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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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37040172 No.37040172 [Reply] [Original]

Scary Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>36669132
Resin Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/9381381 (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/9370158

FAQs and Links
Sewing pattern books:

Current Photo Challenge: Cursed Images
Previous Photo Challenge: Halloween Dress-Up
If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/:

>> No.37040587
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>> No.37040656

>it's real
Wow, another boy that's not the SAO one. Wonder if they'll start selling boy bodies next.

>> No.37041212

Oh fuck finally I HAVE to get him.

>> No.37041405

I'm already falling down the slippery slope. Just "won" some clothes from the volks lottery. I'm going to take the plunge and buy the body next payday.

The only thing I'm still suck on is the wig. The official store doesn't seem to have the style I would want in the color I need. Coolcat sells something that might work, but their ordering process looks annoying. Does anyone have any other suggestions for wig stores?

>> No.37041671
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I’ve had very bad luck with wigs. I ordered one from China that got lost in transit and other from Korea that never got shipped due to covid bullshittery. Also looking for a good source.

>> No.37046195

Some of the shops that sell resin dolls also sell decent wigs, Crobidoll being one of them that I can vouch for the quality of. You can also get wigs off of YJA and I also think Mandarake has their own brand of wigs in addition to selling second hand wigs of course. Be sure to grab the right size though, should be 8-9 inches for DD/DDS.

>> No.37046308

Here's a nice blog entry that has been a god send for me when I was first looking for better wigs. jadepixeldoll.com/where-to-buy-dollfie-dream-smartdoll-wigs/
For Etsy shops, I have personally bought wigs from Natrume (China), Dallas Doll Co. and ZaZouCustomDolls (Both US based) and I'd recommend all three. They'll say "smartdoll 8.5" wigs for size, but I've never had a problem fitting them on my DD girls.

>> No.37047085

So after having a bit of sticker shock at seeing how much I've spent on clothes, I bought some sewing supplies for making my own. Will I actually learn a useful life skill out of this hobby, or am I going to turn into my mother and own more fabric than can be worked with in a life time?

>> No.37047661

Have any of you guys placed orders with Alice lately? I ordered a stand a while ago and it shipped out, but I'm concerned it got lost. The last shipping update was that it left shanghai processing center and is heading to shanghai international mail exchange, but that was on October 1st and it hasn't updated. Alice's customer service said to be patient as it can take more than 2 months to arrive due to the pandemic but 3 weeks to go between two places in Shanghai seems like a long time. Should I be worried?

>> No.37047687

If ive learned anything from crafting its that you will always own more supplies than you know what to do with, and still need more for a new project

>> No.37047858

You'll never stop buying supplies. Maybe perpetually gathering and collecting things is just human nature.

>> No.37048382

>Will I actually learn a useful life skill out of this hobby
Sure. If you buy decent clothes(read: not cheap wal-mart garbage) worth repairing, knowing how to sew will save garments in the long run, and you won't have to pay for a tailor.
Also this.

>> No.37048790

Seconding Etsy wigsellers -- if you can't find what you want, commission someone to make it. Mandarake's wigs aren't bad, even secondhand ones are usually salvageable. Be mindful of black wig caps and head staining, though.

>> No.37049432
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>> No.37049708

I love this photo, anon.

>> No.37049754

Thank you!

>> No.37050920
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>> No.37051204
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>> No.37051214

Good work anon, the ghosts really pop under blacklight.

>> No.37052422

Oh cute, I love the way their eyes catch the light.

>> No.37056312
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>> No.37059989
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Anyone getting the Nina's Dolls mermaids?

>> No.37061829
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>> No.37068591
File: 429 KB, 1094x949, another ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people put up with Smart Doll-related BS?

>> No.37069136

It's classic "it won't happen to me, so it's fine" mentality. I almost bought a Smart Doll for my first doll, but at the last minute realized that making a custom DD that I REALLY wanted was only $50 more than getting one of Shoeboy's same faced girls. I feel I dodged a bullet.

>> No.37070229
File: 3.11 MB, 2136x3216, yui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ease of ordering. you literally do not even have to decide which face you want since they all have the same face. cant get easier than that

>> No.37071419
File: 335 KB, 1500x2000, IMG_20211024_225051-4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon with the broken neck doll reporting in.
I got ahold of ethyl acetate and hexane to clean the piece form my previous botched attemps. I thoroughly cleaned every time, tried Tamiya extra thin, something a friend lent me and Tamiya ABS. All of them failed. I don't know what Obitsu makes these joints with but it's out of this world.
I gave up, cleaned again and tried some cyanoacrylate... and it kinda worked! It didn't snap under light pressure. But being the cheap superglue it was, as I expected it gave up when I inserted the joint back in place.

So now her head is held in place by a small amount of blutack inserted in the neck and it's working fine enough. I've given up on fixing it so now either I will buy a whole-ass OBT24 body just to steal the joint or I will try my clumsy hand at this https://aika.flowers/6055.html

>> No.37071535

is 3d printing the neck not an option?

>> No.37071915

Right, there was an anon that offered to help with that and I gave him the measurements. It slipped my mind, I better check back in case I missed a reply.

>> No.37072314
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>> No.37073447

I love seeing you post your dolls, anon.

>> No.37075459
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>> No.37075966
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I'm very glad you enjoy them! I'll try to mix things up in the future.

>> No.37077137

You also have a doll that you can photograph in angles other than head on.

>> No.37078042 [DELETED] 
File: 756 KB, 2680x1506, IMG_20211025_110430-4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My largest order in a long time finally arrived.

>> No.37081560

Your plants look healthy and happy.

>> No.37081677

>Banned from smart doll

as in the store?

>> No.37081709

Yeah, Danny bans people from his storefront pretty regularly for disagreeing with him on social media or saying anything negative about smart dolls, up to and including "I received a defective product." I've genuinely lost count of them all.

>> No.37081765

wow, so fragile

>> No.37081839

Beyond belief. Like the Amy's Baking Company of dolls.

>> No.37083589
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I feel like I've read that comparison before.

>> No.37083928
File: 1.04 MB, 4096x2732, FBOhQGfUUAUCguL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I become a doll? I want to escape this miserable world.

>> No.37084071

Makes sense, it was probably a human that made her wear a see-through blouse with no bra underneath.

>> No.37084726

No fuck my wallet can't take this

>> No.37085475
File: 195 KB, 549x413, 76k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many in this thread are gay?
Are there any born CIS hetero women?
I'm a straight guy and love dainty dolls, I am not a virgin, had a fiance, and also have a kid. I don't know if I'll be out of place when I go to HOUSE OF DOLLS a few towns away that is famous the world over for their doll collection.

>> No.37086245

Buddy, you're way overthinking this. A lot of doll sculptors are male. A lot of doll clothiers are male. No one's gonna think you're weird. Be free.

>> No.37087892

As long as you're not like that one guy making your own dolls out of human bones I don't think it's that weird

>> No.37088211

Hey, nothing wrong with making the most of perfectly fine materials.

>> No.37089617

I can feel the insecurity in your words

>> No.37090054

Sorry to keep coming in here to ask questions.

Continuing my journey to getting a complete doll, I managed to find a wig, so now I'm in the market for a faceup, and I'm having some trouble once more. At the very least, I'm thinking maybe etsy isn't the right place to get a commission. Just about every one I can find among the sea of eye sellers that for some reason won't get out of the search results, either only works on specific kinds of doll (that is not the one I have) or has the work done in China and includes the head (which makes me doubt the authenticity). I thought I found one that might work, but I've been waiting a while for them to get back to me about availability. Does anyone have any suggestions as to (preferably US-based) people?

>> No.37090346

In what thread should I ask about dakis?

>> No.37090374

You might try the /a/ buyfag thread. That's where I usually see daki discussion happening

>> No.37090522

I was hoping to ask somewhere on /jp/ because the question is about waifu culture and I feel /jp/ would be more serious about that, but I guess the buyfag thread should be relatively free of ironyfags.

>> No.37091499

once up on a time there were daki generals but they merged. not too hard a transition since dakis buying is on par with following doujin circles.

>> No.37092767

>Which makes me doubt the authenticity
The only known bootlegs of vinyl dolls are Miku and Saber complete sets. There are no known examples of bootlegs of standard vinyl blanks. I've had all three of my girls done by Chinese artists with good reputations and they're all authentic and beautiful.
Regardless, if you're looking for someone closer to you to paint the head you have and don't want to use Etsy, look around on instagram #faceupcommission and find an artist you like with lots of comments and followers. Then follow them checking back regularly until they announce openings. Some of the bigger ones will have their own store fronts on websites. Good Luck, this is the part of the hobby that can produce the most drama and takes the longest. You can also ask around on some of the bigger message boards about this, like DollDreaming.

>> No.37093007

>There are no known examples of bootlegs of standard vinyl blanks.
That's good to know. Seems like in literally every other hobby, if it comes from China it's a fake, so I just assumed it was the same here. Plus, I saw a lot of Etsy sellers specifying that they don't work on recasts, so I thought the problem was more widespread.

If I had steadier hands I'd be tempted to try it myself, but the idea of doing that kind of freehand work scares me.

>> No.37093469

>the idea of doing that kind of freehand work scares me.
practice. don't be afraid of fucking things up, especially if it can be redone. or you think everything you see is a one-shot?

>> No.37095764
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How do you all feel about Angel Philia dolls?

>> No.37095783
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Hadn't heard of 'em... now I kinda want one.

>> No.37095806

obitsu frames (knee joint dead giveaway) with more shapely body parts, that's all, fyi.

>> No.37095809

I had no idea, thank you for the heads up.

>> No.37095972

The faceups blow away anything ever put on that frame though

>> No.37103250
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>> No.37103463

is anybody else going to participate in the lucky bag outfits for the Volks online store anniversary? I want to, but I'm a bit torn.

>> No.37103592

How much would a head like that cost?

>> No.37103667

Who knows, honestly -- could be as low as $100, could be more than $1000. Prices can vary wildly depending on who painted the head, what sculpt it is, and simply how people respond to it. I'd imagine you could probably get this one for a few hundred bucks if it's not painted by someone in-demand, and you could definitely commission a similar expression for less.

>> No.37104078

I'm surprised it could go that low. Face up is one thing (although it seems to have a pretty wide appeal and I can't see it getting much better than this) but the eyes and horns seem pretty special and expensive unless I'm missing some info on them.

>> No.37104228

Oh, I thought you meant just the faceup -- horns and everything else is a whole 'nother matter. Eyes are usually pretty easy, and while some can be quite expensive, most around are $20-$30 in my experience. Horns vary wildly depending on what they're made of and who made them. These are either clear, painted resin (more expensive) or plastic (less expensive) and could either be made in-house (more expensive) or mass-produced. A lot of things are made for non-doll use and repurposed, so it's always worthwhile to keep your eyes peeled.

>> No.37104422

I did the last one and probably will this time too, its fun

>> No.37104731

I didn't see those, could I get a link? Those sound fun.

>> No.37104791

You have to have a GL membership to do it, but here's the link: dollfie.ec.volks.co.jp/category/D_211030_2ND_LUCKY/

>> No.37104912



>> No.37107178

Do yall fuck your doll or what. Or just cum on face

>> No.37107270

I dress them up and brush their hair and then take pretty pictures of them.
Sometimes I hold their little hands too...

>> No.37107452

Holy shit anon, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.37107456

I definitely dont believe you

>> No.37107464

>>37107178 see >>37004739 for those kind of dolls.

>> No.37109696

Would you switch your doll's torso for an onahole type one in order to have sex with her?

>> No.37109725

this hobby is one of many things that made me realize how much needed is to know JP to enjoy a lot of hobbies, like fuck, how come japs have so many cool things? so jealous

>> No.37111359

Got the outfit I've been waiting for, so I'm biting the bullet and buying the body today. Hope I'm not making a mistake with going for a lighter color. I like it better, but the head options are slightly more limited for lighter colors.

I think I am going to try to do my own face up. Really wish I could just buy the makeup starter kit from Volks, but they never seem to get it in stock. so I'll have to source everything elsewhere. Going to go around to some local hobby shops this weekend and see if I can get anything to try.

I know I need practice, it just seems like there's not really a chance to do it. I know that the number of things that can safely strip paint and the like off of soft materials is small, and vinyl is especially susceptible to permanently staining, so I want to be very careful.

>> No.37111379

seal the head with Mr. Super Clear a few times in advance and practice that way. You can also buy practice heads you won't have to worry about staining.

>> No.37111451

Do we know when this is coming out?

>> No.37111637

>he doesn't use a protective undercoat

how to identify a pure amateur


>> No.37111657
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We all start somewhere, anon.

>> No.37111735

Meh, how hard could removing stains possibly be?

>> No.37111864

from vinyl? it's hell.

>> No.37111940

I left stain removal cream on for a week and nothing happened.

>> No.37112427

Have you ever put a red sock in the wash with your white clothes?

>> No.37113434

Damn, she's adorable!

>> No.37113645

She really is, does anyone know what sculpt this is? I love it.

>> No.37114485

it's D'COORD exclusive

>> No.37114790

Someday they'll do a Full Choice for DDs for the international crowd.... someday...

>> No.37115034

they won't because they have to know how much work that would make for them. everyone and their dog wants tan dolls, male dolls, the limited sculpts -- opening the floodgates would drown them in orders. which you'd think would be a good thing for a business, but volks is like nintendo: they make stupid decisions and people tolerate it because their flagship products are too good to ignore.

(danny choo is like the ouya of dolls.)

>> No.37115505

>(danny choo is like the ouya of dolls.)

>> No.37115583

smartdoll is to volks what a zune is to the ipod

>> No.37118261
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>> No.37122393
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wrists are hard

>> No.37123123
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Anyone here with an Azone 1/3 (45-50cm) doll bought clothes for them that have worked out well, other than clothes made by Azone?

>> No.37123464

Azone girls are in an odd scale and proportion compared to more common Volks and related dolls. Most full outfits are going to be either loose on the bust/hips, or way too long. The only good overlap I've seen is between AZT8 and DDP, though the latter is a bit taller.

>> No.37124304

So I've been waiting on some doll clothes from china, and it got updated with US Import Terminated. Has anybody else had this show up on a package before? This is new to me.

>> No.37124850

I've had a similar problem trying to find clothes for my DDP girl. I've started asking doll clothiers to consider making clothes in the Az50/DDP/AP range so my doll can finally wear some fuckin pants.

It's so good to see her again!

>> No.37125218

Haven't ever seen this but just wait for the tracker to get updated with the final destination whether thats being sent back to seller, held by customs, etc

>> No.37126007
File: 318 KB, 1080x1200, 2021_halloween_ichigo_cat_witch_dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37127110

Very cute anon!

>> No.37128215

You probably have already seen this one if you're on twitter but holy shit I can't get over how beautiful she is
Look at the legs, absolutely beautiful god.
I Can't post pics sry

>> No.37128222

Well, I went ahead and did it. Did anybody else get their bag orders in? They're sold out now. I'm very curious what the potential outfits were.

>> No.37129658
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>> No.37130388 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.82 MB, 2731x4096, FCuZtyMVkAMVyoU @flowercircle4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spooky familiar

>> No.37133364

As a bit of a follow on question, I currently have her head on a F-3 body and the left shoulder has been somewhat loose for a while.
Is there an easy way to get the upper arm frame out of the vinyl to tighten the joint?
Every time I've gone to do it, I've given up out of fear of breaking part of the joint.

>> No.37134168

How old are on average the people that are into this hobby?
Dolls are expensive right?

>> No.37134377

Got into dolls when I was 19 and used all the money from my part-time jobs to get one, I'm 27 with a corporate job now.

>> No.37134931

Point 4 is how to do it, if the vinyl is too stiff warm it with a hair dryer or some other way.

>> No.37135056

Thanks. It was kind of hard to get out that way, but hot water worked. Now I just need to let it dry.

>> No.37135726

28, currently working from home. Got into dolls late and now budget carefully to ensure I have do0ll money after taking care of my living expenses and savings.

>> No.37135864

I'm just lucky enough to have lower than normal expenses and have also redirected vacation money into doll money over the last two years.

>> No.37135921

It's pretty wide from what I've seen at shows and conventions, I'd say the average is somewhere in the early 30s. But I've found that how people enjoy the hobby varies a lot by age. Younger people will have less dolls and more clothes and older people will have more dolls and less clothes. Most of the older doll people I've met are the type that buy the licensed or premade dolls and just display them.
I'm 39 and married, I just budget my hobby amount out like I used to do with my video games.

>> No.37136504
File: 135 KB, 500x750, 5718827717_e97a0c164e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27, bought my first at 15 so man up buddy

>> No.37139006
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>> No.37141724
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>> No.37142803
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>> No.37142877
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Happy Halloween Doll Thread!

>> No.37149271
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>> No.37149298
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Great use of color to offset the blue eyes and almost entirely uncolored outfit.

>> No.37150360

This is so cute, Happy Halloween anons!

>> No.37151260

Cute, lovely dollies

>> No.37151731
File: 429 KB, 2592x1728, vampire_garu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37152655

Not sure if the brokendollneckjointanon is still here or not but I believe that they have the bodies in stock on hobbysearch.

>> No.37154156
File: 700 KB, 1800x1440, 2021_halloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Halloween!

>> No.37154178 [DELETED] 

Tiara: Here, put this in.
Ichigo: I'm making a love potion. I don't need that!

>> No.37154192
File: 695 KB, 1920x1280, 2021_halloween_omake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiara: Here, put this in.
Ichigo: I'm making a love potion. I don't need that!

>> No.37154724

These are great, thanks for sharing! Happy Halloween!

>> No.37154804
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x2560, 2013-07-08 13.10.09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

37 soon. found dollfies at the age of 23 thru a friend. Have many now with good job.

>> No.37155524

Happy Halloween, thanks anon!

>> No.37155837
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>> No.37156409
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>> No.37156782

I have other sources but this seems to be the cheapest, thank you.

>> No.37156805

How many dolls do you anons have? (Either anime dolls, or dolls altogether if you also have resins.) I always wonder. It seems like people either have a handful, or a ton of them, and rarely is anyone in-between those two numbers.

>> No.37157568
File: 436 KB, 2592x1728, vam_garu_v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got one 1/3 scale, cosplaying as my waifu.
Also have a pureneemo (1/6) that I wanted to do an Isla cosplay with, but she's been chilling in the doll bag.

I wouldn't think of getting more dolls that, because I'd feel bad for them collecting dust.

Some anons though manage pretty large collections by rotating out which doll they will do photoshoots with etc.

>> No.37157618

I currently have 7 and a floating head.
I want to get a new display case before I think about getting more.

>> No.37157659
File: 438 KB, 1728x2592, vam_garu_v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damned ImageMagick used the wrong orientation XD

>> No.37157787

I'm going to assume 9 is in between, more than a handful, not quite a ton.

>> No.37157993

I don't have even one quite yet. I've got a head and the body is in the mail, but I'm not going to consider her complete until she's got a face up.

I do have about 20 1/12 scale doll-like models, but they're not the same.

>> No.37160354

I hope you get her together soon, anon. What scale is she? DD? MDD?

You're in-between, yeah. Usually the answer is <5 or >20.

>> No.37160388

all 1/3 scale
23 complete
1 floating head
1 on layaway
i rotate them for different responsibilities like chilling while watching an anime, going to meetups, photoshoots, hanging with friends. they all have their tasks. there are multiple collectors with a lot more than i have tho, i don't consider my collection excessive, but i don't see myself stopping in my acquisitions for quite some time. i've even purchased some for friends and family before. i just really enjoy the hobby.

>> No.37160406

>1 on layaway

>> No.37160410

was meant for this

>> No.37160425

indeed, very anxious for her arrival! i also have a metric butt ton of clothes on the way for them all as well.

>> No.37160808

DD (dy)

>> No.37162370

6 which is my upper limit. I might do one more as a long term project. No idea how other anons handle so many.

>> No.37162396

I have 2 resin dolls, one in 1/6 scale and the other in 1/3 scale. I'd like tog et a few more, and even a 1/2 scale one, but that's not in the budget right now. I don't think I'd want to get more than 6 total.

>> No.37162855

How many 1/6 scale brands are out there? I was browsing for clothes for an Azone 1/6 and I saw that most of them geared towards "SD", which I assume means YoSD since all other Volks types are larger than 1/6. But aren't YoSD very rare? Are there any other brands making dolls that would fit YoSD clothes?

>> No.37163169

I still don't have a doll because I'm poor but I will one day and it will be cute

>> No.37163658

>Are there any other brands making dolls that would fit YoSD clothes?
Yeah. There are a lot of resin dolls in the YoSD size.

>> No.37163712

Blythe (aside from the head) clothes fit Azone 1/6 very well.

>> No.37163715

Yearn for them but too expensive. I've heard they're based on or compatible with typical Obitsu parts so I'm hoping one day to at least snag some thigh parts to replace on my own doll.
Most of this hobby is just buying (if you're not the kind of person to make your own things) and proxy shops are dime a dozen.

>> No.37163738

Huh, I had no idea. Then again I don't know about any resin dolls other than SD.

They use the same bodies don't they? the Obitsu ones.

>> No.37163751

A lot of Blythe collectors replace the default bodies with Obitsu ones because they pose so much better, yeah. It was a miraculous discovery when I first got into the hobby to realize if I just searched for Blythe stuff, I suddenly had all the options in the world.

>> No.37163853

I started buying clothes before actually getting the doll, so half of them are a perfect fit (even shoes) and the other half are baggier than a deflated clown.
Hats are a different matter though.

>> No.37164323

The recasting is a widespread issue, but only with resin dolls. Difference is that you can start a resin workshop for cheap (like USD$5,000) but whoever is making the Dollfie bootlegs must be contracting a larger plastics factory to produce theirs since equipment alone would be tens of thousands of dollars. That’s why there’s so few legit vinyl doll companies as well, and why out of the seven I know of, five are produced in the same factory.

>> No.37164382

Resin is weird cus back in the day Volks was top tier and everyone copied their sizing categories. So even though now Volks produces few YoSDs, there’s a ton of YoSD-comparable dolls out there.

>> No.37164562
File: 806 KB, 1836x1379, 20211101_180045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently I have 3, but I'll have 4 once Snow Miku comes this winter.

>> No.37166265
File: 664 KB, 1536x2048, 1623244560793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37167002

I have 20-something Dollfie Dreams and five Super Dollfies and I plan on getting Y'shtola and the two frozen SDs as well. I really want to downsize though but it's hard deciding which ones to let go.

>> No.37168202
File: 119 KB, 800x1200, arle-0511-800x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the first time in a long time I'm going to have more bodies than heads. Cannot overstate how excited I am to have the excuse to go get a new head off Y!JA.

>> No.37168855

this girl looks extremely cute

>> No.37168885

MDDs in lingerie or pantyhose make me weak bros...

>> No.37169361

Arle's sculpt is magical, I wish they'd release it as a head we could buy normally.

>> No.37171089


>> No.37171107

Admit it. Ashikoki with little MDD feet. You've done it, and how do you like it?

>> No.37171245

anon, please. I mustn't...
Im a nodoll loser who can only observe through a screen

>> No.37171392
File: 2.88 MB, 3024x4032, 195F5FEF-A19B-4496-9B85-440731F9799C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have six in total: three DDS (M.O.M.O, Alice Kuonji, Lucy Maria Misora) and three custom MDD (2x custom DDH-01 and custom Arle Nadia). I've always though that 8 is the perfect number so that's what I'm working towards.

Pic related is my newest girl, newest being a stretch because I got her in March. DDH-01 by miho 34DOLLS

>> No.37173944

>Im a nodoll loser who can only observe through a screen
step 1 buy doll
step 2 buy doll pantyhose.
step 3 ???????

>> No.37174990

Im an ultra poorfag

>> No.37175033

She's very precious anon, I'd love to see her posted more!

>> No.37175055

>menhera MDD
Yes please.

>> No.37175145
File: 37 KB, 457x654, do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put doll pantyhose on your fingers

"walk" on yourself

>> No.37175159
File: 206 KB, 1278x1278, ErnEEpXVcAIEZ_E @rauraumumu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is sad to read

>> No.37175176

Anon has demonstrated that he can deal with tough times through the use of imagination and creativity!

>> No.37175452

what about doing the clothes yourself, has anyone tried that here and that stuff? I saw some japs on twt that do it

>> No.37175563
File: 1.00 MB, 1568x2875, DSC_0141 edit shop small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halloween is over but fall is still here, anybody else doing fall photos?

>> No.37175569
File: 882 KB, 1737x2606, DSC_0154 edit small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37175573

They're usually ppl with experience sewing

>> No.37175578
File: 1.07 MB, 1786x2373, DSC_0166 shop edit small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and for those that would rather skip fall and Thanksgiving and skip to Christmas.

>> No.37175665

I was poorfag too but I got my first doll by saving up over a year, cutting out all my other hobbies/food budget.

>> No.37176249

I literally make like 3 USD per day

>> No.37176262
File: 59 KB, 998x661, 07DSC_7668s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechanical turk or conversion rates? My condolences anon, I hope your situation improves one day.

>> No.37178040
File: 253 KB, 1364x2048, 1617421725197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37178706
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>> No.37179924
File: 67 KB, 600x900, eedce4008b9a10b5758af12ec754cb27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37184448

>officially 1 month since my Alice order last updated
>still "Leaving mail processing center, next stop, Shanghai international mail exchange"
They lost it didn't they bros

>> No.37184527

I guess you can say she got shanghaied.

>> No.37187513

Nah, if she's sea shipping that shit can take ages.

>> No.37188072

rooting for you and hope to see it when it happens!

>> No.37188077

oh thats adorable

>> No.37189585
File: 254 KB, 1536x1152, eze_49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 1 DD, 1 DDS, 2 MDD and 4 floating heads.
I also have 1 SmD, 2 resins and a handful of 1/6 azone dolls. I'm also amassing too many nendoroid dolls.

>> No.37189628

I have two MDDs, two Azone 1/3 character dolls, four Azone 1/6 dolls, and a floating MDD head. I also have my eyes on another MDD head currently on auction.

>> No.37190043

I make most of mine’s clothes. I have a reasonable amount of sewing experience, but there are a lot of patterns out there in English and Japanese if you want to try it yourself.

>> No.37190102

This doll is so fucking cute, I love her hair anon.

>> No.37190205
File: 350 KB, 2048x1536, eze_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon, love is stored in the plaits

>> No.37190958

They really are. Did you plait her hair yourself?

>> No.37191275

My main concern is that it says it was between stops in Shanghai. I'd understand if it said it was en route to the next destination. Am I misunderstanding the shipping info?

>> No.37192208

>tell myself I'll stop hoarding doll pics
>don't stop hoarding doll pics

>> No.37193876
File: 337 KB, 1280x1920, 1613350060027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoard away, space is cheap.

>> No.37193969
File: 1.74 MB, 3260x2491, FDJuBp5aIAATki6 @Chillacile_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you stop hoarding doll pics?

>> No.37193992

It may take a while to get to you, but I don't think your package is actually lost. I had a package, not from Alice but also coming from China, and the tracking was stuck on a message like that for... three months, but it did eventually get here last week. Hopefully yours won't be as delayed as mine was lol.

>> No.37194128

because the more I have the less likely I am to see them all when I play a slideshow in the background while Im working

>> No.37194771

Anyone have scans of doll magazines with sewing patterns like Dollybird or Dolly Dolly? Tried all the sources I know already

>> No.37195342
File: 206 KB, 1536x1152, eze_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta give credit where its due, my mum helped me.

>> No.37195421

nice, when I told my mom I liked dolls she called me a faggot and said she didnt raise a sissy

>> No.37196070

braiding isn't difficult, fyi

>> No.37196388

damn anon, that sucks. more power to you and your dolls.
oh im aware, im just retarded and got 2 left hands so I go to her for help with that kind of stuff.

>> No.37196459

Good to know. I'm deadly scared of my doll's braids coming undone because I fear synthetic hair will be too slippery also it's a 1/6 and working with anything small is a bitch

>> No.37196901

just practice on some string. I swear you guys all think you have to one shot everything it's ridiculous.

>> No.37197085

Okay, thanks anon. Uncertainty just makes me anxious. Especially since it took ~2 months just for Alice to make shipment

>> No.37197484

Not those anons, but I've actually done this. Due to a disorder I have physical difficulty with spatial processing tasks related to orientation and direction, so shit like braiding hair is exceptionally challenging for me (it affects my life in other ways, too, but this is by far the dumbest one I've encountered..) Good on OP's mom for being willing to help out.

I feel as though I have to share that I'm not living in a care home making macaroni art because of this, it's just inconvenient on the daily.

>> No.37198853
File: 878 KB, 4096x2731, 1626683679496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37200995
File: 379 KB, 1600x1066, doll_desk_indoor_collection_bjd_dd_dollfiedream_vocaloid-648141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching a Y!JA auction, pic unrelated. Wish me luck anons.

>> No.37201613
File: 1.80 MB, 1496x2000, FDOdDk9VkAA78bA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may you defeat those pesky japs

>> No.37205068

Does braiding leave kinks in doll wigs? Or is the quality usually high enough for the hairs to stay straight

>> No.37205111

depends on the hair fibers, how tight you make the braids, and how long you keep it and the conditions it's been kept. If you're just playing around short term it's not permanent but if you do up a style and keep it like that for a year it might end up permanently wavy.

the pro move is getting a wig to braid in the same color as your "main" wig if you plan on going back at any time. otherwise accept the possibility you may not get that old look back again

>> No.37205711

Good luck anon. I'm watching an auction too. I hope it's not the same one.

>> No.37206308
File: 521 KB, 2840x3870, 1613600393434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

called her mom on accident again. embarrassing.

>> No.37207671
File: 230 KB, 1538x2048, FDbZgtXacAA5J7i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doll pantyhose

>> No.37208149
File: 354 KB, 2048x1365, E2oakayVUAIOMja @AkiraAkitomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doll pantyhose?

>> No.37208168
File: 209 KB, 1503x2000, E3H4bcoUYAQsJ13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doll pantyhose.

>> No.37208173
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>> No.37208174
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more more!

>> No.37208185
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>> No.37208191
File: 145 KB, 2048x1362, Ei_Mfs1UcAExrAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you better be licking screen, peasant.

>> No.37208208
File: 796 KB, 2730x4096, 1634553670473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im in heaven

>> No.37208217
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>> No.37208218
File: 2.72 MB, 2448x3264, FDLQsbdaMAAKMgM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no ero on this one, these just look comfy and cozy

>> No.37208342
File: 699 KB, 1927x1280, 1403230170900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a nendoll with pantyhose but I can't take a photo because I'd ruin her very elaborate pose.

>> No.37208419

Well now I'm curious!

>> No.37208501
File: 583 KB, 1892x1500, IMG_20210910_230028-4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nothing much, the skirt is very in the way.

>> No.37208502

Finally got my body in today along with some tools. It's a lot bigger than I was expecting. I knew it was 1/3, but it's hard to imagine just how big that is until you see it in person. Figuring out where to store it and my growing pile of accessories and supplies might be a challenge.

Next, I need to work on my face up. I couldn't get anyone on etsy who would reply to me, so I guess I'm going to try it myself. I got watercolor pencils, mr super clear matte, and some real shitty pastels (that the people at the craft store assured me weren't oil-based). Does anyone know if there's somewhere I can get a scan of the dollfie dream makeup design sheets?

>> No.37208546

Thanks for sharing, anon! (Also very cool figure.)

>> No.37208621

Hey /bjd/. I have two azone 1/3 dolls that I love very much. But I want to get another doll around the same size and Azone hasn't released anything that has interested me.
How do I get started with my first DD? I take it that means Dollfie Dream. Does anyone order those "Standard Models" on the volks website? I don't feel like I want to go deep into customizing my own doll or whatever, but if it's not that difficult I might be willing to do it.

>> No.37208674

DDS Karin is really popular as a standard doll. Dollfie Dream Pretty is around 50cms if you want to stay in that size range, but then you'll have to get a head for the body -- most people use a proxy to buy one from Yahoo Japan Auctions, I think, or get one from etsy/instagram customizers (if they don't paint their own, of course.)

>> No.37208796

As someone who has had DDs, MDDs and Neemos and Azone 48/50cms I think full height DDs are just 10 cm too tall. Go for the smaller ones.

>> No.37208907

As someone else with dolls in every scale as well, I really have been having a great time with my new DDP girl. I really hope the scale becomes more popular for doll clothiers.

>> No.37208941

Do smaller dolls look funny next to full size DDs? Or do the DDs just look like taller (maybe older) girls?

>> No.37210130

Nah no scale issues. Not like putting Azones next to Resin dolls or anything like that. LIke you can totally put MDD, DDS DDP DD DDY dolls together and they'll look like they belong together.

>> No.37210389
File: 267 KB, 1023x1014, volks sizes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37210704

Neat. Thanks

>> No.37221208

Perfect family.

>> No.37224031
File: 346 KB, 2048x1366, FCx_RMtVQAMUTBy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the crossover between car and doll enthusiasts in japan?

>> No.37224142

Yes, there are people with multiple hobbies. No, it's not a majority of doll owners, or car enthusiasts.

>> No.37224161

I follow a whole bunch of Japanese doll fans on twitter and probably at least half of them are also motorsport enthusiasts who post pics of their cars and stuff. That seems significant. I mean, how many car+doll pics get posted in this thread?

>> No.37224266

cars and dolls are both things you can modify to suit your tastes
they both require maintenance
their condition often reflects the owners level of responsibility
not all are created equal

>> No.37224274
File: 964 KB, 4096x2730, FDhDY3HVEAAyxGK @twiiincho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many car+doll pics get posted in this thread?
Not many?

>> No.37225435

Is a "whole bunch of people" represent an 1:1 slice of the doll community? Or maybe half of them have car shit on their feeds because you followed their friends and they ended up in your suggestions? I'm sure if you started following people who were into dolls and making pastries and followed the suggestions made by the algorithm you'd make the same conclusion about dolls and pastries.

>> No.37226451
File: 270 KB, 1620x1080, 1546749269135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once in a blue moon I see a doll+car combo.

>> No.37227925

>That seems significant. I mean, how many car+doll pics get posted in this thread?

you're right, wow look at all the cars!

>> No.37227942
File: 302 KB, 1536x2048, E-cw-BgVUAQC7RH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont really care about cars at all but heres a doll in a car

>> No.37227993

Nice job failing to recognize an obvious rhetorical question, retard. Granted, it doesn't look like you were the only one, but you're the most triggered, congratulations.

>> No.37228037

Yes it's definitely a thing there. Go to any motor circuit and you'll see a lot of otaku themed itashas, bumper stickers, etc, which itself leads to a higher percentage of them being doll owners. It's also a niche hobby in of itself so it differs from a more mainstream one like photography.

>> No.37228071


>> No.37228274

lets keep it civil

>> No.37229529
File: 56 KB, 528x558, 1630805607002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how will he recover!

>> No.37230250
File: 176 KB, 1200x800, DgDOi9TUEAExSpp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more dolls, less infighting.

>> No.37230265
File: 297 KB, 1080x1349, 16230774_1207701346014763_6939988257740423168_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are bidding on the doll I want.

>> No.37230529
File: 364 KB, 1200x1600, thin your paints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the mouth on this one is too bad, but the eyes are way too much.

>> No.37232329


>> No.37232960

outbid them

>> No.37233956
File: 1.33 MB, 2731x4096, FDlEwLQaQAAqqBo @flowercircle4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand over your money desu

>> No.37234018

A-are you prostitutes? I haven't see you around in town yet.

>> No.37235195

If you failed to communicate to multiple people they're not the problem. Then you resorted to name calling? OK.

>> No.37235960

Where do i find adorable guns like these?

>> No.37236410

I’m not very savvy on how to host/upload things, but I have a lot of older issues from someone that had them up on Google+. What’s a good way to share them here?

>> No.37236453

Wet it a bit before braiding. Not soaking but just like a lil bit. Can use wig spray or wax too. You’ll get smoother tighter braids with less flyaways.

>> No.37237676

c-can a doll be my gf

>> No.37237865


>> No.37238062

Upload them to a hosting site like google drive and then share the link to it.

>> No.37238210

can YOUR doll be my gf?

>> No.37239552

Went above my max limit, but that's okay. There's always next time.

>> No.37240641
File: 206 KB, 1600x1066, doll_bjd_dd_dollfie_yelloweyes_blondhair_dollfiedream-824434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37242474


>> No.37247230
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>> No.37249881
File: 1.20 MB, 2448x3264, 1626595101199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37249998
File: 919 KB, 800x1024, 30b78cb58a82d47c6da56751491dec35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking cute and based anon

>> No.37254147

Based on what?

>> No.37254155

Being super fucking cute

>> No.37254285
File: 219 KB, 1600x1067, nikon_doll_nikkor_volks_f28_2470mm_sleepmask-1079490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night doll thread

>> No.37259867
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>> No.37259915
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>> No.37259921
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>> No.37261274
File: 71 KB, 564x846, d7909a7414edcdd044aedd486287a8f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took a break to gather a tiny bit more images to dump. don't let this thread die, anons!

>> No.37261277
File: 104 KB, 564x752, c94563783a24fb0d4ba9e95d13ff4f8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37261284
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>> No.37261290

No worries anon, I think a few people bump it when it gets close to page 10. I appreciate you bumping it, though. We're near the end of this thread as it is, so it's okay to go slow.

>> No.37261382

gaaah sorry dude! I'm a little overexcited since i found out this /gen/ existed not too long ago. : )

>> No.37261471

I can't seem to win on eyes. I bought two pairs of eyes off etsy that said they'd be suitable for DD dolls. The first pair the irises are way too large. Completely fills the eyeholes and looks kind of strange to me. The second pair look better, but seem to be physically too large to fit into the space together.

I'm almost ready to begin my face-up journey. Got a coat of sealant on the head. Just waiting on another shipment of supplies to get here so I can get to work on screwing up the eyelashes. Feels like I'm still only halfway to actually having something to post here and contribute something more than just blogposting.

>> No.37262093

Hey, that's alright! I'm glad to see people are excited by the hobby. Are you new to BJD, or have you been collecting for a while, anon?

What shape are your doll's eyes? And were they follow-me eyes or not? Smaller eyeholes can be harder to find eyes for, and following eyes never really seem like they fit properly because of their shape.

>> No.37262126

Can I have a guideline on all the various parts in general? I havent done this before.

>> No.37262371

Have you read through the guide in the OP yet?

>> No.37262383

Not 100% new to the hobby but new to collecting if that makes sense? I’ve ordered some used MSD clothes for my future MDD Mochi gal from Mandarake but EMS may have completely fucked up my shipping kek

>> No.37262421

Yeah, the first ones were follow me eyes. They seemed to fit alright in the head, they just look too big, though. I have a DDH-08 head, which I thought had pretty big eyeholes, but I don't really have much to compare it to right now.

>> No.37263914
File: 117 KB, 1200x675, Dpy_0XeU8AAjvv7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes they just don't fit the look we're going for, I've had that experience myself. I hope the next set of eyes work for you, anon.

And I hope your stuff makes it to you soon as well, anon.

>> No.37266052
File: 253 KB, 500x750, kiyo_apple1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37269318
File: 104 KB, 750x1234, 131E71A9-0707-4532-8F10-90DE2EFD31FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny dump incoming, apologies if this kills the thread further.

>> No.37269337
File: 157 KB, 750x1125, F19648A1-3D20-4739-87CE-4235F35247ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37269347
File: 53 KB, 453x680, E6E5C1A7-431C-4005-A1CE-6D106434EDC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37270685

/bjd/, how has this hobby helped or hurt your love life? Has anyone had a funny "He/she sees my doll room for the first time" experience?

>> No.37270699

It couldn't hurt what didn't exist.

>> No.37270910
File: 154 KB, 750x1125, 196B81E6-3A9E-4984-9AA3-08FBE8A3C344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, my gf thinks it’s very “cute” of me to be into stuff like this, as well as it not being surprising. Someone good will accept you for you, silly dolly hobby and all : )

>> No.37271193

Not romance related, but my friend group and family all know about the dolls and no one really considers it strange. It's just another hobby, you know?

>> No.37273666

Those are some wonderful thighs.

>> No.37273699
File: 121 KB, 1200x800, 1542503542696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37275102
File: 83 KB, 564x564, 1e7af3fc558d7551258ed7b42441c8db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37277099
File: 352 KB, 1600x900, blue_school_white_coffee_hair_cafe_uniform_doll-724096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37278688

I'm flexing just by imagining picking up this cutie in the cafe.

>> No.37280079

Having a doll that shares body sizes with blythe is great to look for cheap clothes, not so much for hats.

>> No.37281696

Where do you store your dolls, and do you guys buy furniture for them?

I just got my first doll recently, but I don't really have a place to display or store her yet. I keep her in my detolf for now, and take her out every now and then because she looks so much better on the outside. Then she's sitting no a shelf or my desk, but I'm kind of afraid of her collecting dust.
