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3707458 No.3707458 [Reply] [Original]

Battler is the culprit of ep5.

>> No.3707470

It was proved with red text that Battler isn't the culprit

>> No.3707485

It didn't said that on-board Battler is the real Battler.

>> No.3707497


Red text is not the absolute truth. Until the gold is used, he may still be the culprit.

>> No.3707498

We can't guess like this, it could easily be Kanon since only Shanon knew about Natsuhi's favorite season.

>> No.3707506

Red text isn't reliable anymore.

>> No.3707523

So any Kanon = cuplrit theories? He can easily use Jessica and Shanon, use a threat to hang on the servants and still act unsuspicious.

>> No.3707537

>Red text isn't reliable anymore.
I knew Ryukishi was making this crap up as he went along. If red text isn't reliable, the whole thing falls to shit.

>> No.3707548

It is reliable but only to the certain extent. You can use it only at direct refference, I guess.

>> No.3707566

Well it's pretty obvious, that a dude who made a calls is a culprit (direct or indirect doesn't really mean). Now only if it knew his identity...

>> No.3707612

Meta-Battler is Kumasawa, real Battler is Kanon, Kanon is Kinzo and dead.

>> No.3707625

"Battler-kun didn't kill anyone."

>> No.3707629

see >>3707506

>> No.3707633

Reported for /a/ material, just like the last thread.

>> No.3707639
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>> No.3707638

It's unlikely that Battler is the culprit, even though he forfeited the 'detective' role, for the sheer matter that we still don't know what his 'sin' is.

According to Beato, his 'sin' is the indirect cause of all the murders on the island. If that was the case, then why act directly?

>> No.3707637

What the fuck, get out swine, vns are /jp/ material.

>> No.3707652

Beato didn't said anything about his sin being related to murders, it's just Battler's assumption. He solved all mysteries by the end of episode 5, so I guess we will get our answers soon.

>> No.3707664

Battler is a gamemaster of game 6 so I doubt he will answer anything.

>> No.3707689

I have a feeling that everything goes by witches keikakudoori and Battler just goes into the trap. Also we can't deny that Beato can just pull another ep3 harrharrharrr.

>> No.3707706

>Beato didn't said anything about his sin being related to murders

I haven't read EP4 in a bit so correct me if I'm wrong but I believe she explicitly states that his 'sin' in the cause of the murders. Although that could be her trolling him again

>> No.3707709

Those who don't believe red text are playing a different game.

We can't get the answer without red text.
It's the only reason for believing red text.

If you doesn't want to get the answer before the game answers it to us, you can play Umineko as they like.
On the other hand, if you want to speculate, you have to believe red text, or all you can do is to pick up one of infinite possibilities with no reason.

It's how red text exists. It depends on "what you want to do."

>> No.3707712

Haven't played any Ep 5, eh?

>> No.3707717

I have. I still feel that Beato/Virgilia/Bern/Lambda just played with red to lure Battler into the seat of game master/endless sorcerer and in ep6 we will see

>> No.3707725

More like you haven't. Red truth can't be trusted.

>> No.3707763


>> No.3707766
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Can't really pull off a TROLLFACE if they've got nothing to troll with.

>> No.3707788

Beato still doesn't know, i think.
They've got little to work with, but it's still there

>> No.3707792

The culprit is the same person in every episode but does not always succeed.


>So culprit and accomplice speculation, would someone provide a decent argument for why Kyrie is either the culprit or an accomplice beyond her being one of the most intelligent people on the island?

>> No.3707813

Beato still doesn't know what?

Battler already knows that magic doesn't exist.
Battler is playing the next game to uncover the truth.
Beato is already dead, and so is her argument.

They've really got nothing to troll Battler with anymore.

>> No.3707825
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>tripfag thinking he knows what he's saying

>> No.3707831

That she can never win this game
They've got nothing to troll Battler with but they have something to troll Beato with, and forgive me for assuming but since I can't speak moon and haven't read EP5 yet. Isn't Battler continuing the game for Beato or something?

>Battler is playing the next game to uncover the truth.
Oh, well disregard that last sentence then.

>> No.3707845

Don't you think that beato may still live and all dat show was just planned to troll battler? After all Lambda/Bern's desire is an eternal loop, why the fuck would they kill beato like this?

>> No.3707857

It CAN be trusted, but it can be played with with semantics, gold doesn't allow that. But red truth for Battler isn't the culprit means that, just that can't be used against Erika and Dlanor

>> No.3707872

It can't be used against Erika because she is a detective (by Knox rule)

>> No.3707873

Like I said, how is that trolling?

If Battler knew that Beato was still alive, he'd be telling her to continue their game so that he can defeat her himself. Battler's goal doesn't really change.

>> No.3707877

>>3707725 Red truth can't be trusted.

Red truth can only be trusted if you take its literal meaning and nothing that may be implied from it.

>> No.3707882


>> No.3707886

The issue of the fake Battler/Azumu's death. For Kyrie to be unaware of the true circumstances of either of them would be really surprising.

Kasumi's rants. Maybe she does have a point, that rather than work to become the head of the family, she just married into the Ushiromiyas and took things over from there.

The cigarette in EP3. Although supposedly meant to incriminate Hideyoshi, it seems too straightforward. Does it have another meaning? Why confront him apart from the rest of the group if he was suspected of being a murderer?

Her and Krauss' interactions in EP4. She was the one who was really putting the pressure on Krauss regarding Kinzo being alive or not, and then suddenly she's not only kept alive, but imprisoned with him. I get the feeling that she cut a deal with him at some point.

Ange. If everyone on the island gets wiped out, she's the only one that benefits, and as seen in EP4, the fortune then gets handed over to Kyrie's original family.

>> No.3707887

They have already made him endless sorcerer. Maybe to lock him on board forver or to make him fall in love with beato so he couldn't fight her equal anymore.

>> No.3707908

He's only the Endless Sorcerer because he needs to keep the game alive. Battler, unlike Beato, doesn't have the condition that he lives or dies by the existence of magic. All he needs to do is keep the mystery of the murders unsolved, while Beato had to prove that magic was behind the murders.

If anything else, pitting him against somebody like Erika would help him reveal the actual truth, which would be far from Beato's magic argument.

>> No.3707924

The game can be easily kept alive by Bern/Lambda or even Erika when she gained Witch of Truth status. They can just use Battler as piece instead of player (like they did in ep5)

>> No.3707936

>The game can be easily kept alive by Bern/Lambda
They obviously don't care about keeping it alive. Heck, it's because of Bern that Battler had to be the new GM, since otherwise she would've won and the game would have ended.

Do you even know what you're talking about?

>> No.3707967

Are you stupid or have read only spoilers instead of the game? Battler was granted with a title of Endless Sorcerer and a game master status by Lamda, Bern was against it.

>> No.3707977


I'm going to have to break up my response into two posts.

>The issue of the fake Battler/Azumu's death. For Kyrie to be unaware of the true circumstances of either of them would be really surprising.

Good point and the only thing I can offer is probably a strawman argument. However, I ask you to consider Rudolf's situation; all she knew was that he needed money but not why he needed it. If Rudolf can hide that from her, I believe that he could hide Battler's true identity as well.

>Kasumi's rants. Maybe she does have a point, that rather than work to become the head of the family, she just married into the Ushiromiyas and took things over from there.

I think that the only thing we can take from Kasumi's rants is that Kasumi is pissed about Kyrie leaving the family so Kyrie wouldn't have to put up with the duties of a head, shoving those duties onto Kasumi. If Kyrie cared about being a head of a family, she was already in position in her original family and probably would have been able to arrange to combine her family with the Ushirmoya family to get the fortune in a safer way than what was shown in Episodes 3&4.

>The cigarette in EP3. Although supposedly meant to incriminate Hideyoshi, it seems too straightforward. Does it have another meaning? Why confront him apart from the rest of the group if he was suspected of being a murderer?

Well, let's recall the situation: Of the adults, there were Kyrie, Rudolf, Krauss, Natsuhi, Eva and Hideyoshi left, correct? I think we can establish that of the adults, the only one Kyrie fully trusted was Rudolf. No trust existed for Eva and Hideyoshi, and all Kyrie could do for Krauss and Natsuhi was speculation.

(continued in next post)

>> No.3707983


With this in mind, Kyrie probably thought that going to the mansion with Rudolf and Hideyoshi would be the best time to interrogate Hideyoshi safely from the rest of the family, as well as granting the greatest security for the children by leaving Krauss and Natsuhi to guard the children from Eva. I'll admit that the argument is weak, as Krauss and Natsuhi could have been untrustworthy, but that was a gamble Kyrie was willing to take.

>Her and Krauss' interactions in EP4. She was the one who was really putting the pressure on Krauss regarding Kinzo being alive or not, and then suddenly she's not only kept alive, but imprisoned with him. I get the feeling that she cut a deal with him at some point.

The only thing I have a problem with is that Krauss has never been shown to be the culprit or an accomplice until Episode 4 mainly because of how little the game has focused on him. Heck, the only person that has less screen time than him is Rudolf. If Krauss were the culprit/an accomplice, I would be severely disappointed with R07.

>Ange. If everyone on the island gets wiped out, she's the only one that benefits, and as seen in EP4, the fortune then gets handed over to Kyrie's original family.

Kyrie was probably well aware of the hatred her little sister and former family felt towards herself. I doubt that she'd be willing to entrust her child in the hands of her former family.

>> No.3707999
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Reading comprehension must be a hard thing for you, because that doesn't prove anything for >>3707924 or disprove what I said in >>3707936.

>> No.3708002 [DELETED] 

pls stop spamming ure crappy board at www TYGDIDQYtalk com ( replace "TYGDIDQY" w/ "anon" ) were tir'd of ur's fucken spam n ddos attack's ,also stpo lying abot us plox now gtfo tard's

>> No.3708025

The game wouldn't be ended, Bern just entrusted to Erika to solve all remaining riddles where should would easily fail.

>> No.3708085

I won't believe that beato is dead until I see it in gold.

>> No.3708087 [DELETED] 

pls stop spamming ure crappy board at www BLGHNTCHtalk com ( replace "BLGHNTCH" w/ "anon" ) were tir'd of ur's fucken spam n ddos attack's ,also stpo lying abot us plox now gtfo tard's

>> No.3708143

>should would easily fail.
No idea what the hell that means, but Bern sending Erika out to solve the remaining riddles is proving my point that Bern had no intention of letting the game continue.

>> No.3708161

She knew from the start that Erika wouldn't be able to the remaining riddles, she was just trolling.

>> No.3708311

bump because we need more SAME umineko threads on main page

>> No.3708345
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