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3703443 No.3703443 [Reply] [Original]

Natsumi route is the heaven's feel of Sharin no kuni

>> No.3703448

I'm just beginning the chapter, actually.

>> No.3703453

some people liked heavens feel

>> No.3703460

I didn't really like Heaven's Feel in FSN, but Natsumi's route is my favorite in Sharin no Kuni...

>> No.3703462


>> No.3703463

oh fuck you

>> No.3703464

You have been trolled

>> No.3703470

fucking sluts

>> No.3703483

Except Natsumi is love while Sakura is an unlikable bitch.
The ending of her chapter was godlike.

>> No.3703558


The writer did a cop out. She wasn't rape, she was just falsely charged.

If she was raped, the scenario would have been god tier.

>> No.3703568

Except without the awesome bad ends.

>> No.3703687

>Except without the awesome bad end.
there was only one awesome bad end

>> No.3703696

Sparks Liner High and Mind of St-
Oh, I get it, you're counting Mind of Steel as the true end.
Carry on.

>> No.3703734

I disagree. Chapter 4 was good, but it wasn't the best part(chapter 5 is better) like Heaven's Feel was

>> No.3703778

I'm glad we agree

>> No.3704080

Well I liked HF, I'm replaying it right now actually, my only grief is that there is no exclusive ending for Rider.

>> No.3704092

So... does anyone have a working SnK torrent?

>> No.3704099

...so no all.ages patch?

>> No.3704180

lol torrents,

>> No.3704188
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>> No.3704850

years ago since I played this game. But I clearly remember how much that scene kicked ass.

Special advanced class person = innocent girl beating club. Fact.

>> No.3704996

What did they translate "special high-class person" as?

>> No.3705009

Special high class individual, I think

>> No.3705142

Just in case these haven't already circulated:

>> No.3705158

How is it Heaven's Feel? In Natsumi's chapter pacing is actually good, it's not that different from first three chapters.

>> No.3706246
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Fuck this game!

It made me regain my emotions ;_;

>> No.3706317

In that it's the best route in the game?

>> No.3706371

How about no ?
HF is a story about Sakura having BALLS and fighting against all the shit thrown at her.
Nastumi's route is about how she got yelled at in prison for weeks until she gave up.
There's like a wall made of horny drunk irishmen betwen them.

>> No.3706375

Let's put you in a prison and interrogate you constantly until you confess. I bet you wouldn't even last a week.

>> No.3706383

Actually HF was about Sakura giving up and choosing the easy way out, nothing to do with her having "balls" or other shits like this.

Natsumi managed to show her true strength by herself at the end of her chapter, Sakura had to be helped by everyone around her.

>> No.3706393

Her confession that's not the problem, but she overreacts.
Goddamnit the first time I thought she had been raped or something, when I got to the part where she confessed what happened I wanted to chocke her.
And here I was, thinking the mc was an asshole for being so forceful.

You mistook Sakura for Shirou.
And HF's ending for Mind of Steel.

>> No.3706406

Shirou actually DOES something while being helped.
And HGF ending is Sparks liner high.

>> No.3706412

>And HF's ending for Mind of Steel.
>easy way out
Killing your emotions and the women you love isn't the easy way out, turning a blind eye to all the horrible shit is.

>> No.3706415

She tried to court Shirou.
SHIROU, the dumbest male lead since... well ever.
That during rape by a man and worms, forcing a smile only for him, trying to search for her happiness.
I didn't see her going around like a scared kitten, crying and screaming like she was crazy, she never gave up, even Zouken couldn't manage to break her.
And yes, she has big round balls for that.

>> No.3706417

>>You mistook Sakura for Shirou.
You probably has no reading comprehension whatsoever.
Sakura gave up because of all the shit that happened to her and was overcome with hatred, that's the easy way out.

And saying that Natsumi "overacted" is so fucking retarded it blows my mind, just think of living a life where you could be killed just for having an eye contact with a guy, where the one you love has disappeared and is presumed dead with everyone saying he is a traitor, where you lost all your friends with them thinking you are a whore and living alone with no fucking family to take care of you.

The simple fact that she didn't kill herself proves that she didn't "overreact"

>> No.3706420

Acting like a doll because you can't deal with your actions' consequences is being strong ?
Your call anon.

>> No.3706428

Shirou is not dumb.
Just a sword.
A broken one, you have to fix.

>> No.3706442

>You probably has no reading comprehension whatsoever.
Sakura gave up because of all the shit that happened to her and was overcome with hatred, that's the easy way out.
No, Sakura snapped when she killed Shinji, while all the souls of the servants were pushing her mind to the limit, while Zouken played with her using worms.
But considering the number of Kohakufags and Mind of Steel's supporters, I can only imagine you consider shutting yourself like a clam instead of dealing with your life being strong.

>And saying that Natsumi "overacted" is so fucking retarded it blows my mind, just think of living a life where you could be killed just for having an eye contact with a guy, where the one you love has disappeared and is presumed dead with everyone saying he is a traitor, where you lost all your friends with them thinking you are a whore and living alone with no fucking family to take care of you.
Letting someone fall off a cliff only because you are scared is overreacting.
The mc survived only thanks to plot armor.
And don't bring revenge in, she totally wasn't thinking of that.

>The simple fact that she didn't kill herself proves that she didn't "overreact"
Suicide isn't easy you know ?
You need to be VERY unstable to win against survival's instinct, or crazy.

>> No.3706444

Thank you TM-fans.

>> No.3706454

...What for?

>> No.3706461

Sakura didn't "deal with her life" though, once again, she just let herself be overcome with hatred, yeah she had a lot of pressure but it was by her own choice by the end, that's the easy way out.
That's all, HF wasn't about Sakura having balls or something neither was it about her fighting for all the shits thrown at her.
She was the one overracting, deciding to curse the whole world thinking she was the saddest most pitiful girl in existance or some shit like this.

For Natsumi, the fact that she froze like this when Ken fell from the cliff is understandable given her situation, she was basically conditioned to be the way she was.
But she overcame it all by herself in the end, she is the one who had "balls".

>> No.3706477

He became a "doll" to stop innocent people from getting hurt or killed.
He became a "doll" to protect everything he ever believed in.
Yes, I would say that a person who could do that is strong.

>> No.3706579

Sure, a life of struggle is worth shit against one moment of pain. And before you go start with repenteace and shit, Dark Sakura only killed Shinji and Zouken, hardly innocents.

Yes I understand the reason behing that, but letting someone die out of fear IS overreacting.
Seriously what she has gone throught to be so damn traumatized ? Yelling, beatings ? If you can't snap out of it when someone, which also your only hope of getting a normal life again, is dying, when should you ?
Thank god she showed guts during Wakamoto mindrape, but that's hardly on Sakura's levels.
Sakura dealt with drugs, worms, Shinji, his sister, the grail wars, everything was shitting on her.
No, you can't compare them, ever.

Shirou never truly gave a shit about anyone.
The only reason he was so fixated with saving everyone is because he feels like he has to make up for surviving the last war.
Call it a trauma if you want to.
He becomes a true hero only in Fate and UBW, where he embraces his ideal the right way, by understanding his limits and trying his best, that is strenght.
But that is not MoS' case, there he just went "fuck it" and started acting like his foster father.

>> No.3706601

I can't believe anyone who's played this game can call Natsumi weak. It's like someone just walked up to me and said the sky was green with lime pokadots.

She was the victim of a twisted society that specializes in, as Keiichi points out in the beginning, killing people. But instead of magical worms and some guy, the rape is psychological and continous until the victim finally gives up and loses all hope and either dies as a person or just dies, and by the time the game takes place, Houzeki's already decided she can go kill herself now. She's the victim of an inhuman system run by deranged assholes.

>> No.3706625

>>Seriously what she has gone throught to be so damn traumatized ? Yelling, beatings ?
Being ostracized by everyone around her from a very young age?
Losing everything she loved?
Not being allowed to get close to anyone?
If this isn't fucking traumatizing, I don't know what the fuck it is.
Mental trauma is always more "painful" than physical trauma you know, you probably are the type who think rape is the worst thing in the world.

Also you sure love to repeat yourself, do you.
Once again, Sakura never dealt with anything by herself, she just let herself be overcome and she did decide to destroy the whole fucking world, that's fucking overracting.

In the end Sakura was saved, Natsumi saved herself.

>> No.3706628

>Yelling, beatings ?
lol. Play the game before commenting.

>> No.3706630


Sakura is an useless whore that gave in to the shadow for her own weakness. For christ sake she even rape her own sister in the end without Shirou.

Natsumi on the other hand fucking confessed at the end to let Kenichi off the hook from punishment. She was gonna get sent to concentrate camp where it was implied all of them will die there.

>> No.3706636
File: 320 KB, 500x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is a Sharin thread I'll do it here. Some anon posted a link for THE BEST GAME VOCALS OF あかべぇそふとつぅ a few days ago, but it was ugly mp3 so I downloaded a lossless rip and transcoded it to FLAC. It includes the vocal songs of Sharin that weren't on the OST and some other nice songs like the G-senjou opening.

>> No.3706642

Derp, forgot the link: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=97897

>> No.3706679

do you have the OST too? I am more interested in that

>> No.3706692

I made a torrent of the OST last month, dunno if somebody is still seeding it. It's ogg vorbis q9, by the way: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=89650

>> No.3706702


>> No.3706703

溶解 is now playing in your head.

>> No.3706714

a bit late but thanks to you too

>> No.3706748

Sorry to be a slowpoke, but is the entire game translated now?

>> No.3706759


>> No.3706783

Many thanks.

>> No.3707123
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So I could rape Natsumi all I want and she would get punished for it?

>> No.3707139

No, you'd end up in a concentration camp.

>> No.3707143

Natsumi = worst girl
Sacchi = dirty vulgar slut
Touka = constant sulking bitch

>> No.3707167

Sound right.
Ririko > *

>> No.3707172

Sh has the obligation. I`d just say she forced herself on me.

>> No.3707192

That might work if you don't get caught.

>> No.3707199

She does get punished anyways but some High Class fagot will fuck up the rapists shit.

>> No.3707224
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Is it just me or is Natsumi completely bananas?

>> No.3707327
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>> No.3707358

I don't like this thread.

>> No.3707361
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>> No.3707369
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>> No.3707372
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>> No.3707378
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>> No.3707381
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>> No.3707388
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>> No.3707393
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>> No.3707396
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>> No.3707398

Do not dare to compare the awesomeness that is SnK with the overrated shit that is FSN

7/10 i'm actually angry.

>> No.3707400
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>> No.3707405
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>> No.3707411
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>> No.3707416
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>> No.3707421
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>> No.3707426
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>> No.3707429
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>> No.3707434
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>> No.3707440
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>> No.3707445
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>> No.3707449

It's very unlikely you'd get away with raping her. She'd probably still get punished just to make sure she didn't enjoy it any possible fashion...but the High Class person in charge could charge you criminally on the basis of "because I said so". Or he could he could just shoot you for being a threat to society, again, on the basis of "because I said so". Maybe he'll kill you infront of her for that extra psychological trauma.

>> No.3707451
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>> No.3707455
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>> No.3707462
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>> No.3707477
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>> No.3707859
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>> No.3707863
File: 145 KB, 400x400, 1257958626894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707864
File: 237 KB, 618x600, 1257902380519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707866
File: 142 KB, 814x1150, 1257902261191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707870
File: 36 KB, 416x312, 1257923755488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707875
File: 134 KB, 500x699, 1257909796938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707878
File: 263 KB, 800x600, 1257960834550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707881
File: 203 KB, 630x580, 1257926157192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707885
File: 143 KB, 750x913, 1257901638718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707889
File: 45 KB, 492x600, 1257925827255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707894
File: 80 KB, 1024x768, 1257944680986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707896
File: 440 KB, 1024x768, 1257923004266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707898
File: 49 KB, 536x332, 1257958427704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707901
File: 298 KB, 1791x1791, 1257947813104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707906
File: 114 KB, 500x709, 1257932335658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707955
File: 56 KB, 475x688, 1257914839741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707960
File: 28 KB, 236x370, 1257926588027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3707960,1 [INTERNAL] 

my crime it temp
