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3710546 No.3710546 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ I got a question.

So there are kun'yomi and on'yomi readings when you read stuff.
My question is: How do you write it in hiragana? All in japanese reading?
And when you talk with somebody, which ones do you use?
HELP /jp/
pic unrelated

>> No.3710562

Sorry, too busy trying to find Waldo to read your post.

>> No.3710568

I don't quite understand your question, but single kanji are usually pronounced in kunyomi while combinations are in onyomi.

>> No.3710578


If I talk, how do I say phone for example?
Denwa would be onyomi but I'm not using kanjis when speaking, so how?

>> No.3710581

Oh god, where the fuck is Waldo?!

>> No.3710588


>> No.3710590

He's a bit more up than the center of the pic. Now to my question.

>> No.3710609

about that, i dont understand...

>> No.3710611

Come on don't tell me I have to bump this

>> No.3710622

You use the one that's right. No, it's not always obvious, especially when it comes to names. Think of it like homonyms in English, only not really.

>> No.3710620

explain please

>> No.3710634

So I only say it the way I would write it?

>> No.3710646

Basically, pretend there are no such thing as kun and on readings except when it helps with memorization. Just learn a word, and remember its kanji. Eventually, you'll see patterns in how certain kanji are pronounced in different situations.

>> No.3710651

Some words with two or more kanji will use the on reading. Some won't. There are some exceptions though. Think of those exceptions like learning how to spell.

>> No.3710662

Yes, you would. 電話 is pronounced denwa, not denhanashi, that might be a bit confusing if you only learned the kunyomi.

>> No.3710671

Even adults have trouble with onyomi when they see unfamiliar/uncommon words.

>> No.3710673

memorize vocabulary, not individual kanji.

>> No.3710699

So If I got it correctly, I should study vocabulary, not individual kanjis, and I say it how I would write it? Thanks.

>> No.3710775

