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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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37168205 No.37168205 [Reply] [Original]

I've been familiarizing myself with Touhou lore recently and I'd like to ask /jp/ some questions. Namely, maybe I'm just being paranoid and pessimistic and schizo but Gensokyo seems like a really great deal for youkai while a shit deal for humans. What do humans even gain from living in Gensokyo? Magic? The ability to worship gods without them withering away (this has so far only benefited one (1) human in the series: Sanae)? They are literally only there as fear cattle, besides like the single exception of Marisa.
Meanwhile what do youkai have to gain from living in Gensokyo? Not fading away into fucking nothing, for one. A steady supply of fear and belief without having to exert themselves, hapless weakling outsiders are gapped in regularly for the locals to eat, never having to worry about large-scale retribution from the humans, Gensokyo is an absolute paradise for them, meanwhile for humans it just seems like a better idea to go live in the outside world.

>> No.37168503

edgefag. your reading too deeply in it. it's just a setting for cute girls retard

>> No.37169766

>What do humans even gain from living in Gensokyo?
they can wander around drunk and pick fist fights with the youkai

>> No.37170687

they get sex with youkai LOL

>> No.37170817 [DELETED] 

stupid nigger thread
black niggers hang niggers curbstomp a nigger into the concrete

>> No.37170978 [DELETED] 

Based and niggewreckerpilled

>> No.37171051

>What do humans even gain from living in Gensokyo?
Their relations are almost human in nature. They can be enemies one second and friends the next. The food chain doesn't change however.
>They are literally only there as fear cattle, besides like the single exception of Marisa.
Marisa isn't an exception. Humans like her and Reimu are prodigies by Human Village standards. Anyone else outside the village probably left on their own volition and/or are just skilled enough to survive on their own.

>> No.37171370

It may be shit for humans, but humans are not the main focus of the series.

>> No.37171398
File: 148 KB, 500x500, fuck off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting reddit memes

>> No.37171455

>it's just a setting for cute girls
It's really more than that. But this thread is horrible and OP is clearly a crossie, so I'll leave it at that.

>> No.37171773 [DELETED] 

didnt read, kys nigger
you too crossie

>> No.37174651

the 4chinner FEARS the reddit meme

>> No.37174882


>> No.37174946

...From who? The youkai they wouldn't need protection from if they didn't live in Gensokyo?

>> No.37174958

4chan in 05: top text, bottom text, image in a frame bottom text

4chan in 21: (same shit)
- response: FUCK OFF REDDIT

>> No.37174968

If a meteor is going to fall on you tomorrow, would you rely on some puny human or a youkai like Suika to make herself larger and catch the thing.
If humans are wiped out, youkai die off. The case is the same with deities.

>> No.37175017

But anon, meteors and shit are really, REALLY fringe cases that don't justify living in Gensokyo at all. If the humans there are sent to the Outside World, they'd probably just move into any one of the numerous rural villages that exist in Japan and live the rest of their lives in relative comfort.
Arguing that you should live in Gensokyo because at least the youkai will ensure you aren't genocided as long as you stay in the village is insanity. You could be destitute, poor, mangled, decrepit, living in fear and despair for your entire life, and the youkai won't give a shit as long as you and others like you aren't dying in droves.

>> No.37175061

When epidemics, natural disasters, bad harvests and terminal illnesses are mostly caused by semi-imaginary creatures they are somewhat easier to deal with, especially when it's in those creatures good interest to keep your species alive.

>> No.37175087

Living in Gensokyo for an outsider is a choice, knowing that there's a world outside of Gensokyo isn't common knowledge. You forget that Gensokyo is closed off to the rest of the world. Humans inside are different from the Humans outside. Gensokyo is just a youkai nature reserve that Yukari and the others created to not fade away. The shitty living conditions are just a side effect.

>> No.37175125

>epidemics, natural disasters, bad harvests and terminal illnesses are mostly caused by semi-imaginary creatures
Yep. Easier that than to realize the epidemics don't exist on the first place, and the bad harvests are caused by the same ones lying about the epidemics and who own the money printers, buying the good lands or the good harvests and destroying them to create scarcity, and because without your obedient sacrifice they wouldn't hold their power

>> No.37175608

>What do humans even gain from living in Gensokyo?
not knowing how bad things have become

>> No.37175706

lol go back normalfag

>> No.37178817

a free lootbox every other month

>> No.37182161
File: 112 KB, 572x303, 1506176887717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being cunts anons, there's literally nothing wrong with a thread starter with actual effort put into it for a change.

Living conditions for the humans are nice. There's nothing wrong with living in a simple old fashioned village commune, except the lack of antibiotics which Eientei makes up for. The need for the humans' fear doesn't mean they live in a constant state of dread, but rather that they continue believing in the youkai, and don't do anything stupid (the main way to avoid dangerous youkai tends to be good life advice in general).

That being said, Gensokyo IS a cage the humans can't escape from, and life in any certain environment won't be suitable for everyone. Their lives and fates are in the hands of mysterious entities with unclear goals. Yukari does spirit away even innocent humans (official sources show that instead of just people who would die anyway, even regular highschoolers and such get gensokyo'd from time to time), who might end up as youkai food. Anyone seriously destabilizing the status quo might end up being dealt with brutally (fortune teller, comments in the manga about the youkai being worried about a strong charismatic leader rising up from among the humans).

And even if it's a bit unfair to the humans, don't youkai deserve to exist? Like many well written works, the situation is anything but black and white.

>> No.37182378

For me, I just wonder how people recognise Humans from Youkai. I mean sometimes its obvious with their animal-like features and abilities or possibly their clothing, but there are some who certainly conceal it more than others.

>> No.37182966

They can't. I mean, Seki, Suika, Miyoi, Mamizou are visiting village very often, and yet no human (that is not a major character) seems to realize that.

>> No.37182993

Nobody would have a problem, if he didn't make it painfully obvious he doesn't belong here.

>> No.37183143

>if he didn't make it painfully obvious he doesn't belong here.
And what might that be?

>> No.37183274

At least in Suika's case, Oni were a thoroughly conquered group even before the barrier went up. Trying to drum up fear would be pointless when anyone in the know could nerf her into being a normality with beans, so it makes sense that she and the other oni characters have more in common with the humans than the other youkai who can genuinely strike fear and revulsion in humanity, and her remaining strong is in everyone's best interests because having someone who can potentially chuck Youkai Mountain into a bin is a useful asset.

>> No.37183281

Into being a normie*

>> No.37183410

They have no choice, but it's also not terrible for them.
It's not like we outside humans have no fears, it's just that we don't anthropomorphize our fears. In a way, life in Gensokyo is probably easier, since youkai generally have clear weaknesses, unlike, say, climate change, pandemics, surveillance economy (although Gensokyo may have it worse there), the fear of growing old alone, etc.
I'm pretty sure the human propensity for fear hasn't changed much over time, it's merely objects of our fears that change.

>> No.37183833

Into being an onahole*

>> No.37187905


>> No.37188160

times change anonamiss chama. what was once based is now cringe.

>> No.37188349

Not OP but how would it work out if a famous serial killer/hired mercenary ended up dropping in Gensokyo? Would they become an youkai from the stories alone with their fame?
Or does it take more than that to become a youkai?
Would they be hunted down even if it was never their intention to become one?

>> No.37188405

I've gotten the feeling from the manga and side material that people are just supposed to politely pretend they can't tell a youkai is a youkai whenever they're in the village. According to Akyuu outside people really can't tell the difference though.

>> No.37189846

nah, its specifically BELIEF that makes a youkai, as well as magic shit. you wont become a youkai just because youre well known and feared.

>> No.37191074

Fair enough, thanks for clearing it up.
Then it leaves another question, how would someone become a youkai by accident and would they still be subjugated by Reimu?

>> No.37191350

Some seem fairly human-looking. Alice, for one. Do village residents have some secret sense that allows them to distinguish? (assuming she doesn't have dolls floating around)

>> No.37191871

>and would they still be subjugated by Reimu?
This is pretty murky territory since the specifics with the Fortune Teller case aren't fully explain. From what seems to be the case, there were several issues that stemmed from it.

1. He was a human from the human village. They have special rights and protections that outsiders don't, since they're needed to make Gensokyo run. Likewise though, they have rules they're expected to follow. If you were an outsider who happened into Gensokyo, you could probably become a youkai just fine if you didn't decide to join the human village (see Alice).

2. He did so intentionally, in a way to game the system. He didn't even intend to feed into the system by playing the role of a fearsome youkai scaring humans. Instead he sought to exploit it. This in itself isn't too bad, again see Alice, but the problem is that, if humans in the human village realized this, their fear of the youkai would collapse, and many would attempt to follow in his footsteps. This would be a very bad thing.

Hopefully these two reasons make sense. Again, they aren't technically canon since it's not really explained clearly, just assumptions based on what we know and can predict. In short, if you're an outsider and don't mingle with the village, you can probably become a youkai just fine. If you accidentally become a youkai, you can probably live as long as you get the fuck out of the village and adopt the role of a youkai.

>> No.37192195

>comments in the manga about the youkai being worried about a strong charismatic leader rising up from among the humans)
After all these years, I'm surprised that while we've had humans involved in incidents and even causing one, none of them seem to much to do with the Human Village.

>> No.37192774
File: 291 KB, 844x841, orin thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes perfect sense, thank you very much for taking your time and throughly explaining it to me, anon.

>> No.37194424

This, but also get out

>> No.37194685
File: 36 KB, 540x540, Lore Thread Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, this turned out to be a really nice Lore thread.

Just for the record OP, when you start a lore thread, you are supposed to use pic rel.

>> No.37194716
File: 371 KB, 512x512, Lore Thread Sama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this image

>> No.37195142

>this is supposed to be a really nice lore thread
yikes. /jp/ has gone completely down the shitter hasn't it. every other 2hu thread i see is inane waifushit

>> No.37198187

is this a combo of all pc98 2hus?

>> No.37198426


>> No.37198743

Scraps are precious in this wasteland. And I'm guessing some anons are just afraid to put more effort into threads because of how things are right now.

>> No.37201890

What I’m kind of curious about how the status quo is maintained is how long can it last? Like what would it take to break it and how good or a bad thing would it end up being for humans, youkai, and others?

>> No.37201908

>how long can it last
It's been lasting for over a hundred years, and youkai have very long lives. I think if anything major happened Yukari or Okina would step in. Of course, it's Reimu's job to ensure status quo remains intact.

>> No.37207400

What would happen if we killed Reimu? Assassins from the outside, they just waltz to the Hakurei shrine and shoot the fuck outta reims.

>> No.37208609

Pretty sure that's near impossible given the amount of youkais around, odds are you'd bite the bullet first.

>> No.37208699

I dunno man, what if you got the drop on them? Think about it, you're an unassuming outside man, no magical power whatsoever, everyone automatically looks down on your weak ass. You strut up to the Hakurei shrine because that's not an uncommon thing for outsiders to do, Reimu is likely sitting under a kotatsu and drinking tea and if there's any youkai around they're probably milling about, completely unaware of the tragedy you're about to cause. Enter the shrine, then you pull out your gun and go to town. Would Reims be able to get a Cautionary Barrier up before you splatter her brains all over the wall? Me thinks not. You'd probably get insta gibbed right after by her friends, but Reimu is dead and your mission accomplished.

>> No.37208774

>unassuming outside man
That's exactly what makes you free for youkais to prey on.

>> No.37208862

You would be able to handle most low level youkai with the gun, the higher level guys that actually get character art and boss fights don't just nab any random outsider they come across and you're unlikely to encounter them outside of Reimu's shrine anyways. Getting to Reimu's shrine not-dead isn't an impossibility, even without a gun, and both her shrine and the Human Village are "sanctuary" for outsiders; youkai can't eat you there.
Of the youkai/gods known to loiter around the shrine frequently, there's Suika (who would be drunk off her ass 24/7, she wouldn't gib you until its too late), Aunn (who likely wouldnt consider you a threat until, once again, its too late), Sukuna (shes a fucking inchling), and Shion (who, although a god, likely wouldn't be able to stop you in time).
An outsider killing Reimu is totally plausible. Them surviving after the fact, not so much.

>> No.37208929

I'm just gonna pretend that every post attempting discussion in this thread is joking and not sincere.

>> No.37209328

this is what happens when you let edgelords do as they please.

>> No.37209338

I haven't read anything in this thread so I don't know why you hope that.

>> No.37209341

read it and you'll know...

>> No.37209348

>And I'm guessing some anons are just afraid to put more effort into threads because of how things are right now.
holy SHIT you have summarized how i feel about making a thread here in a single sentence

nah y'see here, reimu has this thing called ~~plot armor~~ "intuition"

Jokes aside, wouldn't you run into trouble if you were attacked far enough away from the shrine that Reimu couldn't save you in time but still close enough for someone at the shrine to hear a gunshot? This does require someone at the shrine to actually know what a gunshot sounds like (someone from SDM or Eientei), but it doesn't seem too unlikely.

>You would be able to handle most low level youkai with the gun
Guns work on youkai? Is it because they existed in history for a long time?

>> No.37209403

You'd get a loud *whang* as the bullet ricocheted off Reimu's youkai skull before she tore you limb from limb.
The youkai shrine maiden about as "human" as the fortune teller she boinked.

>> No.37209408
File: 347 KB, 1200x1200, matchlock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The human village has guns.
Old, crappy guns, but guns.

>> No.37209506


>> No.37210195

The Fortune Teller was killed by Reimu because he insulted her and because Reimu is a psycho. She killed Kogasa with the needles Kogasa crafted for her just because she felt like it and didn't want to pay.

>> No.37210304

>She killed Kogasa with the needles Kogasa crafted for her just because she felt like it and didn't want to pay.
where did this happen

>> No.37215135
File: 1.23 MB, 838x947, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WaHH chapter 27
Here's an early chapter with Reimu talking about her mindset.

>> No.37217337

Oh my gosh. Reimu is a complete cyclepath.

>> No.37217825

reimu is fucking based

>> No.37218033

Nah the thing is Yukari wouldn't drop someone with a gun and the will to try and make an attempt on Reimu to begin with because they're much better served in the Outside World where their unstable behaviors will hinder the types of society which keep Gensokyo locked away.

>> No.37218220

Guns? Yes, if it's a prized family heirloom, you can whack them with it like a gohei. The bullets? Much less likely unless you get some jank-ass WWI ammunition to sling at them.

>> No.37218648

>Guns work on youkai?
Yeah? Does new technology not work on youkai or something? Would the latest Lunarian tech be useless against them?

>> No.37218761

lore threads about as shit as power level threads

>> No.37218839

whats better than lore threads?

>> No.37219785

image dumps

>> No.37219979
File: 158 KB, 500x500, 1635833178550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37220007

No, anon. Lore threads used to be one of the best threads on this board. And this isn't even a lore thread, this is a shitty bait made by a redditor.

>> No.37221188

So which characters canonically know about and have sex? I know Junko is an obvious candidate due to being a mother who lost her child due to lunarian shenanigans but who else knows about having sum fuk?

>> No.37221663

mob characters in the human village

>> No.37224337

Suwako since Sanae is her descendant

>> No.37225397

reimu is a poor shameless psychopath miser. shes a danger to society

>> No.37225552

youkai deserve to be abused

>> No.37230845
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, meiling shark.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youkai should be loved!

>> No.37239197


>> No.37239697

I assume Lunarians have magic infused in their guns which lets them hurt youkai. Then again, the line between "magic" and "technology" is probably pretty blurry in Touhou.

>> No.37240190

Since when did you need magic to hurt youkai?

>> No.37240304

>Youkai are primarily spiritual beings rather than physical ones. As such they are more vulnerable to faith-based attacks (such as charms, wards, etc.) than to physical injuries and ailments; it's said a youkai can even recover from being cut into pieces, if the damage has insufficient "meaning" behind it. Some youkai, such as magicians, have bodies more similar to humans and may lack this ability.
Says so on the wiki bro.

>> No.37240830

>outsiders btfo in a single sentence
if your gun aint magic it cant do SHIT against youkai.

>> No.37241224

I guess you could get a modern gun with a large clip size and tap-fire to sort of deal with the regeneration factor since you're dealing semi-constant damage, but there's not that much canon information on how youkai regeneration works.

>> No.37241527

>What do humans even gain from living in Gensokyo?
Several protections and a reasonably easy life.

>> No.37241550

>knowing that there's a world outside of Gensokyo isn't common knowledge
Completely fucking false, man. Everyone knows the situation, the information is common knowledge, however escape is impossible. Furthermore most people are not interested in escaping, and the few who are are either killed or summarily dismissed and ignored. Dude they literally have stores dedicated to items from the outside world, and finding outsiders is an outright common occurrence

>> No.37241681

Nothing. Read the manga. If Reimu died they'd just pick a new shrine maiden

>> No.37241757

Which manga?

>> No.37241824

SSiB, near the end

>> No.37241949

Who is they?

>> No.37243346

Aya, on chapter 20 of SSiB. After Reimu goes missing for 25 days she remarks that they may have to find another shrine maiden before long, implying that the status of Hakurei shrine maiden is something transferrable.

>> No.37246858

all of them because i fucked them all

>> No.37251921

Huh. Wonder how many shrine maidens were gored in Gensokyo's history.

>> No.37251998

Why's there no black people in Gensokyo?

>> No.37252069
File: 792 KB, 1112x1280, Amakusa Shirō.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comments in the manga about the youkai being worried about a strong charismatic leader rising up from among the humans
It's my boy Amakusa Shirō's time to shine!

>> No.37252284

But aren't her uber-abilities tied to her, and not the position? An actual human Youkai Exterminator wouldn't be able to leverage the spellcard system the same way one who could casually destroy all life in Gensokyo by exterminating the Human Village single-handedly the way Reimu could.

>> No.37252368
File: 671 KB, 800x694, Reimu and cat lounging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat. Reimu's ability is to "float", both in terms of flight and the metaphorical "float" through life. The anti-yokai abilities and weapons (such as her ying yang orb) are gifts from the Hakurai god and can be passed down.

>> No.37252582

We *do* have a measure of a gun's performance - Sumireko's 3D printed gun in the fighters. On one hand it doesn't instantly kill the target as a real firearm should, but on the other it's far from useless.

Also there's evidence in the need for Gensokyo in the first place. If youkai were just immune to modern technology they'd just march into downtown Toyko and wreck havoc at will.

So I'd expect the standard would be if you have a decent gun and knew how to use it, you'd do just fine for yourself until you ran out of bullets.

>> No.37252597

Isn't that because it's magic and shoots danmaku?

>> No.37252603


>> No.37252633

Because Gensokyo is in Japan and most entities there are native to Japan/surrounding areas like China. Remilia and her gang are old school Euros, and I can't name anyone else from the West off the top of my head.

>> No.37252657


>> No.37252721

Hecatia is based off Hecate, and Hecate isn't black.

>> No.37252763

She's from the west, which is what anon was trying to list off.

>> No.37252817

The ignorant villagers would think any black person they come across is cursed, and then exile them from the village so they don't attract youkai.

>> No.37253417

No famous black girls

>> No.37253768

ZUN and all other japs hate black people. Japan is a racist ethnostate

>> No.37256219

not really, but kind of, and that's a good thing

>> No.37259341

Because it's Land of Fantasy :P

>> No.37259362 [DELETED] 

she lost her fucking bow.
Theyre only racist if theyre white.
Kill all wiggers and cu cks.

>> No.37259510

Living in gensokyo is worth it simply for potential of magic and stuff like immortality.
It is in general no more dangerous than the average jrpq universe, just need to be able to defend yourself, even easier with the spellcard rules.

>> No.37259672

Rumia will sometimes give oral. The recipient of said oral may not get their genitals back tho

>> No.37259709

>did sex
Suwako, the moonbitches, hecatia, miko and her wifes.
Almost everyone else, minus the more childsh ones like the majority of the fairies and maybe rumia and utsuho.

>> No.37262711

No one does. Everyone in 2hu is pure, virginal, and innocent

>> No.37263141

What, Junko is now Virgin Mary?

>> No.37263205

Technically Junko became something else than what she was.

>> No.37263514

Well yeah, but in that case why is it unthinkable to be able to find someone similar in a land of fantasy?

>> No.37263532

>miko and her wifes
not confirmed, not even confirmed she was ever married. Like yeah there's the legends but however much of the legends are true has never been clarified.

Seiga was confirmed married and had a family

>> No.37263568


>> No.37263867


>> No.37268153

Seiga is an evil unfaithful whore

>> No.37268307
File: 19 KB, 350x236, Seiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad anon

>> No.37271600

why did lunarians decide to base their entire society off of shinto purity when it's so easy to corrupt?

>> No.37271854
File: 315 KB, 1200x675, harrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My headcanon is that it's just a bunch of girls playing games and fantasizing in some rural town. Some are really into it, and others just play along (hags). The absence of certain characters in some scenarios really feels like they just don't want to play along that day.
And if this is true, then there really isn't any lore.

>> No.37273557

I've always wondered, if belief = manifestation if what was believed in and disbelief/lack of belief = it dissipates and dies, then where do monotheistic religions sit in Touhou? Are gods like the Abrahamic God real? If so, wouldn't they eclipse everyone in power by a pretty fucking wide margin?

>> No.37273606

Christianity, Judaism and Islam are foreign religions with little significance in Gensokyo. The Touhou wiki lists some instances where some references to Abrahamic religions there

>> No.37273626

If you stopped believing in reality, woudl the entire universe in Touhou disappear?

>> No.37273835

No, probably. If so humans would be OP as fuck and you'd wonder why youkai don't spec into mind control instead of this other shit.
I think humans can only "disbelieve" things that were believed into existence in the first place. A random rock on the ground won't go away no matter how much humanity ignores it, but a God brought into existence by human yearning and faith will.

>> No.37274023

Does she instantly lose her powers if her hymen is penetrated?

>> No.37274078


>> No.37274219

>A random rock on the ground won't go away no matter how much humanity ignores it
But that's how outside world things fall into Gensokyo to begin with.

Also what makes the rock exist? Was that rock created by a god created by humans or are rocks some sort of inherent part of reality?

>> No.37274387

Forgotten things fall into Gensokyo because of the border shenanigans going on with it, but if all forgotten things ended up in Gensokyo they would be dealing with A LOT more shit from the Outside and beyond on a daily basis, so I imagine there's some other criteria beyond just being forgotten or ignored.

>> No.37274677

Well they do have the two scrapyards of Marisa's house and Rinnosuke's shop. Garbage dumps probably aren't forgotten. Probably has to be something people thought about at some point.

>> No.37274698

It makes them immortal.
The irony is that they're so sinful in the way they preserve their purity they're scheduled by fate to lose their immortality, anyways.

>> No.37274704

Seihu implies that Gensokyo isn't the only bubble of its type. Not all of it is going to go into a single region.

>> No.37274762

Garbage dumps as a whole might not be forgotten, but individual items within probably are. Random rocks, wild animals, broken items, random trash thrown into the sea years ago, that one bag of Christmas toys you threw into the attic and never thought about again, Gensokyo would be flooded with these random items and the entire place would become a junkyard.
This makes more sense, but doesn't this mean every hidden realm has to deal with the outside world's trash and rejects ending up all over the place? And how does such a system work with things that are forgotten and then rediscovered outside (like King Tut's Tomb)? If they were forgotten, shouldn't they be in a hidden realm?

>> No.37274838
File: 100 KB, 335x877, lunarians btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need to head up there and cause trouble. even one (1) dead rabbit will put their entire operation in jeopardy

>> No.37274881

>And how does such a system work with things that are forgotten and then rediscovered outside (like King Tut's Tomb)?
There's a chapter about a seal in some manga that deals with this I think

Overall, the boundary of fantasy and reality, which is the thing forgotten things cross through isn't the same thing as the Hakurei barrier that just keeps people trapped in Gensokyo, which things without minds can cross through. It's like Reimu's shrine which can be in both places, something forgotten is here and not here but it's not necessarily in Gensokyo. I'm sure there's some sort of giant scrapyard realm. If Luna isn't unique among fairies, the various fairies and probably youkai and humans decorate their houses with pieces of outside world stuff.

Also all that material for clothing and silly hats has to come from somewhere. I doubt there are any mines as well. Rinnosuke/the kappa probably process materials to use.

>> No.37279705

ZUN said he thinks including a monotheistic deity as a character in your story is pointless, because either it's always right and basically a non-entity, or it's not always right and the heroes have to kill it - no flexibility.

>> No.37279830

There is some significance to the idea of a monotheistic entity that always watches over its followers: namely, they'd never have the criteria to enter a place like Gensokyo because by definition of having an all-seeing deity over their shoulder, they'll never be entirely forgotten.
That way, no pesky Christian priests will accidentally fall into Gensokyo an start converting the locals, keeping them conveniently out of the narrative.

>> No.37281861

Yeah, and Christianity's whole history of "There's only OUR GOD everyone else is a HERETIC that must be DESTROYED" wouldn't mesh well with everyone else.

>> No.37283648

anyone else starting to feel a bit euphoric?

>> No.37283664
File: 150 KB, 1892x2182, basedamerica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as fuck.

>> No.37284998 [DELETED] 

Happened with many different religions.
Buddism and Taoism had wars with each.
Emperor Taiwu of Northern Wei, a devout Taoist ordered Buddhism abolished under penalty of death, and slaughtered the Buddhists.
Taoist Emperor Wuzong of the Tang Dynasty initiated the "Great Anti-Buddhist Persecution".
Huichang Persecution of Buddhism.

Before the Qin dynasty you basically had Confucianists and Legalists trying to push their ideology through, and the Qin Shi Huangdi emperor resolutely chose for Legalism.
This meant a short-lived dynasty of bitter repression and harsh physical punishment, lots of body parts were cut in those days. The followers of Legalism had most of Confucius's books burned.

Hellenic Romans killed the Druids and Celts.
The Romans decimated Gaelic paganism, and the Germanic tribes were selling neighboring tribesmen as slaves to Arabs and Persians.
Greece eradicated the Thracians
Greeks burn and loot the temple of Apollo because they don't worship Apollo like the Trojans did.

>> No.37285056

Happened with many different religions.
Buddism and Taoism had wars with each.
Emperor Taiwu of Northern Wei, a devout Taoist ordered Buddhism abolished under penalty of death, and slaughtered the Buddhists.
Taoist Emperor Wuzong of the Tang Dynasty initiated the "Great Anti-Buddhist Persecution".
Huichang Persecution of Buddhism.

Before the Qin dynasty you basically had Confucianists and Legalists trying to push their ideology through, and the Qin Shi Huangdi emperor resolutely chose for Legalism.
This meant a short-lived dynasty of bitter repression and harsh physical punishment, lots of body parts were cut in those days. The followers of Legalism had most of Confucius's books burned.

Hellenic Romans killed the Druids and Celts.
The Romans decimated Gaelic paganism, and the Germanic tribes were selling neighboring tribesmen as slaves to Arabs and Persians.
Greece eradicated the Thracians
Greeks burn and loot the temple of Apollo because they don't worship Apollo like the Trojans did.

Buddhist-Taoist conflict is the reason for Touhou Shinreibyou Divine Spirit Mausoleum~ Ten Desires.
Toyosatomimi no Miko describes Mononobe no Futo as being a scaredy-cat, though her "fear" of Buddhist statues led to her burning them (and temples) down to the ground (as the head of the Mononobe clan).

>> No.37285176

The Soga clan supported the spread of Buddhism when it was first introduced in Japan during the 6th century by monks from Baekje (Japanese Kudara). Many Japanese at the time, disliking foreign ideas and believing that this new religion might be an affront to the traditional "kami" or spirits and gods, opposed Buddhism. The rival Mononobe and Nakatomi clans succeeded in gathering hostility against this new religion when a disease spread, following the arrival of a Buddhist statue. It was claimed the epidemic was a sign of anger by the local spirits and the Soga temple at the palace was burned down.

The Soga family, however, firmly believed that the most civilized people believed in Buddhism and continued to actively promote it, placing a holy image of the Buddha in a major Shinto shrine. Soga no Iname claimed that Buddhism brought with it a new form of government that would subvert the independence of the clans, unifying the people under the Emperor. After fifty years of ideological war, Buddhism, defended and protected by the Soga, began to take hold in Japan.

>> No.37285721


>> No.37286276


>From who?
Humans are the most dangerous threat to other humans. Thus far, the Youkai have not utilized nuclear weaponry.

>> No.37286585

Nukes have been around for almost 80 years and the total deaths they've caused are around 200k. The best protection from nukes is you yourself having some, hippies shit on MAD but it's the reason why we aren't a nuclear hellscape. They aren't something to worry about. Dying in a war in general usually isn't something to worry about if you're living in a 1st world country.

>> No.37286738


>> No.37286751

Much anti-Christian sentiment here. Why are atheist still mad?

>> No.37286898


>> No.37287031

At least in an in-universe context, what the Christans wanted would basically preclude genociding all of the local deities and youkai (which considering the Roman pantheon degenerated into a bunch of hedonistic bullies with superpowers, and the youkai are implied to be intentionally made to terrorize humanity by moon people, isn't technically misguided), so you really wouldn't have a setting if they ever got too heavily involved.

>> No.37288960

>Thus far, the Youkai have not utilized nuclear weaponry.
What is Okuu?

>> No.37290045

Seems that way unfortunately.

>> No.37292914

Fortunately you mean. Christcucks are one of the most annoying groups there is. Look at them show up and start whining about being bullied

>> No.37293147
File: 78 KB, 500x376, The Moon must be blowed up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have the right mentality, but unfortunatelly you use crossie lingol. Start talking like a normal person and we will welcome you as a fellow moonie hater.

>> No.37293234
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/jp/ is a Taoist board. Followers of the carpenter are not welcome.

>> No.37293412

Mmm I don't think ZUN would add any big players in Gensokyou, be it Christian or otherwise.

99% of the characters that are considered Strong in Gensokyou aren't that Impressive Ouside of it. Most Characters from Ouside are strong as fuck by Gensokyou standards and even they are probably only mid-tier.

>> No.37293818

No throwing a bitchfit and getting triggered by the mere mention of Christanity is more annoying.

>> No.37293876

False, /jp/ is a Shinto board.

>> No.37294323

>99% of the characters that are considered Strong in Gensokyou aren't that Impressive Ouside of it.
How. Flandre's ability to destroy anything seems quite powerful no matter how strong the opposition is

>> No.37294361

to be fair we only hear about "big players" in vague terms in passing, and knowing how information is conveyed in touhou you can't be too sure if the way a character is describing someone or something is 100% accurate.

>> No.37294540

Christianity will most likely only be referenced in Gensokyu kinda like the Americans when the moon is brought up. It's just too big to ignore.
In Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Rumia claims that she stretches her arms out to resemble the "crucifixion of a saint", most likely refering to Jesus Christ, and both Seiga Kaku and Hieda no Akyuu compare Toyosatomimi no Miko to Jesus: Seiga finds tales of his resurrection after a mere three days unimpressive compared to Miko's, while Akyuu notes that legends of Prince Shotoku being born in a stable (which Miko denies) were probably influenced by Christianity.
In Symposium of Post-mysticism, Seiga Kaku decides to act as a "Santa Claus" for Gensokyo (being unsure if the real Santa exists there), but simplify things by stealing valuables to pay for the toys she leaves. Aya Shameimaru merely expresses a hope that she doesn't wear Santa's white hair while she does it, since she wouldn't want such deeds associated with someone who looks like the tengu's god Sarutahiko.
In Wild and Horned Hermit, Kasen Ibaraki compares Buddha and Jesus's teachings.

>> No.37294589

>rumia imitates Christ's crucified body for fun
>Seiga shits on Christ's resurrection
>Seiga shits all over Christmas
>Kasen calls Christ "too attached to his flesh"
What the fuck was ZUNs problem?

>> No.37294608

Wasn't it just shown to not even kill something forever?

>> No.37294629

Literally just opinions.

>> No.37294637

Dude yeah she could just look down at the ground and blow up the earth Frandoll is the strongest XD

>> No.37294648

Zun admits he doesn't know much about Taoism or Christianity and uses them because he's fascinated by them.
Kinda like the creators of Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

>> No.37294778

It's always been an indirect influence on the setting, as it's implied vampire hunters are the reason the SDM left whichever part of Europe it was in for Gensokyo.

>> No.37294845

How else are you supposed to interpret "Ability: Destroying absolutely anything"? Things like Sakuya's no-limits time stop or Yukari's border manipulation seem nigh-impossible to beat.

>> No.37294901

I don't trust Akyuu
before you bring it up I don't trust ZUN, either

>> No.37295818

Probably because 17.5 proved it was an embellishment that even Okina fell for before realizing it was an exaggeration by the press.

>> No.37296180

He's just indifferent to Christianity. It's actually kind of a refreshing break from the extremes of Christian reverence/atheist edgelording that you have to deal with in the West.

>> No.37296422

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.

>> No.37296588 [DELETED] 
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There are LITERAL Satanic sacrifices being committed right now and being covered up by the media but you still worship demons who want your damnation

>> No.37297113 [DELETED] 

trolled hard

>> No.37297138 [DELETED] 

You are not trolling you are shilling for evil

>> No.37297440 [DELETED] 

Why are christians so delusional?

>> No.37297655

Didnt she attack Kasodani though?

>> No.37297669

I dont think its fair to compare human technology with Lunarians' which are far more advanced, plus they're familiar with yukais unlike humans so they'll know how to deal with them. Even without technology they're already strong on their own anw

>> No.37297694 [DELETED] 

They're perfectly sane in a setting like Gensokyo that assumes all myths are reality, it's just that they like the Lunarians are purity-obsessed to the point it drives them to squeeze all the fun out of everything.

>> No.37297756

Newbie question, how accurate is the wiki? Since some of the descriptions or statements in there are given without sourcing towards the canon source. Also I have seen a lot of canonfags saying 'Meiling being lazy is a fanon trope' for example but thats also in the wiki description

>> No.37297778

She also have the power to manipulate gaps right? Is that her own power too or its handed down as a shrine maiden?

>> No.37297889

The wiki is fairly accurate, the "Meiling is lazy" thing is exaggerated in fanon, but exists in canon (with characters like Aya teasing her over it in Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red, plus an eyewitness report in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense says she was sleeping on the job). Let's also not forget her scenario in Hisoutensoku was a dream.
The few places where the wiki gets inaccurate is powers and abilities, mainly because many of them are ripped straight from PMiSS and ignores the unreliable narration/sources of information in it.

>> No.37298058

Theres also that one small scene in Inaba of the Earth and Inaba of the Moon of her incompetency, so I always though if her being lazy is somewhat canon. Thanks for the spoonfeeding though

>> No.37298605

She has the power to manipulate spatial boundaries and barriers. It's probably a bloodline ability or handed down.

>> No.37298822

As the other anon said the wiki is decently accurate except for ur favorite 2hu's page and you need to keep in mind that it's a wiki, a collection of dry information taken from canon sources. Seeing what's actually written or stated in canon always takes priority, and even then canon should not be a chain that prevents you from having a different interpretation or impression of a specific situation or character. Most people are only annoyed when fanon makes blatant lies or heavy exaggerations so popular that almost nobody questions them any more, and when people try to pass off some interpretation as absolute canonical truth.

>> No.37298846

I think she can Manipulate Bounderies via borrowing the Power of the Gods. There should be a Diety of Borders/Bounderies out there willing to aid her. For Example Hermes has that role in the Greek Pantheon, but I'm not sure if she can borrow the power of non Japanese Gods though.

>> No.37300188

1. Who are you quoting?
2. The Seiga examples are weird to use considering that Seiga is one of the few blatantly evil touhous.

>> No.37300847

>Also I have seen a lot of canonfags saying 'Meiling being lazy is a fanon trope' for example
Some facts of canon make people pissy and they pretend it's fanon. Similar is "glutton Yuyuko"--she's literally been known to stuff her face since PCB

>> No.37302192

Mods delete posts defending Christ and His Word
Mods are anti-Christian

>> No.37302346

>Mods are anti-Christian
Their only redeeming factor

>> No.37302357
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>blatantly evil
She isn't any more evil than an average youaki. I mean, what's so evil about necromancy, especially in the land where everyone is a maneater.

>> No.37302475
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>> No.37304041

Off topic

>> No.37304826

Not an argument

>> No.37305473

Stop spaming the thread with your schizo shit

>> No.37305934

Schizophrenia does not exist.

>> No.37305966

This post has the same energy of a feminist hating men.

>> No.37305987

this thread was shit

>> No.37306832

Since when did Reimu have an innate boundary manipulation power? She has some affinity for borders in general due to being a Hakurei and maintaining the Great Hakurei Barrier and what not, but she probably couldn't do even a fraction of what Yukari can. And as >>37298846 said she can invoke a God's power to manipulate boundaries like she did in SSiB, but it's still nowhere near Yukari's level of control or power.

>> No.37306846


>> No.37306908

If kaguya had to poo when she took the hourai elixir
Would she constantly need to poo

>> No.37308033

this is how eirin feels daily

>> No.37308080

no. that isn't apart of her body.

>> No.37308635
File: 731 KB, 850x1206, b33fe9b9320334b7660a36357d62cb37_sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've also wondered about this, in particular, how misunderstandings affect existing, belief-based characters. What happens if there is a misconception about a god or youkai that becomes widely believed? Let's say that people mistakenly believe that Suwako is a frog goddess. In particular after the recent chapters in Lotus Eater, people start to pray to Suwako to prevent more flooding and the idea continues to spread. Does Suwako get a normal buff from the new faith? Does she eventually gain dominion over frogs or have other parts of her being change? After a certain point, is another god created that looks like Suwako but has reign over frogs instead of mountains?

>> No.37308813

I never said her boundary manipulation is at Yukari's level, especially when the only time I have seen her use it is to open a portal in Touhou Suzunaan, meanwhile Yukari can extend nights as shown in IN and if I'm not mistaken, reduced the distance between the Moon and Earth in Silent Sinner Blues. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though

>> No.37309942 [DELETED] 

If they live in mutt land, protection from random shooters

>> No.37311451

>every country has its own gensokyo
Now that's something I want to see in games. Touhou world tour arc.

>> No.37311564

A rogue church executionner/vampire hunter making its way in gensokyo would make for an interesting story.
(It may also tie into Sakuya's backstory somehow)

>> No.37312008

If believe/faith/delusion of the humans in Touhou works the same way it dose it Type Moon (aka what Humans belive to be true becomes ture) then yes, misconceptions could change abilities, look etc. of those that misconception is directed at.

The only evidence for that would be Kanko and her plan to become a Goddes of Technologie (I might be wrong though)

>> No.37313697

The chapter mentioned here >>37215135 also has Kogasa saying exactly that happened to her.

>> No.37314002

I said spatial boundaries, as in connect two points together, and since IN at least. It's how she's able to warp from one side of the screen to the other when you're fighting against her. Marisa says Reimu describes it as her going in a straight line even though she's wrapping around the screen edges. You can manually do the same in SA as one of her shot types. Yukari and conceptual borders should be distinct from spatial boundaries. Reimu can just twist space around, it's probably similar to hermit powers like what Kasen uses to hide her house. Komachi seems to have a similar ability but limited to growing and shrinking the area between two points.

>> No.37315810

She's only able to switch sides on SA when picking the Yukari shot type, so that's probably the reason.

>> No.37316721

Aunn being what she is may be able to sense your harmful intentions. Reimu may be able to intuit your attack.

If the belief=reality thing is consistent then yeah, the abrahamic god should be real in touhou world and would eclipse the others massively, not just cause of bible lore but the sheer amount of belief poured into Him.

He’s also just gonna chill out in heaven and not do anything though.

There’s some kind of difference though, Kogasa had a typical “pew pew danmaku” death while fortune teller seemed to get properly exorcised. Kogasa can come back, fortune teller…probably not.

>> No.37316796
File: 1.05 MB, 3750x2625, Gensokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Gensokyo its own world? Like, because Yukari created a boundary between it and the outside, does that mean she also created an entire separate world with distant lands, continents and such? Or did she just specifically isolate one part of Japan that seems to have its obvious border to the outside world apart from the Hakurei Barrier. I mean, obviously both Gensokyo and outsider citizens share the moon if the Lunarians are anything to go off.

>> No.37316819

>Or did she just specifically isolate one part of Japan that seems to have its obvious border to the outside world apart from the Hakurei Barrier.
This. The various afterworlds connected to gensokyo seem massive though.

>> No.37316820

Picture a map. Now fold it zigzag so that the middle area is covered up, and things on either side of that area are touching. That's basically how it works.

>> No.37316837

Also Yukari did not and could not create the Hakurei Barrier by herself - it was a joint effort between the sages, though Yukari was presumably the architect.

>> No.37317000
File: 49 KB, 210x192, Hobgoblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the Gensokyo universe there are other pockets of magical places like Gensokyo such as Avalon (The homeland of the fairies and other fey) and In Wild and Horned Hermit hobgoblins are brought to Gensokyo by Yukari Yakumo from outside Gensokyo, used as stand-ins for the emigrating zashiki-warashi.
A hobgoblin is a household spirit, typically appearing in folklore, once considered helpful but since the spread of Christianity has often been considered mischievous and were hunted down, exterminated and drove off.
Considering that Kasen Ibaraki learns that the other youkai use household spirits to spy on humans this is a good thing.
After the zashiki-warashi return, the hobgoblins find employment at the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
Why Reimu wouldn't exterminate the zashiki-warashi is a mystery.
So I would assume Gensokyo is just a specifically isolated part of Japan.

>> No.37317021

People can still walk through the non-magic version of the physical area cant they? I figured it was more like gensokyo is “on top” of the same geographic space but that not everyone can access that version of the space.

To use the map metaphor, it’d be like if someone traced over a section of the map in invisible ink. That’s my understanding.

>> No.37317058

>Why Reimu wouldn't exterminate the zashiki-warashi is a mystery.
I think even Reimu would know better than that, it’s not like she exterminates Aunn besides that one time. If a youkai exists to do chores and help around the house, they’re youkai by technicality only and dont harm the humans.

Besides maybe the spying, but I dont know if Reimu is aware of that or if she would care even if she was.

>> No.37317237

Didn't the Hakurei and the Dragon God pitch in too?
Actually, whatever happened to the Hakurei? You'd think with them having a God capable of supporting and maintaining such a big barrier they'd be a pretty powerful... clan? group? organization?, but Reimu is the only Hakurei there is now. Furthermore, mysteriously somehow nobody remembers much about the Hakurei God, so they're slowly becoming weaker and more deprived of faith as time goes on. If Yukari was around to even proposition the Hakurei God on helping to make the barrier, she should know it's name, right? And yet she doesn't tell anyone, not even it's miko. Does she want the Hakurei God to die off or something?

>> No.37317446

That how outsiders and other things like radio towers and European dandelions got into Gensokyo.

>> No.37317575

Yes, Yukari, who isn't anywhere near her, is probably the reason Reimu uses the same powers she displayed before in Imperishable Night while fighting you solo https://youtu.be/2Ix2X0XJRPU?t=110 and again in double spoiler while fighting you solo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd2KFO93Sow

Surely, that must be the case. Retard. Note how Reimu can make her danmaku warp through space as well in the duplex barrier and danmaku field spells. (1:49 and 4:45 in the first video)

>> No.37317653

Yeah, I'm aware of that. I was using it in a sort of hyperbole to keep it simple. With all that said and done, Gensokyo seems pretty small if all the landmarks are considered.

>> No.37317757

Yukari made a barrier of fantasy and reality that allows fantastic things to exist inside it, the Hakurei barrier is different and just encloses a physical area in a space no thinking being can normally enter or leave because they get turned around. It's not even in a different dimension or anything, though it's probably made up of areas that aren't connected in the outside world and/or folded up.

It's not really a parallel/alternate world, just a enclosed area. The area probably doesn't even actually physically exist in normal space. >>37316820's metaphor is probably a good one. The folded up part is still there but you can't walk around it normally and there is no non-magic version of it. Non-thinking things can get in and out, but people can generally only enter if they get into some weak spot like https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Perfect_Memento_in_Strict_Sense/Road_of_Reconsideration or https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Perfect_Memento_in_Strict_Sense/Muenzuka or if a youkai takes them in or if they make a hole through the barrier or if they enter in a dream. Speaking of weak spots, those places are described as places where barriers intersect, and interestingly Reimu said something similar in Marisa's grimoire https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/The_Grimoire_of_Marisa/Reimu_Hakurei's_Spell_Cards that if you stack barriers on top of each other, it makes a place without boundaries.

Reimu's main characteristic is being a lazy girl who never trains or anything. Even if Yukari told Reimu, she probably didn't listen or forgot immediately.

>> No.37318735

It might be a cultural thing about disrespecting the dead by making a corpse your plaything and also being very unlike a Hermit.

>> No.37318876

Cirno was black in HSiFS

>> No.37319006

Nordic Gensokyo would be cool as fuck. I want it now

>> No.37319013

Basic bitch taste. Where's Celtic Gensokyo?

>> No.37319058

Just play Mabinogi.

>> No.37319231
File: 55 KB, 287x394, KarenYawata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian Gensokyo would be the best. Imagine all the different religions of India making up a realm of fantasy.

>> No.37319527

>all the different religions of India
What's there besides hinduism and buddism, both of which are in 2hu already? There's already a big eared brown 2hu with Eika as well.

>> No.37319569

Jainism, Ayyavazhi and Sikhism which are all connected to Hinduism like Buddhism is.

>> No.37319625

Sanamahism too

>> No.37319805

>I dont know if Reimu is aware of that or if she would care even if she was
Considering she knows Tengus sells newspapers in Human Village to control information flow, I doubt she can do anything

>> No.37320700
File: 27 KB, 355x369, Comeonboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Eirin outright found the entirety of Lunarian society or was she basically their George Washington? Also, what's the technology level of Eientei? I thought Eirin kind of hastily abandoned the Moon and had no time to gather spare tech and shit, and yet she was still able to hand that gravitational wave detector to Reimu in WaHH. Is she a super scientist able to recreate Lunarian technology on her lonesome on top of being a medical genius?

>> No.37320837

Eirin is like literally a million years old, she probably knows everything.

>> No.37322140

She was instrumental to its founding, but not the sole person who did anything to found it. So George Washington basically.

>> No.37323517

She made major contributions, but she seems to have done it mainly for the intellectual challenge rather than patriotism; she didn't pursue a position of authority for herself, even though she easily could have.

>> No.37323607

Doesn't India also have a big Muslim Population? Either way, their Gensokyou is probably bigger then the one we know

>> No.37323674

Say, how do the big hitter such as Amaterasu or other big Japanese Gods handle the new age? Do they have enough faith to sustain themselves? do they still have that much influence over the world? Do they even get mentioned in Touhou?

>> No.37323677

It's probably smaller and more densely packed

>> No.37323717

As far as I know, they make up the gods that went to the moon as part of the Lunarian group. Eirin is supposedly one of them. Presumably the Lunarians worship them.

>> No.37323792

Amaterasu was mentioned some few times in print works (Moonbitch manga)
I personally believe they are just like Hecatia and Raiko, they are somewhat modern now so they can gather faith in other ways.

>> No.37327330
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>Why Reimu wouldn't exterminate the zashiki-warashi is a mystery.
>Besides maybe the spying, but I dont know if Reimu is aware of that or if she would care even if she was.
Youkai in the village isn't an uncommon thing, as long as they don't cause problems nobody care. Them being used as spy isn't considered as a problem as the whole village exists to be used by the youkai in the first place. And the villagers actually like them so all is well.

As for the other youkai, it's the same thing. Kogasa is a known youkai trying to scare the villagers everyday and they don't care as she's just being cute. Miyoi was suspicious at first as it wasn't clear what she was and she did some weird things but turns out she's not a threat. If Sekibanki's identity as a youkai was revealed somehow it probably wouldn't be a big problem as she's probably well known by the villagers as being harmless. Others like Aya or Mamizou hide their identity as its definitely easier that way to be trusted and again they're just using the village to their advantage and they're smart enough to know how to act without going against Gensokyo's rules. That's just how it's supposed to work so there's no reason for the shrine maiden to do anything.

>> No.37327354

Too young.

>> No.37327552

What about an American Gensokyo that resembles a colonial or western era town and has some weird blend of American and native folklore instead

>> No.37327603

yeah instead of youkai we'd have cryptids

>> No.37327618

Pony up Johnson, the Wendigoes are sneakin' human flesh inter the saloon again.

>> No.37327743

Stormalong, Pecos Bill and Pual Bunyan?
Thunderbird, Mothman and Aliens?

>> No.37328267

>indian gensokyo
imagine all the street shitting, no thanks

>> No.37328304

I'd prefer a Dixieland Gensokyo since I feel that could be more unique and has much more lore to pull from. The story of the Lost Colony could easily serve as the basis for the creation of that Gensokyo too.

>> No.37328555

Would they still be cute girls though?
Maybe instead of a Miko a Ranger will be the one to keep the peace

>> No.37329058 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 780x2082, boo in loo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to deal with the toilet witch.

>> No.37329086
File: 174 KB, 1024x662, Berserker fate grand order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate/Grand Order already turned Paul Bunyan into a giant loli

>> No.37329158

I'd love to see something like this. There's some fun stuff in American mythology and native mythologies that doesn't really get pulled from all that much. You generally just get the same handful of things and it's usually just the name and not the actual thing.
Bless Riyo for deciding Paul Bunyan needed to be a giant chainsaw-wielding loli in naked overalls. Couldn't have designed it better myself.

>> No.37329266

>Yukari's border manipulation
There's no reason to think this is as nigh-omnipotent as it's described in PMiSS and fanon. If it was, then what does that make Hecatia or Eikishiki or Ryuujin or Tsukuyomi, four characters described as stronger than Yukari? Omnipotent? Or what about the Lunar Capital, where it's said no one in Gensokyo could stand against it? Yukari's border shenanigans have been shown to have limits, like when she had to use multiple gaps to travel up Youkai Mountain in SWR to reach Heaven, or when she had to do that wacky full moon reflection shit to infiltrate the fantasy moon.
>yukari is basicly all pwoerful and could instantly kill anyone
is retarded vsbattles bullshit.

>> No.37330448

can westerners create cute characters?
maybe the main character and some monsters can be female and maybe even cute but i doubt we would get a western 2hu with a entire cast of female characters

>> No.37330523

Moebrained faggots can go and stay go

>> No.37330643

I wonder, has /jp/ ever banded together to make its own Touhou fangame?

>> No.37330863

"Board projects" beyond a certain scale will always be rejected by the board that spawned them. You can't make a game just by having everyone throw random ideas in a hole - past the concept stages it can't progress without a small, organised team. At which point it no longer belongs to the board.

>> No.37330897

Look at >>>/vp/ and its two major fangame projects

Pokémon Clover has rapid turnover, but that's because the whole thing is a massive shitpost.
Pokémon Sage has pro-level polish but is choked by bureacracy, and after a certain point it was unclear how many of the team even posted on /vp/ at all.

>> No.37330926

don't you think touhou characters look cute? lol we have an actual homo in here

>> No.37331039

go back and stay there.

>> No.37331540

A while ago I had an idea for a fangame I’ll realistically never make, where Reimu/Marisa gets sent to Atlantis and it’s a grecoroman style Gensokyo. The Extra stage wouldve been warping to the USA and invading Area 51, treating that as a sort of government controlled American Gensokyo.

Went as far as making OCs for the idea. Melancholy to reflect on ideas you liked but didnt follow through on.

Board projects never stay board projects, it would turn into 5-10 people on a discord. It would need to for real progress to be made.

>> No.37331604

>can westerners create cute characters?
the nonshit ones can.
Unfortunately Hatater is the best known westerner. >>37330643
Not really. There was a thread where anons were talking about danmaku and the calcs for it, but it never went beyond the stage of conversation and helping one another out on top of the discussion. I don't think it hit bump limit.

>> No.37331615

>danmaku and the calcs for it
Calcs? Like the formulas used to determine the patterns? That actually sounds very interesting.

>> No.37331635

yes. for the paths.
think Trig.

>> No.37331939

>is retarded vsbattles bullshit.
I agree Yukari is not that powerful but Touhou powerlevels are basically that for the majority of characters anyways. Either that or canon vagueness makes them not be as powerful as it's claimed so.

>> No.37332678

I thought touhou had no lore besides fan doujins?

>> No.37334049

They look cute because they're drawn in cartoonish anime styles that allow literally no imperfections on skin dumbass.

>> No.37334203

I really appreciate that one hentai artists who drew canon Satori in his doujin, since her moe form is the farthest one in the canon so far

>> No.37335594

>In this kind of situation, thinking that Gensokyo is somehow better than the outside world is but arrogance.
Rinnosuke shits on all Gensokyofags in CoLA chapter 16, there's definitely some humans that are dissatisfied with living in Gensokyo (see: Fortune Teller) and would rather live outside.

>> No.37335858

I was surprised Gensokyo was shat on so much in that chapter, I would've thought ZUN would be jerking off his fantastical wonderland while demonizing the evil bad reality, but instead all I got was mature self-awareness. How am I supposed to call him a pessimistic retard now?

>> No.37336364

seethe street shitter

>> No.37337288

Gensokyo is a human farm for youkai, that's true unless we get some new info on that.
With ULiL I thought there would be some plot involving some human villagers discovering the outside. Which may still happen in the future, but that would mean the sages would have to come up with a new plan to keep gods and youkai alive. I could see it as an end of series scenario. If Touhou is ever to end of course.

>> No.37337782

If belief shapes reality in Touhou, how did belief ever stop reigning supreme in the Outside World? If people believe that the sun orbits the world, and therefore it does, how could science ever "prove" otherwise? How could you ever prove that mountain echoes aren't caused by yamabiko when yamabiko that cause mountain echoes are a real, extant thing? How could this era of disbelief ever occur in the first place?

>> No.37338258

Mmm, I do have a Theory about that,it basically just a combination on how reality work in Type Moon and Toaru. Going by that Theory, the Touhou World works like this:

Think of Reality at the beginning as a White Sheet of Paper. During this time, the rules of of the World were pure scientific and the World worked on these rules. Then Humans were born and they had the Power to change reality to thier belief/delusions. They started painting on top of this White Paper, drawing thier Illusions on reality and "changing" the way it works. To the point where each Region/Culture/Kingdom/Religion work on it's own laws of reality. Despite all that, The White Sheet (Science) still exists underneath all that Paint (Delusion) and was still work in the background and in places where Humans didn't have any Mythological Explanation why something existed the way it did because they never really bothered with it or because they didn't know it was a thing. When Humans started looking for reasons why the World worked the way it did, they started scrapped away the Paint (Delusion) and revealing the Pure White Sheet (Science) underneath it. Since that Paint is now getting smaller and smaller, the Beings that exists because of it, like Youkai, Gods, Fairies etc. were getting scrapped from really along with that Paint and the World slowly started returning to it's original state.

>> No.37338407

They simply changed what they believe in.

>> No.37338639 [DELETED] 

You know how USAmerican whites in gated white suburban communities have a fear of black people entering their houses, stealing their pocket change, and fucking their wives but that's not actually a real threat for them and they probably haven't seen a black person that wasn't on TV in years? It's like that. You hear people say some youkai is yelling back to you, but you've never personally seen it and you notice it still makes an echo when you yell in an enclosed building and not just an mountain top, so either there's a yamabiko infestation or there's another explanation. When you start believing in that other explanation, then the yamabiko hiding in the rafters stop existing, the echos continue anyway, and you realize it's actually the next door neighbor who is coming over, fucking your wife, and taking your money on the way out.

>How could you ever prove
How could you ever prove squirting doesn't exist when there's so many videos of it happening?

>how could science ever "prove" otherwise?
Science doesn't need to prove anything, people just need to believe something different.

Really, even if people took kids they didn't like out to the forest to kill them and said a youkai was the one doing it, and the youkai started existing and some kid encountered it while disobediently exploring the forest one day, it doesn't mean that youkai will actually kill the kid but it doesn't mean the kid will return home either. The youkai just needs people to fear it or to blame it for the kids disappearing to keep on existing. It can take the kid home and put it in its rape dungeon and raise it into another youkai or whatever it actually wants to do. If they stop killing kids then the youkai can try doing it itself, but if they blame some outsider to the village that happened to be passing through for the murders instead, the youkai will still fade away. What's it going to do anyway, walk up to everyone and go "hey I'm the youkai that's been dragging your kids into the forest to die" when everyone knows they were doing it themselves? At best the youkai would be killed right there. At worst, people would look at it like they look at people who claim to be Jesus.

>> No.37338754

Additionally, even if they knew there were darkness youkai that lurked in the dark waiting to eat people, that they started putting streetlights everywhere pushed back the darkness and the youkai. If the youkai make to much of an appearance then people get a good understanding of them and with that, comes weaknesses and ways to kill them. Youkai are only immortal in the "as long as darkness lurks in the hearts of mankind" sense, so once humans no longer fear them they can just hunt them down.

>> No.37338886

And what do they believe in now? Science? The entire process of the scientific method relies on trial and error and challenged assumptions, if the world worked only to the whim of human belief then experiments like the Wright Brothers heavier-than-air flight would have never succeeded since the majority thought it impossible. The fact that that experiment was able to succeed at all, despite even the Wrights doubting that it could, implies objectivity not bound to human belief. If what happens is merely what most think will happen, a number of inventions and experiments will have never happened.

>> No.37339047

You're incorrectly extending the creation and destruction of youkai as a result of making excuses to the complete manipulation of reality via unconscious thought.

>> No.37339179

Ah. Then belief can create/destroy gods/youkai, but not fundamentally alter reality? I remember reading somewhere that magic was bestowed upon the earth by the moon/Lunarians, and then they made the moon dimmer(?), which caused humans to fear and create youkai. Were humans able to believe entities into existence before this or did Lunarians awaken that ability with their magic bestowal?

>> No.37339410

Do Danmaku hurt?

>> No.37339460

Do you want a normal answer or the most ridiculous thing I can think of?
For a normal answer, it seems entirely plausible that Youkai and similar creatures both came into being and were subsequently kept into being via faith or belief, but the more objective materialistic observations of the scientific method do not need to rely on belief to come about or to continue being in effect. Most people simply don't or cannot know all the details of these observations and so effectively believe in them after they have been demonstrated and proliferated, which weakens the Youkai but does nothing to physical laws and similar phenomena. Belief is then unable to effect every element of reality or what makes it up but has a nebulous sphere of its own where it can cause things to manifest.

>> No.37339493

so painful it can put you in comas. thats why psychopath reimu loves it

>> No.37339520

And what's the most ridiculous answer?

>> No.37340039

So how does this explain the moon landings and the Americans in regards to Gensokyo and the Lunar Kingdom?
Erin took the American flag from the three fairies Sunny Milk, Star Sapphire, and Luna Child when it fell from the moon.
Clownpiece chose to use the star-spangled pattern on her clothes after having seen the American flag on the Moon.
Eientei held an moon exhibit in which they show off the American flag and a lunar rover.

>> No.37340100

Belief actually does affect both the makeup of "reality" and Youkai and similar beings, the reason why objective material/physical phenomena and our attempts to observe and test them could have any initial support was because a higher entity with a vested interest in having everyone believe these things and to believe in them as objective material/physical phenomena gave them an initial boost which allowed belief in them to accumulate, continuing into the high-tech state of things we can somewhat glean from the music CD stories. In so doing, the view that only what was objective existed and only a specific sort of model allowed things to function in ideally entirely predictable ways was erected so that Necessity could win out and assume a dominant position over the contingent and more uncertain ways of things, reality pulling a neat trick over the far stronger realm of illusion in order to supplant it and have the majority follow its uncompromising rule, which would then qualify the objective phenomena as the actual anomaly in the progression of things, a later addition placing itself over everything else and claiming that all either owe their existence to it or are false and thus do not actually exist, ironically putting people into a dream-like state by claiming to have done away with dreams altogether.
If you find this unconvincing either consider it an unusual hypothesis, Gensokyo propaganda (who would bother to write that?), or consider that you are being fooled yet again.

>> No.37342371

low tier secondary bait

>> No.37343579

Is it true that youkai eat humans that kill themselves?
I remember hearing as much long ago but it was probably just a sad vorefag.

>> No.37343582

was just checking out the gensokyo timeline, since gods made the world before humans were ever a thing does that mean there are gods that dont require faith to subsist? ultra primordial deities? is hecatia one?

>> No.37343607

Sounds right up my alley.

Hate to ask but you dont have any searchable post numbers or key phrases for that thread do you? Already tried searching ‘trig’ and ‘trigonometry’ in the archives.

>> No.37343670

Youkai are allowed to eat humans that won't be missed, such as those that are suicidal.

>> No.37344712

Thankfully Yukari didn't do that to Yuyuko when she anheroed. That would be pretty awkward

>> No.37344944

>>Discord strikethroughs
Leave and never come back

>> No.37346116

Who are you quoting?

>> No.37346441

How do you know that? They could have worked out a deal where Yukari gets the corpse to eat since Yuyuko doesn't need it anymore.

>> No.37347180

Maybe, in Greek myth Hecate predates the Olympians and potentially the Titans, which would place her as existing before the birth of the solar system

>> No.37348284

In Greek myth Hecate is a Titian.
The ones before the Titian are called Primordial deities. Such as Nyx, Gaia and Chronos.

>> No.37348527

I've been pouring through PMiSS lately, and it talks about magicians learning the "Abandon Worm" magic to stop their aging. My question is, why worms?
I'm somewhat reminded of Sekiro's centipedes, which symbolize stagnation from immortality, are the two perhaps related (since both are based on japanese myth)?

>> No.37348873

Did a quick google search and this came up

>> No.37348899

huh, interesting, thanks

>> No.37349040

Interesting, this seems to be related Taoist magic.
Just how close are magicians and hermits and why are magicians considered yokai but hermits human?

>> No.37349424

IIRC dealing with the worms is an additional step - you're already considered a youkai magician before you perform it.

>> No.37350508

>One way of avoiding this bureaucratic snitching
Damn daoist myth is pretty wild

>> No.37351597

>why are magicians considered yokai but hermits human?
I’m still curious why Marisa is the only “human” magician. Just incomplete training? Why is she allowed to basically pursue the same goal as fortune teller?

>> No.37352322

You don't become a youkai magician automatically, you have to deliberately turn yourself into one. Marisa does express interest in becoming immortal some day, but she's very attached to her humanity and keeps coming up with excuses not to pursue it.

>> No.37354125

Are there any male powerful characters in Touhou? I only know of Tsukuyomi. Why's everyone a girl anyways?

>> No.37354816
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>> No.37355283

The Lunarians are humans that had managed to understand and game the system before they accidentally scraped all the marker off the whiteboard. It's implied they were capable of deliberately creating Youkai.

>> No.37355293

Because Yuyuko's body is buried under the tree in PCB.

>> No.37355362

>before they accidentally scraped all the marker off the whiteboard

>> No.37355369

There's also Ryuujin, Tenryuu, Tenma, and uh... yeah that's the only ones I can remember.

>> No.37355591

Unlike the outside world, they're capable of recognizing how unbelief dispels youkai and can advance the sciences without completely destroying them or hampering their own divinity.

>> No.37355925

If the Moon being a Pure Land makes it impossible for Lunarians to get sick, and their increased durability as a result of the same thing should make most mundane accidental injuries impossible, what the fuck did Eirin do all day up there? What's the use of a doctor in a place where no one gets sick or hurt?

>> No.37356031

I believe Eirin only took up medical work as a sort of day job to integrate with the rest of Gensokyo and as a cover so that people wouldn't pry into their business too much once they broke the spell of eternity off Eientei shortly after the events of IN. On the Moon she was likely an administrator and general advisor.

>> No.37356788

sounds to me that the outside world did the right thing. youkai, gods, magicians, hermits, they're all trouble we dont need

>> No.37357779

Shinto as a whole only has about 104 million followers, meanwhile the abrahamic god has 4.114 billion worshipers. Nearly 40 times as much total faith, all directed to a single entity. He could kick EVERYONES ass

>> No.37358460

But Erin and another Japanese Shinto moon god established the Lunar capital and she's older than him.

>> No.37359010

>they're all trouble we dont need
It does make the World a little boring though.

But since Humans now believe in Science, their belief might create Alien in the Future if they don't exist already. Kanako did mock us Ousiders about that in that one interview between religion
