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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 834 KB, 2088x1488, 1635986316741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37188497 No.37188497 [Reply] [Original]

What does the future hold for vocal synths?

>> No.37188544

By the way,
Links and resources: https://pastebin.com/jDHxU1Jw
Album recommendations and YouTube playlist: https://pastebin.com/dMX8CJhk
Last Thread: >>37005190

>> No.37189008
File: 2.55 MB, 1532x1846, overlord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37189600
File: 152 KB, 1181x1736, 005069064_NzQ4z8LQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Len my boywife

>> No.37189771
File: 1.04 MB, 2894x4093, 92447321_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Vocarock!


Nice pick! yuyoyuppe's Canvas song style is somewhat unusual from him, but he really nailed it there.

>> No.37190480

Where are the Kotonohas and Tohokus?

>> No.37190773
File: 1.26 MB, 2667x1500, a5f423fdc46df969c40252bdc268d730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does the future hold for vocal synths?
i've been holding a personal theory for some time now that synthesized vocals _are_ the future of music, not just in it. this has little to do with popular media today, just the way the market is moving.

since the 20's to the 50's in the west there were artists experimenting with sound with machines. fine enough as art it never had commercial viability. eventually synthesizers capable of rudimentary notes and chords were invented. they didn't sound great at first, were costly, and very hard to master, so it took decades more to come to the point a synthesized sound became commercially acceptable, but eventually it happened. the public eventually accepted synthetic sound, because it was composed by skilled persons dedicated to the sound of their respective machines. we had drums and bass synthesizers come into popular fruition in the 80s, and it took time before those were appreciated for being applied to art as well for the same reasons. they were accepted into the underground indie music scene at first only; much like vocaloid. today, three decades later these same instruments are staples to artists' sound; albeit emulated from their originated counterparts. it's socially acceptable to dance to a synthesized drum beat that a machine made, as well as a synth piano beat, a bassline, etc. even computer-manipulated vocals can capture attention, however computer-sampling originating sounds are not popular just yet. synth/drum/bass machines have created many hits in music since they came to exist, but not as many as vocaloid has had in its short span of existence. vocaloid kind of exists in its own rite. quite frankly vocaloid is a force to be reckoned with in terms of popular media. it's bound to stay for a very, very long time, and we're here at the start, wondering where it will go.

so right now we have vocaloid, which is technically at least seventeen years old. it currently has a massive cult following, a constantly flowing influx of new producers by its design, and it seems nothing to me but a truly amazing flagship for a newcoming era of sound. combined with existing technologies we can now have an entire ensemble for creating music which is quite amazing as well as a first in history. it's not ready for global acceptance yet for being primarily marketed towards the japanese, but it could work anywhere with some work producing it on the same founding principles as well as with developing technology.

today we have the rapidly-developing concept of deep-learning AI, and solely AI-created music already exists right now. this makes it seem quite possible that human-replicated voices and synthesized bands are coming within our imminent future. the vocal technology we have now is ready enough for humans to create their own AI-produced projects, what's left is to assume that it can also be created by deep-learning AI technology alone. with the examples of technically-impressive equipment that's already been established and publicly accepted throughout history already this concept seems rather plausible depending only on the individuals who come to master it in the coming future. i feel that this also predicts a rather precarious vision for the future of music which could eventually become fully computer-learned, industrialized productions as staples in the commercial music industry, which mind you, started independently and then becomes popular and standardized as a concept much later.

i am very drunk ty for read my ted talk goodnight

>> No.37191886


>> No.37192124

I wrote up a whole post about how ai-driven music production could help lower the barrier to entry for creatives who cannot into instruments but it turns out musenet was already a thing two years ago, so I guess we'll just have to wait until it's refined and rebuilt specifically for consumers to produce the music they want to hear, and synthetic vocals can definitely help.

>> No.37192568
File: 125 KB, 1707x2560, IM2111030-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall name this Mikumatone

>> No.37192650 [DELETED] 

Is this a weapon?

>> No.37192659

Is this a weapon?

>> No.37192930
File: 201 KB, 2560x2560, IM2111032-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can emit some sort of warcry sounds, so... probably?

>> No.37194222
File: 152 KB, 990x990, E9_tLokVEAALOof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I completely missed Magical Mirai, was anything interesting at the venue? Are there recordings?

>> No.37194417

It's not over yet, dummy. Tokyo starts in a few hours. Sunday night's show will be livestreamed.

>> No.37198174

Roughly remember a song featuring a boy, girl, and various stuffed toys (bears?) being obtained by the girl through a coin/vending machine, the whole thing being some kind of metaphor having to do with rejection or relationships.
Anyone know the name?

>> No.37198713
File: 102 KB, 800x1531, FDYqmM1aMAASx1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes too cute

>> No.37199188
File: 1.23 MB, 990x990, 139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a transparent version
ty i put it in my 4chan background randomizer

>> No.37201671

After KAFU, I'm excited to hear what SEKAI sounds like. I think KAFU is certainly one of the best voice banks out there, not just for Cevio but in general. What are your thoughts, /jp/?

>> No.37201767

I still hold this opinion that the reason why KAFU ended up really good is because of her provider's distinct voice characters, which happened to be really suited for voice synthetizer usage.
While SEKAI voice provider is also really good, I don't think her voice is as distinct as KAFU.
I may be wrong of course (and I also still have some hype and expectations too from it), but until someone release a demo, I'll keep my excitement not as big as KAFU's pre-release.

>I think KAFU is certainly one of the best voice banks out there
This though, I agree kek. At least for now.

>> No.37201797

It certainly sounds like they put more effort into KAFU than they did IA and all but that might be simply because like you said, KAFU's voice is very distinct.

>> No.37201865

>put more effort into KAFU than they did to IA
Now that you said it, I guess this is also quite possible. KAFU voice provider is pretty well-known to be Kamitsubaki's (Her studio) golden child lol. I won't be surprised if that was the case.

>> No.37202032

That gives me some hope for SEKAI then. I do think her voice is more unique than initially one thinks, when you pay attention.

>> No.37202234

>background randomizer
Is that done with javascript?

>> No.37206963


>> No.37207373

A two-face design would have been better. And you can switch between classic IA sound and Lia-human-like voice. Sadly I'm not sure if IA will survive long enough for another voicebank

>> No.37207495
File: 189 KB, 666x1133, fa1bf9dd1b776128ddc100bca79ea0f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37207523

>not sure if IA will survive long enough for another voicebank
Let's just hope she'll keep getting Vocaloid songs for a while at least.

>> No.37208060
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>> No.37208069
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>> No.37208074
File: 1.28 MB, 838x1168, 8761767b00372a23948809f685d1c9bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37208086
File: 2.21 MB, 1448x2048, FCs5gBQVIAEz4dM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty art

>> No.37208087
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>> No.37208093
File: 666 KB, 2048x1787, FCXyLGdVgAAmVPY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fear the jellyfish

>> No.37208098
File: 374 KB, 1443x2048, FDW7W05acAELSxj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday Meiko!

>> No.37208103


>> No.37208176


>> No.37208184

At first I thought this Una mascot was wearing a mask, but I guess her mouth is just weird.

>> No.37208215

is that a metroid?

>> No.37209330

yes, jquery
https://pastebin.com/zLEin8A0 if you want it

>> No.37209369
File: 17 KB, 844x221, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also made one, sort of, but it's CSS only. So that's more like a pseudo randomizer. It grabs the last digit from a thread and uses a board specific image, if assigned. For now it only supports max 10 pictures per board + 1 general fallback but I don't have that many images in the first place so it worked fine for me so far. I wish they implemented some sort of hack/function to make css act more dynamically like javascript

>> No.37209446

it'd be a lot easier in javascript since the only real function running there is random() on the length of the array with the image urls in it. the result is placed directly into the CSS that's appended to the head tag. it just werks.

>> No.37209505
File: 328 KB, 1585x974, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could just write a function to build the CSS for me if I really wanted to, say, add between 1 and 50 entries. The reason why I used CSS over javascript is because I can import everything into 4chanX settings. And also because I wanted to make it work no matter what. I also made my own sidebar and added quick reply tweaks so why not put everything into a single file and call it a day? That was the reason why I went out of my way to find CSS hacks to achieve pseudo randomness

>> No.37209556

cute miku dude

>> No.37209568
File: 945 KB, 868x1228, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can add her to your script if you like her. You might have to flip the image vertically though

>> No.37209582
File: 883 KB, 3435x1314, 2021-11-05 20_41_26-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37209612

She's a good girl!

>> No.37212855
File: 676 KB, 1908x936, Screenshot jp - VOCALOID Thread - Otaku Culture - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your background Miku.

>> No.37215418
File: 831 KB, 960x1280, CheerleaderIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37221224

Info on the stream for Magical Mirai:

>> No.37221347

Will there be any free stream?

>> No.37221353

Not any legal ones.

>> No.37221913
File: 431 KB, 1893x952, 1609676884473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a background Una?

>> No.37224434
File: 238 KB, 1366x643, FireShot Capture 2078 - (0) _jp_ - VOCALOID Thread - Otaku Culture - 4chan - boards.4channel.org.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys finally made me get the extensions
I'm making a Rin theme

>> No.37224512
File: 216 KB, 1348x643, 2021-11-06 19_07_14-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That screencapper didn't like my Rin

>> No.37224661

Are your eyes ok?

>> No.37224709

That's nothing compared to Rin's radiance

>> No.37224728

Hey, it's baby's first theme, I'm still experimenting with the colour composition!
Unless you're talking about the brightness, which looks fine on my monitor

>> No.37224815

Try looking for a specific color on a search engine and then retrieve complementary/analogous colors to pair with what you picked https://www.colorhexa.com/f3f698#schemes

>> No.37225431

It's not about composition, but having such a bright, saturated color on background would quickly give me an eye sore. Just tone it down and use pastel colors.

>> No.37225514

It does appear saturated from my phone screen like you said, but it's gentle and pastel on my PC.

>> No.37225684

Are you sure your color calibration isn't all over the place on your PC?

>> No.37226047

Seems my monitor has some high gamma. Even at it's lowest it still doesn't look that saturated.

>> No.37226084
File: 15 KB, 426x383, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an old TN panel as second monitor so I feel you. At the end of the day as long as it looks good on your monitor, who cares? It's a local skin and you aren't sharing it with anybody

>> No.37228340

calibrate your monitor to every step in http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/ before you do color design
after that is all your preference

>> No.37228865
File: 1.52 MB, 1080x2400, miku theme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how I can get this phone theme? the link says i can no longer download the theme anymore but a couple weeks back i was able to download it and i have it on my main phone but i wanted to get it on my other phone too. I wonder if it's possible to just transfer the theme from one phone to the other from files or something like that.

pic related is a screenshot of one of the slides of the theme from my phone.

>> No.37228990

How did you install it into your phone? Is it a theme for an external launcher or an external .apk? Maybe you have the files still laying around there or something.

>> No.37229889

Is anyone here going to be able to stream the livestream? the site won't let me pay for a ticket

>> No.37229982

Yeah it was a theme on a external launcher I looked through the app to see if i could maybe find the theme itself but I didn't find anything like that so I took a look at the data files and transferred them to the other phone along with the apk and still no change. The app is some home theme launcher by yahoo that you can download through qooapp.

>> No.37230380
File: 58 KB, 680x484, nokuhashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will marry him

>> No.37230384
File: 352 KB, 2300x2300, FDkCgHRagAAdqGo-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will marry her

>> No.37230749
File: 93 KB, 600x424, mikuhowdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does human voice mixed with miku singing folk music sound too strange:

>> No.37230763

sounds fine but the human voice is kinda overpowering miku's voice

>> No.37231172

I was trying to get over powapowap's death.

>> No.37231334

I'll post this again then

>> No.37231494

It's been six years. Let it go.

>> No.37232556

New kemu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmHD11TOD08

>> No.37232858

I will never. It still feels like the news just hit me

>> No.37233870

someone make the numbeness stop

>> No.37234324
File: 2.81 MB, 1080x1920, xujm33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shame that it didn't work, it is kinda weird that they don't allow you to redownload themes that you've downloaded though. if you're willing to spend a little bit of time and effort you can try to recreate that theme using icon pack studio and KLWP since the theme looks simple enough to replicate, or you can create your own miku theme, it's pretty easy if you're aiming for something simple. here's mine.

>> No.37234362

Never managed to get that shit to work

>> No.37234495

any more details about that? some phones hates KLWP for some reason, my shitty old one always shit itself whenever i tried to run it and the theme usually doesn't load at all. never had any issues on this one though but if you have this issue, don't bother and just rice your phone via kwgt instead, though your options is more limited and you have to do everything from scratch since nobody used it.

>> No.37234555

Whenever I tried to follow a tutorial I either had missing options or just greyed out and no matter where I asked I received no response or help. It might be a permissions issue of some sort. I don't know. Last time I tried it was on Android 10 and right now I'm using a custom cooked android 11 rom. I refuse to believe it's just my phone but the lack of info and even minimal successful steps forward made me give up and just use my nova launcher. I'm not even that creative in the first place so maybe it's for the best

>> No.37234595
File: 1.44 MB, 572x1080, showcase.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KLWP is the best thing that happened to phone ricing.

>> No.37234750

i have no idea then, i did have that issue when i tried to import a theme but installing the Kustom Unread app that they suggested when some things are broken/greyed out works just fine. but yeah, nova looks decent enough.
that's a comfy setup, I've always wanted to integrate music controls on my theme but the fact that the response time is not instantaneous is quite a deal breaker for me.

>> No.37234932

>I've always wanted to integrate music controls on my theme but the fact that the response time is not instantaneous is quite a deal breaker for me.
I'm using poweramp that for some reason doesn't respect standard media controls. I had to use Tasker as middle man and this might be probably why there is a delay. It might not be the case if you just used built in controls.

>> No.37234944


>> No.37235075

https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm39475987 CUTE!

>> No.37235244
File: 385 KB, 1280x1837, scan00005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first time he's done any tuning himself since he initially left in 2013. I missed him so, so much.

>> No.37235400

Could this be... actually IA?

>> No.37235934

i will never get over how daft utsuP's account name is

>> No.37237090

>All Things Must Pass by whoo
This is the album I enjoyed the most. It reminds me of Mogwai

>> No.37238966
File: 880 KB, 3904x3300, FDmFFogVgAQgfRz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hero who saved mmd

>> No.37238989

>saved mmd
from what

>> No.37238994

From dying to unity

>> No.37239000

interesting that you mentioned mogwai because that's exactly what comes to my mind when i listened to whoo's works for the first time. complex instrumentation and the vocal works that drowns with it, the heavy use of guitar even for their calmer songs and a lot more. but after listening to rock again, again the sounds that they produced couldn't really be described as similar. for the lack of better words mogwai stuff feels ... heavy, they're not songs that you want to listen to on a morning walk to the nearest public park to enjoy the warmth of the sun. they're heavy, obviously composed to make the listener to feel certain emotions in mind. whoo's music feels like the opposite of it, even if they share the same type of complexity they're exactly the type of songs that you want to listen to on a morning walk to the nearest public park to enjoy the warmth of the sun. they're gentle and uplifting with lyrics that complement it.
his newer stuff is quite eerily similar to mogwai calmer songs though, but again with the difference in tone. funny because i dont think he ever mentioned that he's influenced by them or does he know about mogwai existence. he always cited the beatles and other british rock band from the same era as his inspiration, which shows in his naming scheme.

>> No.37240918
File: 3.69 MB, 3000x2000, CuriousIA(noob).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


IA edit next pls.

>> No.37240958

Captcha しね

>> No.37241028

Captcha むづい
Captcha is crazy.
I am a japanese.
I live in a place like " higurashi no nakukoro".

>> No.37241127

Do you know the Healthcare Serial Killer?
I use a translation site.
Sorry for the confusion.
The countryside is a hotbed of crime.
Of course "higurashi~", where I live, is the same.hotbed of crime.


>> No.37241903

So Dear Doppelganger wasn't his tuning either? Oh well.

Yeah, I like this new song.


>I live in a place like " higurashi no nakukoro".

>> No.37241905
File: 235 KB, 1800x1800, 1632913571400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miku is my wife

>> No.37242052

Medical professional crime かな...

■Healthcare Serial Killer: It's a medical professionals who abuse and kill their patients for fun.

It's one of the Facial ■expression analysis system,Let's call it "X".
The true function of X is to peep into the thoughts of the target brain.
X is used in the US and Japan.

■Patient abuse is entertainment.
X is the main tool.
By stealing the brain thoughts of their targets with X, criminal medical professionals enjoy entertainment.


>> No.37242057
File: 541 KB, 492x511, Screenshot_186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kaito is my husband

>> No.37242112
File: 600 KB, 1100x783, 1627068568052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin, my dearest.

>> No.37242241

In the US and Europe, Facial expression analysis system is subject to regulation and debate.

Russia created "X", and it is reasonable to assume that "X" is being provided to China.
Non-contact brain thought snooping has not been published.

The bottom line is that in rural Japan, x has become the main tool for criminal use.




>> No.37242276
File: 990 KB, 888x1200, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nokuhashi has the best art I swear

>> No.37242947


>> No.37242963
File: 736 KB, 768x1024, vHIPPI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37243184

Im sorry anon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evXDw-KbYcc

>> No.37243740
File: 241 KB, 2000x1417, 2da8dab63b63a8461477eac9736470b35fa0fec31f49f926a8215a9a3aeaaf9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, my wife is Miku too.

>> No.37244433

https://youtu.be/2EraPJNVpnc new P

>> No.37244712

at least share an original song

>> No.37249795

It does somehow suit him though kek

>> No.37251543

it seems to not be the case, i tried to implement it last night and the delay still exists, using foobar2000 as the player. i think it have something to do with how klwp works with external apps because the delay also present when i used it with spotify. can't be helped.

on another note, today i found out that 空は美しく燃えて have a vocal version, it's quite weird that the song is not included in the album that share its name with, only the instrumental version does. it's also not included on any other albums of his and unlike しろいともしび that got its own single release, this track doesn't get such treatment, it's not even on his website (along with travel in time x fireworks ep, but if you've listened to it i think you'd know why whoo whoo wanted it to be buried with time)
https://youtu.be/lyJCyIihkTY it's awesome

>> No.37252449

Please eloborate

>> No.37252569
File: 124 KB, 1024x1024, FDtzrsuaIAA7zU_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it wrong to want this official kiritan daki?

>> No.37252620

Yes, her chest isn't flat enough.

>> No.37252831

not a fan of the outfits

>> No.37253220

wow this looks bad.

>> No.37253307


how so?

>> No.37254008

the original was sung by mafumafu

>> No.37254146

Too fat and not flat enough. Also the outfit should have been her pajamas.
It's like they made her older.

>> No.37254180

Wow I like this one more, weird how youtube doesnt reccomend such a popular video I'd have interest in

>> No.37254182
File: 179 KB, 643x1024, 1636440902708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the better official Kiritan dakimakura.

>> No.37254199

Her blades are removable?/

>> No.37256669

How else would she turn over in bed?

>> No.37258099

watch more utaite thx
but don't be succumbed with it and stuck with utaites only

>> No.37258984

https://youtu.be/9buCHvE7dsg sounds amazing

>> No.37259525


>> No.37262634

Maybe they were retractible or something.

>> No.37262735
File: 381 KB, 584x576, una.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's warming hearts and changing lives

>> No.37262811
File: 1.74 MB, 1757x1730, tumblr_94a987fe29ed9a468e74156b6502a85f_bffe777c_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have a link to this yet?

>> No.37263907
File: 419 KB, 2000x3000, HardARIA_HIPPI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moar HIPPI pls

>> No.37265140
File: 1.02 MB, 900x1456, benibasami_(artist).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37265747

he didn’t save anything considering the models have been unreleased WIPs for quite a while now

>> No.37266148
File: 344 KB, 1800x2160, 3ec27e44b49cf973d82cb3a63192a138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37269532

So... anybody know how to attend this?

>> No.37269543

its in doujin style

>> No.37270199

Bit disappointed I didn't get to listen to kafu screaming like miku. Maybe you just can't do that with her voicebank?

>> No.37271378

Oh nice, they also just added Dazzling Star 2. I'm liking it more than the first one.

>> No.37271387

Wrong reply

>> No.37272045
File: 93 KB, 800x1067, FD4CoZqaUAM5pAw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37272341

Keeping an eye on Nyaa for MM2021 download but haven't found anything. Anyone managed to find one yet?

>> No.37274436

Megater Zero went screamo

>> No.37278216


>> No.37278653
File: 419 KB, 2000x2744, 62ea875c61d04a82eaa4794e6d744333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kairiki bear feat Miku

OSTER project feat Miku

Seckarium, DTM dopamine feat Miku

Maiki-P feat Miku

>> No.37282140
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Come on, don't die on me.

>> No.37282376
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d-mn she's pretty

>> No.37285432

It's through a jp-only mobile-only app called inspix world. I wish they had something that supported actual PC VR or at least was easier to access outside of japan (I'd rather just wait to see the recording like last time).

>> No.37285936
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Lewd Len boobies!

>> No.37286182
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Anyone has or can extract the art of this video?

>> No.37286833
File: 68 KB, 720x714, Fukase Crushes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belongs to BFC (BIg Fukase Cock)

>> No.37287452

フォニイ (phony) - 花譜 (KAF) ft. 可不 (KAFU)

>> No.37287665

Rin isn't feeling too good...

>> No.37288899

kek wtf japan

>> No.37289510
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>> No.37289669


>> No.37292634

Kaf singing along with her doppelganger again lol
I wonder if this count as a remak or cover?

>> No.37294433

Anyone else here who suck at rhythm games but still wants to play that new hatsune miku mobile game? Is playing at easy/normal fine if you just want to listen to music?

>> No.37294830

When the EN beta test was going on I mostly played it in Normal as game to play between classes or whatever. Easy isn't really engaging but I found Normal mode fun.
Besides, I guess the more you play the better you get.

>> No.37296157

I bought every project diva but will never play gachashit

>> No.37296173
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Pohmi feat Miku

yasuha. feat Miku

PaiN feat Miku

NERIAN feat Miku

唯人 feat Miku

>> No.37296489
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I'm having a hard time warming up to these newer models

>> No.37296501
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>> No.37296584

I've been playing JP for over a year and the general recommendation is to play at the difficulty you're the most comfortable at, yeah.

I will never understand this mentality when you don't have to spend anything to play the songs themselves.

>> No.37296612

Her hair looks kinda flat, but I guess it would be fine at a distance. Still, I wonder what their thought process is while making those models.

>> No.37297287

yes, you can progress through the story, get the song cards and participate in events just fine with normal difficulty, easy might be too boring since the notes are really sparse but normal should be fine as a beginner friendly difficulty. however it might be too tempting to not learn to play a higher difficulty when you're playing the game. play the game on normal till you get the feel of the notes, the timing, patterns and rhythm. hard is challenging enough as a beginner but you should be able to hit the notes well in a short time, and the hard difficulty have some of the most fun chart in the entire game!

>> No.37297366
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would you hug flower

>> No.37298313
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I always play MaiMai whenever I'm in Asia. Even though I eat shit in any difficulty other than easy.

MaiMai is fun and they have all my favourite anime/idol/vocaloid songs.

>> No.37298573 [DELETED] 
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Hi /jp/, this is /biz/

I know that you are a curmudgeonly bunch, but we are making a Hatsune Miku cryptocurrrency for fun, and you're invited to join us and get some Mikucoins for free if you want.

Our telegram group is: MikuCoinBSC

The developer is an Australian weeaboo who seems to be too technologically incompetent to scam anyone, and his girlfriend is going to cosplay for us if the coin does good, so this should be fun.

>> No.37298625

Aren't you going to get in troubles if this ends up gaining any sort of relevancy? Isn't Miku name copyrighted or something? Or it's too generic of a name when not paired with Hatsune?

>> No.37298678

because they are soulless shit compared to Sega models. Absolutely disgusting and ruined MM for me.

>> No.37298711 [DELETED] 


To be honest, I think you are right and SEGA will probably take a dump on the project eventually. But we can just make it into a generic Vocaloid coin if need be.

>> No.37299323 [DELETED] 
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Why not make some actually technologically innovative and useful crypto/token/nft instead of just making yet another purely speculative currency based on popular thing? It doesn't take any skill to put Miku's name on it, but this is exactly kind of behavior that turns blockchain from useful and interesting technology into laughing stock that no one takes seriously.

>> No.37302165

The irony here is her hair is become Neru now

>> No.37304810
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Yeah it's a little baffling. I feel like they've lost the anime-style "charm" that the previous models had.

>> No.37304857

Suppose someone wants to create a new vocaloid, what are the current procedures for that?

>> No.37305125

pay yahama a shitload of money

>> No.37305291


>> No.37306348

Greetings, my friends friends from the vocaloid thread at /jp/. Long time no see. How have you been?
I need some help to find a song. It starts with something like
>"furede mitai himitsu to / sowashite mitai yoru no naka de / machigai itanake no asobi shiwo yo"
I can't find it, and it's driving me crazy. "Tsumaranai" pops out a lot in the lyrics. I think it's a Miku song, but I'm not sure. It uses that eletronic voice effect. Please help.

>> No.37306411


>> No.37306476
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Not OP but it does sound like that

>> No.37306488

Yes, that's exactly it. Thanks, anon. Now I can track which odorite choreographed it.
>it's a fairly popular song
>Ayase is now fairly popular as well
Damn, I really am out of the loop.

>> No.37307489

SynthV AI ANRI demo song by Regulus.

>> No.37308564

Teto just got a new voicebank, so really its only N**u that should be censored

>> No.37308660
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>> No.37308931
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>> No.37309639


>> No.37312524

Just a heads up, that's not Akari fanart.

>> No.37312769

Not that anon but lol just realized that's Nekomata Okayu and her illustrator "mama"

>> No.37315031
File: 3.56 MB, 2039x2894, illust_91748085_20210806_165556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37315122 [DELETED] 

who is this cute cat

>> No.37315166

a vtumor

>> No.37316213
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>> No.37316690

What have you done?

>> No.37317106

Of course, anon, I can't say no to that smile

>> No.37318906
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kiritan bros, we won

>> No.37318924


>> No.37318944

Wasn't Yukari way lewder?

>> No.37319083
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>4573 illustrations
>only 189 r-18 ones
Una is pure.

>> No.37320365
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>> No.37320395

Why maki? Shes so boring design wise

>> No.37324067


>> No.37324530

What does she smell like?

>> No.37326660
File: 1.37 MB, 1698x2500, 1630217787433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet that it's because of her giant milk tanks

>> No.37326996

I believe Yukari was on the top of the Vocaloid chart. Talkbanks are much lewder than loids

>> No.37327238

She saw a vtumor, of course

>> No.37327264

夜烏P feat. Rin
comfy waltz

>> No.37327339
File: 1.32 MB, 1200x1697, 1637000702917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An eel.

>> No.37327397

VocaloPs doing a hundred streams between song uploads has the same feel as twitter artists posting a million gacha and food pictures between fanarts

>> No.37328318

Waltz in general are fucking awesome

>> No.37331605

miku's unfragment was the last good vocaloid song

>> No.37333360

Is this from nico or pixiv

>> No.37334090
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>> No.37335501


>> No.37337028

Could anyone tell me about the religious symbolism in nulut's Lower PV? I want to make a cover of it and keep the important symbolism in the art for it but I don't know jack shit about religion, yet I saw a jpn comment about christianity and judas and the last supper or some shit

>> No.37340649

JPs don't know either.

>> No.37340863

pretty cool MV, the tuning here reminds me of hakamad a bit

>> No.37342921

i didn't spot much symbolism in it but i am also retarded. all i can say without knowing what it's about is that at 3:00 it appears like she's dropping the 'host' which is a bread-like wafer ceremoniously blessed during mass which represents the body of Christ alongside wine which is meant to represent the blood of Christ (it's real wine but they stretch it with water since they're cheap bastards.) the priest would never hand you a whole fucking handful of them tho wtf. also dropping them isn't sacrilegious or anything you just have to eat your portion of Christ off the floor like an animal.

>> No.37343509

>the priest would never hand you a whole fucking handful of them tho wtf.
Oh shit my brain is starting to connect things.
One of my friends pointed out how the witch girl's earrings resemble ichthys, a secret symbol christians used to identify themselve back when it was still being persecuted
So, maybe this connected with the dropping a fuck ton of host things, it's meant to represent how witch girl has given a shit ton of "blessings" (read: happy good times) to maid girl, and maid girl took it all like an animal not really appreciating it while it lasted (some of the ones dropping past maid girl's hand) before witch girl went ablaze

>> No.37345556
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>> No.37346897
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>> No.37349140

John’s music sounds so good on crappy $15 earbuds that I’m half convinced he uses them for mixing. His Miku sounds less screechy on them.

>> No.37349208

This is something I've thought about quite a bit, with amateur music like this it's hard to know what the creator was hearing when mixing. I try to push it out of mind when warranting audio purchases to myself.

I will say that I particularly appreciate a good sound stage when listening to Kikuo's music, being "surrounded" by the sound adds quite a bit to the overall tone. Particularly cotton candy from Kikuo Miku 6 sounds unreal with a real nice soundstage.

>> No.37349248

Agreed. I’m no expert audiophile, but Kikuo’s mixing is great. Atmospheric. It suits his style of music.
Of course, a lot of vocaloid music relies enough on the melody/composition that poor mixing can be excused. It’s a big plus, but you can still write bangers on $15 earbuds.

>> No.37349451

>It’s a big plus, but you can still write bangers on $15 earbuds.
Completely agree, I love the sound of _natural's stuff, but more resolution gets you nowhere there.
It is really fun when you can spot little background parts of a song, I find that quite a bit in pinnochiop's newer stuff. I am not sure what to call it but there seems to be more of a trend lately for 'growls' or otherwise harsher vocals, and recently have loved focusing in on some of those.

>> No.37351364
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cut a new image out for background purposes

artist is @tsuki_ringo41

>> No.37353864
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>> No.37355203
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>> No.37355456
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After several years, I have re-devoted my life to vocaloid. I feel like I have meaning again.

>> No.37360339

Is that you in the passenger seat? Looking good.

>> No.37361092
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What would you do if tomorrow SEGA announced that Rin has passed away quietly in her sleep?

>> No.37363153

Must be a cover-up. I'll find out what they really did to her

>> No.37363262
File: 227 KB, 1500x2000, E_VILN_UUAoKy-I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Len would need some emotional support to deal with his sister's passing, so I'd make sure to be there to hug him

>> No.37364256

miku is my wife too

>> No.37365161
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>> No.37365631
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and I'd make sure to be there to fug him

>> No.37365910
File: 433 KB, 480x360, [w795C_eg8ao] 初音ミク 元気を出して セントラルA170.mkv_snapshot_02.26_[2021.11.18_19.57.36].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to share this song with everyone.
I've been really stressed out recently, so all of my emotions caught up to me when she started singing, and I started crying. Miku's voice is just so beautiful.

>> No.37366343
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>> No.37368807
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tsuina synth V AI. she sounds kino

>> No.37369287
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That's very cute song.

>emotions caught up to me when she started singing, and I started crying
This is the best.

I recently found out someone translated another LamazeP song and I decided to sync it with the video. I want to share it too: https://streamable.com/jwnukd
It makes me feel so full of love for her. I want to hold her close and spoil her.

>> No.37370128


>> No.37372842

anon posted this a few threads back
anyone got anything similar? i like the simple sound effects, reminds me of crystalcastles

>> No.37376143
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Has anyone spotted these merch items in the wild?

>> No.37376247

If you just want Delay Lama in general then there's some shit out there, though I haven't gone too far down that rabbit hole.

>> No.37378732
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>> No.37379544
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>> No.37381298


>> No.37381712

Trash can

>> No.37384607


>> No.37384674


>> No.37386426

I want to flick her forehead

>> No.37387919
File: 359 KB, 850x755, 838c13d12b688ff3eec2d611611cefdbfcdbab4dae368b9bc6cc52c680a322b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digital Stars Miku and Gumi is now live on twitch

>> No.37388004

Is this the main event or does that come later?

>> No.37388048

main event
the other event, Digital Stars Radio, was yesterday and i fucking missed it

>> No.37388082

I see. They played 1, 2, Fanclub, which is cool.

>> No.37388391
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i missed yesterday's stream too, i'm loving this one so far though

>> No.37391897


>> No.37392282
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>> No.37392746

Give me a QRD on Open Air Cinema

>> No.37392794

whoo's final concert/show/movie thing, will be shown at a movie theater in Ikebukuro, Tokyo on Christmas (2 shows, day & night), he said he's working on an online stream for it

>> No.37392824

I want to kiss this belly and feel its warm with my cheek.

>> No.37395008
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>> No.37395162

Anon, IA is not black

>> No.37395627

a viewing of all whoo's final album mv, they're all will be animated, online stream is planned but he said that they're still working on it and he's not sure if it'll even happen, if it's happening he'll make sure that overseas people can watch it as well which i hope it means it won't be locked behind some stupid japanese only streaming service.

there's no more info than that for now except for the ticket price (¥3500 for one viewing, ¥6000 for both) i wonder who's in charge for the animations, I'd assume its syo5 since he made the art for his final album and whoo's involvement in vevara in your dream. but either way, hey, we finally got animated whoo mv that isn't ice.

>> No.37395731


>> No.37398053
File: 691 KB, 600x600, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post something released in the past 2 years that you listened to on loop

>> No.37398905


>> No.37399121
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been digging this producer lately

>> No.37399601
File: 385 KB, 1024x1024, OMOIBANA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Album-wise, this one is probably the most recent:

Same. Their music is great, but the videos make some songs extra great I think.

>> No.37399820


>> No.37399913
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>> No.37399983

Gonna be brutally honest. Didn't like this cover as much as the ZONE, Silent Siren, or original version.

I like that a Kiritan version exists though.

>> No.37400065

>Their music is great, but the videos make some songs extra great I think.
lol, ikr. for the most of the time it's mostly lo-fi, creepy, kind of videos (love them so much ofc).
but every once in a while they will suddenly make an animated mv like this one.
considering the fact that they make tens to hundreds of songs in a year in similar way king gizzard did before (where it's all good shits), i think it's quite something.

>> No.37400916
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>> No.37401462
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>> No.37402504
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>> No.37407232
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There's too many even from the previous month let alone two years. I frequently revisit these, there are some hidden gems here as well. My favourites out of this 10 are "covetous" and "Unstable", the EDM song is very good as well. The one I listened to the most is "covetous", the tuning is perfect and there is so much to pay attention to even in the instrumentals every listening almost feels like I hear it for the first time, so if you don't want to listen to all of these just listen to this one (marked with *).
https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm38837978 *
There's this hardstyle remix of Senbonzakura as wel: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm39494084

>> No.37411688

I listened to an English Hatsune Miku song that seems to have been created recently. It seems to have been created by a Japanese person.

>> No.37412103
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>> No.37412277

Are there any popular songs that have been made with Miku NT? any recommendations with that voicebank would be appreciated too.

>> No.37412725
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and also pic related

>> No.37412917 [DELETED] 

I had no idea spotify of all things had so much vocaloid music. I thought it was just normie rap central. You guys should promote it more
Really been getting back into game, listen to a ton of stuff

>> No.37414828


>> No.37415604

I remember listening to this 9 minutes long video with blue background and greek letters. Genre was eletronic/techno but I can't find it anymore

>> No.37416109 [DELETED] 

>kano's sole vocaloid album

>> No.37417421
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>> No.37417953

yeah karent, the label owned by CFM decided to drop their entire discography to Spotify and YouTube music, even the relatively obscure ones. it's a great way to discover producers if compilations is not your thing

>> No.37418769 [DELETED] 


>> No.37419459 [DELETED] 


>> No.37419506 [DELETED] 

Thanks! I will add it to my playlist now hoping it won't get nuked in 10 years from now

>> No.37422210 [DELETED] 
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>> No.37423061 [DELETED] 
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Thanks Bro. Was losing hope. Did you extract that from the video or is the art somewhere out there?

>> No.37423744 [DELETED] 

Yeah. Good mate of mine had a whole ass early 2010s Vocaloid Mix (Supercell, Deco*27, etc.) on his spotify account.

Last time I was visiting our hometown, he and I would listen to it while driving around. Great times.

>> No.37424361 [DELETED] 
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But anon, she's taken. By me

>> No.37424805 [DELETED] 
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>> No.37424825 [DELETED] 
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>> No.37425821 [DELETED] 

Accidentally stepping on mini-Rin

>> No.37425918 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 2039x1275, 9e33c9be8b2dda181c502baef1a85d7c01255e4e3a799b7ba89656f724d94775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how it works.

>> No.37427684
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>> No.37428094

how can i get into vocaloid games if i don't like beat games because they lack any freedom in action?

>> No.37429745 [DELETED] 
File: 1.38 MB, 1200x1703, 84059941_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tight teen cunny

>> No.37429793

That's a big cunny...!

>> No.37429867

then you're out of luck. you can try the VR game but other than that your option is limited. just mod GTA or something with vocaloid characters.

>> No.37429997
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she finally came and so did i

>> No.37430048

very nice Anon
I stopped collecting but I'm jelly

>> No.37430088

I wish racing Miku was never a thing.

>> No.37430094

it's a shame about the stand
she floats, and i can't get it further in or back out without significant force. marked toothpick in album is length of the peg it stands on, and it fits fully in the hole. it should fit flush into the stand but the peg is too thick. it also scraped the paint off the back of the shoe.
maybe it's best not to collect premium figs, they're too expensive
but they're certainly pretty

>> No.37430208

ok phew i primed the hole a little bit with a metal tool and i put a drop of trimmer blade oil on the peg and a bit in the hole. it's slotted flush into the stand now.
i did the same a bit with the crown piece but it feels very delicate. it will fall out if it wants i guess.
the stands always make me so nervous. i only had one fig break at the ankle but that was a cheap one.

>> No.37430677
File: 2.16 MB, 1520x1520, EXwXlYtUcAc8vT-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these three
No more, no less

>> No.37430825
File: 96 KB, 768x989, 1637787838222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku is cute, but she's too old to have a cunny.
If only she was 5 years younger. Oh wait.

>> No.37432786
File: 139 KB, 600x800, content_202111251014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Kaito is for abuse

>> No.37432949

Is there any Vocaloid music with scat singing? If not, please share some of your favorite jazz songs.

>> No.37433031

miracle paint

>> No.37433036
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>> No.37433384

Miku plotting to do unholy things to Rin and Len

>> No.37433809
File: 189 KB, 1000x1113, EfmtW_mVAAApuNz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're hot, can't blame her

>> No.37434384

aren't there some variations of music games with more freedom than others? like the neptunia idol game

>> No.37435338

I love that even in figurine form we can still see the OreImo influences by HSP.

>> No.37435398

I've been listening to that recent chimera album a lot. I loved the gimmick of the it and it made for some real nice tracks, getting pinocchioP with Una vocals is a real treat. I think the best song on the album goes to https://youtu.be/vnJE7k9Wiag
I think the last time I saw a album gimmick similar to this was for miku-mixture, which also had some interesting stuff in it. https://youtu.be/-0acNIVChXY

>> No.37439804

i guess when it comes to it's side contents the PSP project diva games and the project diva F series offers you some freedom to make your own contents such as mv and charts. diva room is also a thing but even with all that, the main gameplay is still that same rhythm game formula.
don't get AFT, FT or M39 if you care about those customization aspects, they don't exist there.

>> No.37439842

i tried the psp/vita games but still to get items i need to play the rhythm game so i dropped them

>> No.37440051

which of those games have random play- aka the song i play is selected randomly

>> No.37440086
File: 1.50 MB, 220x178, mikumono01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Mikumono if you haven't already.

>> No.37440137
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I am not big fan of rhythm games, but I enjoyed Diva Fs, even if just to unlock all the songs, get some cute modules and pat Miku.

>> No.37440276

Okay, the new Shaman King adaptation isn't exactly well put together but hell, the new episode made me forcefully remember this masterpiece. Good times.


>> No.37440278

i once thought between f and f2 i heard f2 got more QoL but F ggot the better songs. there are some qol that i seek but maybe i should prioritize the songs after all

>> No.37440338

maybe try 100% completed save games?
i don't think the PSP games have random song selection and it's been awhile since i played the F games. but all the arcade derivatives (AFT, FT, M39) allows you to play a random song, another way to discover producers i guess.
there's a mod that ported F songs to F2nd

>> No.37440768

if you're still confused about which diva game you should pick.

the PSP games being also the oldest in the series doesn't particularly age well in terms of the rhythm game system, especially the first Project Diva. it's songs are quite limited but it also have the benefit of being made when vocaloid was at its peak, there are a lot of well known songs in these games. the customization is a huge plus if you're into that sort of thing, you can buy modules, decorate your room, create your own mv and chart etc. get Project Diva Extend with the custom DLC that adds more songs from the previous entries into the game.

the F series is pretty much the same deal as the PSP games but it's on the PS3, a lot of PSP games features are there and the integration of PSN allows you to share and download user created contents. if you're running the game on an emulator, get F2nd with ported F songs mod, a 60 FPS patch is also available, say goodbye to the PSN integration though.

project diva x is quite a mixed bag, you can tell that they really tried to bring the series forward but it falls short on a lot of aspects. for one it actually has a story mode! you can switch the stages as well. the downside? pretty much everything else, the song selection is relatively poor compared to other entries in the series, the game is too easy, uncreative mv thanks to the stage system and a lot more. i wouldn't recommend the game personally.

and for modern project diva aka all the arcade derivatives they're pretty much the same across the board. Arcade Future Tone is playable on PC with mod support, Future Tone is the PS4 port of AFT and M39 is a port of Future Tone with toon shaders applied on all songs and fewer contents. these are probably the most complete diva games when it comes to song selection and modules. it shipped with around 280-300ish songs and even more if you install all the song packs by the community. it also have a new gameplay style which i personally prefer over the old one and these games are legitimately challenging. the catch of these games is that except for modules there is really no customization beyond that, no custom mv, no room to decorate etc. it's really focused on the rhythm game aspect. get AFT if you have a fairly modern PC with Nvidia GPU (it doesn't work well with AMD and intel), the mod support is amazing and it have all the diva games songs including project divs x with only exception being a handful of project mirai songs and the PSP DLC. get Future Tone if you have a PS4, don't bother with M39 unless portability is a huge thing for you.

customization and custom content = Project Diva Extend with custom dlc, Project Diva F/F2nd
rhythm game = Arcade Future Tone with mods, Future Tone
curiosity = Project Diva X

>> No.37440826

> the game is too easy
alright picked up

>> No.37441906
File: 725 KB, 1920x835, bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright mikubros wtf is this bullshiut

>> No.37441936

touhou coin soon

>> No.37441941

Something they tried shilling in this thread. Got removed for shilling probably. Regardless every indie coin is a scam

>> No.37441945

Stop shilling your uninspired token.
You got banned already.

>> No.37441978


>> No.37441990

I only trust Kaito with my credit card information.

>> No.37442525

they did?
im not a shill I jsut saw this weird add
yeah the fact that they use most likely unlicenced art from sega and some artist is sus af

>> No.37442619

Even if it was licensed, this kind of coins are nothing more than DIY speculative bubble. It doesn't add any value to neither the franchise it's based on nor the crypto ecosystem itself. These people are just desperate to use anything marketable hoping it will do the pump.

>> No.37442913

I have a relative who tried to get me into crypto. Also asked me to be his partner in a model business about big ass mining farms. I refused and he's now pursuing this path on his own with his friends. Recently I read about a push from Sweden (or something like that) trying to ban crypto farms in EU to meet environmental emission quotas. I don't know how long it will take but I am sure this whole business is a time bomb, at least on this side of the world

>> No.37443010

Not everything in crypto is a scam. Mining farms is legit kind of business/investment, however if he starts now it's dubious considering potential bans and the fact that there is a trend to move to PoS algorithms which render farms useless and are environmentally friendly.

But this is not /g/biz/ so let's not delve into the topic further.

>> No.37444902

Made a new thread since we are on page 10
