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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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37274104 No.37274104 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>37250404

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.37274172
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>> No.37274177


>> No.37274189
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>> No.37274382
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>> No.37274458

epic teenager depression game in which virtually everyone has mental issues

>> No.37274484

People talk about how Subahibi, Musicus, or whatever philosophyge changed their lives.
Well, my life was changed after reading Natsugami-ke. ED is the major plot point of the game, and as someone who's been struggling with it for years, it deeply resonated within me, and I finally decided to get help. I will do my best.
Thank you, faceless jap.

>> No.37274501

So you decided not to get help until then? Are all of you fucks dysfunctional without eroge guiding you?

>> No.37274525

Nukitashi is making 4channers here to accept trans rights
Is there any medium this powerful and impactful?

>> No.37274568

I underwent a complete medical a few weeks after it started, but they said it was psychological and sent me to sexuology. I didn't feel comfortable about being a 2D fapping virgin addicted to porn to anyone, let alone someone who can get law enforcement to cut off my internet when I admit my strike zone includes loli.
But no longer.

>> No.37274587

Guildmaster is pretty good because best girl Lusit gets the most screentime

>> No.37275112

What's the go to software to mount CDI files these days? WinCDEmu doesn't do it and I don't trust DaemonTools.

>> No.37275164

UltraISO has never failed me over decades

>> No.37275192

Submit to Daemon Tools.

>> No.37275308

Old version of Daemon Tools 4.x without all the adwarez. Or >>37275164

>> No.37275347

daemon tools lite

>> No.37275388

what's the problem with daemontools? would like to know (been using it forever)

>> No.37275406

Mostly it's the dumbasses that blindly click next next next when installing without realizing that they were asked to install the shitty adware that came with it

>> No.37275562
File: 1.43 MB, 5587x1453, 0verflow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was deleting some old stuff and came across this.
You might or not have heard of the messed up family tree of Itou Makoto from School Days, but the most common pic of the family tree actually has a few mistranslations and some missing information. Years ago I played all pre-School Days 0verflow vns and happened upon a pic of the official family tree in jp and then made this corrected version.
I doubt any of you give a fuck about this but I thought I may as well post this here (and on /vg/) anyway since I don't think I posted this version anywhere.

>> No.37275645

I replied to you on the /vg/ thread.

I recently read School Days HQ and about 80% of Shiny Days. I wish more of the 0verflow VNs were translated.

>> No.37275828

Stay there.

>> No.37276042


>> No.37276953
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I mean, if they all fuck like this...

>> No.37277247

>wow she is literally me

>> No.37277484

Those faces in Django are something

>> No.37277494
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Lost picrelated

>> No.37277569

Just because I fap to 2D traps doesn't mean I accept trans rights.
I know you're just bored and shitposting, but I'm doing the same.

>> No.37277593

Any of you guys have the troll beginners vn chart that had sorechiru, Kurai heya and France shoujo?

>> No.37277599

But you'll perpetuate the cycle...

>> No.37277650
File: 210 KB, 318x374, XPhEdE1y8z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scene I'm shitposting about was pretty similar to some of the scenes from josou kaikyou, really.

>> No.37277966

That's a literal trans character, idiot.

>> No.37278117

I haven't read nukitashi 2 yet so I wouldn't know, but I also don't care.
Girl with dick and flat chest = trap
Girl with dick and breasts = futa
As far as my faps are concerned that's all that matters, anything else is pointless semantics. Don't even (You) me if you're going to bring in 3DPD shit in the discussion.

>> No.37278127

A man of reason and culture.

>> No.37278149

Too bad nukitashi explicitly says she's trans and that gender is a social construct. Don't barge into a convo that has literally nothing to do with traps and start raving about traps.

>> No.37278167

Here we go...

>> No.37278182

It's transphobic to call transgender women traps

>> No.37278245

Nukitashi was a mistake

>> No.37278286

>Too bad nukitashi explicitly says she's trans and that gender is a social construct
Don't care. Still gonna tag the pictures as "trap" and "male" after fapping.
> Don't barge into a convo
Conversation? Lmao who are you kidding, it was just a 2 post shitpost exchange.

>> No.37278304

Don't care, that's a dude.
Can we please leave this here instead of derailing yet another thread over Nukitashi/Subahibi/Muramasa for fuck's sake?

>> No.37278317 [DELETED] 
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Starting the PIA series. I wanna see how the old sims compare to the modern ones. So far the characters are pretty simple but enjoyable.

>> No.37278336

Derailing? This(>>37277569) is the one moron who did that shit with his Ignorant ass transphobic attitude

>> No.37278348

>Don't care
Didn't ask, nazi.

>> No.37278351

Cry about it elsewhere, just not this shit again.

>> No.37278353

writer went with the extreme liberal narrative, how sad.

>> No.37278365

People who equate actual transgender characters to traps should be shot on sight

>> No.37278377

>A liberal fucking VN series is expressing liberal attitude towards transgender issues too. How fucking insane and ridiculous!

>> No.37278387

It's all the over politicization. Oddly enough, you have people who seem to give things like traps up to "that" crowd instead of ignoring their idiocy.

>> No.37278401

So what did you guys even fucking expect? Nukitashi openly shitting on trannies?

>> No.37278427

Is there anything to be found on Usenet as regards preservation?

>> No.37278460

I don't mind tranny characters in some situations; the fact that the prostitute from Tokyo Necro was one didn't bother me in the slightest, for instance. But when you're preaching and applying the whole "Western" mindset and all the baggage that comes with it, I'm not going to like it. Outside of that, I thought Nukitashi 2 was alright.

>> No.37278542

Why would a VN that is all about minority discrimination shouldn't bring up trannies in that liberal light? Are you dumb or something?

>> No.37278567

>anything I disagree with is preaching.

>> No.37278570

I just said I don't have to like it, Anon.

>> No.37278589

You were acting as if nukitashi did something utterly insane

>> No.37278617

It did something that I didn't like, is all.
You seem to be taking this personally.

>> No.37278645

The lesbian characters sucking dick without a problem, the trans character having multiple joke scenes about how she can't contain her primal male urges, LGBT protestors getting depicted as an easily manipulated group of hypocrites.Plenty of examples of Nukitashi making fun of 'woke'. Add the final part of the common route in the mix on there and you get a game that pisses off both the cultural left and right alike.

>> No.37278662

All I've gathered from this discussion (that constantly seems to happen) is that Nukitashi is shit.

>> No.37278669

Bro the only one pushing this "utterly insane" strawman is you and your buddy >>37278377
Don't get your panties up in a bunch, that HRT is making you overly emotional.

>> No.37278687

Yeah. It's fairly easy to forget that it can be spinned either way for easy derails without remembering other parts of the story.

>> No.37278710

It can be good shit at times.

>> No.37278740

It wouldn't be talked about nearly as much if it weren't for the people on this website who apparently have a weird, suffocating persecution complex about trans people existing. I understand a lot of kinds of hatred but this one always stumps me.

>> No.37278743

Finished up Hanachirutani.
Needed more rape.

>> No.37278778
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Personally I'm half convinced the guy pushing this discussion actually really hates nukitashi and that's why he's shitposting about the tranny thing at every turn even though it accounts for less than 5% of the VN itself. I've never seen someone use "transphobic attitude" unironically on 4chan so far, though then again I don't browse politically charged boards that much.

>> No.37278792

I apologize for taking this more offtopic, but trans people and all the propaganda surrounding them are the perfect embodiment of the absolute clownshow that is the modern western world. Even if you personally do agree with that mindset, most users on this site are of the opposite view. It's no wonder they get so much hate. I agree that as a generic insult it's overused, but otherwise it makes sense.

>> No.37278806

Now this is ignorance fuelled cope. Apart from that lesbian thing there's nothing problematic from leftist position about any of that other stuff you mentioned.

>> No.37278811

Honestly, this is usually the case. You can tell because some of the posters are dragging >>37278570 out despite his wishes to just drop the subject altogether. It's fairly transparent bait.

>> No.37278829

>but trans people and all the propaganda surrounding them are the perfect embodiment of the absolute clownshow that is the modern western world.
If only you tried to understand the other side instead of getting your views from /pol/. It's useless to argue this because people just want to believe whatever they are fed to believe instead of understanding the other person.

>> No.37278832

Yeah, pretty much. The whole "going into other communities and forcing your views on them" thing also applies here, probably on the level of /pol/ doing the same here. There's also the "weird attempt to convert people" matter that goes on even on the few places I still go to nowadays.

>> No.37278849

>It's useless to argue this

>> No.37278856

I am thoroughly familiar with arguments from "both sides" (there's a lot more than just 2 sides but whatever). No need to assume things about me.

>> No.37278871

Stop making these assumptions. I despise /pol/ about as much as I despise "the other side".

>> No.37278886

Jesus fucking christ so what if a VN has a tranny
Why is this such a big issue on this godforsaken shithole

>> No.37278891

>I don't browse politically charged boards that much
Believe me when I say that if you don't meet it, it will meet you at some point regardless of your wishes, and it's fucking tiring.

>> No.37278901

Vocal minority. Heh.

>> No.37278909

See >>37278460, for Christ's sake.

>> No.37278915

trannies were okay when they were restricted in fiction, they can be perfect fap materials for some (TSF/femboys/traps/futa etc). however when they invade reality suddenly things aren't so fun anymore. one may enjoy watching rape shit but that doesn't mean they will agree with legalizing rape or people saying rape is good. same with most other things illegal/degen. Then it becomes hard to enjoy them because everything looks like propaganda trying to normalize it

>> No.37278937

>NOOO why aren't they portraying characters the way I want
Just suck a cock

>> No.37278947

Well put, and I don't even care for gayshit. The 3D barrier is crucial.

>> No.37278950

There's nothing in that post other than vague buzzwords which is typically what one expects from retards like you

>> No.37278961

Right, so you're concerned with shitstirring. My bad.

>> No.37278962

>drawing parallels between trans stuff and rape
This is next level retardation

>> No.37278972

Ask the people who keep trying to brag about it and keep bringing it up everone was just talking about other things before that.

>> No.37278982

Avesta when?
Black Sheep Town when?
Vulthoom when?
Vermilion when?

>> No.37279005

All of these will come out before the next Tsukihime part.

>> No.37279007
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Nukitashi is a fun VN.

>> No.37279041

That most people will avoid like the plague thanks to the shitposters like the ones in this thread

>> No.37279114

>accounts for less than 5% of the VN itself.
That's factually false

>> No.37279171
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Their loss.
>captcha: YAYXD
Captcha, why you gotta do me like this.

>> No.37279467
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What is epitome of the anti-素晴らしき日々 VN? Something that stands against everything 素晴らしき日々 stands for. We need it in our times...

>> No.37279539

The h scenes are very hot. Venus guy really *gets it*. It is amazing how a well placed mole can suddenly make things 5x more erotic.

>> No.37279571
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I don't think fish and chips is Stasi approved

>> No.37279823
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probably legit to be honest, DDR had that pathetic tendency where they would just rename food and pretend they invented it
Hot Dog -> Ketwurst
Hamburger -> Grilleta
Pizza -> Krusta

>> No.37279979
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not pizza btw

>> No.37280080


>> No.37281452

Vulthoom is dead unlike the others

>> No.37281755

How often do you guys find yourselves dropping VNs? I'm not talking about "it didn't captivate me so I forgot about it and never went back," but rather you were reading, went "enough of this shit," and uninstalled it.

>> No.37281789

I've never dropped a VN ever.

>> No.37281795

You've read finished every VN you've ever picked up?

>> No.37281805

Yes. What's wrong with me.

>> No.37282243

never completely dropped and uninstalled
just put on indefinite pause and finishing them up once i'm in the mood but i always make sure to stop reading after im done with a route and not in the middle of one

>> No.37282570

I remember how I had to drop Fushigi densha after a dozen of loops because that insane atmosphere and music were making me literally sick and I couldn't stand it even for 1 more second
Also dropped multiple moege that looked like plotge after the first route when it got obvious that there is nothing interesting

>> No.37282714
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Playing Satsukoi atm. Lotta dirty jokes like this included in it.

>> No.37282788

after playing イヅナ斬審剣 for a bit i got to a point where MC had to catch a criminal or prevent someone from committing revenge or whatever and he succeeded, but then that person ended up committing suicide and suddenly everyone blamed MC for it as if he not only had to be a vigilante but also a fucking therapist and it was just so ridiculous along with other dumb shit that i just said fuck it and had to walk away. i didn't mean to drop it but i never got back to it and it's been like 3+ years now

>> No.37283054


>> No.37283289

Dropped nukitashit. Reason: It's shit.

>> No.37283307


>> No.37283335

Did you mean reason: anons in 4chan shitposting with that and I don't want to associate myself with them

>> No.37283424
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>> No.37283468
File: 312 KB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?2NUKITASHI2 (52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, she is literally me.

>> No.37283491 [DELETED] 
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Wow what a slut

>> No.37283506
File: 825 KB, 780x682, P5MxsaPSoT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junnosuke and Beethoven going "分かる!" was way funnier than it should have been. Every time I laugh at this VN it's for the lowest effort, stupidest shit and I love it.

>> No.37283650 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 640x400, sizuku-210808-151228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, her scene was really hot and she is best girl.

>> No.37284132

Suicide Fence when?

>> No.37284611

I drop a lot of VNs. I ain't got time to waste on every fucking one of them when I can only finish those that I deem to be good.

>> No.37284635

Eroge general? More like nukitashi general these days

>> No.37284742
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To be fair, you need a high IQ to understand nukitashi.

>> No.37284749

I don't know if it's one fag or a discord group but they're desperately trying to force nukitashi all over the place

>> No.37284800

It's just me, because I'm reading the VN right now. I'll probably stop posting about it when I finish it.

>> No.37284815

Does anyone have this?
There's supposed to be a rip out there according to a 2009 2ch thread, but I'm not getting many hits.
I recall some people discussing ODEON a couple months back. Wonder if they had any luck finding related games.

>> No.37284817

Holy shit how long will you take to complete a single fucking VN?

>> No.37284824

If he's here all the time shitposting it then it will take another year for him to complete it

>> No.37284841

Well, I've already read the first one a month and change ago, then read two other VNs since then. Working on Nukitashi 2 now. I only have a few hours a day to read, and my Japanese is still not great.
If you don't like a VN, you can just hide posts about it. It's not hard.

>> No.37284855

Put on a fucking trip then so that I can filter you. I'm damn sure more than half of this general will disappear like that and it's a good thing. You've been reading it since August.

>> No.37284864

It wouldn't have been this annoying if you didn't post every fucking scene and praise about it being a life-changing masterpiece

>> No.37284888

Looked at the timestamps of the screenshots I took, and I started reading it September 11th. Took a break to read Tomefure S when it was released, and then after that I finished up the first VN in early October. Anything before that wasn't me.
Filters are for cowards. Grow some balls, twink boy.

I did no such thing. Your persecution complex is tiresome.

>> No.37284966

>I did no such thing
Yeah you sure didn’t when you almost posted screencaps from every single scene

>> No.37284982

You've seriously got to get a grip. You're having a psychotic break because of a VN that has the phrase ハメリカンホットドッグ.

>> No.37285030

Just turn off your Internet and finish it already.

>> No.37285037
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>> No.37285047

Please remember to not post images of or discuss the eroge you're reading in the eroge thread. Only post about EOPs and things not pertaining to eroge.

>> No.37285062

I don't understand how fags can spend literal months with one VN. Don't you get bored of it at that point?
I finish them within a week and I only read 3-4 hours per day, and a bit extra on weekends.

>> No.37285064

I especially recommend /pol/ adjacent oncological disasters for topics. If enough of them are posted, he'll win.

>> No.37285075

He's covered in molasses so there's no other choice for him

>> No.37285109
File: 362 KB, 445x534, 4tZNcnlgNp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, inside of a month I read two VNs? Tomefure S was slow going because I wanted to fap to every H-scene and there's a shitload of them.

>> No.37285121

NTA but I'm just a slow-ass reader and I listen to a lot of the voice lines when I play games.

>> No.37285170

>I listen to a lot of the voice lines when I play games.
Unless the dialogue writing or voice acting is good I'll just skip them.
One problem with learning Japanese that you'll look beyond cute noises and you'll learn to realize that most of these voice actors are garbage and don't put their soul into voice acting.

>> No.37285262

I've started noticing that I can kind of tell the difference between an average VA and an actually good/bad VA, but I still tend to listen to a lot of lines just for practice. And then I also end up having to look up a word or two afterward meaning it takes even longer to read.

>> No.37285295

Most of them just do generic moe voices, each associated with each of those 4 moe archetypes instead of incorporating some personality. I mean even writers don't try to write them beyond that.

>> No.37285340

Damn that's harsh. I think most are at least competent. I've only come across a handful of characters that I genuinely think are bad.

>> No.37285353

the only time i ever thought a character just had badl voice acting was vera cross from paradise lost

>> No.37285366

Seiyuu are just mostly mediocre and replaceable. Instead of giving life to characters they just make them seem more bland.

>> No.37285368

Her H voice wasn't bad to be fair. The pleb answer for me is Komari from Little Busters. Christ, she was bad.

>> No.37285388

On the flip side, I thought the chick that played Ast was incredible. You can hear her intonation gradually change throughout the game. Good directing there.

>> No.37285671

All of the VNs I want to read are so long, and I am so slow at reading...

>> No.37285682

Drop them

>> No.37285720

i liked the lisp

>> No.37285732

i couldn't stand the lisp
ast was great, she was the highlight of the VN for me
she definitely ranks in my top favourite heroines

>> No.37285744

Just turn off voice and pretend it to be Rance

>> No.37285749

I always listen to all the voices, they are part of the VN experience. I know some are not but most decent and recent VN are fully voiced.

>> No.37285763

Did you skip Amakasu's voice acting?

>> No.37285794

I don't particularly hate any character's voice acting that I can remember but damn some voices can really tiring after you hear them a lot, I used to like Ayumi Sarah but can't stand her after seeing her everywhere with her samey voice for a while.

>> No.37285827

What a load of bullshit and what a sad person you are.

>> No.37285854

Not listening to full voice acting is disrespectful towards all those seiyuu who put so much effort into acting.

>> No.37285871

>put so much effort

>> No.37285873

You try sucking on your fingers to make accurate sounding blowjob noises. It's a lot of work. Now do that for like six hours straight. Very tiring on the jaw.

>> No.37285879

>because I wanted to fap to every H-scene
Imagine not always fapping twice to every CG.

>> No.37285882

Not fapping to all H scenes is disrespectful towards all those seiyuu who put so much effort into moaning .

>> No.37285922

It takes a lot of effort even in regular non-ero lines. It might become especially clear if you manage to catch a voice cutting miss in some game when seiyuu has to cough or switch to regular voice after a line. But of course if you don't listen to full lines you will never catch such rare moments.

>> No.37285954

You'll be condemned to eroge hell if you fail as anime seiyuu
If you fail as eroge seiyuu too... Go become a vtuber or try ero voice asmr

>> No.37286069

How do you disable your internet while reading eroge? Do you guys just pull your internet cable? is there better way to?

>> No.37286080

Punish yourself or ask your gf to punish you whenever you deviate

>> No.37286093

Whenever I have trouble focusing i use the pomodoro method. pomofocus.io has a timer you can use.

>> No.37286116

>ask your gf to punish you whenever you deviate
I'm afraid that will turn into a bdsm session and I wouldn't be able to focus on reading VNs

>> No.37286121

Cant access seiya saiga without internet or use MTL

>> No.37286178

Just save that page lmao

>> No.37286192

Download the page and add the 10ten extension to your browser.

>> No.37286212

> gf
Wouldn't be reading eroge if i had life, lol.
So basically it's just a timer with task list and nothing else?
Just save it lol. Only downside i see is inability to use kotobank from pc, but it cannot be helped.

>> No.37286222

>So basically it's just a timer with task list and nothing else?
It gets you into a good rhythm. 25 minutes of task, 5 minutes of break, repeat until it gives you a 15 minute break. Usually by the second or third break I'll be focused enough on the task that I'll ignore the break and keep doing whatever I'm doing. Your mileage may vary but if you're asking for advice in a thread on /jp/ you might as well give it a shot.

>> No.37286281

I'll give it a try, thanks.
Not expecting it to work since i can't even read for 5 minutes straight without distractions.

>> No.37286332

What could possibly be so distracting on the Internet? Seriously, nothing comes to mind. It's not as if this place is bustling, and when it is, it's not in a good way.

>> No.37286344

Different anon but this sounds like it would be good for studying definitely going to check it out.

>> No.37286355

>he only posts here

>> No.37286358

Not that anon, but remember to basically force yourself to click on that timer at a certain time of the day and never press pause even when you’re about to die or something. Otherwise, you’ll most likely try to procrastinate before you even start the pomodoro.

>> No.37286362

Browsing the net is a hell of a dopamine hit, if I see any anons posting images of anything that looks mildly interesting I download it immediately then start playing and never finish anything. I have like ten games I’m halfway through right now.

>> No.37286365

That's the nice thing about it, though, if you tab over from your VN to the browser you're instantly greeted with this gigantic red screen that shows you "oh fuck, right, I've got to do this for another ten minutes, THEN I can refresh /jp/ looking for shitposts."

>> No.37286367

One or two other places outside this shithole, but they're slow in a good way. Still can't be that engaging.

>> No.37286400

Turn off the Internet.

>> No.37286539

Just read a good VN and you won't feel the need to tab out

>> No.37286550

>good VN
They are a rare find

>> No.37286555

This has been enlightening. Is everyone here forcing themselves to read?

>> No.37286710

I'm also in the middle of reading it, I'm the one who posted this >>37274382
But usually I try to avoid posting about it when these guys are awake
Because I don't want to be associated with them. Which in practice means I almost never post because they're always on.

>> No.37286726
File: 1.87 MB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?NUKITASHI (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I don't want to be associated with them

>> No.37286800
File: 257 KB, 2048x1041, 1587273096729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine forcing yourself to finish a 30 hour VN you don't like. I've dropped movies halfway through because I didn't find them worth giving the rest of my time.

>> No.37286810

Meant for >>37286555

>> No.37286914

I love picrel quote. It's one of the biggest copes that exist, fails from a logical sense and I love when people use it.

>> No.37286933
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>> No.37286936


>> No.37286946

Yeah you completely deconstructed the argument and BTFO'd Schopenhauer with that post, good going bro.

>> No.37286970

I just pointed out picrel as lacking, didn't make an argument and I don't really care about the post itself because it's true.
Go calm the fuck down, bruh.

>> No.37286980
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>> No.37287025

How would the notion of a general public even apply to something as niche as Eroge?

>> No.37287029

>I didn't make an argument
I know, that's what I tried to point out with sarcasm, you just posted "that's wrong" without bringing anything to the table. My own post was meant to invite you to elaborate further since that I was curious why you think otherwise, but if you don't care enough to argue then yeah we can drop it here.

>> No.37287044

Every medium has its general public unless you think only a select chosen intellectual smart people filter through to end up with this medium.

>> No.37287054

There's mediocrity and mediocre people everywhere, in every niche.

>> No.37287076

I think I stopped being an elitist contrarian when I turned 20. It's just something you grow out of

>> No.37287079
File: 395 KB, 655x867, 2021-11-12 11_55_46-Steam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the top rated visual novel section on Steam?

>> No.37287092

It's quite simple: I get what he's trying to say "go find cool shit to do, as time is limited", which I agree with.
How he phrases it was always the problem, as it doesn't account for the truth that quality is all over the place and ignoring the popular just for the sake of it is short-sighted at best.
Not to mention the "precondition" part fails from a logical standpoint, as the precondition of finding good books is actually finding good books, bad books having nothing to do with it.
Which is hilarious because most people that use this quote to defend their stance of being ignoring the mainstream instead of trying it first and reaching their own conclusion. Which is doubly hilarious because of Schopenhauer's stance on the self-thinking man.

>> No.37287093

All shit.

>> No.37287115

Wtf why is Aokana not on here

>> No.37287235

There is nothing wrong with this, if you are enjoying it the longer the vn = the more fun you will get, there is no marathon and you don't need to try to finish it faster trying to look better compared to someone else on the internet
Some vns I really liked I could spend months on reading because I enjoyed listening to every voice line and thinking about every line of text while also recording the best parts to reread later

>> No.37287367

>Every medium has its general public
So how far does this rabbit hole go? If I pick a certain genre in the medium can i still not rely on the fans of the genre find consensus on what is good or not? If I pick a certain studio within a genre do I still have to play their least popular game since apparently that was the Kamige all along and everyone else got it wrong? There has to be a certain threshold of nicheness where the majority's opinion becomes reliable for a specific reader since he will become part of the majority. Unless the reader wants to feel like a snowflake with a special unique taste of course.

The interesting part about this list is that it shows that popularity is more than just the sum of its content. Nekopara didn't get popular because it's bad or good, but because it was a product that delivered on something that wasn't really known in the overseas VN fan base Other games rely on a certain gimmick or tricks that might make the experience cheap for people who know it already, but can still be worthwhile if you haven't experienced it. Great example is the popularity of zero escape in the west VS ever 17 in Japan. Furthermore you are doing yourself nothing but a disservice if you just flat out ignore everything that is popular. I'd imagine some of us have fond memories reading games like Danganronpa, Ace Attorny or Steins;gate.

>> No.37287401

S;G is probably the best example of being extremely popular and extremely good that any kind of audience can enjoy regardless of their tastes

>> No.37287409

Ok anon, this shit works, but i'm using it along with internet connection off. Good shit, thank you.
Also easy way to turn on and off your internet is to use cmd
netsh interface set interface "Ethernet" DISABLED
netsh interface set interface "Ethernet" ENABLE

>> No.37287484

I never finished S;G. Guess my taste is shit, then.

>> No.37287519

Peak writing.

>> No.37287531

>as it doesn't account for the truth that quality is all over the place and ignoring the popular just for the sake of it is short-sighted at best.
Sure I agree with that, but I interpreted the
>"(..)when some novel is making a great commotion you should remember(..)"
part as being just a reminder to be cautious, not an absolute statement that everything popular is bad. Schoppy himself was a fan of Shakespeare and Goethe which are as mainstream as they come.
>Not to mention the "precondition" part fails from a logical standpoint, as the precondition of finding good books is actually finding good books, bad books having nothing to do with it.
I think you're overthinking this. Bad books are involved in the sense that `!bad book == good book`. So if you avoid bad books then you'll be left with only good books, is the message I got from it. Personally I disagree a bit with this because I think reading something bad can sometimes be useful long term in identifying other bad books (to avoid) and it also helps you better understand what makes a novel good or bad. But I still agree with the general sentiment of the statement, even if I'm nitpicky about some points.

I've had friends who watched all seasons of Naruto and One Piece, not once but several times, and that to me feels like the main target of the paragraph. You simply don't have time to develop taste in a medium if you watch every single isekai anime airing each season. Same with eroge equivalent.
Of course this only concerns nerds who care about stuff like that, if you're a chad who comes home from work at night and just fucked his wife but it wasn't enough so you boot up a nukige for some more solo fun then it doesn't really apply to you.

>> No.37287532

'can' enjoy doesn't necessarily mean 'will' enjoy, you could just be not a fan of time travel stories or sci-fi in general

>> No.37287611

>There has to be a certain threshold of nicheness where the majority's opinion becomes reliable for a specific reader since he will become part of the majority.
It depends whether your taste and mindset is in tune with the majority. The problem with VN community is that it's trying to be be a monolith. You can see that anime community is clearly fragmented as fuck with different subcommunity having its own canon of good anime. Due to eroge community being small you end up with strengthened totalizing forces, and this feeds into the kind of shit VN industry churns out.

>> No.37287626
File: 553 KB, 639x1075, Screenshot 2021-11-12 at 11-05-04 Visual Novel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure but are you willing to give Fetish Locator Week Two a try? It's currently on top popular VN sections.

>> No.37287628

>Naruto and One Piece
They're better than 95% of VNs. It's the cold hard truth

>> No.37287634

steins gate is terrible

>> No.37287660

>You simply don't have time to develop taste in a medium if you watch every single isekai anime airing each season. Same with eroge equivalent.
There aren't that many isekai anime per season you begin with despite memes. It's just that they just find their way to top. Despite people crying about muh isekai they deliberately only watch those 2 or 4 isekai that come out per season.

>> No.37287707

Tried sakuuta because it is the most popular and top rated VN of 2010s, and it turned out to be garbage for most part

>> No.37287726

This but with baldr sky

>> No.37287758

That would be every scat-ji VN, not only sakuuta lol

>> No.37287775

Not even sca-ji fans think his shit is well-written.

>> No.37287777

Tousui Kitan and Nijuuei were alright.

>> No.37287786

The first half was pretty garbage with constant shimoneta and all heroines being overly horny for no reason but it will catch up starting from rina chapter

>> No.37287790


>> No.37287801

>any kind of audience
>regardless of their tastes
>but I add a “can” so it meant to be subjective
Fucking retard

>> No.37287809
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>> No.37287815

>it will catch up starting from rina chapter
It again drops in quality and it again catches up ad nauseum
Some of those big scenes in later half just don't hit you right because there's just no proper lead up to anything and every good scene is bogged down by a boatload of garbage content

>> No.37287819

Basically, people that make eroge are prisoners. It was almost a title drop.

>> No.37287851

>They're better than 95% of VNs
Perhaps. But they're not better than even 5% of the VNs I read. Maybe don't read 95% of all VNs next time and you won't have to resort to liking Naruto.

I'm not complaining about people watching isekai anime, (I've read the manga for Saihate no Paladin airing this season and I enjoyed it), just making a statement regarding their taste. If some guy watches every smartphone isekai equivalent anime airing each season I'm not going to be asking for his opinion.
But I'll stop posting now and hopefully not derail the thread further.

>> No.37287854

I only liked flashbacks in sakuuta

>> No.37287859

IV was the best chapter. Too bad it was so short

>> No.37287862

>I'm not going to be asking for his opinion
Why? They are experts on isekai lol
They just cultivated their taste in a different taste.

>> No.37287870

I really disliked the first half and even started to believe all the hate towards it that it's just overhyped garbage lowering my expectations really hard but those big scenes in the second half and that ending still managed to get it into my top 3 favorite vns I ever read
And now when I started rereading it recently I actually managed to enjoy the first half a lot more because it gets more fun when you already know the story and can see through all of those layers of foreshadowing

>> No.37287894

>different taste
I meant different direction

>> No.37287925
File: 241 KB, 500x735, tokuten_shop_trader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bodies actually look really hot in the tokuten, shame about the faces.

>> No.37287927

Dropped sakuuta after rin's route
Don't care if it gets good later on

>> No.37287941

That's only your loss.

>> No.37287946

The same face is too strong with this one

>> No.37287971

I don't it ever actually totally gets good.

>> No.37288027

Never fall for 'gets good after 30 hours' meme.

>> No.37288044

>Dies irae
I did

>> No.37288097

Funnily enough, each time I fell out for it I was really glad I did so because it ended up being way better than I could expect
And most of the time vn got me hooked from the start it ended up failing really hard in the later parts making me regret spending time on it

>> No.37288234

>Suffer through trash for 30 hours so that something decent happening in the last few hours can seem like masterpiece by contrast
Time tested kamige formula

>> No.37288264

Sunk cost fallacy is a hell of a drug.

>> No.37288358

Subahibi changed my life
Musicus taught me the meaning of life
Sakuuta changed my views on art
Oretsuba compelled me to interact with people
Saihate no ima taught me the importance of 聖域
Dies irae made me embrace my nichijou

>> No.37288373

Tbh having to get through 30 hours of mediocre stuff to get that one moment that would really hit you in the right place is way more memorable for me than having 30 hours of alright stuff that looks really good on the surface but doesn't really leave you any memories after finishing it outside of being alright

>> No.37288439

being good doesn't stop mainstream media "journalists" from shitting on it
>IGN: 6.9

>> No.37288465

why does everyone look so edgy in that ss?

>> No.37288467

It depends on how you fashioned your mind to capture the experience. Some people just mindlessly experience VNs so that in the end they only remember those scenes that emotionally, sensually moved them. Some people might dynamically form a framework to capture even minute details in fucking SoL scenes that makes the writing special.

>> No.37288468

What's the worst part about reading? The reading part.

>> No.37288496

All I remember from the earlier is being a colossal waste of time where the one moment doesn't make up from the sheer boredom of the rest.
Say, something like sorceress alive is a boring piece of shit and a couple of alright hours doesn't change it.

>> No.37288498

It's mediocre as fuck.

>> No.37288515

if this is "mediocre as fuck" i really wonder to hear your examples of kamige

>> No.37288537

>Some people might dynamically form a framework to capture even minute details in fucking SoL scenes that makes the writing special.
This is a double-edged sword. You'll hate the bad shit even more.

>> No.37288554

All-ages kusoge can never be anything above mediocre.

>> No.37288573

What's 12riven like in comparison to the rest of the Infinity series? Thinking of picking it up.

>> No.37288615

How do you feel about blinking sprites?

>> No.37288625

Yeah, but my point is experiencing a work is an active process too. It's better to reflect on models that structure this experience. We're also unaware of a lot of cultural bullshit that influences this.

>> No.37288653

It was better when this thread was almost dead, instead of full of insufferable faggots one step from having a brain meltdown.
But you have to be +18 to read eroge, so wait a few years.

>> No.37288657

It's nekopara tier normalfag shit lol

>> No.37288677

Not an argument and didn't answer the question. Try again

>> No.37288678

Not everybody is a fan of gore rapege. Everything else is normie stuff that doesn't do any good for me.

>> No.37288696

Here’s my vndb. Now post yours.

>> No.37288697

So from what I get, you can't enjoy "normalfag shit" because your friends on discord will make fun of you for doing so

>> No.37288702

This is clearly a troll account

>> No.37288706


>> No.37288712

So /vn/ and ironic Discordfags have flooded this thread, I take it?

>> No.37288724

>you can't enjoy "normalfag shit" because your friends on discord will make fun of you for doing so
I hate it because they like it and I like to make fun of them for liking normalfag trash

>> No.37288791

Thread's rolling pretty fast these days
Looks like someone got released from prison

>> No.37288829

On the other hand /vn/ is dead and less cancerous these days. Something's really fishy.

>> No.37288866

Just the usual samefag, he's been going that every day for shit and giggles, won't be surprised if he also posts screencaps from here to his discord server showing how much cool he is for triggering 4channers with all the (You)s.

>> No.37288895

I'd say "don't take the bait", but it's pretty obvious that he replies to himself often at this point. Maybe he'll get tired some time.

>> No.37288924

8moe and the webring it was attached to is a viable alternative that should take care of the problem as well.

>> No.37288982

He must really really hate Chinese powerpoints. Maybe too much hentai messed with his head.

>> No.37289050

You keep shilling it every day yet you can never say what exactly you are talking about
https://anon.cafe/shelter/last/1030.html I already browsed through that shit but I'm yet to find any untranslated vn thread here

>> No.37289070

Also, explore the webring in general.

>> No.37289100

I want stuff that explores intimate relationships with lolis and isn't pure nukige. Hell, it doesn't even have to have sex in it, just romance and kissing.

>> No.37289252

Unironically 仏蘭西少女

>> No.37289276

The MC better be an oji-san too. None of that late teens to mid 20s bullshit.

>> No.37289304

Who even buys and uploads VNs for free outside of Japan and why are they doing it? Who are these 2dgf and girlcelly entities?

>> No.37289337

Chinks and seafucks pool money to buy VNs and share among themselves. Westernoid rip that shit and upload it to us.

>> No.37289356

It simply doesn't exist bruh, all of that is nukige

>> No.37289388

they have their referral links like rapidgator premium and shit

>> No.37289412

But who initially uploads this stuff?

>> No.37289734

There's damekoi for gap romance stuff but it has JC
I only know nukige other than this

>> No.37289967
File: 101 KB, 960x544, 生まれてきてごめんなさいは.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly feel your pain. I wish there was a lolige out there that took time to explore the relationship between the little girls and its mid 20s/30s protagonist instead of just making dumb jokes and getting straight to the sex.

>> No.37289999

Gusha no Kyouben is the best, you get excellent lolis without the age gap

>> No.37290016

It's hard to do that when they can't properly display and threat the loli as a little girl since she's "18", means they only end up being loli in appearance and the only reason for a developer to use them is fetishism.

>> No.37290046

>without the age gap

>> No.37290074

Kodomo Jikan manga is probably the only thing I've seen that did some really good job here

>> No.37290159

Censors aren't as bad in this regard as you seem to think. You can perfectly have a scene of the protagonist enjoying a cigarette as he waits for his elementary schooler "18" year old girlfriend to get out of class to then take her to watch Pr*cure and maybe end the afternoon with a night at D*sneyland only to have some sweet sex in the hotel while her benevolent legal guardians she totally doesn't need because she's an adult are out of the country.

>> No.37290180

>while her benevolent legal guardians she totally doesn't need because she's an adult are out of the country.
Just keep them in the country
That way it is more hot. MC trying to fool them.

>> No.37290260

Damekoi's entire drama is "nooo you can't fuck a girl who's half your age"

>> No.37290274

It was in my backlog but now that it's translated I don't care about it.

>> No.37290391

Yeah all while the MC never calls her a child and him and those around him don't care or think about the fact that he's dating a child.
That's why I said fetishism, you can have all the appearances and implications but the moment it would actually be relevant to the story it doesn't happen.
But he still fucks her with no consequences and even has threesomes, right? Well from what I've seen, never played it.
I want something where the MC actually acknowledges he could go to jail and ruin his life but still chooses to be with the loli, out of love not lust, maybe even with some bad ends where he gets found out.

>> No.37290409
File: 556 KB, 1509x420, henpri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This explains so much

>> No.37290426

>threesomes, right?
That's a random threesome scene that has nothing to do with anything. They only inserted it for fanservice.

>I want something where the MC actually acknowledges he could go to jail and ruin his life but still chooses to be with the loli,
It goes for that tone and there're cheesy dialogues like "will you choose me and turn the entire world against you?", but yeah it still plays it safe.

>> No.37290458

Why do Smee and Hooksoft games sell then? They look like shit.
And I haven't looked up anything about Hentai Prison yet, why are they talking about eroge production?

>> No.37290480

Is that supposed to be ironic? Their games certainly didn't sell because of the art.

>> No.37290518

That's an extra H scene and it happens after Mitoko grows up(that's the whole agreement she makes with a hag)

>> No.37290526

They got this rehabilitation program in prison where the prisoners work in groups on projects, protagonist decided to make a game as project.

>> No.37290878

To be fair, just because a character says something, doesn't mean it's always a mouthpiece for the writer's real opinion.
Though that's usually the case in their VNs.

>> No.37290894
File: 3.22 MB, 1903x1436, 2021-11-12_18-18-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf that's some hot outfits

>> No.37291243

Senshinkan was full of this stuff.
Not that I disagreed with most of it.

>> No.37291563

my favorite part of Django is how during the bank robbery one of the bandits is shooting at the army while raping some random girl and constantly giving her directions how to move so he can aim. Then at the end of the game they show up again and announce their marriage

>> No.37291714
File: 632 KB, 1911x1440, 2021-11-12_19-55-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the whole point of the choices here is to give you some life lesson

>> No.37291872

Eden -Saishuu Sensou Shoujo Densetsu- when?

>> No.37291916

is there even point on reading this one? how long are the parts that has been released?

>> No.37291986

Dies Irae is good from the start.

>> No.37292026

10-15 hours of content, it's really entertaining but it just ends, so be aware.

>> No.37292084

> 2 fodder routes
> good

>> No.37292095

This one is good apart from the pointless routes.

>> No.37292103

So far anyone I know who have read Dies said that 70% of the game is dead boring

>> No.37292277

I remember forcing myself through the routes only to get that turd of a true route

>> No.37292291

i remember actually liking most of the mystery and detective parts but all that ESP stuff really put me off and that ending was one of the worst i ever seen

>> No.37292339

The routes themselves aren't bad and have highlights of their own
They just don't end well for obvious reasons

>> No.37292430

If you are into chuuni Dies Irae is not boring at all.

>> No.37292504

This, I thoroughly enjoyed the entirety of Dies Irae. Far more enjoyable than mememasa that frequently fell into pretentious territory.

>> No.37292842

I see Venus actually apologized to his fans on ci-en that the game was too brutal, fucking el oh el. Fake NTR fans, they just want a dumb nukige.

>> No.37292875

Nothing will top Shade and Darkness.

>> No.37292890

fuck yeah

>> No.37293087

Not finished yet but I don’t have any problems so far, hope he continues writing what he wants to. All of the replies I read were positive too.

>> No.37293098

game wasn't that brutal. it just followed the typical venus game trend, so it's weird to see people bashing it so much. NTR fans are pretty retarded.

>> No.37293138

Isn't it already his best-selling game?

>> No.37293203 [DELETED] 

>NTR fans are pretty retarded
"The SoL was so enjoyable but then I realized I'm playing an NTR game and I was filled with uncertainty. I can't believe Haruna-chan betrayed me!!!!"
This shit couldn't possibly be written by an NTRfag. It's people who couldn't take it. If you like it, go ahead and send a positive comment. Clearly fucked mentally by the haters hard.
Highly doubt it considering the number of
ratings on dlsite, but either way he said he will reconsider how he makes games and will take a break until then (the promised side story is dead?)

>> No.37293214

I guess I should spoiler that thpr

>NTR fans are pretty retarded
The SoL was so enjoyable but then I realized I'm playing an NTR game and I was filled with uncertainty. I can't believe Haruna-chan betrayed me!!!!
This shit couldn't possibly be written by an NTRfag. It's people who couldn't take it. If you like it, go ahead and send a positive comment. Clearly fucked mentally by the haters hard.
Highly doubt it considering the number of ratings on dlsite, but either way he said he will reconsider how he makes games and will take a break until then (the promised side story is dead?)

>> No.37293380

>Fake NTR fans, they just want a dumb nukige.
This happened with egao no riyuu too, there were tons of complaints that the heroine went too far with how mean she was to MC in the ending. There's a lot of corruptionfags who don't actually like NTR, which is kind of like being someone who really likes anal so you exclusively read BL because it's guaranteed to have anal, but then complaining about how gay it is.
Do I need to read the previous ones before checking this out? I know he does sequels / shared universe stuff sometimes.

>> No.37293397

>Do I need to read the previous ones before checking this out
Not at all. It adds nothing.

>> No.37293422
File: 1.44 MB, 1198x900, natsugamike_P4PLCoStaU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naoki from Natsugamike is also a character in Summer Salt. I thought it was just an AU at first, but there's hints in Natsugamike that make it seem like they share the same universe. You don't have to read Summer Salt but I thought that was a cool bit. No clue if the writer will go anywhere with the expanded setting though.

>> No.37293776

What is the best venus game?

>> No.37294051

What a terrible fucking quote. The retarded way it's underlined (OHH LETS SKIP THE PREPOSITIONS AND FOCUS ON THE IMPORTANT PARTS) tells you it's a quote respected and shared by retards.


Schopenhauer was a dumbass romantic who appealed to people by milking their inclination for self-pitying and superiority complex-ing. An Oscar Wilde for INTJs. The Mark Twain of philosophy. God I hate his hair.

>> No.37294130

>Their games certainly didn't sell

>> No.37294196

What? They sold really well for other factors, the shitty art is something you have to put up with.

>> No.37295265

Why did nobody ever tell me that the forced feminization route in kiminozo is written by Mari Okada

>> No.37296176

It's been a pleasure posting with you all. Except you, over there. You suck.

>> No.37296238


>> No.37296510

People like to shit on the first two routes but Kei taking out all her anger/woman issues on Ren at the end of Kasumi's route is one of my favorite scenes.

>> No.37296518

I too did not discover that factoid until someone mentioned it in a Muv-Luv thread recently. Fucking hell.

>> No.37296582 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.97 MB, 1464x2159, 1636750829694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I agree. Like I said the only issue I had with those routes was because of their endings, but of course I understand why they ended like that.
Kei's route had some fantastic moments like the scene with the ren and kei on the rooftop and the entirety of Beatrice vs Eleonore, not to mention Trifa - but he's great in all the routes, I love that nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.37296763 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.18 MB, 1555x875, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did enjoy DI to an extent, but i think senshikan is so much better so far.
Protag with his group of friends, world building, cast and art just makes me coom desu. Better pacing too, even SoL scenes are good. Really fun read. Guess i should give KKK a try later. Is senshinkan fd also good by fd standards?

>> No.37296814


>> No.37296944

Can I play KKK or senshinkan without dies irae?

>> No.37296974

senhinkan sure, but i wouldn't recommend it
kkk, absolutely not - it's a sequel

>> No.37296993

>but i wouldn't recommend it
Why? Is it not good?

>> No.37297001

more like i wouldn't recommend just jumping into sensehinkan without having read dies irae in general but it's not absolutely required
though i did have my own issues with senshinkan

>> No.37297052

All of them espouse nazi values

>> No.37297500
File: 419 KB, 756x756, 1582826843872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hotori's route in nukitashi
>Jun's speech about how he will bravely sacrifice himself and fuck every woman on the island
>"ugh I know I know, but even if the world will hate me for my huge dick, as long as I have Misaki I don't mind"

Man I just want to sock that motherfucker in his face.

>> No.37297518
File: 1.72 MB, 1154x752, no seriously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys warned me about clockup and i didn't listen.
the scene where teru finally broke down and hugged mao while crying was great, though, and i'm really holding out hope that the final route has a good emotional payoff, even though this is a 1 sex scene per 30 minutes type game.

>> No.37297927


Here you go, anon, hopefully it'll work for you. Sorry for being so late but I only breeze through this thread once a week.

>> No.37298662 [SPOILER] 
File: 236 KB, 900x183, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but probably because senshinkan references DI from time to time for the sake of lulz

>> No.37298674

>i'm really holding out hope that the final route has a good emotional payoff
It does.

>> No.37298954

Thanks a ton anon, I wasn't expecting a delivery on the same thread and am glad someone had it at all.
It works on Windows XP but the installer's a bit fussy and can break some registry settings if you don't do a full install properly, so fair warning for anyone else who tries.

>> No.37299134


>> No.37299158

>forced feminization route in kiminozo is written by Mari Okada
what route is this?

>> No.37300298
File: 185 KB, 773x866, visualnvoelsforbeginners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally found it

>> No.37300461

what is so meme about ruitomo or sorechiru?
