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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 95 KB, 800x600, like killing a girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3737651 No.3737651 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3737655

This is what prosecutors actually believe.

>> No.3737656

Oh look... it's THIS thread again

>> No.3737658

That is to say, rapists are ladykillers.

>> No.3737661


>> No.3737694

She agreed being raped and was wet. Fucking slut.

>> No.3738256

All women get wet when raped, though. It's a physiological reaction, just like you getting an erection when a child sits on your lap is.

>> No.3738279
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rance screencap thread?

>> No.3738283
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>> No.3738286
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>> No.3738289
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>> No.3738294

Wait... that means i'm not pedo?

>> No.3738311
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>> No.3738326

If you overly fantasize and masturbate to the feeling, you are.

>> No.3738331

>It's a physiological reaction
Women have slut genes, alright.

>> No.3738354
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>> No.3738367

By the way, how does one activate the "way of the lolicon" route?

>> No.3738373

clear shibata, its a start of turn event where you can "listen to the ways of the lolicon"

>> No.3738395
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>> No.3738403

Ooook.... is it insta-bad end? I'm almost done with a ran route run for points so just so I don't screw up too much.

Speaking of that, should I close the holes quickly or should I leave a few to clear characters instead (or at least give them end game points)?

>> No.3738407
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>> No.3738414

Is the wiki broken?
I've been going with her but I don't get the second event after the fight along with her.

>> No.3738416
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>> No.3738417

Yuzuhara is lovely.

>> No.3738425

Close the holes immediately, you can stall indefinitely just by not going to Sekimei's tomb, IIRC.

>> No.3738435
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>> No.3738437

are you on true history?

>> No.3738447
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yup, just like the female rance.

>> No.3738454
File: 889 KB, 806x644, RanceWantsToFuckSoulBinder1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, screencap dumping? Sounds like fun.

(Yes I know game has a built-in ss function, now, but I'm not going back and recapping shit.)

>> No.3738457
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>> No.3738471

I'm still not convinced Rance is any good.

>> No.3738475

I'm a bit confused by the whole system myself.

>> No.3738477

This is a piece of interesting, but useless information.

>> No.3738481

Do you think anyone cares?

>> No.3738492

I take it you haven't even tried playing it, then.

>> No.3738495 [SPOILER] 
File: 98 KB, 800x600, ALCG0057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im surprised how Rance can be sensitive at times.

>> No.3738498

He's actually a good guy, he just loves poon.

>> No.3738499

Can anyone explain why there's no anal rape this game. That's sorely disappointing.

>> No.3738500
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>> No.3738507

yeah, that caught me off guard

>> No.3738510

Rance is a gentleman and a hero!

>> No.3738517

Ran Route

>> No.3738518

Ryouma and Noir might disagree.

She started liking it, though, didn't she?

>> No.3738519

Allow me to share few experiences myself then. I started playing Rance just yesterday. I hadn't read the wiki nor did I know anything about the game before.

The game has good visuals and amazing sound scene. I was personally very amused by Rance as a character. If the plot of the game is that Rance will conquer Japan and fuck every princess he finds, what's not to like? The bottom line is, it is fun as hell to play and its characters are not boring at all. I got hooked and played some 45 turns in a row and overslept next morning ;_;

>> No.3738525

What happens if you refuse to save Kenshin and capture Ai?

>> No.3738527

>Ryouma and Noir might disagree.
Agireda too
I think Rance drugs her, i still haven't seen this CG though

>> No.3738529

Pretty sure the character was being referred to, not the game. And he's neither good, nor evil. Just true to his own desires like a hero out of any myth pre-christianity.

>> No.3738531

any more story continuation of this?

>> No.3738535

As I said before, I'm on Ran route and I'm not getting the second event with Yuzumi after battles.
If the wiki wrong?

>> No.3738536

Ai says its fine and they continue fucking.

>> No.3738538

Ah fuck, gonna replay Sengoku Rance right now. I thought I'd be able to get some work done for tomorrow, preparing some lessons for tomorrow (I'm a teacher), but I guess I'll end up fapping to delicious Akihime rape instead.

Curse you, /jp/.

>> No.3738540

I just noticed the snowflakes on her clothing for the first time, and i played through it at least 5 times already. Talk about attention to detail.

definitely worked for me when i cleared her.

>> No.3738543

>talk about ADHD

>> No.3738565
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>> No.3738566

Do you get Arachnid sex?

>> No.3738571


Yeah, you rape 3 of the youkai girls after defeating them. you can also clear all of them and get some tender loving (though no scene that time)

>> No.3738581

Yeah I'd heard there's no Fox love and I was disappointed.

>> No.3738583

Some Nozomi anal would have been nice ;_;

>> No.3738593


He's either Tue Neutral or Chaotic Neutral.

>> No.3738605

"Anal Megane" has the sole rights for Anal Sex in the game. And Gigai of course.

And yeah, there is no H scene for Omachi.

>> No.3738610


So tsundere...

>> No.3738612

How do I get to rape Nogiku (one-eye)?
I get a scene each time I defeat the other two (Noir and Orime), but not Nogiku.

>> No.3738617
File: 34 KB, 690x656, 1246813639135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"This night, Rance came five times in her pussy and one time in her ass"
>text only
Pic related

>> No.3738620

You need Akashi Kazemaru with Hibachi to capture Nogiku.

>> No.3738621

you need to clear Kazemaru first

>> No.3738622


You have to have Kazemaru with Hibachi as his passive (see his character clear for more info) to capture Nogiku. He does not need to be fielded though, just one of your 30 commanders.

>> No.3738626
File: 4 KB, 344x326, 1229292925945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and speaking of text only
>beat Demon Army commander
>rape delicious delirious girl within
>beat another Demon Army commander
>Rance: I'll rape you
>Reward-chan: Kyaaa!
>text-only again
Another pic related

>> No.3738628
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>> No.3738629


Kenshin being impregnated by Xavier is text-only

>> No.3738630
File: 35 KB, 300x300, Sengoku_Rance_-_Akashi_Kazemaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3738636

But that's okay, Xavier is a dick. I raged with the force of a thousand young suns when he tortured Kuro.

>> No.3738638

ehh? how do you get that

>> No.3738640

I didn't even saw that scene. I won't allow Xavier to harm my precious kenshin-chan

>> No.3738641

True History Demon Army auto-conquer Uesugi.

>> No.3738642

Goddamn.. I always just drew a mustache..

>> No.3738646

I got that in my first game, i was mere turns away from conquering uesugi too. Shit felt bad, he slashes off Kenshins arm. (killed Ai too of course)

>> No.3738652

anyone got ran's sex scene?

>> No.3738655

First playthrough I ended up having Hojo declare war on me.

Takeda then stepped in and riddled Kenshin with arrows.

Felt bad man.

>> No.3738660

Which one? She have a few of them

>> No.3738670


Yeah in first games Takeda always auto conquers the house that is not at war with you, in my case Uesugi declared on me because i vasalled Asai Asakura, Takeda then assimilated Houjou instantly. I still don't get why Soun gave up so quickly, he surely must have seen through the "Shingen is a fake" thing.

>> No.3738671
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Me detects faggotry. If kenshin is killed or harmed you should reload your game and avoid awful situations. beating any route without her is like getting a bad end.

>> No.3738678

Uesugi Kenshin has joined Shimazu.

>> No.3738682


Love doesn't always equal Love.
Wait, what?

>> No.3738685
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>> No.3738695
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>> No.3738697

I really like the stupid names in the game sometimes.

>> No.3738701

I don't care about the name, I wanted to see how Rance sticks his dick in her ass. Damnit.

>> No.3738704

I wonder who came up with "Anal Megane".

>> No.3738711

yeah I almost punched my monitor when i saw that

>> No.3738732

Can I fuck Ranmaru? She always ends up marrying Keisuke.

>> No.3738738


>> No.3738748

all i guess, i've only seen one of them before

>> No.3738755

was i the only one dissapointed with the ending for ran's route? i mean kenshin's one was pretty predictable but atleast the route itself was pretty decent to play. best route has to be isoroku for me atleast.

>> No.3738759

Everyone considers Ran's route to be the worse

>> No.3738761

Which one? I rather liked the one where Rance exploded because Ran left him. The other version sucked.

>> No.3738769

so thats the ran ending cg then, rance exploding?

>> No.3738815

It ends with Rance saying "I'll rape you and kill myself" to Sill, if I remember it right.

>> No.3738850

what happens if you get ran to love before finishing the game?

>> No.3738867


you get an ending with no CG; you leave japan with Suzume and Sill and Ran tags along with you.

But it doesn't really matter since Ran exploded anyways in the canon timeline

>> No.3738880

Chinu too ;_;

>> No.3738888

I've found a few saves for this game the one I kinda like gives you all items but all of it is reverted back to japanese. Does anyone have any good saves that are in english?

>> No.3738905
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If you want to cheat at least cheat like a man and do it yourself. If you're lazy I can post some cheat engine addresses for editing various good stuff.

>> No.3738926

I'm kinda tempted to cheat just to get more points faster

>> No.3738944

I've beaten the game on true route but now I'd just like to mow through things. Please post the cheat address so I can man up lol

>> No.3738946

Either cheat everything or do it the right way.

>> No.3738960

but I want to beat the demon king route in a semi legal way!

>> No.3738991

This bitch in class today gave a speech on rape and it took all I had to stop from laughing. Then when she said she was raped by her friends brothers friend at the age of 14 and had to give birth to a child I almost felt a little bad, but then I realized all women are fucking whores and she probably deserved it/enjoyed it.

>> No.3738999

>>3738960 implying the demon king route is hard

Demon King is the easiest IF route to complete.

>> No.3739001

>semi legal

>> No.3739002

428495C - Gold
4284954 - SAT
463BDC8 - Ogre Bones
463D2C8 - ATK textbook 2
463D418 - DEF textbook 2
463D568 - INT textbook 2
463D6B8 - SPD textbook 2
463D808 - Action textbook 2
463C6F8 - Senri Cups
447E3B8 - Rances Level

These should work after starting the game, sometimes the addresses change after the game runs for a long time. don't set rances level to 99 or he wont gain hp, just do 98 and feed him a pokkuru

>> No.3739015

don't worry i don't know how to cheat and I don't think i will bother learning

>> No.3739025

beating miki is not that hard. use battle permits

>> No.3739089
File: 128 KB, 800x600, RAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Ryouma and Noir might disagree.

Awesome, was going to clear them on my current playthrough too. Still need to clear Mouri as well but I can't seem to manage to capture Kiku for some retarded reason. Light attack + Sticky ground and she never gets captured, it's kind of annoying.


It's even more annoying that they ignore the generics and always seem to aim for Kenshin. It made me rage reloading over and over again just to see Kenshin leave.

>> No.3739108


You success at capturing commanders goes to shit if you have at least 20 commanders in the prison. Release 5 or 10 and you should be good to go.

>> No.3739112

they always seem to go for named commanders it seems really.
They enchanted Komatsu on my very first ran route game and It was for the best probably, what a bitch to clear.

>> No.3739115


Unfortunately I already knew that. I only have 6 people in my prison currently and I haven't captured her in 5 or 6 fights and it takes a few turns for her to reappear again, shit sucks.

>> No.3739119

but that way you cannot clear one of the fags of shimazu

>> No.3739127

I hope this works!

>> No.3739147

I wasn't planning on clearing any of them in that game. I actually fed them to some random dungeon mobs, or at least I pretended that I did. Most annoying bastards in the game, why did Kurohime end up with such an annoying family.

>> No.3739151

>Kentou Kanami
The only reason why I don't dismiss her is because of this

>> No.3739153


Have you done the challenge against Motonari yet?

>> No.3739160

you now realize that iehiza is like 12 and has gotten more pussy than any of us

>> No.3739176


You now realize that the 12 year old died like a bitch in canon.

>> No.3739179

feels good

>> No.3739181

ah...this list doesn't work. What software do you use?

>> No.3739209
File: 126 KB, 800x619, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am i supposed to make him explode?

>> No.3739212

Character clear him, send him alone on the last area.

>> No.3739220

Just tested it again.
Works fine in cheat engine, im on xp32 though so the addresses might be different in vista/win7 64bit.

>> No.3739229

If this isn't a shop I'm deleting Rance off of my harddrive.

Rance cant be a fag, it's just not possible. I am disappoint.

>> No.3739230
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>> No.3739235

He can only become a fag if you really suck at playing the game.

>> No.3739236


I believe it's the dream sequence that occurs when you visit the gender bending shrine but don't do anything, then wait for the auto-event to occur in the next few turns

>> No.3739237

I don't know if its shopped, but its almost as creepy as the girl rance dream.

>> No.3739245


if you visit the shrine but go back Rance will have a dream about being a girl, not a gay dream. Gigai is pretty disappoint in it too.

>> No.3739271

Alice's mansion staff room developer trolling.

>> No.3739275

its not a shop

visit alice's mansion and talk to muumin in the staff section

>> No.3739280

I'm on xp-32bit too.
Are they pointers? and what type of memory is allocated for each value (4byte for gold?)

>> No.3739289

That reminds me, where is my ALICE hscene for clearing the game on 5star?

>> No.3739293

Really? I find her to be the best Ninja for the permit.

>> No.3739296

memory pointers which you add to cheat engine after selecting system40.exe, 4 byte

>> No.3739302

only for demon army routes

>> No.3739305

I remember about when Rance asked to the devil girl show him a scary dream saying he's afraid of nothing, then he dreamt with Balles, Rick, Cordoba and Patton declaring love for him, that made Rance shit royal bricks.

>> No.3739308

So, Jeek would normally try to sexually assault Rance as a man?

>> No.3739316

I don't think so.

>> No.3739328

There is a scene in the Visual Novel version of Baccano where Ladd tries to get Claire to marry him because he is the being he wants to kill most. I think someone translated the scene.... I forgot where it is though.

>> No.3739330

...Oh god, I don't recognize any of those names.

Then again, you're meant to suck on your first playthrough, so I'm doing fine.

>> No.3739333

Whoever lets this happens, needs to die.

>> No.3739345

They are not on this game, so do not worry.

>> No.3739350

they are characters from previous games

Are any of the previous games are translated?

>> No.3739351

>Balles, Rick, Cordoba and Patton
Rick and Patton? Oh damn, those two are probably the most badass male characters IN Rance. Bales I can imagine better since from what I know he misinterprets all of Rance's actions into some messianic shit. Cordoba? Alright, I laughed.

>> No.3739385

I have a question. I'm approaching finishing my second run through the game, and about to do a points run. My question is that if I run through and amass a total amount of points, can I start numerous different save files (Kenshin route, ran route, routes to get house bonuses, etc...) at the same time, or not?

>> No.3739386

Out of the first three Barres is the head general of Leezas. Rick is one of the strongest humans in the world and is credited for defeating an army of Hellman all by himself (Note: Hellman are known to naturally physically stronger then most humans like how Zeth has more Mages then anyone else). Cordova is another general of Leezas. Patton is the Prince of Hellman.
No. Sadly.

>> No.3739394

You best score is registered and applies to every playthrough, till you do better.
After that, no matter how many new games you start, it will always be the same starting points.

>> No.3739420


Thanks a lot, anon.

>> No.3739469

Hey /jp/, how does killing the monkey effect gameplay?

>> No.3739480


Demon Army never appears. Game plays as if you're following Ran's route though if you enter the Oil Dungeon to get Souun, Gigai appears.

>> No.3739495


Ahh, cool. Thanks

>> No.3739545

Sorry if I sound like an idiot, but where do I put in these codes?...

>> No.3739575

>Gigai appears.
He does? I ignored Ran and kept her in Jail. What does Gigai do? The same as he does in True History?

>> No.3739606 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 800x600, delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got bored of waiting for Kiku to show up so I decided to just clear up some other stuff and turned Ryouma into a girl.. who turns out to be extremely delicious.

>> No.3739644 [DELETED] 


>> No.3739697

if you use cheat engine there is a field in the lower right "add address manually"

>> No.3739827 [DELETED] 

What's the name of this cheat engine so I can dl it?

>> No.3739842
File: 119 KB, 800x600, get the fuck out of here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this game sometimes. 15 turns for her to show up and this shit happens.

>> No.3739847

Thanks. I'll try and use it.
Is there any for National Power and perhaps affect your turn count?

>> No.3739854


That's why you save before each fight so that you can reload the fight for another chance at getting her.


Nothing happens if you keep her in prison. Still, it's not a problem if Gigai appears or not since he can't attack you anyway (can't clear Souun though).

>> No.3739866


I did save before the fight. I just grow tired of save scumming Rance that I just don't bother anymore, at least not when I'm not doing a points run anyway.

>> No.3739874

light attack

>> No.3739910


Why do you think Ranmaru is there?

>> No.3739920

Don't you automatically capture her and the sisters anyway once you defeat Mouri?...

>> No.3739927

Too bad Ranmaru never got any H. She's one of the hottest too with her thigh-highs.

>> No.3740150
File: 78 KB, 800x600, KIKU GET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In order to clear Mouri you need to capture Kiku after you get the invitation to go 'all out' or whatever. Then use Ryouma to uncurse Mouri and then use the sisters and Mouri all in the same fight to get the clear. I've got the invitation but Kiku refuses to come to my side. I know what I'm doing since I've captured her before (but didn't uncurse Mouri) but the game just isn't letting me progress.

>> No.3740156


no you don't. also you can't clear kiku if you do that.

>> No.3740157

You need to win that, not just get it.

>> No.3740164

You do get them, it's just that you can't clear Kiku

>> No.3740179

Light attack and don't kill anybody else

>> No.3740205


that made me rage as much as leila's bad ending

>> No.3740207

Is there any way to do everything outside of individual routes in once playthrough?

>> No.3740215


>> No.3740228

Shame... oh well.

>> No.3740233

So I'm finishing Ran Route and I got lucky enough to finish the hole's last turn and kill youkai this turn...
Can I wait some turns before doing the final dungeon in order clear some other characters or is it mandatory to do it now?

>> No.3740237

you can wait as long as you want.

>> No.3740316
File: 129 KB, 800x600, finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lemme just magically light attack people in the back row. The only reason the people are dead in that screenshot is so I could get access to the back row.


I won it long ago.

Finally got her at least, now I can actually proceed instead of just watching random events.

>> No.3740733

I have 115 points... what should I get for my first Isoroku run?

>> No.3740811

Or should I do Kenshin first?

>> No.3740835

do Isoroku first

>> No.3740853

Thanks... any suggestions on what I should get?

Right now I just grabbed all items I could + extra fan + Morita Ai + Elina + Money + 2 extra national power

Anything I should change about that?

>> No.3740862

Isoroku is an easy route. Experiment with house bonuses you haven't tried yet, or some of the special units. Turban, for example, is a *very* nice footsoldier, since he starts with Guard All and a hefty unit.

>> No.3740864

Just try out shit on your own, it's not like you do a point run.

>> No.3740865

So I just got cheat engine and I'm attempting to try changing my gold.
I scan it, and change the value, but nothing changes in the game itself. Is it supposed to happen automatically or what?

>> No.3740871
File: 132 KB, 800x600, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How exactly do you start the uncurse Mouri events? I've got Kiku to mention killing her father to have sex with her but I'm not seeing any event for Ryouma/Takuga to lift the curse.

>> No.3740882

Hmm, the problem is that I fucked up my kill the monkey run and I have no house bonuses besides houjo (which I'm using in order to speed up events as from what I heard I still gotta let houjo disappear, right?).

Speaking of, what do I have to do to get Soun? Just wait for Ran to die, THEN rescue him?

>> No.3740913

I don't *think* you have to let Houjo disappear still, just get 56's H-scene before the fifth gourd breaks, then pick her option instead of the normal Look-For-Kou.

I've never tried to get Soun before, it's on my to-do list.

>> No.3740925

Talk to Ran twice to unlock Oil Dungeon
Get to the bottom of Oil Dungeon with Ran in your party
Wait for Soun to show up

>> No.3740927

You have to make the number refresh. Buy or sell a single troop of a unit, it should snap to the new number.

If it still doesn't work, get the SpoilerAL cheat system instead of messing about with hex-editors manually.

>> No.3740959

Doesn't that start the Ran route?

>> No.3740975

Wait, nevermind, I'm supposed to do that after the 5th gourd

>> No.3740994

is a two star ran route good enough to get points?

>> No.3741007

Yeah I got it, thanks.

Does anyone know the code for National Power? That and Gold is all I want to change.
But if there's one to change your score, I'd take that as well.

>> No.3741134 [DELETED] 

if I'm going to waste my time in playing a game in a harder difficulty I want to know if it's worth it first

>> No.3741146

Yes, my 2 star Ran got me to ~186.

186 was enough for my 5 star monkey to proceed smoothly.

>> No.3741160

To uncurse Mouri you need to do a purple event with Ryouma in Izumo, I believe. For this to be unlocked you need to have discovered the Red Wall dungeon. Do not clear the Red Wall dungeon until you perform this event, where it talks about the youkai that cursed him.

And try looking at the wiki every once in awhile.

>> No.3741212

You can only change the NP of specific territories, and even that is not such a good idea, as it triggers the AI autolevelling.

>> No.3741402

How do you fuck Alice?

>> No.3741470

What about changing the score or number of turns?

>> No.3741485

If you used SpoilerAL [inb4: get out, SpoilerAL devs], you can change current NP, current fans remaining, max fans, turn number, gold, troops numbers, stats on every troop, etc etc etc.

Using a manual hex editor is way too much effort.

>> No.3741717


>And try looking at the wiki every once in awhile.


Take a look yourself before you make such a comment. I simply didn't have the dungeon discovered which is why the event didn't appear, which isn't mentioned on the wiki. I soon figured it out after making that post and have since cleared them all, now I'm currently working on Tekeda.

>> No.3741958

bumping for new rance thread

>> No.3741973

You don't. Ever.

>> No.3741979


The bump limit is 250..

>> No.3741978


>> No.3742106

When I looked it up I see that it's in moonrunes. No go.

>> No.3743433


Don't just look at the characlear page, mate. Plenty of useful stuff on the other pages too.

>> No.3744258


To be honest I've never actually used the walkthrough, just the character clear guide to assist me. I apologise, good sir.

>> No.3744286
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I was ok with most of rance psychotic doings, but yuzumi's part was quite frustrating. I guess i need more of self control.

>> No.3744308

He's pretty much an asshole, but imagine how many little Rances there would be if he didn't use that crap

>> No.3745261


>> No.3745305

Would Rance rape his own daughter if she was hot?

>> No.3745320

his daughter wouldn't mind having consensual sex with him.

>> No.3745324

doesn't he already have like one half-demon son anyway?

>> No.3745343

Yeah he had a son with the devil Ferris thats called Dark Rance. That story didn't end well though.

I'm not sure if Isorokus child is the second "canon" child of Rance or if there were more in previous games.

>> No.3745358

It's not canon since it happened in a if route

>> No.3745375

It's actually canon, they mixed up things from various stuff for the "real" end, you can read it in some epilogue in the official Alicesoft magazine. It's a short story how Kouhime deals with rebuilding Japan and meeting various game characters. It's directly mentioned that Isoroku is pregnant.

>> No.3745379

Ah i found it again, read here:

>> No.3745402

Oh interesting, I never saw that before.

>> No.3745657

Damn, they don't reveal if female or male Ryouma is canon...

>> No.3745674

I wonder if the other Takeda Generals are alive.

>> No.3745685

Hey /jp/, I've completed Rance twice, but the highest score I've got is a total of 10, so I wanna do a points run to get some house bonuses, but I don't know what I should do to get the most points. Any advice?

>> No.3745688

Considering how you can not assassinate Shingen on your fist playthrough, I think they are not

>> No.3745704

;_; Baba is one of my favorite characters

>> No.3745720


Bumping for answer.

>> No.3745724


get elina and 1-2 nice items from the points or another good bonus character.

Go for a 1 star Ran route, stick END GAME POINTS ON EVERYONE YOU CAN

Even if you manage to end with 0 points the EGP will be added to your score.

Recruit easy to clear characters and use Rance's sat stuff to clear a bunch of them at once. From turn 60 on use the carnival to save points. Beat Masamune etc yadda yadda.

you can end up with 100+ points easy from 1 star Ran.

>> No.3745726

5 stars.

>> No.3745727


Forgot to add, also try to follow the "3 fans in 13 turns" extreme game guide on the wiki, it's extremely helpful to have as many action fans as possible.

>> No.3745741


What's the difference between standard, 1 star, 2 star and 5 stars? Obviously they get harder, but how does it actually change?

>> No.3745746

troop size mainly. in 1 star you will notice a 20-30% difference in troop size I think, it's higher but not terribly different.
in 5 star prepare to face stacks of 9999 peasants every single time.

The main bonus is that 1 star games have a 120 base score as opposed to normals 60, which makes gaining a decent score much easier.

>> No.3745758

How many turns should I be looking at completing the Ran route in, if I do 1 star difficulty?

>> No.3745759

enemy troops have better stats too

>> No.3745764

i'd say 70-80 by average, the good thing about the ran route is that you don't have to beat a certain enemy nation or anything, you basically can ignore the shimazu/mouri mega-conglomerate completely. You just need to sit through the events, clear all holes to hell as quickly as possible (can be done in 2 turns if you have 5 fans, but you will probably have 4 of them) and then doing the final dungeon.
If you can beat the youkai king during that timeframe and collect 30k troops. Maybe kill Orochi if you know what you're doing too.

You should easily end up with 100+ points if you manage that.

>> No.3745815

agh it's my first time playing on a harder difficulty I guess I can't take it easy and let my units grow alone without adding troops

>> No.3745891

Beginner here. I'm on turn 34. How do I get more fans ?

>> No.3745940

use a SAT bonus, you need 50 sat for the option to increase your action fans shows up.

>> No.3745989

What's a SAT bonus ?

>> No.3746005

Rance's Satisfaction Bonus

>> No.3746032
File: 112 KB, 806x650, 20091117 163857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, thank you.

>> No.3746392

god I really hate this fucking game sometimes. Trying to follow the get 3 action fan in 13 turn guide but I can't get past turn 7 cuz rance keeps dieing. I keep getting double attacked by the fish guy after the turn...just wtf.

>> No.3746405

If you can't beat Ashikaga, you're just plain retarded.

>> No.3746424

why the fuck am i getting double attacked in turn 7

>> No.3746439

Because you're not sufficiently raping their army, meaning they have enough troops to attack you with.

>> No.3746497

they send 3 troops and I kill them all, I guess I should just keep trying till I capture or kill them

>> No.3746618

I wish you could battle an entire army at once. Omachi + -100 armour vs fifty commanders....

>> No.3746639

You'd run out of actions.

>> No.3746656

No you wouldn't. I can't see you needing more than 2 large lightnings, and you'd have BR win secured, easily, if not a TPK.

>> No.3746664

I think he was talking about 1vs 50 enemies at the same time. He would die anyway.
Before Large lightning is charged there would be quite a lot of commanders that got their shot. Enough to severely damage or kill her.

>> No.3746675

-100 armour is complete protection up to about the Miko institute.

>> No.3746920
File: 34 KB, 484x293, hmph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, according to the wiki, to get the assassinate Shingen event, you have to just conquer Takeda the normal way and save. Well, I did, reloaded older save - No new event. New turn - Still no new event.

I think I'm gonna take a break from this game, again.

>> No.3747085

What. No.

In order to assassinate Shingen, you have to have beaten them normally at some point then saved - which can have been from the same playthrough - AND you must defend successfully against the blitz. The first part only has to be done once ever, the blitz defence needs to be done every time.

>> No.3748350

