and entered the east window of an old-fashioned house, shining on a young blonde girl until she reluctantly climbed out of bed.
The light joined the calls of roosters in heralding morning for the humans of a small village, and on its periphery, in a small house, a girl with long silver hair with blue highlights arose.

>> No.3745278


The light reached into the mountains, beyond thick forests and an icy lake, and touched a blood-red, Victorian-style mansion. At its doorstep, a redheaded girl in a green Chinese-style dress awoke and started to fold up the newspaper that was her only bedding. Some of the light even got into the darkened interior of the red mansion.

“Sakuya...” a young-looking, bat-winged girl with a worn red-and-white nightcap groaned, raising her head from her pillow to get out of a thin beam of light. “The curtain...”

>> No.3745279

>Shows the worst example.

>> No.3745280

Yes, Lady Remilia,” answered a pretty, silver-haired girl in a French maid outfit. The two long braids on either side of her face swayed in time with the click of her high heels as she walked over to the window and shut the gap in the thick, light-absorbing curtains.

>> No.3745284

The light even crossed the boundary into the Netherworld, illuminating a path through the blooming cherry trees for a pink-haired girl, a short gray-haired girl and a floating object resembling a large white tadpole.

Yet there was one part of Gensokyo where the morning light failed to reach. Deep within a large bamboo forest, in the pitch-black interior of a large, Japanese-style mansion, an ornate alarm clock rang.

A slender, pale hand reached out from under a carrot-patterned blanket to shut the clock off, and was soon joined by its owner, a cute girl with very long light purple hair and crinkly rabbit ears.

Getting out of bed with a sigh, the bunny girl lit an oil lamp and donned a pale pink miniskirt, a white blouse and a red necktie. She stopped to straighten her tie in the mirror before slipping on a black jacket.

Taking the oil lamp with her, she made her way through the halls of the mansion and entered a large bedchamber, where a comely woman with long silver hair lay sprawled on a four-poster bed.

>> No.3745287
File: 62 KB, 330x420, 1222147407058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3745291

Udonge is fine,” Reisen replied, her ears drooping a bit.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Eirin spoke up as Reisen helped her into a long red-and-blue dress adorned with constellation patterns. “Could you go shopping today? I need some suzuran extract for my latest experiment.”


>> No.3745293

Reisen left the bamboo forest and immediately shielded her eyes from the bright sun. Once they had adjusted, she raised her head and focused her magic energy, and her feet lifted off the ground. Picking up speed and altitude, she was soon flying at a leisurely pace, admiring the unmarred day. Spending most of her time in a dark house made it all the more breathtaking. She wished every day were so beautiful.

>> No.3745294

Should I go look up some touhou fanfiction at fanfiction.net and join in?

>> No.3745295
File: 56 KB, 338x450, Strawhuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst example? Oh you delusional weeaboo. Theres huts much worse then that all over Africa.

>> No.3745301

Only if the Americunts keep stroking their penis.

Here's some Touhou fanfiction: http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Fanfiction

>> No.3745311

Wow, there's no less than TWO touhou and Hetalia crossovers. The fuck is up with that.

>> No.3745314

It's best not to reply to threads like this. Either ignore them or hijack them, and under no circumstances should you join them. GDP, war, and history circlejerks are always an eyesore. (And the Americans only make it worse.)

>> No.3745316


Go on..

>> No.3745317

You missed the point retard.
Also, learn English.

>> No.3745321

I can't believe I let Nitori talk me into testing this thing out for her. It seems so complicated, I can't figure out what goes where and how to set it up. Oh heck, I can't even figure out how to turn it on!.

>> No.3745327


What happened to the story between these two points?

>> No.3745332

Dear morons, the more you respond to each other the longer this circlejerk will continue. Having sage in your field is useless when trying to deliver an argument, because the person you're arguing with is just going to end up bumping the thread. If you don't like the thread then hide it and leave (your opinion wont be missed).

>> No.3745337

I changed the story to something else.

>> No.3745338

Marisa coughed, the spell ending with ash, but there were two new figures in the middle of the room, now, but they were obscured by smoke, and darkness.

“Well, Marisa, you might have done it!” Cirno coughed out. “MIGHT. HAVE. I didn’t say did, FYI!”

“Yeah--*cough*--okay, Cirno. Now flick on the--*cough*--lights!” Marisa said, putting her hand in front of her face, to obscure the smoke. The lights were flipped on, and the two boys looked around.

“Hey, JE, where are we?” The smaller one asked the taller one. He shrugged. “I have no idea—the spell just said Gensokyo.” The taller replied, and the smaller sighed. Marisa looked at the two new people as the smoke cleared.

Wait—are they guys?! We haven’t had a guy here for centuries! …One of them must be extremely girly.

Marisa sighed, as Cirno fluttered over to the two visitors.

“Welcome to Gensokyo!” Cirno said. The taller appeared to be smirking, as the smaller blinked in disbelief. “I’m Cirno, the ice fairy! And the strongest! 9! And that’s Marisa Kirisame, the witch! 9! Who are you two? 9?”

>> No.3745339

i think you all missed the point that what he did was offensive.


the japanese are embarassed by his stupidity by going there and not knowing customs.

>> No.3745348
File: 72 KB, 700x400, 1223235563656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3745352


Oh god It better be USA and Japan.

>> No.3745371
File: 245 KB, 850x637, 1258238925564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3745371,1 [INTERNAL] 

Here's the link if you care enough

And a danmaku was shot, barely soaring above the two men’s heads. “No—a male’s head reaches the price of millions.” Cirno said, and sighed. “I’m assuming you two haven’t battled before using danmaku? Don’t worry, the strongest fairy will handle it, 9!” She grinned, before pulling out a deck of cards and facing the offender…one Wriggle Nightbug. “Ahh~Wriggle, can you please not attack? These two mortals are under the protection of Cirno Hanokara.”
