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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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No.3731193 [Reply] [Original]


Posting because /a/ is shit for now.

What's the image cooldown here?

>> No.3731195

>> No.3731197

>> No.3731201

new inuboshi?! keep posting!

>> No.3731202

>> No.3731208

Post a mediafire link or something

>> No.3731210

You gonna get raped little loli...

>> No.3731212

>> No.3731213

reported for Manga in /jp/ goes in /a/

>> No.3731214

>> No.3731217

>> No.3731218

It's in Japanese, though. He's technically well within the rules.

>> No.3731221

>> No.3731223

>> No.3731225

Or at least the title.

>> No.3731227

Bullshit. Manga goes on /a/ just like it always has. Don't like it too fucking bad go back to /a/.

>> No.3731229

>> No.3731231


Read the fucking filename you retarded piece of shit.
If you can't find it from that you do not deserve it.

>> No.3731233

>> No.3731234

Reported for loli on 4chan.

>> No.3731237

God damn it, I just finished fapping less than a minute ago.

Loli has always been /jp/ related.

>> No.3731238

>> No.3731242

>> No.3731247

>> No.3731259

>> No.3731266

>> No.3731268

The rule regarding legality only applies to American law. Loli pornography is technically reportable anywhere outside /b/, though.

>> No.3731270

>> No.3731272

For once someone actually posts a quality thread on this boring as death board.
Where is the appreciation? I see only butthurt.

>> No.3731275

>> No.3731281

Inuboshi is for hipster faggots who only pretend to like loli to seem edgy and cool

>> No.3731282

What part of it belongs in /a/ do you NOT UNDERSTAND? I do not appreciate anime and manga in /jp/. /a/ = Anime and Manga.

>> No.3731284

Reporting an Inuboshi thread? What kind of monster are you!?

>> No.3731285

>> No.3731288

It sounds like you don't belong here son.

>> No.3731289

A++ Post.

>> No.3731292

>> No.3731296


Which loli artist do you recommend, then?

>> No.3731300

Holy fuck. Stop replying to a faggot who says lol manga. It's clearly he's a trolling on easy modo, and you're biting him so much.

>> No.3731304


>> No.3731305

No you don't belong here. /jp/ isn't your new /a/ minus the newfags and normalfags.

>> No.3731306


Pleasure of being cummed inside!

>> No.3731310

fapping to loli is cool now?

>> No.3731313


It sure is.
You gotta keep up with the trends.

>> No.3731330

Wanyan Aguda, now that's a REAL man's loli artist. Bonus points if you fap to his futa work too.

>> No.3731332

Manga goes in /a/.
Loli manga goes nowhere, that means it goes anywhere.

>> No.3731343


This is a real artist.

>> No.3731344

Hox ;_;

Oh wait..

>> No.3731347

Amen brother.

>> No.3731350

Inuboshi doesn't draw rape. At worst he draws surprise sex that's still consensual, or slightly reluctant but still consensual.

>> No.3731351

Really? it was "Animu and Mango" last time I was there and I don't see any fruit ITT.

>> No.3731355

I'm pretty sure I haven't seen that drawing style before.

>> No.3731356

I enjoyed Round Shell.

Inuboshi's art is diabetes-sweet-quality. Shame it's the same story over and over (and over). Half the time. That series with the magical girls was lolworthy and fapworthy.

>> No.3731360


Poor loli got coerced into doing it.

>> No.3731367

>Inuboshi doesn't draw rape.
I guess you're one with rather high rape-standards.

>> No.3731368

Wrong, it doesn't go in /jp/. "No non work safe"

>> No.3731380

But since then moot has officially declared /jp/ the pedo board, so loli is ok.

>> No.3731381

>> No.3731382


You are a clearly a pretentious /jp/ lurker who keeps saging and reporting all day long based on moot's post from ages ago. You're really pitiful.

>> No.3731389

>arguing about where loli goes which is illegal on all boards except /b/.

haha oh wow

>> No.3731390

I see you're here so STFU.

>> No.3731397


Just want to see you butthurting over nothing. Just cry more for me.

>> No.3731401

>What part of it belongs in /a/ do you NOT UNDERSTAND? I do not appreciate anime and manga in /jp/. /a/ = Anime and Manga.
Take it easy, everything you said was correct but this isn't /a/ material. According to Alternative (an OP on #4chan), the only board where /l/ is allowed is /b/. Telling him to get back to /a/ is not only wrong, it's misleading. Now if you were saying get back to /b/ I could understand you. I love culture janitors, but you're kinda overdoing it. Threads like these are of no disturbance to us.

If you're not for (or indifferent) towards /l/ material then you can hardly be considered a /jp/er, in my humble opinion. /l/ is one of the subjects that separates the boys from the men, it's considered taboo on most anime forums.

>> No.3731405

I miss the days when /l/ was part of 4chan.

>> No.3731419

I don't want to see manga and anime in /jp/ unless it has a VN LN or game that goes with it. Other wise we are just overflow for /a/

I could care less about loli, It Manga and managa goes in /a/ as far as I am concerned.

>> No.3731424

>You are a clearly a pretentious /jp/ lurker who keeps saging and reporting all day long based on moot's post from ages ago.
Sounds almost as if you're referring to me, because that's what I do all day on /jp/.

And no, I very much do not agree with him. See >>3731401

I think he's new at this. But what he's doing is noble, if we don't protect the board's culture, who will?

>> No.3731426

Disgusting pedophile fucks.

>> No.3731427

Cooldown is 1 minute for images, 30 seconds for text.

>> No.3731432


>It Manga and managa

Sleep now. You have a duty to report all of the threads you hate tomorrow. Also, your reasoning is old and bleak. You cannot win against us but sage at will.

>> No.3731441

Yea because you are in IRC with the mods amirite? More than likely you only visit 4chan on the weekend. Have fun.

>> No.3731452

Doujins and /l/-manga are not considered /a/ material. /l/ is just a part of 4chan. Where were you during all of our other /l/ threads, why am I only hearing this outcry now? Could it be that you're new here?

Here's /jp/'s record on /l/ threads: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp?ghost=yes&search_text=%22loli%20thread%22&task=s

As you can see, the fetish of /l/ is very popular here. What's your stance on /l/ anyway, are you for/against it? Or do you just not like mangas on /jp/?

>> No.3731453

I can't take it easy with these vigilante faggots. Go on OP!

>> No.3731457

I haven't said shit about/l/. Manga doesn't belong in /jp/ it belongs in /a/. If /l/ goes in /b/ then take it to /b/.

>> No.3731458

/jp/ is not a replacement /a/.
Fuck off.

>> No.3731463

You can't take it easy anyway because you are a secondary fag.

>> No.3731468

it's /a/'s toilet

>> No.3731470

you guys have been grinding secondaries long enough, you aren't going to gain levels at this rate

time to switch mobs

>> No.3731474

ITT: One persistent idiotic troll

>> No.3731475

So where the fuck is the source/mediafire for OP

>> No.3731476

just get all of inuboshi's stuff, you'll find it eventually

it's all the same anyway

>> No.3731478

Filenames you fucking illiterate newfag.
Go back to /a/.

>> No.3731479

You think its just one?

>> No.3731481

thread reported to canadian & uk PARTYV& operators

>> No.3731482

This thread is now /jp/ related.

>> No.3731487

>I haven't said shit about/l/. Manga doesn't belong in /jp/ it belongs in /a/. If /l/ goes in /b/ then take it to /b/.
Yes, but that's precisely why you're wrong. Where do you think we get our /l/ fix from? Hint: most (original) /l/ material you'll see on 4chan is delivered in the form of manga/doujins.

Take away the /l/ doujins and manga, and /jp/ would have virtually no /l/. I've been on 4chan since 2005, and this is the first time I've ever had to explain this to someone. Are you trying to make us reportfags look bad, or are you just new here? I think what you're doing is noble, but this is just counterintuitive.

>> No.3731491

You goddamn pedophiles!

>> No.3731494


What a embarrasingly pathetic attempt at "decensoring".
I much preferred the black bar.

>> No.3731496

I'm pretty sure doujin material is good on /jp/. I've gotten many doujins here around comiket.

>> No.3731499

I don't care about loli on /jp/. Having people use /jp/ as a replacement /a/ annoys me to no end, however.

>> No.3731496,1 [INTERNAL] 

And your "manga" thread was removed by a mod or janitor. I am still going to be shitty about manga or anime on /jp/ even "doujin" that is sourced in anime or manga. /jp/ isn't the new /a/.

Yes I did mention it in #4chan. Maybe you all should learn to IRC.

>> No.3731496,2 [INTERNAL] 

>/jp/ is not a replacement /a/.
Agreed, but /a/ doesn't own manga/doujins. You do realize there's Touhou manga and Fate/stay Night manga? (And according to the rules they very much are allowed to be posted on /jp/.) Try posting a Touhou manga on /a/, and count how much seconds it takes for a janitor to delete it.

/h/ for example gets /h/ manga all the time, but do you see people there telling people to get back to /a/? As far as I'm concerned, /l/ doujins/manga are just another way of viewing my lolis. I see no connection to it and /a/.

I doubt the people on /a/ even like /l/ doujins. Knowing those guys, they probably think it's immoral. Are you a female by any chance?

>> No.3731499,1 [INTERNAL] 

Here's your janitor badge, well earned.
Now go ram a broomstick up your ass, worthless cancer.

>> No.3731499,2 [INTERNAL] 

Way to miss and fail. what part of /jp/ is not /a/ don't you like or understand?

I didn't report the thaerd for /l/ I reported it for being manga. Manga goes in /a/ The only time it goes in /jp/ is if it is LN, VN related or is related to a Japanese video game.

Having people use /jp/ as /a/ is crap. Get your /l/ in /b/ or /a/.

>> No.3731499,3 [INTERNAL] 

But with all seriousness are you just trolling us? I've never heard someone say this before on /jp/. You're actually referring to /l/ doujins as /a/ material? I don't think that has ever been said in the history of 4chan (let alone /jp/). And I have the archive to prove it.

Do you want me to link you to 30 /l/ doujin/manga threads on /jp/? You're clearly new here because I've never heard anybody make such a ridiculous claim before. What could possibly give you the idea that /l/ doujins are manga; therefore, doesn't belong on /jp/? Whatever board/forum you're from please go back to it.

I'm as conservative as /jp/ers get, I've reported hundreds of non-/jp/ related topics (that at the time, I viewed dangerous to the board's culture). But this is just (what's the word I'm looking for), retarded. Are you still on 4chan's IRC channel? Ask a mod why he deleted this thread and I can guarantee you he'd tell you it's because it was NSFW /l/ material. He certainly wouldn't say he deleted it because it was /a/ material or /a/ related.

>> No.3731499,4 [INTERNAL] 

No trolling but can you BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW any harder?
What about maintaning some kind of differentiation between /a/, /b/ and /jp/ bothers you so?

>> No.3731499,5 [INTERNAL] 

What part of I don't care about the material don't you get? doujin/manga same difference.

I am not planning on going away and no matter how many time you accuse me of newfaggery is going to make it true.

This manga/doujin stuff can stay in /a/. I don't care how many threads are in the archive.

>> No.3731499,6 [INTERNAL] 

>What about maintaning some kind of differentiation between /a/, /b/ and /jp/ bothers you so?
I'm all for that, I've even made shitty meta threads about it. Any /jp/er worth his salt despises, /a/, /b/, /r9k/, and /v/. But just because a board owns a platform does not mean it owns everything associated with said platform. /h/ is for hentai, does that mean no other boards can have /h/ related topics? (Bye bye eroges.) /v/ is for video games, yet you see videos games being posted on /jp/ all the time (Touhou and Rance 7, to name a few).

What moot meant by /a/ is for anime and manga, he was referring to topics that have an anime. The op's manga is not from an anime, it's just about as /a/ related as Touhou. The problem here is that you're confusing /l/ mangas with /a/ mangas. Also, why is it that you speak with such an authority as if what you're saying is accepted by the majority.

Here, I'll give you a chance to prove you're not new here. You're smarter than me so I assume you've been here on /jp/ as long as I have. Link me to a thread in 2008 where you made this same argument that /l/ is manga; therefore, not /jp/ related. Because I'll be honest with you, I've never heard someone say this before, on any board. And in return, I'll link you to 20 or more /l/ threads without the aforementioned argument.

>> No.3731499,7 [INTERNAL] 

I'm going to sleep for now, let's continue this argument tomorrow in this same thread. I really hope I'm not being trolled right now. What a bizarre person you are.

>> No.3731499,8 [INTERNAL] 

I am not interested in a argument or proving anything to you. You don't get a vote in what I object too. So this will be my final word on this thread.

Is it VN related, if so it belongs in /jp/.
Is it LN related, if so it belongs in /jp/.
Is it relatred to a game that is Japanese like Touhou or FSN but not "/v/", it belongs in /jp/.
These are /jp/ like topics. They are not all the topics that are /jp/ related but they relate to anime, manga and dojins that show up in /jp/ and belong in /jp/. If they fall outside of that they don't belong in /jp/ pretty much.

I could care less about /l/ and I didn't report the thread over /l/ that was someone else. I reported manga in /jp/. Doujins are a type of manga.

Sounds to me like you just want /l/ to be in /jp/ because you are into /l/. You are a regular in /jp/ so to you /l/ goes there. Looking at the global rules its clear /l/ actually goes in /b/ and no place else. Who makes the rules for 4chan you or moot? What you wish was true doesn't enter into it. What the custom is doesn't enter in to it. I mean there used to be an /l/ board after all.

All I care about is that /jp/ isn't /a/. /a/ is for anime and manga.

I am done with this thread.

>> No.3731499,9 [INTERNAL] 

What part of "All things Japanese welcome!" don't you understand? It means ALL THINGS.

>> No.3731499,10 [INTERNAL] 

I just did my midnight fap, and I'm going to sleep after this response.

>You don't get a vote in what I object too.
You appear to be displaying the characteristics of a culture janitor. Culture janitors are supposed to act as guides for newcomers and be role models by obeying the general consensus of the board. I'll try to say this with as little offense as possible, you appear to be someone that's unfamiliar with our customs, yet here you are trying to represent us.

>This manga/doujin stuff can stay in /a/. I don't care how many threads are in the archive.
You saying you don't care about the archive is the same thing as saying, "I don't care about the history of /jp/, nor do I care about what /jp/ers think." I only referenced the archived to prove my point that your argument is not only in the minority, it was non-existent until you brought it up an hour ago. Again, debunk this argument with the archive and prove to me that you're not just representing your own misguided opinions, but be forewarned, for every quote you can find agreeing with you in your "/l/ manga" threads, I'll find 40 "/l/ manga" threads that don't contain the said argument. If you're arguing that you don't want anime & manga series, or video games to be posted on /jp/ then I might actually agree with you. But when you say /l/ doujins don't belong here because they're /a/ material is just wrong. And I'm not just referring to /l/ doujins, I'm referring to all types of doujins.

>> No.3731499,11 [INTERNAL] 


>I reported manga in /jp/. Doujins are a type of manga.
Doujins != manga.

Doujin is just a word that refers to amateur products that includes (but is not limited to) Games, Anime, Visual Novels, Manga, Light Novels, and Eroges. Did you actually just imply that doujins are only allowed on /a/?

>Sounds to me like you just want /l/ to be in /jp/ because you are into /l/.
Yeah, and so is a lot of /jp/ers. I'll go as far as saying 60 to 70% of /jp/ers are for (or indifferent) towards /l/ and I have the archive to prove it. Are you blind, or maybe you just didn't notice this amongst the sea of flat chested Touhous. Also, it's just a coincidence that we get most of our /l/ in the form of doujins. Take pride in the fact that you're the first person on /jp/ to ever try to ban our doujins.

>Looking at the global rules its clear /l/ actually goes in /b/ and no place else.
Well obviously these doujins don't belong on /jp/ along with every other NSFW material that gets posted there. There are just some rules we don't follow. Do you not see how much NSFW material gets posted on the SFW boards? It's just a way of life on 4chan, go to /a/, /v/, /m/, or /jp/ and tell them, "no more NSFW material." Not only will you get laughed at, but they'll report you for (weak) trolling. I've tried to enforce every rule availble to keep out the ilk of the other boards, but the one rule I was never crazy (or dumb) enough to try to enforce was the SFW rule.

Oh, and just to let you know doujins (or manga) as you put it are not from /a/, doujins have historically been posted on 4chan long before /a/ existed. And doujins are posted on all boards (no exceptions). Boards like /h/, /e/, and /y/ (believe it or not) get more doujins posted daily than /a/.

>> No.3731499,12 [INTERNAL] 

>Posting because /a/ is shit for now.
that means I can post /b/ material on /a/ because /b/ is always shit?

>> No.3731499,13 [INTERNAL] 

Yay, only 3 grammar errors. Not bad for being 3 hours past my bedtime.

Because of you I'm going to be sleepy as hell tomorrow, I pray to god you weren't trolling me.

>> No.3731499,14 [INTERNAL] 

They're called "doujinshi".

Oh well, at least people aren't saying animu or mango (I regret forcing the latter as Anon in old /a/).

>> No.3731499,15 [INTERNAL] 

Easymodo censorship?
Eksopl, I am disappointed.
