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3740741 No.3740741 [Reply] [Original]

Opinions on Ciel.

>> No.3740750

It's shit.

>> No.3740753

i'd her curry

>> No.3740758

Mai waifu~

>> No.3740762


>> No.3740766

Worst heroine from Tsukihime, and even Satsuki was better. /thread

>> No.3740768

Disgusting short hair and glasses.

>> No.3740769

I'm telling Nue you cheated on her.

>> No.3740782
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Oh no you didn't!

>> No.3740785

Fucking her would be necrophilia...

>> No.3740789

Second best Tsukihime heroine, second only to Hisui.

But then again, OPINIONS, but you all may keep on trolling.

>> No.3740804
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Hot, friendly, nice business outfit. Route not so good. So much Arcueid in her route that it feels like I'm playing Arc's route again. Maybe should have shown more of her backstory.

Nasu attributes pretty high stats to Ciel but she comes across as a useless punching bag since she loses every fight she's in.

>> No.3740810

wolfwood's pretty cool

>> No.3740826
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>> No.3740821

Ciel has the best route in Tsukihime.

Unfortunately, everybody FAQs their way through it to make a beeline for Arc, and then they cut straight through all the far side routes before finally going back to Ciel for completion's sake, by which point they feel like they've gone from the deep end of the pool back to the shallow end again, which sours the experience.

>> No.3740829

I played through Ciel's route, and liked it.

I would've preferred a Sacchin route over any of the heroines, though.

>> No.3740834


Ciel's route was the first route I read and it felt like crap.

>> No.3740838

No accounting for taste.

>> No.3740844

I did exactly that and her route still one of my favorites.

Personal taste is what ultimately affects the enjoyment of her route.

>> No.3740846

Best part of Ciel's route is cutting off her head, it is the real true end.

>> No.3740850
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>So much Arcueid in her route that it feels like I'm playing Arc's route again.

Even one of her endings is 2/3 about Arcueid.

>> No.3740860

It's the same with few different scenes till the Nero fight.
Then, it's mostly different.
Another character being involved is not a bad thing.
Only Arc in her route mostly rides solo with the others getting minimal scenes.

>> No.3740869


It has better pacing than the other routes. Just when you're feeling secure and settled, ready to take out some vampires, BAM, you get hit by le fucking tweest.

Better fight matchups than the other routes. Shiki fucking fights Ciel, Arc, and Roa, who all fight each other.

And a better conclusion than the other routes. Ciel fucking kidnaps Shiki and runs the fuck away with him to Nasu only knows where. None of this "wah I loev you kthx bye now" horseshit. Ciel true proves that you don't need to kill off waifus or force bittersweet endings to have a moving story.

>> No.3740886

And the last word on the other is Arcueid.

Seriously, the reason Ciel's route was shit for me was because Nasu kept pushing Arcueid down my throat. Also, tsundere Shiki was fucking pathetic and was easily the worse Shiki portrayal in all routes.

All in all, Ciel route, much like Hisui route, was a clusterfuck of shit and lacked greatly in actual interaction with the heroine of the route.

>> No.3740890

Consensus: Second best shit with the best worst route. Glad we got that cleared up.

>> No.3740904

Not really.

>> No.3740911

She'd be pretty hot if her hair wasn't so boy-like.

>> No.3740928
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Quite possibly the Coolest heroine in TM franchises but has practically zero chances to shine and is often treated as a joke.

>> No.3740934

"Gag character comrade" is my favorite comic


>> No.3740937

Agreed. But I don't mind that as much as the glasses.

>> No.3740938

That's called "differing opinions"

We don't have to agree on anything, just expose your points of view in a way others can understand, and this topic specifically will never reach a consensus, too much trolling, meme spouting and passionate love/hate makes it hard to discuss Ciel.

>> No.3740931 [DELETED] 

hey please stop spamming anonRalk dot com except with a `t` instead of `R` thanx

>> No.3740953

My own clone.

>> No.3740973

I was disappointed when she washed off her tattoos before the h-scene.

>> No.3740983


Yeah, I too was hoping that they would have been tattoos instead of bodypaint.

>> No.3740997

tattoos are so gross.
Her skin must be clean and pure

>> No.3741003

I say Ciel has a shitload of potential as a character but she doesn't get to show it off properly. She's not allowed to win a fight even once that I recall, she gets upstaged by Arcueid in her own route, two of her three outfits are unflattering and she's mostly used for gags. She could be so much more.

They could rework her into a top level female lead in the remake if they wanted to.

>> No.3741019

She is not used for gags in Tsukihime, Arc is vital in near-side(only Arc route does not have at least one more character heavily involved), fight results are not important (since the important matters is her NOT dying) but I will agree on the outfits.

>> No.3741029

>not used for gags in Tsukihime

I must have imagined the curry and the Ciel-sensei then.

>> No.3741039

Curry is just a small funny moment.
It's not as ridiculous as shown in other cases.
Ciel-Sensei is Ciel-Sensei.
What does she have to do with CIel?

>> No.3741041


Arcueid's presence may be necessary, but what isn't necessary is Shiki faffing about between picking Ciel or Arc still when I'm eighty or ninety percent deep into Ciel's route. My mind has already been well long before that point. Arc should be used in Ciel's route as an antagonist, not a possible love interest.

And the fight results do matter. If she only ever loses, she appears incompetent, again pushing her towards the joke character class.

>> No.3741047

Her nun outfit was really bad. I should probably finish her route though, since i've done everyone else's

>> No.3741052

>My mind has already been well
well made

>> No.3741061

Except this is not a dating sim, so what your mind has set on is irrelevant. The route itself is decided early on.
And she mostly gets thrashed by fucking ARCUEID.
When you have the best Church Agent thrashed by Arc when she gets a bit serious, it helps drive a point (since hse nevers really lets out much in her route).
You have weird basis for 'gag' or 'jobbing'

>> No.3741083

>Except this is not a dating sim

Could have fooled me.

>> No.3741109

About from not being a dating simulator by definition, routes are chosen way too fast with about 3 major decision early on, unlike VNs where you go after romantic interests.

>> No.3741122


Yes, yes, we know Arcueid eats Servants in a single bite. That's not the point.

It doesn't matter if it's the Akashic Records themselves manifesting to stomp her down. If you want your reader to believe somebody is a tough customer, the simple fact is that you must show him or her triumph against somebody. It's not optional.

Otherwise you get a character like Worf in TNG, somebody who we are told is a total badass, but who only exists to get his ass beat to show how incredible the villain of the week is, coming across as weak as a kitten instead. This is such an elementary narrative technique that even superhero comics get it: show, don't tell.

Ciel is supposed to be more powerful than Akiha, but Akiha came across as much more effective, for one simple reason: she won a fight. Ciel OTOH got her ass kicked by even Shiki in a few ends - yes, she was holding back but that doesn't make her look any less pathetic.

>> No.3741143

Got killed by the guy who can kill everything?
The more important point driven was to show you Ciel is also an inhuman freak , not that is the terminator.
Considering only actual initiated serious fights are against Arc, there is no other outcome.
She could go cumpstomping Hisui randomly, but there are not many other viable characters in the story to serve as jobbers for an image that is not really focused on.

>> No.3741159
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