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3738760 No.3738760 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3738766

Learn to quantum mechanics or gtfo.

>> No.3738763


>> No.3738770

You got something against my beliefs, bro?

>> No.3738775

We've had these discussions countless times.
No one changes their opinions.
Knock it off.

>> No.3738777

if it makes perfect sense, what the point of this thread ?

>> No.3738778

>the belief that there was nothing

Beyond an event horizon, there is no meaning for "things".

Physics shatters quite spectacularly at the point of singularities. Effects could simply happen without causes. It's quite possible that "nothing explodes for no reason" is valid.

>> No.3738780

Reported, fuck off with your shitty copypasta image.

>> No.3738786



>> No.3738791

Well, that calls it, folks. The threadshitting has begun.
I've got better things to do. See you guys tomorrow.

>> No.3738793


>shit thread

Okay, what?

>> No.3738795
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Observe how the athiests resort to slander when their fragile egos are threatened.

Matter originating from nothing goes against the basics of classical physics. Ever hear of the complementarity principle?

The big bang is nothing but a cop-out theory to try to deny God until they can find the real answer- when they die and go to hell.

>> No.3738802


>Matter originating from nothing goes against the basics of classical physics. Ever hear of the complementarity principle?

Ever heard that fucking singularities do not abide by classical physics?

>> No.3738805

Is /x/ being raided by /b/ again?

>> No.3738808
File: 31 KB, 426x599, 1256709158574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheism is merely a psychological escape mechanism for men who are trying to deny that they desire to sleep with their mother.

>> No.3738809

No seriously. Learn to quantum mechanics. Virtual particle antiparticle pairs borrow energy from the vaccuum to spontaneously spring into existence all the fucking time.

>> No.3738810

Then from whence did God spring?

>> No.3738817



Your grasping at straws and quite frankly it's pathetic. DNA didn't invent itself randomly, it's due to an intelligent designer who created it. Anyone with a (functional) brain can figure that out.

>> No.3738822


>DNA didn't invent itself randomly

Why not? It seems pretty random. Isn't like 90% of DNA completely junk data?

>> No.3738819

From Hormel.

>> No.3738823

God always was and always will be. Dumbass.

Learn your place. Humans are too simple-minded to even conceive the structure of light-particle dualities like electrons/photons, much less the creation of the universe.

>> No.3738824

10/10 would be trolled again.


>> No.3738827

Could you guys take your pretend flame war somewhere else, like /b/ or /r9k/ please? Thanks.

>> No.3738828
File: 616 KB, 900x1123, 2882657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the point where you say a wizard/Yukari/God did it.

And where did that energy come from?

>> No.3738830


It's not junk, scientists just don't understand it's significance yet. God designed it, it's going to take more than 50 puny years for lowly humans to crack his ultimate code.

>> No.3738838


>And where did that energy come from?

NOWHERE. Are you listening to what I'm saying? Something that sprung from a singularity can come from nothing. Conservation of energy and mass are null. Causality is null. Its origins are "null".

>> No.3738839

The only people who can win here are agnostics.

They're the only ones smart enough to realize that nobody has the answer and spend their time on things that actually matter.

>> No.3738843


agnostic theists or agnostic atheists?

>> No.3738844
File: 95 KB, 516x729, 4657724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a most wonderful fact that god is omniscient and omnipotent.

>> No.3738842
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>> No.3738845

I bet that intelligent designer is the same person who claimed that men are from clay, amirite? Whoopie.

>> No.3738847


In before people arguing that omnipotency cannot exist and continue to misunderstand that singularities can be perfectly self-contradictory

>> No.3738848

Trolling is a bannable offense outside of /b/.
/jp/ is not meant for your petty arguments.

>> No.3738851

Yeah, like clearing all the spellcards in Lunatic UFO.

>> No.3738853

How did nothing come from nothing?

That's what I thought.

Fag status: [Told]

>> No.3738862

You said they were borrowing energy from a vacuum. There is no vacuum to be borrowing from. Your argument means nothing. Except maybe that you are stupid enough to believe string theory. You don't believe string theory do you?

>> No.3738861

Since when is believing in God "trolling"?

You atheists are nothing but whiny babies.

>> No.3738857

god is a astronaut

>> No.3738858

How would you explain to ancient man that you took atoms and assembled them into cells, and so on and so forth, without busting its primitive brain/understanding of things?

Go on. Tell me how.

>> No.3738865

>Since when is believing in God "trolling"?
since ancient times afaik

>> No.3738863
File: 198 KB, 650x570, 1250178805981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe Gensokyo exists.

And LHC will teleport us in our magical world


>> No.3738870

>>3738861 Since when is believing in God "trolling"?

It's not. However, OP starting this thread is trolling since /jp/ is not for these sort of discussions.

>> No.3738871

Futurama answered this shit years ago - God is a singularity.

>> No.3738872


It's called dark energy

>> No.3738873

neither. If you've put enough thought in it to call yourself either one, you've already lost. Only the agnostic-don't-give-a-rat's-ass win.

>> No.3738874

Tell me: which is more perfect, this world, flawed by mortal sin, or God, its flawless creator?

Clearly, the world is the more imperfect of the two.

We accept that even this flawed universe to be so perfect and full of wonder that it could not have been created by some random process: rather, there must have been some guiding hand, some "intelligent designer" shaping its creation.

If that hold true for this world, what of God, an infinitely more perfect entity? Surely, he, also, could not have been formed by pure chance, but rather by some greater designer than he. If so, then he is no God, and if not, then you must accept that the world's formation has no need for intelligent design.

>> No.3738869 [DELETED] 

Tell me: which is more perfect, this world, flawed by mortal sin, or God, its flawless creator?

Clearly, the world is the more imperfect of the two.

We accept that even this flawed universe to be so perfect and full of wonder that it could not have been created by some random process: rather, there must have been some guiding hand, some "intelligent designer" shaping its creation.

If that hold true for this world, what of God, an infinitely more perfect entity? Sure, he, also, could not have been formed by pure chance, but rather by some greater designer than he. If so, then he is no God, and if not, then you must accept that the world's formation has no need for intelligent design.

>> No.3738875

So you just changed your stance. Now its this "dark energy" crap. Just admit that they are making shit up, already.

>> No.3738877

You act like /jp/ has anything else to discuss.

>> No.3738878

God comes from the universe of "Hot dickings for all". He just made this universe to pass time.

>> No.3738879

>>3738873 Only the agnostic-don't-give-a-rat's-ass

That would be agnostic atheist.

>>3738874 God, its flawless creator?

The Epic of Spudwoe and Taterflay suggests otherwise.

>> No.3738882

Reported for Atheism/Theism/WhiteTextBlackBackground/BlackTextWhiteBackground/ProveMeWrong/MakesPerfectSense.

>> No.3738883


Learn how science works, dude.

Religion: Make shit up
Science: Make shit up, attempt to disprove shit, make new shit up, attempt to disprove shit, repeat until "attempt to disprove shit" fails, tack it on the wall (remove if disproven later), then continue

>> No.3738885
File: 46 KB, 569x571, rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>religion thread in /v/
>come to /jp/
>see a religion thread

>> No.3738894

Evidently you're not the only person who browses both boards, eh?

>> No.3738893

Maybe I will!

>> No.3738892


I don't mind /jp/ being a slow board if being a fast board requires troll threads.

Oh, anyone up for some mahjong?

>> No.3738887

>implying that /jp/ discusses things

>> No.3738889

Yes, maybe you should go back to /v/.

>> No.3738896

Ignostic here. You're all faggots.

>> No.3738897

Dunno, are you up for 3p ?

>> No.3738902

Things that will never be able to test aren't really science then are they. That's all cosmology is, really, shit that we won't be able to test, we can just look at it from a telescope and guess how it works.

>> No.3738903


I'd prefer 4p but will take what I can get.

>> No.3738904

>goes to /v/

Get out.

>> No.3738908


Observation is a form of testing. That which cannot be observed is what is beyond an event horizon, which is, as I've said, where 'physics fucking implodes'.

>> No.3738915

If God doesn't exist - explain Gensokyo.

You can't. Therefore God must exist.

>> No.3738918

If God doesn't exist then how did we evolve from monkeys?

>> No.3738921
File: 270 KB, 397x700, 1209650853246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean "As man is, God once was. As God is, man may become."

You're more right than you realize.

Posting religion in a religion thread.

>> No.3738922


gb2/jp/, faggot, /religiontrollthreads/ don't want you.

>> No.3738924

Gensokyo is completely explainable using scientific principles.

>> No.3738929

>implying that this is something other than a trollthread

>> No.3738936

What is God's God like?

>> No.3738940

Soft and fluffy. She has large breasts and lots of tentacles.

>> No.3738941


Infinitely infinite and perfectly perfect, of course.

>> No.3738964
File: 49 KB, 600x507, Xtianity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story bro.jpg

>> No.3738972

Why isn't there a horror movie yet where Jesus is the first one who causes the infection to spread? I'd fucking love to watch a zombie movie set in Roman times.
